UK Publication Day: RESISTANCE by Samit Basu


Today, Titan Books publish RESISTANCE, the highly-anticipated follow-up to Samit Basu‘s TURBULENCE! The novel is yet another action-packed take on the super-hero genre, and one that offers a great new twist on the popular sub-genre. Here’s the synopsis…

Eleven years after the passengers of flight BA142 from London to Delhi developed extraordinary abilities corresponding to their innermost desires, the world is overrun with supers. Some use their powers for good, others for evil, and some just want to smash up iconic monuments and get on TV. But now someone is hunting down supers, killing heroes and villains both, and it’s up to the Unit to stop them…

In case that didn’t whet your appetite, you can read excerpts of chapters 1 ( and 3 (SF Signal).

Samit has also been busy on the interview circuit, and you can find him on, SciFiNow, SFF World, and Suvudu. Here is just a selection of the early reviews for RESISTANCE

‘Adept plotting keeps… globe-spanning threads spooling smoothly and meticulous blocking gives the dazzling action sequences a cinematic bravura.’ — Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

‘Prepare to have your puny Earth brain blown out of the back of your head as Samit Basu takes the idea of superheroes and turns the dial up to 11.’ — Ben Aaronovitch (author of RIVERS OF LONDON)

‘Fresh, exciting heroics with a serious spine. What’s not to like?’Nick Harkaway (author of Angelmaker and Tigerman)

‘When I read TURBULENCE I thought the bar had been set too high for Basu to reach it again. I was wrong. This book is in fact better than TURBULENCE.’ — Cult Den

‘Speaking of action we were amazed by the description of Basu’s battle sequences which took on a new kind of life as we read them. They were deeply cinematic in scope… a multifaceted master stroke for the author… RESISTANCE is a great take on modern portrayals of super-powers.’Vada Magazine

‘What would it be like if normal humans were suddenly given superpowers? I feel both books deal with this issue in a way that isn’t just humorous, but also realistic. And that’s what makes both books a good read.’ — FanGirl Confessions on both TURBULENCE and RESISTANCE

‘If you have the guts to poke your head out of the comfortable and familiar and try a new, somewhat foreign flavor (“international” would be a better description), you will be richly rewarded. Only look out for falling buildings, animated statues, monsters with poisonous flatulence, and the possibility of at least a third book to come!’ — MuggleNet

Early Praise for Samit Basu’s RESISTANCE!

Basu-T2-ResistanceUK-BlogRESISTANCE, the much-anticipated sequel to Samit Basu‘s super-hero novel TURBULENCE will be published this summer. This means, of course, that we’re starting to see some great early praise for the book. Most recently, we’re very happy to see that, after he ‘begged’ a copy from Titan Books, author Nick Harkaway was particularly impressed with the novel! Here’s some of what he had to say…

‘I really enjoyed Samit Basu’s Turbulence – because it was just a terrifically enjoyable new angle on the superhero actioner. It’s centred on Asia rather than North America, and the difference permeates everything in the story and straightforwardly makes the book(s) infinitely more interesting. Basu has a great sense of pop culture cool mediated by a nicely ironic awareness of ubiquitous human frailty and our lack of self-knowledge… [RESISTANCE is] every bit as zinging… the scene is set for exactly the kind of heroics and unravellings you’d hope for. Fresh, exciting heroics with a serious spine. What’s not to like?’

TURBULENCE is out now in the UK and US. RESISTANCE is due to be published in July 2014! Here’s the synopsis…

Eleven years after the passengers of flight BA142 from London to Delhi developed extraordinary abilities corresponding to their innermost desires, the world is overrun with supers. Some use their powers for good, others for evil, and some just want to smash up iconic monuments and get on TV. But now someone is hunting down supers, killing heroes and villains both, and it’s up to the Unit to stop them…

Samit Basu’s TURBULENCE Now Available in Audio!


We’re delighted to report that Samit Basu‘s critically-acclaimed super-hero novel TURBULENCE is available in audio book! Released by Audible, the audio book is available worldwide in English.

In case you’ve missed our earlier coverage of TURBULENCE – and its upcoming sequel, RESISTANCE – here is the synopsis…

Aman Sen is smart, young, ambitious and going nowhere. He thinks this is because he doesn’t have the right connections, but then he gets off a plane from London to Delhi and discovers that he has turned into a communications demigod. Indeed, everyone on Aman’s flight now has extraordinary abilities corresponding to their innermost desires. Vir, an Air Force pilot, can now fly. Uzma, an aspiring Bollywood actress, now possesses infinite charisma. And then there’s Jai, an indestructible one-man army with a good old-fashioned goal: to rule the world!

Aman wants to ensure that their new powers aren’t wasted on costumed crime-fighting, celebrity endorsements, or reality television. He wants to heal the planet, but with each step he takes, he finds helping some means harming others. Will it all end, as 80 years of superhero fiction suggest, in a meaningless, explosive slugfest?

Turbulence features the 21st-century Indian subcontinent in all its insane glory: F-16s, Bollywood, radical religious parties, nuclear plants, cricket, terrorists, luxury resorts, crazy TV shows, but it is essentially about two very human questions: How would you feel if you actually got what you wanted? And what would you do if you could really change the world?

And, in case that wasn’t enough, here is just a small fraction of what has been said about TURBULENCE by critics the world over…

‘… I finished reading with that rare sense of loss you get when you finish a book you never really wanted to end… it involves superpowers, politics, the limits of human responsibility and is fast paced, deep, crisply written, full of vim, vigour, wit, wisdom and zest. Plus it’s really, really funny… You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll gasp and you will demand a sequel!’  —  Ben Aaronovitch

‘Turbulence has it all… Solid writing, great character development, humor, personal loss, and excellent points to ponder in every chapter.’  —  Wired

‘The characters are brilliantly written… With a globe-trotting sensibility even James Bond would be proud of, the cinematic action sequences are as breath-taking as anything Hollywood has to offer, so the campaign for a big-screen version, or failing that, at least a sequel to the book begins here!’  —  IGN

‘Basu blends tongue-in-cheek humor with philosophical questions about what obligations (if any) people would have if suddenly blessed with super powers… The book is a treasure trove of funny moments and one-liners.’  —  The Los Angeles Beat

‘Basu knows his stuff… he conjures up a vast array of imaginative powers… unflinchingly depicts the costly consequences…’  —  SFX

TURBULENCE is an excellent book, a thoughtful read that throws out questions without any easy answers, that opens up the superhero genre to deeper analysis, and yet is also an incredibly enjoyable superhero story itself.’  —  Fantasy Faction

TURBULENCE is out now in the UK and US, published by Titan Books. RESISTANCE is due to follow in July 2014.


A Good Year For Super-Heroes…

The past few years have not only seen a string of big-name super-hero movie blockbusters. They have also been pretty good years for super-hero fiction. And two of our very own Zeno clients wrote some of the best!


First up, Samit Basu‘s TURBULENCE was released in the UK and US by Titan Books to great, global critical acclaim. (No, seriously, we’ve had reviews from so many countries!) The much-anticipated sequel, RESISTANCE, is due to be published in mid-2014. Here’s the synopsis for TURBULENCE, just in case you haven’t been convinced, yet…

Aman Sen is smart, young, ambitious and going nowhere. He thinks this is because he doesn’t have the right connections—but then he gets off a plane from London to Delhi and discovers that he has turned into a communications demigod. Indeed, everyone on Aman’s flight now has extraordinary abilities corresponding to their innermost desires.

Vir, an Indian Air Force pilot, can now fly. 

Uzma, a British- Pakistani aspiring Bollywood actress, now possesses infinite charisma. 

And then there’s Jai, an indestructible one-man army with a good old-fashioned goal — to rule the world!

Aman wants to ensure that their new powers aren’t wasted on costumed crime-fighting, celebrity endorsements, or reality television. He wants to heal the planet but with each step he takes, he finds helping some means harming others. Will it all end, as 80 years of superhero fiction suggest, in a meaningless, explosive slugfest? 

TURBULENCE features the 21st-century Indian subcontinent in all its insane glory — F-16s, Bollywood, radical religious parties, nuclear plants, cricket, terrorists, luxury resorts, crazy TV shows — but it is essentially about two very human questions. How would you feel if you actually got what you wanted? And what would you do if you could really change the world?

Tidhar-ViolentCenturyUKAnd secondly, Lavie Tidhar‘s latest boundary-pushing novel, THE VIOLENT CENTURY, was published in October in the UK by Hodder Books. (A limited edition was also published by PS Publishing.) Here’s the synopsis…

They’d never meant to be heroes.

For seventy years they guarded the British Empire. Oblivion and Fogg, inseparable friends, bound together by a shared fate. Until one night in Berlin, in the aftermath of the Second World War, and a secret that tore them apart.

But there must always be an account… and the past has a habit of catching up to the present.

Now, recalled to the Retirement Bureau from which no one can retire, Fogg and Oblivion must face up to a past of terrible war and unacknowledged heroism — a life of dusty corridors and secret rooms, of furtive meetings and blood-stained fields – to answer one last, impossible question: What makes a hero?

New Interview with Samit Basu

We just wanted to take this opportunity to share with you a link to Samit Basu‘s latest interview, with The Hindu. Samit discusses not only his most recent graphic novel, but also the critically-acclaimed TURBULENCE and hints at his future plans.


Here’s the synopsis for TURBULENCE, published by Titan Books, in case you haven’t caught it yet…

Aman Sen is smart, young, ambitious and going nowhere. He thinks this is because he doesn’t have the right connections—but then he gets off a plane from London to Delhi and discovers that he has turned into a communications demigod. Indeed, everyone on Aman’s flight now has extraordinary abilities corresponding to their innermost desires. 

Vir, an Indian Air Force pilot, can now fly. Uzma, a British- Pakistani aspiring Bollywood actress, now possesses infinite charisma. And then there’s Jai, an indestructible one-man army with a good old-fashioned goal — to rule the world! 

Aman wants to ensure that their new powers aren’t wasted on costumed crime-fighting, celebrity endorsements, or reality television. He wants to heal the planet but with each step he takes, he finds helping some means harming others. Will it all end, as 80 years of superhero fiction suggest, in a meaningless, explosive slugfest? 

Turbulence features the 21st-century Indian subcontinent in all its insane glory—F-16s, Bollywood, radical religious parties, nuclear plants, cricket, terrorists, luxury resorts, crazy TV shows — but it is essentially about two very human questions. How would you feel if you actually got what you wanted? And what would you do if you could really change the world?

RESISTANCE is due to be published by Titan Books in July 2014.

Cover Reveal: Samit Basu’s RESISTANCE

Here we have the cover for Samit Basu‘s RESISTANCE, the highly-anticipated sequel to TURBULENCE:


RESISTANCE is due to be published by Titan Books in November 2013 (UK and US). Here is the synopsis…

Several years after the events of Turbulence, when the passengers of flight BA142 from London to Delhi disembarked the plane to discover they possessed extraordinary powers linked to their innermost desires, Resistance transports the blockbuster action to New York, and introduces a brand-new cast of super-powered characters.

TURBULENCE, which was recently released in the US, has been receiving a deluge of praise. Here are just three of the best…

‘… I finished reading with that rare sense of loss you get when you finish a book you never really wanted to end… it involves superpowers, politics, the limits of human responsibility and is fast paced, deep, crisply written, full of vim, vigour, wit, wisdom and zest. Plus it’s really, really funny… You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll gasp and you will demand a sequel!’Ben Aaronovitch

TURBULENCE has it all… Solid writing, great character development, humor, personal loss, and excellent points to ponder in every chapter.’ – Wired

‘The characters are brilliantly written… With a globe-trotting sensibility even James Bond would be proud of, the cinematic action sequences are as breath-taking as anything Hollywood has to offer, so the campaign for a big-screen version, or failing that, at least a sequel to the book begins here!’  –  IGN

Be sure to check out Samit’s author page for more quotes.

A Great Interview with Samit Basu…

SamitBasu-AuthorPicColour-BlogHot on the heels of the US release of TURBULENCE, Zeno client Samit Basu has been interviewed by the great genre website, SF Signal. TURBULENCE, the first in Samit’s super-hero series, was published by Titan Books in the US earlier this month (and almost a year ago in the UK, also by Titan). We thought we’d share some snippets from the interview, in which Samit touches upon his inspirations and also the highly-anticipated sequel, RESISTANCE.

First up, the author had this to say about TURBULENCE:

‘[It] is a superhero novel, set mostly in India and the UK. Fresh take on the genre, from a non-Western perspective. Passengers on a flight from London to Delhi find they’ve mysteriously gained physical abilities related to their deepest desires. What would you do if you actually got what you wanted? And how would you feel if you suddenly had the power to change the world? … A book about a group of people who suddenly found anything they did had tremendous consequences, whose every action would have a huge impact on the world around them.

Samit also explained how his approach to super-heroes and manifested super-powers was different to other mythologies – and that his approach could be argued to be more contemporarily relevant:

‘It was interesting because it led to a lot of thought on what people really wanted today, assuming the biggest stories and trends in the media were an indication. This isn’t really an age of big ideas – if the Turbulence event had happened in the late ’60s or early ’70s in America, for instance, you’d have a lot of spacemen and aliens. But for it to happen now, to a group of people on a British Airways flight – you had to have a lot of them developing powers that related to the things most important in their life, such as a perfectly toned butt, or a reality show, or a billion Twitter followers. Of course the old classic things people have always wanted – power, love, sex, money, in one form or another – showed up a lot. And the people who got really interesting, more original powers were people whose minds were not really aligned with mainstream thought at all, like Anima the anime warrior-princess and Sundar, who invents things in his sleep.’

Basu-T1-Turbulence-BlogWhen asked what power he would like, Samit cryptically replied, ‘People in the book don’t get the powers they’d like, they get the power they really want – and who knows what I really want.’

Great news for fans of the first novel, Samit also offered some more information on RESISTANCE, the sequel due to be published in November 2013:

‘It’s set in 2020, in a world dominated by superheroes, and is set all over the world, with a lot of scenes happening in imaginary future versions of New York and Tokyo. A lot of it is about the human response to the new world order. Most of the main characters who survive Turbulence are in it, but a few of the major characters are new, and human. Let’s say if TURBULENCE is the Superman book, RESISTANCE is the Batman book.’

With the book now out on both sides of the Atlantic, Samit is excited (so are we, actually) to see how it is received: ‘I’m thrilled that the book is out in the US, which is really Superhero Central, and I’m really curious to see how it does. In India it was mostly an eccentric novel set largely in India, where very few people are actually interested in SF or fantasy or superheroes, but when it went to the UK there was this sudden sense of finding readers and fellow writers with a greater understanding of what the book was trying to do and where it came from, apart from the details of where it was set. I’m really hoping that experience translates to America as well.’