New Audiobook Edition of DIE GLOCKE VON WHITECHAPEL… Out Now!

LIES SLEEPING, the seventh novel in the Rivers of London / Peter Grant series by Ben Aaronovitch, is now available in a new German audiobook edition! Published by Hörbuch Hamburg, as DIE GLOCKE VON WHITECHAPEL, it is read by Dietmar Wunder (who has read many of the other books in the series). Here’s the synopsis…

Auf der Jagd nach dem Gesichtslosen

Constable und Zauberlehrling Peter Grant steht vor seiner größten Herausforderung: Das Schicksal Londons steht auf dem Spiel. Der gesichtslose Magier, verantwortlich für grauenvolle übernatürliche Verbrechen, ist zwar endlich demaskiert und auf der Flucht. Doch er verfolgt einen perfiden Plan, der ganz London in den Abgrund stürzen könnte. Um den Gesichtslosen zu stoppen, muss Peter all seine magischen Kräfte aufbieten – und einen bösen alten Bekannten kontaktieren: Mr. Punch, den mörderischen Geist des Aufruhrs und der Rebellion.

Humorvoll und spannend gelesen von Dietmar Wunder.

The print and eBook editions of DIE GLOCKE VON WHITECHAPEL are published by DTV. The novel was translated by Christine Blum.

LIES SLEEPING is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in North America by DAW Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In London, the past is never dead. It only lies sleeping…

Martin Chorley – aka the Faceless Man – wanted for multiple counts of murder, fraud and crimes against humanity, has been unmasked and is on the run. Peter Grant, Detective Constable and apprentice wizard, now plays a key role in an unprecedented joint operation to bring Chorley to justice.

But even as the unwieldy might of the Metropolitan Police bears down on its foe, Peter uncovers clues that Chorley, far from being finished, is executing the final stages of a long-term plan. A plan that has its roots in London’s two thousand bloody years of history, and could literally bring the city to its knees.

To save his beloved city Peter’s going to need help from his former best friend and colleague – Lesley May – who brutally betrayed him and everything he thought she believed in. And, far worse, he might even have to come to terms with the malevolent supernatural killer and agent of chaos known as Mr Punch…

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received…

‘Funny… laugh-out-loud prose… fans will delight in this outing.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘… recounted with deadpan British wit and irony… packed with fascinating historical detail… Lively and amusing and different.’ — Kirkus

‘Peter Grant’s London has depth, breadth, and a complex array of recurring characters, and every one of the novels can be relied on to start with a bang… Aaronovitch’s Peter Grant has a distinctive voice, one that makes even the bureaucracy of regular police work engaging and compelling… Aaronovitch writes a tense, compelling police procedural with magic. As usual, Grant’s voice is striking, and the action gripping and intense.’ —

‘[S]till as fresh as ever… Aaronovitch melds the magical and mundane extremely well. There’s a good mix of ‘London practicality’ and ‘unimaginable terror’ here; this isn’t a world where everyone can take the idea that magic is a real thing in their stride. Fear of the unknown keeps things in the margins, which provides a backdrop for the main characters’ struggles… The plot dives straight into strands from the previous titles, tying up plots going all the way back to book one whilst fraying new threads to keep the intrigue going. The pace is solid and steady, the action is as thrilling as ever and the whole thing ticks along like an old yet exciting friend… A must for fans of the series so far and, as always, we can’t wait to read the next one.’ — Starburst

Ben Aaronovitch’s EINE NACHTIGALL IN NEW YORK is out tomorrow!

EINE NACHTIGALL IN NEW YORK, the German edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s highly-anticipated new Rivers of London novella, THE MASQUERADES OF SPRING, is out tomorrow (September 12th)! Published by DTV, it was translated by Christine Blum. Here’s the synopsis…

New York, 1920er-Jahre: Augustus Berrycloth-Young, Absolvent der Zauberschule Casterbrook, ist unangenehm überrascht: Denn unangekündigt steht sein alter Schulkamerad Thomas Nightingale vor der Tür und reißt ihn aus seinem behaglichen Leben.

Nightingale ist auf geheimer Mission nach New York geschickt worden, um ein verzaubertes Saxophon ausfindig zu machen, das seltsame Kräfte entfaltet, wenn es gespielt wird. Und ausgerechnet Augustus soll ihm helfen, dabei will er eigentlich nur das Dolce Vita genießen.

Auf der Suche machen die beiden Männer die Jazzclubs der Metropole unsicher und machen unfreiwillig mit der nicht-magischen und korrupten Polizei Bekanntschaft…

The book will also be available as an audiobook, narrated by Dietmar Wunder (published by GoyaLiT) — this edition is published today.

THE MASQUERADES OF SPRING is due to be published in the UK by Gollancz/Orion and in North America by Subterranean Press. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

York City, New York.

Meet Augustus Berrycloth-Young – fop, flaneur, and Englishman abroad – as he chronicles the Jazz Age from his perch atop the city that never sleeps.

That is, until his old friend Thomas Nightingale arrives, pursuing a rather mysterious affair concerning an old saxophone – which will take Gussie from his warm bed, to the cold shores of Long Island, and down to the jazz clubs where music, magic, and madness haunt the shadows…

Ben will be going on a short UK book tour to celebrate the release of the novella. Check out the graphic below for details…

Out Now: DIE FLÜSSE VON LONDON – REIHE II by Ben Aaronovitch

Some more Rivers of London news this week: DTV has published a second collection of the internationally-bestselling and acclaimed novels by Ben Aaronovitch! DIE FLÜSSE VON LONDON – REIHE II collects the BROKEN HOMES, FOXGLOVE SUMMER, and THE HANGING TREE (books 4-6). Translated by the excellent Christine Blum (who has worked on the whole series), here’s the synopsis…

Der böse Ort:

Seltsame Dinge geschehen im Skygarden Tower, einem berüchtigten Sozialwohnblock in Südlondon. Dinge, die eine magische Anziehungskraft auf Police Constable und Zauberlehrling Peter Grant ausüben. Zunächst geht es nur um ein gestohlenes altes Buch über Magie, das aus der Weißen Bibliothek zu Weimar stammt. Doch dann weitet sich der Fall rasant aus. Denn der Erbauer des Tower, Erik Stromberg, ein brillanter, wenngleich leicht gestörter Architekt, hatte sich einst in seiner Zeit am Bauhaus offenbar nicht nur mit modernem Design, sondern auch mit Magie befasst. Was erklären könnte, warum der Skygarden Tower einen unablässigen Strom von begabten Künstlern, Politikern, Drogendealern, Serienmördern und Irren hervorgebracht hat. Und warum der unheimliche gesichtslose Magier, den Peter noch in schlechtester Erinnerung hat, ein so eingehendes Interesse daran an den Tag legt …


Obwohl sich Police Constable Peter Grant schon unwohl fühlt, wenn er Londons Skyline auch nur ein paar Kilometer weit hinter sich lässt, wird er jetzt in die tiefste Provinz geschickt: in einen kleinen Ort in Herefordshire – wo sich Fuchs, Hase und der Dorfpolizist Gute Nacht sagen. Aber es werden zwei Kinder vermisst, und ihr Verschwinden erfolgte womöglich unter magischen Umständen. Also muss Peter notgedrungen sein angestammtes Biotop verlassen. Mit der Flusstochter Beverley Brook begibt er sich mutig nach Westen, hinein ins ländliche England …

Der Galgen von Tyburn: 

Wie man einem gesichtslosen Magier zu Leibe rückt, was die Bewohner von Londons teuerster Immobilie so treiben und wie ungünstig es sein kann, wenn man Lady Tyburn einen Gefallen schuldet – diese und noch mehr erfreuliche Erkenntnisse warten bei seinem neuen Fall auf Police Constable Peter Grant. Einen Einblick ins Leben der Reichen und Schönen von London gibt es gratis dazu. Und die öffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung aufrechterhalten sollte er bei all dem möglichst auch noch.

The Rivers of London series is published in the UK by Gollancz/Orion. Books 4-6 are published in North America by DAW Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis for BROKEN HOMES

A mutilated body in Crawley. Another killer on the loose. The prime suspect is one Robert Weil – an associate of the twisted magician known as the Faceless Man? Or just a common garden serial killer?

Before PC Peter Grant can get his head round the case, a town planner going under a tube train and a stolen grimoire are adding to his case-load. So far so London.

But then Peter gets word of something very odd happening in Elephant and Castle, on an housing estate designed by a nutter, built by charlatans and inhabited by the truly desperate. Is there a connection? And if there is, why oh why did it have to be south of the River?

The latest book in the series is THE MASQUERADES OF SPRING, a novella starring Thomas Nightingale — it is due to be published in early September by Gollancz (UK), Subterranean Press (North America), and DTV (Germany).

Ben Aaronovitch’s EINE NACHTIGALL IN NEW YORK out in Two Weeks!

The German edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s highly-anticipated new Rivers of London novella, THE MASQUERADES OF SPRING, is out in two weeks! Due to be published by DTV, as EINE NACHTIGALL IN NEW YORK, it was translated by Christine Blum. Here’s the synopsis…

New York, 1920er-Jahre: Augustus Berrycloth-Young, Absolvent der Zauberschule Casterbrook, ist unangenehm überrascht: Denn unangekündigt steht sein alter Schulkamerad Thomas Nightingale vor der Tür und reißt ihn aus seinem behaglichen Leben.

Nightingale ist auf geheimer Mission nach New York geschickt worden, um ein verzaubertes Saxophon ausfindig zu machen, das seltsame Kräfte entfaltet, wenn es gespielt wird. Und ausgerechnet Augustus soll ihm helfen, dabei will er eigentlich nur das Dolce Vita genießen.

Auf der Suche machen die beiden Männer die Jazzclubs der Metropole unsicher und machen unfreiwillig mit der nicht-magischen und korrupten Polizei Bekanntschaft…

The book will also be available as an audiobook, narrated by Dietmar Wunder (published by GoyaLiT).

THE MASQUERADES OF SPRING is due to be published in the UK by Gollancz/Orion and in North America by Subterranean Press. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

York City, New York.

Meet Augustus Berrycloth-Young – fop, flaneur, and Englishman abroad – as he chronicles the Jazz Age from his perch atop the city that never sleeps.

That is, until his old friend Thomas Nightingale arrives, pursuing a rather mysterious affair concerning an old saxophone – which will take Gussie from his warm bed, to the cold shores of Long Island, and down to the jazz clubs where music, magic, and madness haunt the shadows…

Ben will be going on a short UK book tour to celebrate the release of the novella. Check out the graphic below for details…

Audio Spotlight: LEGENDS & LATTES in Germany!

Today, we just wanted to draw your attention to the German audiobook editions of Travis Baldree‘s acclaimed, best-selling LEGENDS & LATTES and BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST! Both editions are published by Hörbuch Hamburg, and read by Stefan Kaminski. The German editions were translated by Wolfgang Thon (print and eBook editions published by DTV).

LEGENDS & LATTES is published as MAGIE & MILCHSCHAUM, and here’s the synopsis…

Schwert oder Kaffee? Das ist hier die Frage.

Viv, eine wilde und tapfere Ork-Kriegerin, ist nach Jahren voller Abenteuer und Fährnisse des Kämpfens müde geworden. Sehr zum Unwillen ihrer Gefährten beschließt sie, das Schwert an den Nagel zu hängen – und dafür ein Kaffeehaus zu eröffnen. In der Hafenstadt Thune setzt sie zusammen mit dem Hobbit Cal ihren Plan in die Tat um und lockt mit dem exquisiten Getränk schon bald Krieger, Zwerge und Wesen jeglicher Art an… und leider auch den bösen Elf Fennus, der von Viv ein geheimnisvolles Artefakt stehlen will. Eines Nachts steht das Kaffeehaus in Flammen… aber auch wenn Viv sich mittlerweile in den Succubus Tandri verliebt hat, ist sie alles andere als eingerostet und nimmt den Kampf auf!

BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is published as BÜCHER & BARBAREN. Here’s the synopsis…

Keks oder Kampf – das ist jetzt die Frage!

Gerade als Ork-Kriegerin Viv mit ihrer Karriere als Söldnerin bei Rackam’s Ravens durchstarten will, verletzt sie sich bei einem Kampf und wird von der Crew in der Küstenstadt Murk abgesetzt. Verwundet ist Viv gezwungen, ihr Schwert vorerst beiseitezulegen. Bevor sie sich jedoch langweilen kann, trifft sie auf Fern, die sie in die Welt der Bücher entführt, und somit findet Viv ein neues Projekt: die Erneuerung des heruntergekommenen Bücherladens. Auch mit der Zwergin und Bäckerin Maylee verbringt Viv immer mehr Zeit. Doch Murk ist nicht die schläfrige Kleinstadt, für die Viv sie gehalten hat – die Gnomin Gallina will Viv um jeden Preis beweisen, dass sie eine gute Kämpferin für Rackam ist, und dann ist da auch noch ein Neuankömmling, der sein Unwesen in der Stadt treibt…

Both books are published in English by Tor Books (in the UK and in North America). The audiobooks are narrated by the author, and out now!

Travis Baldree’s BÜCHER & BARBAREN is Out Now!

BÜCHER & BARBAREN, the German edition of Travis Baldree‘s highly-anticipated second novel, BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST, is out now! Published by DTV, and translated by Wolfgang Thon, here’s the synopsis…

Gerade als Ork-Kriegerin Viv mit ihrer Karriere als Söldnerin bei Rackam’s Ravens durchstarten will, verletzt sie sich bei einem Kampf und wird von der Crew in der Küstenstadt Murk abgesetzt.

Verwundet ist Viv gezwungen, ihr Schwert vorerst beiseitezulegen. Bevor sie sich jedoch langweilen kann, trifft sie auf Fern, die sie in die Welt der Bücher entführt, und somit findet Viv ein neues Projekt: die Erneuerung des heruntergekommenen Bücherladens. Auch mit der Zwergin und Bäckerin Maylee verbringt Viv immer mehr Zeit.

Doch Murk ist nicht die schläfrige Kleinstadt, für die Viv sie gehalten hat – die Gnomin Gallina will Viv um jeden Preis beweisen, dass sie eine gute Kämpferin für Rackam ist, und dann ist da auch noch ein Neuankömmling, der sein Unwesen in der Stadt treibt …

BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is also out in North America, published by Tor Books; in the UK, published by Tor Books; and in Poland, published by Insignis. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

When an injury throws a young, battle-hungry orc off her chosen path, she may find that what we need isn’t always what we seek.

Set in the world of New York Times bestselling Legends & Lattes, Travis Baldree’s Bookshops & Bonedust takes us on a journey of high fantasy, first loves, and secondhand books.

Viv’s career with the notorious mercenary company Rackam’s Ravens isn’t going as planned.

Wounded during the hunt for a powerful necromancer, she’s packed off against her will to recuperate in the sleepy beach town of Murk—so far from the action that she worries she’ll never be able to return to it.

What’s a thwarted soldier of fortune to do?

Spending her hours at a beleaguered bookshop in the company of its foul-mouthed proprietor is the last thing Viv would have predicted, but it may be both exactly what she needs and the seed of changes she couldn’t possibly imagine.

Still, adventure isn’t all that far away. A suspicious traveler in gray, a gnome with a chip on her shoulder, a summer fling, and an improbable number of skeletons prove Murk to be more eventful than Viv could have ever expected.

Here are just a few of the many great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘What I love about Travis Baldree is that set against an epic world of adventure, he writes about the small victories that make life worthwhile. BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST does this and it is glorious’ — Ben Aaronovitch

‘… a lovely coming-of-age story about a character trained for war who learns that there’s more to life than endless battles. What makes the story special is the way that so many stock fantasy archetypes are cast against type and find new modes of prospering that don’t involve big weapons and bigger wars… This prequel is the perfect place for readers to start Baldree’s cozy fantasy series where folks band together for good, and evil is conquered through cleverness and friendship.’ — Library Journal (Starred Review), SFF Pick of the Month

‘This prequel gives readers a glimpse of Viv as a young orc, still committed to the fighter’s life, just taking an enforced break in a charming town populated by compelling, richly drawn characters, and the slightest hint of danger in the wind. Despite the lurking necromancer, the vibes are decidedly warm and cozy, and the plot is just as much about saving the bookstore and building relationships as it is about protecting the town from the man in gray. As a prequel, it can stand alone, but will certainly satisfy fans as well. Warm and wonderful.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘Baldree’s prequel to Legends and Lattes (2022) cements his talent for cozy fantasy, engaging characters, and anachronistic references that would be at home in a Discworld novel… Knowing where a character ends up often drains tension from a prequel, but Baldree avoids that pitfall because the joy of reading here isn’t a simple uncertainty over who lives or dies but rather watching friendships blossom and characters grow. Folks who enjoyed the camaraderie and settings of this year’s Dungeons & Dragons movie—as well as anyone who likes the idea of an orc warrior becoming a devotee of the power of reading and its ability to broaden your horizons—should check out Viv’s adventures.’ — Booklist (Starred Review)

‘Bestseller Baldree’s cozy standalone sequel to LEGENDS & LATTES shows that even a battle-hungry orc can find happiness in life’s simple pleasures… The innocent joy of Viv and Fern’s love is delightful and Baldree’s formula of placing low-stakes stories in high-fantasy settings remains good fun. Series fans will eat this up.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘This prequel gives readers a glimpse of Viv as a young orc, still committed to the fighter’s life, just taking an enforced break in a charming town populated by compelling, richly drawn characters, and the slightest hint of danger in the wind. Despite the lurking necromancer, the vibes are decidedly warm and cozy, and the plot is just as much about saving the bookstore and building relationships as it is about protecting the town from the man in gray. As a prequel, it can stand alone, but will certainly satisfy fans as well. Warm and wonderful.’ — Literary Hub

‘Travis Baldree has worked his magic again to create a story full of heart, and some of the loveliest characters that I’ve read. There’s a wholesome ensemble, some glimpses of Viv’s mercenary skills, as well as enough growth to help her grow into her coffee-shop persona, all tightly written. Highly recommended, and definitely one of my top reads this year.’ — Fantasy Book Critic


In case you missed the news, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind fans of Ben Aaronovitch‘s Rivers of London series that his next novella is out later this year! THE MASQUERADES OF SPRING is due to be published in the UK by Gollancz/Orion on September 5th! Once again taking the action across the Pond, here’s the synopsis…

New York City, New York.

Meet Augustus Berrycloth-Young – fop, flaneur, and Englishman abroad – as he chronicles the Jazz Age from his perch atop the city that never sleeps.

That is, until his old friend Thomas Nightingale arrives, pursuing a rather mysterious affair concerning an old saxophone – which will take Gussie from his warm bed, to the cold shores of Long Island, and down to the jazz clubs where music, magic, and madness haunt the shadows…

The novella will also be available in North America, published by Subterranean Press (shipping in September); and also in Germany, published by DTV (September 11th) — translated by Christine Blum.

Here’s the German-language synopsis, too…

Eine Nachtigall in New York

New York, 1920er-Jahre: Augustus Berrycloth-Young, Absolvent der Zauberschule Casterbrook, ist unangenehm überrascht: Denn unangekündigt steht sein alter Schulkamerad Thomas Nightingale vor der Tür und reißt ihn aus seinem behaglichen Leben.

Nightingale ist auf geheimer Mission nach New York geschickt worden, um ein verzaubertes Saxophon ausfindig zu machen, das seltsame Kräfte entfaltet, wenn es gespielt wird. Und ausgerechnet Augustus soll ihm helfen, dabei will er eigentlich nur das Dolce Vita genießen.

Auf der Suche machen die beiden Männer die Jazzclubs der Metropole unsicher und machen unfreiwillig mit der nicht-magischen und korrupten Polizei Bekanntschaft … 

German Edition of Travis Baldree’s BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST Out in May!

The German edition of Travis Baldree‘s highly-anticipated second novel, BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST, is due out May 16th! Published by DTV as BÜCHER & BARBAREN, and translated by Wolfgang Thon, here’s the synopsis…

Gerade als Ork-Kriegerin Viv mit ihrer Karriere als Söldnerin bei Rackam’s Ravens durchstarten will, verletzt sie sich bei einem Kampf und wird von der Crew in der Küstenstadt Murk abgesetzt.

Verwundet ist Viv gezwungen, ihr Schwert vorerst beiseitezulegen. Bevor sie sich jedoch langweilen kann, trifft sie auf Fern, die sie in die Welt der Bücher entführt, und somit findet Viv ein neues Projekt: die Erneuerung des heruntergekommenen Bücherladens. Auch mit der Zwergin und Bäckerin Maylee verbringt Viv immer mehr Zeit.

Doch Murk ist nicht die schläfrige Kleinstadt, für die Viv sie gehalten hat – die Gnomin Gallina will Viv um jeden Preis beweisen, dass sie eine gute Kämpferin für Rackam ist, und dann ist da auch noch ein Neuankömmling, der sein Unwesen in der Stadt treibt …

BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is published in North America by Tor Books, and in the UK also by Tor Books; the novel is also available in Poland, published by Insignis. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

When an injury throws a young, battle-hungry orc off her chosen path, she may find that what we need isn’t always what we seek.

Set in the world of New York Times bestselling Legends & Lattes, Travis Baldree’s Bookshops & Bonedust takes us on a journey of high fantasy, first loves, and secondhand books.

Viv’s career with the notorious mercenary company Rackam’s Ravens isn’t going as planned.

Wounded during the hunt for a powerful necromancer, she’s packed off against her will to recuperate in the sleepy beach town of Murk—so far from the action that she worries she’ll never be able to return to it.

What’s a thwarted soldier of fortune to do?

Spending her hours at a beleaguered bookshop in the company of its foul-mouthed proprietor is the last thing Viv would have predicted, but it may be both exactly what she needs and the seed of changes she couldn’t possibly imagine.

Still, adventure isn’t all that far away. A suspicious traveler in gray, a gnome with a chip on her shoulder, a summer fling, and an improbable number of skeletons prove Murk to be more eventful than Viv could have ever expected.

Here are just a few of the many great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘What I love about Travis Baldree is that set against an epic world of adventure, he writes about the small victories that make life worthwhile. BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST does this and it is glorious’ — Ben Aaronovitch

‘… a lovely coming-of-age story about a character trained for war who learns that there’s more to life than endless battles. What makes the story special is the way that so many stock fantasy archetypes are cast against type and find new modes of prospering that don’t involve big weapons and bigger wars… This prequel is the perfect place for readers to start Baldree’s cozy fantasy series where folks band together for good, and evil is conquered through cleverness and friendship.’ — Library Journal (Starred Review), SFF Pick of the Month

‘Baldree’s prequel to Legends and Lattes (2022) cements his talent for cozy fantasy, engaging characters, and anachronistic references that would be at home in a Discworld novel… Knowing where a character ends up often drains tension from a prequel, but Baldree avoids that pitfall because the joy of reading here isn’t a simple uncertainty over who lives or dies but rather watching friendships blossom and characters grow. Folks who enjoyed the camaraderie and settings of this year’s Dungeons & Dragons movie—as well as anyone who likes the idea of an orc warrior becoming a devotee of the power of reading and its ability to broaden your horizons—should check out Viv’s adventures.’ — Booklist (Starred Review)

‘Bestseller Baldree’s cozy standalone sequel to LEGENDS & LATTES shows that even a battle-hungry orc can find happiness in life’s simple pleasures… The innocent joy of Viv and Fern’s love is delightful and Baldree’s formula of placing low-stakes stories in high-fantasy settings remains good fun. Series fans will eat this up.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘This prequel gives readers a glimpse of Viv as a young orc, still committed to the fighter’s life, just taking an enforced break in a charming town populated by compelling, richly drawn characters, and the slightest hint of danger in the wind. Despite the lurking necromancer, the vibes are decidedly warm and cozy, and the plot is just as much about saving the bookstore and building relationships as it is about protecting the town from the man in gray. As a prequel, it can stand alone, but will certainly satisfy fans as well. Warm and wonderful.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘This prequel gives readers a glimpse of Viv as a young orc, still committed to the fighter’s life, just taking an enforced break in a charming town populated by compelling, richly drawn characters, and the slightest hint of danger in the wind. Despite the lurking necromancer, the vibes are decidedly warm and cozy, and the plot is just as much about saving the bookstore and building relationships as it is about protecting the town from the man in gray. As a prequel, it can stand alone, but will certainly satisfy fans as well. Warm and wonderful.’ — Literary Hub

‘Travis Baldree has worked his magic again to create a story full of heart, and some of the loveliest characters that I’ve read. There’s a wholesome ensemble, some glimpses of Viv’s mercenary skills, as well as enough growth to help her grow into her coffee-shop persona, all tightly written. Highly recommended, and definitely one of my top reads this year.’ — Fantasy Book Critic

Travis Baldree’s BÜCHER UND BARBAREN Out Next Year!

Travis Baldree continues his global conquest, as BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST will soon be getting a German edition! BÜCHER UND BARBAREN is due to be published by DTV, on April 18th, 2024. It was translated by Wolfgang Thon.

Gerade als Ork-Kriegerin Viv mit ihrer Karriere als Söldnerin bei Rackam’s Ravens durchstarten will, verletzt sie sich bei einem Kampf und wird von der Crew in der Küstenstadt Murk abgesetzt. Verwundet ist Viv gezwungen, ihr Schwert vorerst beiseitezulegen. Bevor sie sich jedoch langweilen kann, trifft sie auf Fern, die sie in die Welt der Bücher entführt, und somit findet Viv ein neues Projekt: die Erneuerung des heruntergekommenen Bücherladens. Auch mit der Zwergin und Bäckerin Maylee verbringt Viv immer mehr Zeit. Doch Murk ist nicht die schläfrige Kleinstadt, für die Viv sie gehalten hat – die Gnomin Gallina will Viv um jeden Preis beweisen, dass sie eine gute Kämpferin für Rackam ist, und dann ist da auch noch ein Neuankömmling, der sein Unwesen in der Stadt treibt…

DTV also publishes Travis’s debut, the internationally-bestselling and wildly acclaimed LEGENDS & LATTES — as MAGIE UND MILCHSHAUM (also translated by Wolfgang Thon).

LEGENDS & LATTES and BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST are published in the UK and North America by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the New York Times #1 best-selling BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST

When an injury throws a young, battle-hungry orc off her chosen path, she may find that what we need isn’t always what we seek.

Set in the world of New York Times bestselling Legends & Lattes, Travis Baldree’s Bookshops & Bonedust takes us on a journey of high fantasy, first loves, and secondhand books.

Viv’s career with the notorious mercenary company Rackam’s Ravens isn’t going as planned.

Wounded during the hunt for a powerful necromancer, she’s packed off against her will to recuperate in the sleepy beach town of Murk — so far from the action that she worries she’ll never be able to return to it.

What’s a thwarted soldier of fortune to do?

Spending her hours at a beleaguered bookshop in the company of its foul-mouthed proprietor is the last thing Viv would have predicted, but it may be both exactly what she needs and the seed of changes she couldn’t possibly imagine.

Still, adventure isn’t all that far away. A suspicious traveler in gray, a gnome with a chip on her shoulder, a summer fling, and an improbable number of skeletons prove Murk to be more eventful than Viv could have ever expected.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘What I love about Travis Baldree is that set against an epic world of adventure, he writes about the small victories that make life worthwhile. BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST does this and it is glorious’ — Ben Aaronovitch

‘… a lovely coming-of-age story about a character trained for war who learns that there’s more to life than endless battles. What makes the story special is the way that so many stock fantasy archetypes are cast against type and find new modes of prospering that don’t involve big weapons and bigger wars… This prequel is the perfect place for readers to start Baldree’s cozy fantasy series where folks band together for good, and evil is conquered through cleverness and friendship.’ — Library Journal (Starred Review), SFF Pick of the Month

‘This prequel gives readers a glimpse of Viv as a young orc, still committed to the fighter’s life, just taking an enforced break in a charming town populated by compelling, richly drawn characters, and the slightest hint of danger in the wind. Despite the lurking necromancer, the vibes are decidedly warm and cozy, and the plot is just as much about saving the bookstore and building relationships as it is about protecting the town from the man in gray. As a prequel, it can stand alone, but will certainly satisfy fans as well. Warm and wonderful.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘Baldree’s prequel to Legends and Lattes (2022) cements his talent for cozy fantasy, engaging characters, and anachronistic references that would be at home in a Discworld novel… Knowing where a character ends up often drains tension from a prequel, but Baldree avoids that pitfall because the joy of reading here isn’t a simple uncertainty over who lives or dies but rather watching friendships blossom and characters grow. Folks who enjoyed the camaraderie and settings of this year’s Dungeons & Dragons movie—as well as anyone who likes the idea of an orc warrior becoming a devotee of the power of reading and its ability to broaden your horizons—should check out Viv’s adventures.’ — Booklist (Starred Review)

‘Bestseller Baldree’s cozy standalone sequel to LEGENDS & LATTES shows that even a battle-hungry orc can find happiness in life’s simple pleasures… The innocent joy of Viv and Fern’s love is delightful and Baldree’s formula of placing low-stakes stories in high-fantasy settings remains good fun. Series fans will eat this up.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘This prequel gives readers a glimpse of Viv as a young orc, still committed to the fighter’s life, just taking an enforced break in a charming town populated by compelling, richly drawn characters, and the slightest hint of danger in the wind. Despite the lurking necromancer, the vibes are decidedly warm and cozy, and the plot is just as much about saving the bookstore and building relationships as it is about protecting the town from the man in gray. As a prequel, it can stand alone, but will certainly satisfy fans as well. Warm and wonderful.’ — Literary Hub


AMONGST OUR WEAPONS, the ninth novel in Ben Aaronovitch‘s acclaimed and internationally best-selling Rivers of London/Peter Grant series, is out now in a new German paperback edition! Published by DTV as DIE SILBERKAMMER IN DER CHANCERY LANE, translated by Christine Blum. Here’s the synopsis…

Der neunte Peter-Grant-Roman aus der Bestsellerserie ›Die Flüsse von London‹ — jetzt im Taschenbuch!

Peter Grant, der Londoner Bobby und Zauberlehrling (sowie neuerdings Praktikantinnenausbilder), hat einen neuen Fall. In den Silberkammern in der Chancery Lane hat es einen merkwürdigen Todesfall gegeben. Der Tote weist eine große Wunde im Brustkorb auf – als hätte man ihm das Herz herausgerissen. Die Ermittlungen führen zu einem zweiten Toten. Und dann zunehmend weiter über London hinaus – in völlig unerwartete räumliche, zeitliche und extradimensionale Gefilde. Dabei hat Peter eigentlich schon mehr als genug damit zu tun, sich auf ein ganz bestimmtes freudiges Ereignis vorzubereiten, das allmählich die Züge eines hochmagischen und illustren Großevents annimmt…

The Rivers of London series is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in North America by JABberwocky (1-3), DAW Books (4-) and Subterranean Press (novellas). The series is also available widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis for AMONGST OUR WEAPONS

There is a world hidden underneath this great city…

The London Silver Vaults – for well over a century, the largest collection of silver for sale in the world. It has more locks than the Bank of England and more cameras than a celebrity punch-up. Not somewhere you can murder someone and vanish without a trace – only that’s what happened.

The disappearing act, the reports of a blinding flash of light and memory loss amongst the witnesses all make this a case for Detective Constable Peter Grant and the Special Assessment Unit.

Alongside their boss DCI Thomas Nightingale, the SAU find themselves embroiled in a mystery that encompasses London’s tangled history, foreign lands and, most terrifying of all, the North!

And Peter must solve this case soon because back home his partner Beverley is expecting twins any day now. But what he doesn’t know is that he’s about to encounter something – and somebody – that nobody ever expects…

Effortlessly original, endlessly inventive and hugely entertaining – step into the world of the much-loved, Number One bestselling Rivers of London series.

New Paperback Edition of DIE SILBERKAMMER IN DER CHANCERY LANE Out in Two Weeks!

AMONGST OUR WEAPONS, the ninth novel in Ben Aaronovitch‘s acclaimed and internationally best-selling Rivers of London/Peter Grant series, is getting a new German paperback edition in two weeks! Published by DTV as DIE SILBERKAMMER IN DER CHANCERY LANE, translated by Christine Blum. Here’s the synopsis…

Der neunte Peter-Grant-Roman aus der Bestsellerserie ›Die Flüsse von London‹ — jetzt im Taschenbuch!

Peter Grant, der Londoner Bobby und Zauberlehrling (sowie neuerdings Praktikantinnenausbilder), hat einen neuen Fall. In den Silberkammern in der Chancery Lane hat es einen merkwürdigen Todesfall gegeben. Der Tote weist eine große Wunde im Brustkorb auf – als hätte man ihm das Herz herausgerissen. Die Ermittlungen führen zu einem zweiten Toten. Und dann zunehmend weiter über London hinaus – in völlig unerwartete räumliche, zeitliche und extradimensionale Gefilde. Dabei hat Peter eigentlich schon mehr als genug damit zu tun, sich auf ein ganz bestimmtes freudiges Ereignis vorzubereiten, das allmählich die Züge eines hochmagischen und illustren Großevents annimmt…

The Rivers of London series is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in North America by JABberwocky (1-3), DAW Books (4-) and Subterranean Press (novellas). The series is also available widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis for AMONGST OUR WEAPONS

There is a world hidden underneath this great city…

The London Silver Vaults – for well over a century, the largest collection of silver for sale in the world. It has more locks than the Bank of England and more cameras than a celebrity punch-up. Not somewhere you can murder someone and vanish without a trace – only that’s what happened.

The disappearing act, the reports of a blinding flash of light and memory loss amongst the witnesses all make this a case for Detective Constable Peter Grant and the Special Assessment Unit.

Alongside their boss DCI Thomas Nightingale, the SAU find themselves embroiled in a mystery that encompasses London’s tangled history, foreign lands and, most terrifying of all, the North!

And Peter must solve this case soon because back home his partner Beverley is expecting twins any day now. But what he doesn’t know is that he’s about to encounter something – and somebody – that nobody ever expects…

Effortlessly original, endlessly inventive and hugely entertaining – step into the world of the much-loved, Number One bestselling Rivers of London series.

Ben Aaronovitch’s WINTER’S GIFTS is a Sunday Times Bestseller! (Plus an Author Interview!)

We’re very happy to report that WINTER’S GIFTS was an instant bestseller in the UK! Published in the UK by Gollancz/Orion Books, here’s the synopsis…


When retired FBI Agent Patrick Henderson calls in an ‘X-Ray Sierra India’ incident, the operator doesn’t understand. He tells them to pass it up the chain till someone does.

That person is FBI Special Agent Kimberley Reynolds. Leaving Quantico for snowbound Northern Wisconsin, she finds that a tornado has flattened half the town – and there’s no sign of Henderson.

Things soon go from weird to worse, as neighbours report unsettling sightings, key evidence goes missing, and the snow keeps rising – cutting off the town, with no way in or out…

Something terrible is awakening. As the clues lead to the coldest of cold cases – a cursed expedition into the frozen wilderness – Reynolds follows a trail from the start of the American nightmare, to the horror that still lives on today…

Additionally, we wanted to share with you today a two-part interview that Ben did when he was in Germany, to discuss the Rivers of London universe (including the comics)…

And here’s part 2…

Travis Baldree’s MAGIE UND MILCHSCHAUM is out Today!

MAGIE UND MILCHSHAUM, the German edition of Travis Baldree‘s acclaimed and bestselling LEGENDS & LATTES is out today! Published by DTV , and translated by Wolfgang Thon, here’s the synopsis…

Viv, eine wilde und tapfere Ork-Kriegerin, ist nach Jahren voller Abenteuer und Fährnisse des Kämpfens müde geworden. Sehr zum Unwillen ihrer Gefährten beschließt sie, das Schwert an den Nagel zu hängen – und dafür ein Kaffeehaus zu eröffnen. In der Hafenstadt Thune setzt sie zusammen mit dem Hobbit Cal ihren Plan in die Tat um und lockt mit dem exquisiten Getränk schon bald Krieger, Zwerge und Wesen jeglicher Art an … und leider auch den bösen Elf Fennus, der von Viv ein geheimnisvolles Artefakt stehlen will. Eines Nachts steht das Kaffeehaus in Flammen … aber auch wenn Viv sich mittlerweile in den Succubus Tandri verliebt hat, ist sie alles andere als eingerostet und nimmt den Kampf auf!

The UK and North American editions of the novel are published by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

After a lifetime of bounties and bloodshed, Viv is hanging up her sword for the last time.

The battle-weary orc aims to start fresh, opening the first ever coffee shop in the city of Thune. But old and new rivals stand in the way of success — not to mention the fact that no one has the faintest idea what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the blade behind her and make her plans a reality, she won’t be able to go it alone.

But the true rewards of the uncharted path are the travelers you meet along the way. And whether drawn together by ancient magic, flaky pastry, or a freshly brewed cup, they may become partners, family, and something deeper than she ever could have dreamed.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘This is a story about following your dreams, even when they take you away from who you thought you had to be. It’s sweet, beautiful and, most of all, kind. I hugely recommend this book.’ — Seanan McGuireNew York Times bestselling author of Every Heart A Doorway

‘The most fun I’ve ever had in a coffee shop.’ — Ben Aaronovitch, bestselling author of Rivers of London

‘This slice-of-life cozy fantasy novel has everything you’ve been searching for.’ — Buzzfeed

‘An orc retires from adventuring to start a fantasy city’s very first coffee shop. This setup combined with the positive messages of defying societal stereotypes, letting go of violence to build peace, and trusting in your friends feels like a premise from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld… LEGENDS & LATTES is a novel, and shop, that will delight anyone who enjoys coffee-shop alternate universes, slow-burn romances, and the vindication of friendship.’ — Booklist, starred review

‘A gentle little cozy set against an epic fantasy backdrop…. This charming outing will please anyone who’s ever wished to spend time in a fantasy world without all the quests and battles.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘A stunningly-well done story at every level’ — Fantasy Faction

‘If you like fantasy but you’re tired of reading about wars and general intensity, this is the book for you… Cozy fantasy at its best.’ — Literary Hub

LEGENDS & LATTES isn’t just a cosy, slice-of-life fantasy, it is a hug after a long day, it’s that first bite of chocolate you’ve been desperately craving or that first sip of coffee, it’s pyjamas and blankets and everything else which brings comfort and warmth. This is a tale so simple yet so wholesome and adorable, it has made me see just how versatile the fantasy genre can be… Believe the hype… this book deserves all the praise… Baldree delivers a tale to soothe the soul, a tale which had me smiling and crying with happiness from beginning to end.’ — Fantasy Hive


DIE SCHLAFENDEN GEISTER DES LAKE SUPERIOR, the German edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s highly-anticipated, latest Rivers of London novella is out now in Germany! Published by DTV,  it stars FBI Agent Kimberley Reynolds. Here’s the synopsis…

Agentin Kimberley Reynolds arbeitet in einer Spezialabteilung des FBI, zuständig für seltsame, übernatürliche und schlichtweg okkulte Dinge. Nach dem rätselhaften Hilferuf ihres Exkollegen Henderson muss Reynolds abrupt nach Eloise, Wisconsin, reisen. Die Situation dort ist dramatisch: Ein Eistornado hat Stadtverwaltung und Polizeirevier in einen Trümmerhaufen verwandelt. Henderson ist spurlos verschwunden. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass er gewaltsam entführt wurde – von etwas, das kein Mensch war. Und unversehens hat Reynolds einen Fall am Hals, gegen den jede ›Akte X‹ wie ein Kinderspiel aussieht.

WINTER’S GIFTS is due to be published in the UK by Gollancz, on June 8th. (Details and cover still to come.)


The German edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s highly-anticipated, latest Rivers of London novella, WINTER’S GIFTS is out in three weeks! The book is published on April 20th in Germany by DTV, as DIE SCHLAFENDEN GEISTER DES LAKE SUPERIOR. Starring FBI Agent Kimberley Reynolds, here’s the synopsis…

Agentin Kimberley Reynolds arbeitet in einer Spezialabteilung des FBI, zuständig für seltsame, übernatürliche und schlichtweg okkulte Dinge. Nach dem rätselhaften Hilferuf ihres Exkollegen Henderson muss Reynolds abrupt nach Eloise, Wisconsin, reisen. Die Situation dort ist dramatisch: Ein Eistornado hat Stadtverwaltung und Polizeirevier in einen Trümmerhaufen verwandelt. Henderson ist spurlos verschwunden. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass er gewaltsam entführt wurde – von etwas, das kein Mensch war. Und unversehens hat Reynolds einen Fall am Hals, gegen den jede ›Akte X‹ wie ein Kinderspiel aussieht.

WINTER’S GIFTS is due to be published in the UK by Gollancz, on June 8th. (Details and cover still to come.)