The Czech edition of FALSE VALUE is out now! The eighth novel in Ben Aaronovitch‘s acclaimed, best-selling Rivers of London/Peter Grant series, it is published in Czechia by Argo, as FALEŠNÁ HODNOTA. Here’s the synopsis…
Nové dobrodružství Petera Granta… a zároveň nový rozjezd! Jsme stále v Londýně, ale Peter už nepracuje u metropolitní policie. Po uzavření případu Muže bez tváře a dalších peripetiích se Peter usazuje, připravuje se na otcovskou roli a zároveň čelí poněkud nejisté budoucnosti. Nastupuje do soukromého sektoru, do IT firmy Terrence Skinnera, kde věci nejsou takové, jaké se zdají být. V rámci zaměstnání se musí naučit splynout s civilisty, kteří jsou ještě větší geekové než on, byť nadále zůstává v kontaktu se starými známými, jež ho provázeli při dřívějších vyšetřováních, ať operují v Rozmaru nebo třeba v Americe. A i zde má samozřejmě slovo magie. Pracoviště skrývá tajemství, technologii, která je sice high-tech a zkoumá možnosti umělé inteligence, ale má kořeny u Ady Lovelaceové a Charlese Babbage.
V pořadí osmý román série Řeky Londýna má všechno, na co jsme byli zvyklí z dřívějších částí – humor i svérázný pohled na svět – a také něco navíc: třeba to, že firma, kde teď Peter působí, nese silný otisk světa Stopařova průvodce po galaxii!
Argo has published all of the other previous novels in Ben’s series in Czechia, as well as a couple of his novellas and comic series (the latter co-authored with Andrew Cartmel).
FALSE VALUE is published in the UK by Gollancz, in North America by DAW Books; it is also available in Germany, published by DTV (as EIN WEISSER SCHWAN IN TABERNACLE STREET). Here’s the English-language synopsis…
Peter Grant is facing fatherhood, and an uncertain future, with equal amounts of panic and enthusiasm.
Leaving his old police life behind, he takes a job with Silicon Valley tech genius Terrence Skinner’s new London start up: the Serious Cybernetics Corporation.
Drawn into the orbit of Old Street’s famous ‘silicon roundabout’, Peter must learn how to blend in with people who are both civilians and geekier than he is. Compared to his last job, Peter thinks it should be a doddle.
But magic is not finished with the Met’s first trainee wizard in fifty years…
Because a secret is hiding somewhere in the building. A technology that stretches back to Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, and forward to the future of artificial intelligence. A secret that is just as magical as it technological – and twice as dangerous.

Here are just a few of the reviews the novel has received so far…
‘Aaronovitch showcases a superlative blend of whimsy and grit in the eighth Rivers of London urban fantasy… The suspenseful mystery at the novel’s core is laced with humor and charm. Jim Butcher meets Douglas Adams in this winning series installment.’ — Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)
‘… sees Peter taking on new responsibilities both at work and at home and there’s a definite shift in tone towards the stranger side of magic and the broader implications of what a resurgence of strangeness means to the world at large. Aaronovitch is clearly having a blast building on the world he’s already created… The main character is a delight as always… The tone is light, witty, and action packed as always. Cinematic where has to be and detective chic in other places. And, as always, the description of London is so solid and real that you can practically feel the familiar layer of grime the city has… As always, Ben Aaronovitch takes the reader on an unforgettable ride into the fantastic.’ — Starburst (9/10)
‘… my favorite current series… delightful, compulsive and fresh — with a love of multicultural London evident on every page, wonderfully diverse characters, magic, mystery, and mayhem. Once you start, you will literally not be able to put them down.’ — Lavie Tidhar in Washington Post
‘Wonderfully blending technology and magic… Aaronovitch creates a fantastic blend of real-world London, harbouring a secret magical underground, delicately interwoven with an alternative history that touches on the origins of computer programming and the work of Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage… a solid crime/detective novel that provides fans of the series with another entertaining adventure for Peter Grant complete with dark humour and explosive action.’ — SciFi Now
‘FALSE VALUE is a rousing episode in the Ben Aaronovitch’s Rivers of London series’ — Canberra Times
‘[A] great read… I enjoyed the new direction and dynamics introduced here. Big things are clearly coming for Peter Grant and I’m looking forward to seeing where the next book will take us.’ — Bibliosanctum
‘[A]nother unmissable instalment of the Rivers of London series’… FALSE VALUE is a welcome addition to the collection and long may they keep coming — Crime Review
‘Packed with treasures and little bits of history and illusion this latest adventure from Ben Aaronovitch sends Peter deep into the ‘silicon roundabout’… What I love about these stories is the way they are told. You could be listening directly to the author, no filters and straightforward dialogue by real people. Peter is great and Nightingale as the much older generation is the comforting hand on the shoulder…’ — SF Crowsnest