Gollancz’s SF Gateway has recently published three more novels from Randall Garrett‘s extensive, classic backlist: UNWISE CHILD, PAGAN PASSIONS and SUPERMIND! Here are some details…
UNWISE CHILD, originally publishing in 1962…
When a super-robot named Snookums discovers how to build his own superbombs, it becomes obvious that Earth is by no means the safest place for him to be. And so Dr. Fitzhugh, his designer, and Leda Crannon, a child psychologist acting as Snookums’ nursemaid, agree to set up Operation Brainchild, a plan to transport the robot to a far distant planet.
Mike the Angel-M. R. Gabriel, Power Design-has devised the power plant that is to propel the space ship Branchell to its secret destination, complete with its unusual cargo. And, as a reserve officer in the Space Patrol, Mike is a logical replacement for the craft’s unavoidably detained engineering officer.
But once into space, the Branchell becomes the scene of some frightening events-the medical officer is murdered, and Snookums appears to be the culprit. Mike the Angel indulges himself in a bit of sleuthing, and the facts he turns up lead to a most unusual climax.
PAGAN PASSIONS, co-written by Laurence M. Janifer, and originally published in 1959…
The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece and Rome had returned to Earth — with all their awesome powers intact. Overnight, Earth was transformed. War on any scale was outlawed, along with boom-and-bust economic cycles, and prudery. No change was more startling than the face of New York, where the Empire State Building became the Tower of Zeus.
In this totally altered world, William Forrester is an acolyte of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, and a teacher of history. Only Maya Wilson, one of his students and a worshipper of Venus, Goddess of Love, had a different sort of grading in mind. Maya is the first of the many Trials of Forrester, every bit as mighty and perilous as the Labors of Hercules. In love with Gerda Symes (like him, a devotee of Athena and a frequenter of the great Temple of Pallas Athena — formerly known as the 42nd Street Library) and dedicated to the pleasures of the mind — Forrester falls under the soft, compelling pressure of soft, compelling devotees of Venus and Bacchus. He’s going to be in need of all the strength that he and his Goddess, the beautiful and intellectual Athena, can muster!
Into this sensuous strife stride the Temple Myrmidons — religious cops sworn to obey orders without question or hesitation — with a pickup order for William Forrester. Where he is taken, what happens to him, and the truly fantastic discoveries he makes about himself and the Gods and Goddesses… here are the ingredients that make up this science fiction novel of suspense, intrigue, mystery and danger!
And finally, SUPERMIND, also co-written by Laurence M. Janifer, which is the follow-up to THE IMPOSSIBLES (also available through the SF Gateway). Originally published in 1961, here’s the synopsis…
Malone lives in a world where psionic powers such as telepathy and teleportation exist. Malone must cope with them as well as an FBI Director who leaves Malone continually confused about what situation he is being asked to handle and what he is expected to do about it.
Supermind has Malone investigating a series of incidents in which people make mistakes — sometimes minor, and sometimes major – that lead to disasters. It looks like a secret cabal of psis may be behind events, influencing the behavior of those involved. Are they? And if so, why? Malone must find out if it kills him — which is a very real possibility.
Gollancz and the SF Gateway have now published 16 of Garrett’s novels in the UK; check out the covers below…

Zeno represents Randall Garrett in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.