Ian Tregillis was born and raised in the United States, where his parents had settled after fleeing the wrath of a Flemish prince. (The full story involves a stolen horse, or so he’s been told.) He attended the University of Minnesota, where he received a Ph.D. in physics for his research on radio galaxies and quasars. After finishing his thesis, he moved to the American Southwest just as soon as he found a group of people willing to hire him. He’s still a bit surprised by this because he has no useful skills.
He attended the Clarion Writers’ Workshop in 2005. Soon after, he joined the Critical Mass writing group, where he spent several years working alongside a very accomplished collection of writers including Walter Jon Williams, Daniel Abraham, S. M. Stirling, Melinda Snodgrass, and George R. R. Martin. His first novel,BITTER SEEDS, was published in the United States in 2010 and will be published, along with two further novels, THE COLDEST WAR and NECESSARY EVIL by Orbit in the UK and British Commonwealth towards the end of 2012.
His stand-alone thriller, SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT, was selected as a Kirkus Reviews Best SFF Book of 2013.
His short fiction has appeared in Apex Magazine, Tor.com, and in Jonathan Strahan’s The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, Volume Five. He is also a member of the Wild Cards writing collective, and has contributed to the Wild Cards anthologies INSIDE STRAIGHT, BUSTED FLUSH and SUICIDE KINGS.
Ian’s latest trilogy, the Alchemy Wars, was published by Orbit Books in the UK and US between 2015-16: THE MECHANICAL, THE RISING, and THE LIBERATION. In 2019, Ian was awarded the Galaxy Award from SFW Magazine in China (who serialized THE MECHANICAL in 2017-19).
He lives in New Mexico, where he consorts with writers, scientists, and other disreputable types. Be sure to visit Ian’s website for more on his work.
Agent Contact: John Berlyne
The Alchemy Wars
Translation Rights Available — inquire for details.
Milkweed Triptych
Translation Rights Available — inquire for details.
UK/Commonwealth & Translation Rights Available
Awards & Commendations
Galaxy Award, Best Foreign Writer (2019, China)
Alchemy Wars: THE RISING
Alchemy Wars: THE MECHANICAL (Chinese Serialization Covers)
Milkweed Triptych: BITTER SEEDS
Milkweed Triptych: THE COLDEST WAR
Milkweed Triptych: NECESSARY EVIL
Alchemy Wars:
- THE LIBERATION - 四川科技出版社 (China, Simplified, 2021 - 炼金术战争:解放)
- THE RISING - 四川科技出版社 (China, Simplified, 2020 - 炼金术战争:崛起)
- THE MECHANICAL - 四川科技出版社 (China, Simplified, 2019 - 炼金术战争:机械人)
- THE MECHANICAL - 科幻世界·译文版 (China Serialization, 2017-19 - 机械人——炼金术战争)
- THE LIBERATION - Mondadori (Italy, 2017 - La Liberazione)
- THE LIBERATION - Wydawnictwo SQN (Poland, 2017 - Wyzwolenie)
- THE MECHANICAL - Twister Media (Hungary, 2017 - Géplélek)
- THE RISING - Mondadori (Italy, 2017 - La Rivolta)
- THE RISING - Wydawnictwo SQN (Poland, 2017 - Powstanie)
- THE LIBERATION - Orbit Books (UK, 2016)
- THE MECHANICAL - Mondadori (Italy, 2016 - L'Obbligo)
- THE MECHANICAL - Wydawnictwo SQN (Poland, 2016 - Mechaniczny)
- THE RISING - Orbit Books (UK, 2016)
- THE MECHANICAL - Orbit Books (UK, 2015)
Milkweed Triptych:
- NECESSARY EVIL - Debolsillo (Spain, 2016 re-issue - Un Mal Necesario)
- THE COLDEST WAR - Debolsillo (Spain, 2016 re-issue - La Guerra Más Fría)
- BITTER SEEDS - Debolsillo (Spain, 2016 re-issue - Semillas Amaragas)
- NECESSARY EVIL - Argo (Czech, TBC - Nutné zlo)
- THE COLDEST WAR - Argo (Czech, 2016 - Nejstudenější válka)
- BITTER SEEDS - Argo (Czech, 2015 - Hořká setba)
- NECESSARY EVIL - Deltus (Germany, 2015 - Das notwendige Böse)
- NECESSARY EVIL - Prometejs (Latvia, 2014 - Nepieciešamais ļaunums)
- THE COLDEST WAR - Prometejs (Latvia, 2014 - Visaukstākais karš)
- THE COLDEST WAR - Deltus (Germany, 2014 - Der kälteste Krieg)
- BITTER SEEDS - Deltus (Germany, 2014 - Saat des Unheils)
- BITTER SEEDS - Panini (France, 2014 - Les Racines du Mal)
- BITTER SEEDS - Prometejs (Latvia, 2013 - Rūgtās sēklas)
- BITTER SEEDS - MAG (Poland, 2013 - Mroczna geneza)
- NECESSARY EVIL - Random/Mondadori (Spain, 2013 - Un Mal Necesario)
- THE COLDEST WAR - Random/Mondadori (Spain, 2013 - La Guerra Más Fría)
- NECESSARY EVIL - Orbit (UK, 2013)
- BITTER SEEDS - Random/Mondadori (Spain, 2013 - Semillas Amaragas)
- THE COLDEST WAR - Orbit (UK, 2013)
- BITTER SEEDS - Orbit (UK, 2012)
- Asengard (Italy, 2013 - Più nero della Motte)
‘The first thing readers will say after finishing this splendid book is: “Wow.” The second thing will probably be: “When can I read the next one?” … This is a rousing SF/fantasy adventure, with a brilliantly imagined and beautifully rendered alternate world. Although he keeps the pace moving at a brisk clip, the author is able to work in some Big Ideas, asking us to think about what we mean when we speak about souls and free will. This isn’t Tregillis’ first venture into alternate history — the Milkweed Triptych is set during WWII and features an alternate time line — but, in terms of the quality of writing and cleverness of ideas, this new book constitutes a major leap forward.’ — Booklist (Starred Review)
‘… launches a series with this superb alternate history filled with clockwork men and ethical questions on the nature of free will… Tregillis’s complex setting is elegantly delivered, and the rich characters and gripping story really make this tale soar.’ — Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)
‘THE MECHANICAL is a story about a great many things. About an alternate history, where man used Alchemy to create creatures in his own image. About a political struggle between two super-powers in that world. But it’s also a story about what constitutes free will, what makes someone ‘free’, and about what makes a person. This is a book with chases, melee and the odd murder – but also with moments of reflection, of anguish, of debate over how and why people do what they do. It’s a multi-layered literary confection – and each of those layers is perfectly constructed, and left me wanting more… The prose is characteristically tight and well constructed, and an absolute pleasure to read… I simply couldn’t put it down. It’s dark, often horrifying, relentlessly brutal, and certainly not for everyone. But it’s also absolutely fascinating, and unapologetically clever, asking questions of both the characters and the reader which they may be hard-pressed to answer. As a text, it evokes terror and wonder in equal measure – and does so brilliantly. Well worth the read.’ — Sci-Fi & Fantasy Reviews
‘Packed with intrigue and lush period detail, THE MECHANICAL asks big questions about the nature of freedom and power, but never at the expense of crackling adventure. Robot-centric fiction has always had a philosophical side, and Tregillis uses Jax and his fellow Clakkers to ponder the nature of what makes us who we are.’ — Google Play, “Robots Never Die”
‘Tregillis displays the craftsmanship and precision of a master clockmaker… would recommend THE MECHANICAL to any reader with an interest in well-written and engaging fantasy story set in an elegantly constructed alternate history, pushing against genre boundaries, and exploring sophisticated moral and philosophical issues.’ — SFF World
‘A strange combination of alternate history, steampunk and conflict – in more ways than one – that packs an emotional punch for most of the journey… A gripping and enjoyable read with an ending that left me wanting to know when the next book comes out!’ — Lynn’s Book Blog
‘An original approach to a well-known subject matter; human ethics and free will… a fascinating world… Tregillis is a capable sculptor of narrative. He rarely drags on in his descriptions, painting a complex picture of his world one section at a time. He imbues most characters with a specific internal voice, ably switching between points of view without it ever jarring. And the central character, a Clakker known as Jax, is the most engaging automaton you’ll encounter in any recent book. This opener to the Alchemy Wars trilogy delivers a mostly fresh breath of sci-fi fantasy.’ — SciFi Now
‘Tregillis never fails to impress, and his writing and stories seem to be getting better with each novel. This book is truly unlike anything I’ve ever read before, and it’s my favorite work of his to date. I can’t wait to see what the next installment in The Alchemy Wars will bring.’ — BiblioSanctum
‘Having only read one other of Ian Tregillis’ novels, I knew I was going to enjoy THE MECHANICAL … There’s a LOT to think about in this tale, and it’s presented beautifully. From the setting, to the characters, it’s simply gorgeous.’ — GeekyLibrary
‘This is the kind of novel you’re reading on the bus or train and you actually resent reaching your destination because it means you have to pause your reading … One of the sharpest, most intelligent, hugely compelling works I’ve read this year, and I cannot wake to see where Tregillis takes this series next.’ — Forbidden Planet Blog
‘It’s an immensely enjoyable book, launching what is clearly going to be a fun new series that should probably be described “something-punk” but I’m blessed if I can think of the right something, which possibly shows that this is pretty convention-defying and worth getting into.’ — Blue Book Balloon
‘An excellent book in almost every respect and one that I recommend without reservations … a delight to read… Tregillis‘s prose is not only clever, but also rich, beautiful and full…’ — Sense of Wonder
‘I just couldn’t put the dang thing down. Seriously good stuff… This book grabbed me from the very beginning and didn’t let go the entire time. Even at nearly 450 pages I didn’t want the book to end. I could have easily read again as much and still loved every minute of it. This is another one to open the coffers for, people. Such a great book, and such a great beginning that will no doubt end as another masterpiece of story-telling.’ — Elitist Book Reviews
‘An excellent novel. Truly excellent: I have rarely found myself this gripped by a book … At the climactic points, I had to pause and walk away for moments at a time, because the intensity of the tension became nerve-wrackingly hard to bear. Tregillis has an excellent eye for characterisation, and a master’s grasp of how to build tension to a breaking point: the sheer narrative drive here, the way in which the storylines of the three point-of-view characters support and reinforce the tension in each other, is a thing of beauty. I can’t escape the feeling that it’s shaping up as a long arc tragedy – in the classic sense of tragedy – for all of its protagonists, but it is immensely well done. I’m very much on board to see what happens next. Even though it’s probably going to horrify me more.’ — Locus
‘The chases, the battles, the brutal violence, and the scheming are nonstop. As always, Tregillis offers richly textured and genuinely likable personalities with shades-of-gray morality; it’s clearly no accident that the most purely good person in the novel is the mechanical Jax, although even his sterling qualities are severely tested by the terrible situations he faces. Middle volumes are always tricky; they can often read as an obstacle to overcome on the way to the forgone conclusion of the third installment. Tregillis commendably avoids this trap, deepening his story and keeping it moving along toward an unknown horizon. Part 3 can’t come too soon.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)
‘Tregillis’s splendid sequel to THE MECHANICAL is a vivid alternate history tale filled with action sequences, fascinating characters, and great worldbuilding… engrossing, with plenty of mid-story twists, and it’s well worth the ride.’ — Publishers Weekly
‘Deftly interweaves three viewpoints and plotlines, but this sequel raises the stakes…’ — Locus
‘A rousing and thrilling wartime romp through an alternate New World… Isaac Asimov’s classic Robot series featured robots who had to follow basic Laws of Robotics, such as robots “may not harm a human being.” Tregillis takes this idea of basic robotic law down a darker path… Tregillis creates a world of greys, where even the heroes have their darkness. Bernice is ruthless and cunning, but when faced with mechanical captors that ruthlessness is the key to her survival. The foul-mouthed Longchamp lacks social graces and an even temper, but there’s nobody else you’d want in charge when an army of mechanicals surrounds your village and death is certain. Tregillis never loses sight of the fact that war is hell. His characters suffer… Tregillis writes a gripping and entertaining story. His prose shines. Though his book is often dark, it is always a pleasure to read. I have no idea how Tregillis plans to end this trilogy, but if he sustains this level of energy and creativity, it will surely be thrilling and thoughtful.‘ — The Missourian
‘THE RISING takes up the baton and carries on running at full throttle, ramping up the action while still keeping the themes of historical fantasy and existential philosophy at the forefront… distinguishes itself from its predecessor by being more fast-paced and action-oriented. The intrigue and violence comes at you nonstop… greatly enjoyed how this novel takes us on a detour down a wilder and more explosive path… Tregillis bides his time in this second act, bringing things slowly to a boil, yet action scenes are heavier and more frequent, and if that’s what you prefer then you might find you’ll enjoy THE RISING even more than THE MECHANICAL! The ending’s cliffhanger was expected, but no less powerful and effective in making me yearn for the next in the series. The Alchemy Wars is not to be missed.’ — Bibliosanctum
‘Building on the solid foundation laid by THE MECHANICAL, THE RISING raises the stage upon which the final fallout of Jax and Berenice’s efforts will be told. Engaging, entertaining, and surprising, this one is looking to be nothing if not another great story from a great author. An author that is quickly rising to the top of my favorites list.’ — Elitist Book Reviews
‘The thoughtful, blood-soaked conclusion to an alternate-history trilogy… A frighteningly frank and brutal consideration of slavery, post-slavery, and colonialism in metallic garb.’ — Kirkus
‘Action-packed and harrowing…’ — RT Book Reviews
‘THE LIBERATION brings to a violent, triumphant conclusion Ian Tregillis’s epic Alchemy Wars Trilogy: one of the most entertaining, original, and thought-provoking series of recent years… It’s a wonderfully realized world, packed with fascinating characters, and Tregillis uses alternative history brilliantly to explore concerns we still have over new technologies and their potential effect, for good and ill, on our freedom.’ — Toronto Star
‘THE LIBERATION is part philosophical debate over human nature and choice, part contemplation on colonialism and slavery, and part action-y alternate history. It brings the trilogy to a raucous, blood-soaked end where no one gets everything they want, but everyone gets exactly what they deserve… evocative and exciting… Every moment builds to half a dozen more. Each action scene both tightens the noose on the protagonists and ramps up the heart rate of the plot… 10/10…’ — Tor.com
‘A fantastic conclusion to a brilliantly crafted trilogy… THE LIBERATION is about free will, and the privileges and responsibilities that come with it. It is about how a person (or machine) wields that power, whether you choose vengeance and violence or decide to walk the path of peace. It is about recognizing the humanity in others, and the consequences of ignorance and hubris. It’s a satisfying, stunning end to one of the most compelling and cleverly written stories I’ve ever read. If you’re looking for a series that’s both entertaining and thought-provoking, I highly recommend The Alchemy Wars.‘ — Bibliosanctum
‘Tregellis concludes his Alchemy Wars trilogy in fine style… This is a satisfying conclusion to an excellent trilogy.’ — Publishers Weekly
‘Intoxicating… Tregillis just keeps getting better and better and his writing is a pure joy.‘ — Blue Book Balloon
‘First of all, we’re talking about a book where super powered Nazis (with wires sticking out of their heads) are going up against Lovecraftian beings doing the bidding of British Warlocks. Tell me you didn’t just read that sentence and think, “wow, cool…” BITTER SEEDS is nothing short of an awesome read.’ — Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review
‘BITTER SEEDS is a book of questions and is far deeper than you might expect… Aside from the depth of characters and meanings, this book is filled with the kinds of exciting, intelligent and intense scenes that you’ll find in only the best page turners… another huge point regarding BITTER SEEDS and that is that it is just written so damned beautifully. The prose really is some of the most accessible yet academic that I have read in a while. Tregillis writes with authority while displaying a firm understanding of the subtler things that make us human… Whether you are looking for a cool alternate history that questions the core of humanity or just a damned brilliant story with twisted powers and great action, you should check this out and be wowed. It’s one hell of a ride.’ — Fantasy Faction
‘BITTER SEEDS grabbed me from the first pages… one of those novels I could not put down until I finished it and reread it immediately to get the subtler nuances I missed on my first read… Based on writing quality and main characters, BITTER SEEDS (A++) is hands down the best debut of 2010 so far. It is also the one novel of 2010 I would recommend to anyone who believes that speculative fiction cannot compete with “literary” novels, while having a strong core-genre content.’ — Fantasy Book Critic
‘Tregillis has journeyed into that most overtilled field, World War II alternate history, and in the process he has created a unique, unsettling, and deeply atmospheric setting; populated it with a diversity of grimly fascinating characters; and turned up the heat with the sort of plot that requires those characters to keep shoveling frantically if they are ever to stay in advance of the needs of the firebox… These are the book’s strengths – its atmosphere, its setting, the vividly imagined consequences of immoral and desperate actions… All in all, this is an excellent first book, and I am eagerly awaiting number two.’ — Tor.Com (Elizabeth Bear)
‘Debut novelist Tregillis breathes new life into alternate military history with this fun take on WWII… exciting and intense, and the clash of magic and (mad) science meshes perfectly with the tumultuous setting.’ — Publishers Weekly
‘An awesome, original and fun take on an alternate World War Two. How do you make history more different? By adding warlocks to the English side, and supermen to the side of the Germans, of course. Tregillis’ debut is one of the most fun reads that I’ve had this year, and one of the best… I loved BITTER SEEDS. The plot was engaging, unpredictable and mind-blowing. With a fun, original (from what I’ve seen) concept… All said, BITTER SEEDS comes highly recommended, and is a novel that you will not want to miss.’ — Founding Fields
‘You should read BITTER SEEDS because of the brutal effect of this concocted mix of science, magic and grey characters. If you are looking for a new and exciting voice in fantasy and science-fiction or a voice that rings true on the tolls of war, then look no further than Ian Tregillis.’ — Ranting Dragon
‘The best debut of 2010, BITTER SEEDS delivers on its promise of Nazi Supermen vs. British Wizards; representing the start of a dark but brilliant new trilogy that is as aggressive in scope as it is captivating in delivery… Well-written characters that carry the novel through grim subject matter… Thought-provoking speculation that raises BITTER SEEDS above the standard WWII reimagining… The strong integration between alternate history of the war and the events of the book makes the notion of warlocks and psychics feel real… The implied structure of Milkweed Triptych promises continued originality and innovation.’ — Stomping On Yeti
‘How can you tell when a book has really affected you? By the quality and quantity of “Book Hangover” you get after finishing it. Basically that great gaping, sucking hole you experience after a particularly fantastic read. The kind that makes it very difficult to read anything else afterwards because the reverberations of the narrative are still rattling around in your skull. Basically leaving that world behind is tough. I experienced this with Ian Tregillis’ Alt-history / Urban Fantasy / Sci-Fi novel BITTER SEEDS… The characters within the pages (British and German alike) are so well crafted with realistic human style reactions to the events that I was truly impressed… A very well-written Alt history sci-fi book with believable characters, a hell of a setting and a infinitely fascinating premise, I’m upset with myself for having waited so long to get around to it. A real triumph!’ — Iceberg Ink
‘It’s been a long time coming to these shores, but BITTER SEEDS is finally available in the UK. The wait has been entirely worth it, too, as this is one of the best novels I’ve read this year. It’s original, inspired and engrossing from the first page until the last. It is a very assured, well-written, and accomplished debut… brilliantly written, and filled with so many great passages – from brisk and realistic dialogue to lush, gothic description. The story kept me guessing until the end, and drops plenty of hints for things to come in the future. Tregillis’s prose is lush and fluid, and I frequently found myself caught up in the narrative. I read this in just four sittings (it would have been fewer, had life not got in the way), delighted every time I picked it up how easy it was to sink back into this world. Overall, this is a superb novel, and a wonderful start to this series. As a debut, it’s spectacular. I loved everything about BITTER SEEDS, and I definitely consider it among my best reads this year.’ — Civilian Reader
‘The characters were engaging, the subject matter interesting, and the book was much darker than I thought it would be. The characters are really thrown through some difficult challenges, and oftentimes must break their own moral code to do what must be done or find themselves broken from the things they were forced to do. The end result is a story that is at times exciting, and at times heartbreaking. Recommended for fans of alternate history, weird Nazi science, and espionage. There’s a lot to like here, and I can’t wait to crack open the second book.’ — Arkham Digest
‘Tregillis might seem to be working on a wide canvas here, and he is telling a big story, but he keeps a tight focus on a specific and very well-wrought cast of characters… Tregillis works with an extreme economy and makes a lot of very difficult things very easy to read. He sets up two complex opposing forces and crafts Nazis who are entertaining and involving but authentically awful. He drenches everything in grey, with a British war effort that is willing to make dreadful decisions and Nazi warriors who are beyond the reach of the Reich. The oppositions are fascinating, complicated and engrossing. Wrangling all this into a tight plot that wraps up quickly might seem impossible, but Tregillis pulls it off with admirable ease, delivering a novel that is satisfying in itself, even as it is a gateway to the next two segments… The magic seems rather scientific, while the science seems mad and more than a little magical. Tregillis wields both science and magic, art and craft to re-create the world to his own design. It’s immersive, exciting, fun and manages to make our dark world seem a little bit better by comparison…’ — Bookotron
‘BITTER SEEDS, by examining the Gotterelektrongruppe and the warlocks, asks what it is to be human. The Gotterelektrongruppe’s humanity is shown by what they’ve lost, the impact and consequences of what has been done to them illustrated in how they interact with each other, their expressed points of view, and what they are capable of. While it could be argued that they are a greater expression of what humanity could be, due to their powers, they are also deeply flawed individuals because of how their “greatness” was achieved; Klaus, for instance, is claustrophobic, Reinhardt (the pryokinetic) is an abusive necrophiliac, and all of them, in a variety of ways, are damaged.’ — Two Pens
‘… one of my favorite reads of the year. If you like flawed characters attempting to do all they can to do what is right and you have a need for alternate history with some magic thrown in for good measure then BITTER SEEDS will fill your niche. An impressive release for 2010 that everyone should read.’ (9.5/10) — Speculative Book Review
‘Tregillis’ debut displays a level of self-assurance that is often lacking from more established authors. I was surprised by how easily I was drawn in by this story. I rattled through the whole four hundred and eighty pages in a couple of sittings, I just didn’t want to put it down. The action has a cinematic quality, while the more intimate moments are also handled with a great deal of skill.’ — The Eloquent Page
‘Ian Tregillis has arrived and what a bright and promising voice he has brought to bear. BITTER SEEDS is an extraordinarily original work of fiction that blends ideas of Alternative History, Fantasy, and Science Fiction seamlessly yet denies being labeled specifically as one type. No matter how you approach it though it wins on each count… a debut from a new and powerful voice in speculative fiction that I hope stays around for years to come. If you are a fan of dark comics or alternative histories BITTER SEEDS would be well worth your time as we see a masterful mix of mad science versus the dark arts unlike any other… BITTER SEEDS is the best debut so far this year and I can’t see leaving it off my year end best of list. I suspect it will be on many others as well.’ — Mad Hatter’s Bookshelf & Book Review
‘Tregillis has an eye for historical details, and his narrative truly makes the reader feel as if they’re right there. His style is evocative without being too dense, and he managed to capture the essence of Spain, France, England, and Germany in a beautiful manner… compulsive reading! The pace flows extremely well, and there is not a dull moment throughout. Following Marsh and the rest of those working on Operation Milkweed trying to puzzle out how to face and defeat the German superhuman soldiers was quite a treat. Another facet which I found appealing is that the author attempts to imbue the story with as much realism as possible, be it with the warlocks’ magic (which takes a heavy toll and requires a blood price for every spell) or the supernatural abilities of von Westarp’s children… the enigmatic gypsy-born German seer Gretel who takes the cake as the most fascinating character of this book. I found myself looking forward to any scene featuring her and was seldom disappointed. Though Tregillis only offers us a glimpse of her psyche and her powers, the ending really makes me want to know what will occur next… the speculative fiction debut of the year.’ — Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist
‘BITTER SEEDS is Ian Tregillis’ first novel, though a reader would never guess that. It is a dark, troubling, ambitious alternate history retelling of World War II… Tregillis finds a way to stake an original claim on this period of history. His Germans a suitably villainous, though not the complete foil that so often appear. The English come off as at least as shifty and dislikable, since they are willing to do just about anything – pay any price – to avoid being taken by the Germans… The prose is fluid and clear, at times excellent. The settings are vividly drawn and believable. Tregillis has done his research, and that gives this fantastic premise the ring of believability.’ — Parsing the Dragon
‘[A] brash, refreshing alt-history which sees Nazi superhumans and British warlocks battling to the death during WWII. It’s a cool premise, generally well-handled with a large and complex story being effectively told through a small number of POV characters on both sides… Bitter Seeds works successfully on a number of levels. Characters are drawn pretty well, with British secret agent Raybould Marsh being an effective central character, driven by passion and rage, whilst his amateur magician friend, Will Beauclerk, makes a good foil for him. Will’s story assumes greater importance as the novel proceeds, culminating in some shocking moments near the end of the book that hint that his role in the sequels will be very interesting indeed… Tregillis has done his homework, with WWII Britain described in convincing detail and atmosphere…’ — Wertzone
‘BITTER SEEDS is an incredible debut… It blends a hodgepodge of literary genius, horror, paranormal and history with some amazing dark tones and incredibly believable, tragically flawed characters. While this book may seem to be a bit of everything, it never strays far from it’s speculative fiction core. This is easily one of the most impressive debut works I’ve read.’ — Bookworm Blues
‘Invoking black magic in an alternate history sounds silly, but Tregillis makes the psychic and physical costs to the combatants so painfully high that the supernatural elements become terrifying indeed. This novel is too bleak to be fun, but true horror was never supposed to be humorous.’ — Cleveland Plain Dealer
‘The engrossing second book in Tregillis’s Milkweed Triptych… Tregillis ably mixes cold war paranoia with his mythology, also nicely expanding characters (particularly Gretel)… The monstrous, extra-dimensional Eidolons add a genuinely convincing menace that transcends the more banal evil motivations of the political game players, although Gretel’s more complicated motivations really drive the action. A few nice twists keep things interesting, and the cliffhanger ending sets up the concluding volume quite well…’ — Publishers Weekly
‘With all the flair he showed in his debut novel, Tregillis continues the tale, bringing to it that same marvellous plotting, immersive sense of place, and above all, wonderful characters. One of the characters introduced in the first novel is a precognitive, and in this volume – which revolves around her long plots – we are shown that the power to see the future is the most corrupting power of them all. Tregillis’s oracle is one of the most chilling psychopath villains of literature, a delicious monster who drives the book forward. As with the earlier volume, I tore through this one in a day and a half. Tregillis is a major new talent in the field, and this is some of the best – and most exciting – alternate history I’ve read. Bravo.’ — BoingBoing
‘Tregillis does it again, THE COLDEST WAR is a book that gripped me right from the off and wouldn’t let me put it down until I’d finished. If you enjoyed BITTER SEEDS then I think you’ll get a lot out of THE COLDEST WAR as well… The sense of urgency and intensity are still very much there and reflect very well what is at stake for everyone playing this shadowy game. Tregillis is still very much about exploring the price paid for waging occult/super powered warfare and although he doesn’t exactly break any new ground it’s still very interesting to see how choices made in the previous book have affected the main players here… The finale is nothing short of awesome, tying up a few things that were left hanging in BITTER SEEDS and promising a book to come where the stakes are raised even higher and the appearance of a super powered person will pale into insignificance compared to the true threat on display. THE COLDEST WAR… is superb.’ — Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review
‘THE COLDEST WAR is even better [than BITTER SEEDS]. It has so many jaw-dropping moments, so many clever twists and an ending that leaves you hanging desperately for the final part but also ties up the current events. Tregillis is a master storyteller on top of his game… The pace is relentless as it hurtles towards the most epic conclusion. Whenever things can’t possibly get any worse for our heroes, Tregillis turns the ratchet up once more. There’s big superhero battles and taught psychological warfare. It’s The Avengers made up of Smiley’s People. There’ve been some amazing books this year but Tregillis has the top two places in my Best Of with BITTER SEEDS and THE COLDEST WAR. It’s going to be a long cruel wait until the final part of the Milkweed Triptych but I have no doubt Tregillis will blow my mind once more.’ — Fantasy Faction
‘[A] thrilling and sometimes chilling tale of spycraft, sorcery, and weird science… a novel that stands apart blending two typically disparate genres into a smooth unified whole… elaborates on many of the elements from BITTER SEEDS taking the most mysterious aspects, Gretel and Eidolons, and adding new layers without destroying the mystery; that feat alone is well worth the price of mystery. Be warned THE COLDEST WAR has a cliffhanger ending and you will finish the book with the rabid desire for more.’ — King of the Nerds
‘Tregillis is executing a brilliant spin on history with his Milkweed Triptych… a simmering pot of dark tension just waiting to boil over. Gretel is, perhaps, one of the most memorable characters I’ve read recently… she makes my skin crawl, and that’s a real testament to Tregillis and his ability to make an incredibly realistic character that just crawls into your consciousness and takes root there. If nothing else, it can be said that Tregillis not only matched the quality of BITTER SEEDS, but THE COLDEST WAR left it in the dust. Tregillis has obviously grown and developed as a writer, and this brilliant installment in this trilogy proves it… Here’s the bottom line: If you haven’t read the Milkweed Triptych yet, you need to. THE COLDEST WAR isn’t just a book – it’s an experience.’ — Bookworm Blues
‘Tregillis has created a masterful second act to this story, moving his characters in fascinating ways along a chronicle that remains tantalizingly fluid. Gretel’s power, her ability to set up events and foresee needs decades in advance, means that the entire plot of this story is as intricate a structure as any author is willing to attempt – her acts in the first book begin to pay off here, with the promise of more to come. That everything comes down to Marsh and one desperate chance is no mistake, either. Tregillis’s hero has been ground down by time and love long since curdled into hatred and contempt; he has little to give his country and world, but is induced to rise to the challenge. If he does, something might be salvaged from this entire mess, something he considers impossible. But Marsh’s faith is essential, and Tregillis makes the anguish of his choices palpable. Gretel may be the most fascinating character in the story. At once villain and hero, she has caused – directly or not – the deaths of many in the storyline… Lastly, the reader starts to get a better understanding of the Lovecraftian Eidolons, their motives and goals… and why Britain might have been better off under Nazi occupation. Tregillis has constructed an epic of alternate history, mingling superhumans with sorcery and coming up with something that is compelling, resonant and indefinable. Truly a great work, it has something for everyone. Highly recommended.’ — SFRevu
‘Independently intelligible sequel to the dark fantasy BITTER SEEDS, something like a cross between the devious, character-driven spy fiction of early John le Carré and the mad science fantasy of the X-Men… Despite the jaw-dropping backdrop and oblique plotting, the narrative is driven by character and personal circumstance, the only possible drawback being certain important developments that annoyingly take place offstage. Grim indeed, yet eloquent and utterly compelling.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review, “Best of 2012”)
‘In every way, this is better! It develops the plot by focusing on Gretel and takes us to an unexpected place. This ending is a masterstroke as all the major features of the plot from page one in Bitter Seeds come together in one bold step… In every way, this is a must-read! It demonstrates the difficulty of dealing with someone blessed (or cursed) with perfect foresight. When no one has any insight into her agenda, should they follow or resist her suggestions? She could lead them over the precipice or offer them salvation – although quite what the threat of destruction might be is equally uncertain. Ironically and elegantly THE COLDEST WAR dances around the philosophical edges of determinism and proves everyone has free will so long as they end up doing what she has foreseen. Everyone who enjoys science fiction with a slightly supernatural element should read these two books.’ — Sacramento Book Review
‘THE COLDEST WAR builds brilliantly on BITTER SEEDS – it’s darker, tighter, and utterly engrossing. Easily a contender for best novel of 2012… just as action-packed, and the pacing is absolutely superb… if you enjoyed BITTER SEEDS, then I have no doubt that you’ll love THE COLDEST WAR just as much, if not more. Tregillis’s prose is tight, fluid and a pleasure to read. The story is superbly crafted, and the narrative and action will pull readers through. I was hooked from the first page… This novel is superb. I can’t recommend this highly enough. A must-read for 2012.’ — Civilian Reader
‘Tregillis is a master of economy, honing in on three characters and using their perspectives to build the world anew. Building both character and world proves to be advantageous for both, giving us a nuanced look at a very different world… Gretl and her plans are ever entertaining. She’s the most Lovecraftian waif ever created in speculative fiction… Tregillis manages to craft an utterly unique take on science fiction, alternate history, historical fiction, spy fiction and the wildest of the pulps… a constant joy to read. Look around and realize that it is in a sense a sophisticated code for our world. Look around in wonder.’ — Bookotron
‘… let me set everyone’s mind at ease. Ian Tregillis wrote an awesome sequel to a great debut. Indeed, this one was a doozy! And as things stand, in this house at least, THE COLDEST WAR is the very best speculative fiction title of the year! … The author has an eye for historical details, and once again his prose his evocative. I also enjoyed the political and social ramifications of a Soviet-dominated Europe… Seeing how these characters have changed and evolved over the years demonstrated that Ian Tregillis has a knack for good characterization… as was the case with its predecessor, it’s Gretel who steals the show every time she appears in THE COLDEST WAR. This gypsy-born German seer is one of the most fascinating characters I have ever come across. In BITTER SEEDS, we were offered a few glimpses of a master plan only Gretel seemed to be aware of. Well, in retrospect, by reading this second volume you realize just how much ground work she was laying down for what would follow. Simply put, it’s at times incredible. I found myself shaking my head in wonder on several occasions… Intelligent, thought-provoking, inventive, and engrossing, The Coldest War is the kind of work that totally satisfies you and makes you beg for more… Tregillis did not only write a worthy sequel to Bitter Seeds, he also raised the bar higher and came up with an awesome ending that set the stage for what should be a memorable finale. THE COLDEST WAR is definitely one of the speculative fiction novels to read this year, and as such it deserves the highest possible recommendation.’ — Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist
‘The action flows thick and fast… This gripping novel is compulsive reading – the characters are realistic and well-rounded, and the adventure draws the reader completely into Tregillis’ exciting world.’ — British Fantasy Society
‘While not a happy book by any stretch, THE COLDEST WAR is intriguing and masterfully written. Fascinating Nazi experiments and occult obsession mixed with spy thriller plot, alternate history, and grim but compelling characters. This is not a book that’s easily forgotten…’ — All Things Urban Fantasy
‘The satisfying third volume of Tregillis’s Milkwood Triptych successfully throws time travel into a mix that already included alternate history, spycraft, and mad science… Tregillis neatly juggles two viewpoints from the same character (giving the future Marsh first-person narration), and plays with notions like free will and irony while wisely avoiding headache-inducing paradox discussions. He also keeps the tale grounded in its espionage roots, providing a thrilling spy novel as much as a science fiction story.’ — Publishers Weekly
‘With NECESSARY EVIL… Ian Tregillis triumphantly concludes his astonishing, brilliant, pulse-pounding debut trilogy, The Milkweed Triptych… This is a book that veers precipitously from unexpected and chilling ruminations on the inherent evil of precognition; to the questions of loyalty and betrayal so thorny that they need a time-travel loop to really be explored; to spy-thriller action sequences that will keep you up under the covers with a flashlight, turning pages and unable to sleep. This is a remarkable set of books, and with all three in hand, would make a fabulous spring read.’ — BoingBoing
‘The masterful conclusion… In the final book in Tregillis’s awesome Milkweed Triptych, superhumans and dark magic collide once again in a secret, supernatural history of early Twentieth Century. A series that has consistently impressed me, and improved with each book, NECESSARY EVIL brings the story to a close with aplomb. This is a superb conclusion, and Tregillis has pulled it off, managing to tie everything up skillfully. And I almost cried at the end… I was hooked from the very beginning of the book. Everything about the novel worked for me: Tregillis’s excellent prose style, the steady pacing, the gripping narrative, and fascinating supernatural elements just worked for me. Most of all, though, the characters are all compelling, realistic, and nuanced. This is a superb series… I loved the way the characters changed under the different circumstances – sometimes dramatically, as events that would have redeemed or damned them do not come to pass. It was very believable, but also showed that Tregillis had considered all angles. There are so many small details throughout the book (and series as a whole, actually) that help make the characters more-real, and the time more vivid. Gretel is an absolutely fascinating character, and one of my favourites in any book or series: she is both star and villain; Machiavellian in the extreme and ultimately tragic… Ultimately, Tregillis brings the novel and series to a brilliant close. The ending of NECESSARY EVIL is heart-wrenching… but it feels right, given what’s come before. The Milkweed Triptych is one of my all-time favourite series. It is a must-read. Very highly recommended.’ — Civilian Reader
‘In this bleak fantasy, World War II was fought between Nazis with devastating psychic powers and British warlocks employing Eidolons, irresistible demons beyond time and space – a struggle the British ultimately lost… intensity of the narrative, the torments of the protagonist or the deviously alluring storyline. Darkly fascinating… A thoroughly satisfying conclusion to an imaginative tour de force.’ — Kirkus
‘NECESSARY EVIL takes everything I thought I knew about this series and then pulls the camera back to reveal we had only been peering down a microscope. All those little winks, the tiny nods to something bigger that you disregarded when reading, all the throwaway lines that you figure must get explained later and are quickly forgotten – this book is the payoff… so damned clever that it makes most other books look to be written in crayon… To sum up the Milkweed novels by Ian Tregillis in a nutshell is a bit like trying to squeeze your head into a toothpaste cap. It’s just not possible and the idea of Nazi super humans versus English warlocks really does this series a disservice. The Milkweed Triptych is a triumph of literature of any genre. It hits every note like a symphony of perfect destruction and is so scarily convincing that you can’t help but wonder, what if?’ — J For Jetpack
‘[A] work of art so outstanding in its complexity that is difficult to imagine how Tregillis even began to plan the series out in the first place. The smallest, most insignificant things mentioned in passing in BITTER SEEDS take on world changing importance in NECESSARY EVIL. Tregillis’ alternate take on later 20th Century history is a dark and uncompromising journey into the depths of despair, constantly thought-provoking and always surprising. It’s a mind-blowing series that everyone should read… a great conclusion to one of the best series of recent times. As unpredictable as its predecessors, it’s a black magic thrill ride that makes you think as well as makes your heart race. Tregillis is a master at work, mixing so many genres together in his unique melting pot, until we are left with something so delightfully unlike anything else published today.’ — Fantasy Faction
‘Ian Tregillis absolutely thrills with this book and simply proves that he’s one of the best and definitely the most under-rated newbie SF writer out there. Make sure that you don’t miss this entire trilogy as NECESSARY EVIL closes out a fantastic story.’ — Fantasy Book Critic
‘… the ending of the series is pretty perfect… How dare Ian Tregillis have an insane talent for writing and how dare he write a series I can’t help but be absolutely obsessed with. The sheer audacity of the guy for writing something this amazing and then letting it end! NECESSARY EVIL is the magnum opus of this series. It truly is a perfect, gut wrenching, and absolutely absorbing ending… Tregillis is a master manipulator of his readers. NECESSARY EVIL is one of those books where everything suddenly comes together, and all the small details you might have puzzled over in previous books click in place… you can’t help but admire the mental capacity of an author who has created such an intricate plot, and somehow managed to make every little tiny detail in three incredible books make perfect sense… just as fast paced and intricate as all the other books. In fact, with the time jump going on, I’d say it’s even more intricate than the other books. It’s detailed and riveting. Tregillis ends his series with one hell of a bang, but somehow that fits. It’s dark and atmospheric. His characters are raw and real, but it’s the details that really make NECESSARY EVIL stand out. It’s those details that show Tregillis for the literary grandmaster that he truly is… the end of a series that rocked my world. It’s a series I’ve already read twice, and I have every intention of reading it over and over again… I’m mad as hell, because the series is over. 5/5′ — Bookworm Blues
‘Tregillis’ conclusion of the Milkweed Triptych is the pièce de résistance of the series… a perfect marriage of science fiction, fantasy and alternate history. His narrative flows seamlessly, and his plot is fantastically convincing. Tregillis’ characters astound, the villains as well as the heroes, especially honorable, tormented yet heroic Raybould.’ — RT Book Reviews
‘The historic backdrop of World War Two is intricately detailed, and captures the British wartime spirit well. A suitably epic end to the magnificent Milkweed Triptych (aka trilogy!), this draws you in and keeps you glued to the page until the very end.’ — British Fantasy Society
‘… the Milkweed Triptych is definitely one of the very best speculative fiction series of the new millennium! … Ian Tregillis paced this one to perfection. There isn’t a single dull moment to be found within the pages of NECESSARY EVIL, making it a true page-turner. The ending, when it comes, packs a powerful emotional punch… an intelligent, thought-provoking, inventive, and engrossing work that totally satisfies you and makes you beg for more. The Milkweed Triptych is… one of the very best speculative fiction sequences of the last decade. Looking for the perfect blend of alternate history, science fiction, and urban fantasy? Then the Milkweed Triptych is exactly what you should read! This series deserves the highest possible recommendation. The final verdict: 9/10′ — Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist
‘The Milkweed Triptych is an exciting and well-written piece of alternative history. More than most trilogies, it is truly a single story split over three books, with the groundwork for the final novel firmly established from the very beginning of the first. NECESSARY EVIL provides a satisfying conclusion to an epic and intriguing story.’ — SFRevu
‘NECESSARY EVIL finishes the series with great aplomb, tying loose ends with flourish, a few tears (I held it together till the very last page this time!) and the odd gasp of surprise alongside sheer suspense. It also promotes an urge to go back through the series, knowing from the beginning what we realise by the end although perhaps we should expect that. Did I mention how clever Ian Tregillis is?’ — Book Bag
‘Strap in, and prepare for the sense-of-wonder conclusion that shows just how clever an author can be with careful planning and a willingness to build rules upon rules… comprise a new and high standard in the world of serial science fiction. Tregillis has created more than one world of depth and resonance with grace and economy. His characters have real heart and a world-weary sense of reality. Plus, the books are a mind-boggling blast to read and re-read.’ — Bookotron
‘I love the way the plot threads around and twists back on itself, just when you think you’ve got it all worked out, both within the books and between them. Every new page gives you another thread to pull. The writing itself is phenomenal, but it’s the characters and the plot – my god, the plot! – that have got me so hooked. I can’t wait to read NECESSARY EVIL and find out how Ian manages to resolve such a tangled web. Ian’s poor protagonists dance like puppets for the unbearably sinister Gretel, but there must be a master plan behind it all. I can’t believe she doesn’t have one – though I do hope poor Raybould foils it and that he finds the redemption he so desperately wants. He deserves a break after all he’s been through!’ — Anne Clark (Orbit Editorial Director)
‘After having devoured the entire Milkweed Triptych at the speed of light, I can only conclude is that Ian Tregillis is an absolute genius. The Milkweed books are simply one of the cleverest, most engrossing series I’ve ever read. I often found myself chuckling out loud in public places at the pure brilliance of the plotting, the devious intellect of the protagonists, and the masterful skill of the author’s turn of phrase… Ian Tregillis takes an idea which is already hugely exciting in a very superhero-comic kind of way (mad warlocks fighting scientifically-enhanced Nazi übermensch), but then delivers the concept with such intelligence, such emotional power and such literary flair that you cannot help but fall head-over-heels for him as a writer.’ — Anna Gregson (Orbit Commissioning Editor)
‘I was initially enamoured by this series from the description: X-Men meets Inglorious Basterds. When I opened the first page to a Nietzsche quote and a scene where one child cunningly engineers the death of another, I knew it was something special. Then I discovered one of the main characters was a prescient German girl; a puppeteer manipulating the others on her choice of path through wars, births, deaths, friendships and hatred; making moves calculated years in advance with unimaginable consequences; throwing stones that rippled through the lives of everyone around her. And I was in love.’ — Felice Howden (Little Brown Marketing)
‘The Milkweed Triptych is simply one of the best trilogies I’ve ever read. These books are beautifully written, meticulously plotted and tell an incredible story built around a host of wonderfully-drawn characters. At heart these books tell an exciting adventure story about British warlocks fighting a secret war against Nazi supersoldiers, and are appropriately packed with explosive action sequences. Yet they’re also deeply moving, intelligent novels that will repeatedly shatter your expectations and make you ponder all sorts of questions about the power of love and the nature of evil. Quite simply, they’re brilliant and utterly unmissable.’ — James Long (Orbit Editorial Assistant)
‘[The] Milkweed Triptych is one of the most enjoyable and clever series on the market right now… NECESSARY EVIL absolutely crushes its predecessor. It is better in every way, and stands as one of the best novels I’ve read since founding Elitist Book Reviews… The ending to NECESSARY EVIL is not totally happy. It can’t be. If this series has touted one philosophy, it is that every action has consequences. I’ll admit that at first I was bit shocked by how Tregillis wrapped it all up. But the more I thought about it–and I’m still thinking about it–the more I LOVED it. If you like Science Fiction, this is the series for you. If you like Alternate History, this is the series for you. If you like Urban Fantasy, yes, this series is also for you. If you just like well-written novels with well-made characters and an expertly crafted story, then this series is for you. NECESSARY EVIL is the perfect conclusion to what is now one of my favorite series ever.’ — Elitist Book Reviews
‘[A] towering achievement, brilliantly integrating large-scale secret-history fantasy with the classic spy novel and telling a story that is both deeply human and full of characters who are vastly more than human. On the evidence of these books, Tregillis is a major talent… Tregillis is a major talent because he’s written a compelling, mesmerizing, thrilling sequence of novels, because he’s believably organized the plots of those books around a woman who both can see all the possible futures and is ruthless enough to always pick the best future for herself alone, and because he has the widescreen imagination and painstaking skill to make a WW II fought between British demon-summoners and Nazi electrically-sparked supermen seem more real than the true history… I give the whole series my highest recommendation. If you’ve ever enjoyed Tim Powers’s Declare or Charles Stross’s nasty tales from The Laundry Files, you will love these books.’ — Antick Musings
‘Milkweed as a whole is superlative story telling and NECESSARY EVIL is the perfect end for it.’ — Travels Through Iest
‘For those who don’t read Science-Fiction and who curse the difficulties of following time-travel plots, let me say I used to feel the same way. Ian Tregillis has converted me… Every action made sense and the consequences of those actions made sense. The world is complex, but it’s explained clearly and without being overly complicated. Because there is a base knowledge of the political and militaristic actions that took place during World War II, the machinations of the political powers in NECESSARY EVIL are fully grasped. People continue to act like the flawed, scared, and loving people. One of the great things about these characters is that while their actions reshape worlds, their decisions and their emotions could be my own. They’re everyday people with everyday pains. The ability to make these larger-than-life actions personal and relatable speaks to Ian Tregillis’ amazing skill as a writer. From the first page, he builds a bond between reader and character that is unshakable. I highly recommend the Milkweed Triptych. NECESSARY EVIL is one of the best conclusions to a series I’ve ever read.’ — Fresh Fiction
‘[The] true power of Tregillis’ writing is the fact that, usually, by the middle of one of his books, your conscious brain decides to let go and stop seeing anything weird in the fact that you are just reading about warlocks in second world war. NECESSARY EVIL is no different. Same as the rest of the trilogy, NECESSARY EVIL feels more like alternative history novel than like a far-fetched fantasy and that is a huge accomplishment in itself. Necessary Evil is great ending to excellent and innovative series. We will be keeping close eye on Tregillis in the future – he probably has thousands more of those insane ideas to tell and we want to read them.’ — Upcoming4me
‘The Milkweed Triptych offers most unusual alternate histories, well researched and written, and very dark.’ — Book Loons
‘While the first two books in the Milkweed Triptych were intense and action-packed, NECESSARY EVIL is the best book yet in this amazing trilogy by Ian Tregillis… one of the best science fiction books of 2014, and the conclusion will leave you stunned and wishing that the Milkweed Triptych wasn’t over. Check out BITTER SEEDS and THE COLDEST WAR first, if you haven’t — then, get this fascinating book of time-travel. If you do, you’ll become a lifelong fan of the writing of Ian Tregillis.’ — Guardian Liberty Voice
‘[A] doozy… Superlatives seem superfluous. Instead… wow. Just—wow.’ — Kirkus
‘… a brain-bending combo of angelic cosmogony, high-level physics and meta-noir… dazzling and dark, and more than a little quirky.’ — Kirkus Best Book of 2013 (SFF)
‘Tregillis… uses stranger aspects of heavenly lore to populate the Pleroma with fascinatingly inhuman angels who are wheels of snakes or have four faces and six wings. It’s nothing like Heaven as most humans imagine it: God is nowhere to be seen, and angelic politics are deadly.’ — Publishers Weekly
‘… offbeat eloquence…’ — Locus
‘Tregillis’ amazing new fantasy thriller is a tour de force: a real nail-biting page-turner. Set in a post- apocalyptic future, his cerebral, inventive narrative is a mix of classic gumshoe and quantum physics/theology. With an “OMG!” ending and characters who are anything but cookie-cutter, Tregillis solidifies his place as a brilliant voice in the genre.’ — RT Book Reviews
‘… this book is something completely and absolutely different… This is Tregillis, but it’s a different breed of Tregillis. One thing all of Tregillis’ books have in common is the stunning prose that flood his books with atmosphere and bring the scene and situation to glorious life… The world is really interesting, and it is incredibly complex considering the short amount of time Tregillis gives himself to establish it… SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT might seem, on the surface, to be yet another who-done-it type of noir novel, but rest assured that this is something totally different. Tregillis combines his incredible prose, and stunningly complex world filled with unforgettable characters to create something new, nuanced, and different. This book is impossible to put down, and is an incredibly fast mover. It’s totally different than anything I’ve read from the author before, but that’s not a bad thing. SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT shows Tregillis at his finest. If it might take a little patience to be able to visualize everything that is taking place, and the world it is taking place in, but the patience will pay off ten fold. This is one of those books you shouldn’t miss.’ 5/5 — Bookworm Blues
‘When it comes to the world he has created in this book, I can only boggle in amazement. There is the earthly one, which gradually makes itself apparent to the reader that we are in a different time, a future in which the earth has clearly seen better days. But then there is also the “heavenly” world called the Pleroma, which is not all clouds and Pearly Gates, but instead something that is both more mundane and extraordinary at the same time. Tregillis has managed to completely floor me with his descriptions of Magisteria (what his angels call home) made of memories and jumbled senses, transforming the abstract into words and physics that I think may take a bit of patience to wrap your head around, but it’s worth it in the end. I am still just so in awe. I also adore Ian Tregillis’ writing style, which I’ve always figured was well suited for darker, more evocative stories, and as such I thought it was perfect for a book like this. Plus, I was just wowed by Bayliss’ voice and mannerisms, which are straight out of a crime noir novel of the 30s or 40s. I think that was the most impressive of all, and it’s obvious that great lengths were taken to make his character sound true to that particular era and genre.’ — Bibliosanctum
‘Like any good detective story, Ian Tregillis’ newest book SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT (a book which got its title from a like from a Raymond Chandler story), is set in a world of murder, dames, a missing valuable, and lies and betrayals, all involving plot twists upon plot twists. Thrusting together 1930s-style hardboiled detective noir with a physics-drenched fantasy about cosmic beings should mix about as well as oil and water. SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT should feel jarring and disconnected, full of purple prose, slow plotting, and mismatched tones. It shouldn’t work, but it does. And it is glorious to behold… [Tregillis] doesn’t just command the English language, he bends it to his will. He shapes sentences and concepts that have never before been seen. The dialogue is as sparse as it is in the genre from whence he derived inspiration — Chandler often let Marlowe contemplate a case for several pages without any external conversation to clutter up the internal monologue—but when the characters finally speak it’s well worth listening to. But it’s his descriptions that get me every time. The way he invents impossible notions and phrases them in such a way that they feel believable. His writing style is poetic and evocative without being overwrought or turgid… You know what’s awesome? SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT by Ian Tregillis. Like, really awesome. Doubleplusgood awesome. It’s a swell time with a hotcha date and a shoe full of folding. And that’s all there is to it.’ — Tor.com
‘Watch out: This book is addictively brilliant! Ian Tregillis’ SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT is one of those books that manages to be both clever and exciting — you want to pause to admire all the brilliant ideas he’s tossing around, but you have to keep turning pages to see how it’ll turn out. This tale of angels is so brilliant… What makes SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT more than just a noir parody crossed with a cool story of angelic politics is the amount of cleverness jam-packed into the world-building, which winds up crossing over with the intricate plotting in a nifty way. Without giving too much away, Tregillis has come up with a whole cosmology that has a lot in common with Aquinas but is also its own thing, complete with an origin of the universe and the nature of existence… Tregillis creates an ambitious tale of celestial conspiracy, with both huge ideas and an intimate scale, thanks to some really strong writing and some brilliant world-building. This is a book that will keep you reading late at night, and then leave you with really intense, weird dreams.’ — io9.com
‘With the combination of a fascinating story, superior wit, and a traditional hard-boiled detective fiction plot swerve at the end, SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT makes for an all-around great read.’ — Pop Mythology
‘SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT is a great story, wait stop, no, it’s brilliant. This is the stuff you want to read. To start, the idea behind the story is interesting to say the least and the execution of the story makes it even more so. From the characters of Bayliss and Molly down to the dark tinged near future/post apocalytic feel that the world gives it’s one heavenly hell of a ride, where Ian Tregillis invites you on in a front row seat. I cant wait to see what kind off story Ian Tregillis will give us next, but I know that it will be a success.’ — The Book Plank
‘Angels and gunsels, dames with eyes like fire, and a grand maguffin, SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT is a murder mystery for the cosmos.’ — Book Reporter
‘Tregillis is so good, his language just flows. I loved his reach-out-and-touch-it descriptions of memory and what I started to think of as the science of heaven. His prose made some of the sad passages (and there are a few), that much more poignant. Just be ready, though: there are a few surprises in this one that may make you exclaim out loud (I did, earning funny looks from my family). SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT is a complex, exquisite, wonderfully written book… If you like fantasy that’s a bit out of the box and a lot awesome (with enough noir seasoning to please a Hammett fan, to boot), SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT will make you a very happy reader, indeed.’ — My Bookish Ways
‘If you’re thirsty for pulp fiction flavored with angels and cosmic rays, then SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT by Ian Tregillis was written for you… Ian Tregillis bucks all the traditions… Readers looking for something new and challenging will love this book.’ (10/10) — Fantasy Faction
‘The world building is creative and unexpected and captures the imagination, particularly in the depictions of the afterlife and the beings there, but also with an Earth that isn’t quite like our own… The characterisation is also very well done, particularly with our second point of view character Molly… definitely worth giving a go…’ — Shades of Sentience
‘At the heart of SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT is a murder mystery that is an homage to the detective novels of the past that really works and is hard to put down… a satisfying conclusion… SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT is one of those books that is a rare find, it has a very unique voice and take on the celestial beings in heaven that you don’t see very often. The mystery found within is entertaining and the conclusion should not disappoint. Tregillis does a great job of shifting gears from his Alternative World War II series and gives us something pleasantly different. Recommended.’ — Speculative Book Review
‘… Tregillis’s version of heaven is unlike anything you’ve seen before, and his version of Earth somewhere in the year 2060 (the exact year is never made clear) is made quite believable by the fact that even though the world has changed in a few drastic ways, people still act like people.’ — ABC Blog
‘Fug me was this a great read. In one instant it is freakishly bizarre in the Angels realm and at once riveting as we follow our hero’s through the Mundane (earthly) realm. This novel has it all; characters so bizarre you have to cast your creative imaginings to a place seldom visited coupled with alien thought processes, compelling humanistic situations/ characters, impeccable story-line development, creative insight into machinating minds of Angels and humans, and above all this hilarity in the guise of cryptic witticisms embedded in the antiquated verbiage of the 1920′s.’ — Koeur’s Book Reviews
‘A highly enjoyable romp, very recommended if you want your mind twisted a bit.’ — The Ghostworks
‘SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT is undoubtedly one of the best murder mysteries published in 2013.’ — Crazy For Books
‘SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT uses Chandler and Hammett as a mold, and fills it from the well where the divine and the farthest reaches of physics combine, nebulous, overwhelming, sublime. The stuff dreams are made of.’ — F5
‘Tregillis writes with elegant prose…’ — Odd Engine
‘Bayliss entertained me. I identified with Molly’s plight and perspective. The vocabulary was delicious… this book is much, much better than a lot of what’s out on the bookseller shelves right now.’ — Summer Reading Project
‘Science fiction readers that like their fiction heavy on the science will love this but take the longest to warm up to it. Readers that can revel in the play of language will get sucked in even if they don’t fully appreciate quantum mechanics and neutrinos. There really is a lot to love here.’ — MentatJack
‘SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT is a great success. Tregillis slyly uses two seemingly disparate strands, hardboiled detective fiction and angels, to weave a surprisingly coherent whole. The story, both the human and angelic parts, is compelling, and the prose, despite my few quibbles above, is a joy to read. Highly recommended.’ — Books, Brains and Beer