An Award Nod for APOCALYPSE NOW NOW Artist!


We are very pleased to share the news that Joey Hi-Fi‘s wonderful art that graces the cover of Charlie Human‘s APOCALYPSE NOW NOW has been chosen as a finalist in The Kitschies‘ Inky Tentacle (Cover Art) category! Selected from over 230 covers, it’s great to hear that Joey’s work has made the final short list!

As for Charlie’s novel, it continues to receive rave reviews from far and wide! As a result, anticipation for the sequel, KILL BAXTER, just keeps on growing. APOCALYPSE NOW NOW was published by Century in the UK, and Umuzi/Random Struik in South Africa. Here’s a reminder of the novel’s synopsis…

Baxter Zevcenko is your average sixteen-year-old-boy — if by average you mean kingpin of a schoolyard porn syndicate and possible serial killer who suffers from surreal  nightmares. Which may very well be what counts as average these days. Baxter is the first to admit that he’s not a nice guy. After all, if the guy below you falls, dragging you down into an icy abyss you have to cut him loose — even in high school.

That is until his girlfriend, Esmé, is kidnapped and Baxter is forced to confront a disturbing fact about himself — that he has a heart, and the damn thing is forcing him to abandon high-school politics and set out on a quest to find her. The clues point to supernatural forces at work and Baxter is must admit that he can’t do it alone. Enter Jackie Ronin, supernatural bounty hunter, Border War veteran, and all-round lunatic, who takes him on a chaotic tour of Cape Town’s sweaty, occult underbelly.

What do glowing men, transsexual African valkyries, and zombie-creating arachnids have to do with Esmé’s disappearance? That’s what Baxter really, really needs to find out.

And some of the aforementioned critical praise…

‘… a riot – a firebomb of a novel, exploding with sick humour, violence and depravity… it’s never less than very funny, and the ongoing question of Baxter’s sanity adds a degree of mystery. There’s warmth here, too – you’ll likely feel sympathy for Bax by the end.’  —  SFX Magazine

‘Think Lauren Beukes meets Neil Gaiman, with bounty hunters.’  —  Wired (UK)

‘… wonderfully detailed scenarios, it’s fantastic… APOCALYPSE NOW NOW is often hilarious and tremendous fun… its target audience will have a blast.’  —  SciFi Now

‘Human effortlessly mixes Baxter’s psychiatrist’s comments on him with lurid scenes of Cape Town’s supernatural clubland. It’s quick, amusing and widely referenced, and the reader gets no help on which reality to take seriously.’  —  Mail & Guardian

‘… a bowl of fireworks… It has porn-peddling adolescents, ginger bearded monk ninjas, killer crows and zombie-filled sex dungeons ruled over by parasitic mega-spiders. What’s not to love!?!’  —  J For Jetpack

‘… breakneck pace and mad imagination… APOCALYPSE NOW NOW [is] such an addictive experience. As one of an associate of Ronin’s remarks: “There’s no pause button, you understand? … Once it starts you have to see it through.” All too true!’  —

Upcoming Event: Tim Powers & Lavie Tidhar on SECRET HISTORIES (UK)…

Kitschies-KrakenWill you be in London in late October? Then we strongly recommend you pre-book your tickets to an upcoming event featuring two Zeno clients.

The event in question, The Kitschies Present… Secret Histories, features Zeno clients Tim Powers and Lavie Tidhar, and also Kate Griffin, discussing the sub-genre of Secret Histories. As the organisers state, ‘The past holds many mysteries… Three of the most intriguing voices in fantastic fiction join forces for one night to discuss their work, the boundaries between truth and fiction and our world – just not as we know it…’

The event will be held at Blackwell’s Charing Cross branch, on Monday, October 28, 2013 (6:30-8:00pm). Space is limited, as are the secretive goodie bags that will be handed out, so please book quickly! Your ticket is also good for a £2 discount on selected books bought on the night.

A little bit more about the authors taking part:

  • Tim Powers is the author of THE ANUBIS GATES, DECLARE, HIDE ME AMONG THE GRAVES, and many more.
  • Lavie Tidhar is the World Fantasy Award-winning author of OSAMA, The Bookman Histories, and the upcoming THE VIOLENT CENTURY
  • Kate Griffin is the author of A Madness of Angels, Stray Souls, The Glass God)

Anne C. Perry will act as Moderator and Ringmaster.