Ben Aaronovitch‘s bestselling, fan-favourite Doctor Who novel, REMEMBRANCE OF THE DALEKS, has been translated into German! Published by Bastei Lübbe as DIE HAND DES OMEGA, here’s the synopsis…

Nein, die Vergangenheit ist noch längst nicht abgeschlossen – und so kehrt der Siebte Doktor dorthin zurück, wo alles begann: an die Coal Hill School in London im Jahr 1963. Das letzte Mal, als er hier war, hat er etwas zurückgelassen: ein mächtiges Artefakt der Time Lords, der Schlüssel zu nichts Geringerem als dem Geheimnis der Zeitreisen. Kann der Doctor das Artefakt bergen, bevor zwei rivalisierende Fraktionen der Daleks es aufspüren? Und selbst wenn – wie will er verhindern, dass sich ganz London in ein Schlachtfeld verwandelt, sobald die Daleks aufeinandertreffen?

The novel is published in English by BBC Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

With unfinished business to attend to, the Seventh Doctor returns to where it all began: Coal Hill School in London in 1963. Last time he was here, the Doctor left something behind – a powerful Time Lord artefact that could unlock the secrets of time travel. Can the Doctor retrieve it before two rival factions of Daleks track it down? And even if he can, how will the Doctor prevent the whole of London becoming a war zone as the Daleks meet in explosive confrontation?

Ben is also the author of the best-selling Peter Grant urban fantasy series, published in the UK by Gollancz, in Germany by DTV, and in the US by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-6).

Ben Aaronovitch’s Remembrance of the Daleks Re-Issued…

drwhobooksZeno Client Ben Aaronovitch’s seminal 1990 Doctor Who novel, REMEMBRANCE OF THE DALEKS, has been reissued this month by BBC Books. This year is the landmark half-century anniversary of the fan-favourite TV series. This gorgeous set of reissues from BBC Books features a story from each era of the show, one for each of the eleven Doctors.

REMEMBRANCE OF THE DALEKS is Ben’s novelization of the classic TV episode of the Sylvester McCoy era, which brought the ever-popular Daleks back to our television screens.

Aaronovitch-RemembranceOfTheDaleks-BlogREMEMBRANCE OF THE DALEKS follows the Seventh Doctor, as he heads back to Coal Hill School in London, 1963, in search of a powerful Time Lord artifact. With two rival factions of Daleks also on the hunt, can the Doctor prevent London from turning into a battlefield…?

Ben Aaronovitch was born and raised in London and all his work has reflected his abiding fascination and love for what he modestly likes to refer to as the ‘Capital of the World’. He has written for Doctor WhoCasualty and the late, lamented space soap Jupiter Moon. He is also the author of the excellent Peter Grant series of Urban Fantasy novels set in his beloved London: RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND and the upcoming, hotly-anticipated BROKEN HOMES (June 2013).