Ben Aaronovitch’s MOON OVER SOHO Available Now in Slovakia!

There’s a new Slovakian edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s second Rivers of London novel, MOON OVER SOHO! Published by Slovart as MESIAC NAD SOHO, and translated by Oľga Kralovičová, here’s the synopsis…

V pokračovaní čarodejníckej detektívky strážmajster Peter Grant, učeň posledného registrovaného policajného čarodejníka inšpektora Thomasa Nightingala, vyšetruje brutálnu vraždu novinára v klube Groucho. Zároveň ho však zavolajú k mŕtvole amatérskeho džezového hudobníka Cyrusa Wilkinsa, ktorý údajne zomrel na infarkt. Lenže pri jeho tele Peter cíti vestigium – počuje klasickú džezovú skladbu… žeby jeho smrť spôsobilo čosi nadprirodzené? Uf… Peter sa opäť vnára do sveta nekalej mágie a rozširuje svoje čarodejnícke vzdelanie a schopnosti.

The novel is published in the UK by Gollancz, in North America by JABberwocky, and widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Body and Soul. The song. That’s what London constable and sorcerer’s apprentice Peter Grant first notices when he examines the corpse of Cyrus Wilkins, part-time jazz drummer and full-time accountant, who dropped dead of a heart attack while playing a gig at Soho’s 606 Club. The notes of the old jazz standard are rising from the body – a sure sign that something about the man’s death was not at all natural but instead supernatural.

Body and soul – they’re also what Peter will risk as he investigates a pattern of similar deaths in and around Soho. With the help of his superior officer, Detective Chief Inspector Thomas Nightingale, the last registered wizard in England, and the assistance of beautiful jazz aficionado Simone Fitzwilliam, Peter will uncover a deadly magical menace – one that leads right to his own doorstep and to the squandered promise of a young jazz musician: a talented trumpet player named Richard “Lord” Grant – otherwise known as Peter’s dear old dad.

Slovart also publishes the first novel in the series, as RIEKY LONDYNA.

The latest novel in the series, the internationally best-selling and acclaimed AMONGST OUR WEAPONS, is out now, published by Orion in the UK and DAW Books in North America.