Zeno at Sasquan 2015

Worldcon73-Sasquan-LogoThe 73rd World Science Fiction Convention (Sasquan) takes place between August 19th-23rd, in Spokane, Washington. We’re happy to report that John Berlyne will be attending the convention, participating on a handful of panels and also holding a limited space Kaffee Klatche. His page on the Sasquan website is here, and below are the events (time, place, details):

August 20th

August 21st

August 22nd

Be sure to follow our Twitter feed — we’ll share updates and announcements during the convention on these dates.

In addition, a number of our authors are attending the conference:

In the UK and Commonwealth, Zeno represents Jack Campbell, William Dietz and Brandon Sanderson on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency; Daryl Gregory on behalf of the Martha Millard Literary Agency; and Melinda Snodgrass on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.