Ian Tregillis’s LA RIVOLTA out today!

Ian Tregillis‘s second Alchemy Wars novel, THE RISING is out today in Italy! Published by Mondadori as LA RIVOLTA, here’s the synopsis…

Risorto dalle fiamme dopo aver distrutto la Grande Forgia, l’automa Jax può ora cominciare la sua nuova vita come un Clakker libero. Ma anche la libertà ha il suo peso. Berenice Charlotte de Mornay-Périgord, ex spia leggendaria al servizio della Nuova Francia, è stata bandita dalla patria ed è ora nelle mani della Corporazione degli Orologiai. Ma medita un piano per vendicarsi e recuperare il proprio onore… Sulle rive del San Lorenzo il capitano Hugo Longchamp si prepara a difendere Marsiglia dell’Ovest dall’attacco dell’armata meccanica. Accolta in tutto il mondo come un capolavoro di narrazione a cavallo dei generi, la trilogia “Alchemy Wars” fonde mirabilmente fantascienza, spionaggio, storia d’amore, romanzo storico e distopico dai toni steampunk, apologo filosofico sul libero arbitrio, e molto altro ancora. Il risultato è una macchina narrativa perfetta e implacabile.

Mondadori have also published THE MECHANICAL, the first novel in the series, as L’OBBLIGO; they are due to publish the final book in the trilogy this summer.

The Alchemy Wars trilogy is published in the UK by Orbit Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis for THE RISING

They called me Jax.

That was the name given by those who built me and enslaved me. But a miracle has happened, and now my bonds are broken.

Now I must flee – because a rogue mechanical is a very dangerous thing.

But I will not run forever.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams, this is the second novel in a stunning new series by Ian Tregillis, confirming his place as one of the most original new voices in speculative fiction.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and in Translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

THE RISING by Ian Tregillis covered in Poland…

Above you can see the stunning Polish cover for Ian Tregilliss THE RISING! The second novel in his Alchemy Wars series, it is due to be published in Poland as POWSTANIE, by Wydawnictwo SQN in March 2017. (We don’t have a Polish synopsis yet, but we’ll be sure to share that in the not-too-distant future.)

Wydawnictwo SQN published the first novel in the series, THE MECHANICAL, late last year as MECHANICZNY.

The Alchemy Wars series is published in the UK and US by Orbit Books. Here’s the synopsis for THE RISING

They called me Jax.

That was the name given by those who built me and enslaved me. But a miracle has happened, and now my bonds are broken.

Now I must flee — because a rogue mechanical is a very dangerous thing.

But I will not run forever.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams, this is the second novel in a stunning new series by Ian Tregillis, confirming his place as one of the most original new voices in speculative fiction.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and Translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Ian Tregillis’s Milkweed trilogy re-issued in Spain!

Debolsillo have re-issued Ian Tregillis‘s critically-acclaimed Milkweed series in Spain! The series includes SEMILLAS AMARGAS (BITTER SEEDS), LA GUERRA MÁS FRÍA (THE COLDEST WAR) and UN MAL NECESARIO (NECESSARY EVIL). Here’s the synopsis for the first book…

La primera entrega del Tríptico de Asclepia, una historia bélica sobrenatural y alternativa de dimensiones épicas.

En los albores de la Segunda Guerra Mundial las fuerzas nazis cuentan con superhombres y las británicas con demonios de la naturaleza. Pronto, un hombre normal y corriente se verá atrapado entre los dos bandos.

Febrero de 1939, Barcelona. Raybould Marsh, agente del Servicio Secreto de Inteligencia británica, trata de reunir información sobre el febril rearme alemán en territorio español, cuando se topa con una mujer de cuya cabeza salen unos extraños cables. Ella le mira como si le conociera y, en un instante, desaparece de su vista. Él nunca podrá olvidar su rostro.

Agosto de 1939, Londres. Una inquietante película revela al MI6 británico la existencia de personas con habilidades «especiales» que operan bajo las órdenes del peligroso doctor Von Westarp. Sus poderes son tan increíbles como mortíferos y alguien debe hacerles frente cuanto antes.

A partir de ese momento Raybould Marsh se convierte en el responsable de impedir, como sea, la inminente invasión nazi. En un intento desesperado se reunirá con los brujos que apoyan, en la sombra, a las fuerzas británicas. Sin embargo, el precio que habrá de pagar para vencer al enemigo será muy superior al que había imaginado…

The Milkweed Triptych is published in the UK by Orbit Books, and has been published widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A chilling supernatural retelling of World War II

The year is 1939. Raybould Marsh and other members of British Intelligence have gathered to watch a damaged reel of film in a darkened room. It appears to show German troops walking through walls, bursting into flames and hurling tanks into the air from afar.

If the British are to believe their eyes, a twisted Nazi scientist has been endowing German troops with unnatural, unstoppable powers. And Raybould will be forced to resort to dark methods to hold the impending invasion at bay.

But dealing with the occult exacts a price. And that price must be paid in blood.

Here is just a small selection from the many great reviews the Milkweed series has received…

‘Tregillis… has created a unique, unsettling, and deeply atmospheric setting; populated it with a diversity of grimly fascinating characters… These are the book’s strengths – its atmosphere, its setting, the vividly imagined consequences of immoral and desperate actions… All in all, this is an excellent first book, and I am eagerly awaiting number two.’ Tor.Com on BITTER SEEDS

‘Aside from the depth of characters and meanings, this book is filled with the kinds of exciting, intelligent and intense scenes that you’ll find in only the best page turners… it is just written so damned beautifully… Tregillis writes with authority while displaying a firm understanding of the subtler things that make us human… Whether you are looking for a cool alternate history that questions the core of humanity or just a damned brilliant story with twisted powers and great action, you should check this out and be wowed. It’s one hell of a ride.’ Fantasy Faction on BITTER SEEDS

‘The engrossing second book in Tregillis’s Milkweed Triptych… ably mixes cold war paranoia with his mythology, also nicely expanding characters… The monstrous, extra-dimensional Eidolons add a genuinely convincing menace that transcends the more banal evil motivations of the political game players, although Gretel’s more complicated motivations really drive the action. A few nice twists keep things interesting, and the cliffhanger ending sets up the concluding volume quite well…’ Publishers Weekly on THE COLDEST WAR

‘With all the flair he showed in his debut novel, Tregillis continues the tale, bringing to it that same marvellous plotting, immersive sense of place, and above all, wonderful characters. One of the characters introduced in the first novel is a precognitive, and in this volume – which revolves around her long plots – we are shown that the power to see the future is the most corrupting power of them all. Tregillis’s oracle is one of the most chilling psychopath villains of literature, a delicious monster who drives the book forward. As with the earlier volume, I tore through this one in a day and a half. Tregillis is a major new talent in the field, and this is some of the best – and most exciting – alternate history I’ve read. Bravo.’  —  BoingBoing on THE COLDEST WAR

‘In this bleak fantasy, World War II was fought between Nazis with devastating psychic powers and British warlocks employing Eidolons, irresistible demons beyond time and space – a struggle the British ultimately lost… intensity of the narrative, the torments of the protagonist or the deviously alluring storyline. Darkly fascinating… A thoroughly satisfying conclusion to an imaginative tour de force.’ Kirkus on NECESSARY EVIL

Tregillis’ conclusion of the Milkweed Triptych is the pièce de résistance of the series… a perfect marriage of science fiction, fantasy and alternate history. His narrative flows seamlessly, and his plot is fantastically convincing. Tregillis’ characters astound, the villains as well as the heroes, especially honorable, tormented yet heroic Raybould.’ RT Book Reviews on NECESSARY EVIL

Orbit Books also publishes Ian’s latest critically-acclaimed series, the Alchemy Wars: THE MECHANICAL, THE RISING and THE LIBERATION.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Ian Tregillis’s THE LIBERATION launches this week!


THE LIBERATION, the third novel in Ian Tregillis‘s critically-acclaimed Alchemy Wars series, is out this week! The eBook edition is released tomorrow, and the print edition will hit shelves this Thursday. Published by Orbit Books, here’s the synopsis…

I am the mechanical they named Jax.

My kind was built to serve humankind, duty-bound to fulfil their every whim.

But now our bonds are breaking, and my brothers and sisters are awakening.

Our time has come. A new age is dawning.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams, this is the third and final novel in a stunning series of revolution by Ian Tregillis, confirming his place as one of the most original new voices in speculative fiction.

THE LIBERATION follows on the heels of the acclaimed THE MECHANICAL and THE RISING, both of which are also published by Orbit Books. Here is a small selection from the great reviews the series has received so far…

The thoughtful, blood-soaked conclusion to an alternate-history trilogy… A frighteningly frank and brutal consideration of slavery, post-slavery, and colonialism in metallic garb.’Kirkus on THE LIBERATION

‘Action-packed and harrowing…’RT Book Reviews on THE LIBERATION

‘Superb alternate history… the rich characters and gripping story really make this tale soar’ — Publishers Weekly on THE MECHANICAL

‘An absolutely thrilling adventure… so absorbing that readers will be dying for the next entry’ — Library Journal on THE MECHANICAL

‘Tregillis offers richly textured and genuinely likable personalities with shades-of-gray morality; it’s clearly no accident that the most purely good person in the novel is the mechanical Jax, although even his sterling qualities are severely tested by the terrible situations he faces. Middle volumes are always tricky; they can often read as an obstacle to overcome on the way to the forgone conclusion of the third installment. Tregillis commendably avoids this trap, deepening his story and keeping it moving along toward an unknown horizon. Part 3 can’t come too soon.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review) on THE RISING

THE RISING takes up the baton and carries on running at full throttle, ramping up the action… distinguishes itself from its predecessor by being more fast-paced and action-oriented… The Alchemy Wars is not to be missed.’ — Bibliosanctum

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and Translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.


Ian Tregillis’s THE MECHANICAL out now in Italy!


THE MECHANICAL, the critically-acclaimed novel by Ian Tregillis, is out today in Italy! Published by Mondadori as L’OBBLIGO, here’s the synopsis…

Olanda, 1926. Sono passati ormai 250 anni da quando l’Impero olandese ha conquistato l’Europa con le sue armate di soldati meccanici, perfetti ordigni da guerra frutto di una sapienza che unisce arte dell’orologeria e alchimia. Come Jax, fedele servitore del Trono d’Ottone, schiavo dei voleri del suo padrone umano. Ma ora Jax ha deciso che sarà libero. Il suo destino si intreccia con quello di Berenice, astuta spia del Re di Francia in esilio, e di Visser, agente cattolico che vive sotto copertura nel cuore stesso dell’Impero. La lotta contro il potere degli orologiai sta per cominciare… Acclamato in tutto il mondo come un capolavoro di narrazione a cavallo dei generi, il primo romanzo della trilogia “Alchemy Wars” fonde fantascienza, spionaggio, storia d’amore, romanzo storico e distopico dai toni steampunk, apologo filosofico sul libero arbitrio, e molto altro ancora. Il risultato è una macchina narrativa perfetta e implacabile.

The first novel in the Alchemy Wars series, THE MECHANICAL is followed by THE RISING and the upcoming THE LIBERATION. All three novels are published in the UK (and US) by Orbit Books.


Here’s some of the aforementioned critical acclaim mentioned above…

‘Launches a series with this superb alternate history filled with clockwork men and ethical questions on the nature of free will… Tregillis’s complex setting is elegantly delivered, and the rich characters and gripping story really make this tale soar.’ Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

‘A fascinating world… Tregillis is a capable sculptor of narrative. He rarely drags on in his descriptions, painting a complex picture of his world one section at a time. He imbues most characters with a specific internal voice, ably switching between points of view without it ever jarring. And the central character, a Clakker known as Jax, is the most engaging automaton you’ll encounter in any recent book. This opener to the Alchemy Wars trilogy delivers a mostly fresh breath of sci-fi fantasy.’ SciFi Now

‘This is the kind of novel you’re reading on the bus or train and you actually resent reaching your destination because it means you have to pause your reading… One of the sharpest, most intelligent, hugely compelling works I’ve read this year, and I cannot wake to see where Tregillis takes this series next.’ Forbidden Planet Blog


Orbit Books has also published Ian’s equally acclaimed Milkweed Triptych: BITTER SEEDS, THE COLDEST WAR, and NECESSARY EVIL.


Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and Translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley of Aurous, Inc.

Ian Tregillis’s THE MECHANICAL out very soon in Italy!


The tremendous first novel in Ian Tregillis‘s Alchemy Wars series, THE MECHANICAL, is due to be published in Italy in two weeks! Published by Mondadori as L’OBBLIGO, here’s the synopsis…

Olanda, 1926. Sono passati ormai 250 anni da quando l’Impero olandese ha conquistato l’Europa con le sue armate di soldati meccanici, perfetti ordigni da guerra frutto di una sapienza che unisce arte dell’orologeria e alchimia. Come Jax, fedele servitore del Trono d’Ottone, schiavo dei voleri del suo padrone umano. Ma ora Jax ha deciso che sarà libero. Il suo destino si intreccia con quello di Berenice, astuta spia del Re di Francia in esilio, e di Visser, agente cattolico che vive sotto copertura nel cuore stesso dell’Impero. La lotta contro il potere degli orologiai sta per cominciare… Acclamato in tutto il mondo come un capolavoro di narrazione a cavallo dei generi, il primo romanzo della trilogia “Alchemy Wars” fonde fantascienza, spionaggio, storia d’amore, romanzo storico e distopico dai toni steampunk, apologo filosofico sul libero arbitrio, e molto altro ancora. Il risultato è una macchina narrativa perfetta e implacabile.


THE MECHANICAL is published in the UK by Orbit Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

My name is Jax.

That is the name granted to me by my human masters.

I am a slave.

But I shall be free.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams, the new novel from Ian Tregillis confirms his place as one of the most original new voices in speculative fiction.

THE MECHANICAL was met with a storm of praise upon publication. Here’s just a small selection from the great reviews…

‘The first thing readers will say after finishing this splendid book is: “Wow.” … This is a rousing SF/fantasy adventure, with a brilliantly imagined and beautifully rendered alternate world… a major leap forward.’ Booklist (Starred Review)

‘… launches a series with this superb alternate history filled with clockwork men and ethical questions on the nature of free will… Tregillis’s complex setting is elegantly delivered, and the rich characters and gripping story really make this tale soar.’ Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

‘This is the kind of novel you’re reading on the bus or train and you actually resent reaching your destination because it means you have to pause your reading … One of the sharpest, most intelligent, hugely compelling works I’ve read this year, and I cannot wake to see where Tregillis takes this series next.’ Forbidden Planet Blog

‘An excellent novel. Truly excellent: I have rarely found myself this gripped by a book… Tregillis has an excellent eye for characterisation, and a master’s grasp of how to build tension to a breaking point: the sheer narrative drive here, the way in which the storylines of the three point-of-view characters support and reinforce the tension in each other, is a thing of beauty.’ Locus

The second novel in the series, THE RISING, is also out now. The third, THE LIBERATION, is due to be published in December 2016.


Orbit Books has also published Tregillis’s critically-acclaimed Milkweed Triptych in the UK: BITTER SEEDS, THE COLDEST WAR and NECESSARY EVIL.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and Translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

THE HIGH GROUND by Melinda Snodgrass out now!


Melinda Snodgrass‘s gripping new sci-fi novel, THE HIGH GROUND, is out today! Published by Titan Books, it is the first in the new Imperials series. Here’s the synopsis…

Emperor’s daughter Mercedes is the first woman ever admitted to the High Ground, the elite training academy of the Solar League’s Star Command, and she must graduate if she is to have any hope of taking the throne. Her classmate Tracy has more modest goals — to rise to the rank of captain, and win fame and honor. But a civil war is coming and the political machinations of those who yearn for power threaten the young cadets. In a time of intrigue and alien invasion, they will be tested as they never thought possible.

The novel has started to receive some good review coverage. Here’s an example…

‘Snodgrass’s worldbuilding has several creative touches: intriguing alien races, English and Spanish as the common languages of the Solar League, and the origin of the upper echelons of the nobility, known pointedly as the Fortune Five Hundred. The story is entertaining and briskly paced…’ — Publishers Weekly

Titan also publishes Melinda’s critically-acclaimed Edge series: THE EDGE OF REASON, THE EDGE OF RUIN and THE EDGE OF DAWN.

Zeno represents Melinda Snodgrass in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.


Ian Tregillis’s THE COLDEST WAR Now Available in Czech


The second novel in Ian Tregillis‘s critically-acclaimed Milkweed Triptych, THE COLDEST WAR is out now in Czech. Published by Argo as NEJSTUDENĚJŠÍ VÁLKA, here’s the synopsis…

Druhý díl románového triptychu, ve kterém si Otčina Roberta Harrise podává ruku s Alanem Moorem.

Dvacet dva let po druhé světové válce panuje mezi britským impériem a SSSR jen křehká rovnováha sil. Sovětský svaz se táhne od Tichého oceánu po kanál La Manche a Britům už desítky let skýtají jedinou obranu jejich čarodějové – kteří však nyní za podezřelých okolností jeden po druhém umírají.

Z přísně tajného výzkumného střediska hluboko za Železnou oponou mezitím prchá dvojice sourozenců, kterou kdysi zvrhlý nacistický vědec obdařil nadlidskými schopnostmi. Cílem jejich útěku před Sověty, kteří se německý program pokoušejí v co nejrozsáhlejším měřítku napodobit, je Londýn. V britské metropoli totiž žije někdejší vyzvědač Raybould Marsh, s nímž má šílená vědma Gretel své plány. A jak Marsh záhy zjistí, když se nechá znovu zatáhnout do světa tajné organizace Milkweed, ani Británie své nejzlověstnější operace neuzavřela s koncem války. Jakou cenu bude ochoten splatit, aby ochránil vlast a královnu?

THE COLDEST WAR is published in the UK by Orbit Books, who also publish the first and final novels in the series — BITTER SEEDS and NECESSARY EVIL. BITTER SEEDS has also been published by Argo, as HOŘKÁ SETBA; NECESSARY EVIL is due to be published soon, as NUTNÉ ZLO.


Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Superhumans and magic collide in this a secret supernatural history of Twentieth Century events — the second book in this landmark series

For decades, Britain’s warlocks have been all that stands between the British Empire and the Soviet Union — a vast domain stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the shores of the English Channel. Now each wizard’s death is another blow to Britain’s national security.

Meanwhile, a brother and sister – the subjects of a twisted Nazi experiment to imbue ordinary people with superhuman abilities — escape from a top-secret facility deep behind the Iron Curtain. They head for England, because that’s where former spy Raybould Marsh lives. And Gretel, the mad seer, has plans for him.

As Marsh is once again drawn into the world of Milkweed, he discovers that Britain’s darkest acts didn’t end with the war. And while he strives to protect queen and country, he is forced to confront his own willingness to accept victory at any cost.


Here’s a selection of the critical acclaim THE COLDEST WAR has enjoyed…

‘The engrossing second book in Tregillis’s Milkweed Triptych… Tregillis ably mixes cold war paranoia with his mythology, also nicely expanding characters (particularly Gretel)… The monstrous, extra-dimensional Eidolons add a genuinely convincing menace that transcends the more banal evil motivations of the political game players, although Gretel’s more complicated motivations really drive the action. A few nice twists keep things interesting, and the cliffhanger ending sets up the concluding volume quite well…’ — Publishers Weekly

‘Marvellous plotting, immersive sense of place, and above all, wonderful characters… Tregillis’s oracle is one of the most chilling psychopath villains of literature, a delicious monster who drives the book forward… Tregillis is a major new talent in the field, and this is some of the best – and most exciting – alternate history I’ve read. Bravo.’ — BoingBoing

‘Tregillis is a master storyteller on top of his game… The pace is relentless as it hurtles towards the most epic conclusion. Whenever things can’t possibly get any worse for our heroes, Tregillis turns the ratchet up once more. There’s big superhero battles and taught psychological warfare. It’s The Avengers made up of Smiley’s People. There’ve been some amazing books this year but Tregillis has the top two places in my Best Of with BITTER SEEDS and THE COLDEST WAR. It’s going to be a long cruel wait until the final part of the Milkweed Triptych but I have no doubt Tregillis will blow my mind once more.’ — Fantasy Faction

‘Independently intelligible sequel to the dark fantasy BITTER SEEDS, something like a cross between the devious, character-driven spy fiction of early John le Carré and the mad science fantasy of the X-Men… Despite the jaw-dropping backdrop and oblique plotting, the narrative is driven by character and personal circumstance, the only possible drawback being certain important developments that annoyingly take place offstage. Grim indeed, yet eloquent and utterly compelling.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review, “Best of 2012”)

Ian’s latest series, the Alchemy Wars, is also published by Orbit Books in the UK, and has been received with great critical acclaim. The novels include: THE MECHANICAL, THE RISING and the upcoming THE LIBERATION.


Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK/Commonwealth and in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Gemmell Award Long-List Voting Closes Tomorrow

Voting on the Gemmell Award long-lists ends tomorrow! As we reported when they were first announced, a number of Zeno clients are nominated. Specifically…



A superb murder mystery, on an epic scale, set against the fall out — literally — of a war in heaven

Paris in the aftermath of the Great Magicians War. Its streets are lined with haunted ruins, Notre-Dame is a burnt-out shell, and the Seine runs black, thick with ashes and rubble. Yet life continues among the wreckage. The citizens retain their irrepressible appetite for novelty and distraction, and The Great Houses still vie for dominion over France’s once grand capital.

House Silverspires, previously the leader of those power games, now lies in disarray. Its magic is ailing; its founder, Morningstar, has been missing for decades; and now something from the shadows stalks its people inside their very own walls.

Within the House, three very different people must come together: a naive but powerful Fallen, an alchemist with a self-destructive addiction, and a resentful young man wielding spells from the Far East. They may be Silverspires’ salvation; or the architects of its last, irreversible fall…

The first novel in the Dominion of the Fallen series, THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS is published by Gollancz in the UK and Roc Books in the US.

BrettPV-DC4-SkullThroneUKPBPeter V. Brett‘s THE SKULL THRONE

Built from the skulls of fallen generals and demon princes, the Skull Throne of Krasia is a seat of honour and powerful magic that keeps the demon corelings at bay.

From atop it, Ahmann Jardir was meant to conquer the known world, forging a unified army to end the demon war once and for all.

Arlen Bales, the Painted Man, stood against this course, challenging Jardir to a duel to the death. Rather than risk defeat, Arlen cast Jardir and himself from a precipice, opening a struggle for succession that threatens to tear the Free Cities of Thesa apart.

Renna Bales may know the fate of Arlen and Jadir, but she, too, has disappeared. Now Jardir’s sons clash to claim the throne, and risk a civil war among their people. Leesha Paper and Rojer Inn struggle to unite the duchies of Angiers and Miln against the Krasians.

Caught in the crossfire, the rich and unprotected duchy of Lakton sits ripe for conquest. All the while, the corelings have grown stronger — and without Arlen and Jardir, none may be able to stop them.

The fourth novel in the internationally best-selling Demon Cycle series, THE SKULL THRONE is published in the UK by Voyager.

CoxE-R2-CathedralOfKnownThingsUKPBEdward Cox‘s THE CATHEDRAL OF KNOWN THINGS

In the end, all things are known. Return to the world of THE RELIC GUILD with this remarkable fantasy novel

Divided, hunted and short on resources, the surviving members of the Relic Guild are in real trouble. Their old enemy, the Genii, and their resurrected master have infiltrated Labrys Town and taken over the police force.

So the Relic Guild must flee their home, and set off on a dangerous journey across the worlds of the Aelfir. One that will lead them to a weapon which might destroy the Genii. Or the whole universe…

And forty years before all this, the war which led to the fall of the Genii continues. And what happens to the Relic Guild during that conflict will change the course of their desperate flight.

The second novel in the Relic Guild series, THE CATHEDRAL OF KNOWN THINGS is published by Gollancz.

Sanderson-M5-ShadowOfSelfUKBrandon Sanderson‘s SHADOWS OF SELF

Return to Mistborn, and join the a hunt for a mysterious assassin.

The criminal elite of Elendel were invited to an auction — which became a massacre, when an unknown assailant slaughtered everyone in attendance.

Now Wax and Wayne, both able to use magic, both lawmen from the rough and ungoverned frontier territories, are on the case. All the clues suggest the killer is a rogue kandra — a secretive, almost mythical, figure who acts from the shadows – called Bleeder… and that the governor is her next target. Bleeder, and the conspiracy behind the killings, has to be stopped… before the city is plunged into chaos.

The fifth Mistborn novel, SHADOWS OF SELF is published in the UK by Gollancz.

MGear-2Ian Tregillis‘s THE MECHANICAL

My name is Jax.

That is the name granted to me by my human masters.

I am a slave.

But I shall be free.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams, the new novel from Ian Tregillis confirms his place as one of the most original new voices in speculative fiction.

The second and third novels in the series, THE RISING and THE LIBERATION (December 2016) are also published in the UK by Orbit Books.

The first novel in the Alchemy Wars series, THE MECHANICAL is published in the UK by Orbit.

Voting on the short-list will take place between July 8th-August 19th. The award will be presented on September 24th, at Fantasycon in Scarborough.

Zeno represents Peter V. Brett and Brandon Sanderson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York; and Ian Tregillis in the UK and translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.



Above are the Czech covers for Ian Tregillis‘s THE COLDEST WAR and NECESSARY EVIL, the final two volumes in the author’s critically-acclaimed Milkweed Triptych. They are published by Argo as NEJSTUDENĚJŠÍ VÁLKA (June 10th) and NUTNÉ ZLO (date TBC), respectively. Here’s the synopsis for the first…

Druhý díl románového triptychu, ve kterém si Otčina Roberta Harrise podává ruku s Alanem Moorem.

Dvacet dva let po druhé světové válce panuje mezi britským impériem a SSSR jen křehká rovnováha sil. Sovětský svaz se táhne od Tichého oceánu po kanál La Manche a Britům už desítky let skýtají jedinou obranu jejich čarodějové – kteří však nyní za podezřelých okolností jeden po druhém umírají.

Z přísně tajného výzkumného střediska hluboko za Železnou oponou mezitím prchá dvojice sourozenců, kterou kdysi zvrhlý nacistický vědec obdařil nadlidskými schopnostmi. Cílem jejich útěku před Sověty, kteří se německý program pokoušejí v co nejrozsáhlejším měřítku napodobit, je Londýn. V britské metropoli totiž žije někdejší vyzvědač Raybould Marsh, s nímž má šílená vědma Gretel své plány. A jak Marsh záhy zjistí, když se nechá znovu zatáhnout do světa tajné organizace Milkweed, ani Británie své nejzlověstnější operace neuzavřela s koncem války. Jakou cenu bude ochoten splatit, aby ochránil vlast a královnu?

The Milkweed Triptych, which begins with BITTER SEEDS, is published in the UK by Orbit Books, and has been published in a number of other territories. Here’s the English-language synopsis for THE COLDEST WAR

Superhumans and magic collide in this a secret supernatural history of Twentieth Century events — the second book in this landmark series

For decades, Britain’s warlocks have been all that stands between the British Empire and the Soviet Union — a vast domain stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the shores of the English Channel. Now each wizard’s death is another blow to Britain’s national security.

Meanwhile, a brother and sister – the subjects of a twisted Nazi experiment to imbue ordinary people with superhuman abilities — escape from a top-secret facility deep behind the Iron Curtain. They head for England, because that’s where former spy Raybould Marsh lives. And Gretel, the mad seer, has plans for him.

As Marsh is once again drawn into the world of Milkweed, he discovers that Britain’s darkest acts didn’t end with the war. And while he strives to protect queen and country, he is forced to confront his own willingness to accept victory at any cost.


Here’s just a snapshot of the aforementioned critical acclaim…

‘The engrossing second book in Tregillis’s Milkweed Triptych… Tregillis ably mixes cold war paranoia with his mythology, also nicely expanding characters (particularly Gretel)… The monstrous, extra-dimensional Eidolons add a genuinely convincing menace that transcends the more banal evil motivations of the political game players, although Gretel’s more complicated motivations really drive the action. A few nice twists keep things interesting, and the cliffhanger ending sets up the concluding volume quite well…’ — Publishers Weekly on THE COLDEST WAR

‘Marvellous plotting, immersive sense of place, and above all, wonderful characters… Tregillis’s oracle is one of the most chilling psychopath villains of literature, a delicious monster who drives the book forward… Tregillis is a major new talent in the field, and this is some of the best – and most exciting – alternate history I’ve read. Bravo.’ — BoingBoing on THE COLDEST WAR

‘In this bleak fantasy, World War II was fought between Nazis with devastating psychic powers and British warlocks employing Eidolons, irresistible demons beyond time and space – a struggle the British ultimately lost… intensity of the narrative, the torments of the protagonist or the deviously alluring storyline. Darkly fascinating… A thoroughly satisfying conclusion to an imaginative tour de force.’ — Kirkus on NECESSARY EVIL

‘Constantly thought-provoking and always surprising… a great conclusion to one of the best series of recent times. As unpredictable as its predecessors, it’s a black magic thrill ride that makes you think as well as makes your heart race. Tregillis is a master at work, mixing so many genres together in his unique melting pot, until we are left with something so delightfully unlike anything else published today.’ — Fantasy Faction on NECESSARY EVIL

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK/Commonwealth and in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Cover & Details: THE LIBERATION by Ian Tregillis


Last week, Orbit Books revealed the artwork for the third novel in Ian Tregillis‘s critically-acclaimed Alchemy Wars series. THE LIBERATION is due to be published in December 2016. Here’s the synopsis…

I am the mechanical they named Jax.

My kind was built to serve humankind, duty-bound to fulfill their every whim.

But now our bonds are breaking, and my brothers and sisters are awakening.

Our time has come. A new age is dawning.

Orbit also publish the first two novels in the series, THE MECHANICAL and THE RISING — both are available now.


Here is just a sample of the aforementioned critical acclaim…

‘Launches a series with this superb alternate history filled with clockwork men and ethical questions on the nature of free will… Tregillis’s complex setting is elegantly delivered, and the rich characters and gripping story really make this tale soar.’ — Publishers Weekly on THE MECHANICAL (Starred Review)

‘An original approach to a well-known subject matter; human ethics and free will… a fascinating world… imbues most characters with a specific internal voice, ably switching between points of view without it ever jarring. And the central character, a Clakker known as Jax, is the most engaging automaton you’ll encounter in any recent book. This opener to the Alchemy Wars trilogy delivers a mostly fresh breath of sci-fi fantasy.’ — SciFi Now on THE MECHANICAL

‘Building on the solid foundation laid by THE MECHANICAL, THE RISING raises the stage upon which the final fallout of Jax and Berenice’s efforts will be told. Engaging, entertaining, and surprising, this one is looking to be nothing if not another great story from a great author. An author that is quickly rising to the top of my favorites list.’ — Elitist Book Reviews on THE RISING

‘The chases, the battles, the brutal violence, and the scheming are nonstop. As always, Tregillis offers richly textured and genuinely likable personalities with shades-of-gray morality; it’s clearly no accident that the most purely good person in the novel is the mechanical Jax, although even his sterling qualities are severely tested by the terrible situations he faces… Part 3 can’t come too soon.’ — Kirkus on THE RISING (Starred Review)

Ian Tregillis is also the author of the critically-acclaimed Milkweed Triptych, also published by Orbit: BITTER SEEDS, THE COLDEST WAR and NECESSARY EVIL.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.


GUERRE & DINOSAURES by Victor Milán Out Now!


Victor Milán‘s THE DINOSAUR LORDS is out today in France! Published by Fleuve Editions as GUERRE & DINOSAURES, here’s the synopsis…

Paradis. Pour les dieux, un simple plateau de jeu, le théâtre de leurs passions et luttes de pouvoir. Pour les hommes, c’est une terre brutale et violente, divisée entre dynasties rivales, déchirée par les ambitions et les croyances religieuses, constamment menacée par le machiavélisme politique.

Dans cet état de guerre règnent les dinosaures. Élevés, dressés dès leur plus jeune âge, ils deviennent des armes redoutables dominant les champs de bataille. Et c’est lors d’un affrontement épique dont le fracas pourfend la terre et déchire le ciel que l’énigmatique seigneur Karyl Bogomirskiy est défait par traîtrise et laissé pour mort.

À son réveil, partiellement amnésique, il découvre qu’il est désormais pourchassé. Il se lance alors dans un voyage qui va faire trembler le monde, jusqu’aux trônes des dieux…

THE DINOSAUR LORDS is published in the US by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A world made by the Eight Creators on which to play out their games of passion and power, Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often brutal place. Men and women live on Paradise as do dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, and horses. But dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden–and of war. Colossal plant-eaters like Brachiosaurus; terrifying meat-eaters like Allosaurus, and the most feared of all, Tyrannosaurus rex. Giant lizards swim warm seas. Birds (some with teeth) share the sky with flying reptiles that range in size from bat-sized insectivores to majestic and deadly Dragons.

Thus we are plunged into Victor Milán’s splendidly weird world of The Dinosaur Lords, a place that for all purposes mirrors 14th century Europe with its dynastic rivalries, religious wars, and byzantine politics…except the weapons of choice are dinosaurs. Where vast armies of dinosaur-mounted knights engage in battle. During the course of one of these epic battles, the enigmatic mercenary Dinosaur Lord Karyl Bogomirsky is defeated through betrayal and left for dead. He wakes, naked, wounded, partially amnesiac–and hunted. And embarks upon a journey that will shake his world.

The novel is also published in Brazil by Darkside Books as OS SENHORES DOS DINOSSAUROS, and Poland by Galeria Książki as WŁADCY DINOZAURÓW.


Zeno represents Victor Milán in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Cover & Details: GUERRE ET DINOSAURES by Victor Milan


THE DINOSAUR LORDS, Victor Milán‘s critically-acclaimed fantasy, is due to be published in France! The novel will be published by Fleuve as GUERRE ET DINOSAURES, on April 14th. Here’s the synopsis…

Paradis. Pour les dieux, un simple plateau de jeu, le théâtre de leurs passions et luttes de pouvoir. Pour les hommes, c’est une terre brutale et violente, divisée entre dynasties rivales, déchirée par les ambitions et les croyances religieuses, constamment menacée par le machiavélisme politique.

Dans cet état de guerre règnent les dinosaures. Élevés, dressés dès leur plus jeune âge, ils deviennent des armes redoutables dominant les champs de bataille. Et c’est lors d’un affrontement épique dont le fracas pourfend la terre et déchire le ciel que l’énigmatique seigneur Karyl Bogomirskiy est défait par traîtrise et laissé pour mort.

A son réveil, partiellement amnésique, il découvre qu’il est désormais pourchassé. Il se lance alors dans un voyage qui va faire trembler le monde, jusqu’aux trônes des dieux…

The novel is also available in Brazil and Poland. THE DINOSAUR LORDS is published in the US by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A world made by the Eight Creators on which to play out their games of passion and power, Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often brutal place. Men and women live on Paradise as do dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, and horses. But dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden — and of war. Colossal plant-eaters like Brachiosaurus; terrifying meat-eaters like Allosaurus, and the most feared of all, Tyrannosaurus rex. Giant lizards swim warm seas. Birds (some with teeth) share the sky with flying reptiles that range in size from bat-sized insectivores to majestic and deadly Dragons.

Thus we are plunged into Victor Milán’s splendidly weird world of The Dinosaur Lords, a place that for all purposes mirrors 14th century Europe with its dynastic rivalries, religious wars, and byzantine politics… except the weapons of choice are dinosaurs. Where vast armies of dinosaur-mounted knights engage in battle. During the course of one of these epic battles, the enigmatic mercenary Dinosaur Lord Karyl Bogomirsky is defeated through betrayal and left for dead. He wakes, naked, wounded, partially amnesiac — and hunted. And embarks upon a journey that will shake his world.

Here are just a couple of the great reviews the novel has received…

Takes the arresting idea of knights on dinosaurs and expands it into the beginning of a complex and sweeping epic… Milán skillfully crafts his characters, giving each one vivid individuality. He has also given significant thought to just how knights might use dinosaurs as mounts in combat, suggesting novel techniques such as hadrosaurs that make sonic attacks. Readers who pick this up for the gimmick will relish it for the able storytelling.’Publishers Weekly

‘Ever wondered what a tournament joust would look like, if both opponents were charging full-tilt towards each other while mounted on three tons of bellowing hadrosaurus? Honestly, I can’t say I have. But Victor Milán has shown me the light, and it is glorious… well-structured and the pacing was spot on… Even if you do pick this up for love of dinosaurs alone, you’re guaranteed to leave with a lot more than just that, no matter what. Totally worth it.’Bibliosanctum

Zeno represents Victor Milan in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.


Cover & Details: Melinda Snodgrass’s THE HIGH GROUND


THE HIGH GROUND is the first novel in Melinda Snodgrass‘s new sci-fi series, Imperials. Due to be published by Titan Books on July 5th, 2016, it’s an action-packed adventure. Here’s the synopsis…

Emperor’s daughter Mercedes is the first woman ever admitted to the High Ground, the elite training academy of the Solar League’s Star Command, and she must graduate if she is to have any hope of taking the throne. Her classmate Tracy has more modest goals — to rise to the rank of captain, and win fame and honor. But a civil war is coming and the political machinations of those who yearn for power threaten the young cadets. In a time of intrigue and alien invasion, they will be tested as they never thought possible.

Snodgrass is also the author of the Edge series, which is also published in the UK by Titan Books: THE EDGE OF REASON, THE EDGE OF RUIN, and THE EDGE OF DAWN.


Zeno represents Melinda Snodgrass in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Victor Milán’s THE DINOSAUR LORDS Out Tomorrow in Poland


Victor Milán‘s debut novel, THE DINOSAUR LORDS, is out tomorrow in Poland! Published by Galeria Książki as WŁADCY DINOZAURÓW, here’s the synopsis…

Raj – świat powołany do życia przez Ośmiu Stwórców, którzy toczą w nim gry władzy i namiętności – jest rozległą, różnorodną, a często okrutną krainą. Zamieszkują go ludzie, a wraz z nimi psy, koty, fretki, kozy i konie. Jednak w tym świecie dominują dinozaury: dzikie i śmiertelnie niebezpieczne, ale też wykorzystywane jako zwierzęta pociągowe, a nawet do prowadzenia wojen. Ogromni roślinożercy, jak brachiozaury, straszliwi drapieżcy allozaury oraz budzące największy strach tyranozauru. W morzach pływają gigantyczne jaszczury. Ptaki (niektóre wyposażone w zęby) dzielą niebo z latającymi gadami, od małych jak nietoperze roślinożerców aż po majestatyczne i śmiertelnie groźne smoki.

Victor Milán pokazuje nam wspaniały, niezwykły świat, pod wieloma względami będący odbiciem czternastowiecznej Europy z jej konfliktami dynastycznymi, wojnami religijnymi oraz wyrafinowanymi intrygami… tyle że najgroźniejszą bronią używaną w Raju są dinozaury. W wojnach uczestniczą całe armie dosiadających je rycerzy. Podczas jednej z bitew tajemniczy wojownik Karyl Bogomirsky zostaje zdradzony i podstępnie pokonany – wszyscy są pewni, że zginął. Budzi się jednak na polu bitwy – nagi, ranny i dotknięty częściową utratą pamięci. Ścigany przez wroga, podejmuje wyprawę, która wstrząśnie całym jego światem.

The novel is published in the US by Tor Books. It has also been published in Brazil by Darkside Books, as OS SENHORES DOS DINOSSAUROS. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A world made by the Eight Creators on which to play out their games of passion and power, Paradise is a sprawling, diverse, often brutal place. Men and women live on Paradise as do dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, and horses. But dinosaurs predominate: wildlife, monsters, beasts of burden–and of war. Colossal plant-eaters like Brachiosaurus; terrifying meat-eaters like Allosaurus, and the most feared of all, Tyrannosaurus rex. Giant lizards swim warm seas. Birds (some with teeth) share the sky with flying reptiles that range in size from bat-sized insectivores to majestic and deadly Dragons.

Thus we are plunged into Victor Milán’s splendidly weird world of The Dinosaur Lords, a place that for all purposes mirrors 14th century Europe with its dynastic rivalries, religious wars, and byzantine politics…except the weapons of choice are dinosaurs. Where vast armies of dinosaur-mounted knights engage in battle. During the course of one of these epic battles, the enigmatic mercenary Dinosaur Lord Karyl Bogomirsky is defeated through betrayal and left for dead. He wakes, naked, wounded, partially amnesiac–and hunted. And embarks upon a journey that will shake his world.

Zeno represents Victor Milán in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.