New Audiobook Edition of DIE GLOCKE VON WHITECHAPEL… Out Now!

LIES SLEEPING, the seventh novel in the Rivers of London / Peter Grant series by Ben Aaronovitch, is now available in a new German audiobook edition! Published by Hörbuch Hamburg, as DIE GLOCKE VON WHITECHAPEL, it is read by Dietmar Wunder (who has read many of the other books in the series). Here’s the synopsis…

Auf der Jagd nach dem Gesichtslosen

Constable und Zauberlehrling Peter Grant steht vor seiner größten Herausforderung: Das Schicksal Londons steht auf dem Spiel. Der gesichtslose Magier, verantwortlich für grauenvolle übernatürliche Verbrechen, ist zwar endlich demaskiert und auf der Flucht. Doch er verfolgt einen perfiden Plan, der ganz London in den Abgrund stürzen könnte. Um den Gesichtslosen zu stoppen, muss Peter all seine magischen Kräfte aufbieten – und einen bösen alten Bekannten kontaktieren: Mr. Punch, den mörderischen Geist des Aufruhrs und der Rebellion.

Humorvoll und spannend gelesen von Dietmar Wunder.

The print and eBook editions of DIE GLOCKE VON WHITECHAPEL are published by DTV. The novel was translated by Christine Blum.

LIES SLEEPING is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in North America by DAW Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In London, the past is never dead. It only lies sleeping…

Martin Chorley – aka the Faceless Man – wanted for multiple counts of murder, fraud and crimes against humanity, has been unmasked and is on the run. Peter Grant, Detective Constable and apprentice wizard, now plays a key role in an unprecedented joint operation to bring Chorley to justice.

But even as the unwieldy might of the Metropolitan Police bears down on its foe, Peter uncovers clues that Chorley, far from being finished, is executing the final stages of a long-term plan. A plan that has its roots in London’s two thousand bloody years of history, and could literally bring the city to its knees.

To save his beloved city Peter’s going to need help from his former best friend and colleague – Lesley May – who brutally betrayed him and everything he thought she believed in. And, far worse, he might even have to come to terms with the malevolent supernatural killer and agent of chaos known as Mr Punch…

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received…

‘Funny… laugh-out-loud prose… fans will delight in this outing.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘… recounted with deadpan British wit and irony… packed with fascinating historical detail… Lively and amusing and different.’ — Kirkus

‘Peter Grant’s London has depth, breadth, and a complex array of recurring characters, and every one of the novels can be relied on to start with a bang… Aaronovitch’s Peter Grant has a distinctive voice, one that makes even the bureaucracy of regular police work engaging and compelling… Aaronovitch writes a tense, compelling police procedural with magic. As usual, Grant’s voice is striking, and the action gripping and intense.’ —

‘[S]till as fresh as ever… Aaronovitch melds the magical and mundane extremely well. There’s a good mix of ‘London practicality’ and ‘unimaginable terror’ here; this isn’t a world where everyone can take the idea that magic is a real thing in their stride. Fear of the unknown keeps things in the margins, which provides a backdrop for the main characters’ struggles… The plot dives straight into strands from the previous titles, tying up plots going all the way back to book one whilst fraying new threads to keep the intrigue going. The pace is solid and steady, the action is as thrilling as ever and the whole thing ticks along like an old yet exciting friend… A must for fans of the series so far and, as always, we can’t wait to read the next one.’ — Starburst

New Italian Edition of DEUS IRAE Out Now!

DEUS IRAE, the acclaimed collaboration between Roger Zelazny and Philip K. Dick, is now available in a new Italian edition! Published by Mondadori’s Oscar imprint, it was translated by Simona Fefè. Here’s the synopsis…

Dopo la terza guerra mondiale tra i pochi sopravvissuti alla catastrofe nucleare, flagellati da terribili mutazioni, prende piede una nuova potente confessione religiosa, devota al “Dio dell’Ira”: la sua incarnazione – sostengono gli adepti – è Carleton Lufteufel, l’uomo che ha scatenato l’orrore atomico. Tibor McMasters, artista focomelico, viene incaricato di realizzare un grande affresco che raffiguri la nuova divinità. Per farlo, si imbarca in un lungo viaggio alla sua ricerca, attraverso una terra avvelenata, popolata di creature bizzarre, fanatici religiosi e macchine psicotiche. Frutto della collaborazione tra due maestri della narrativa fantascientifica, Deus Irae (1976) è un romanzo eccentrico e visionario, elaborato per oltre un decennio, che mette assieme Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie e Don Chisciotte, i road movie, la ricerca del Graal e il racconto biblico, in una sorta di allucinata parodia dell’America del Dopoguerra dalle inquietanti prospettive teologiche, che tenta di rispondere alla domanda di sempre: che cosa ci rende umani?

First published in 1976, here’s the English-language synopsis…

An artist searches for God so he can paint his portrait in Philip K. Dick’s collaboration with Roger Zelazny.

After World War III, the Servants of Wrath cult deified the mysterious Carlton Lufteufel, creator of the doomsday weapon that wiped out much of humanity. But to worship the man, they need an image of him as a god, and no one has ever seen him. So the high priests send a limbless master painter named Tibor McMasters into the wilderness on a mission to find Lufteufel and capture his likeness. Unfortunately for Tibor, the nation’s remaining Christians do not want him to succeed and are willing to kill to ensure that the so-called Deus Irae remains hidden. This hallucinatory tale through a nuclear wasteland asks what price the artist must pay for art and tries to figure out just what makes a god.

Lavie Tidhar’s MAROR is a Best of 2024 in Germany!

We’re very happy to report that the German edition of Lavie Tidhar‘s internationally-acclaimed MAROR has been selected as “Der beste Krimi des Jahres” by Deutschlandfunk Kultur! The stand-alone novel is published in Germany by Suhrkamp, and was translated by Conny Lösch. Here’s the synopsis…

Eine Autobombe in den Seitenstraßen von Tel Aviv. Ein Diamantenraub in Haifa. Bürgerkrieg im Libanon. Rebellenkämpfer im kolumbianischen Dschungel. Ein Doppelmord in Los Angeles.

Wie hängt all dies zusammen? Das weiß nur Cohen, ein Mann, der sein Land liebt. Ein vernünftiger Mann für unvernünftige Zeiten.

Maror ist die Geschichte eines Krieges um die Seele eines Landes ‒ es ist eine wahre Geschichte. All diese Dinge sind passiert.

The novel is published in the UK and North America by Apollo/Head of Zeus. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

How do you build a nation?

It takes statesmen and soldiers, farmers and factory workers, of course. But it also takes thieves, prostitutes and policemen.

Nation-building demands sacrifice. And one man knows exactly where those bodies are buried: Cohen, a man who loves his country. A reasonable man for unreasonable times.

A car bomb in the back streets of Tel Aviv. A diamond robbery in Haifa. Civil war in Lebanon. Rebel fighters in the Colombian jungle. A double murder in Los Angeles.

How do they all connect? Only Cohen knows.

Maror is the story of a war for a country’s soul – a dazzling spread of narrative gunshots across four decades and three continents.

It is a true story. All of these things happened.

Next CHRONICLES OF AMBER Russian Omnibus Out now!

Fanzon/Эксмо continues its extensive publishing plan for Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber series! A new omnibus, collecting SIGN OF THE UNICORN and THE HAND OF OBERON (books 3 and 4) is out now! Published as Знак Единорога. Рука Оберона, here’s the synopsis…

Номинация на «Мифопоэтическую премию» и премию «Великое кольцо».

Третий и четвертый романы цикла «Хроники Амбера» — грандиозной саги мастера фэнтези Роджера Желязны.

«Знак Единорога»

Враг отступил от стен Амбера, но на Черной Дороге все еще неспокойно. Кто-то убивает Каина. Корвин, которого обвинили в преступлении, замечает связь между убийством и исчезновением Бранда. Захватив власть, Корвин пытается справиться с бременем лидерства. Столкнувшись со зловещими последствиями предательства братьев и сестер, он отправляется на поиски истины, но находит лишь зловещее предсказание, которое предвещает ему скорую гибель.

«Рука Оберона»

По таинственной Черной Дороге демоны приходят из Теневых миров. Древний тайный источник могущества королевской семьи раскрыт, а нечестивый договор между принцем-чернокнижником и силами Хаоса грозит всем известным мирам абсолютным уничтожением. Час битвы близок. Теперь Корвин и остальные принцы и принцессы Амбера должны призвать на помощь все свои сверхчеловеческие силы, чтобы победить предателя, прежде чем он сможет переделать Вселенную по своему образу и подобию.

The first two novels in the series — Девять принцев Амбера (NINE PRINCES IN AMBER) and Ружья Авалона (GUNS OF AVALON) — are also available in a two-book collection, published by fanzon/Эксмо.

The Chronicles of Amber novels are published in the UK as part of Gollancz’s SF Masterworks series, collected into two omnibuses. Here’s the synopsis for the first collection…

Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself – Shadow worlds, that can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the Patriarch Oberon has intensified the internal conflict by leaving the throne apparently up for grabs.

In a hospital on the Shadow Earth, a young man is recovering from a freak car accident; amnesia has robbed him of all his memory, even the fact that he is Corwin, Crown Prince of Amber, rightful heir to the throne – and he is in deadly peril…

The five books, Nine Princes in Amber, The Guns of Avalon, Sign of the Unicorn, The Hand of Oberon and The Courts of Chaos, together make up The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny’s finest work of fantasy and an undisputed classic of the genre.

Interview with Lavie Tidhar

Today, we just wanted to share this interview (above) with Lavie Tidhar, which was conducted by Librería Gigamesh a little while ago to mark the release of the Italian edition of UNHOLY LAND. Published by by Duermevela, as TIERRA PROFANA, it was translated by Alexander Páez, and the cover art is by Adara Sánchez. Here’s the synopsis…

Una ucronía llena de suspense, universos alternativos y giros inesperados que reflexiona sobre la realidad del pueblo judío

Lior Tirosh es un escritor de ciencia ficción pulp que regresa a su hogar en Ararat, África, tras una larga ausencia. Pero Palestina, un estado judío fundado a principios del siglo XX, se enfrenta a sus horas más bajas. Asolada por ataques terroristas y presa de una violencia cada vez mayor, construye un polémico muro que la separa de la vecina Uganda.

La muerte de un viejo conocido y la desaparición de su sobrina enredan a Tirosh en una intrincada trama detectivesca cada vez más confusa en la que comienzan a fundirse su propio pasado, el presente y diversas realidades que parecen no encajar en ninguna parte.

Lavie Tidhar compone una obra inclasificable, que se mueve entre el noir detectivesco y las novelas de universos paralelos, mientras analiza sin concesiones la problemática del pueblo judío.

UNHOLY LAND is published in the UK and North America by Tachyon Publications, with a cover by Sarah Anne Langton. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Lior Tirosh is a semi-successful author of pulp fiction, an inadvertent time traveler, and an ongoing source of disappointment to his father.

Tirosh has returned to his homeland in East Africa. But Palestina — a Jewish state founded in the early 20th century — has grown dangerous. The government is building a vast border wall to keep out African refugees. Unrest in Ararat City is growing. And Tirosh’s childhood friend, trying to deliver a warning, has turned up dead in his hotel room. A state security officer has identified Tirosh as a suspect in a string of murders, and a rogue agent is stalking Tirosh through transdimensional rifts — possible futures that can only be prevented by avoiding the mistakes of the past.

From the bestselling author of Central Station comes an extraordinary new novel recalling China Miéville and Michael Chabon, entertaining and subversive in equal measures.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘… will leave readers’ heads spinning with this disorienting and gripping alternate history… Readers of all kinds, and particularly fans of detective stories and puzzles, will enjoy grappling with the numerous questions raised by this stellar work.’ — Publishers Weekly (PW Picks: Books of the Week, October 15, 2018)

‘Lavie Tidhar is a genius at conjuring realities that are just two steps to the left of our own — places that look and smell and feel real, if just a bit hauntingly alien. UNHOLY LAND develops slowly. It begins with banal strangeness (this Palestinia, so like and unlike modern-day Israel) and leans gently into it… This is a story that gets weirder the deeper you get into it; that cultivates strangeness like something precious. It has three narrators: Investigator Bloom, Tirosh and a woman, Nur, who works as a field agent for the Border Agency. There are echoes of Chabon’s The Yiddish Policeman’s Union in it, wild strains of P.K. Dick and Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber. But UNHOLY LAND is its own thing. Something that no one but Tidhar could’ve written. Gorgeous in its alienness, comfortingly gray in its banality, and disquieting throughout.’ — NPR

‘Shifting perspectives will keep readers trying to catch up with this fast-paced plot involving incredible twists on multiple realities and homecoming. This latest from Campbell and World Fantasy Award winner Tidhar (Central Station) is fascinating and powerful.’ — Library Journal

‘[O]ne of those lovely books that starts out presenting itself as one thing, and mutates into another almost without you seeing it… a game-player of a writer who uses the spectrum of science fiction canon for his pieces… a grand game of alternate worlds cast like jewels on the sand. The long second act is all dust and blood and madness and glory, and the fast third act comes down on you like a sharpened spade… Lavie Tidhar is a clever bastard, and this book is a box of little miracles.’ — Warren Ellis

UNHOLY LAND starts out hard-boiled and comes at you sideways with the speculative elements. Tidhar has blended alternative history with murder in hotel rooms, missing women, an honest-to-god Fedora and mysterious borders in a tale that evokes Chabon’s The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, Casablanca and Mieville’s The City & the City. Political and pulpy, with distinct metafictional elements, Tidhar adroitly pulls off this fantastical tale of an occupied territory.’ — Tade Thompson

‘… adventurous readers will appreciate this well-written and ambitious book. It should find a place at any library that offers high-quality literary fiction.’ — Booklist

‘Tidhar has turned a suspenseful adventure tale into a complex meditation on the possible paths of modern Jewish history.’ — Chicago Tribune

‘By extending Tidhar’s exploration of multiple and metafictional realities in even more sophis­ticated and assured ways than his earlier novels, UNHOLY LAND is quite an irritated oyster.’ — Locus (Gary K. Wolfe)

‘… provocative and brash… UNHOLY LAND is a wildly inventive and entertaining novel that moves at a breathless gallop… [Tidhar has] staked a claim as the genre’s most interesting, most bold, and most accomplished writer.’ — Locus (Ian Mond)

Lavie Tidhar’s NEOM Out Now in Poland!

Lavie Tidhar‘s acclaimed NEOM is out today in Poland! Published by Zysk I S-Ka Wydawnictwo, it was translated by Michał Jakuszewski. Here’s the synopsis…

Fascynująca powieść, która przenosi nas do niezwykłego megamiasta przyszłości, gdzie inteligentne maszyny przemierzają pustynię w poszukiwaniu sensu, a sztuka potrafi być groźniejsza niż najpotężniejsza broń

Neom to miejsce, które dla jednych jest futurystyczną baśnią pełną technologicznych cudów, a dla innych chaotycznym miastem na wybrzeżu Morza Czerwonego, bramą prowadzącą z Ziemi w kosmos. Dla wielu to jednak po prostu dom, jedyny, jaki znają.

Młody sierota Elias marzy o opuszczeniu Ziemi, przyłączając się do karawany w nadziei na zdobycie środków na podróż w gwiazdy. Pustynia kryje wiele tajemnic — mechaniczne artefakty, z których część jest niezrozumiała, a inne groźnie niestabilne. Tymczasem w Neom odżywa dawna relacja pomiędzy policjantem Nasirem a kwiaciarką Mariam, która pracuje bez wytchnienia w targowym zgiełku, a nocami marzy o ciszy i spokoju. Ich losy splatają się z misją tajemniczego bezimiennego robota, który zamierza wskrzesić legendarnego złotego człowieka, od dawna uznawanego tylko za mit…

Czy zdołają odnaleźć swoje miejsce w tej pełnej kontrastów rzeczywistości? A może to Neom samo zdecyduje o ich losie?

NEOM is the second novel set in the CENTRAL STATION universe, which is also available in Poland via Zysk I S-Ka, as STACJA CENTRALNA (translated again by Jakuszewski). Zysk has also published the Polish edition of Tidhar’s UNHOLY LAND, as ZIEMIA NIEŚWIĘTA (translated by Dariusz Kopociński).

CENTRAL STATION and NEOM (and UNHOLY LAND) are published in North America and in the UK by Tachyon Publications. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Today, Neom is a utopian dream — a megacity of the future yet to be built in the Saudi desert. In this deeply imaginative novel from the award-winning universe of Central Station, far-future Neom is already old. Sentient machines roam the desert searching for purpose, works of art can be more deadly than weapons, and the spark of a long-overdue revolution is in the wind. Only the rekindling of an impossible love affair may slow the inevitable sands of time.

The city known as Neom is many things to many beings, human or otherwise. It is a tech wonderland for the rich and beautiful, an urban sprawl along the Red Sea, and a port of call between Earth and the stars.

In the desert, young orphan Elias has joined a caravan, hoping to earn his passage off-world. But the desert is full of mechanical artefacts, some unexplained and some unexploded. Recently, a wry, unnamed robot has unearthed one of the region’s biggest mysteries: the vestiges of a golden man.

In Neom, childhood affection is rekindling between loyal shurta-officer Nasir and hardworking flower-seller Mariam. But Nasu, a deadly terrorartist, has come to the city with missing memories and unfinished business. Just one robot can change a city’s destiny with a single rose — especially when that robot is in search of lost love.

New Zelazny Omnibus Available in Russia

Two more of Roger Zelazny‘s classic novels — THIS IMMORTAL and DAMNATION ALLEY — are now available in a new Russian omnibus edition! Этот бессмертный. Долина проклятий is published by Эксмо/fanzon. Here’s the synopsis…

«Этот бессмертный»

Мир после Третьей мировой войны. Города разрушены, а в радиоактивных пустошах обитают мутанты. Люди почти полностью эмигрировали на другие планеты, и Земля стала модным туристическим центром для богачей из других уголков Вселенной. Конрад Номикос, комиссар по делам культуры и человек с таинственным прошлым, вынужден быть гидом у инопланетного вельможи в его путешествии, результат которого, возможно, спасет или уничтожит планету.

«Долина проклятий»

Черт Таннер — не из тех, кого можно принять за героя: он автоугонщик, контрабандист и хладнокровный убийца. Вы также никогда не подумаете, что Черт Таннер гуманист. За различные преступления ему грозит пожизненное заключение, и он поставлен перед выбором: провести оставшиеся годы в крошечной тюремной камере или проехать через всю страну и доставить в Бостон контейнер с вакциной… если, конечно, там еще кто-то остался в живых. Но не принимайте эту миссию милосердия за обычное дорожное путешествие — не сейчас, когда на каждой смертоносной миле между Лос-Анджелесом и Восточным побережьем вас ждут радиоактивные бури, стаи хищных мутантов и банды рейдеров. Это уже не Америка. Это долина проклятий.

First published in 1966, THIS IMMORTAL was Zelazny’s debut novel, and won the Hugo Award. It is available as an audiobook, published by Tantor Media, and read by Peter Berkrot. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he’d rather not talk about. And, as Arts Commissioner, he’s been given a job he’d rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour of the shattered remains of Earth is not something he relishes — especially when it is apparent that this places him at the center of high-level intrigue that has some bearing on the future of Earth itself!

DAMNATION ALLEY was first published in 1968, and is also available as an audiobook via Tantor Media, read by Paul Bellantoni. Here’s the synopsis…

Hell Tanner isn’t the sort of guy you’d mistake for a hero: he’s a fast-driving car thief, a smuggler, and a stone-cold killer. Facing life in prison for his various crimes, he’s given a choice: Rot away his remaining years in a tiny jail cell or drive cross-country and deliver a case of antiserum to the plague-ridden people of Boston, Massachusetts. The chance of a full pardon does wonders for getting his attention. And don’t mistake this mission of mercy for any kind of normal road trip-not when there are radioactive storms, hordes of carnivorous beasts, and giant, mutated scorpions to be found along every deadly mile between Los Angeles and the East Coast. But then, this is no normal part of America, you see. This is Damnation Alley…

LEGENDS & LATTES out now in Romania!

Travis Baldree‘s wildly successful debut novel, LEGENDS & LATTES, is now available in a new Romanian edition! Published by Alice Books, as LEGENDE & LATTE, the novel was translated by Iulia Dromereschi. Here’s the synopsis…

După un trai cu vărsare de sânge și recompense, Viv își agață, în sfârșit, paloșul în cui.

Orca sătulă de lupte își propune să o ia de la început și să deschidă prima cafenea din orașul Thune. Dar rivali vechi și noi stau în calea succesului ei – ca să nu mai spunem că nimeni nu are nici cea mai vagă idee ce este cafeaua.

Dacă Viv vrea să lase trecutul în urmă și să-și îndeplinească planurile, nu va reuși de una

Dar adevărata răsplată a drumului neexplorat o reprezintă călătorii pe care îi întâlnești pe parcurs. Și fie că sunt aduși laolaltă de magia străveche, de foitaje sau de o ceașcă de cafea proaspătă, ar putea deveni parteneri, o familie și ceva mai profund decât și-ar fi putut închipui vreodată.

LEGENDS & LATTES is published by Tor Books in the UK and in North America. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

High fantasy, low stakes – with a double-shot of coffee.

After decades of adventuring, Viv the orc barbarian is finally hanging up her sword for good. Now she sets her sights on a new dream – for she plans to open the first coffee shop in the city of Thune. Even though no one there knows what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the past behind her, she can’t go it alone. And help might arrive from unexpected quarters. Yet old rivals and new stand in the way of success. And Thune’s shady underbelly could make it all too easy for Viv to take up the blade once more.

But the true reward of the uncharted path is the travellers you meet along the way. Whether bound by ancient magic, delicious pastries or a freshly brewed cup, they may become something deeper than Viv ever could have imagined…

LEGENDS & LATTES and its prequel, BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST, were recently published in North America in new hardcover editions, by Tor Books, both of which were instant bestsellers.

LEGENDS & LATTES has been showered with praise, far and wide. Here is just a small selection of the great reviews…

‘This is a story about following your dreams, even when they take you away from who you thought you had to be. It’s sweet, beautiful and, most of all, kind. I hugely recommend this book.’ — Seanan McGuireNew York Times bestselling author of Every Heart A Doorway

‘The most fun I’ve ever had in a coffee shop.’ — Ben Aaronovitch, bestselling author of Rivers of London

‘A gentle little cozy set against an epic fantasy backdrop… This charming outing will please anyone who’s ever wished to spend time in a fantasy world without all the quests and battles.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘This slice-of-life cozy fantasy novel has everything you’ve been searching for.’ — Buzzfeed

‘With its mysterious encounters, summer flings and a growing number of skeletons, Baldree’s fantastical novel is the perfect winter indulgence.’ — HuffPost Books (“Best Books We Read in 2023)

‘A stunningly-well done story at every level’ — Fantasy Faction

‘If you like fantasy but you’re tired of reading about wars and general intensity, this is the book for you… Cozy fantasy at its best.’ — Literary Hub

‘I loved LEGENDS & LATTES and I have literally nothing bad to say about it… a warm hug on a cold day. Written with care and attention, Baldree’s delicate touch and vibrant characters make this story shine… Books have their own kind of magic. LEGENDS & LATTES was positively enchanting.’ — Bookworm Blues

LEGENDS & LATTES isn’t just a cosy, slice-of-life fantasy, it is a hug after a long day, it’s that first bite of chocolate you’ve been desperately craving or that first sip of coffee, it’s pyjamas and blankets and everything else which brings comfort and warmth. This is a tale so simple yet so wholesome and adorable, it has made me see just how versatile the fantasy genre can be… Believe the hype… this book deserves all the praise… Baldree delivers a tale to soothe the soul, a tale which had me smiling and crying with happiness from beginning to end.’ — Fantasy Hive

Roger Zelazny’s PRINCE OF CHAOS Out Now in Turkey!

PRINCE OF CHAOS, the tenth and final volume in Roger Zelazny‘s acclaimed, classic Chronicles of Amber, is now available in Turkey! Published by İthaki Yayınları, as KAOS PRENSİ, it was translated by Niran Elçi. Here’s the synopsis…


İhanetler, hileler, suikast girişimleri ve kanlı aile entrikaları Merlin’i, nam-ı diğer Merle Corey’yi Kaos Sarayları’na taşır. Kaos Kralı Swayvill’in ölümü üzerine, kendini beklenmedik bir şekilde Kara Gözlem altında bulur. Annesi Dara ve dayısı Mandor tarafından tasarlanan bir dizi geleneksel ölümcül “kaza” sayesinde tahtın üçüncü sıradaki vârisidir.

Gerçi Merlin’in bu konuda şüpheleri vardır, ancak sorularını dillendirmekten fazlasını yapamadan, Amber’deki Desen ile Kaos’taki Logrus arasındaki tüm çoklu evreni yok edebilecek mücadeleye bir kez daha kapılır.

Merlin’in nihai hükümdarlığa giden yolculuğu kolay olmayacaktır. Zira karanlık büyüler hâlâ onu beklemektedir. Amber ve Kaos arasında susturulması gereken ölümcül bir anlaşmazlık vardır. Ve uzun zamandır öldüğüne inanılan babasının, tutsak edildiği büyüden kurtarılması şarttır.

Çubuklu, Hayaletçark ve aklıyla donanmış olsa bile, Merlin’in hayatta kalması için bir mucize gerekecektir.

Amber Yıllıkları’nın onuncu kitabı Kaos Prensi, tüm zamanların en muhteşem fantastik serilerinden birine destansı bir son getiriyor!

This means that all ten of the novels in the series are now available in Turkey. Here are all of the covers, together…

PRINCE OF CHAOS is available in the UK, as part of THE SECOND CHRONICLES OF AMBER omnibus (books 6-10), published by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series. Here’s the synopsis for that collection…

Merlin is a Prince of Chaos and Amber, Corwin’s son and heir. He has grown up knowing that his legacy is to one day follow in his father’s footsteps, live up to his father’s legend.

When Corwin goes missing, that day comes far sooner than he could ever have expected. Merlin must find his own identity as the ruler of the worlds, and discover what kind of King he wants to be. Will he be a warrior like his father, or embrace his own path as a hacker-magician?

A generation after Corwin’s rise to the throne, Merlin is aided by powers beyond anything Corwin could have imagined. The epic magic from The Chronicles of Amber is wielded alongside sentient computers, a vorpal sword, and the ghosts of those who came before.

Featuring the Locus award-winning Trumps of Doom, the Locus nominated Blood of Amber and Sign of Chaos, and the final two novels Knight of Shadows and Prince of Chaos, the Second Chronicles of Amber continues the epic story of Amber and the Shadow worlds.

Portuguese Audiobook Edition of LEGENDS & LATTES Out Now

Travis Baldree‘s acclaimed, best-selling LEGENDS & LATTES is now available in a new Portuguese audiobook edition! Published by Editora Intrínseca, who also publish the print and eBook editions of the novel in Portugal, the audio edition is read by Ana Amélia Viana. Here’s the synopsis for CAFÉS & LENDAS

Viv empunha sua poderosa espada pela última vez. A história de uma orc deveria se resumir a força e violência, mas ela está farta de travar batalhas e colecionar problemas. Por isso, decide colocar um ponto-final em suas aventuras sanguinárias e recomeçar a vida.

Levando consigo uma pedra que carrega uma lenda esquecida, a orc decide ir para Thune, uma cidade que reúne criaturas de várias espécies e que pode guardar uma poderosa energia mágica. Lá, Viv decide abrir um estabelecimento nunca antes visto: uma cafeteria.

Mas começar um negócio é difícil — especialmente quando ninguém tem ideia do que é café. Para piorar, o complicado passado da orc traz inimigos que querem atrapalhar seus planos. Em meio ao aroma de café e às novas amizades — Cal, um hob de poucas palavras, Tico, um adorável ratoide confeiteiro, e Tandri, uma súcubo que mexe com seus sentimentos —, Viv finalmente sente que encontrou seu lugar. Mas ela vai precisar de ajuda para trilhar esse novo caminho…

Cativante e bem-humorado, Cafés & Lendas é uma leitura aconchegante que narra a importância das pequenas coisas da vida e mostra a magia dos momentos decisivos. Viv vai descobrir que as criaturas que encontra em sua jornada — sejam unidas por uma lenda antiga, doces deliciosos ou uma bebida quente — podem se tornar sua verdadeira família. E, quem sabe, uma delas até conquiste seu coração.

LEGENDS & LATTES is published by Tor Books in the UK and North America, as is the prequel, BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

High fantasy, low stakes – with a double-shot of coffee.

After decades of adventuring, Viv the orc barbarian is finally hanging up her sword for good. Now she sets her sights on a new dream – for she plans to open the first coffee shop in the city of Thune. Even though no one there knows what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the past behind her, she can’t go it alone. And help might arrive from unexpected quarters. Yet old rivals and new stand in the way of success. And Thune’s shady underbelly could make it all too easy for Viv to take up the blade once more.

But the true reward of the uncharted path is the travellers you meet along the way. Whether bound by ancient magic, delicious pastries or a freshly brewed cup, they may become something deeper than Viv ever could have imagined…

Here are just a few of the many great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘This is a story about following your dreams, even when they take you away from who you thought you had to be. It’s sweet, beautiful and, most of all, kind. I hugely recommend this book.’ — Seanan McGuireNew York Times bestselling author of Every Heart A Doorway

‘The most fun I’ve ever had in a coffee shop.’ — Ben Aaronovitch, bestselling author of Rivers of London

‘A gentle little cozy set against an epic fantasy backdrop… This charming outing will please anyone who’s ever wished to spend time in a fantasy world without all the quests and battles.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘This slice-of-life cozy fantasy novel has everything you’ve been searching for.’ — Buzzfeed

‘With its mysterious encounters, summer flings and a growing number of skeletons, Baldree’s fantastical novel is the perfect winter indulgence.’ — HuffPost Books (“Best Books We Read in 2023)

‘An orc retires from adventuring to start a fantasy city’s very first coffee shop. This setup combined with the positive messages of defying societal stereotypes, letting go of violence to build peace, and trusting in your friends feels like a premise from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld… LEGENDS & LATTES is a novel, and shop, that will delight anyone who enjoys coffee-shop alternate universes, slow-burn romances, and the vindication of friendship.’ — Booklist, starred review

‘A stunningly-well done story at every level’ — Fantasy Faction

‘If you like fantasy but you’re tired of reading about wars and general intensity, this is the book for you… Cozy fantasy at its best.’ — Literary Hub

Polish Edition of Lavie Tidhar’s NEOM out in three weeks!

In three weeks, Zysk I S-Ka Wydawnictwo is due to publish the Polish edition of Lavie Tidhar‘s acclaimed NEOM! This edition was translated by Michał Jakuszewski, and it will arrive on shelves on November 26th. Here’s the synopsis…

Fascynująca powieść, która przenosi nas do niezwykłego megamiasta przyszłości, gdzie inteligentne maszyny przemierzają pustynię w poszukiwaniu sensu, a sztuka potrafi być groźniejsza niż najpotężniejsza broń

Neom to miejsce, które dla jednych jest futurystyczną baśnią pełną technologicznych cudów, a dla innych chaotycznym miastem na wybrzeżu Morza Czerwonego, bramą prowadzącą z Ziemi w kosmos. Dla wielu to jednak po prostu dom, jedyny, jaki znają.

Młody sierota Elias marzy o opuszczeniu Ziemi, przyłączając się do karawany w nadziei na zdobycie środków na podróż w gwiazdy. Pustynia kryje wiele tajemnic — mechaniczne artefakty, z których część jest niezrozumiała, a inne groźnie niestabilne. Tymczasem w Neom odżywa dawna relacja pomiędzy policjantem Nasirem a kwiaciarką Mariam, która pracuje bez wytchnienia w targowym zgiełku, a nocami marzy o ciszy i spokoju. Ich losy splatają się z misją tajemniczego bezimiennego robota, który zamierza wskrzesić legendarnego złotego człowieka, od dawna uznawanego tylko za mit…

Czy zdołają odnaleźć swoje miejsce w tej pełnej kontrastów rzeczywistości? A może to Neom samo zdecyduje o ich losie?

NEOM is the second novel set in the CENTRAL STATION universe. Zysk I S-Ka have also published a Polish edition of that novel, as STACJA CENTRALNA (also translated by Jakuszewski). Zysk has also published the Polish edition of Tidhar’s UNHOLY LAND, as ZIEMIA NIEŚWIĘTA (translated by Dariusz Kopociński).

CENTRAL STATION and NEOM (and UNHOLY LAND) are published in North America and in the UK by Tachyon Publications. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Today, Neom is a utopian dream — a megacity of the future yet to be built in the Saudi desert. In this deeply imaginative novel from the award-winning universe of Central Station, far-future Neom is already old. Sentient machines roam the desert searching for purpose, works of art can be more deadly than weapons, and the spark of a long-overdue revolution is in the wind. Only the rekindling of an impossible love affair may slow the inevitable sands of time.

The city known as Neom is many things to many beings, human or otherwise. It is a tech wonderland for the rich and beautiful, an urban sprawl along the Red Sea, and a port of call between Earth and the stars.

In the desert, young orphan Elias has joined a caravan, hoping to earn his passage off-world. But the desert is full of mechanical artefacts, some unexplained and some unexploded. Recently, a wry, unnamed robot has unearthed one of the region’s biggest mysteries: the vestiges of a golden man.

In Neom, childhood affection is rekindling between loyal shurta-officer Nasir and hardworking flower-seller Mariam. But Nasu, a deadly terrorartist, has come to the city with missing memories and unfinished business. Just one robot can change a city’s destiny with a single rose — especially when that robot is in search of lost love.

New, Chinese Edition of THE CHILDREN’S BOOK OF THE FUTURE out now!

Lavie Tidhar‘s latest book for younger readers, THE CHILDREN’S BOOK OF THE FUTURE, is now available in a new, Chinese edition published in Hong Kong! Co-authored with Richard Watson, and illustrated by Cinthya Alvarez, it’s published by 新雅文化事業有限公司, as 未來大透視-與孩子探索未來科技世界[新雅. Here’s the synopsis…




The English-language edition of the book is published by DK. Here’s the synopsis…

An illustrated, imaginative exploration of future technology and science for children that carries a message of hope and optimism.

This narrative non-fiction book offers an inclusive and hopeful vision of the future for children aged 7-9, taking inspiration from the latest scientific research.

This highly illustrated book makes complex ideas more accessible and shows the exciting futures that could be ahead. There are eighteen stories that each take inspiration from current research and present engaging, optimistic futures that could result from real-world science, with insets delving into how that science works.

This science book for children offers:

– A combination of sci-fi and science using short fictional descriptions combined with real-world scientific explanations to make the future come alive.
– An optimistic vision of the future with inclusive and diverse content for the generations that will not only live in it but shape it.
– A variety of different topics covered, including a train ride on Mars, life on a Dyson Sphere, a birthday on planet Venus, a trip to the bottom of the sea, and a chat with the extinct animals of the past!

A Children’s Book of the Future provides a diverse and multicultural approach that will appeal to children of all backgrounds. The exploration of future technology and some of the diverse visions explored include a plane ride on one of Saturn’s moons, a journey to a faraway star that is lightyears from Earth, life on a floating city, and living amongst robots. Inspire young changemakers with this book that sets out to reclaim the future for current and future generations of children.

Here’s a sample from inside…

Lavie is the multi-award winning and nominated author of many novels, novellas, and short stories. His recent novels include the critically-acclaimed MAROR and ADAMA (published by Ad Astra/Head of Zeus), and THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE WORLD (published by Tachyon Publications).

Lavie’s latest novel is SIX LIVES, a literary fiction stand-alone, published by Apollo/Head of Zeus.

Czech Edition of AMONGST OUR WEAPONS Out Now!

We’re very happy to report that AMONGST OUR WEAPONS, the ninth novel in Ben Aaronovitch‘s acclaimed and internationally-bestselling Rivers of London/Peter Grant series, is now available in Czechia! Published by Argo as RODINNÉ STŘÍBRO, it was translated by Milan Žáček. Here’s the synopsis…

Pod londýnskou Chancery Lane se už přes století nachází zvláštní svět specializovaných obchodů se stříbrem. Vítejte v Silver Vaults, kde mají víc zámků než v centrální bance, na místě, kde je prakticky nemyslitelné někoho zabít a poté beze stopy zmizet. Jenže právě k tomu nyní došlo! Záhadný zločin si vyžádá plné nasazení Petera Granta a jeho oddaných spolupracovníků, známých z předchozích vyšetřování. Jednotka vyšetřovatelů musí přijít na kloub tajemství, v němž hrají velkou roli spletité dějiny Londýna, cizí země a také… Manchester. A do toho všeho se má Peter každým dnem stát otcem; s Beverley čekají dvojčata a realita života tak úporně tlačí ze všech stran. A to Peter zatím netuší, že se setká s něčím, co nikdo nikdy nečeká…

Další případ Petera Granta a jeho útvaru pro rozkrývání nadpřirozených nekalostí

Argo has published all of the novels in the series to date, as well as the first three novellas and short story collection. Here are all the covers together…

AMONGST OUR WEAPONS is published in the UK by Orion/Gollancz, and in North America by DAW Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

There is a world hidden underneath this great city…

The London Silver Vaults – for well over a century, the largest collection of silver for sale in the world. It has more locks than the Bank of England and more cameras than a celebrity punch-up. Not somewhere you can murder someone and vanish without a trace – only that’s what happened.

The disappearing act, the reports of a blinding flash of light and memory loss amongst the witnesses all make this a case for Detective Constable Peter Grant and the Special Assessment Unit.

Alongside their boss DCI Thomas Nightingale, the SAU find themselves embroiled in a mystery that encompasses London’s tangled history, foreign lands and, most terrifying of all, the North!

And Peter must solve this case soon because back home his partner Beverley is expecting twins any day now. But what he doesn’t know is that he’s about to encounter something – and somebody – that nobody ever expects…

Effortlessly original, endlessly inventive and hugely entertaining – step into the world of the much-loved, Number One bestselling Rivers of London series.

Roger Zelazny’s KNIGHT OF SHADOWS Available in Turkey!

In case you missed it, the Turkish edition of KNIGHT OF SHADOWS is out now! Published by İthaki Yayınları, it’s the ninth novel in Roger Zelazny‘s classic, beloved Chronicles of Amber series (Amber Yıllıkları in Turkish). GÖLGELERİN ŞÖVALYESİ was translated by Niran Elçi. Here’s the synopsis…


Merlin sonunda en güçlü düşmanı Maske’yle yüzleşir ve onun kimliğini öğrendiğinde şoke olur. Ortaya çıkan bu gerçek bile, Düzen ve Kaos güçleri karşısında arka planda kalmak zorundadır. Zira bu güçler, karışık soydan gelen bir ölümsüz olan Merlin’in hangi tarafta yer alacağını seçme zamanının geldiğine karar verecektir. Logrus ve Amber Deseni arasındaki bu güç mücadelesi, tüm Gölge’yi parçalarına ayırmakla tehdit etmektedir.

Amber Yıllıkları’nın dokuzuncu kitabı Gölgelerin Şövalyesi’nde, Melvin Corey babası Corwin’i aramayı sürdürürken, kimi zaman ölüm saçan büyücü ailesi ve onların alternatif dünyalarının hikâyesinde, ittifak yapmak için Amber Deseni ya da Kaos Logrusu arasında bir seçim yapmak zorundadır.

The first eight novels in the Chronicles of Amber are, of course, also available from İthaki Yayınları.

KNIGHT OF SHADOWS is available in the UK as part of the SECOND CHRONICLES OF AMBER omnibus, published by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series — all ten novels in the series are available, split into two omnibus editions. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the omnibus…

Merlin is a Prince of Chaos and Amber, Corwin’s son and heir. He has grown up knowing that his legacy is to one day follow in his father’s footsteps, live up to his father’s legend.

When Corwin goes missing, that day comes far sooner than he could ever have expected. Merlin must find his own identity as the ruler of the worlds, and discover what kind of King he wants to be. Will he be a warrior like his father, or embrace his own path as a hacker-magician?

A generation after Corwin’s rise to the throne, Merlin is aided by powers beyond anything Corwin could have imagined. The epic magic from The Chronicles of Amber is wielded alongside sentient computers, a vorpal sword, and the ghosts of those who came before.

Featuring the Locus award-winning Trumps of Doom, the Locus nominated Blood of Amber and Sign of Chaos, and the final two novels Knight of Shadows and Prince of Chaos, the Second Chronicles of Amber continues the epic story of Amber and the Shadow worlds.

Thai Edition of Travis Baldree’s LEGENDS & LATTES Out Now!

The Thai edition of Travis Baldree‘s best-selling and critically-acclaimed LEGENDS & LATTES is out now! Published by Words Wonder as ตำนาน และลาเต้, it was translated by ณัฐชยา หิรัญญสมบัติ (Natchaya Hiranyasombat). Here’s the synopsis…

เรื่องราวของวีฟ ออร์กหญิงผู้หนึ่งซึ่งเบื่อหน่ายการสู้รบและการเป็นนักล่าค่าหัว จึงเกษียณตัวเองมาเปิดร้านกาแฟอยู่ในเมืองใหญ่ที่ยังไม่มีใครรู้จักเลยว่ากาแฟคืออะไร

วีฟทำร้านกาแฟแห่งนี้โดยมีแทนดรี้ ปีศาจแฝงฝันเป็นผู้ช่วย ทั้งสองต้องช่วยกันโฆษณาร้านและกาแฟให้คนรู้จัก

ซึ่งในขณะเดียวกันนั้นเธอก็มีเพื่อนร่วมอุดมการณ์มากขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ รวมทั้งความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างเธอและแทนดรี้ก็ดีขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ เช่นกัน

วีฟรู้สึกว่าตัวเองโชคดี หรือจะเพราะว่าเธอมี “หินนำโชค” อยู่ในมือกันนะ?

The novel is available in the UK and North America, published by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A cosy, heartwarming slice-of-life fantasy about found families and fresh starts, Legends & Lattes is perfect for fans of TJ Klune, Katherine Addison and T. Kingfisher. From the Hugo Award-winning author, Travis Baldree.

High fantasy, low stakes – with a double-shot of coffee.

After decades of adventuring, Viv the orc barbarian is finally hanging up her sword for good. Now she sets her sights on a new dream – for she plans to open the first coffee shop in the city of Thune. Even though no one there knows what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the past behind her, she can’t go it alone. And help might arrive from unexpected quarters. Yet old rivals and new stand in the way of success. And Thune’s shady underbelly could make it all too easy for Viv to take up the blade once more.

But the true reward of the uncharted path is the travellers you meet along the way. Whether bound by ancient magic, delicious pastries or a freshly brewed cup, they may become something deeper than Viv ever could have imagined…

The novel has received an incredible amount of praise since it was originally self-published. Here are just a few examples…

‘This is a story about following your dreams, even when they take you away from who you thought you had to be. It’s sweet, beautiful and, most of all, kind. I hugely recommend this book.’ — Seanan McGuireNew York Times bestselling author of Every Heart A Doorway

‘The most fun I’ve ever had in a coffee shop.’ — Ben Aaronovitch, bestselling author of Rivers of London

‘A gentle little cozy set against an epic fantasy backdrop… This charming outing will please anyone who’s ever wished to spend time in a fantasy world without all the quests and battles.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘This slice-of-life cozy fantasy novel has everything you’ve been searching for.’ — Buzzfeed

‘With its mysterious encounters, summer flings and a growing number of skeletons, Baldree’s fantastical novel is the perfect winter indulgence.’ — HuffPost Books (“Best Books We Read in 2023)

‘A stunningly-well done story at every level’ — Fantasy Faction

‘If you like fantasy but you’re tired of reading about wars and general intensity, this is the book for you… Cozy fantasy at its best.’ — Literary Hub

Travis has also written an internationally-best-selling prequel novel, BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST, which is also published by Tor Books in the UK and North America.