The UK Newspapers Love Lavie Tidhar’s THE VIOLENT CENTURY…

Tidhar-ViolentCenturyUKOnly a week since publication, Lavie Tidhar‘s latest novel, THE VIOLENT CENTURY, has been showered with praise. We described the novel as ‘Watchmen meets John le Carre’, but here are what some in the British national press have been saying…

‘Tidhar synthesises the geeky and the political in a vision of world events that breaks new superhero ground… Lavie Tidhar’s new novel breaks new ground in terms of the “superhero novel”… THE VIOLENT CENTURY extends [an] eerie synthesis of the geeky and the political, conjuring a version of the 20th and 21st century where everything we know still happened, only with added superheroes… The novel turns out to be a melancholy sort of love story, but the world-building is so profoundly smart that one can easily forgive and even thrill to the slightly predictable tale of amours, betrayals, repressed adoration and stifled expediency… Comics, of course, have been doing “what if they were real?” for ages, from Alan Moore’s Watchmen to Pat Mills’s Marshal Law. But the politics in Tidhar’s novel are very much about real-world subterfuge… the truly clever thing here is that while the reader has to suspend disbelief in the existence of superheroes, the superheroes themselves struggle to believe in the war, and especially the Holocaust: repeatedly they refer to it as being like a fiction rather than reality. The war becomes, again, something unthinkable. Using fantasy to reassert the awful reality of the 20th century is a smart piece of defamiliarisation.’  —  The Guardian

‘While perhaps not as politically loaded as OSAMA, Tidhar’s THE VIOLENT CENTURY… is no less powerful. He imagines a world where superheroes are real. But while the Americans go for the brash costumes and public displays of power, Tidhar’s British heroes – primarily Oblivion and Fog – operate in the shadows, and bear witness to the major events of the 20th century in what is quite simply a stunning masterpiece.’  —  The Independent

‘Good fantasy creates new worlds for us to dream in. Great fantasy, such as THE VIOLENT CENTURY, holds a dark mirror up to these dreams and tests them to the limit… Espionage inhabits a sort of parallel universe. Lavie Tidhar has taken this idea and run with it, creating a sophisticated, moving and gripping take on 20th century conflicts and our capacity for love and hate, honour and betrayal.‘  —  Daily Mail (Who knew the Daily Mail reviewed SFF?)

‘It’s the X-Men as written by John le Carré, a shadowy alternate history in which cynical Cold War compromises are all too real. Agents Fogg and Oblivion investigate a conspiracy dating back 75 years to post-war Berlin. The British duo haven’t aged since 1932, when hundreds of mutants were created from the sub-atomic wave unleashed by a German scientist. Several years later, warring nations rally the troops with front-line superheroes but some end up as grisly Übermenschen experiments in Auschwitz. Tidhar’s Jewish heritage enriches his self-aware, tersely styled narrative. A love story and meditation on heroism, this is an elegiac espionage adventure that demands a second reading.’  —  Metro

THE VIOLENT CENTURY is published by Hodder in the UK.

Cover Reveal: Lavie Tidhar’s THE VIOLENT CENTURY

We’ve mentioned it a number of times on the blog, but we are finally able to share with you the cover for Lavie Tidhar‘s excellent THE VIOLENT CENTURY!


The novel, which has already been receiving some excellent advanced praise, is due to be published in October 2013 by Hodder Books. Here’s the synopsis:

They’d never meant to be heroes.

For seventy years they guarded the British Empire. Oblivion and Fogg, inseparable friends, bound together by a shared fate. Until one night in Berlin, in the aftermath of the Second World War, and a secret that tore them apart.

But there must always be an account… and the past has a habit of catching up to the present.

Now, recalled to the Retirement Bureau from which no one can retire, Fogg and Oblivion must face up to a past of terrible war and unacknowledged heroism – a life of dusty corridors and secret rooms, of furtive meetings and blood-stained fields – to answer one last, impossible question:

What makes a hero?

New Deal for Lavie Tidhar…

We’re delighted to announce a new deal for Lavie Tidhar. Here’s the official announcement from the publisher…

Anne Perry has acquired World English rights to two books by Lavie Tidhar, for the ongoing speculative fiction initiative at Hodder. The deal was negotiated by Tidhar’s agent, John Berlyne at the Zeno Agency.


lavieTidhar recently won the 2012 World Fantasy Best Novel Award for his novel OSAMA. He is one of the rising young stars of the genre world; in addition to OSAMA (which has been shortlisted for or won numerous prizes, including the BSFA award for best novel, the John W. Campbell best novel award, and the Kitschies’ Red Tentacle), Lavie has also writtenTHE BOOKMAN HISTORIES, an historical fantasy trilogy published by Angry Robot, numerous novellas, short stories and even a comic-book.


Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy meets Watchmen in Tidhar’s THE VIOLENT CENTURY, the thoughtful and intensely atmospheric novel about the mystery, and the love story, that determined the course of history itself. THE VIOLENT CENTURY is the sweeping drama of a time we know too well; a century of fear and war and hatred and death.  In a world where everyday heroes may become übermenschen, men and women with extraordinary powers, what does it mean to be a hero? To be a human? Would the last hundred years have been that much better if Superman were real?


Would they even have been all that different?


John Berlyne says: ‘This deal tops off what has been a most incredible 2012 for Lavie. With THE VIOLENT CENTURY, this fearless young author further establishes himself as a unique voice in modern fiction and I’m delighted that Hodder will be publishing.’


Anne Perry says: ‘In the last few years, Lavie has undertaken staggeringly ambitious projects – OSAMA, after all, is a novel about a world in which Osama bin Laden is the  villain in  a series of pulp novels – and made them work. With THE VIOLENT CENTURY, however, Lavie has reached a new level. The book demonstrates the maturity, the confidence, and the control of an author now really hitting his stride, and I’m beyond thrilled that Lavie has chosen to publish with Hodder & Stoughton.’


Hodder have set a release date of October 2013. And look out for a limited edition of THE VIOLENT CENTURY to be published by PS Publishing around the same time. Translation and film rights are represented by Zeno.