United Kingdom and British Commonwealth only: Represented in these territories on behalf of Jabberwocky Literary Agency.
Tanya Huff is one of today’s most popular fantasy/sf authors. Following three years in the Canadian Naval Reserve, a year studying forestry, a winter hanging around Universal Studios backlot, studies for a degree in radio and television arts and some time selling sunglasses off a pushcart after budget cuts led to a staff reduction at the CBC, she turned to writing in the mid-80s, and now resides in rural Ontario, a few hours from Toronto.
Beginning with the Novels of Crystal (Child of the Grove and The Last Wizard) in 1988 and 1989, Tanya has written a diverse array of fantasies. These range from her highly popular Blood books (Blood Price, Blood Trail etc.) which mix vampires, fantasy and romance and are the basis of the TV series Blood Ties which premièred in the US on Lifetime in March 2007 and is to be shown worldwide. Other series by Huff include the Torin Kerr military sf novels, the Quarters novels, and humorous fantasies, The Keeper Chronicles.
Tanya’s life-long US publisher is DAW Books, which moved her into hardcover in 2004 for her new Smoke series, a stand-alone spin-off from her enormously popular Blood series. Besides her DAW Books, Tanya has written Scholar of Decay, a novel set in TSR’s Ravenloft universe which is to be reissued in Fall 2007, and the short story collections WHAT HO MAGIC, RELATIVE MAGIC and STEALING MAGIC. She has garnered foreign sales in France, Germany, Japan, Poland, Russia and Spain, and in the US alone over 1,200,000 copies of her work are in print.
In mid-2013, Titan Books acquired UK publishing rights for Tanya’s Confederation and Enchantment Emporium series, as well as her 2013 Aurora Award-winning novel THE SILVERED.
Agent Contact: John Berlyne
Peacemaker Series
Published in the UK by Titan Books
Confederation Series
Published in the UK by Titan Books
Enchantment Emporium Series
Published in the UK by Titan Books
Peacekeeper Series
Peacekeeper Series (Audio)
Confederation Series
Enchantment Emporium Series
‘Huff’s ability to communicate complex personal dynamics and deep trust through what feels like casual banter establishes the character of the team well for the reader, and solid stretches of reconnaissance and well-tuned moments of violence show Huff’s military SF skills still on point.’ — Publishers Weekly
‘The action hits the planet running, Huff kicks it into high gear.’ — RT Book Reviews
‘[I] thoroughly enjoyed this fast-paced and fun “secret mission” type story, and look forward to reading the next book in the series. I definitely recommend AN ANCIENT PEACE for fans of military sci-fi.’ — SF Revu
‘This book can be read as a straight-up adventure (with obvious nods to Indiana Jones along the way), and on that level it’s very entertaining. But there’s more to it, if you pause to consider… I’m really looking forward to seeing where the next book goes. I think Torin Kerr has become my favorite of Huff’s characters, which is saying something.’ — Fantasy & Science Fiction
‘Book two of the Peacekeeper series is a fun outing with familiar characters on a remote world that may hold the key to ending all the threats that sentient plastic holds.’ — RT Book Reviews
‘Huff weaves a fast-paced thriller bristling with treachery and intrigue. Fans of military science fiction will enjoy this tense adventure and its intricately constructed setting.’ — Publishers Weekly
‘Tanya Huff knows how to tell a rip-roaring, military sci-fi mystery story like few others.’ — B&N SciFi & Fantasy Blog
‘It’s a fun novel, pacey, full of banter, with plenty of space for more sequels. Torin Kerr the Justice Department Warden approaches her work and her life differently to Torin Kerr the Marine, but once a Gunnery Sergeant, always a Gunnery Sergeant. Explosions abound!’ — Tor.com
‘Characters grow and change through the experiences they have between the pages. Tanya Huff does an excellent job on this, not only with Torin, but with the other members of her team.’ — Qwillery
‘Huff delves into an overwhelming yet improbably seamless mix of steampunk, epic fantasy, and paranormal romance to launch a new series… Huff fans who prefer her second-world fantasy tales (e.g., the Quarters series) will be pleased by this return to the form.’ — Publishers Weekly
‘A clever and delightful fantasy novel… THE SILVERED is an enjoyable and satisfying read for many reasons, but the way Huff combines familiar fantasy elements with the trappings of an historical romance should make it appealing to readers looking for something different. Huff’s novel has something for everybody. Supernatural romance readers will appreciate the relationship between Mirian and Tomas and the beautifully realized female characters. Historical fiction buffs will appreciate the fun period details and Mirian’s aggravating mother. Urban fantasy lovers will appreciate that nobody fights with swords and that flintlock rifles and newspapers exist in Huff’s world.’ — Examiner.com
‘Huff’s greatest skills as a storyteller has always been the strength of her characters and her ability to bring the world they inhabit to life. From deep space to times without technology she is able to immerse her readers in a book’s environment. However, unlike others who use long descriptive passages to create a sense of place, she develops the picture gradually through the eyes of her characters… Huff is one of the best story tellers I’ve ever come across. Aside from her ability to create characters and intricate, but understandable, plots, she also has a knack for inventing new and intriguing forms of magic. While she’s used elemental based magic systems in the past, here she’s expanded upon it to include metals and healing as well as the more traditional elements of air, water, fire and earth… Tanya Huff has always shown a flair for making the fantastic realistic and believable and THE SILVERED is no exception. If you’ve given up hope of ever reading about werewolves without having to wade through the treacle of romance novels, this book should ease your mind… The characters might be mages and werewolves, but they’re firmly grounded in reality.’ — BlogCritics
‘A richly built tale. Tanya Huff has been publishing full length novels since 1988. She knows not only how to world build, but how to build magic systems and do phenomenal characterizations. Her experience shows on every page of THE SILVERED… Not only are the characters fully fleshed out, but they fully interact with their world on a level that many authors don’t use… the magic is more complicated than most mages know, and there are consequences for breaking the rules in the way Mirian does. I love the fact that here is a magic system where you canbreak the rules, yet the magic still works and doesn’t just fizzle or go boom. The consequences are more subtle, and perhaps pricier, than that… THE SILVERED really got into my head and refused to let go. The back and forth banter between Mirian and Tomas is believable and endearing… I never wanted to put this book down, and I stayed fully invested in the story from start to finish. Unfortunately, it’s also a standalone book. If Huff ever decides to write a sequel, it will likely land on my most-anticipated list… Books this good don’t come along that often. THE SILVERED is a well-planned, well executed adventure tale. I loved it. Completely. I can’t think of a single reason why you shouldn’t or even might not want toread this book.’ — Ranting Dragon
‘I certainly found the world Huff created to be fascinating. The inclusion of Weres not just in society but also as the elites of society in Aydori was a very pleasant change. They did not hide or make any attempts to disguise who they were. In fact the women of society pursued them because of their elite status. One of the things I liked about that was how the male Weres were attracted to women who had power – mage power… The Emperor, his elite forces, the Mages, and other people encountered along the way all made a huge impact. They were included for a reason and that reason often lingered beyond their scene. The way that Huff tied all of the strings together from this epic journey was masterful. She paid equal attention to her characters as she did her world-building resulting in a seamless whole. The melding of science, magic, era-specific technology, superstition, war and how ordinary people can do extraordinary things was captivating. Once again Huff succeeded in making the world around me vanish for several hours.’ — Bookpushers
‘I was pleasantly surprised to see that these are not your typical werewolves, instead they are more shape changers. Huff has created a world on the edge of the industrial revolution where magic and technology are struggling to find a way to co-exist… Huff tells a good story about a difficult subject without becoming preachy. The characters are believable and all too human despite their various abilities. The magic system is different and fully realized. While the novel is not part of a series and the story begins and ends in one book, it is easy to see the possibility of future novels set in the same world. I would be very interested in something about the past, how the Pack came to be, which is hinted at but never completely described. This book is one that I definitely recommend.’ — Fantasy Finds
‘… engaging and enjoyable, melding a very action-oriented story with higher concepts and unique elements that make it stand out from other fantasy settings, and especially other werewolf stories… a very well crafted book and a fun one at that…’ — The Nerdery
‘Tanya Huff’s THE SILVERED has to be one of the best books I have read in 2013… I had not read anything by Tanya Huff before and I was most impressed by the way she found to portray the horrors of war realistically, as well as showing the atrocities that can be caused by armies and individuals who are just following orders. This doesn’t mean to say you are dragged from one shock to the next, instead Huff shows the value of humanity, of believing in yourself and having to sometimes forget the horror that has gone before and just live in the moment. I found myself haunted by this story and the need to know what was going to happen to these characters was so strong that I instinctively found myself rooting for them. If Huff ever revisits these characters or this world I would gladly read it… I really enjoyed the time I spent with the characters and even though the narrative can be quite grim and dark in places the characters still shine so that you hope that there will a glimmer of a happy ending for them.’ — Fantasy Book Review (9.5/10 Review)
‘As usual, Huff has created a deeply detailed world, characters you can get invested in, and an incredibly serious situation peppered with much-needed humor. And like any good fantasy novelist, she explores social issues relevant to today–what it means to be human. Who decides the humanity or personhood of others. Why politics can allow insane people to run a country. What happens when someone’s too traumatized to reenter society after their ordeal. What makes a family, and how these families get made. The consequences of ultimate power. With a few exceptions, Huff’s craft develops further with each novel and her awareness of societal issues and questions runs as a current through her books, making everything she writes not only a joy to read but an exercise in philosophy and sociology as well.’ — Snarky Writer
‘This novel has a beautiful strong opening and is a great beginning to this possible series by Tanya Huff. I was concerned that this would be just another unimaginative teen series, but I soon found myself happily immersed in a word of magic. There is enough in the plot of this novel to make it different from the standard ‘girl and boy go on a dangerous trip’ plot. Huff’s novel has several enjoyable twists and turns that make for very absorbing reading… The issues were disturbing but handled very sensitively and well written… I also loved the character development in this novel; the characters are complex and well developed… I would recommend this book if you are growing weary of paranormal creatures in fiction as it will reignite your interest in the genre.’ — Following the Nerd
‘[A] story that brings out the spirit of man with the fantastical elements, whilst present, secondary to the characters’ development. It’s well written, the prose sharp and when added to characters that you really want to spend time with gives the reader a magical outing. Add to this some great dialogue and all round I was a more than happy reader.’ — Falcata Times
‘This story was absolutely amazing. The lead heroine, Mirian, was quick witted, smart and amazingly resolute. Loved her character. I also loved how the Alpha Mage, Danika, was able to keep her group secure and thinking even in the mist of their own personal hell… I really want to read what happens next. It was heart breaking and inspiring, fast paced and non stop pulling towards the unfolding of events. This was a complicated story with many emotions and moving parts. Loved it.’ — Not Just A Witch (5/5 Review)
‘It was the fantasy meets young science set up that attracted me to THE SILVERED at the start. It was the character interaction and their personalities that ensured the book was a great read… It’s easy to recommend THE SILVERED.’ — Geek Native
‘This was a superb fantasy adventure story.’ — The Speed of Write
‘I’ve read a few of Huff’s other books… and really liked them. This was by far my favourite… I really believe that Huff is one of Canada’s most talented fantasy writers, and I love how she works a Canadian sense of place into many of her contemporary fantasy novels… If you haven’t read this one, do it. I mean it. Especially if you are into fantasy and werewolves.’ — Spines & Soles
‘The notable Tanya Huff proves herself equally adept at military as as contemporary fantasy in her riveting VALOR’S CHOICE … Ms. Huff captures the ambiance of an elite military group and adds a rare depth to skillful characterization to make each personality stand up and be counted. Don’t miss this one.’ — RT Book Reviews
‘VALOUR’S CHOICE is a rapid fire military science fiction. It features everything that you want to read in this genre from the techy gadgets down to the intriguing and interesting alien races… the narration and the characters are just spot on and I always like a strong character-driven book. Tanya Huff knows how to create an interesting world and great characters and the action when it takes place will leave you wanting more. If you are into military science fiction, make sure you don’t miss out on VALOUR’S CHOICE! This first has gotten me eager to see what other adventures Kerr will undertake but also has gotten me eager to explore the other works of Tanya Huff.’ — Book Plank
‘An intriguing alien race, a likeable protagonist, a fast moving plot, and a rousing ending. What more could you ask for?’ — Science Fiction Chronicle
‘Grabs the attention and doesn’t let go. Her writing is as crisp and engaging as ever…I do look forward to seeing if Huff plans any more books set in this same universe.’ — Asbolute Magnitude
‘Readers who enjoy military sf will love VALOR’S CHOICE. Howlingly funny and very suspenseful. I enjoyed every word.’ — SciFi.com
‘Valour’s Choice is a strong opening story featuring the adventures of Staff Sergeant Tobin Kerr and her Marine squadron. Set in an interesting Universe (filled with even more interesting species), this book not only features a good war story filled with explosive set pieces but also sets up Kerr as a heroine to look out for in her future adventures.’ — Nerd Like You
‘A problem with some military fiction is it can be hard to strike a good balance between humanity and the horror of conflict. Go too far in one direction and you end up driving the reader away with relentless nihilism, too far in the other and you end up losing the pressing danger of battle. Tanya Huff manages to strike an interesting balance with strong characters and a distinctive setting… The book’s greatest strengths are its characters and its self-awareness. Kerr herself is a great protagonist, likeable, skilled and talented at her profession. There’s an obvious element of Sharpe at play here, with other figures (a distinctive cast of ambassadors, troopers and officers) mostly serving in supporting roles rather than as viewpoint characters, but all prove to be solidly written… Huff’s style flirts with cliché, but in a way that is a source of fun rather than eye-rolling irritation, and the dialogue is packed full of pop culture references of the sort that sci-fi fans will pick up on easily… VALOUR’S CHOICE proves to be a strong start to the series. Combining together a great mix of humour, internal strife and rapid pacing, it’s undeniably easily consumable entertainment.’ — Starburst
‘Huff kicks butt with VALOUR’S CHOICE… This is a sci-fi that reads as smoothly as a fantasy and enjoys characters as impressive as well written military decision makers and leaders… Huff’s ability to quickly create personalities for her marines is important. As a reader you quickly care about different marines. You want them to do well. You get involved… Overall? A great read.’ — Geek Native
‘VALOUR’S CHOICE is a page turner… The more I read of Tanya Huff the more of a fan I become.’ — The Cult Den
‘It has a real kickass lead heroine who, like others of Tanya’s female leads, has a great sense of honour, a can-do attitude and whilst hiding from her enemies also faces off against some of the toughest that the galaxy has to offer… It has some great twists…’ — Falcata Times
‘This sequel to VALOR’S CHOICE, featuring a gutsy, fast-thinking female space-marine protagonist, establishes veteran fantasy author Huff as an accomplished spinner of high-tech military-sf adventure. For most sf collections.’ — Library Journal
‘Sure to appeal to David Drake readers and to Huff’s legion of fans … Huff mixes grit and black humor with grace. The action doesn’t stop once it starts, but it’s peppered with laugh-out-loud observations … Huff wins the battle handily. She kicks boredom’s butt.’ — Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
‘Huff’s characerization and knowledge of military subculture bring the book to a suspense-filled and rousing finale once again allowing Torin Kerr to shine in her role as the touch, resourceful and supremely competent leader.’ — Locus
‘A thriller that is every bit as exciting as Star Wars. Tanya Huff’s latest work is so action packed and colorful it would make a great movie. Torin is a great heroine while the realistic species provide an authentic spin to this vigorous fantastic futuristic tale.’ — Midwest Book Review
‘Torin Kerr is a compelling mix of hard and soft features, witty, capable and fair. Her squad is comprised of clear-cut individuals as well. Huff’s flair for battle scenes and her clarity in visual descriptions support the action quite well … this novel whips along in a succession of well-staged battles.’ — SciFi.com
‘As with the first, we get to spend time with the wonderful Torin Kerr… who, despite having to fight for her survival in the bleak future also has to deal with the complications of personal relationships that Tanya Huff writes so well. It’s engaging, has some wonderful dialogue which, when blended with Tanya’s own unique storytelling, generates another book that I had a hard time putting down. Great stuff.’ — Falcata Times
‘… continue[s] to build upon the universe around it, with some interesting moments of world-building which never get in the way of the narrative. Many of the strengths of the first tale remain… plenty of enjoyable elements…’ — Starburst
‘… what Huff has done is taken a good thing and made it better…. These would make for fantastic television, not long running epics like Star Trek, but a couple of seasons? Maybe. It gives me that FireFly or Sarah Connor Chronicles feel.’ — The Cult Den
‘… an entertaining continuation of the life of Torin Kerr. Huff paces the story with military precision, ensuring that the action is interspersed nicely between longer moments of plot/character development that ratchet up the intensity of the suspense and mystery regarding the events unfolding on Crucible. The Valor series offers a believable female protagonist, interesting science fictional trappings, and grounds it all in the familiarity of the American military in such a way that even relative newcomers to science fiction will find themselves immersed in the story. I recommend spending some time getting to know Torin Kerr. She’s worth it.’ — Stainless Steel Droppings
‘[Huff] returns to her ‘Confederation’ series and boy what a return it is… the third book in the Confederation series and really ramps up the action… We get to find out new things about the characters that we already know but we also get introduced to some new ones too. They sit really well with the existing characters… it’s great to see how much the character of Torin Kerr growing in to such an exciting action hero in the series… Once again Tanya Huff has released a well written and paced tale that the science fiction fans out there can really get their teeth in to.’ — Curiosity of a Social Misfit
‘Torin Kerr is as strong as ever… As usual she is surrounded by a strong cast of characters, most of whom may not appear in the next book, but will always be remembered by their ingenuity and the comic moments. Even better, Craig Ryder and Presit a Tur durValintrisy also make a reappearance in this book and their double act had me laughing out loud. Presit is still annoying as in the last book, but is more lovable for it… This story is going from strength to strength and I am continually amazed to see what Tanya Huff will come up with for Torin Kerr to deal with next.’ — Fantasy Book Critic
‘Four books in, and Tanya Huff is still keeping this series interesting and engaging. Much of what I liked in the first three bookscan also be said for this one. The characters are pretty much all engaging and well-developed. Torin Kerr remains a fantastic heroine. The action sequences are fantastic. And the setting is well-realised. So, I’ll keep this short, to avoid repeating myself too much. Needless to say, though, this is another great addition to the series… The ending of the novel offers some tantalising possibilities for the next in the series, The Truth of Valour, too. It’ll be interesting to see how different that novel will be. If you have any interest in military science fiction, or science fiction in general really, then Tanya Huff’s Confederation series is a must-read. Highly recommended. Can’t wait to get my hands on the next one!’ — Civilian Reader
‘The Gales are an amazing family, the aunts will strike fear into your heart, and the characters Allie meets are both charming and terrifying.’ — Charlaine Harris
‘Thoughtful and leisurely, this fresh urban fantasy from Huff features an ensemble cast of nuanced characters… Fantasy buffs will find plenty of humor, thrills and original mythology to chew on, along with refreshingly three-dimensional women in an original, fully-realized world.’ — Publishers Weekly
‘Tanya Huff crams so much delightful stuff into her books that they deserve to be unpacked slowly… There is so much to love about this book… The magic is deftly handled, the family stuff is bewildering and gripping, and the humour is as sharp as a dragon’s tooth.’ — Daily Mail
‘This enchanting, suspenseful urban fantasy should grab fans of Charles de Lint, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, and Jim Butcher.’ — Booklist (Starred Review – Named one of the 10 Best SF/F of 2009)
‘A delight from start to finish — by turns humorous, romantic and dramatic. So far, this is easily one of my favorite books of the year.’ — Fantasy and Science Fiction (Reviewed by Charles de Lint)
‘A big part of the fun of this offbeat contemporary fantasy is figuring out just what’s really going on with Allie’s extended family.’ — Locus
‘… immensely enjoyable… Tanya Huff expertly weaves an engaging story… bewitching. Be careful when you pick up this book, once it works it’s charms on you, you won’t be able to put it down!’ — The Book Plank
‘One thing that Huff is renowned for is her brilliant creation of realistic yet fantastical, in this case, worlds and idiosyncratic characters. I really like how even the heroic style characters aren’t perfect. It’s never a case of black and white in her stories, there are always shades of grey and that raises the quality of her stories much higher… There are so many twists and turns here that the book really kept me guessing right up to the final page… I really can’t wait to get my hands on book two… you will indeed be richly rewarded by Huff’s well paced and exciting writing. Definitely up there with her Blood book series.’ — Curiosity of a Social Misfit
‘… a very enjoyable read and I really enjoyed the style of writing that Huff uses in the book. There are lots of casual references for geeks… There is a very comfortable way with the setting and the characters and how they interact that makes the book an enjoyable read, immerses you into a world we know but with the supernatural edge and hints at plenty of backstory that leaves lots of questions to be answered in future books… and there are dragons – oh, didn’t I mention the dragons? I’ll let you find out for yourselves – you’ll certainly enjoy the discovery in this very entertaining book…’ — Clandestine Critic