More Polish CHRONICLES OF AMBER available in audiobook

Today, Polish publisher Storytel continues its publication of Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber in audiobook! Here’s what’s now available…

Here’s the synopsis for RĘKA OBERONA

Potomkowie Oberona wciąż nie mogą dojść do porozumienia i nieustannie knują spiski mające wykluczyć ewentualnego następcę tronu. W wędrówce poprzez światy-cienie książę Amberu, Corwin, trafił do miasta na niebie Tir-na Nog`th. Ujrzał tam niepokojący zbiór znaków i wróżb, a także zdobył od ducha brata, Benedykta, niezwykłą mechaniczną rękę. Odegra ona teraz ważną rolę w walce z Klejnotem i jego właścicielem. Czy rozgrywki rodzeństwa o władzę w Amberze zostaną rozstrzygnięte? I kto tym razem przejmie dominację nad Cieniem?

Here’s the English-language synopsis for THE HAND OF OBERON

Across the mysterious Black Road, demons swarm into Shadow. The ancient, secret source of the royal family’s power is revealed, & an unholy pact between a prince of the realm & the forces of Chaos threaten all the known worlds with absolute obliteration. The hour of battle is at hand. Now Corwin and the remaining princes of Amber must call upon all their superhuman powers to defeat their brother-turned-traitor before he can walk the magical Pattern that created Amber and remake the universe in his own image.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Three more Lafferty Classics available in the UK!

Today, Gollancz’s SF Gateway releases three more of R.A. Lafferty‘s classic novels in eBook! Joining a huge backlist, here are the details for the three new editions…

THE FALL OF ROME (pictured above), was first published in 1971…

The fall of the Roman Empire was the denouement of a long and dramatic confrontation between powerful ideological forces and legendary men. R. A. Lafferty captures the true meaning of both, and examines the people, places, ideas and feelings that led to this epic struggle.

Rome’s demise was not a simple case of fierce barbarians sacking and subduing a decadent, crumbling city. The author has skillfully balanced the turmoil and illusions of a mighty, dying Empire against the vitality of the aggressive Huns, Vandals, and above all, the Goths. The result is one of the most perceptive and stimulating historical accounts ever written.

This is history told and read for sheer pleasure: exciting, splendid and complex. The Fall of Rome is a story of the men and women who made things happen, who were as awesome, poignant, and in some cases, as savage as the era itself.

THE FLAME IS GREEN, first published in 1971, is book one of the Coscuin Chronicles

Let us say that we have a green thing growing forever. Everything that is done is done by it. And on it we also have the red parasite crunching forever; and everything that is undone by that. It is required of each man that he rule over himself in justice, and that he rule over the world in justice. This has gone on forever, though it is hard to trace through garbled history. And it must still is hard to trace through garbled history. And it must still go on forever. For all your own life and for the life of all your children, you will carry on the green battle.

HALF A SKY, first published in 1984 and long-listed for the Locus 1985 Best Novel Award, is the second novel in the Coscuin Chronicles

A constellation of persons or events will have precedent. It will not appear out of nothing; it’s a converging of previous trails and persons. Before one set of adventures, there was always another set; and before those, still another set, back to the beginning of the world.

We pass from one set to another now, from the Green-Flame adventure to the Half-Sky adventure. We are still in the middle of the nineteenth century, that most unreal of centuries, looking for reality under stodgy and ridiculous surface.

Zeno represents R.A. Lafferty in the UK, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Three More Classic Randall Garrett Novels Available as eBooks!


Gollancz’s SF Gateway has recently published three more novels from Randall Garrett‘s extensive, classic backlist: UNWISE CHILD, PAGAN PASSIONS and SUPERMIND! Here are some details…

UNWISE CHILD, originally publishing in 1962…

When a super-robot named Snookums discovers how to build his own superbombs, it becomes obvious that Earth is by no means the safest place for him to be. And so Dr. Fitzhugh, his designer, and Leda Crannon, a child psychologist acting as Snookums’ nursemaid, agree to set up Operation Brainchild, a plan to transport the robot to a far distant planet.

Mike the Angel-M. R. Gabriel, Power Design-has devised the power plant that is to propel the space ship Branchell to its secret destination, complete with its unusual cargo. And, as a reserve officer in the Space Patrol, Mike is a logical replacement for the craft’s unavoidably detained engineering officer.

But once into space, the Branchell becomes the scene of some frightening events-the medical officer is murdered, and Snookums appears to be the culprit. Mike the Angel indulges himself in a bit of sleuthing, and the facts he turns up lead to a most unusual climax.

PAGAN PASSIONS, co-written by Laurence M. Janifer, and originally published in 1959…

The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece and Rome had returned to Earth — with all their awesome powers intact. Overnight, Earth was transformed. War on any scale was outlawed, along with boom-and-bust economic cycles, and prudery. No change was more startling than the face of New York, where the Empire State Building became the Tower of Zeus.

In this totally altered world, William Forrester is an acolyte of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, and a teacher of history. Only Maya Wilson, one of his students and a worshipper of Venus, Goddess of Love, had a different sort of grading in mind. Maya is the first of the many Trials of Forrester, every bit as mighty and perilous as the Labors of Hercules. In love with Gerda Symes (like him, a devotee of Athena and a frequenter of the great Temple of Pallas Athena — formerly known as the 42nd Street Library) and dedicated to the pleasures of the mind — Forrester falls under the soft, compelling pressure of soft, compelling devotees of Venus and Bacchus. He’s going to be in need of all the strength that he and his Goddess, the beautiful and intellectual Athena, can muster!

Into this sensuous strife stride the Temple Myrmidons — religious cops sworn to obey orders without question or hesitation — with a pickup order for William Forrester. Where he is taken, what happens to him, and the truly fantastic discoveries he makes about himself and the Gods and Goddesses… here are the ingredients that make up this science fiction novel of suspense, intrigue, mystery and danger!

And finally, SUPERMIND, also co-written by Laurence M. Janifer, which is the follow-up to THE IMPOSSIBLES (also available through the SF Gateway). Originally published in 1961, here’s the synopsis…

Malone lives in a world where psionic powers such as telepathy and teleportation exist. Malone must cope with them as well as an FBI Director who leaves Malone continually confused about what situation he is being asked to handle and what he is expected to do about it.

Supermind has Malone investigating a series of incidents in which people make mistakes — sometimes minor, and sometimes major – that lead to disasters. It looks like a secret cabal of psis may be behind events, influencing the behavior of those involved. Are they? And if so, why? Malone must find out if it kills him — which is a very real possibility.

Gollancz and the SF Gateway have now published 16 of Garrett’s novels in the UK; check out the covers below…


Zeno represents Randall Garrett in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

New French Editions for Algis Budrys


Milady has published new French editions of two classic Algis Budrys novels! The first, pictured above, is S.O.S. TERRE, originally published in English as FALLING TORCH. Here’s the synopsis…

Exilé de force étant bébé, Michael Wireman a traversé la galaxie pour revenir sur Terre avec un but bien précis. La vengeance. Qui consistera à abattre l’Empire Galactique qui a asservi l’humanité. Mais pour cela, il est seul. Les autres humains sont au mieux impuissants, au pire inconscients. Quant aux Centaures, ils ne valent pas mieux que l’Empire Galactique.

Dépourvu de tout pouvoir, Michael n’a donc pas d’autre choix que de trouver une arme qui lui permettra de réaliser son souhait. Mais une telle chose n’est pas facile à trouver. À moins que, durant tout ce temps, cette arme se soit déjà trouvée en sa possession.


The second, LUNE FOURBE, was originally published in English as ROGUE MOON. Here’s the synopsis…

Il existe sur la Lune une chose mystérieuse, qu’on appelle la Formation – être vivant extraterrestre ou artefact, on sait seulement que cette chose repousse ou tue tous les humains qui s’en approchent. Pourtant, il est vital de tenter de comprendre et dominer cette chose, au nom de la recherche spatiale et de la colonisation du satellite. Al Barker est-il fou de se porter volontaire pour cette mission-suicide?


Both of these novels are available in English, published by Open Road Media. Here are the English-language synopses: first, for FALLING TORCH

Twenty years after Earth is conquered by invaders from space, the exiled US government has a chance to reclaim their lost planet

2513 AD. For the past generation, since Earth was taken over by the Invaders, the US president and his cabinet have lived in exile on a planet in orbit around faraway Alpha Centauri. The Centaurian colony has become the center of the human race, reducing Earth to a backwater region in a sprawling foreign domain. But the banished American leaders still have a powerful yearning to return home. Now, President Ralph Wireman and his government finally have the financial aid and weaponry needed to retake their native planet. Wireman’s son, Michael, is parachuted to Earth as a Free Terrestrial, where the military-trained warrior is thrust into battle not between human and alien, but among factions of outlaw earthlings who demand nothing less than his total surrender.

A novel about war, politics, and assimilation, Falling Torch also presents an incisive portrait of one man’s aspirations of greatness and leadership.

And for ROGUE MOON (Hugo Award nominee for Best Novel in 1961)…

Humanity struggles to understand a killing labyrinth discovered on the Moon in this science fiction adventure about death and rebirth

A monstrous apparatus has been found on the surface of the moon. It devours and destroys in ways so incomprehensible to humans that a new language has to be invented to describe it and a new kind of thinking to understand it. So far, the human guinea pigs sent there in hopes of unraveling the murderous maze have all died terrible deaths. The most recent volunteer survived but is now on suicide watch. The ideal candidate won’t go insane even as he feels the end approaching. Al Barker has already stared into the face of death; he can handle it again. But he won’t merely endure the trauma of dying. Barker will die over and over — even as his human qualities are preserved on Earth.

With its cast of fascinating characters — like brilliant scientist Edward Hawks, who is obsessed with rebirth — Rogue Moon is a rare thriller that doesn’t just make you sweat. It makes you think.



Zeno represents Algis Budrys on behalf of the Budrys Estate.

Two New R.A. Lafferty Titles Now Available


Gollancz’s SF Gateway has released two more books from R.A. Lafferty‘s extensive, classic backlist: AURELIA and LAFFERTY IN ORBIT. Here are the details…


Aurelia was a fifteen-year-old girl from a very advanced world. She’d passed Starship building easily enough, but she’d slept through most of celestial navigation. That was how she ended up on a little back-water dump like Earth, where her advanced powers seemed like miracles.

Some thought she was the Messiah.

Some thought she was the Devil.

No one was prepared for the truth.


The stories contained in this volume demonstrate the unique and unpredictable imagination, style and vision that earned R.A. Lafferty the 1990 World Fantasy Award for Lifetime Achievement.

Zeno represents the R.A. Lafferty Estate in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.


New Russian Edition of Roger Zelazny’s LORD OF LIGHT


Эксмо has published a new edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic LORD OF LIGHT. Published in Russia as Князь света, here’s the synopsis…

Это случилось после гибели Земли. На одной из дальних планет-колоний у власти оказалась группа людей, которые, используя достижения науки, достигли бессмертия и стали править своим миром как Боги индуистского пантеона. Но при этом остались людьми – в прямом смысле этого слова, сохранив человеческие чувства и желания, несмотря на приобретенные ими неограниченные возможности. И неизвестно, стало ли им от этого лучше…

LORD OF LIGHT has also been published in China and Turkey (covers below). The novel is available in the UK, published by Gollancz. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

One of the very best must-read SF novels of all time.

Imagine a distant world where gods walk as men, but wield vast and hidden powers. Here they have made the stage on which they build a subtle pattern of alliance, love, and deadly enmity. Are they truly immortal? Who are these gods who rule the destiny of a teeming world?

Their names include Brahma, Kali, Krishna and also he who was called Buddha, the Lord of Light, but who now prefers to be known simply as Sam. The gradual unfolding of the story — how the colonization of another planet became a re-enactment of Eastern mythology — is one of the great imaginative feats of modern science fiction.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.


New Algis Budrys eBook Editions Next Month


Next month, Open Road Media will be releasing six Algis Budrys novels as eBooks in the U.S.: ROGUE MOON, WHO?, MICHAELMAS, HARD LANDING, FALLING TORCH, and the anthology THE FURIOUS FUTURE.

Budrys, who passed away in 2008, was a critically-acclaimed and prolific author of science fiction. WHO? and ROGUE MOON were both nominated for Hugo Awards (1959 and 1961, respectively); WHO? was also nominated for a British SF Association Award in 2008; HARD LANDING was nominated for a Nebula Award in 1994.

ROGUE MOON is also published in the UK by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series. The novel will also be published by Heyne in Germany this coming July, as PROJEKT LUNA. Gollancz’s SF Gateway also publishes a number of Budrys’s novels as eBooks in the UK.

ROGUE MOON Sighted in German…


ROGUE MOON, one of Algis Budrys‘s masterpieces of science fiction, is due to come out in Germany in July. Published by Heyne as PROJEKT LUNA, here’s the synopsis…

Wir schreiben die 1960er-Jahre, und die Mondlandung der ersten Menschen sorgt weltweit für Furore. Eines der vielen Geheimnisse, die der Mond für die Astronauten bereithält, ist ein gewaltiges Labyrinth, das anscheinend von einer außerirdischen Zivilisation errichtet wurde. Als die Wissenschaftler, neugierig geworden, das Bauwerk betreten, erwartet sie dort ein grauenvoller Tod. Der Physiker Dr. Edward Hawks und der todesmutige Abenteurer Al Barker wollen das Rätsel des Labyrinths lösen, doch so leicht gibt der Mond seine Geheimnisse nicht preis…

ROGUE MOON, which was shortlisted for the 1961 Hugo Award, is published in the UK by Gollancz, as part of the SF Masterworks series. The novel was described by Robert Silverberg as containing the ‘most terrifying pages in any SF novel I have ever read.’ Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The disquieting and story of what happens when monstrous scientific ambition is matched by human obsession.

The moon had finally been reached, and on it was found the most terrifying structure, that killed men over and over again, in torturous, unfathomable ways. Clearly, only a mad man or a suicidal maniac could explore its horrible secrets.

All his life, Al Barker has toyed with death. So when the US lunar programme needs a volunteer to penetrate a murderous labyrinth, alien to all human comprehension, Barker’s the man to do it. But what is required of Barker is that he withstand the trauma of dying, not just once, but time and time and time again…

In addition to ROGUE MOON, the SF Gateway has also published an omnibus, containing THE IRON THRONE, MICHAELMAS and HARD LANDING, and also a selection of individual eBooks in the UK. A handful of Budrys’s novels are due to be published as eBooks in the US later this year, by Open Road Media (we’ll feature them properly on the website, soon).


A Couple More A. Bertram Chandler eBooks Now Available


Today, Gollancz publishes a couple more novels from A. Bertram Chandler‘s extensive, classic sci-fi backlist. Released through the SF Gateway, THE WILD ONES and THE ALTERNATE MARTIANS are now available.

THE WILD ONES is the eighth novel in the second John Grimes cycle, Far Traveller. Here’s the synopsis…

Back on earth with Shirl and Darleen from New Alice, John Grimes is off on a new mission. Giant golden creatures and accusations of witchcraft are all part of A. Bertram Chandler’s last completed novel.

THE ALTERNATE MARTIANS is a stand-alone sci-fi novel. Here’s the succinct synopsis…

A space expedition to Mars find themselves in the worlds of H.G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs and Otis Adelbert Kline.

This is the third batch of novels by A. Bertram Chandler released via the SF Gateway. You can find details about the others here and here. More are on the way!

Zeno represents A. Bertram Chandler in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Second Wave of A. Bertram Chandler eBooks Now Available!


Today, Gollancz’s SF Gateway publishes a second wave of eBooks from A. Bertram Chandler‘s extensive backlist. A couple of weeks ago, we published a piece with the details and reading order for Chandlers’s series. Here’s what’s released today:

From the Rim World novels, originally published between 1961-69: WHEN THE DREAM DIESBRING BACK YESTERDAY and CATCH THE STAR WINDS.

Next up, we have some more books in the first and second John Grimes cycles — Survey Service: THE ROAD TO THE RIM, TO PRIME THE PUMP, THE HARD WAY UP, THE BROKEN CYCLE, SPARTAN PLANET, THE INHERITORS and THE BIG BLACK MARK; and Far Traveler Couriers (1977-84): THE FAR TRAVELER, STAR COURIER, STAR LOOT and THE LAST AMAZON. The third and final Grimes cycle, Rim Commodore, also has a couple more novels out today: INTO THE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, THE RIM GODS,ALTERNATE ORBITS and THE WAY BACK. The second and third John Grimes cycles will be completed December 31st, 2015, and January 28th, 2016. We’ll keep you up to date here.

From the Empress Irene series, set in the same universe as the John Grimes novels, the first and third novels are now available: EMPRESS IN OUTER SPACE and NEBULA ALERT.

And, finally, the stand alone novel UP TO THE SHIP IN STARS.

Zeno represents A. Bertram Chandler in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Details & Covers: A. Bertram Chandler’s Sci-Fi Series


This year, Gollancz‘s SF Gateway is publishing a wave of A. Bertram Chandler novels. We thought it might be helpful to share some more information on the author and reading-order for the novels. You can find out more about the authors novels on his website.

First up (pictured above), the Rim World novels, originally published between 1961-69: THE RIM OF SPACE (out now), BEYOND THE GALACTIC RIM (out now), WHEN THE DREAM DIESBRING BACK YESTERDAYTHE SHIP FROM OUTSIDE (out now) and CATCH THE STAR WINDS. Here’s the synopsis for book one…

Derek Calver touches down on Lorn and is determined to join the Rim Runners to explore desolate planets.

He joins the crew of Lorn Lady and sets forth for Mellise, inhabited by intelligent amphibians; for Groller, where the natives have just qualified as humanoids; for Stree with its tea loving lizards; and Tharn, home of a pre-industrial civilization.


Next up, we have the first John Grimes cycle of novels — John Grimes: Survey Service (1967-75): THE ROAD TO THE RIM, TO PRIME THE PUMP, THE HARD WAY UP, THE BROKEN CYCLE, SPARTAN PLANET, THE INHERITORS and THE BIG BLACK MARK. Here’s the extremely succinct synopsis for the first novel…

Lieutenant John Grimes of the Federation Survey Service: fresh out of the Academy — and as green as they come.


The Grimes saga continues in John Grimes: Far Traveler Couriers (1977-84): THE FAR TRAVELER, STAR COURIER, STAR LOOT and THE LAST AMAZON.


The third Grimes cycle, John Grimes: Rim Commodore (1964-1976): INTO THE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, THE RIM GODS, ALTERNATE ORBITS, THE DARK DIMENSION (out now) and THE WAY BACK.


Finally, the Empress Irene series, which is set in the same universe as the John Grimes novels (1965-67): EMPRESS IN OUTER SPACE, SPACE MERCENARIES (out now) and NEBULA ALERT.

The titles not already available (including a couple of stand-alone novels) are due to be published in the UK by Gollancz’s SF Gateway in eBook, on December 17th — we will, of course, post a reminder on the day.

Zeno represents A. Bertram Chandler in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.