Roger Zelazny’s DOORWAYS IN THE SAND Out Tomorrow in a New Audiobook edition!

DOORWAYS IN THE SAND by Roger Zelazny is out tomorrow in a new audiobook edition! Published by Tantor Media, and read by Andrew J. Anderson, here’s the synopsis…

Can You Hear Me Fred?

Fred Cassidy leads an idyllic life. As long as he remains a full time college student without a degree, he is provided a very generous stipend from his uncle’s estate.

But after thirteen years of happy undergrad existence everything is about to change.

Cassidy’s home is broken into and ransacked. When he enters he is assaulted by a former professor wanting to know where the alien artifact known as the star stone is. Cassidy manages to escape, only to discover that he is also being pursued by hired criminals, Anglophile zealots, government agents, and aliens.

Cassidy has no idea where the star stone is but he realizes that unless he finds it, one of these factions will eventually catch up to him and most likely kill him.

Doorways in the Sand is fast paced, humorous, and has the most lyrical prose of any of Zelazny’s novels. It’s simply a joy to listen to, and was nominated for both a Hugo and Nebula Award for best novel.

DOORWAYS IN THE SAND is also available in print and eBook in the UK, published by Farrago.

New Turkish Edition of Roger Zelazny’s BLOOD OF AMBER Out Now!

İthaki Yayınları continues its publishing plan for Roger Zelazny, with a new edition of the seventh novel in the acclaimed, beloved Chronicles of Amber series: BLOOD OF AMBER! Translated by Niran Elçi, AMBER KANI is out now. Here’s the synopsis…

Amber Lordu Merlin’in kristal mağarada geçirdiği tutsaklık hayatı sonunda bitmiştir. Ama özgürlüğünü kazanmak onun için yeterli değildir. Kafasında pek çok soru fakat çok az cevap vardır: Kristal mağarayı oluşturan mavi taşların nasıl bir gücü bulunmaktadır, bu gücü kim elinde tutmaktadır? Başından aşağı çiçekler yağdıran kimdir, amacı nedir? Onu korumak için beden değiştirerek takip eden varlık kim tarafından gönderilmiştir?

Cevabını aradığı sorular gibi, peşine düşen acımasız düşmandan da kurtuluşu yoktur. Halası Fiona’ya sığınan Merle, San Francisco bölgesinden daha fazlasını tehdit eden girift bir intikam ve ölüm ağında mücadele vermek zorundadır. Zira kraliyet ailesini yok etmeye çalışan güçler, hiç beklenmedik yerlerde, özellikle de Amber’in kalbinde saldırıya geçecek büyüleri serbest bırakmıştır.

Amber Yıllıkları’nın yedinci kitabı Amber Kanı’nda Merlin geçmiş sırların ağına giderek daha fazla dolanıyor.

The first six novels in the Chronicles of Amber series are also published in Turkey by İthaki Yayınları, and out now.

First published in 1986, BLOOD OF AMBER is available in the UK as part of THE SECOND CHRONICLES OF AMBER omnibus, published by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series. Here’s the synopsis…

Merlin is a Prince of Chaos and Amber, Corwin’s son and heir. He has grown up knowing that his legacy is to one day follow in his father’s footsteps, live up to his father’s legend.

When Corwin goes missing, that day comes far sooner than he could ever have expected. Merlin must find his own identity as the ruler of the worlds, and discover what kind of King he wants to be. Will he be a warrior like his father, or embrace his own path as a hacker-magician?

A generation after Corwin’s rise to the throne, Merlin is aided by powers beyond anything Corwin could have imagined. The epic magic from The Chronicles of Amber is wielded alongside sentient computers, a vorpal sword, and the ghosts of those who came before.

Featuring the Locus award-winning Trumps of Doom, the Locus nominated Blood of Amber and Sign of Chaos, and the final two novels Knight of Shadows and Prince of Chaos, the Second Chronicles of Amber continues the epic story of Amber and the Shadow worlds.

Roger Zelazny’s TRUMPS OF DOOM Out Now in Turkey!

We’re happy to report that İthaki Yayınları has published the new, Turkish edition of TRUMPS OF DOOM, the sixth novel in Roger Zelazny‘s acclaimed, beloved Chronicles of Amber series! Here’s the synopsis for KIYAMETİN KOZ KARTLARI


Merle Corey, San Francisco’da yaşayan genç ve parlak bir bilgisayar tasarımcısıdır. Fakat aynı zamanda Amber’in kayıp prensi Corwin’in oğlu ve babasının harikulade güçlerinin mirasçısı Merlin’dir. Peşindeyse onu öldürmeye kararlı birisi vardır.

Eski kız arkadaşı Julia’nın gizemli ölümü ise her şeyi daha da karmaşıklaştıracaktır. Merlin, kime güveneceğini bilemese de, artık Amber kralı olan Random ve gizemli Fiona ile güçlerini birleştirmek zorunda kalacaktır. Çünkü Gölge’de, sadece hayatını tehdit eden gizemli güçten kaçmak için değil, her iki dünyasını yok edebilecek ölümcül bir sırrı korumak için de amansız bir mücadeleye başlaması gerekmektedir.

Merlin’in geçmişine ait sırları ortaya çıkarıp zor seçimler yapacağı yolculuğu, Amber Yıllıkları’nın altıncı kitabı Kıyametin Koz Kartları ile başlıyor!

The Turkish edition was translated by Niran Elçi.

İthaki Yayınları has also published the first five novels in the series, all of which are out now.

TRUMPS OF DOOM was first published in 1985. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Merlin knows that someone is going to try and kill him. He knows this because it’s April 30th and someone tries to kill him every April 30th. He has no idea who wants to kill him, why they want to kill him, or why they only try to kill him once a year. But this year he intends to find out and put a stop to it. 

Little does Merlin know that he is about to launch himself into an adventure full of danger, intrigue, royal politics, magic, and deceit that will take him across the multiverse and back. There is far more afoot that Merlin can imagine… and thus continues one of the greatest series ever written.

The Chronicles of Amber series is published in the UK as two omnibus editions, as part of Gollancz’s SF Masterworks series.

New CHRONICLES OF AMBER Omnibus Published Tomorrow in Russia!

Tomorrow, fanzon/Эксмо are due to publish a new Chronicles of Amber omnibus. Девять принцев Амбера. Ружья Авалона collects the first two novels in Roger Zelazny‘s classic, beloved series: NINE PRINCES IN AMBER and THE GUNS OF AVALON.

Два первых романа цикла «Хроники Амбера» — грандиозной саги мастера фэнтези Роджера Желязны.

«Девять принцев Амбера»

Карл Кори приходит в себя в частной клинике и с амнезией после автокатастрофы. Сбежав оттуда, он начинает расследование, по крупицам собирая правду о самом себе. Оказывается, что он — Корвин, один из принцев Амбера, вечного города, тенью которого является наша Земля, как и все остальные миры мультивселенной. Трон пустует, и за него идет отчаянная борьба между наследниками. Вернув свою память в магическом лабиринте, Корвин присоединяется к армии брата Блейза, выступившего против общего врага — Эрика, брата-узурпатора. Смогут ли их войска пройти через множество миров и захватить Амбер?

«Ружья Авалона»

Сбежав из заключения, принц Корвин отправляется в Авалон, Тень, которой он когда-то правил столетия назад. У него есть секрет, он позволит ему завоевать Амбер и свергнуть Эрика. Но проклятие, которое произнес Корвин, принесло свои мрачные плоды. В каждый из миров проникло зло, а демонические легионы маршируют по Черной Дороге, протянувшейся сквозь мультивселенную почти до самых врат Амбера. Куда ведет Черная Дорога и какие силы командуют этими армиями?

Роджер Желязны — классик мировой фантастики и один из ярчайших представителей ее «новой волны», шесть раз удостоившийся премии «Хьюго» и три раза — премии «Небьюла». Он перенес акцент с роботов и звездолетов на внутренний мир человека. Книги Желязны переведены на десятки языков мира и по праву стоят в ряду лучшей интеллектуальной прозы XX столетия.

The Chronicles of Amber are published in the UK by Gollancz, collected into two omnibus editions, each containing five books. Here’s the synopsis for the first collection…

Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself – Shadow worlds, that can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the Patriarch Oberon has intensified the internal conflict by leaving the throne apparently up for grabs.

In a hospital on the Shadow Earth, a young man is recovering from a freak car accident; amnesia has robbed him of all his memory, even the fact that he is Corwin, Crown Prince of Amber, rightful heir to the throne – and he is in deadly peril…

The five books, Nine Princes in Amber, The Guns of Avalon, Sign of the Unicorn, The Hand of Oberon and The Courts of Chaos, together make up The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny’s finest work of fantasy and an undisputed classic of the genre.

Out Tomorrow: Zelazny’s FRANCIS SANDOW Omnibus Edition in Russia!

Tomorrow, Fanzon/Эксмо are due to publish Roger Zelazny‘s Francis Sandow fiction in a new Russian omnibus edition! The collection includes Остров мертвых (ISLE OF THE DEAD) Умереть в Италбаре  (TO DIE IN ITALBAR), here’s the synopsis…

Лауреат премии «Аполло».

Финалист премии «Небьюла».

Знакомьтесь, Фрэнсис Сэндоу — практически бессмертный создатель планет, один из богатейших людей галактики тридцать второго века, да еще и связанный с одним из инопланетных богов. Однажды он сотворил кошмарный Остров мертвых, воплотив болезненные образы Арнольда Бёклина, земного художника из далекого девятнадцатого века. И теперь, чтобы спастись от загадочного врага, который может проникать даже в глубины подсознания Сэндоу, ему придется покинуть свою личную планету и посетить Остров в реальности, а не только во снах. Но даже эта угроза меркнет перед лицом общегалактической пандемии, невольной причиной которой становится доктор фон Хаймек… и предотвратить которую способен лишь Сэндоу.

Впервые полное издание цикла «Фрэнсис Сэндоу»: два романа и дополнительные материалы. Новые переводы и новые тексты!

Here’s the English-language synopsis for ISLE OF THE DEAD

Centuries in the future, Francis Sandow is the only man alive who was born as long ago as the 20th century. His body is kept young and in perfect health by advanced scientific methods; he has amassed such a fortune that he can own entire planets; and he has become a god. No, not a god of Earth, but one of the panetheon of the alien Pei’ans: he is Shimbo of Darktree, Shrugger of Thunders. Yet he doesn’t believe that his personality has merged with the ancient consciousness of Shimbo, that he really can call down the skies upon his enemies.

The time comes, however, when Francis Sandow must use these powers against the most dangerous antagonist in the universe: another Pei’an god — Shimbo’s own enemy, Belion. And Belion has no doubt whatever of his own powers…

Out Now: Four New Zelazny Audiobook Editions!

Calling all classic SFF and audiobook fans: four more of Roger Zelazny‘s novels have new audiobook editions! Published by Tantor Media, the following are now available in audio:

  • DAMNATION ALLEY — read by Paul Bellantoni
  • DILVISH, THE DAMNED — read by Eric Michael Summerer
  • THE CHANGING LAND — read by Eric Michael Summerer
  • MY NAME IS LEGION — read by Adam Barr

Read on for some more details…

DAMNATION ALLEY (cover at top) was first published in 1968…

Hell Tanner isn’t the sort of guy you’d mistake for a hero: he’s a fast-driving car thief, a smuggler, and a stone-cold killer. Facing life in prison for his various crimes, he’s given a choice: Rot away his remaining years in a tiny jail cell or drive cross-country and deliver a case of antiserum to the plague-ridden people of Boston, Massachusetts. The chance of a full pardon does wonders for getting his attention. And don’t mistake this mission of mercy for any kind of normal road trip-not when there are radioactive storms, hordes of carnivorous beasts, and giant, mutated scorpions to be found along every deadly mile between Los Angeles and the East Coast. But then, this is no normal part of America, you see. This is Damnation Alley…

DILVISH, THE DAMNED, first published in 1982, collected together stories featuring Dilvish, which had originally been published in a variety of magazines and other publications. The collection came 5th in Locus Award voting (1983)…

Dilivish, a half elf-half man hybrid, failed in his attempt to rescue a young maiden being ritually sacrificed by the dark sorcerer Jelerak. In his anger at the attempt Jelerak kills the maiden and turns Dilvish’s body to stone and banished his soul to Hell.

It takes Dilvish two hundred years to escape Hell and reclaim his body. Dilvish does not leave hell unprepared. He returns with a number of very powerful spells and a faithful metal steed, Black who is far more than he seems. Together Black and Dilvish plan to hunt down Jelerak and make him pay. Heroic fantasy at its finest from a master storyteller.

THE CHANGING LAND is the second book in the Dilvish series — it was originally published in 1981, a year before Zelazny’s earlier Dilvish stories were collected into a single volume. The novel came 3rd in Locus Award voting (1982).

The Changing Land picks up shortly after the events chronicled in Dilvish, the Damned. Dilvish must gain entry to Castle Timeless if he is to destroy his nemeses Jelerak. Unbenounced to Dilvish, Jelerak is also seeking to gain entrance to his own castle as his apprentice has blocked him out while attempting to lean the castles secrets so that he may become lord of Castle Timeless.

The castle is protected by a lethal, chaotic, ever-changing land. In a race against time and reality itself both Dilvish and Jelerak must survive the maze-like changing lands and then somehow survive whatever traps await them and perhaps even the elder gods themselves may intervene if the whim strikes them. A breathtaking grand adventure!

Another of Zelazny’s short novels from the 1970s, MY NAME IS LEGION originally appeared in 1976.

He’d been an important part of the team putting together the International Data Bank, which would track every single move made by every single human being. As the project neared completion, he realized that no one would ever truly be free again. At the very last moment he blanked his file, changed his face, and created a back door into the system. Now he was nameless, had no past, left no traces, according to the IDB he no longer existed. But he could become anyone at any time for any reason. Not being in the system meant that he had to earn a living outside of the normal confines of human society. But there were people willing to pay cold, hard cash for a man who could be anyone and then disappear once the job was done.


Roger Zelazny‘s classic novels LORD OF LIGHT and CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS are now available in Russia, collected in a new omnibus edition! Published by Fanzon/Эксмо, as КНЯЗЬ СВЕТА and ПОРОЖДЕНИЯ СВЕТА И ТЬМЬI, here’s the synopsis…

Роджер Желязны в своем мастерском повествовании вдыхает новую жизнь в мифологию Индии и Египта, оживляя своим воображением древних богов и демонов.

Два знаменитых романа Роджера Желязны. Шедевры «новой волны» научной фантастики, полные поэзии и глубокого уважения к мифологии.

«Князь света»

Возможно, это случилось после гибели Земли. На далекой планете-колонии у власти оказалась группа людей, которые, используя достижения науки, достигли бессмертия и стали править своим миром под личинами богов индуистского пантеона. И лишь один человек осмеливается противостоять им – тот, кто когда-то был Князем Света.

«Порождения Света и Тьмы»

Далекое будущее или далекое прошлое. Боги Древнего Египта правят освоенным человечеством космосом. Анубис, Повелитель Мертвых, и Осирис из Дома Жизни забывают свою извечную вражду, когда появляется угроза не только мирам, но и их собственному существованию.

LORD OF LIGHT, first published in 1967, is available in the UK, published by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series. It won the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1968, and was also nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Imagine a distant world where gods walk as men, but wield vast and hidden powers. Here they have made the stage on which they build a subtle pattern of alliance, love, and deadly enmity. Are they truly immortal? Who are these gods who rule the destiny of a teeming world?

Their names include Brahma, Kali, Krishna and also he who was called Buddha, the Lord of Light, but who now prefers to be known simply as Sam. The gradual unfolding of the story – how the colonization of another planet became a re-enactment of Eastern mythology – is one of the great imaginative feats of modern science fiction.

The highly-acclaimed CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS was originally published in 1969. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In the House of the Dead he has been given a name. That name is Wakim, but Wakim knows that this name is not his true name not the name that he carried with him in life. Wakim has been commanded by his master Anubus to find and destroy The Prince Who Was A Thousand. Wakim leaves the House of the Dead intent on carrying out his mission to destroy The Prince Who Was A Thousand, but he has a second, personal mission…to find his true name. And if he does Wakim cannot even imagine how that will change everything…

Roger Zelazny’s ISLE OF THE DEAD Now Available in Ukraine!

A new Ukrainian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ISLE OF THE DEAD is now available! Published by Bohdan (Богдан) as Острів мертвих, it was translated by Denys Dömin (Денис Дьомін). The cover is by Oleg Kinal (Олег Кіналь). Here’s the synopsis…

Всесвіт тридцять другого століття великий, густонаселений і складний. Людині, що народилася понад тисячу років тому, адаптуватися в ньому важко, але можливо. Це довів Френсіс Сендоу, єдиним серед землян опанувавши високооплачуваний рідкісний фах однієї древньої раси. Але мало кому вдається стати казково багатим й успішним, не наживши небезпечних ворогів. Отримавши дивні, бентежні звістки з минулого (ба навіть із того світу), Сендоу покидає зону комфорту й мусить з’ясовувати, хто проти нього замислив лихе. Доводиться, як і колись, порадитися з мудрим наставником, зустрітися з давніми друзями й недругами, пригадати старе кохання (ще й не одне) і розв’язати моральні дилеми. А зрештою опинитися на зловісному Острові мертвих, де має відбутися чи не ритуальний двобій з могутнім несподіваним суперником. Помста і смерть, дружба й любов, технології і чудеса — це історія богорівного чоловіка, що таки залишився людиною.

First published in 1969, here’s the English-language synopsis for the Nebula Award-nominated book…

Centuries in the future, Francis Sandow is the only man alive who was born as long ago as the 20th century. His body is kept young and in perfect health by advanced scientific methods; he has amassed such a fortune that he can own entire planets; and he has become a god. No, not a god of Earth, but one of the panetheon of the alien Pei’ans: he is Shimbo of Darktree, Shrugger of Thunders. Yet he doesn’t believe that his personality has merged with the ancient consciousness of Shimbo, that he really can call down the skies upon his enemies. The time comes, however, when Francis Sandow must use these powers against the most dangerous antagonist in the universe: another Pei’an god — Shimbo’s own enemy, Belion. And Belion has no doubt whatever of his own powers…

ICYMI: Turkish Edition of Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS is Out Now!

In case you missed it, there’s a new Turkish edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS, one of the author’s classic science fiction novels! Published by İthaki Yayınları, as YOL İŞARETLERİ, it was translated by Taylan Taftaf. Here’s the synopsis…


Roger Zelazny, farklı mitolojileri bilimkurgu romanlarına uyarlamasıyla pek çok yazarın yalnızca hayal edebildiği bir şeyi alışkanlık hâline getirmiş eşsiz bir yazar. Yol İşaretleri ise kısmen fantastik öğeler içeren deneysel bir bilimkurgu romanı.

Red Dorakeen, kendisinin de bir başkasının da hatırlayamayacağı kadar uzun zamandır Yol’daydı. Çok uzun zaman önce yaşlı bir adam olarak Yol’da yürümüştü. Şimdi ise çok daha gençti. Mavi renkli hurda Dodge pikabıyla antik dönem Maraton’unda istilacı Perslerle savaşan Yunanlara silah taşıyor, yolda Hitler’le ve de Sade’la tartışmalara giriyor, zamanda bir ileri bir geri durmaksızın yolculuk ediyordu.

Şimdiyse biri Red’i öldürmek için on girişimin düzenleneceğine dair Yol’u yöneten yasalara göre resmi bir beyanda bulunmuştu. Gizli düşmanı, (çok tehlikeli bir keşişten bir Tiranozor’a kadar uzanan çeşitlilikte, insan veya diğer türlerde) suikastçılar tutmak için geçmişi ve geleceği tarıyordu. Red’in peşini bırakmayacaklardı, Yol onu nereye götürürse götürsün.

Yol İşaretleri, zamanlar arası bir kendini keşif yolculuğu.

ROADMARKS is also available in the UK, published by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well… forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

DIE CHRONIKEN VON AMBER Audiobook Out Now in Germany!

There’s a new Chronicles of Amber omnibus audiobook edition available in Germany! Published by DAV, it collects the first five novels in Roger Zelazny‘s classic, beloved fantasy series. The audiobook is narrated by Stefan Kaminski. Here’s the synopsis for DIE CHRONIKEN VON AMBER

In der Welt, die Roger Zelaznys Bestsellerreihe zugrunde liegt, herrscht Chaos. Den einzigen Fluchtpunkt der dunklen Unendlichkeit stellt Amber dar, eine mittelalterliche Stadt, die als »wirkliche Stadt« des Universums gilt. Um dieses Zentrum herum konstituieren sich Nachbildungen von Amber als Schattenwelten, die, je ferner von der wahren Stadt entfernt, frei von physikalischen Gesetzen sind. Nur der mächtigen Königsfamilie um Herrscher Oberon ist es möglich, die verschiedenen Realitäten der Schattenwelten zu manipulieren – zu denen auch die Erde gehört. »Die Chroniken von Amber« sind ein Meilenstein der Literaturgeschichte und machen Roger Zelazny zu einem der einflussreichsten Fantasy-Autoren des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Nach der erfolgreichen Neuauflage der Buchreihe, sind nun auch die Hörbücher zu den ersten fünf Bänden, dem »Corwin-Zyklus«, als ungekürzte Lesungen bei DAV erhältlich.

Band 1: »Die neun Prinzen«

Corwin erwacht in einer dubiosen Privatklinik und kann sich weder vergangener Ereignisse, noch seiner eigenen Identität entsinnen. Nach und nach findet er heraus: Sein Bruder Eric hat ihn in die Schattenwelt verbannt. Denn Corwin ist Teil der Königsfamilie von Amber – und damit in einen unerbittlichen Machtkampf um den Königsthron verstrickt.

Band 2: »Die Gewehre von Avalon«

Corwin bricht aus der Gefangenschaft seines Bruders aus und kehrt erneut zurück zur Erde. Dort lässt er Waffen fertigen und schart Truppen um sich, mit deren Hilfe er Eric endlich vom Thron stürzen will. Doch als er mit seiner Armee die Schattenwelten durchquert, muss er herausfinden, dass grausame Kreaturen ganz Amber zu vernichten drohen…

Band 3: »Im Zeichen des Einhorns«

Nach einem erfolgreichen Kampf ist Corwin Herrscher von Amber. Doch als sein Bruder Cain ermordet wird, weisen alle Zeichen auf Corwin als Täter – bis er kurz darauf selbst Opfer eines perfiden Anschlags wird. Wer steckt wirklich hinter den grausamen Verbrechen?

Band 4: »Die Hand Oberons«

»Das Muster« ist ein Labyrinth, das den Prinzen Ambers die Kraft verleiht, durch die Schattenwelten zu reisen. Wer es betritt, muss das Muster bis zu seinem Zentrum beschreiten – sonst droht ein grausamer Tod. Doch als die Prinzen diesmal dorthin zurückkehren, müssen sie feststellen, dass das Muster beschädigt ist. Corwins Bruder Brand steckt dahinter und will das Muster zerstören, aber das hätte fatale Folgen.

Band 5: »Die Burgen des Chaos«

Das Vernichten des Musters bedeutet das Ende von Amber – und mit ihm das Ende aller Schattenwelten, wie auch der Erde. Corwin will seinen Bruder aufhalten und eine Kopie des Labyrinths anfertigen – ein Vorhaben, das in einem finalen Kampf der beiden Brüder endet, welcher über das Schicksal Ambers entscheiden wird…

The first five novels are also available in print and digital, published by Die Hobbit Presse, an imprint of Klett-Cotta. The novels are also available in a Gold Edition collected eBook. The series was translated into Germany by Thomas Schlück.

The Chronicles of Amber series is available in the UK, published by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series; the ten novels are collected into two omnibus editions. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the first collection (which also includes books 1-5)…

Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself – Shadow worlds, that can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the Patriarch Oberon has intensified the internal conflict by leaving the throne apparently up for grabs.

In a hospital on the Shadow Earth, a young man is recovering from a freak car accident; amnesia has robbed him of all his memory, even the fact that he is Corwin, Crown Prince of Amber, rightful heir to the throne – and he is in deadly peril…

The five books, Nine Princes in Amber, The Guns of Avalon, Sign of the Unicorn, The Hand of Oberon and The Courts of Chaos, together make up The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny’s finest work of fantasy and an undisputed classic of the genre.


New editions of The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny are out now! A fascinating, superb collection of Roger Zelazny‘s short and longer fiction, the six volumes are published by NESFA.

The stories in this series are enriched by editors’ notes and Zelazny’s own words, taken from his many essays, describing why he wrote the stories and what he thought about them in retrospect.

Here are the titles and synopses for each volume (full tables of contents are available on NESFA’s website)…


The first in a six-volume series, Volume 1: Threshold contains all of Zelazny’s short works from his early years through the mid 1960s — a period of experimentation and growth that flowered into gems such as “A Rose for Ecclesiastes,” “The Graveyard Heart,” “The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth,” and “He Who Shapes.”

Volume 2: POWER & LIGHT

The second in a six-volume series, Volume 2: Power & Light covers the mid 1960s, Zelazny’s most prolific period, where he continued to incorporate mainstream literary qualities and added a wealth of mythological elements into powerful stories such as “The Furies,” “For a Breath I Tarry,” “This Moment of the Storm,” “Comes Now the Power,” “Auto-Da-Fé,” and the Hugo-winning novel …And Call Me Conrad.


The third in a six-volume series, Volume 3: This Mortal Mountain contains Zelazny’s short works from the late 1960s and early 1970s, Zelazny’s breadth of interests developed into a variety of styles displayed in such rich stories as “This Mortal Mountain,” “The Steel General,” “Damnation Alley,” “The Man Who Loved the Faioli,” and the Hugo and Nebula-nominated “The Engine at Heartspring’s Center”.


The fourth in a six-volume series, Volume 4: Last Exit to Babylon contains Zelazny’s short works from the late 1970s and early 1980s when Zelazny’s popularity opened new markets for his work. He continued to produce highly-crafted stories, such as the popular “The Last Defender of Camelot,” the Hugo-winning “Unicorn Variation,” and the Hugo and Nebula-winning “Home is the Hangman.”


The fifth in a six-volume series, Volume 5: Nine Black Doves contains Zelazny’s short works from the 1980s, when Zelazny’s mature craft produced the Hugo-winning and Nebula-nominated stories, “24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai” and “Permafrost,” and other entertaining stories such as “Kalifriki of the Thread,” “Dilvish, the Damned,” and his first two Wild Cards stories about Croyd Crenson, “The Sleeper” and “Ashes to Ashes.”


The last in a six-volume series Volume 6: The Road To Amber, the last in the series, covers the final five years of Zelazny’s career in the early 1990s, when he reached for new ideas and continued familiar themes with stories such as “Godson” and “Godson: A Play in Three Acts,” two more Wild Cards stories (“Concerto for Siren and Serotonin” and “The Long Sleep”), and a linked sequence of five Amber stories leading to planned but unwritten Amber novels.

Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber novels area avilable now in the UK, published in two volumes as part of Gollancz‘s SF Masterworks series.


Today, Gollancz publishes a new collection of Roger Zelazny‘s short fiction, THE BEST OF ROGER ZELAZNY! Widely known for his multi-award-winning novels and series, this is a great opportunity for readers — old and new alike — to try his short fiction. The collection is published as part of Gollancz’s SF Masterworks series.

Here’s the synopsis…

From the far reaches of space to the hidden corners of Earth, from aliens to wizards and everything in between…

One of the most influential SFF writers of modern times, Roger Zelazny wrote across a wide range of subgenres and themes, experimenting with form and story with mastery. He won many awards throughout his lifetime, including six Hugo awards, three Nebula awards and two Locus awards. He has inspired many of today’s great SFF authors.

This new collection contains a selection of his short stories and novellas which span the depth and breadth of the human imagination.

As part of the SF Masterworks series, Gollancz also publishes Zelanzy’s Chronicles of Amber series (in two omnibus editions) and the stand-alone novels ROADMARKS and LORD OF LIGHT.


In time for Halloween, there’s a new Russian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s acclaimed and fan-favourite A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER! Hailed by Neil Gaiman as ‘one of Zelazny’s finest books’, Ночь в тоскливом октябре is published by Эксмо, and here’s the synopsis…

Добро пожаловать в Лондон конца XIX века! Под покровом тумана этого промозглого октября сойдутся в Великой Игре известнейшие персоны своего времени, а также их питомцы-помощники. Великий сыщик, граф, пробуждающийся по ночам, таинственный учёный и его создание — игроки не афишируют своих имён, но вы наверняка узнаете их без труда. А наградой победителю станет возможность изменить весь существующий мир…

Переиздание классического романа Грандмастера фэнтези в трендовом оформлении.

The novel is also available in the UK, published by Farrago Books, and has been published and translated widely around the world. Here are just a few of the international editions’ covers…

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

All is not what it seems…

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut. And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

Finally, here are just a handful of the great reviews the novel has received…

‘The last great novel by one of the giants of the genre.’ — George R.R. Martin

‘A madcap blend of horror tropes and fantasy… There aren’t many authors who would set out to write a novel in which the Wolfman and Jack the Ripper were the two heroes… And I’m not sure anyone else could have made it work.’ — Science Fiction Chronicle

‘Sparkling, witty, delightful. Zelazny’s best for ages, perhaps his best ever.’ — Kirkus Reviews

‘A cheerful, witty, well-crafted fantasy… Its deft, understated good humor and spare, poetic prose reaffirm Zelazny as one of fantasy’s most skilled practitioners.’ — Publishers Weekly

30th Anniversary Edition of A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER Out This Week!

This week marks the 30th anniversary of Roger Zelazny‘s classic, beloved Halloween fantasy novel, A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER. To mark the occasion, Farrago Books are publishing a new edition in the UK — specifically, due out on September 14th. Here’s the synopsis…

All is not what it seems.

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an upcoming ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut. And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received…

‘The last great novel by one of the giants of the genre.’George R.R. Martin

‘A madcap blend of horror tropes and fantasy… There aren’t many authors who would set out to write a novel in which the Wolfman and Jack the Ripper were the two heroes… And I’m not sure anyone else could have made it work.’Science Fiction Chronicle

‘Sparkling, witty, delightful. Zelazny’s best for ages, perhaps his best ever.’Kirkus Reviews

‘A cheerful, witty, well-crafted fantasy… Its deft, understated good humor and spare, poetic prose reaffirm Zelazny as one of fantasy’s most skilled practitioners.’Publishers Weekly

Farrago also publishes a UK edition of DOORWAYS IN THE SAND.

Roger Zelazny’s HERR DES LICHTS Out Now!

Roger Zelazny‘s LORD OF LIGHT is available in a new German edition! Published today by Piper Verlag, as HERR DES LICHTS, here’s the synopsis…

Roger Zelazny war einer der einflussreichsten Autoren der Science-Fiction, der viele bedeutende Autoren wie George R. R. Martin und Neil Gaiman geprägt hat. Für seine Werke gewann er zahlreiche Preise, darunter den Hugo Award für „Herr des Lichts“. Nun ist das Meisterwerk endlich wieder auf Deutsch verfügbar – in einer neu überarbeiteten, hochwertigen Ausgabe mit einem Nachwort von George R. R. Martin.

In diesem Roman ist die Erde schon lange verlassen. Auf einem Kolonieplaneten hat eine Gruppe Siedler eine Reinkarnationstechnologie erfunden, mit deren Hilfe sie als gottgleiche Wesen eine tyrannische Herrschaft aufgebaut haben. Als Vorbild dient ihnen das hinduistische Götterpantheon. Nur einer wagt es, sich ihnen entgegenzustellen: Mahasamatman, genannt „Sam“. Der Herr des Lichts.

The Hugo Award-winning novel is available in the UK, published as part of Gollancz‘s SF Masterworks series. George R.R. Martin has said that LORD OF LIGHT is ‘One of the five best SF novels ever written.’ Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Imagine a distant world where gods walk as men, but wield vast and hidden powers. Here they have made the stage on which they build a subtle pattern of alliance, love, and deadly enmity. Are they truly immortal? Who are these gods who rule the destiny of a teeming world?

Their names include Brahma, Kali, Krishna and also he who was called Buddha, the Lord of Light, but who now prefers to be known simply as Sam. The gradual unfolding of the story – how the colonization of another planet became a re-enactment of Eastern mythology – is one of the great imaginative feats of modern science fiction.