Ian McDonald‘s third Everness novel, EMPRESS OF THE SUN, is out now in Russia! Above you can see the very nice cover. Published by Эксмо as Императрица Солнца, here’s the Russian-language synopsis…
В третьей книге цикла “Эвернесс” приключения Эверетта Сингха и команды дирижабля “Эвернесс” продолжаются. Герои попадают на диск Алдерсона — параллельный мир, населенный разумными динозаврами, которые вынашивают планы по захвату других миров Пленитуды.
Эверетт Л Сингх, принеся с собой на Землю-10 страшную угрозу в лице Нано, в одиночку сражается с захватчиками, заводит нового друга, влюбляется и пытается стать защитой семье Эверетта Сингха. В это время Шарлотта Вильер продолжает плести интриги, мечтая захватить власть в Пленитуде и похитить Инфундибулум.
Эксмо have also published the first two novels in the series, PLANESRUNNER and BE MY ENEMY — as Странник между мирами and Будь моим врагом, respectively.

The novel (and series) is published in the US by Pyr Books and UK by Jo Fletcher Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the third novel…
Everett is one step closer to finding his dad. But Charlotte Villiers is on his tail and now she’s not the only one looking for the Infundibulum, the key to the multiverse.
When Everett Singh’s dad was randomly sent to one of the many parallel worlds in the multiverse, Everett discovered a way to find him on the quarantined planet E1, home of the terrifying Nahn. Now he, along with the crew of the airship Everness, has followed a trail to the next world and his father.
But this is a world where dinosaurs have had sixty-five million years to evolve, where death is the key to the throne and where the Empress of the Sun has a plan to wipe out every other creature on her planet and then take her conquest to Earth. All she needs is Everett’s infundibulum…

The Everness series has been spectacularly well-reviewed. Here’s just a handful of reviews EMPRESS OF THE SUN has received…
‘The marvelous Everness series takes readers to a world with highly evolved dinosaurs in this third voyage through parallel universes… McDonald lets his imagination run rampant without abandoning credibility, tackling real scientific concepts such as confirmation bias, a feature lacking in far too much science fiction. Fans might wish for more focus on the original Everett, but eventually, the three storylines weave themselves together nicely, setting up another sequel with hints of forthcoming romance. Endlessly fascinating and fun.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)
‘YA or not, the Everness series may be the most enjoyable ongoing series that SF currently has to offer.’ — Locus (Jan.2014)
‘It’s no exaggeration when I say these books in the Everness series just seem to get better and better. The adventure that started with PLANESRUNNER only intensified with BE MY ENEMY, and now the third installment has taken things even further… The author sure pulled out all the stops with this one. Blown, my mind is… To sum it up, this book just does a fantastic job all around at fleshing out everyone. As someone who places such high importance on characters, I couldn’t be happier… Action, adventure, and rollicking good fun! EMPRESS OF THE SUN has all of that. And of all the books so far, I also have to say this one was the most humorous. There are some sections of dialogue that just made me laugh out loud… The crew of the Everness still has much to do, and there are still so many worlds out there to explore. I can’t wait to see where they will go next.’ — Bibliosanctum
‘EMPRESS OF THE SUN revels in its pulp adventure milieu… McDonald has created an incredibly “storyable” universe for his characters to have their adventures in, and he keeps those adventures coming fast and furious… Between the adventures, the pacing, the characters, and the narrative arcs, there’s a lot to enjoy about this book and the overall series.’ — Strange Horizons