Ian McDonald’s LUNA: WSCHÓD is out now!

MOON RISING, the third novel in Ian McDonald‘s acclaimed, award-nominated Luna series is now available in Poland! Published by MAG as LUNA: WSCHÓD, here’s the synopsis…

Trylogia Luna McDonalda, do której prawa ekranizacji za ogromną sumę zakupiła telewizja CBS, dawno została uznana za jeden z najbardziej ekscytujących i ważnych cykli SF ostatniej dekady. Jest dla nowego pokolenia czymś w rodzaju trylogii marsjańskiej Kima Stanleya Robinsona. To idealna fantastyka dla fanów Grawitacji i Marsjanina szukających czegoś o szerszej perspektywie i większej skali.

Rodziny księżycowych Pięciu Smoków przypominają nieco mafijne rody z Ojca Chrzestnego. Kontrolują bogate surowce Księżyca i pogrążeni są w nieskończonej i brutalnej walce o dominację nad nimi. Nagle pokój, który panował na skolonizowanym Księżycu zaczyna się sypać. Którzy następcy tronu Pięciu Smoków zyskają hegemonię? A może ostatecznym zwycięzcą okaże się sam Księżyc, z jego surową próżnią, morderczym mrozem i ostrym promieniowaniem?

MAG has also published the first two novels in the series, NEW MOON and WOLF MOON, as LUNA: NÓW and LUNA: WILCZA PEŁNIA.

The series is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in North America by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A hundred years in the future, a war wages between the Five Dragons — five families that control the Moon’s leading industrial companies. Each clan does everything in their power to claw their way to the top of the food chain — marriages of convenience, corporate espionage, kidnapping, and mass assassinations.

Through ingenious political manipulation and sheer force of will, Lucas Cortas rises from the ashes of corporate defeat and seizes control of the Moon. The only person who can stop him is a brilliant lunar lawyer, his sister, Ariel.

Witness the Dragons’ final battle for absolute sovereignty in Ian McDonald’s heart-stopping finale to the Luna trilogy.

Tor.com has also published a prequel novella, THE MENACE FROM FARSIDE, which is out now.

Here are just a few reviews the series has received so far…

‘McDonald concludes his Luna space opera trilogy in triumphant style… The political intrigue never feels too abstract or removed from 21st-century Earth. Readers will appreciate the care McDonald takes with both worldbuilding and characterization, and will enjoy little touches such as giving an assassin the job title of Corporate Conflict Resolution Officer… fans of the prior books will find this wrap-up rewarding.’ — Publishers Weekly on MOON RISING

‘McDonald’s richly imagined Lunar culture and interplanetary poleconomy make for a superb backdrop for literally dozens of richly realized human dramas, and it’s hard to say which is more fascinating. McDonald’s wildly imaginative worldbuilding (present since his debut novel, the utterly wonderful standout OUT ON BLUE SIX) and his ability to spin out intrigues are both in full flight in this final volume.’ — Boing Boing on MOON RISING

‘… cinematic set-pieces… so much fun to read… these entertaining, and intelligent novels, capped off by the very satisfying Luna: MOON RISING, have been about establishing a society, a community, a family that looks to the future, that lives and prospers in an environment that must always be treated with respect.’ — Locus (Ian Mond)

‘A Howling Good Read… No one builds a world like Ian McDonald does. Piece by piece and brick by brick. Spare, simple, elegant when he needs to be…, deep and meaty when he wants to be…, he does his work like an artisan pulling a sculpture from stone. There are no wasted moves, nothing that isn’t vital because, in the end, everything is vital. Everything matters… it is fascinating, all of it. Because McDonald has made a world that is ruthless in its consistency and living, breathing reality, and then made characters who are not just living in it, but wholly and fully of it… McDonald’s corporate war is a gorgeous thing, fought with every tool available… McDonald is able to wrap the biggest events in constellations of the smallest so that a cocktail party here, a discussion of ’80s retro fashion (all mall-hair and WHAM! T-shirts), a love story and a day at work for a guy who cleans solar panels all build and coalesce to form the background radiation of life in this unstable future. Every moment with his characters makes them precious, real and alive.’ — NPR

Luna: New Moon was a “magnificent bastard of a book,” as I put it in my review. Part two, it’s my pleasure to tell you, is just as awesome, and just as masterfully nasty.’ — Tor.com

‘Fans of cerebral, high-concept science fiction will love this exploration of society on the moon many decades after it has been colonized. The focus is more on concept and plot than on character, but the former are compelling enough to make this an addictive page-turner. Including the stories of many characters gives the reader important insights into different facets of society, and although the book starts at a slow pace, it accelerates into a mesmerizing political thriller.’ — RT Book Reviews

The way that Ian McDonald flawlessly adapts his writing to the relevant culture and country at hand is ingenious, and he showcases this perfectly in his much-lauded previous work. In LUNA: NEW MOON though, McDonald has clearly perfected this skill… McDonald certainly shows off the well-developed Cortas to illustrate his knack for creating dynamic human relationships that encompass the whole Moon… LUNA: NEW MOON is a world that has been intricately woven together by its author. It’s compelling and thought-provoking, and all without relying on overbearing sci-fi clichés. Brilliantly done.’ — SciFiNow