DINOSAUR KNIGHTS ride out in Brazil!

Victor Milán‘s DINOSAUR LORDS have been unleashed in Brazil! The second novel in the Dinosaur Lords series, it is published by Dark Side Books as OS CAVALEIROS DOS DINOSSAUROS. Here’s the synopsis…

O Paraíso é um mundo extenso, diversificado, muitas vezes cruel. Existem seres humanos no Paraíso, mas predominam os dinossauros: animais selvagens, monstros, animais de carga e de guerra. Cavaleiros blindados conduzem dinossauros para batalhar legiões de tricerátopos treinados pela guerra e suas equipes camponesas.

Karyl Bogomirsky é um cavaleiro que optou por reunir aqueles que buscam uma saída para a jornada de guerra e loucura. Mas o Império da Nuevaropa anunciou uma cruzada religiosa contra este reino pacífico e as pessoas que desejam viver em paz. Todos devem ser convertidos ou destruídos.

As coisas realmente desandam quando os temidos Anjos Cinzas, antiquadas armas dos deuses que criaram o Paraíso, surgem em cena após quase um milênio. Todos achavam que se tratava de fábulas para assustar crianças. Mas eles são muito reais. E vieram para livrar o mundo do pecado… incluindo todos os humanos que manifestaram esses vícios.

Dark Side Books has also published the first in the series, DINOSAUR LORDSOS SENHORES DOS DINOSSAUROS.

DINOSAUR KNIGHTS is published in English by Tor Books. Here’s the synopsis…

Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often cruel world. There are humans on Paradise but dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden, and of war. Armored knights ride dinosaurs to battle legions of war-trained Triceratops and their upstart peasant crews.

Karyl Bogomirsky is one such knight who has chosen to rally those who seek a way from the path of war and madness. The fact that the Empire has announced a religious crusade against this peaceful kingdom, the people who just wish to live in peace anathema, and they all are to be converted or destroyed doesn’t help him one bit.

Things really turn to mud when the dreaded Grey Angels, fabled ancient weapons of the Gods who created Paradise in the first place come on the scene after almost a millennia. Everyone thought that they were fables used to scare children. They are very much real.

And they have come to rid the world of sin… including all the humans who manifest those vices.

‘Milán continues writing terrific battle scenes that make full use of the knights’ saurian mounts. Those waiting for George R.R. Martin’s next book may find a new favorite in this explosive saga of brutal warfare and mythology come to life.’ — Publishers Weekly on DINOSAUR KNIGHTS

Zeno represents Victor Milán in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

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