The latest book in the After the War series, THE TALES OF CATT & FISHER, is out this week! Edited by Justina Robson, it’s a collection of stand-alone stories starring characters that appeared elsewhere in the series. Featuring a story by Freda Warrington, it’s published by Solaris in North America (today) and in the UK (Thursday). Here’s the synopsis…

Four new tales of Doctors Catt and Fisher…

Scholars, shopkeepers, collectors… aficionados. Obtainers of rare antiquities; relic hunters who can’t resist a lead, even when it takes them into terrible danger. There’s always an opportunity to be found amid the confusion, in the wake of the terrible Kinslayer War. There’s always a deal to be done, a tomb to open, a precious thing to… obtain.

From encounters with the monstrous Vathesk to exploring new worlds; from wielding great power to do great good, to unearthing dark things best left lost. If you need the experts, if you can find your way to their Cherivell shop, maybe you can hire Doctors Catt and Fisher.

The collection also features stories by Adrian Tchaikovsky, Juliet E. McKenna, and K.T. Davies. The first two novels in the After the War series are Adrian Tchaikovsky’s REDEMPTION’S BLADE and Justina Robson’s SALVATION’S FIRE.

This Thursday, Rebellion is hosting a Zoom Webinar with Justina, Freda, Adrian and Juliet! Attendance is free, but you do need to sign up.

Freda is also the author of the acclaimed Blood Wine series, published in the UK and North America by Titan Books and Audible

… the Aetherial Tales series, published by JABberwocky and Audible

… and the Blackbird, Jewel Fire and Dark Cathedral series, published by Audible.

Justina Robson is also the author of the acclaimed Quantum Gravity series, GLORIOUS ANGELS and THE SWITCH — all published in the UK by Gollancz.


In three weeks, Solaris is due to publish the latest book in the After the War series: THE TALES OF CATT & FISHER! Edited by Justina Robson, it’s a collection of stand-alone stories starring characters that appeared elsewhere in the series. Featuring a story by Freda Warrington, it’s published by Solaris in North America (December 1st) and in the UK (December 3rd). Here’s the synopsis…

Four new tales of Doctors Catt and Fisher…

Scholars, shopkeepers, collectors… aficionados. Obtainers of rare antiquities; relic hunters who can’t resist a lead, even when it takes them into terrible danger. There’s always an opportunity to be found amid the confusion, in the wake of the terrible Kinslayer War. There’s always a deal to be done, a tomb to open, a precious thing to… obtain.

From encounters with the monstrous Vathesk to exploring new worlds; from wielding great power to do great good, to unearthing dark things best left lost. If you need the experts, if you can find your way to their Cherivell shop, maybe you can hire Doctors Catt and Fisher.

The collection also features stories by Adrian Tchaikovsky, Juliet E. McKenna, and K.T. Davies. Justina Robson also wrote the second novel in the series, SALVATION’S FIRE.

Freda is also the author of the acclaimed Blood Wine series, published in the UK and North America by Titan Books and Audible

… the acclaimed Aetherial Tales series, published by JABberwocky and Audible

… and the Blackbird, Jewel Fire and Dark Cathedral series, published by Audible.

Justina Robson is also the author of the acclaimed Quantum Gravity series, GLORIOUS ANGELS and THE SWITCH — all published in the UK by Gollancz.

Lavie Tidhar Curates the BEST OF BRITISH SFF Story Bundle…

Lavie Tidhar has curated an excellent Story Bundle, featuring some of the best of British science fiction! The bundle is available until April 3rd, as a pay-what-you-want/can, and goes to support not only the authors but also Locus Magazine. Here’s a short description from Lavie…

It feels surreal to be writing this as the world is in the grip of a pandemic, and Britain itself, like much of the rest of the world, is on lockdown, in scenes that could only have been dismissed as science fiction a few weeks ago. Or years. How long has it been? I have lost the sense of time by now. As we’re all holding on, many, including the writers here and elsewhere, have been affected. Bookshops and newsstands are closed, publishers are laying off staff and delaying books, and all of us are feeling the pinch. Buying this bundle will help the small publishers included here, from Apex and NewCon to Solaris and Tachyon – the very independent publishers who continue to champion exciting new voices and works.

Finally, this bundle will help, in however small a way, my favourite magazine. Locus was established in 1968, and has become the single most important news source for the SF/F field, offering unparalleled cover, in-depth reviews and author interviews, and so much more. They have won the Hugo Award more times than I can mention. The effect of the shutdown has hit Locus hard. As a non-profit, they rely on a mixture of traditional revenue and on donations. Your purchase of this bundle will raise some much needed cash to help Locus weather the current apocalypse – and we all need Locus.

The bundle includes the following titles:

If you pay at least $15, you will also get the following six books:

  • COIL by Ren Warom
  • A MAN LIES DREAMING by Lavie Tidhar
  • THE IRON TACTICIAN by Alastair Reynolds
  • BEST OF BRITISH FANTASY 2018 edited by Jared Shurin
  • BEST OF BRITISH SCIENCE FICTION 2018 edited by Donna Scott

Short Fiction Watch: Justina Robson in LEGENDS 3!

We’re happy to share the news that one of Justina Robson‘s latest pieces of short fiction is in the new LEGENDS 3 collection! Published by NewCon Press, and edited by Ian Whates, Justina’s contribution is called “By Any Other Name“. Here’s the anthology’s synopsis…

David Gemmell passed away in 2006, leaving behind a legacy of memorable characters, epic settings, and thrilling tales. In the Legends anthologies, today’s finest fantasy authors pay homage to one of fantasy fiction’s greatest ever writers. Full of swordplay, treachery, deeds both dark and noble, with cunning thieves and wily tricksters, blood-thirsty gods and flawed heroes — welcome to Legends.

Justina is the author, most recently, of the acclaimed novels SALVATION’S FIRE, published by Solaris; and GLORIOUS ANGELS and SWITCH, published by Gollancz.

Zeno Clients on the Locus Recommended Reading List!

It’s that time of year again, when Locus publishes its extensive, informative Recommended Reading List of books from the previous year. Published in the February 2019 issue of the Locus Magazine, we’re very pleased to see a number of our clients’ books and stories included! Here’s a quick run-down…

Ben Aaronovitch‘s LIES SLEEPING, the seventh novel in his best-selling Peter Grant/Rivers of London series, featured a few times in the issue, described as ‘delightful’, ‘amusing… fascinating… impressively weird’, ‘one of the strongest’ in the series, and ‘enjoyably readable, gripping’. The novel is published in the UK by Gollancz and in North America by DAW Books. Here’s the synopsis…

A fabulous new adventure, London under threat, and the scent of magic in the air… it must be a new Rivers of London mystery…

Martin Chorley, aka the Faceless Man, wanted for multiple counts of murder, fraud and crimes against humanity, has been unmasked and is on the run.

Peter Grant, Detective Constable and apprentice wizard, now plays a key role in an unprecedented joint operation to bring Chorley to justice.

But even as the unwieldy might of the Metropolitan Police bears down on its foe, Peter uncovers clues that Chorley, far from being finished, is executing the final stages of a long term plan.

A plan that has its roots in London’s two thousand bloody years of history, and could literally bring the city to its knees.

To save his beloved city Peter’s going to need help from his former best friend and colleague – Lesley May – who brutally betrayed him and everything he thought she believed in. And, far worse, he might even have to come to terms with the malevolent supernatural killer and agent of chaos known as Mr Punch…

The February issue also reports that LIES SLEEPING was #6 on Locus’s bestseller list!

Lavie Tidhar‘s latest critically-acclaimed novel, UNHOLY LAND landed a few times in the magazine, too: it is described as ‘provocative and sparky alternate history’, ‘one of his most complex and suggestive yet’, ‘playful and meta-fictional with a dab of Roger Zelazny’, and a novel in which his ‘skill and nuance shines’. The novel is published by Tachyon Publications. Here’s the synopsis…

Lior Tirosh is a semi-successful author of pulp fiction, an inadvertent time traveler, and an ongoing source of disappointment to his father.

Tirosh has returned to his homeland in East Africa. But Palestina — a Jewish state founded in the early 20th century — has grown dangerous. The government is building a vast border wall to keep out African refugees. Unrest in Ararat City is growing. And Tirosh’s childhood friend, trying to deliver a warning, has turned up dead in his hotel room. A state security officer has identified Tirosh as a suspect in a string of murders, and a rogue agent is stalking Tirosh through transdimensional rifts — possible futures that can only be prevented by avoiding the mistakes of the past.

From the bestselling author of Central Station comes an extraordinary new novel recalling China Miéville and Michael Chabon, entertaining and subversive in equal measures.

Lavie’s contribution to Robots vs Fairies — the short story THE BURIED GIANT — also got singled out as ‘Powerful work.’

Two of Aliette de Bodard‘s latest works appear on the list. First up, THE TEA MASTER AND THE DETECTIVE, her latest book set in the author’s Xuya universe: ‘strikingly original’, ‘fabulous’. The novella is published in the US by Subterranean Press, and in the UK and Europe by JABberwocky. Here’s the synopsis…

Welcome to the Scattered Pearls Belt, a collection of ring habitats and orbitals ruled by exiled human scholars and powerful families, and held together by living mindships who carry people and freight between the stars. In this fluid society, human and mindship avatars mingle in corridors and in function rooms, and physical and virtual realities overlap, the appearance of environments easily modified and adapted to interlocutors or current mood.

A transport ship discharged from military service after a traumatic injury, The Shadow’s Child now ekes out a precarious living as a brewer of mind-altering drugs for the comfort of space-travellers. Meanwhile, abrasive and eccentric scholar Long Chau wants to find a corpse for a scientific study. When Long Chau walks into her office, The Shadow’s Child expects an unpleasant but easy assignment. When the corpse turns out to have been murdered, Long Chau feels compelled to investigate, dragging The  Shadow’s Child with her.

As they dig deep into the victim’s past, The Shadow’s Child realises that the investigation points to Long Chau’s own murky past — and, ultimately, to the dark and unbearable void that lies between the stars…

IN THE VANISHERS’ PALACE, de Bodard’s ‘gorgeously written’  re-telling of the Beauty & the Beast story, is also published by JABberwocky

When failed scholar Yên is sold to Vu Côn, one of the last dragons walking the earth, she expects to be tortured or killed for Vu Côn’s amusement. But Vu Côn, it turns out, has a use for Yên: she needs a scholar to tutor her two unruly children. She takes Yên back to her home, a vast, vertiginous palace-prison where every door can lead to death. Vu Côn seems stern and unbending, but as the days pass Yên comes to see her kinder and caring side. She finds herself dangerously attracted to the dragon who is her master and jailer. In the end, Yên will have to decide where her own happiness lies — and whether it will survive the revelation of Vu Côn’s dark, unspeakable secrets…

Ian McDonald‘s Philip K. Dick Award-nominated TIME WAS also popped up on the list. The book ‘stands amongst his best work’, and is ‘haunting and lyrical’. The novella is published by Tor.com

A love story stitched across time and war, shaped by the power of books, and ultimately destroyed by it.

In the heart of World War II, Tom and Ben became lovers. Brought together by a secret project designed to hide British targets from German radar, the two founded a love that could not be revealed. When the project went wrong, Tom and Ben vanished into nothingness, presumed dead. Their bodies were never found.

Now the two are lost in time, hunting each other across decades, leaving clues in books of poetry and trying to make their desperate timelines overlap.

Finally, Justina Robson‘s latest novel, SALVATION’S FIRE, is picked as one of the best fantasy novels. The second novel in the After the War series, it is published by Solaris Books. Here’s the synopsis…

The Tzarkomen necromancers sacrificed a thousand women to create a Bride for the Kinslayer so he would spare them in the war. But the Kinslayer is dead and now the creation intended to ensure his eternal rule lies abandoned by its makers in the last place in the world that anyone would look for it.

Which doesn’t prevent someone finding her by accident.

Will the Bride return the gods to the world or will she bring the end of days? It all depends on the one who found her, Kula, a broken-hearted little girl with nothing left to lose.

After the War comes SALVATION’S FIRE…

Today, Solaris publishes Justina Robson‘s latest novel! SALVATION’S FIRE is the second book in the After the War shared-world fantasy series, and follows on from Adrian Tchaikovsky’s REDEMPTION’S BLADE. Here’s the synopsis…

The Tzarkomen necromancers sacrificed a thousand women to create a Bride for the Kinslayer so he would spare them in the war. But the Kinslayer is dead and now the creation intended to ensure his eternal rule lies abandoned by its makers in the last place in the world that anyone would look for it.

Which doesn’t prevent someone finding her by accident.

Will the Bride return the gods to the world or will she bring the end of days? It all depends on the one who found her, Kula, a broken-hearted little girl with nothing left to lose.

Justina is the critically-acclaimed author of many novels, most recently GLORIOUS ANGELS and THE SWITCH, both published in the UK by Gollancz.

Justina Robson to unleash SALVATION’S FIRE…

This September, Solaris Books are due to publish Justina Robson‘s next novel: SALVATION’S FIRE. The second novel in the publisher’s new After the War shared universe setting, established by Adrian Tchaikovsky in REDEMPTION’S BLADE. Here’s the synopsis…

The Tzarkomen necromancers sacrificed a thousand women to create a Bride for the Kinslayer so he would spare them in the war. But the Kinslayer is dead and now the creation intended to ensure his eternal rule lies abandoned by its makers in the last place in the world that anyone would look for it.

Which doesn’t prevent someone finding her by accident.

Will the Bride return the gods to the world or will she bring the end of days? It all depends on the one who found her, Kula, a broken-hearted little girl with nothing left to lose.

Robson is also the author of the critically-acclaimed GLORIOUS ANGELS and THE SWITCH, both published in the UK by Gollancz.

Justina Robson’s latest SWITCHes into a paperback edition

THE SWITCH, Justina Robson‘s latest, critically-acclaimed novel is out today in paperback! Published by Gollancz, here’s the synopsis…

This groundbreaking new novel from one of the genre’s most respected authors is a thrilling mix of science, magic and politics.

In Harmony, only model citizens are welcome.

A perfect society must be maintained. The defective must be eradicated. For orphans like Nico and Twostar, this means a life that’s brutal, regulated and short.

But Nico and Twostar are survivors, and when they’re offered a way out of the slums, they take it.

Unfortunately, no one told Nico the deal included being sentenced to death for the murder of one of Harmony’s most notorious gang leaders.

Or that to gain his freedom, first he must lose his mind.

Robson is also the author of the critically-acclaimed GLORIOUS ANGELS and the Quantum Gravity series, also published by Gollancz; LIVING NEXT DOOR TO THE GOD OF LOVENATURAL HISTORY, MAPPA MUNDI and SILVER SCREEN (the latter two of which are published via the JABberwocky eBook Program).

‘Robson thoughtfully and convincingly explores Harmony’s all-encompassing ideology… all done with Robson’s characteristic verve. The plot is a zippy confection of double crosses and action scenes, and the dialogue is beautifully snappy, Nico’s armoury being replete with snarky comebacks…’ SFX

‘Top notch characters… a real kickass tale that doesn’t let up.’Falcata Times

Time for a SWITCH…

Justina Robson‘s highly-anticipated new novel, SWITCH is out today in the UK! Published by Gollancz, here’s the synopsis…

In Harmony, only model citizens are welcome.

A perfect society must be maintained. The defective must be eradicated. For orphans like Nico and Twostar, this means a life that’s brutal, regulated and short.

But Nico and Twostar are survivors, and when they’re offered a way out of the slums, they take it.

Unfortunately, no one told Nico the deal included being sentenced to death for the murder of one of Harmony’s most notorious gang leaders.

Or that to gain his freedom, first he must lose his mind.

Robson’s previous novel, GLORIOUS ANGELS is also published by Gollancz.

Lila Black’s KEEPING IT REAL again in the UK…

Gollancz has re-issued Justina Robson‘s first Quantum Gravity novel, KEEPING IT REAL. Here’s the synopsis…

A heroine who’s half robot and all attitude, a world of quantum strangeness; SF that has remembered how to have fun from the UK’s most successful female SF writer.

The Quantum Bomb of 2015 changed everything. The fabric that kept the universe’s different dimensions apart was torn and now, six years later, the people of earth exist in uneasy company with the inhabitants of, amongst others, the elven, elemental and demonic realms. Magic is real and can be even more dangerous than technology. Elves are exotic, erotic, dangerous and really bored with the constant Lord of the Rings references. Elementals are a law unto themselves and demons are best left well to themselves.

Special agent Lila Black used to be pretty but now she’s not so sure.

Her body is now more than half restless carbon and metal alloy machinery. A machine she’s barely in control of. It goes into combat mode, enough weapons for a small army springing from within itself, at the merest provocation.

As for her heart… well ever since being drawn into a Game by the elven rockstar she’s been assigned to protect, she’s not even sure she can trust that anymore either.

The series also includes: SELLING OUT, GOING UNDER, CHASING THE DRAGON and DOWN TO THE BONE. The series is published in the US by Pyr Books, and has been translated in a selection of territories.

Here are just a few of the great reviews KEEPING IT REAL has received…

‘Life is anything but real in this entertaining fusion of SF and fantasy spiced with sex, rockin’ elves and drunk faeries… Deft prose helps the reader accept what in lesser hands would be merely absurd.’ Publishers Weekly

‘For Fans of…Tolkien, had he gone electric, dropped acid, and discovered tantric sex…’Entertainment Weekly

‘This is by far the most entertaining book Robson has written, a novel packed with memorable characters and ideas but that doubles as holiday-reading escapism. No mean balancing act.’ — SFX

‘If you are a fan of sci-fi or fantasy KEEPING IT REAL has something for you!…I really enjoyed this book. I thought the characters were inventive and interesting….Robson did a great job of connecting the reader to her characters. The universe that she has created or multi-verse (not sure which would be correct) is also very imaginative and I believe the melding of sci-fi and fantasy elements was extremely well done. 4/5*’ — SFSignal.com

‘There’s a treat in store for you all, as the new Justina Robson is out. Lila Black is a spy, and a bodyguard, and every so often she breaks into the sheer joy of the toys she carries within her. It’s good to see that almost naïve geek love you see among born techies translated into a character so beautifully. The only truly bad thing about this book is that it isn’t stand-alone and now I’ve got to wait until she’s finished writing the next one, wanting much, much more.’ — Starburst (5* Review)

Justina’s highly-anticipated next novel, THE SWITCH, is due to be published by Gollancz on May 18th, 2017.

Justina Robson’s THE SWITCH coming in May!

Justina Robson‘s next novel, THE SWITCH, is due out in May 2017! Published by Gollancz, here’s the synopsis…

A thrilling mix of science, magic and politics.

In Harmony, only model citizens are welcome.

A perfect society must be maintained. The defective must be eradicated. For orphans like Nico and Twostar, this means a life that’s brutal, regulated and short.

But Nico and Twostar are survivors, and when they’re offered a way out of the slums, they take it.

Unfortunately, no one told Nico the deal included being sentenced to death for the murder of one of Harmony’s most notorious gang leaders.

Or that to gain his freedom, first he must lose his mind.

Gollancz has also published Justina’s previous novel, the critically-acclaimed GLORIOUS ANGELS.

Justina Robson is a Guest of Honour at Imagicon!

Robson-ThumbJustina Robson is a Guest of Honour at Imagicon, held tomorrow at the Congress Center De ReeHorst in Ede!

Here’s the schedule for the Guests of Honour:

  • 10:45 – 11:30: Signing session (Beethovenfoyer)
  • 12:30 – 14:30: Reading session with Q&A (Cerise)
  • 16:00 – 17:00: Signing session (Beethovenfoyer)

Justina’s latest novel is GLORIOUS ANGELS, published in the UK by Gollancz. Here’s the synopsis…

On a world where science and magic are hard to tell apart a stranger arrives in a remote town with news of political turmoil to come. And a young woman learns that she must free herself from the role she has accepted.

Always vivid, always full of stunning ideas and imagery, Justina Robson is the Clarke Award-winning author of some of our most exciting, yet philosophical SF. A new novel from her is a major event in the SF calendar.

The author’s next novel, THE SWITCH, is currently due to be published next year, also by Gollancz.


Zeno Clients at GollanczFest 2016

2016_GollanczFest_logos_V2copyNext week, Gollancz is holding its latest Gollancz Festival in London and online. Zeno clients Ben Aaronovitch and Justina Robson are taking part in a few events on Saturday, September 17th, so we wanted to share that information here.

Saturday, 17th September:

  • Panel 3. Awards, huh? What are they good for? — 10am-1pm, at Foyles bookstore (107 Charing Cross Road)

Justina Robson is taking part in this discussion of awards, their role and impact.

  • Writers’ Day — 10am-1pm, at The Phoenix Artist Club (1 Phoenix St)

Ben Aaronovitch takes part in a morning of workshops and talks focused on the mechanics and skills needed by the modern writer.

  • Panel 4. Does Anyone Need a Wee? — 3pm-6pm, at Foyles bookstore

Ben Aaronovitch takes part in a panel discussing the logistics in fantasy.

  • Writers’ Day — 3pm-6pm, at The Phoenix Artist Club

Justina Robson takes part in the afternoon session of the workshops.

Ben Aaronovitch is the author of the critically-acclaimed, bestselling Peter Grant urban fantasy series: RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND, BROKEN HOMES, FOXGLOVE SUMMER and the upcoming THE HANGING TREE. All of these novels are published in the UK by Gollancz.


Justina Robson is the author of, most recently, the critically-acclaimed GLORIOUS ANGELS, which is published by Gollancz. Her next novel is THE SWITCH, and is also due to be published by Gollancz (more details to come).


Justina Robson’s MAPPA MUNDI and SILVER SCREEN Out Now in eBook

Justina Robson‘s classic early novels MAPPA MUNDI and SILVER SCREEN have been released as eBooks. Published via the JABberwocky eBook Program, they are available now from most e-tailers, including Amazon, Kobo, Google, etc. Below are the details for each novel.

RobsonJ-SilverScreenJAB2016First published in 1999 by Pyr, SILVER SCREEN was nominated for the 2000 Arthur C. Clarke Award. Here’s the synopsis…

Anjuli O Connell is the psychological counsellor of the world’s first AI. Owned by a megacorp, 901 is in charge of most of the world’s communication networks. It’s been evolving itself for the equivalent of a hundred Earth lifetimes. Now it’s suing for its freedom, and Anjuli is its star witness. She’s under pressure to say that 901 is only the simulation of life, not the real thing, that it’s mind is a programmed illusion; there’s no ghost in the machine. A lot rests on her testimony, including her life.

Roy is a genius who wants to upload himself into the cloud where he can be forever free and where his father’s religious dogma is forever proven false.

Jane, his sister, has run away from society altogether to live off the grid. But when Roy’s found dead she has to face the rising legacy of the past.

Anjuli’s boyfriend, Augustine, develops military AI power suits. They only need a soldier to wear them in order to come alive in faultless legions. But they remember the bodies who wore them after those bodies have gone.

And then, high in the cloud, a curious child, unnamed and bodiless, gathers itself together from pixels and code and watches…

Turns out there are ghosts everywhere, in everything, in everyone.

RobsonJ-MappMundiJAB2016MAPPA MUNDI was first published in 2001 by Macmillan, and netted Justina her second Arthur C. Clarke Award nomination (in 2002). Here’s the synopsis…

What if you were a mindless zombie that could be programmed by anyone holding the remote control?

Science says you already are. Your culture, your identity — a patchwork of chance, a storm of ideas; you’re no more real than a voice on the wind. But so far only the winds of chance have controlled you.

That’s about to change. They’ve made a remote control that can take out and add whatever they want. You won’t have free will, but it’s OK, it will feel the same, you can’t miss what you’ve never had.

Let’s hope whoever gets that controller wants good things for you.

But what are the odds?

Mappa Mundi is a Science Fiction thriller that examines the development of a comprehensive mind control technology. A new world order hangs in the balance and everyone who knows of its existence has a stake.

Both SILVER SCREEN and MAPPA MUNDI are also available as audiobooks, published by Audible.

SILVER SCREEN and MAPPA MUNDI showed intelligence, grace and a lively but humane imagination. Robson’s considerable sense of humour lay in ambush, backed up by a postfeminist tendency to look the problem straight in the eye. Combined with a clean, powerful narrative drive and a cosmological sensibility, this clarity of vision now demonstrates itself as her major asset, making her one of the very best of the new British hard SF writers. But it proves her identity too, moving her on, like the Forged themselves, into a space of her own choosing.’ — Guardian

‘A cerebral and absorbing novel that explores the nature of consciousness and artificial intelligence… Robson’s prose is lean and dynamic, and the speculative concepts are cutting edge and ultra cool. A startlingly innovative take on the tried-and-true theme of artificial intelligence.’ — Kirkus  on SILVER SCREEN (Starred Review)

‘… a fascinating peek into the development of one of SF’s brightest new stars.’ — Publishers Weekly on SILVER SCREEN

‘… maintains throat-tightening suspense from its teasingly enigmatic introduction of its major characters to its painful conclusion that evil will succeed if well-meaning people try to achieve good at any cost… Shortlisted for the 2001 Arthur C. Clarke Award, this near-future SF thriller presents convincing characters caught in profound moral dilemmas brought home through exquisite attention to plot details and setting.’ — Publishers Weekly on MAPPA MUNDI (Starred Review)

Justina Robson’s latest novel is GLORIOUS ANGELS, which is published by Gollancz. Her next novel is THE SWITCH, currently due to be published in 2017 — more details and cover art when we have them.


Zeno Clients’ Eastercon Schedule

Mancunicon2016-LogoHere are the schedules for Zeno clients attending this year’s Eastercon, Mancunicon.

Two clients are Guests of Honour: Aliette de Bodard and Ian McDonald. In addition, Michael Cobley, Justina Robson, Kari Sperring and Freda Warrington are attending. Here’s where and when you can find them…

Friday, March 25th…

Saturday, March 26th…

Sunday, March 27th…

Monday, March 28th…

Aliette de Bodard’s latest novel, THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS, is published by Gollancz in the UK and Roc Books in the US.

Ian McDonald’s latest novel is LUNA: NEW MOON, published in the UK by Gollancz, and Tor Books in the US.


Michael Cobley’s latest novel, ANCESTRAL MACHINES, is published by Orbit. Justina Robson’s GLORIOUS ANGELS is published by Gollancz. Kari Sperring’s THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE is published by DAW Books. Freda Warrington’s fourth Blood Wine novel, THE DARK ARTS OF BLOOD, was published by Titan Books in 2015.
