Die Flüsse von London: WER GLAUBT SCHON AN DRACHEN? is Out Now!

The German edition of HERE BE DRAGONS, the eleventh Rivers of London comic storyline, is out in now! Written by Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel, and James Swallow, it is published as WER GLAUBT SCHON AN DRACHEN? by Panini Verlag. Series artwork is by the ever-excellent José María Beroy. Here’s the synopsis…

Ein Urban-Fanatasy-Kracher aus der Welt von Ben Aaronovitchs einzigartigem Peter Grant-Erzähluniversum! Es heißt, ein gefährliches Monster treibt über den Straßen von London sein Unwesen …

Ein geflügeltes Monster mit Zähnen und Klauen, und sein Name ist …

Wyvern! Der angehende Zauberer Peter Grant steigt zum Himmel empor, um in einer Reihe seltsamer UFO-Sichtungen über der Hauptstadt zu ermitteln, nachdem ein Hubschrauber der Met nachts von etwas angegriffen wurde, das sich nur als Drache beschreiben lässt! Peter und sein Mentor Thomas Nightingale, der einzige zugelassene Zauberer der Londoner Polizei, werden in die Pläne eines Trios abtrünniger Fae verwickelt und gehen Ereignissen nach, die bis weit in die Swinging Sixties und zu einem der berühmtesten Londoner Einwohner zurückreichen – eines legendären Rockstars, der einen Pakt mit der Demi-Monde einging, der nie erfüllt wurde. Um die Stadt zu retten, muss Peter die wütende Bestie jagen – aber schafft er es, die Sache zu einem friedlichen Ende zu bringen? Oder wird er gezwungen sein, den letzten Wyvern zu töten?

… Falls er das überhaupt kann.

HERE BE DRAGONS is published in the UK and North America by Titan Comics (who also publish the first ten Rivers of London series storylines). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

CSI meets Harry Potter in this graphic novel from Ben Aaronovitch – writer of the bestselling Rivers of London supernatural police procedural crime novel series, Andrew Cartmel author of the Vinyl Detective and New York Times best-selling author, James Swallow creator of the Marc Dane series, and writer of five best-selling Warhammer 40,000 novels. After a rash of strange UFO sightings above the capital, a Met Police helicopter night patrol is attacked by what can only be described as a dragon!

Wizard in training Peter Grant and his mentor, Thomas Nightingale, the Met’s only sanctioned wizard, takes to the skies to investigate.

As the mystery deepens, Peter and Thomas find themselves caught between two groups of hunters – one human, one fae – and he uncovers the legacy of events that extend all the way back to the late ‘60s and one of London’s most famous residents – a certain “Experienced” rock star – who made a pact with the Demimonde that was never fulfilled.

To save the skies of the city, Peter will have to face the enraged beast – but can he end things peacefully… Or will he be forced to destroy the last wyvern?

Collecting together the critically acclaimed original four-issue mini-series.

With exclusive bonus material, included a script to art comparison, covers gallery and a collection of the backup articles from the four comics.

The continuing comic-book adaptation of Ben Aaronovitch’s hugely successful and award-winning 10-book novel series first published in 2011.

An all-new original adventure starring the Peter Grant the wizard-in-training hero of the first Rivers of London Novel, ‘Rivers of London’, also known as Midnight Riot in the US.

For those who prefer to read in chronological order, or would just like to know how the Rivers of London novels, novellas, and comics fit together, check out the graphic below…

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