New Russian Edition of Roger Zelazny’s LORD OF LIGHT


Эксмо has published a new edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic LORD OF LIGHT. Published in Russia as Князь света, here’s the synopsis…

Это случилось после гибели Земли. На одной из дальних планет-колоний у власти оказалась группа людей, которые, используя достижения науки, достигли бессмертия и стали править своим миром как Боги индуистского пантеона. Но при этом остались людьми – в прямом смысле этого слова, сохранив человеческие чувства и желания, несмотря на приобретенные ими неограниченные возможности. И неизвестно, стало ли им от этого лучше…

LORD OF LIGHT has also been published in China and Turkey (covers below). The novel is available in the UK, published by Gollancz. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

One of the very best must-read SF novels of all time.

Imagine a distant world where gods walk as men, but wield vast and hidden powers. Here they have made the stage on which they build a subtle pattern of alliance, love, and deadly enmity. Are they truly immortal? Who are these gods who rule the destiny of a teeming world?

Their names include Brahma, Kali, Krishna and also he who was called Buddha, the Lord of Light, but who now prefers to be known simply as Sam. The gradual unfolding of the story — how the colonization of another planet became a re-enactment of Eastern mythology — is one of the great imaginative feats of modern science fiction.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.
