Audio Spotlight: Algis Budrys

This week, we wanted to draw your attention to four classic sci-fi novels by Algis Budrys: WHO?, ROGUE MOON, MICHAELMAS and HARD LANDING. Each of these is available as an audiobook, published by W. F. Howes. Here are some more details…

WHO? was first published in 1958, and was a finalist for a Hugo Award for Best Novel (1959). It was also nominated for a BSFA 50th Anniversary Award in 2007. In 1974, it was adapted into a movie starring Elliott Gould. Here’s the synopsis…

Set against a backdrop of Cold War paranoia, this futuristic novel about identity and technology is “one of the unrecognized classics of SF” (Locus).

East and West have fused into separate superstates known as the Allied National Government (ANG) and the Soviet International Bloc (SIB). As the Cold War rages, brilliant scientist Lucas Martino works on a top-secret project known only as K-Eighty-eight that could alter the balance of world power. The project goes horribly awry at an Allied research facility near the Soviet border, and Martino is abducted.

After several months of tense negotiations, he returns severely injured from the lab explosion, and under pressure from America, undergoes extensive reconstructive surgery. He has a mechanical arm. His polished metal skull-a kind of craniofacial prosthesis-contains few discernible features. Several of his internal organs are artificial. While his fingerprints are identified as belonging to Lucas Martino, they could be the result of transplant. Is he the real Martino? Or a technologically altered impostor sent by America’s enemies for the purpose of spying and infiltration? Tasked with uncovering the truth, ANG Security Chief Shawn Rogers makes some shocking discoveries.

Narrated in chapters alternating between Rogers and Martino, Who? poses existential questions about the human condition.

Budrys’s acclaimed ROGUE MOON, first published in 1960, was a Hugo Award Nominee for Best Novel. It is also available as a SF Masterwork edition. Here’s the synopsis…

A monstrous apparatus has been found on the surface of the moon. It devours and destroys in ways so incomprehensible to humans that a new language must be invented to describe it and a new kind of thinking to understand it. So far, the human guinea pigs sent there in hopes of unraveling the murderous maze have all died terrible deaths — except the last, now on suicide watch. The ideal candidate won’t go insane, even as he feels the end approaching. And now they think they’ve found their man.

Al Barker has already stared into the face of death-he can handle it again. But Barker won’t merely have to endure the trauma of dying: he will have to endure it over and over again-mentally linked to an ongoing series of duplicates of himself created and sent to the Moon by matter transmission-until the artifact reveals its secret.

With a cast of fascinating characters taking center stage, Rogue Moon is a rare thriller that doesn’t just make you sweat-it makes you think.

Budrys’s MICHAELMAS was amazingly prescient. Published shortly in the (very) early internet era — 1977 — it included science fictional elements that would come to reflect certain technological advances that actually happened. The novel also landed on Locus’s Best SF Novel lists, two years running (1977-8). Here’s the synopsis…

One of the world’s wealthiest and most influential men, journalist Laurent Michaelmas lives in a penthouse overlooking New York City’s Central Park with his superintelligent computer, Domino. He attained his fame and power after hacking into the worldwide computer network. He then went on to use his unique gifts to create a version of the UN that would ensure global peace. In short, he and Domino secretly run the world. But now he has reason for concern.

A Swiss doctor has cured an astronaut believed to have vaporized in a shuttle explosion during an expedition to the outer planets of the solar system. Suspecting that something extraterrestrial is behind this miraculous recovery, Michaelmas uses his immense influence to launch an international investigation. Are there really aliens in their midst? Is the resurrection of a dead man an attempt to cancel history and destroy the world’s precarious balance of power?

Published less than a decade into the internet era, this remarkable science fiction novel foreshadows many of the world’s technological advances.

HARD LANDING was published in 1993, after the author took a bit of a break from longer fiction. It was nominated for Nebula and SF Chronicle Best Novel awards; and also for the Kurd Lasswitz in Germany, for Best Foreign Novel.

A science fiction adventure told from the point of view of aliens who crash-land on Earth and must assimilate in secret — until their human cover is blown Budrys’s final novel opens with the report of a man found electrocuted on suburban train tracks in Shoreview, Illinois. Neville Sealman appeared to be just another commuter, but after his tragic death, no one comes forward to claim his body. And a routine autopsy reveals some disturbing physiological anomalies. Then a spaceship is unearthed in a New Jersey swamp. It’s the stuff of tabloids-except it’s all true.Years earlier, a starship crash-landed on Earth. Its passengers, human in appearance, were forced to go their separate ways in an alien world. No one knows that these otherworldly visitors have been living among the human race-but now their cover could be blown.

Told in the form of an investigation reconstructed through direct and indirect witness testimony, Hard Landing takes the listener into the minds of its four protagonists as they struggle with the far-reaching ramifications of discovery. This is a suspenseful and revelatory novel about the elusive, ever-changing nature of identity.

These novels are also available as eBooks, published by Open Road Media, joined by two others: FALLING TORCH and THE FURIOUS FUTURE.

Algis Burdys’s classic ROGUE MOON is available as a Special Edition!

ROGUE MOON by Algis Budrys is a classic, beloved science fiction novel from one of the masters of the genre. Recently, Easton Press release the novel as part of a four-volume set of Moon-based fiction, “The Dark Side of the Moon”. Each of the books in the set is gorgeously produced, bound in genuine leather, and has sumptuous interior design. Here’s just one example from ROGUE MOON

ROGUE MOON is also available as an eBook, published by Gollancz’s SF Gateway in the UK and Open Road Media in the US. Both publishers also publish a number of Budrys’s other classic novels. Here’s the novel’s synopsis…

A Hugo Award Finalist: Humanity struggles to understand a killing labyrinth discovered on the Moon in this science fiction adventure about death and rebirth

A monstrous apparatus has been found on the surface of the moon. It devours and destroys in ways so incomprehensible to humans that a new language has to be invented to describe it and a new kind of thinking to understand it. So far, the human guinea pigs sent there in hopes of unraveling the murderous maze have all died terrible deaths. The most recent volunteer survived but is now on suicide watch. The ideal candidate won’t go insane even as he feels the end approaching. Al Barker has already stared into the face of death; he can handle it again. But he won’t merely endure the trauma of dying. Barker will die over and over — even as his human qualities are preserved on Earth.

With its cast of fascinating characters — like brilliant scientist Edward Hawks, who is obsessed with rebirth — Rogue Moon is a rare thriller that doesn’t just make you sweat. It makes you think.

Zeno represents Algis Budrys on behalf of the Budrys Estate.

The Early Bird catches the… ROGUE MOON

Today, Algis Budrys‘s classic science fiction novel ROGUE MOON is an Early Bird Books eBook deal! Only $1.99 from most e-tailers, the novel (originally published in 1960) is published by Open Road Media. Here’s the synopsis…

A monstrous apparatus has been found on the surface of the moon. It devours and destroys in ways so incomprehensible to humans that a new language has to be invented to describe it and a new kind of thinking to understand it. So far, the human guinea pigs sent there in hopes of unraveling the murderous maze have all died terrible deaths. The most recent volunteer survived but is now on suicide watch. The ideal candidate won’t go insane even as he feels the end approaching. Al Barker has already stared into the face of death; he can handle it again. But he won’t merely endure the trauma of dying. Barker will die over and over—even as his human qualities are preserved on Earth.

With its cast of fascinating characters — like brilliant scientist Edward Hawks, who is obsessed with rebirth — Rogue Moon is a rare thriller that doesn’t just make you sweat. It makes you think.

Open Road Media have also published a number of Budrys’s other novels: WHO? (1958), FALLING TORCH (1959), THE FURIOUS FUTURE (1963), MICHAELMAS (1977), and HARD LANDING (1993).

Zeno represents Algis Budrys on behalf of the Budrys Estate.

WHO’s available in France?

Algis Budrys‘s Hugo Award-nominated WHO? is available in eBook in France. Published by Milady as QUI?, here’s the synopsis…

Lucas Martino est un savant américain de premier choix, un atout de poids, donc, dans un contexte de guerre froide qui fait toujours rage en 1985.

Sauf que les choses ne se passent pas comme prévues pour ce grand physicien.

Alors qu’il travaille à un projet top secret, il est victime d’un accident dans son laboratoire et se fait enlever par les services secrets soviétiques pour réapparaître quelques mois plus tard… en chair et en métal.

Mais est-ce encore vraiment lui?

Originally published in 1958, WHO? is available now in eBook published by Open Road Media. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Written at the height of the Cold War — and the resulting global paranoia — this futuristic novel raises provocative questions about identity, technology, and what makes us human

East and West have fused into separate superstates known as the Allied National Government (ANG) and the Soviet International Bloc (SIB). As the Cold War rages, brilliant scientist Lucas Martino works on a top-secret project known only as K-Eighty-eight that could alter the balance of world power. The project goes horribly awry at an Allied research facility near the Soviet border, and Martino is abducted. After several months of tense negotiations, he returns severely injured from the lab explosion, and under pressure from America, undergoes extensive reconstructive surgery. He has a mechanical arm. His polished metal skull — a kind of craniofacial prosthesis — contains few discernible features. Several of his internal organs are artificial. While his fingerprints are identified as belonging to Lucas Martino, they could be the result of transplant. Is he the real Martino? Or a technologically altered imposter sent by America’s enemies for the purpose of spying and infiltration? Tasked with uncovering the truth, ANG Security Chief Shawn Rogers makes some shocking discoveries.

Narrated in chapters alternating between Rogers and Martino, Who? poses existential questions about the human condition.

Milady have also published Budyrs’s MICHAELMAS, PROJECT LUNA (LUNE FOURBE) and THE FALLING TORCH (S.O.S. TERRE).

Three more classic Algis Budrys novels out now in Germany!


Heyne has published three more classic Algis Budrys novels in Germany in eBook format. Here are the details…

First up is ZWISCHEN ZWEI WELTEN, first published as the Hugo Award-nominated WHO? in 1958…

Der Mann aus Metall

Der amerikanische Astrophysiker Lucas Martino arbeitet irgendwo in Europa an einem militärischen Geheimprojekt der Alliierten Nationen. Sein Labor liegt in der Nähe jener Grenze, die den Westen vom Osten trennt. Als eines seiner Experimente schiefgeht und es zu einer Explosion kommt, sind die Rettungskräfte des Ostens als erste zur Stelle. Martino wird monatelang ärztlich behandelt – im anderen Teil der Welt. Als man ihn schließlich aus dem Krankenhaus entlässt und in den Westen zurückbringt, ist er nicht mehr wiederzuerkennen: Dort, wo einst sein Kopf war, befindet sich eine metallische Kugel, und sein linker Arm ist ein mechanisches Wunderwerk. Die amerikanische Spionageabwehr reagiert misstrauisch. Kann es einen unanfechtbaren Beweis dafür geben, dass Martino wirklich Martino ist?

Next up, MICHAELMAS (published in English with the same title, in 1977)…

Die Macht der Information

Lauent Michaelmas ist der mächtigste Mann der Welt, auch wenn er seine Macht nicht offen ausübt. Der Fernsehkommentator liefert stets perfekt recherchierte Berichte ab, die dem weltweiten Medienverbund die höchsten Einschaltquoten einbringen. Ein negativer Kommentar von ihm kann Milliardenprojekte ins Wanken bringen, ein positiver Beitrag Menschen über Nacht berühmt machen. Dass seine Berichte immer perfekt recherchiert sind, besorgt sein Computer Domino. Wo auch immer eine elektrische Leitung hinführt, Domino zapft sie für den Moderator an – bis in die intimste Privatsphäre hinein …

And finally, HARTE LANDUNG, first published as HARD LANDING in 1993…

Der Leichnam eines Mannes wird auf den Schienen einer aufgegebenen U-Bahn-Station gefunden. Der Tote wird als Neville Unruh Sealman identifiziert. Er arbeitete in einem Ingenieursbüro in Chicago und galt als fleißig, aber ungesellig. Seine Obduktion liefert ein unglaubliches Ergebnis: Sealman war kein Mensch. Der Alien musste sich jahrelang unerkannt auf der Erde durchgeschlagen und in einer primitiven, gewalttätigen Gesellschaft jeden Tag um sein Überleben gekämpft haben. Anscheinend gehörte er zur Crew eines abgestürzten Raumschiffes. Doch war er der einzige Überlebende?

Heyne has also published Budrys’s ROGUE MOON, as PROJEKT LUNA (also a Hugo Award-nominee). These novels (and three additional books) are also available in English-language eBooks, published by Open Road Media.


New French Editions for Algis Budrys


Milady has published new French editions of two classic Algis Budrys novels! The first, pictured above, is S.O.S. TERRE, originally published in English as FALLING TORCH. Here’s the synopsis…

Exilé de force étant bébé, Michael Wireman a traversé la galaxie pour revenir sur Terre avec un but bien précis. La vengeance. Qui consistera à abattre l’Empire Galactique qui a asservi l’humanité. Mais pour cela, il est seul. Les autres humains sont au mieux impuissants, au pire inconscients. Quant aux Centaures, ils ne valent pas mieux que l’Empire Galactique.

Dépourvu de tout pouvoir, Michael n’a donc pas d’autre choix que de trouver une arme qui lui permettra de réaliser son souhait. Mais une telle chose n’est pas facile à trouver. À moins que, durant tout ce temps, cette arme se soit déjà trouvée en sa possession.


The second, LUNE FOURBE, was originally published in English as ROGUE MOON. Here’s the synopsis…

Il existe sur la Lune une chose mystérieuse, qu’on appelle la Formation – être vivant extraterrestre ou artefact, on sait seulement que cette chose repousse ou tue tous les humains qui s’en approchent. Pourtant, il est vital de tenter de comprendre et dominer cette chose, au nom de la recherche spatiale et de la colonisation du satellite. Al Barker est-il fou de se porter volontaire pour cette mission-suicide?


Both of these novels are available in English, published by Open Road Media. Here are the English-language synopses: first, for FALLING TORCH

Twenty years after Earth is conquered by invaders from space, the exiled US government has a chance to reclaim their lost planet

2513 AD. For the past generation, since Earth was taken over by the Invaders, the US president and his cabinet have lived in exile on a planet in orbit around faraway Alpha Centauri. The Centaurian colony has become the center of the human race, reducing Earth to a backwater region in a sprawling foreign domain. But the banished American leaders still have a powerful yearning to return home. Now, President Ralph Wireman and his government finally have the financial aid and weaponry needed to retake their native planet. Wireman’s son, Michael, is parachuted to Earth as a Free Terrestrial, where the military-trained warrior is thrust into battle not between human and alien, but among factions of outlaw earthlings who demand nothing less than his total surrender.

A novel about war, politics, and assimilation, Falling Torch also presents an incisive portrait of one man’s aspirations of greatness and leadership.

And for ROGUE MOON (Hugo Award nominee for Best Novel in 1961)…

Humanity struggles to understand a killing labyrinth discovered on the Moon in this science fiction adventure about death and rebirth

A monstrous apparatus has been found on the surface of the moon. It devours and destroys in ways so incomprehensible to humans that a new language has to be invented to describe it and a new kind of thinking to understand it. So far, the human guinea pigs sent there in hopes of unraveling the murderous maze have all died terrible deaths. The most recent volunteer survived but is now on suicide watch. The ideal candidate won’t go insane even as he feels the end approaching. Al Barker has already stared into the face of death; he can handle it again. But he won’t merely endure the trauma of dying. Barker will die over and over — even as his human qualities are preserved on Earth.

With its cast of fascinating characters — like brilliant scientist Edward Hawks, who is obsessed with rebirth — Rogue Moon is a rare thriller that doesn’t just make you sweat. It makes you think.



Zeno represents Algis Budrys on behalf of the Budrys Estate.

New French Edition of Ian McDonald’s KING OF MORNING, QUEEN OF DAY


This year, Folio SF have published a new edition of Ian McDonald‘s critically-acclaimed KING OF MORNING, QUEEN OF DAY. Published as ROI DE MATIN, REINE DU JOUR in French, here’s the synopsis…

Emily Desmond, Jessica Caldwell, Enye MacColl, trois générations de femmes irlandaises, folles pour certains, sorcières pour d’autres. La première fréquente les fées du bois de Bridestone tandis que son père, astronome, essaie de communiquer avec des extraterrestres qu’il imagine embarqués sur une comète. La deuxième, jeune Dublinoise mythomane, se réfugie dans ses mensonges parce que la vérité est sans doute trop dure à supporter. Quant à Enye MacColl, katana à la main, elle mène un combat secret contre des monstres venus d’on ne sait où.

Avec ce roman de fantasy raffiné et érudit, Ian McDonald revisite la mythologie celte avec talent. Roi du Matin, Reine du Jour a d’ailleurs reçu de nombreuses récompenses : prix Philip K. Dick, prix Imaginales et Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire.

KING OF MORNING, QUEEN OF DAY has been published in eBook by Open Road Media (cover below), and in audio by Audible. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Winner of the Philip K. Dick Award and the Prix Imaginales: Three generations of women share a mysterious power — one that threatens to destroy them

In early-twentieth-century Ireland, life for Emily Desmond is that of the average teenage girl: She reads, she’s bored with school, and she has a powerful imagination. Then things begin to change. Her imagination is so powerful, in fact, that she wills a faerie into existence — an ability called mythoconsciousness. It’s this power that opens a dangerous door that she will never want to close, and whose repercussions will reverberate across time.

First to be affected is her daughter, Jessica, who, in the mid-1930s, finds that she must face her mother’s power by using the very same gift against her. Then, in the near future, Jessica’s granddaughter, Enye, must end the cycle once and for all — but it may prove too powerful to overcome.


‘An astonishing triumph of eloquence and ambition… It’s a stunner.’ — Locus

‘A brilliant book.’ — Charles de Lint

‘McDonald’s power as a storyteller lies in his stylistic versatility and intensity of language as well as in his capacity to create vivid and memorable characters. Highly recommended.’ — Library Journal

Ian McDonald’s latest novel is the critically-acclaimed LUNA: NEW MOON, published in the UK by Gollancz, in the US by Tor Books, and is due to be published widely in translation.


PROJEKT LUNA by Algis Budrys Out Now in Germany


Today, Algis Budrys‘s ROGUE MOON is out in Germany! Published by Heyne as PROJEKT LUNA, here’s the synopsis…

Auf dem Mond lauert der Tod

Wir schreiben das Jahr 1959. Satelliten entdeckten ein rätselhaftes Gebilde auf dem Mond, das jetzt unter strengster Geheimhaltung untersucht wird. Es scheint ein gewaltiges Labyrinth zu sein, das offenbar von einer außerirdischen Zivilisation errichtet wurde. Als die Wissenschaftler, neugierig geworden, das Bauwerk betreten, erwartet sie dort ein grauenvoller Tod. Der Physiker Dr. Edward Hawks und der todesmutige Abenteurer Al Barker wollen das Rätsel des Labyrinths lösen, doch so leicht gibt der Mond seine Geheimnisse nicht preis…

ROGUE MOON is published in the UK by Gollancz, as part of the SF Masterworks series; and also as an eBook in the US by Open Road Media. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Humanity struggles to understand a killing labyrinth discovered on the Moon in this science fiction adventure about death and rebirth

A monstrous apparatus has been found on the surface of the moon. It devours and destroys in ways so incomprehensible to humans that a new language has to be invented to describe it and a new kind of thinking to understand it. So far, the human guinea pigs sent there in hopes of unraveling the murderous maze have all died terrible deaths. The most recent volunteer survived but is now on suicide watch. The ideal candidate won’t go insane even as he feels the end approaching. Al Barker has already stared into the face of death; he can handle it again. But he won’t merely endure the trauma of dying. Barker will die over and over — even as his human qualities are preserved on Earth.

With its cast of fascinating characters — like brilliant scientist Edward Hawks, who is obsessed with rebirth — Rogue Moon is a rare thriller that doesn’t just make you sweat. It makes you think.

ROGUE MOON was a finalist for the Hugo Award when it was first published. Robert Silverberg credits ROGUE MOON with containing ‘the most terrifying pages in any SF novel I have ever read.’

Earlier this year, Open Road Media also published Budrys’s WHO?, MICHAELMAS, HARD LANDING, FALLING TORCH and THE FURIOUS FUTURE as eBooks. Gollancz’s SF Gateway has also published a whole host of Budrys’s backlist, including WHO? and MICHAELMAS.


THE BROKEN LAND is an Early Bird Special!

McDonald-BrokenLandOR-BlogToday, Ian McDonald‘s THE BROKEN LAND is an Early Bird eBook special deal! For today only, the eBook is only $1.99, available at all major e-tailers.

The eBook of THE BROKEN LAND is published in the US by Open Road Media. Here’s the synopsis…

In an instant, Mathembe Fileli’s life was burned away… Now, in search of answers, she must traverse a divided nation

Life in the village of Chepsenyt is idyllic. Despite the empire’s growing religious tensions, the people of Chepsenyt live together peacefully and ply their trades, growing useful objects through the manipulation of DNA. It was here that Mathembe Fileli grew up, with her father creating tools used in construction and her mother spinning clothes and food.

That all changed in an instant.

The Broken Land mirrors Belfast resident Ian McDonald’s upbringing in Northern Ireland by depicting a nation cut in two by a violent religious divide. On one side are the Proclaimers, the ruling group that doesn’t believe in life after death, and on the other side are the Confessors, the opposing group whose thoughts are uploaded in the afterlife. When two Confessors take shelter in Chepsenyt, the Emperor’s soldiers burn the village to the ground, throwing the whole country into civil war. In this newly perilous world, Mathembe must draw on her resourcefulness and inner strength to find her family and bridge the nation’s gaping rift.

Ian McDonald is the multi-award winning, bestselling author of multiple science fiction novels, many of which are published extensively in translation. Most recently, LUNA: NEW MOON, which is published in the US by Tor Books, and in the UK by Gollancz. Open Road publishes a selection of Ian’s backlist in eBook in the US — details can be found here.

New Algis Budrys eBooks Out Today!


Today, Open Road Media publishes six books by Algis Budrys in eBook in the US, including his critically-acclaimed and award-nominated ROGUE MOON, WHO? and MICHAELMAS. The covers are above.

WHO? was adapted into a movie in 1973 (starring Elliott Gould and Trevor Howard). Here’s the synopsis…

East and West have fused into separate superstates known as the Allied National Government (ANG) and the Soviet International Bloc (SIB). As the Cold War rages, brilliant scientist Lucas Martino works on a top-secret project known only as K-Eighty-eight that could alter the balance of world power. The project goes horribly awry at an Allied research facility near the Soviet border, and Martino is abducted. After several months of tense negotiations, he returns severely injured from the lab explosion, and under pressure from America, undergoes extensive reconstructive surgery. He has a mechanical arm. His polished metal skull — a kind of craniofacial prosthesis — contains few discernable features. Several of his internal organs are artificial. While his fingerprints are identified as belonging to Lucas Martino, they could be the result of transplant. Is he the real Martino? Or a technologically altered imposter sent by America’s enemies for the purpose of spying and infiltration? Tasked with uncovering the truth, ANG Security Chief Shawn Rogers makes some shocking discoveries.

Narrated in chapters alternating between Rogers and Martino, Who? poses existential questions about the human condition.

ROGUE MOON, which is published in the UK by Gollancz as a SF Masterwork, is also due to be published in Germany by Heyne in July 2016 (covers below). Here’s the synopsis…

A monstrous apparatus has been found on the surface of the moon. It devours and destroys in ways so incomprehensible to humans that a new language has to be invented to describe it and a new kind of thinking to understand it. So far, the human guinea pigs sent there in hopes of unraveling the murderous maze have all died terrible deaths. The most recent volunteer survived but is now on suicide watch. The ideal candidate won’t go insane even as he feels the end approaching. Al Barker has already stared into the face of death; he can handle it again. But he won’t merely endure the trauma of dying. Barker will die over and over — even as his human qualities are preserved on Earth.

With its cast of fascinating characters — like brilliant scientist Edward Hawks, who is obsessed with rebirth — Rogue Moon is a rare thriller that doesn’t just make you sweat. It makes you think.

A number of Budrys’s other books and novels are published in the UK by Gollancz’s SF Gateway eBook program.


Ian R. MacLeod’s THE SUMMER ISLES is an Open Road Early Bird Deal!

MacLeod-SummerIslesORMsm-BlogIan R. MacLeod‘s World Fantasy Award-winning novel THE SUMMER ISLES is today’s Early Bird eBook deal! Published in eBook by Open Road Media, it also won the Sidewise Award for Alternate History. Here’s the synopsis…

A pastel-hued yet chilling alternate vision of England, The Summer Isles views the nightmare that the country has become since Germany’s victory in the Great War, through the eyes of a man whose life lies close to the heart of history…

In 1918 the Allies were defeated. A closeted gay teacher, Griffin Brooke has witnessed the monumental changes his nation has undergone since being crushed by Germany’s superior fighting forces twenty-two years earlier. First came the financial collapse and crippling inflation, then the fascist uprising in the thirties that brought John Arthur to power. Now, in 1940, England has resurrected itself — but at a terrible cost. With homosexuality decreed a serious crime against the state by the dictator who was once his most avid student, Griffin has remained silent while England’s gay population has mysteriously dwindled… along with the nation’s Jews. But in the twilight of his years, elevated to the role of tutor in an Oxford college, Griffin is getting anxious. Thinking back on a life lived in shadow — and on his one great love affair with a young soldier during the height of the Great War — Griffin knows that revealing a secret he has guarded for decades could have devastating consequences for Britain, the world, and especially for the fascist tyrant Arthur, who cites his former teacher as a mentor and major influence.

Open Road also published Ian R. MacLeod’s THE GREAT WHEEL, THE LIGHT AGES, THE HOUSE OF STORMS, SONG OF TIME, WAKE UP AND DREAM and SNODGRASS AND OTHER ILLUSIONS. His latest book, FROST ON GLASS, was published by PS Publishing last year.


New Algis Budrys eBook Editions Next Month


Next month, Open Road Media will be releasing six Algis Budrys novels as eBooks in the U.S.: ROGUE MOON, WHO?, MICHAELMAS, HARD LANDING, FALLING TORCH, and the anthology THE FURIOUS FUTURE.

Budrys, who passed away in 2008, was a critically-acclaimed and prolific author of science fiction. WHO? and ROGUE MOON were both nominated for Hugo Awards (1959 and 1961, respectively); WHO? was also nominated for a British SF Association Award in 2008; HARD LANDING was nominated for a Nebula Award in 1994.

ROGUE MOON is also published in the UK by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series. The novel will also be published by Heyne in Germany this coming July, as PROJEKT LUNA. Gollancz’s SF Gateway also publishes a number of Budrys’s novels as eBooks in the UK.

Short Fiction Watch: Zeno Clients Recently in Clarkesworld

Short fiction is a great way to try out authors for the first time, and many of our clients frequently have their short stories published in leading SFF zines and outlets. We haven’t featured as much short fiction recently, but we wanted to take this opportunity to share some links to work that has appeared in Clarkesworld — all of it available to read for free online. So, without further ado, here are just three of the latest…

Lavie Tidhar is the award-winning author of OSAMA (PS Publishing), THE VIOLENT CENTURY (Hodder/Thomas Dunne Books) and A MAN LIES DREAMING (Hodder/Melville House – forthcoming in 2016).


Aliette de Bodard is the author of multiple short stories and novellas, as well as the Obsidian & Blood trilogy, and the critically-acclaimed THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS, which was published last month by Gollancz in the UK and Roc Books in the US.


Ian R. MacLeod is the award-winning author of multiple novels, including THE LIGHT AGES, THE SUMMER ISLES and SNODGRASS. Many of his novels are available as eBooks, published by Open Road Media. His most recent book is FROST ON GLASS, published by PS Publishing.


Ian MacLeod and Simon Green on ‘What is Steampunk?’

Open Road Media have produced a short video, ‘What Is Steampunk?’, which features two Zeno clients: Ian MacLeod and Simon R. Green. So, we thought we’d share it with you here…

Ian MacLeod is the author of a number of critically-acclaimed and award-winning novels, some of which have been issued as eBooks by Open Road Media. These include THE LIGHT AGES, THE SUMMER ISLES, SONG OF TIME and others. His most recent book, the anthology FROST ON GLASS, was published by PS Publishing in April 2015.


Simon R. Green is the New York Times-bestselling author of the Nightside and Secret Histories series, both of which have been published in the UK by Jo Fletcher Books, in eBook. He is also the author of novelisation of the ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES movie, among others. His most recent novel, THE DARK SIDE OF THE ROAD, was published in the UK and US by Severn House.


Zeno represents Simon R. Green in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Ian McDonald, Ian R. MacLeod and Simon Green Interviewed by Sword & Laser

Last year, Zeno clients Ian R. MacLeodIan McDonald and Simon R. Green were interviewed by Sword & Laser during Loncon 3. We thought it would be a nice idea to share the video, which is above.

Ian McDonald features at 1:34. He is the author of many award-winning novels. Open Road Media have published a number of his novels in eBook. including: OUT ON BLUE SIX, KING OF MORNING QUEEN OF DAY, THE BROKEN LAND, SCISSORS CUT PAPER WRAP STONE and SACRIFICE OF FOOLS.


Ian R. MacLeod features at 2:20. He is also the author of many award-winning novels. Open Road Media have published the following novels of his in eBook: THE GREAT WHEEL, THE LIGHT AGES, THE HOUSE OF STORMS, THE SUMMER ISLES, SONG OF TIME, WAKE UP AND DREAM and SNODGRASS AND OTHER ILLUSIONS.


Simon R. Green, who Zeno represents in the UK and Commonwealth on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency, also features in the video. Simon is the author of the best-selling Nightside and Secret Histories urban fantasy series, both of which were recently released in eBook by Jo Fletcher Books in the UK. He is also, most recently, the author of THE DARK SIDE OF THE ROAD, which was published in the UK by Severn House in January, and will follow in the US in May 2015.
