Zeno clients among the 2018 Locus Awards Finalists!

It’s that time of year again: the Locus Award Finalists have been announced! We’re very happy to report that a number of our clients and their work appear in the various categories. Here are the details…

Ian McDonald‘s LUNA: WOLF MOON is a finalist for Best Science Fiction Novel. Published by Tor Books in the US and Gollancz in the UK, here’s the synopsis…

A Dragon is dead.

Corta Helio, one of the five family corporations that rule the Moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed .

The remaining Helio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parent’s violent deaths, is now a ward — virtually a hostage — of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished of the surface of the moon.

Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead, and more to the point — that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was the Schemer, and even in death, he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Helio, more powerful than before. But Corta Helio needs allies, and to find them, the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey — to Earth.

In an unstable lunar environment, the shifting loyalties and political machinations of each family reach the zenith of their most fertile plots as outright war erupts.

Aliette de Bodard‘s THE HOUSE OF BINDING THORNS is among the finalists for Best Fantasy Novel. Published in the US by Roc Books and in the UK by Gollancz, here’s the synopsis…

Paris endures the aftermath of a devastating arcane war…

As the city rebuilds from the onslaught of sorcery that nearly destroyed it, the great Houses of Paris, ruled by Fallen angels, still contest one another for control over the capital.

House Silverspires was once the most powerful, but just as it sought to rise again, an ancient evil brought it low. Phillippe, an immortal who escaped the carnage, has a singular goal — to resurrect someone he lost. But the cost of such magic might be more than he can bear.

In House Hawthorn, Madeleine the alchemist has had her addiction to angel essence savagely broken. Struggling to live on, she is forced on a perilous diplomatic mission to the underwater dragon kingdom — and finds herself in the midst of intrigues that have already caused one previous emissary to mysteriously disappear…

As the Houses seek a peace more devastating than war, those caught between new fears and old hatreds must find strength — or fall prey to a magic that seeks to bind all to its will.

Aliette’s CHILDREN OF THORNS, CHILDREN OF WATER, a novelette set in the same Dominion of the Fallen series as the above novel, is also nominated for Best Novelette. You can read the story here.

Ian R. MacLeod‘s RED SNOW, published by PS Publishing, is a finalist for Best Horror Novel. Here’s the synopsis…

In the aftermath of the last great battle of the American Civil War, a disillusioned Union medic stumbles across a strange figure picking amid the corpses, and his life is changed forever…

In the cathedral city of Strasbourg in the years before the French Revolution, a church restorer is commissioned to paint a series of portraits that chart the changing appearance of a beautiful woman over the course of her life, although the woman herself seems ageless…

In Prohibition-era New York, an idealistic young Marxist is catapulted into the realms of elite society, and forced to assume the identity of someone who never existed…

Red Snow is a novel of love and violence, ideas and dreams, and revolves around the mystery of a monster drawn from humanity’s darkest myths which still somehow survives, and thrives, and kills, in this modern age.

Winners will be announced during the Locus Awards Weekend in Seattle WA, June 22-24, 2018.

Ian McDonald’s Luna series continues with MOON RISING…

We’re very happy to report that Ian McDonald‘s critically-acclaimed Luna series has been nominated for the Kurd Laßwitz Preis in the ‘Bestes ausländisches SF-Werk mit deutscher Erstausgabe’ category (Best Foreign SF available in German translation)!

Both of the novels — LUNA and WOLFSMOND — are published in Germany by Heyne. Here’s the synopsis for the first novel…

Kampf der Fünf Drachen

Die Zukunft: Schon lange ist der Mond den Menschen zu einer zweiten Heimat geworden. Doch auf dem Erdtrabanten geschieht nichts, ohne dass die dort ansässigen, rivalisierenden Wirtschaftsgiganten – die sogenannten Fünf Drachen – davon erfahren. Einer davon ist die Corta Helio Corporation unter dem Vorsitz der Patriarchin Adriana Corta. Als junge Frau musste sich Adriana in der brutalen Mondgesellschaft nach oben kämpfen – und hat sich dabei eine Menge Feinde gemacht. Feinde, die Adriana und ihren Clan nun zu Fall bringen wollen…

The winner of the award will be announced on September 22nd, 2018, at ElsterCon in Leipzig.

The series — NEW MOON, WOLF MOON and the upcoming MOON RISING (2019) — is published in the UK by Gollancz and in the US by Tor Books. The series has also been published widely in translation (for more information on the other editions available, be sure to check out Ian’s author page). Here’s the English-language synopsis for the first novel…

The scions of a falling house must navigate a world of corporate warfare to maintain their family’s status in the Moon’s vicious political atmosphere…

The Moon wants to kill you.

Maybe it will kill you when the per diem for your allotted food, water, and air runs out, just before you hit paydirt. Maybe it will kill you when you are trapped between the reigning corporations — the Five Dragons — in a foolish gamble against a futuristic feudal society. On the Moon, you must fight for every inch you want to gain. And that is just what Adriana Corta did.

As the leader of the Moon’s newest “dragon,” Adriana has wrested control of the Moon’s Helium-3 industry from the Mackenzie Metal corporation and fought to earn her family’s new status. Now, in the twilight of her life, Adriana finds her corporation — Corta Helio — confronted by the many enemies she made during her meteoric rise. If the Corta family is to survive, Adriana’s five children must defend their mother’s empire from her many enemies… and each other.


WOLF MOON, the second Luna novel by Ian McDonald, is out today in France! Published by Denoël as LUNE DU LOUP, here’s the synopsis…

Sur la Lune, deux ans après les événements qui ont précipité la chute de la famille Corta, les Mackenzie se sont approprié les restes de leur entreprise. Il n’y a donc plus que quatre «Dragons», ces consortiums familiaux qui se partagent l’exploitation des ressources lunaires et, donc, le pouvoir. Pourtant, les Mackenzie se déchirent sur les cadavres encore frais de leurs ennemis de toujours. Les Sun continuent, discrètement, à élaborer des plans visant à affaiblir leurs adversaires. Les Vorontsov vendent toujours leurs indispensables services au plus offrant. Et les Asamoah tentent tant bien que mal de préserver leur neutralité de façade. Mais le statu quo, même sous gravité réduite, n’est jamais acquis. D’autant que les rares survivants de la famille Corta – blessés, en fuite ou sous la protection d’autres Dragons – n’ont pas dit leur dernier mot.

WOLF MOON is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Tor Books, and has been published in a number of other translated editions. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A Dragon is dead.

Corta Helio, one of the five family corporations that rule the Moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed.

The remaining Helio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parent’s violent deaths, is now a ward — virtually a hostage — of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished of the surface of the moon.

Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead, and more to the point — that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was the Schemer, and even in death, he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Helio, more powerful than before. But Corta Helio needs allies, and to find them, the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey — to Earth.

In an unstable lunar environment, the shifting loyalties and political machinations of each family reach the zenith of their most fertile plots as outright war erupts.

The first in the series — NEW MOON — is also available from Denoël, Gollancz and Tor Books. The next novel in the series, MOON RISING, is due out later this year.

Here are some of the great reviews LUNA: WOLF MOON has received since its release…

‘[A] powerful sequel… compelling throughout. Each of McDonald’s viewpoint characters is made human in fascinating and occasionally disturbing detail, and the solar system of the 22nd century is wonderfully delineated. Fans of the first volume will love this one and eagerly look forward to the next.’ Publishers Weekly

NEW MOON was one of the most interesting sci-fi novels of 2015, with smart ideas on humanity and economies matched by street smarts, political brawls and murder in the streets. LUNA: WOLF MOON turns that up to eleven – it’s a fascinating story, which is also a tense, enthralling read.’ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Review

‘The fights and vengeance that follow are more vicious and intricate than anything in Game of Thrones, full of great acts of self-sacrifice and viciousness alike, brave cavalry charges and last stands, cowardice and avarice. McDonald’s great gift is to hold the micro- and macro-scale in his hand at once. Starting with his debut novel, 1988’s Desolation Road, McDonald has used his intense, finely crafted and small personal stories of his vast casts of characters as the pixels in an unimaginably vast display on which he projects some of the field’s most audacious worldbuilding — never worldbuilding for its own sake, either, but always in the service of slyly parodying, critiquing or lionizing elements of our present-day world.’ Boing Boing

‘A Howling Good Read… No one builds a world like Ian McDonald does. Piece by piece and brick by brick. Spare, simple, elegant when he needs to be…, deep and meaty when he wants to be…, he does his work like an artisan pulling a sculpture from stone. There are no wasted moves, nothing that isn’t vital because, in the end, everything is vital. Everything matters… it is fascinating, all of it. Because McDonald has made a world that is ruthless in its consistency and living, breathing reality, and then made characters who are not just living in it, but wholly and fully of it… McDonald’s corporate war is a gorgeous thing, fought with every tool available… McDonald is able to wrap the biggest events in constellations of the smallest so that a cocktail party here, a discussion of ’80s retro fashion (all mall-hair and WHAM! T-shirts), a love story and a day at work for a guy who cleans solar panels all build and coalesce to form the background radiation of life in this unstable future. Every moment with his characters makes them precious, real and alive.’ NPR

Zeno Clients nominated for Polish “Goodreads” Awards!

We’re very happy to report that Ian McDonald‘s WOLF MOON, Lavie Tidhar‘s CENTRAL STATION and Ian Tregillis‘s THE RISING have all been nominated for Best Sci-Fi novel on Lubimyczytać! Many congratulations to all three authors! (This situation creates a certain amount of angst for us: we really want all three to win!) Voting is open until February 28th.

Here are some more details about each novel…

Ian McDonald’s WOLF MOON, the second in the Luna series, is published in Poland by MAG as LUNA: WILCZA PEŁNIA. Here’s the synopsis…

Zabito Smoka.

Corta Hélio, jedna z pięciu rządzących Księżycem rodzinnych korporacji, została zniszczona. Rodzina się rozproszyła, wrogowie podzielili majątek między sobą. Minęło osiemnaście miesięcy.

Ocalałe dzieci Cortów, Lucasinho i Luna, uzyskały ochronę potężnego rodu Asamoah, a Robson, który nie doszedł do siebie po gwałtownej śmierci rodziców, jest teraz podopiecznym – a w istocie zakładnikiem – rodu Mackenziech. Natomiast mianowany następca tronu, Lucas Corta, zniknął z powierzchni Księżyca.

Jedynie lady Sun, głowa rodu Sunów i korporacji Taiyang, podejrzewa, że Lucas jednak żyje i wciąż jest liczącym się graczem. Przecież zawsze był królem intrygi – i nie zawahałby się zaryzykować nawet życia, by zbudować nowe Corta Hélio, jeszcze potężniejsze niż przedtem. Potrzebuje jednak sojuszników – aby ich zyskać, porywa się na podróż na Ziemię, wyprawę niewykonalną dla urodzonego na Księżycu człowieka.

W niestabilnym księżycowym klimacie zwieńczeniem intryg, zmieniających się sojuszy i politycznych machinacji wielkich rodów staje się otwarta, krwawa wojna.

The Luna series is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Corta Helio, one of the five family corporations that rule the Moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed.

The remaining Helio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parent’s violent deaths, is now a ward — virtually a hostage — of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished from the surface of the moon.

Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead, and – more to the point — that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was a schemer, and even in death, he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Helio, more powerful than before. But Corta Helio needs allies, and to find them, the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey — to Earth.

In an unstable lunar environment, the shifting loyalties and political machinations of each family reach the zenith of their most fertile plots as outright war between the families erupts.

Lavie Tidhar’s award-winning CENTRAL STATION is published in Poland by Zysk i S-Ka as STACJA CENTRALNA. Here’s the synopsis…

U podstawy kosmoportu “Stacji Centralnej”, powstałego w przyszłościowym mieście na pograniczu między izraelskim Tel Awiwem a arabską Jaffą, zamieszkało ćwierć miliona ludzi. Rozmaite kultury zderzają się tu ze sobą, w świecie realnym i wirtualnym.

Ludzi, maszyny i Innych łączy ze sobą strumień cyfrowej świadomości. Życie może być tanie, ale dane są tańsze…

Gdy Boris Chong z oporami wraca do Tel Awiwu z Marsa, zastaje tu całkowity chaos. Jego była kochanka wychowuje dziwnie znajome dziecko, które potrafi jednym dotknięciem palca podłączyć się do strumienia danych umysłu. Jego ojciec dał początek wielopokoleniowej zarazie umysłowej i choruje na przeciążenie pamięci. Jego podróżująca po kosmosie kuzynka zakochała się w robotniku, żołnierzu-cyborgu. A nieobliczalna kobieta będąca wampirem danych podążyła za nim do domu…

Nad tym wszystkim góruje Stacja Centralna, stanowiąca połączenie między nieustannie się zmieniającym Tel Awiwem, ogromnym światem wirtualnym oraz koloniami kosmicznymi, do których przenieśli się ludzie uciekający przed nędzą i wojną. A wszystko to łączą ze sobą Inni, obce jestestwa, których nieustannie zmieniający się strumień świadomości stanął na progu fundamentalnej zmiany.

CENTRAL STATION is published in English by Tachyon Publications. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A worldwide diaspora has left a quarter of a million people at the foot of a space station. Cultures collide in real life and virtual reality. Life is cheap, and data is cheaper.

When Boris Chong returns to Tel Aviv from Mars, much has changed. Boris’s ex-lover is raising a strangely familiar child who can tap into the datastream of a mind with the touch of a finger. His cousin is infatuated with a robotnik — a damaged cyborg soldier who might as well be begging for parts. His father is terminally-ill with a multigenerational mind-plague. And a hunted data-vampire has followed Boris to where she is forbidden to return.

Rising above them is Central Station, the interplanetary hub between all things: the constantly shifting Tel Aviv; a powerful virtual arena, and the space colonies where humanity has gone to escape the ravages of poverty and war. Everything is connected by the Others, powerful alien entities who, through the Conversation — a shifting, flowing stream of consciousness — are just the beginning of irrevocable change.

At Central Station, humans and machines continue to adapt, thrive… and even evolve.

And last, but by no means least, we have Ian Tregillis’s THE RISING. The second novel in the author’s critically-acclaimed Alchemy Wars trilogy, it is published in Poland by Wydawnictwo SQN as POWSTANIE. Here’s the synopsis…

Odrodzony w ogniach zniszczonej Wielkiej Kuźni Jax rozpoczyna życie jako wolny klakier. Z wyzwoleniem wiąże się jednak ogromne brzemię. Jax pragnie wolności dla swoich mosiężnych braci i sióstr. Nadziei upatruje w na poły legendarnej królowej Mab i jej mitycznej arkadii ukrytej gdzieś daleko na północy kontynentu.

Berenice pełniła funkcję Talleyranda – szpiegmistrzyni, bohaterki dziesiątków opowieści, herosa ludu Nowej Francji. A potem popełniła błąd… Została wygnana z kraju i pochwycona przez drakońską sekretną policję zegarmistrzów. Choć jej dni zdają się policzone, nadal zamierza za wszelką cenę dążyć do odmienienia losów wojny.

Mosiężny Tron planuje znów najechać francuskie ziemie. Ostatnim bastionem Francuzów jest dotąd niezdobyta twierdza Zachodniej Marsylii. Właśnie tu do obrony przygotowuje się kapitan Hugo Longchamp. Zadanie ma wyjątkowo trudne, bo naprzeciw niestrudzonej armii mechanicznych żołnierzy może wystawić jedynie znękane i nieprzetestowane oddziały złożone w większości z kupców i rzemieślników. Sytuacja dawno nie była tak beznadziejna.

THE RISING is published in the UK by Orbit Books, as are the other two novels in the series: THE MECHANICAL and THE LIBERATION. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

They called me Jax.

That was the name given by those who built me and enslaved me. But a miracle has happened, and now my bonds are broken.

Now I must flee — because a rogue mechanical is a very dangerous thing.

But I will not run forever.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and Translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous Inc.

A WOLF MOON (paperback) rises in the UK

The paperback edition of Ian McDonald‘s critically-acclaimed WOLF MOON is out today in the UK! Published by Gollancz, here’s the synopsis…

Corta Helio, one of the five family corporations that rule the Moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed.

The remaining Helio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parent’s violent deaths, is now a ward — virtually a hostage — of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished from the surface of the moon.

Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead, and – more to the point – that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was a schemer, and even in death, he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Helio, more powerful than before. But Corta Helio needs allies, and to find them, the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey — to Earth.
In an unstable lunar environment, the shifting loyalties and political machinations of each family reach the zenith of their most fertile plots as outright war between the families erupts.

The first novel in the series has also been published by Gollancz, and the third is on its way later this year: NEW MOON and MOON RISING, respectively. The series is published in the US by Tor Books.

Here are just some of the reviews the ‘powerful sequel’ WOLF MOON has received so far…

NEW MOON was one of the most interesting sci-fi novels of 2015, with smart ideas on humanity and economies matched by street smarts, political brawls and murder in the streets. LUNA: WOLF MOON turns that up to eleven – it’s a fascinating story, which is also a tense, enthralling read.’  —  Sci-Fi & Fantasy Review

‘The fights and vengeance that follow are more vicious and intricate than anything in Game of Thrones, full of great acts of self-sacrifice and viciousness alike, brave cavalry charges and last stands, cowardice and avarice. McDonald’s great gift is to hold the micro- and macro-scale in his hand at once. Starting with his debut novel, 1988’s Desolation Road, McDonald has used his intense, finely crafted and small personal stories of his vast casts of characters as the pixels in an unimaginably vast display on which he projects some of the field’s most audacious worldbuilding — never worldbuilding for its own sake, either, but always in the service of slyly parodying, critiquing or lionizing elements of our present-day world.’ Boing Boing

‘A Howling Good Read… No one builds a world like Ian McDonald does. Piece by piece and brick by brick. Spare, simple, elegant when he needs to be…, deep and meaty when he wants to be…, he does his work like an artisan pulling a sculpture from stone. There are no wasted moves, nothing that isn’t vital because, in the end, everything is vital. Everything matters… it is fascinating, all of it. Because McDonald has made a world that is ruthless in its consistency and living, breathing reality, and then made characters who are not just living in it, but wholly and fully of it… McDonald’s corporate war is a gorgeous thing, fought with every tool available… McDonald is able to wrap the biggest events in constellations of the smallest so that a cocktail party here, a discussion of ’80s retro fashion (all mall-hair and WHAM! T-shirts), a love story and a day at work for a guy who cleans solar panels all build and coalesce to form the background radiation of life in this unstable future. Every moment with his characters makes them precious, real and alive.’ NPR

‘[A] powerful sequel… compelling throughout. Each of McDonald’s viewpoint characters is made human in fascinating and occasionally disturbing detail, and the solar system of the 22nd century is wonderfully delineated. Fans of the first volume will love this one and eagerly look forward to the next.’ Publishers Weekly

In two weeks, a WOLF MOON rises in France!

The French edition of WOLF MOON, the second novel in Ian McDonald‘s critically-acclaimed science fiction Luna series, is due out in two weeks! Published by Denoël as LUNA: LUNE DU LOUP, here’s the synopsis…

Sur la Lune, deux ans après les événements qui ont précipité la chute de la famille Corta, les Mackenzie se sont approprié les restes de leur entreprise. Il n’y a donc plus que quatre «Dragons», ces consortiums familiaux qui se partagent l’exploitation des ressources lunaires et, donc, le pouvoir. Pourtant, les Mackenzie se déchirent sur les cadavres encore frais de leurs ennemis de toujours. Les Sun continuent, discrètement, à élaborer des plans visant à affaiblir leurs adversaires. Les Vorontsov vendent toujours leurs indispensables services au plus offrant. Et les Asamoah tentent tant bien que mal de préserver leur neutralité de façade. Mais le statu quo, même sous gravité réduite, n’est jamais acquis. D’autant que les rares survivants de la famille Corta – blessés, en fuite ou sous la protection d’autres Dragons – n’ont pas dit leur dernier mot.

Avec le deuxième tome de sa trilogie, Ian McDonald continue, sans temps mort, l’exploration minutieuse de sa colonie lunaire, nouveau Far West où tous les coups (bas) sont permis.

Denoël has also published the first in the series, NEW MOON, as LUNA.

The Luna series is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Tor Books. The third novel in the series, MOON RISING, is due out later this year. Here’s the English-language synopsis for WOLF MOON

Corta Helio, one of the five family corporations that rule the Moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed.

The remaining Helio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parent’s violent deaths, is now a ward — virtually a hostage — of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished from the surface of the moon.

Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead, and – more to the point – that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was a schemer, and even in death, he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Helio, more powerful than before. But Corta Helio needs allies, and to find them, the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey — to Earth.
In an unstable lunar environment, the shifting loyalties and political machinations of each family reach the zenith of their most fertile plots as outright war between the families erupts.

That’s NEW MOON… (in Russia)

The global conquest of Ian McDonald‘s Luna series continues! The first novel in the series, NEW MOON, is now available in Russia. Published by аст as Новая Луна, here’s the synopsis…

Луна хочет тебя убить, и у нее есть тысячи способов добиться своего. Вакуум, радиация, удушающая пыль, слабеющие кости… Луна — новое государство, где нет законов, но есть бесконечные договоренности, где за воздух и информацию постоянно надо платить, и всем правят пять Драконов — пять индустриальных кланов. Между ними давно поделены сферы, каждый занимается своим делом, но основатели кланов стареют, их смерть уже близка, и между многочисленными наследниками развязывается жестокая борьба за новые сферы. Адриане Корте восемьдесят. Ее семья управляет корпорацией “Корта Элиу”. Компания выжила в жестоких корпоративных войн ах, но приобрела немало врагов. И теперь, когда с таким трудом завоеванный мир начинает трещать по швам, дети Адрианы должны спасти империю матери от развала… а еще от самих себя. Так начинается один из самых масштабных научно-фантастических романов последних лет, эпическая сага об интригах, предательствах и мести в зримом, жестоком, неожиданном и потрясающе реалистичном мире будущего.

NEW MOON is published in the UK by Gollancz, in the US by Tor Books, and has been published widely in translation. The second novel in the series, WOLF MOON, is also out now in the UK and US. Here’s the English-language synopsis for NEW MOON

The Moon wants to kill you.

Maybe it will kill you when the per diem for your allotted food, water, and air runs out, just before you hit paydirt. Maybe it will kill you when you are trapped between the reigning corporations-the Five Dragons-in a foolish gamble against a futuristic feudal society. On the Moon, you must fight for every inch you want to gain. And that is just what Adriana Corta did.

As the leader of the Moon’s newest “dragon,” Adriana has wrested control of the Moon’s Helium-3 industry from the Mackenzie Metal corporation and fought to earn her family’s new status. Now, in the twilight of her life, Adriana finds her corporation-Corta Helio-confronted by the many enemies she made during her meteoric rise. If the Corta family is to survive, Adriana’s five children must defend their mother’s empire from her many enemies… and each other.

Here are just a few of the great reviews NEW MOON has received so far…

‘McDonald… begins his superb near-future series… scintillating, violent, and decadent world. McDonald creates a complex and fascinating civilization featuring believable technology, and the characters are fully developed, with individually gripping stories. Watch for this brilliantly constructed family saga on next year’s award ballots.’ Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

‘Mafia-style mining families clash in a compelling fantasy that offers up all the pleasures of a cut-throat soap opera in space…That McDonald is able to spin a compelling story from this unforgiving set-up is testament to his skill as a writer… One thing Luna does exceptionally well is to puncture Old Heinlein’s assumption that a frontier society based on the primacy of the family and a disregard of conventional laws would end up like idealised smalltown America. Luna argues that any realistic future colonisation of the moon will be much more The Sopranos than The Waltons. LUNA is as gripping as it is colourful, and as colourful as it is nasty.’ — Guardian

No one writes like Ian McDonald, and no one’s Moon is nearly so beautiful and terrible… Ian McDonald’s never written a bad novel, but this is a great Ian McDonald novel… McDonald has ten details for every detail proffered by other sf writers. Not gratuitous details, either: gracious ones. The fashion sense of William Gibson, the design sense of Bruce Sterling, the eye for family drama of Connie Willis, the poesie of Bradbury, and the dirty sex of Kathe Koja and Samuel Delany… McDonald’s moon is omnisexual, kinky, violent, passionate, beautiful, awful, vibrant and crushing… a panoply of great passions and low desires. LUNA: NEW MOON is the first book of a two-book cycle. Now I’m all a-quiver for the next one.‘ BoingBoing

The way that Ian McDonald flawlessly adapts his writing to the relevant culture and country at hand is ingenious, and he showcases this perfectly in his much-lauded previous work. In LUNA: NEW MOON though, McDonald has clearly perfected this skill… McDonald certainly shows off the well-developed Cortas to illustrate his knack for creating dynamic human relationships that encompass the whole Moon… LUNA: NEW MOON is a world that has been intricately woven together by its author. It’s compelling and thought-provoking, and all without relying on overbearing sci-fi clichés. Brilliantly done.’ SciFiNow

LUNA: NEW MOON is the best moon novel I’ve seen in many years, but it’s also something of a piece with the recent movement on the part of Paul McAuley, Kim Stanley Robinson, and oth­ers to confine novels to the solar system, out of a realistic assessment that this is likely all we’ll have to work with – but McDonald takes this a step further. Possibly the most chilling lines in the book for an SF reader come from Adriana herself, in her own narrative: ‘‘There was no law, no justice,’’ she writes, ‘‘only management. The moon was the frontier, but it was the frontier to nothing. There was nowhere to run.’’ Inasmuch as it challenges one of the cherished master narratives of SF, in which the moon is only a stepping-stone, and despite what it owes to the tropes of ’70s-era social melodrama, McDon­ald’s novel has some formidable SF stingers not far beneath its densely textured surface.’ Locus

Ian McDonald’s LUNA: ÚJHOLD available in Hungary!

Ian McDonald‘s critically-acclaimed first Luna novel, NEW MOON is now available in Hungary! Published by Gabo as LUNA: ÚJHOLD, here’s the synopsis…

A Holdon meg kell küzdened minden talpalatnyi helyért.

És Adriana Corta pontosan ezt tette.

A Hold legfiatalabb uralkodócsaládjának fejeként Adriana kicsavarta a Hold hélium-3 iparát a Mackenzie vállalat kezéből, és új státuszt vívott ki a családjának. Élete alkonyán azonban Adriana vállalatát számos ellenség támadja, akiket üstökösszerű felemelkedése során szerzett. A Corta család csak úgy maradhat fent, ha Adriana öt gyermeke megvédi az anyjuk birodalmát a támadóktól… és egymástól is.

„Hajunkban virágok, kezünkben gyertyák. Vártuk a pillanatot, amikor a Hold pereme kibukkan a tenger fölött. És meg is jelent: az elképzelhető legapróbb szegélye, olyan vékony, akár a körömnyesedék. Mintha átvérzett volna a láthatáron. Hatalmas volt. Annyira hatalmas. Aztán már másként érzékeltem, és azt láttam, hogy nem a világ peremén túl emelkedik: a tengerből formálódik éppen. Szóhoz sem jutottam. Egyikünk se. Csak álltunk ott ezrével, mozdulatlanul. Fehér-kék sor Brazília szegélyén. Aztán felemelkedett a Hold, tisztán és teljesen, és a tengeren át ezüst vonal ért el tőle egészen hozzám. Yemanja ösvénye. Az út, amit az Úrnő bejárt, hogy eljusson a mi világunkig. És emlékszem, ahogy azt gondolom, hogy az utak mindkét irányban járhatók. Én is végigjárhatom, egészen a Holdig.”

NEW MOON is published in the UK by Gollancz, in the US by Tor Books, and has been published widely elsewhere in translation (see below for a selection of covers). The sequel, WOLF MOON, is also published by Gollancz and Tor Books, and has a growing number of international editions as well. Here’s the English-language synopsis for NEW MOON

The scions of a falling house must navigate a world of corporate warfare to maintain their family’s status in the Moon’s vicious political atmosphere.

The Moon wants to kill you.

Maybe it will kill you when the per diem for your allotted food, water, and air runs out, just before you hit paydirt. Maybe it will kill you when you are trapped between the reigning corporations — the Five Dragons — in a foolish gamble against a futuristic feudal society. On the Moon, you must fight for every inch you want to gain. And that is just what Adriana Corta did.

As the leader of the Moon’s newest “dragon,” Adriana has wrested control of the Moon’s Helium-3 industry from the Mackenzie Metal corporation and fought to earn her family’s new status. Now, in the twilight of her life, Adriana finds her corporation — Corta Helio — confronted by the many enemies she made during her meteoric rise. If the Corta family is to survive, Adriana’s five children must defend their mother’s empire from her many enemies… and each other.

Here are some of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘Smart, funny, passionate and at times quite dark, McDonald brings the touch we’ve seen in RIVER OF GODS and DERVISH HOUSE to an entirely new culture as it evolves in a distant hostile place where business or family rules all… it’s terrific. My only complaint: it leaves you wanting the second book right now!’ — Jonathan Strahan

‘McDonald… begins his superb near-future series… scintillating, violent, and decadent world. McDonald creates a complex and fascinating civilization featuring believable technology, and the characters are fully developed, with individually gripping stories. Watch for this brilliantly constructed family saga on next year’s award ballots.’ Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

‘Mafia-style mining families clash in a compelling fantasy that offers up all the pleasures of a cut-throat soap opera in space…That McDonald is able to spin a compelling story from this unforgiving set-up is testament to his skill as a writer… LUNA is as gripping as it is colourful, and as colourful as it is nasty.’ — Guardian

No one writes like Ian McDonald, and no one’s Moon is nearly so beautiful and terrible… Ian McDonald’s never written a bad novel, but this is a great Ian McDonald novel… The fashion sense of William Gibson, the design sense of Bruce Sterling, the eye for family drama of Connie Willis, the poesie of Bradbury… McDonald’s moon is omnisexual, kinky, violent, passionate, beautiful, awful, vibrant and crushing… Now I’m all a-quiver for the next one.’BoingBoing

‘Fans of cerebral, high-concept science fiction will love this exploration of society on the moon many decades after it has been colonized. The focus is more on concept and plot than on character, but the former are compelling enough to make this an addictive page-turner. Including the stories of many characters gives the reader important insights into different facets of society, and although the book starts at a slow pace, it accelerates into a mesmerizing political thriller.’ RT Book Reviews

LUNA: NEW MOON is the best moon novel I’ve seen in many years, but it’s also something of a piece with the recent movement on the part of Paul McAuley, Kim Stanley Robinson, and oth­ers to confine novels to the solar system, out of a realistic assessment that this is likely all we’ll have to work with – but McDonald takes this a step further. Possibly the most chilling lines in the book for an SF reader come from Adriana herself, in her own narrative: ‘‘There was no law, no justice,’’ she writes, ‘‘only management. The moon was the frontier, but it was the frontier to nothing. There was nowhere to run.’’ Inasmuch as it challenges one of the cherished master narratives of SF, in which the moon is only a stepping-stone, and despite what it owes to the tropes of ’70s-era social melodrama, McDon­ald’s novel has some formidable SF stingers not far beneath its densely textured surface.’ Locus

‘Heralds the welcome return of one of western science fiction’s foremost globally oriented authors. Bristling with the energy and action… Nestled within a narrative of lunar colonization driven by STEM developments and a decimated, post-oil Earth economy, LUNA burns with the desperate anxieties of the late-capitalist, financialized age: the universalization of debt, the demand for contingent and flexible labor, and the resulting polarized wealth gap… one of McDonald’s greatest strengths: an ability to think through the uneven development and cultural diffusion of global economic and technological change… McDonald’s worlds, whether grim, hopeful, or — as is often the case — both, feel lived in rather than culturally depleted or used up… With an action narrative driving this political commentary, LUNA is actually a fantastically fun read as well as an important one.’ LA Review of Books

Hungarian Edition of LUNA: NEW MOON out next month!

Ian McDonald‘s Luna series continues its conquest of the globe, with the fast-approaching release of the first novel in Hungary! Published in June by Gabo as ÚJHOLD, here’s the synopsis…

A Holdon meg kell küzdened minden talpalatnyi helyért.

És Adriana Corta pontosan ezt tette.

A Hold legfiatalabb uralkodócsaládjának fejeként Adriana kicsavarta a Hold hélium-3 iparát a Mackenzie vállalat kezéből, és új státuszt vívott ki a családjának. Élete alkonyán azonban Adriana vállalatát számos ellenség támadja, akiket üstökösszerű felemelkedése során szerzett. A Corta család csak úgy maradhat fent, ha Adriana öt gyermeke megvédi az anyjuk birodalmát a támadóktól… és egymástól is.

„Hajunkban virágok, kezünkben gyertyák. Vártuk a pillanatot, amikor a Hold pereme kibukkan a tenger fölött. És meg is jelent: az elképzelhető legapróbb szegélye, olyan vékony, akár a körömnyesedék. Mintha átvérzett volna a láthatáron. Hatalmas volt. Annyira hatalmas. Aztán már másként érzékeltem, és azt láttam, hogy nem a világ peremén túl emelkedik: a tengerből formálódik éppen. Szóhoz sem jutottam. Egyikünk se. Csak álltunk ott ezrével, mozdulatlanul. Fehér-kék sor Brazília szegélyén. Aztán felemelkedett a Hold, tisztán és teljesen, és a tengeren át ezüst vonal ért el tőle egészen hozzám. Yemanja ösvénye. Az út, amit az Úrnő bejárt, hogy eljusson a mi világunkig. És emlékszem, ahogy azt gondolom, hogy az utak mindkét irányban járhatók. Én is végigjárhatom, egészen a Holdig.”

The novel is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Tor Books, as well as in a number of other territories. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Moon wants to kill you.

Maybe it will kill you when the per diem for your allotted food, water, and air runs out, just before you hit paydirt. Maybe it will kill you when you are trapped between the reigning corporations — the Five Dragons — in a foolish gamble against a futuristic feudal society. On the Moon, you must fight for every inch you want to gain. And that is just what Adriana Corta did.

As the leader of the Moon’s newest “dragon,” Adriana has wrested control of the Moon’s Helium-3 industry from the Mackenzie Metal corporation and fought to earn her family’s new status. Now, in the twilight of her life, Adriana finds her corporation — Corta Helio — confronted by the many enemies she made during her meteoric rise. If the Corta family is to survive, Adriana’s five children must defend their mother’s empire from her many enemies… and each other.

LUNA: WOLF MOON, the sequel, is also published by Gollancz and Tor Books.

Ian McDonald’s NEW MOON now available in Romania!

Ian McDonald‘s critically-acclaimed LUNA: NEW MOON has been released in Romania! Published by Nautilus/Nemira as LUNA NOUĂ, here’s the synopsis…

Luna vrea sa te omoare: fie ca nu-ti poate garanta hrana, apa si aerul necesare, fie ca te trezesti implicat in conflictul dintre corporatiile la putere acolo. Pentru fiecare centimetru pe care vrei sa-l cuceresti in societatea feudala de pe Luna, trebuie sa lupti. Exact asta a facut Adriana Corta. La sfarsitul vietii, ea isi gaseste corporatia inconjurata de dusmani, iar cei cinci copii ai sai trebuie sa-i apere imperiul de adversari si de diverse pericole pentru ca familia Corta sa supravietuiasca.

The novel is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Tor Books, as well as widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Moon wants to kill you.

Maybe it will kill you when the per diem for your allotted food, water, and air runs out, just before you hit paydirt. Maybe it will kill you when you are trapped between the reigning corporations — the Five Dragons — in a foolish gamble against a futuristic feudal society. On the Moon, you must fight for every inch you want to gain. And that is just what Adriana Corta did.

As the leader of the Moon’s newest “dragon,” Adriana has wrested control of the Moon’s Helium-3 industry from the Mackenzie Metal corporation and fought to earn her family’s new status. Now, in the twilight of her life, Adriana finds her corporation — Corta Helio — confronted by the many enemies she made during her meteoric rise. If the Corta family is to survive, Adriana’s five children must defend their mother’s empire from her many enemies… and each other.

The sequel, WOLF MOON is also published by Gollancz and Tor Books.

Ian McDonald’s WOLFSMOND out now in Germany

Luna – Wolfsmond von Ian McDonald

Ian McDonald‘s highly-anticipated second Luna novel, WOLF MOON is out now in Germany! Published by Heyne as LUNA: WOLFSMOND, here’s the synopsis…

Auf dem Mond ist der Mensch die tödlichste aller Gefahren

Achtzehn Monate sind seit dem Tod Adriana Cortas vergangen. Die Corta Helio Corporation ist zerschlagen und die mächtigste Familie des Mondes ruiniert. Die vier verbliebenen Drachen, wie die einflussreichen Clans auf dem Mond genannt werden, wittern ihre Chance und liefern sich einen erbitterten Kampf um die Vormachtstellung in der High Society des Mondes – es ist ein Machtspiel voller Verführung, Lügen und Intrigen. Ein Spiel, das die Menschen auf dem Mond schon bald an den Rand eines Krieges bringen wird…

WOLF MOON is the sequel to the critically acclaimed NEW MOON, which has also been published in German by Heyne. The series is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Tor Books. It has also been published widely in translation, with more editions on the way! (More details can be found on his author page. If you have any other questions, please do get in touch for details.) Here’s the English-language synopsis for WOLF MOON

Corta Helio, one of the five family corporations that rule the Moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed.

The remaining Helio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parent’s violent deaths, is now a ward — virtually a hostage — of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished from the surface of the moon.

Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead, and — more to the point — that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was a schemer, and even in death, he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Helio, more powerful than before. But Corta Helio needs allies, and to find them, the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey — to Earth.
In an unstable lunar environment, the shifting loyalties and political machinations of each family reach the zenith of their most fertile plots as outright war between the families erupts.

Here is some of the aforementioned critical acclaim for the series…

‘Powerful sequel… compelling throughout. Each of McDonald’s viewpoint characters is made human in fascinating and occasionally disturbing detail, and the solar system of the 22nd century is wonderfully delineated. Fans of the first volume will love this one and eagerly look forward to the next.’ Publishers Weekly on WOLF MOON

NEW MOON was one of the most interesting sci-fi novels of 2015, with smart ideas on humanity and economies matched by street smarts, political brawls and murder in the streets. LUNA: WOLF MOON turns that up to eleven – it’s a fascinating story, which is also a tense, enthralling read.’ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Review

‘The fights and vengeance that follow are more vicious and intricate than anything in Game of Thrones, full of great acts of self-sacrifice and viciousness alike… McDonald’s great gift is to hold the micro- and macro-scale in his hand at once… McDonald has used his intense, finely crafted and small personal stories of his vast casts of characters as the pixels in an unimaginably vast display on which he projects some of the field’s most audacious worldbuilding — never worldbuilding for its own sake, either, but always in the service of slyly parodying, critiquing or lionizing elements of our present-day world.’ Boing Boing on WOLF MOON

‘A Howling Good Read… No one builds a world like Ian McDonald does… Spare, simple, elegant when he needs to be…, deep and meaty when he wants to be…, he does his work like an artisan pulling a sculpture from stone… it is fascinating, all of it. Because McDonald has made a world that is ruthless in its consistency and living, breathing reality, and then made characters who are not just living in it, but wholly and fully of it… McDonald’s corporate war is a gorgeous thing, fought with every tool available… Every moment with his characters makes them precious, real and alive.’ NPR on WOLF MOON

‘Smart, funny, passionate and at times quite dark, McDonald brings the touch we’ve seen in RIVER OF GODS and DERVISH HOUSE to an entirely new culture as it evolves in a distant hostile place where business or family rules all… it’s terrific. My only complaint: it leaves you wanting the second book right now!’ — Jonathan Strahan on NEW MOON

‘Mafia-style mining families clash in a compelling fantasy that offers up all the pleasures of a cut-throat soap opera in space…That McDonald is able to spin a compelling story from this unforgiving set-up is testament to his skill as a writer… One thing Luna does exceptionally well is to puncture Old Heinlein’s assumption that a frontier society based on the primacy of the family and a disregard of conventional laws would end up like idealised smalltown America. Luna argues that any realistic future colonisation of the moon will be much more The Sopranos than The Waltons. LUNA is as gripping as it is colourful, and as colourful as it is nasty.’ — Guardian on NEW MOON

LUNA DE LOBOS available now!

Ian McDonald‘s LUNA: WOLF MOON is out now in Spanish! Published by Nova as LUNA DE LOBOS, here’s the synopsis…


Corta Helio, una de las cinco corporaciones familiares que gobiernan la Luna, ha caído. Sus riquezas se dividen entre sus muchos enemigos y sus herederos, esparcidos. Ya han transcurrido dieciocho meses.

Los restantes hijos de Helio, Lucasinho y Luna, están bajo la protección de los poderosos Asamoahs, mientras que Robson, todavía asustado tras haber presenciado las muertes violentas de sus padres, ahora es un rehén de Mackenzie Metals. El último heredero, Lucas, ha desaparecido de la superficie de la Luna.

Solamente Lady Sun, viuda de Taiyang, sospecha que Lucas Corta no está muerto, y que sigue siendo un jugador importante en el juego. Después de todo, Lucas siempre ha intrigado, e incluso en la muerte, él haría cualquier cosa con tal de recuperarlo todo y construir un nuevo Corta Helio, más poderoso que antes. Pero Corta Helio necesita aliados, y para encontrarlos, el hijo emprende un viaje audaz e imposible a la Tierra.

En un ambiente lunar inestable, las lealtades cambiantes y las maquinaciones políticas de cada familia alcanzan el cenit de sus parcelas más fértiles, y entonces la guerra abierta entre las familias estalla.

The first in the series, NEW MOON, and WOLF MOON are published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A Dragon is dead.

Corta Helio, one of the five family corporations that rule the Moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed .

The remaining Helio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parent’s violent deaths, is now a ward — virtually a hostage — of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished of the surface of the moon.

Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead, and more to the point — that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was the Schemer, and even in death, he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Helio, more powerful than before. But Corta Helio needs allies, and to find them, the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey — to Earth.

In an unstable lunar environment, the shifting loyalties and political machinations of each family reach the zenith of their most fertile plots as outright war erupts.

Ian’s Luna series has been slowly conquering the (biblio)world, and new translation editions are out now and on the way. Be sure to check out his author page, or get in touch if you have any queries.

LUNA: WOLF MOON out now in Poland!

Ian McDonald‘s second Luna novel, WOLF MOON is out now in Poland! Published by MAG as WILCZA PEŁNIA, here’s the synopsis…

Zabito Smoka.

Corta Hélio, jedna z pięciu rządzących Księżycem rodzinnych korporacji, została zniszczona. Rodzina się rozproszyła, wrogowie podzielili majątek między sobą. Minęło osiemnaście miesięcy.

Ocalałe dzieci Cortów, Lucasinho i Luna, uzyskały ochronę potężnego rodu Asamoah, a Robson, który nie doszedł do siebie po gwałtownej śmierci rodziców, jest teraz podopiecznym – a w istocie zakładnikiem – rodu Mackenziech. Natomiast mianowany następca tronu, Lucas Corta, zniknął z powierzchni Księżyca.

Jedynie lady Sun, głowa rodu Sunów i korporacji Taiyang, podejrzewa, że Lucas jednak żyje i wciąż jest liczącym się graczem. Przecież zawsze był królem intrygi – i nie zawahałby się zaryzykować nawet życia, by zbudować nowe Corta Hélio, jeszcze potężniejsze niż przedtem. Potrzebuje jednak sojuszników – aby ich zyskać, porywa się na podróż na Ziemię, wyprawę niewykonalną dla urodzonego na Księżycu człowieka.

W niestabilnym księżycowym klimacie zwieńczeniem intryg, zmieniających się sojuszy i politycznych machinacji wielkich rodów staje się otwarta, krwawa wojna.

MAG has also published the first novel in the series, NEW MOON (LUNA: NÓW), as well as Ian’s BRASYL and RIVER OF GODS (RZEKA BOGÓW).

The Luna series is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis for WOLF MOON

A Dragon is dead.

Corta Helio, one of the five family corporations that rule the Moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed .

The remaining Helio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parent’s violent deaths, is now a ward — virtually a hostage — of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished of the surface of the moon.

Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead, and more to the point — that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was the Schemer, and even in death, he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Helio, more powerful than before. But Corta Helio needs allies, and to find them, the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey — to Earth.

In an unstable lunar environment, the shifting loyalties and political machinations of each family reach the zenith of their most fertile plots as outright war erupts.

Here are some of the reviews the novel has received so far…

‘The fights and vengeance that follow are more vicious and intricate than anything in Game of Thrones, full of great acts of self-sacrifice and viciousness alike, brave cavalry charges and last stands, cowardice and avarice. McDonald’s great gift is to hold the micro- and macro-scale in his hand at once. Starting with his debut novel, 1988’s Desolation Road, McDonald has used his intense, finely crafted and small personal stories of his vast casts of characters as the pixels in an unimaginably vast display on which he projects some of the field’s most audacious worldbuilding — never worldbuilding for its own sake, either, but always in the service of slyly parodying, critiquing or lionizing elements of our present-day world.’ Boing Boing

‘A Howling Good Read… No one builds a world like Ian McDonald does. Piece by piece and brick by brick. Spare, simple, elegant when he needs to be…, deep and meaty when he wants to be…, he does his work like an artisan pulling a sculpture from stone… it is fascinating, all of it… McDonald is able to wrap the biggest events in constellations of the smallest so that a cocktail party here, a discussion of ’80s retro fashion (all mall-hair and WHAM! T-shirts), a love story and a day at work for a guy who cleans solar panels all build and coalesce to form the background radiation of life in this unstable future. Every moment with his characters makes them precious, real and alive.’ NPR

‘… powerful sequel… compelling throughout. Each of McDonald’s viewpoint characters is made human in fascinating and occasionally disturbing detail, and the solar system of the 22nd century is wonderfully delineated. Fans of the first volume will love this one and eagerly look forward to the next.’ Publishers Weekly

NEW MOON was one of the most interesting sci-fi novels of 2015, with smart ideas on humanity and economies matched by street smarts, political brawls and murder in the streets. LUNA: WOLF MOON turns that up to eleven – it’s a fascinating story, which is also a tense, enthralling read.’ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Review

LUNA: WOLF MOON available in audio!

Ian McDonald‘s critically-acclaimed second Luna novel, WOLF MOON is available in audio! Published by Blackstone Audio, here’s the synopsis…

Corta Hélio, one of the five family-corporations that rule the moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed.

The remaining Hélio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parents’ violent deaths, is now a ward — virtually a hostage — of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished from the surface of the moon.

Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead — and that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was the schemer, and even in death he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Hélio, more powerful than before. But Corta Hélio needs allies; and to find them the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey — to Earth.

In an unstable lunar environment, the shifting loyalties and political machinations of each family reach the zenith of their most fertile plots as outright war erupts.

Blackstone Audio has also published the first novel in the series, NEW MOON, in audio.

Both NEW MOON and WOLF MOON are published in the UK by Gollancz and in the US by Tor Books. The novels have also been published, or are due to be published, widely in translation. Here is a selection of reviews the series has received so far…

‘Powerful sequel… compelling throughout. Each of McDonald’s viewpoint characters is made human in fascinating and occasionally disturbing detail, and the solar system of the 22nd century is wonderfully delineated. Fans of the first volume will love this one and eagerly look forward to the next.’ Publishers Weekly on WOLF MOON

NEW MOON was one of the most interesting sci-fi novels of 2015, with smart ideas on humanity and economies matched by street smarts, political brawls and murder in the streets. LUNA: WOLF MOON turns that up to eleven – it’s a fascinating story, which is also a tense, enthralling read.’ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Review

‘The fights and vengeance that follow are more vicious and intricate than anything in Game of Thrones, full of great acts of self-sacrifice and viciousness alike, brave cavalry charges and last stands, cowardice and avarice. McDonald’s great gift is to hold the micro- and macro-scale in his hand at once. Starting with his debut novel, 1988’s Desolation Road, McDonald has used his intense, finely crafted and small personal stories of his vast casts of characters as the pixels in an unimaginably vast display on which he projects some of the field’s most audacious worldbuilding — never worldbuilding for its own sake, either, but always in the service of slyly parodying, critiquing or lionizing elements of our present-day world.’ Boing Boing on WOLF MOON

‘A Howling Good Read… No one builds a world like Ian McDonald does. Piece by piece and brick by brick. Spare, simple, elegant when he needs to be…, deep and meaty when he wants to be…, he does his work like an artisan pulling a sculpture from stone… McDonald has made a world that is ruthless in its consistency and living, breathing reality, and then made characters who are not just living in it, but wholly and fully of it…’ NPR on WOLF MOON

‘McDonald… begins his superb near-future series… scintillating, violent, and decadent world. McDonald creates a complex and fascinating civilization featuring believable technology, and the characters are fully developed, with individually gripping stories. Watch for this brilliantly constructed family saga on next year’s award ballots.’ Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) on NEW MOON

‘Mafia-style mining families clash in a compelling fantasy that offers up all the pleasures of a cut-throat soap opera in space… That McDonald is able to spin a compelling story from this unforgiving set-up is testament to his skill as a writer… One thing Luna does exceptionally well is to puncture Old Heinlein’s assumption that a frontier society based on the primacy of the family and a disregard of conventional laws would end up like idealised smalltown America. Luna argues that any realistic future colonisation of the moon will be much more The Sopranos than The Waltons. LUNA is as gripping as it is colourful, and as colourful as it is nasty.’ — Guardian on NEW MOON

No one writes like Ian McDonald, and no one’s Moon is nearly so beautiful and terrible… Ian McDonald’s never written a bad novel, but this is a great Ian McDonald novel… McDonald has ten details for every detail proffered by other sf writers. Not gratuitous details, either: gracious ones. The fashion sense of William Gibson, the design sense of Bruce Sterling, the eye for family drama of Connie Willis, the poesie of Bradbury, and the dirty sex of Kathe Koja and Samuel Delany… McDonald’s moon is omnisexual, kinky, violent, passionate, beautiful, awful, vibrant and crushing. As the family saga of the Cortas unravels, we meet a self-sexual ninja lawyer, a werewolf who loses his mind in the Full Earth, a family tyrant whose ruthlessness is matched only by his crepulance, and a panoply of great passions and low desires. LUNA: NEW MOON is the first book of a two-book cycle. Now I’m all a-quiver for the next one.‘ BoingBoing

‘Fans of cerebral, high-concept science fiction will love this exploration of society on the moon many decades after it has been colonized. The focus is more on concept and plot than on character, but the former are compelling enough to make this an addictive page-turner. Including the stories of many characters gives the reader important insights into different facets of society, and although the book starts at a slow pace, it accelerates into a mesmerizing political thriller.’ RT Book Reviews

LUNA DE LOBOS coming soon!

Ian McDonald‘s LUNA: WOLF MOON is due to be published next month in Spanish! Published by Nova as LUNA DE LOBOS, here’s the synopsis…


Corta Helio, una de las cinco corporaciones familiares que gobiernan la Luna, ha caído. Sus riquezas se dividen entre sus muchos enemigos y sus herederos, esparcidos. Ya han transcurrido dieciocho meses.

Los restantes hijos de Helio, Lucasinho y Luna, están bajo la protección de los poderosos Asamoahs, mientras que Robson, todavía asustado tras haber presenciado las muertes violentas de sus padres, ahora es un rehén de Mackenzie Metals. El último heredero, Lucas, ha desaparecido de la superficie de la Luna.

Solamente Lady Sun, viuda de Taiyang, sospecha que Lucas Corta no está muerto, y que sigue siendo un jugador importante en el juego. Después de todo, Lucas siempre ha intrigado, e incluso en la muerte, él haría cualquier cosa con tal de recuperarlo todo y construir un nuevo Corta Helio, más poderoso que antes. Pero Corta Helio necesita aliados, y para encontrarlos, el hijo emprende un viaje audaz e imposible a la Tierra.

En un ambiente lunar inestable, las lealtades cambiantes y las maquinaciones políticas de cada familia alcanzan el cenit de sus parcelas más fértiles, y entonces la guerra abierta entre las familias estalla.

LUNA: WOLF MOON is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Tor Books. The first novel in the series, LUNA: NEW MOON is published by the same publishers, and has been published in a number of other languages (more to come!). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Corta Helio, one of the five family corporations that rule the Moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed.

The remaining Helio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parent’s violent deaths, is now a ward — virtually a hostage — of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished from the surface of the moon.

Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead, and — more to the point- – that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was a schemer, and even in death, he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Helio, more powerful than before. But Corta Helio needs allies, and to find them, the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey — to Earth.

In an unstable lunar environment, the shifting loyalties and political machinations of each family reach the zenith of their most fertile plots as outright war between the families erupts.

Here are a few reviews the novel has received so far…

‘A Howling Good Read… No one builds a world like Ian McDonald does… it is fascinating, all of it… McDonald’s corporate war is a gorgeous thing, fought with every tool available… McDonald is able to wrap the biggest events in constellations of the smallest so that a cocktail party here, a discussion of ’80s retro fashion (all mall-hair and WHAM! T-shirts), a love story and a day at work for a guy who cleans solar panels all build and coalesce to form the background radiation of life in this unstable future. Every moment with his characters makes them precious, real and alive.’ NPR

‘More vicious and intricate than anything in Game of Thrones, full of great acts of self-sacrifice and viciousness alike, brave cavalry charges and last stands, cowardice and avarice. McDonald’s great gift is to hold the micro- and macro-scale in his hand at once. Starting with his debut novel, 1988’s Desolation Road, McDonald has used his intense, finely crafted and small personal stories of his vast casts of characters as the pixels in an unimaginably vast display on which he projects some of the field’s most audacious worldbuilding — never worldbuilding for its own sake, either, but always in the service of slyly parodying, critiquing or lionizing elements of our present-day world.’ Boing Boing

‘… powerful sequel… compelling throughout. Each of McDonald’s viewpoint characters is made human in fascinating and occasionally disturbing detail, and the solar system of the 22nd century is wonderfully delineated. Fans of the first volume will love this one and eagerly look forward to the next.’ Publishers Weekly

NEW MOON was one of the most interesting sci-fi novels of 2015, with smart ideas on humanity and economies matched by street smarts, political brawls and murder in the streets. LUNA: WOLF MOON turns that up to eleven – it’s a fascinating story, which is also a tense, enthralling read.’ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Review