Large Print French edition of WHEN ALL IS SAID out now!

A large print edition of WHEN ALL IS SAIDAnne Griffin‘s best-selling, critically-acclaimed debut novel, is out now in France! Published by Éditions Voir de Près as TOUTE UNE VIE ET UN SOIR, here’s the synopsis…

Dans une bourgade du comté de Meath, Maurice Hannigan, un vieux fermier, s’installe au bar du Rainsford House Hotel. Il est seul, comme toujours – sauf que, ce soir, rien n’est pareil. Au fil de la soirée, il veut porter cinq toasts aux cinq personnes qui ont le plus compté pour lui. Il lève son verre à son grand frère Tony, à l’innocente Noreen, sa belle-sœur un peu timbrée, à la petite Molly, son premier enfant trop tôt disparu, au talent de son fils journaliste qui mène sa vie aux États-Unis, et enfin à la modestie de Sadie, sa femme tant aimée, partie deux ans plus tôt. Au fil de ces hommages, c’est toute une vie qui se révèle dans sa vérité franche et poignante… Un roman plein de pudeur et de grâce qui contient toute l’âme de l’Irlande.

The regular French edition of the novel is published by Delcourt Littérature. WHEN ALL IS SAID has been widely praised since its release, and is now available eight territories (with more on the way!). It is published in English by Sceptre (UK and Ireland) and St. Martin’s Press (North America).

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘Cinq toasts autour desquels est organisé TOUTE UNE VIE ET UN SOIR, cinq toasts pour raviver les instants-clés qui ont fait l’histoire d’Hannegan et, à travers lui, celle des métamorphoses de l’Irlande après son indépendance…’ — Le Monde

‘An intimate character study of a wealthy 80-year-old Co Meath farmer, WHEN ALL IS SAID is also a study of extreme reticence and self-sabotage, giving voice to a man who, in matters of the heart, has all too often chosen to remain silent… Griffin’s strength is in voice and in the rhythm of her prose, which is rich without being overwritten. A winner of the John McGahern Award for Literature, she fits into the Irish lyrical tradition… but WHEN ALL IS SAID feels like a bridge between the past and the present, Maurice’s belated loquacity breaking open that familiar Irish silence… a testament to Griffin’s talent that she paints such a complete portrait of a man whose contrariness disguises his stoicism. By the end of the novel his humanity is clear; he has made himself known.’ — Independent

‘Griffin’s portrait of an Irish octogenarian provides a stage for the exploration of guilt, regret, and loss, all in the course of one memorable night.’ — Kirkus

‘Maurice’s humor, his keen observations on class and family, and his colloquial language, as well as Griffin’s strong sense of place, create the feeling of a life connected to many others by strands of affection and hatred.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘The most impressive aspects of this first novel from the pen of prize-winning short-story writer Anne Griffin are its rich, flowing prose, its convincing voice, and its imaginative and clever structure. She has complete mastery of her quite complex plot, and manages to imbue her sizeable cast of diverse characters with life and energy… Griffin is a writer of unusual confidence and authority, and a welcome arrival to the literary scene.’ — Irish Times

‘Anne Griffin’s debut novel is a must read. Beautifully observed, masterful story telling – stunning!’ — Graham Norton

‘An extraordinary novel, a poetic writer, and a story that moved me to tears… There is something special here.’ — John Boyne

‘Beautiful. Intimate. Tearful. Aching and lyrical. So simply and beautifully told.’ — Louise Penny

‘Beautifully written, unhurried and thoughtful, a lonely man truthfully wrought and a character you love from the off, in spite of his flaws or maybe because of them… a terrific debut.’ — Kit de Waal, award-winning author of My Name is Leon

‘A hugely enjoyable, engrossing novel, a genuine page-turner. Maurice is a fabulous character, wonderfully flawed and completely engaging; his voice is familiar and real, full of sadness and regret and defiance, and unexpected tenderness.’ — Donal Ryan, award-winning author of The Spinning Heart

‘[An] impressively confident debut … Maurice Hannigan emerges as an engaging, compassionate creation’ — Guardian

Anne Griffin’s TOUTE UNE VIE ET UN SOIR out now in France!

Anne Griffin‘s debut novel, WHEN ALL IS SAID is out now in France! Published by Delcourt as TOUTE UNE VIE ET UN SOIR, here’s the synopsis…

Dans une bourgade du comté de Meath, Maurice Hannigan, un vieux fermier, s’installe au bar du Rainsford House Hotel. Il est seul, comme toujours – sauf que, ce soir, rien n’est pareil : Maurice, à sa manière, est enfin prêt à raconter son histoire. Il est là pour se souvenir — de tout ce qu’il a été et de tout ce qu’il ne sera plus. Au fil de la soirée, il veut porter cinq toasts aux cinq personnes qui ont le plus compté pour lui. Il lève son verre à son grand frère Tony, à l’innocente Noreen, sa belle-soeur un peu timbrée, à la petite Molly, son premier enfant trop tôt disparu, au talent de son fils journaliste qui mène sa vie aux États-Unis, et enfin à la modestie de Sadie, sa femme tant aimée, partie deux ans plus tôt. Au fil de ces hommages, c’est toute une vie qui se révèle dans sa vérité franche et poignante…

WHEN ALL IS SAID is out now in the UK, published by Sceptre; and in North America, published by St. Martin’s Press. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Five toasts. Five people. One lifetime.

‘I’m here to remember — all that I have been and all that I will never be again.’

At the bar of a grand hotel in a small Irish town sits 84-year-old Maurice Hannigan. He’s alone, as usual -though tonight is anything but. Pull up a stool and charge your glass, because Maurice is finally ready to tell his story.

Over the course of this evening, he will raise five toasts to the five people who have meant the most to him. Through these stories — of unspoken joy and regret, a secret tragedy kept hidden, a fierce love that never found its voice — the life of one man will be powerfully and poignantly laid bare.

Heart-breaking and heart-warming all at once, the voice of Maurice Hannigan will stay with you long after all is said.

Be sure to keep your eyes on our news- and Twitter feeds for information about other upcoming translations of the novel.

Here is just a small selection of that praise that the novel has enjoyed since it was made available to readers, reviewers and fellow authors…

‘Griffin’s portrait of an Irish octogenarian provides a stage for the exploration of guilt, regret, and loss, all in the course of one memorable night.’ — Kirkus

‘Anne Griffin’s debut novel is a must read. Beautifully observed, masterful story telling – stunning!’ — Graham Norton

‘Maurice’s humor, his keen observations on class and family, and his colloquial language, as well as Griffin’s strong sense of place, create the feeling of a life connected to many others by strands of affection and hatred.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘An extraordinary novel, a poetic writer, and a story that moved me to tears… There is something special here.’ — John Boyne

‘The most impressive aspects of this first novel from the pen of prize-winning short-story writer Anne Griffin are its rich, flowing prose, its convincing voice, and its imaginative and clever structure. She has complete mastery of her quite complex plot, and manages to imbue her sizeable cast of diverse characters with life and energy… Griffin is a writer of unusual confidence and authority, and a welcome arrival to the literary scene.’ — Irish Times

‘Pitch-perfect prose… Moving and beautifully written, this is a wonderfully assured debut.’ — Mail on Sunday

‘Beautiful. Intimate. Tearful. Aching and lyrical. So simply and beautifully told.’ — Louise Penny

‘It’s all beautifully done; a tale told in the plain but poetic prose of a man who recognises the tragic truths gleaned from a life of love and loss. A gem of a book.’ 5* — Sunday Express

‘A proper tear-jerker, but one that will ultimately leave you feeling hopeful.’ — Grazia

WHEN ALL IS SAID, this is a nice French cover for Anne Griffin’s debut…

Above you can see the French cover for Anne Griffin‘s critically-acclaimed debut novel, WHEN ALL IS SAID. Due to be published by Delcourt as TOUTE UNE VIE ET UN SOIR, on April 3rd, we don’t have a French synopsis just yet. The novel is out now in the UK, published by Sceptre, and is due to be published in the US by St. Martin’s Press in March. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Five toasts. Five people. One lifetime.

‘I’m here to remember — all that I have been and all that I will never be again.’

At the bar of a grand hotel in a small Irish town sits 84-year-old Maurice Hannigan. He’s alone, as usual — though tonight is anything but. Pull up a stool and charge your glass, because Maurice is finally ready to tell his story.

Over the course of this evening, he will raise five toasts to the five people who have meant the most to him. Through these stories — of unspoken joy and regret, a secret tragedy kept hidden, a fierce love that never found its voice — the life of one man will be powerfully and poignantly laid bare.

Heart-breaking and heart-warming all at once, the voice of Maurice Hannigan will stay with you long after all is said.

The novel has also been sold widely in other territories. We’ll have some more covers and details for you soon.

Here is just a small selection of the aforementioned critical-acclaim that WHEN ALL IS SAID has received so far…

‘Anne Griffin’s debut novel is a must read. Beautifully observed, masterful story telling – stunning!’ — Graham Norton

‘An extraordinary novel, a poetic writer, and a story that moved me to tears… There is something special here.’ — John Boyne

‘Pitch-perfect prose… Moving and beautifully written, this is a wonderfully assured debut.’ — Mail on Sunday

‘It’s all beautifully done; a tale told in the plain but poetic prose of a man who recognises the tragic truths gleaned from a life of love and loss. A gem of a book.’ 5* — Sunday Express

‘A proper tear-jerker, but one that will ultimately leave you feeling hopeful.’ — Grazia

‘A beautifully written, perfectly paced, heartfelt novel.’ — Saga Magazine