MICHAELMAS out now in France!

MICHAELMAS, the classic science fiction novel by Algis Budrys, is out now in France! Published by Milady in eBook, here’s the synopsis…

Michaelmas, reporter adoré des médias, dispose d’une arme d’exception: Domino, un terminal dont il ne se sépare jamais. Grâce à lui, il est capable de traquer et de manipuler l’information sur tous les réseaux et dans toutes les bases de données de la planète.

Il fréquente les puissants et les influents, et rien ne lui est refusé.

En privé, Michaelmas est un homme seul, prudent. Très prudent.

Jusqu’au jour où se dresse devant lui un rival inattendu…

Dans un hôpital suisse, un astronaute revient à la vie après le crash de sa capsule. Un sujet de choix, repris par tous les réseaux, qui ne manque pas d’attiser la curiosité du reporter. Car lui sait que c’est impossible. Mais alors, qui ment? Et pourquoi?

Et si la manipulation débordait des frontières des médias, pour le viser lui, directement?

First published in 1977, MICHAELMAS is now available in eBook, published by Open Road Media. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Published less than a decade into the Internet era, this remarkable science fiction novel foreshadows many of the world’s technological advances

One of the world’s wealthiest and most influential men, journalist Laurent Michaelmas lives in a penthouse overlooking New York City’s Central Park with his super-intelligent computer, Domino. He attained his fame and power after hacking into the worldwide computer network. He then went on to use his unique gifts to create a version of the UN that would ensure global peace. In short, he and Domino secretly run the world. But now he has reason for concern. A Swiss doctor has cured an astronaut believed to have vaporized in a shuttle explosion during an expedition to the outer planets of the solar system. Suspecting that something extraterrestrial is behind this miraculous recovery, Michaelmas uses his immense influence to launch an international investigation.

Are there really aliens in their midst? Is the resurrection of a dead man an attempt to cancel history and destroy the world’s precarious balance of power?

Milady have also published Budrys’s ROGUE MOON and FALLING TORCH in eBook; as LUNE FOURBE and S.O.S. TERRE, respectively…

Open Road Media has published six of Budrys’s novels in eBook: WHO?, FALLING TORCH, ROGUE MOON, THE FURIOUS FUTURE, MICHAELMAS, and HARD LANDING.

Zeno represents Algis Budrys, on behalf of the Budrys Estate.

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