Roger Zelazny’s HAND OF OBERON out now in Russia

Roger Zelazny‘s THE HAND OF OBERON is out now in Russia! Published by Эксмо as РУКА ОБЕРОНА, here’s the synopsis…

Древний Хаос пробуждается! Тьма поглощает души отпрысков короля Янтарного королевства Оберона… Лабиринт Амбера поврежден, и лишь великий артефакт, Камень Правосудия, может восстановить его. Но чтобы заполучить Камень, принцу Корвину предстоит узнать многое о своем отце и о самом себе…

THE HAND OF OBERON is the fourth novel in Zelazny’s beloved, classic Chronicles of Amber fantasy series. First published in 1976, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Across the mysterious Black Road, demons swarm into Shadow. The ancient, secret source of the royal family’s power is revealed, & an unholy pact between a prince of the realm & the forces of Chaos threaten all the known worlds with absolute obliteration. The hour of battle is at hand. Now Corwin and the remaining princes of Amber must call upon all their superhuman powers to defeat their brother-turned-traitor before he can walk the magical Pattern that created Amber and remake the universe in his own image.

Эксмо has also published the first three novels in the series: Девять принцев Амбера (NINE PRINCES IN AMBER), Ружья Авалона (THE GUNS OF AVALON), Знак Единорога (SIGN OF THE UNICORN).

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

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