EARTHQUAKE WEATHER by Tim Powers out tomorrow in the UK!


Tim Powers‘s EARTHQUAKE WEATHER is released in the UK tomorrow! The final volume in the author’s Fault Lines trilogy, it is published as part of Gollancz‘s Fantasy Masterworks. Here’s the synopsis…

A young woman possessed by a ghost has slain the Fisher King of the West, Scott Crane. Now, temporarily freed from that malevolent spirit, she seeks to restore the King to life.

But Crane’s body has been taken to the magically protected home of Pete and Angelica Sullivan, and their adopted son, Koot Hoomie. Kootie is destined to be the next Fisher King, but he is only 13 years old — too young, his mother thinks, to perform the rituals to assume the Kingship.

But not too young, perhaps, to assist in reuniting Scott Crane’s body and spirit, and restoring him to life…

The other two volumes in the series — LAST CALL and EXPIRATION DATE — are also published in the UK by Gollancz as part of the Fantasy Masterworks series.


Here’s just a couple of reviews for EARTHQUAKE WEATHER

‘Full of the action, suspense, twists, supernatural and home-baked magic Powers fans crave. And it’s got a climax that’ll make your head spin.’ — SF Site

‘Incredibly rewarding…’Greenman Review

PowersT-MedusasWebUK-BLogTim Powers’s next novel, MEDUSA’S WEB, is due to be published in the UK by Corvus, in January 2016. Here’s the cover and synopsis…

In the wake of their Aunt Amity’s suicide, Scott and Madeline Madden are summoned to Caveat, the eerie, decaying mansion in the Hollywood hills in which they were raised. But their decadent and reclusive cousins, the malicious wheelchair-bound Claimayne and his sister, Ariel, do not welcome Scott and Madeline’s return to the childhood home they once shared. While Scott desperately wants to go back to their shabby south of Sunset lives, he cannot pry his sister away from this old house that is a conduit for the supernatural.

Decorated by bits salvaged from old hotels and movie sets, Caveat hides a dark family secret that stretches back to the golden days of Rudolph Valentino and the silent film stars. A collection of hypnotic abstract images inked on paper allows the Maddens to briefly fragment and flatten time – to transport themselves into the past and future in visions that are both puzzling and terrifying.

As Madeline falls more completely under Caveat’s spell, Scott must fight to protect her. But will he unravel the mystery of the Madden family’s past and finally free them. . . or be pulled deeper into their deadly web?

Zeno represents Tim Powers in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Russell Galen at Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency in New York.



Above is the new cover for the third book in the acclaimed Fault Lines Sequence by Tim Powers. Now available as part of Gollancz‘s Fantasy Masterworks series, here’s the synopsis…

A young woman possessed by a ghost has slain the Fisher King of the West, Scott Crane. Now, temporarily freed from that malevolent spirit, she seeks to restore the King to life.

But Crane’s body has been taken to the magically protected home of Pete and Angelica Sullivan, and their adopted son, Koot Hoomie. Kootie is destined to be the next Fisher King, but he is only 13 years old — too young, his mother thinks, to perform the rituals to assume the Kingship.

But not too young, perhaps, to assist in reuniting Scott Crane’s body and spirit, and restoring him to life…

EARTHQUAKE WEATHER is due to be published on November 12th, 2015. The other two novels in the Fault Lines SequenceLAST CALL and EXPIRATION DATE — are also published by Gollancz as Fantasy Masterworks.


Zeno represents Tim Powers in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Russell Galen at the Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency.