Lavie Tidhar’s LA SCAPPATOIA Out Now in Italy!

The Italian edition of Lavie Tidhar‘s stand-alone novel, THE ESCAPEMENT is out now! Published by Zona 42, as LA SCAPPATOIA, here’s the synopsis…

Lo Straniero cavalca lungo i sentieri selvaggi della Scappatoia. È un uomo solitario, in missione per salvare suo figlio in questo strano mondo alieno invaso da un’umanità che, tra avidità e speranza, cerca nuove opportunità oltre la frontiera. Ma nella Scappatoia è facile perdersi, i suoi spazi sono mutevoli, e imprevedibile è il paesaggio che lo Straniero si trova ad attraversare. A incrociare il suo cammino ci saranno tagliagole senza scrupoli e improbabili eroi, giganti di pietra e pagliacci oppressi, e la minaccia delle spettacolari tempeste di simboli scatenate dalla guerra infinita degli esseri formidabili che governano questa realtà. La Scappatoia è popolata da misteri profondi e bizzarri, ma lo Straniero ha una missione ed è inarrestabile. Con il tempo che sta per scadere, dovrà penetrare nel cuore segreto di un mondo inimmaginabile per raggiungere la sua meta, in attesa oltre le Montagne dell’Oscurità. Tra echi western e suggestioni weird, Lavie Tidhar accompagna il lettore in un tour de force immaginifico attraverso un mondo che è insieme rifugio, minaccia e, forse, l’unica speranza di salvare una vita in pericolo.

The North American/UK edition is published by Tachyon Publications. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In this dazzling new novel evoking Westerns, surrealism, epic fantasy, mythology, and circus extravaganzas, World Fantasy Award winner Lavie Tidhar (Central Station) has created an incomparable dreamscape of dark comedy, heartbreak, hope, and adventure. Chronicling a lone man’s quest in parallel worlds, The Escapement offers the archetypal darkness of Stephen King’s The Gunslinger within the dark whimsy of a child’s imagination.

Into the Escapement rides the Stranger, a lone gunman on a quest to rescue his son in a strange parallel reality. But it is easy to lose one’s way on an endlessly shifting, unpredictable landscape. Especially in a place full of dangerous mirror-images of a child’s beloved things: lawless heroes, giants made of stone, downtrodden clowns, spectacular symbol storms, and an endless war between gods and shadowy beings.

As the Stranger has learned, the Escapement is a dreamscape of deep mysteries, unlikely allies, and unwinnable battles. Yet the flower the he seeks still lies beyond the Mountains of Darkness. Time is running out as the Stranger journeys deeper into the secret heart of an unimaginable world.

In his most compelling work to date, Lavie Tidhar has delivered a multicolored tapestry of dazzling imagery. The Escapement is an epic, wildly original chronicle of the extraordinary lengths to which one will go for love.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘A delightfully cacophonous novel, teeming with character… Tidhar’s latest offering transports readers to a liminal otherworld of spaghetti Western pastiche… The author draws from an eclectic mix of sources to create a dazzling story that is more than the sum of its parts, and much of the fun of reading it comes from recognizing its homages.’ — Kirkus

‘[F]uriously inventive and wildly eclectic… Among the most visual and even cinematic of Tidhar’s novels… it’s also, in the end, a surprisingly touching reminder of how such quests can begin in heartache.’ — Locus (Gary K. Wolfe)

‘Dazzling… Those who enter THE ESCAPEMENT should strap themselves in for horrors and wonders galore. Filled with contorted fairy tales, myths, and familiar stories, Lavie Tidhar’s latest novel is both a fantastical diversion and a moving articulation of deep parental love.’ — Foreword

‘To say THE ESCAPEMENT is unique sells it way short. It’s part weird western and part quest; half dream and half epic adventure tale set in a memorable Daliesque landscape. Tidhar lets his imagination run wild in this vivid book, all told in spare, beautiful prose. Also, there are clowns. Lots of clowns.’ — Richard Kadrey, bestselling author of the Sandman Slim series

‘Comic, tragic, and utterly magnificent — a masterpiece of fantasy. Lavie Tidhar has crafted a wonderfully strange and surreal world in THE ESCAPEMENT, setting a liminal stage for both a gripping adventure and a poignant meditation on grief. I can’t wait to read it again.’ — Samantha Shannon, author of The Priory of The Orange Tree

‘Can we just all admit now that Lavie Tidhar’s a genius? He’s written another brilliant book-a beautiful fever dream that somehow manages to be laugh-out-loud funny, psychedelically weird, and deeply moving.’ — Daryl Gregory

‘With THE ESCAPEMENT, Lavie Tidhar fearlessly crests the wave of the New New Weird with a wild, decadent hybrid of The Dark Tower and Carnivale. A vivid beach read, if the beach was made of greasepaint and gunpowder.’ — Catherynne M. Valente

Italian Edition of Lavie Tidhar’s THE ESCAPEMENT Out Next Week!

Next week, Zona 42 are due to release the Italian edition of Lavie Tidhar‘s stand-alone novel, THE ESCAPEMENT! Published as LA SCAPPATOIA, here’s the synopsis…

Lo Straniero cavalca lungo i sentieri selvaggi della Scappatoia. È un uomo solitario, in missione per salvare suo figlio in questo strano mondo alieno invaso da un’umanità che, tra avidità e speranza, cerca nuove opportunità oltre la frontiera. Ma nella Scappatoia è facile perdersi, i suoi spazi sono mutevoli, e imprevedibile è il paesaggio che lo Straniero si trova ad attraversare. A incrociare il suo cammino ci saranno tagliagole senza scrupoli e improbabili eroi, giganti di pietra e pagliacci oppressi, e la minaccia delle spettacolari tempeste di simboli scatenate dalla guerra infinita degli esseri formidabili che governano questa realtà. La Scappatoia è popolata da misteri profondi e bizzarri, ma lo Straniero ha una missione ed è inarrestabile. Con il tempo che sta per scadere, dovrà penetrare nel cuore segreto di un mondo inimmaginabile per raggiungere la sua meta, in attesa oltre le Montagne dell’Oscurità. Tra echi western e suggestioni weird, Lavie Tidhar accompagna il lettore in un tour de force immaginifico attraverso un mondo che è insieme rifugio, minaccia e, forse, l’unica speranza di salvare una vita in pericolo.

The North American/UK edition is published by Tachyon Publications. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In this dazzling new novel evoking Westerns, surrealism, epic fantasy, mythology, and circus extravaganzas, World Fantasy Award winner Lavie Tidhar (Central Station) has created an incomparable dreamscape of dark comedy, heartbreak, hope, and adventure. Chronicling a lone man’s quest in parallel worlds, The Escapement offers the archetypal darkness of Stephen King’s The Gunslinger within the dark whimsy of a child’s imagination.

Into the Escapement rides the Stranger, a lone gunman on a quest to rescue his son in a strange parallel reality. But it is easy to lose one’s way on an endlessly shifting, unpredictable landscape. Especially in a place full of dangerous mirror-images of a child’s beloved things: lawless heroes, giants made of stone, downtrodden clowns, spectacular symbol storms, and an endless war between gods and shadowy beings.

As the Stranger has learned, the Escapement is a dreamscape of deep mysteries, unlikely allies, and unwinnable battles. Yet the flower the he seeks still lies beyond the Mountains of Darkness. Time is running out as the Stranger journeys deeper into the secret heart of an unimaginable world.

In his most compelling work to date, Lavie Tidhar has delivered a multicolored tapestry of dazzling imagery. The Escapement is an epic, wildly original chronicle of the extraordinary lengths to which one will go for love.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘A delightfully cacophonous novel, teeming with character… Tidhar’s latest offering transports readers to a liminal otherworld of spaghetti Western pastiche… The author draws from an eclectic mix of sources to create a dazzling story that is more than the sum of its parts, and much of the fun of reading it comes from recognizing its homages.’ — Kirkus

‘[F]uriously inventive and wildly eclectic… Among the most visual and even cinematic of Tidhar’s novels… it’s also, in the end, a surprisingly touching reminder of how such quests can begin in heartache.’ — Locus (Gary K. Wolfe)

‘Dazzling… Those who enter THE ESCAPEMENT should strap themselves in for horrors and wonders galore. Filled with contorted fairy tales, myths, and familiar stories, Lavie Tidhar’s latest novel is both a fantastical diversion and a moving articulation of deep parental love.’ — Foreword

‘To say THE ESCAPEMENT is unique sells it way short. It’s part weird western and part quest; half dream and half epic adventure tale set in a memorable Daliesque landscape. Tidhar lets his imagination run wild in this vivid book, all told in spare, beautiful prose. Also, there are clowns. Lots of clowns.’ — Richard Kadrey, bestselling author of the Sandman Slim series

‘Comic, tragic, and utterly magnificent — a masterpiece of fantasy. Lavie Tidhar has crafted a wonderfully strange and surreal world in THE ESCAPEMENT, setting a liminal stage for both a gripping adventure and a poignant meditation on grief. I can’t wait to read it again.’ — Samantha Shannon, author of The Priory of The Orange Tree

‘Can we just all admit now that Lavie Tidhar’s a genius? He’s written another brilliant book-a beautiful fever dream that somehow manages to be laugh-out-loud funny, psychedelically weird, and deeply moving.’ — Daryl Gregory

‘With THE ESCAPEMENT, Lavie Tidhar fearlessly crests the wave of the New New Weird with a wild, decadent hybrid of The Dark Tower and Carnivale. A vivid beach read, if the beach was made of greasepaint and gunpowder.’ — Catherynne M. Valente

Some New International Covers for Ian McDonald


Today, we’re delighted to share with you some recent international covers for Ian McDonald‘s novels. Above, you can see the artwork for the first two Russian editions of Everness, Ian’s critically-acclaimed new YA science fiction series. PLANESRUNNER (Странник между мирами) and BE MY ENEMY (Будь моим врагом) are published in Russia by Эксмо. The series is published by Pyr Books in the US and Jo Fletcher Books in the UK. Here’s the synopsis for PLANESRUNNER

There is not just one you, there are many yous. We’re part of a multiplicity of universes in parallel dimensions – and Everett Singh’s dad has found a way in.

But he’s been kidnapped, and now it is as though Everett’s dad never existed. Yet there is one clue for his son to follow, a mysterious app: the Infundibulum.

The app is a map, not just to the Ten Known Worlds, but to the entire multiverse – and there are those who want to get their hands on it very badly. If Everett’s going to keep it safe and rescue his dad, he’s going to need friends: like Captain Anastasia Sixmith, her adopted daughter and the crew of the airship Everness.

Next up, we have the Italian edition of DESOLATION ROAD, published by Zona 42


DESOLATION ROAD is published in the US by Pyr Books, and available as an eBook through the JABberwocky eBook Program. Here’s the Arthur C. Clarke Award-nominated novel’s synopsis…

It all began thirty years ago on Mars, with a greenperson. But by the time it all finished, the town of Desolation Road had experienced every conceivable abnormality from Adam Black’s Wonderful Travelling Chautauqua and Educational ‘Stravaganza (complete with its very own captive angel) to the Astounding Tatterdemalion Air Bazaar. Its inhabitants ranged from Dr. Alimantando, the town’s founder and resident genius, to the Babooshka, a barren grandmother who just wants her own child—grown in a fruit jar; from Rajendra Das, mechanical hobo who has a mystical way with machines to the Gallacelli brothers, identical triplets who fell in love with—and married—the same woman.