Two new Italian Chronicles of Amber books now available

Italian fans of Roger Zelazny‘s Chronicles of Amber rejoice: the sixth and seventh novels in the series are now available in Italy! Published by Fanucci Editore, here are the details…

The sixth novel in the series is TRUMPS OF DOOM, published in Italy as RITORNO AD AMBRA

Merle Corey è un giovane e brillante designer di computer, ma è anche Merlin, figlio dell’ex principe di Ambra, Corwin, di cui ha ereditato i meravigliosi poteri. Nel tentativo di comprendere meglio suo padre, Merlin ha trascorso gli ultimi anni sulla Terra, a San Francisco, studiando informatica e progettando uno straordinario computer mai visto prima. Adesso è deciso a tornare ad Ambra, ma prima di farlo intende scoprire chi sta cercando di ucciderlo e perché. A tale scopo inizierà una disperata corsa attraverso le ombre, non solo per sfuggire alla misteriosa forza che minaccia la sua vita, ma per proteggere il segreto mortale che potrebbe distruggere entrambi i suoi mondi…

First published in 1985, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Merle Corey is a brilliant young computer designer in San Francisco, but, he is also Merlin, son of Corwin, vanished prince of Amber, and heir to his father’s wondrous powers. And, someone is determined to kill him. Now he will begin a desperate race through Shadow, not only to escape the mysterious force that threatens his life, but to protect the deadly secret that could destroy both his worlds.

The seventh novel is BLOOD OF AMBER, published in Italy as IL SANGUE DI AMBRA

Inseguito da un nemico diabolico, Merle deve affrontare una fitta e intricata rete di omicidi e vendette che lo perseguita anche oltre i confini della baia di San Francisco. Perché Merle Corey, giovane informatico della California, è anche Merlin, figlio di Corwin, lo scomparso principe d’Ambra. Le forze ostili che cercano di distruggere la casa reale e la sua stirpe hanno messo in campo magie che possono colpire ovunque, fino al cuore stesso di Ambra. Imprigionato dai suoi nemici, Merle è costretto a stringere una pericolosa alleanza con un’entità seducente ed enigmatica, l’unica speranza per ridare equilibrio al suo mondo e affrontare una forza misteriosa che minaccia Ambra.

Originally published a year after TRUMPS OF DOOM (1986), here’s the English-language synopsis…

Pursued by a fiendish enemy, Merle must battle through an intricate web of vengeance and murder that threatens more than the San Francisco Bay area. For Merle Corey of California is also Merlin, son of Corwin, vanished Prince of Amber; and the forces, seeking to destroy the royal house, have unleashed sorceries that can strike anywhere, especially at the very heart of Amber.

Fanucci has also published the first five novels in the series in Italy.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

You can now take a ride through DAMNATION ALLEY in Poland!

DAMNATION ALLEY, the classic dystopian thriller by Roger Zelazny is out now in Poland! Published by Dom Wydawniczy REBIS as ALEJA POTĘPIENIA, here’s the synopsis…

Klasyka literatury postapo. Kultowa powieść wielokrotnego zdobywcy nagród Hugo i Nebula

Wojna nuklearna spustoszyła świat. W Ameryce Północnej ocalali ludzie usiłują przetrwać w niewielkich enklawach, pozostałościach dawnych stanów. Hell Tanner, brutalny członek gangu motocyklowego, otrzymuje szansę odkupienia swych win. Na wschodzie wybuchła epidemia i ktoś musi dostarczyć szczepionkę z Los Angeles do Bostonu. Tanner rusza Aleją Potępienia, by mierzyć się z promieniowaniem, gniewem natury, zmutowanymi zwierzętami i jeszcze gorszymi niż one ludźmi.

First published in 1968, the book took third place Hugo Award for Novella. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Hell Tanner isn’t the sort of guy you’d mistake for a hero: he’s a fast-driving car thief, a smuggler, & a stone-cold killer. Facing life in prison for his various crimes, he’s given a choice: Rot away his remaining years in a tiny jail cell, or drive cross-country & deliver a case of antiserum to the plague-ridden people of Boston, Mass. The chance of a full pardon does wonders for getting his attention.

And don’t mistake this mission of mercy for any kind of normal road trip — not when there are radioactive storms, hordes of carnivorous beasts, & giant, mutated scorpions to be found along every deadly mile between LA & the East Coast. But then, this is no normal part of America, you see.

This is Damnation Alley.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

New Ukrainian Edition of LORD OF LIGHT!

Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel LORD OF LIGHT is available now in a new Ukrainian edition! Published by Книжковий Клуб as Володар світла, it was translated by Denys Dömin (Денис Дьомін). Here’s the synopsis…

Коли Земля загинула, все змінилося. І люди проголосили себе богами. Екіпаж космічного корабля «Зоря Індії» прибуває на планету іншої зіркової системи, де панує незнайоме землянам життя. Майже всіх тубільців було винищено, і екіпаж «Зорі Індії» проголосив себе новими богами цієї далекої планети. Безсмертні, володарі безмежного технічного прогресу, вони мешкають в Місті Небесному, тоді як звичайні люди животіють у бідних середньовічних містах. Але серед богів знаходяться «прометеї», які прагнуть нести вогонь прогресу цим простим, небожественним істотам. Та кожен, хто намагатиметься це зробити, прогніває богів. І не врятується жоден. Окрім тих, хто не втратив у собі людину…

LORD OF LIGHT was first published in 1967, and remains one of Zelazny’s most popular novels. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In a distant world gods walk as men, but wield vast and hidden powers. Here they have made the stage on which they build a subtle pattern of alliance, love, and deadly enmity. Are they truly immortal? Who are these gods who rule the destiny of a teeming world?

Their names include Brahma, Kali, Krishna and also he who was called Buddha, the Lord of Light, but who now prefers to be known simply as Sam. The gradual unfolding of the story shows how the colonization of another planet became a re-enactment of Eastern mythology.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

A new French ISLE OF THE DEAD!

Today, Mnémos publishes a new French edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic ISLE OF THE DEAD! Available in France as L’ÎLE DES MORTS, here’s the synopsis…

Bien que son corps soit celui d’un homme jeune, Francis Sandow est le doyen de l’espèce humaine. Il a exercé la fascinante profession d’astro-façonneur, devenant l’un des hommes les plus fortunés de la galaxie. Mais surtout, il est l’un des vingt-six Noms vivants, car en lui réside la personnalité du dieu Shimbo.

Sur un monde qu’il a façonné, Francis Sandow a édifié un étrange sanctuaire : l’Île des Morts. Depuis ce lieu, un inconnu rappelle à la vie plusieurs de ses amis et ennemis trépassés. Contraint d’abandonner son monde de luxe et d’oisiveté, il prend conscience qu’il devra affronter le danger le plus mortel de sa très longue existence…

Nominated for the Nebula Award for best novel when it was first published (in 1969), here’s the English-language synopsis for ISLE OF THE DEAD

Centuries in the future, Francis Sandow is the only man alive who was born as long ago as the 20th century. His body is kept young and in perfect health by advanced scientific methods; he has amassed such a fortune that he can own entire planets; and he has become a god. No, not a god of Earth, but one of the panetheon of the alien Pei’ans: he is Shimbo of Darktree, Shrugger of Thunders. Yet he doesn’t believe that his personality has merged with the ancient consciousness of Shimbo, that he really can call down the skies upon his enemies.

The time comes, however, when Francis Sandow must use these powers against the most dangerous antagonist in the universe: another Pei’an god — Shimbo’s own enemy, Belion. And Belion has no doubt whatever of his own powers…

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

French Readers can now enjoy another Lonesome October Night with Zelazny (and Jack the Ripper’s Dog…)

The new French edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER is out today! Published by Hélios/ActuSF as LE SONGE D’UNE NUIT D’OCTOBRE, here’s the synopsis…

Octobre. Dans 31 jours, le portail s’ouvrira et les Grands Anciens déferleront sur le monde.

Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, Raspoutine, le docteur Frankenstein… Ils seront tous là. Mais feront-ils partie des ouvreurs avides de pouvoir, ou seront-ils des fermeurs qui s’opposeront aux horreurs indicibles?

Les familiers de ces personnages seront eux aussi impliqués dans cette murder party ésotérique riche en rebondissements. Tout particulièrement Snuff, un chien dont le maître, Jack, aime se promener la nuit dans Londres avec son grand couteau…

Le Jeu va commencer.

Quel sera votre camp?

A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER was first published in 1993. In 2017, Farrago published the first UK eBook edition (as well as a dead-tree edition). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

All is not what it seems.

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an upcoming ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut. And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received…

‘The last great novel by one of the giants of the genre.’ — George R.R. Martin

‘A cheerful, witty, well-crafted fantasy… Its deft, understated good humor and spare, poetic prose reaffirm Zelazny as one of fantasy’s most skilled practitioners.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘Sparkling, witty, delightful. Zelazny’s best for ages, perhaps his best ever.’ — Kirkus Reviews

‘A madcap blend of horror tropes and fantasy… There aren’t many authors who would set out to write a novel in which the Wolfman and Jack the Ripper were the two heroes… And I’m not sure anyone else could have made it work.’ — Science Fiction Chronicle

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Two new Roger Zelazny audiobooks available in Czechia!

The first two novels in Roger Zelazny‘s Chronicles of Amber are now available as audiobooks in Czechia! Published by Walker & Volf, here are the details…

NINE PRINCES OF AMBER is published as DEVĚT PRINCŮ (cover above), here’s the synopsis…

AMBER je opravdu jediný opravdu skutečný svět. Všechny ostatní jsou jen stíny. Nekonečný je svět Amberu vrhajícího stíny, jejichž velkolepé odlesky vytvářejí všechny ostatní světy, včetně toho, v kterém žijeme. Nekonečný jako velkolepá tajemství, před kterými se nám, smrtelníkům, tají dech. Čím však je ve skutečnosti? Z jakých rozmarů byl stvořen? Jak obrovská musí být síla, hrající si s mocnými světy jako se zrnky písku? První knihu „Devět princů Amberu“ otevírá příběh Corwina, nadčlověka se ztrátou paměti, který se probouzí na nemocničním lůžku po těžké autonehodě. Corwin netuší nic o svých příbuzných lačnících po „věčném trůnu“, ani o cestě, na jejímž počátku se právě ocitl. Nevzpomíná si na „Lorgus“ ani na jeho protipól „Vzor“. Navíc postrádá svůj balíček „trumfů“, který by mu mohl pomoci překonat pasti nastražené neznámými silami. Udržován pod vlivem narkotik zůstává sám, a někde hluboko uvnitř něho čekají na probuzení nadlidské schopnosti. Od prvního dílu knižní série „Tajemný Amber“ budete sledovat osudy rozvětvené královské rodiny, kde každý bojuje s každým. Spisovatel Roger Zelazny, velmistr žánru fantasy, disponuje jazykem plným fantazie a dočkáte se toho nejlepšího vypravěčského umění, jakým se žánr fantasy může pochlubit.

First published in 1970, the English-language synopsis…

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.


Proslulá fantasy sága pokračuje! Vstupte opět do mýtické říše Amberu!

Volné pokračování „Devíti princů Amberu“ vás uvrhne do světa velkolepých bitev, mocné magie a záludných intrik. V závěru předchozího příběhu došlo k zásadnímu zvratu, který měl rozhodující význam nejen pro život lorda Corwina, ale i pro další ze světů, tajuplný Avalon.

Potupený a raněný Corwin, jeden z princů Amberu, se vydává na cestu pomsty. Nikdo z protivníků zatím netuší, že jen on zná tajemství ničivých zbraní, s jejichž pomocí by bylo možné se probojovat do silně střeženého Kolviru. V sázce však není jen samotný trůn…

The second novel in the series was originally published in 1972, and here’s the English-language synopsis…

Across the worlds of Shadow, Corwin, prince of blood royal, heir to the throne of Amber, gathers his forces for an assault that will yield up to him the crown that is rightfully his. But, a growing darkness of his own doing threatens his plans, an evil that stretches to the heart of the perfect kingdom itself where the demonic forces of Chaos mass to annihilate Amber and all who would rule there.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Behold, NINE new Russian PRINCES IN AMBER!

Today, we have information about another new Roger Zelazny translated edition! There is a new Russian edition NINE PRINCES IN AMBER is available now! The first novel in Zelazny’s classic and beloved Chronicles of Amber fantasy series, it is published in Russia by Эксмо as Девять принцев Амбера. Here’s the synopsis…

Первый законный сын Оберона Корвин вспоминает свое прошлое с помощью карт таро. С братом Рэндомом он отправляется в вечный город Амбер через Арденский лес. В лабиринте подводного города Рембы открывает правду: все миры — отражения Амбера, а он, Корвин, должен унаследовать престол внезапно исчезнувшего отца. Но за трон Янтарного королевства предстоит побороться…

First published in 1970, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

A new French ISLE OF THE DEAD on the horizon…

This May, Hélios/Mnemos are due to publish a new French paperback edition of THE ISLE OF THE DEAD by Roger Zelazny. Published in France as L’ÎLE DES MORTS, here’s the synopsis…

Bien que son corps soit celui d’un homme jeune, Francis Sandow est le doyen de l’espèce humaine. Il a exercé la fascinante profession d’astro-façonneur, devenant l’un des hommes les plus fortunés de la galaxie. Mais surtout, il est l’un des vingt-six Noms vivants, car en lui réside la personnalité du dieu Shimbo.

Sur un monde qu’il a façonné, Francis Sandow a édifié un étrange sanctuaire : l’Île des Morts. Depuis ce lieu, un inconnu rappelle à la vie plusieurs de ses amis et ennemis trépassés. Contraint d’abandonner son monde de luxe et d’oisiveté, il prend conscience qu’il devra affronter le danger le plus mortel de sa très longue existence…

First published in 1969, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Centuries in the future, Francis Sandow is the only man alive who was born as long ago as the 20th century. His body is kept young and in perfect health by advanced scientific methods; he has amassed such a fortune that he can own entire planets; and he has become a god. No, not a god of Earth, but one of the panetheon of the alien Pei’ans: he is Shimbo of Darktree, Shrugger of Thunders. Yet he doesn’t believe that his personality has merged with the ancient consciousness of Shimbo, that he really can call down the skies upon his enemies.

The time comes, however, when Francis Sandow must use these powers against the most dangerous antagonist in the universe: another Pei’an god — Shimbo’s own enemy, Belion. And Belion has no doubt whatever of his own powers…

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

This March, join Jack the Ripper’s Dog for another Lonesome Night (in France)…

This March, there will be a new French edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER! Due to be published by Hélios/ActuSF, here’s the synopsis for LE SONGE D’UNE NUIT D’OCTOBRE

Octobre. Dans 31 jours, le portail s’ouvrira et les Grands Anciens déferleront sur le monde.

Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, Raspoutine, le docteur Frankenstein… Ils seront tous là. Mais feront-ils partie des ouvreurs avides de pouvoir, ou seront-ils des fermeurs qui s’opposeront aux horreurs indicibles?

Les familiers de ces personnages seront eux aussi impliqués dans cette murder party ésotérique riche en rebondissements. Tout particulièrement Snuff, un chien dont le maître, Jack, aime se promener la nuit dans Londres avec son grand couteau…

Le Jeu va commencer.

Quel sera votre camp?

First published in 1993, A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER is available in the UK, published by Farrago. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

All is not what it seems.

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an upcoming ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut. And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received…

‘The last great novel by one of the giants of the genre.’ — George R.R. Martin

‘A madcap blend of horror tropes and fantasy… There aren’t many authors who would set out to write a novel in which the Wolfman and Jack the Ripper were the two heroes… And I’m not sure anyone else could have made it work.’Science Fiction Chronicle

‘Sparkling, witty, delightful. Zelazny’s best for ages, perhaps his best ever.’ — Kirkus Reviews

‘A cheerful, witty, well-crafted fantasy… Its deft, understated good humor and spare, poetic prose reaffirm Zelazny as one of fantasy’s most skilled practitioners.’ — Publishers Weekly

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

CHRONICLES OF AMBER Gold Edition eBook now available in Germany!

Die Hobbit Presse, an imprint of Klett-Cotta, publishes today an omnibus eBook containing the first five books in Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber fantasy series. Here’s the synopsis…

Die Hobbit Presse Gold Edition umfasst alle fünf Teile der »Chroniken von Amber« von Roger Zelazny und gibt einen Einblick in die Machenschaften und Intrigen des Königshauses von Amber. Die Limited Edition mit mehr als 1300 Seiten ist nur für begrenzte Zeit lieferbar.

Als Corwin nach einem Autounfall in einer Klinik in New York aufwacht, kann er sich an nichts erinnern. Schnell findet er heraus, dass er eigentlich Mitglied der großen Königsfamilie von Amber ist. Corwin setzt alles daran, nach Amber zurückzukehren. Dabei lernt er, dass die Erde Teil der Schattenwelten ist und nur Nachfahren der Königsfamilie zwischen den Welten der Erde und Amber hin und her reisen können. In Amber selbst bereitet sich alles auf einen Krieg vor, denn König Oberon, Corwins Vater, ist verschwunden und der Thron verwaist. Corwins Bruder Eric will um jeden Preis die Macht über Amber erlangen, doch auch seine anderen Geschwister haben dasselbe Ziel. Der fesselnde Kampf um die Thronfolge, voller Intrigen und Hass, wird über die Zukunft von Amber und der Geschwister entscheiden.

Dieses E-Book enthält:

– Die neun Prinzen von Amber
– Die Gewehre von Avalon
– Im Zeichen des Einhorns
– Die Hand Oberons
– Die Burgen des Chaos

Die Hobbit Presse has also published the first five novels in the series individually in print and eBook.

The first novel in the series, NINE PRINCES IN AMBER, was first published in 1970. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne.

From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s THE DOORS OF HIS FACE, THE LAMPS OF HIS MOUTH available now in Russia

A new edition of Roger Zelazny‘s THE DOORS OF HIS FACE, THE LAMPS OF HIS MOUTH is now available in Russia! Published by Эксмо as Двери лица его, пламенники пасти его, here’s the synopsis…

Странные и прекрасные рассказы охватывают весь спектр таланта Роджера Желязны. Он смешивает сновидческие образы фэнтези с реализмом и научной фантастики. Яркое воображение и идеальная проза превращают Желязны в одного из самых заметных писателей-фантастов. Охота на венерианского Левиафана. Футуристическая коррида с людьми и машинами. Поэзия вымирающей цивилизации Марса. Альпинисты, покоряющие вершину иной планеты. Преследование разумного автомобиля-убийцы… Трижды он выигрывал премию “Небьюла” и шесть — премию “Хьюго” за великолепные романы и рассказы. Желязны обладал уникальным талантом, его видения будущего, иных миров и иных реальностей были полны магии и всегда запоминались.

Originally published in 1965, here’s the English-language synopsis for THE DOORS OF HIS FACE, THE LAMPS OF HIS MOUTH

Here are strange, beautiful stories covering the full spectrum of the late Roger Zelazny’s remarkable talents. In Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth, Zelazny’s rare ability to mix the dream-like, disturbing imagery of fantasy with the real-life hardware of science fiction is on full display. His vivid imagination and fine prose made him one of the most highly acclaimed writers in his field.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s CHRONICLES OF AMBER now available in Slovakia!

Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber fantasy series is now available in Slovakia! Published in two volumes by Vydavateľstvo Tatran, here’s the synopsis for the Kroniky Amberu

Roger Zelazny patrí k zakladateľom fantastiky, no svojimi mýtmi a mágiou vtlačil tomuto žánru svojský nenapodobiteľný štýl. Napísal viac ako 50 románov a 150 poviedok, vrcholom jeho tvorby je však desať kníh, ktoré tvoria Kroniky Amberu. Podľa slov Georga R. R. Martina, autora Hier o Tróny, sú Kroniky Amberu najfarebnejšou, najexotickejšou a najnezabudnuteľnejšou ságou, aká sa vo fantasy objavila. Amber je jediný skutočný svet, všetky ostatné vrátane Zeme sú len Tiene. No schyľuje sa tam k bratovražednému boju o moc a vplyv. Amberský princ Corwin sa pre zradu svojich súrodencov ocitne na Zemi a tu pri autonehode utrpí stratu pamäti. Len čo nadobudne vedomie, zapojí sa do obrany Amberu proti netvorom z Čiernej cesty. Žezlo po ňom preberie jeho syn Merlin, v ktorého žilách koluje aj matkina krv z Dvorov Chaosu. Celá sága prekvapuje nezvyčajnými nápadmi. Autor v nich spojil prvky sci-fi a fantasy. Kroniky Amberu predstavujú urban fantasy v drsnom štýle a ostrom tóne, mnohé zápletky pripomínajú detektívny príbeh. Kritici právom označili Zelaznyho dielo za „fantasy najvyššieho kalibru.“

Originally published between 1970-91, the series includes the following novels: NINE PRINCES IN AMBER, THE GUNS OF AVALON, SIGN OF THE UNICORN, THE HAND OF OBERON, THE COURTS OF CHAOS, TRUMPS OF DOOM, BLOOD OF AMBER, SIGN OF CHAOS, KNIGHT OF SHADOWS and PRINCE OF CHAOS. The series has been published widely in translation, with more editions on the way! If you’d like to know more, be sure to check out the author’s page.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for the first novel in the series…

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne.

From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s classic LORD OF LIGHT re-issued in Russia

Roger Zelazny‘s LORD OF LIGHT has a new Russian edition! Published by Эксмо as Князь Света, here’s the synopsis…

Это случилось после гибели Земли. На одной из дальних планет-колоний у власти оказалась группа людей, которые, используя достижения науки, достигли бессмертия и стали править своим миром как Боги индуистского пантеона. Но при этом остались людьми — в прямом смысле этого слова, сохранив человеческие чувства и желания, несмотря на приобретенные ими неограниченные возможности. И неизвестно, стало ли им от этого лучше… Роман был удостоен премии “Хьюго”. Роджер Желязны называл “Князя Света” своим самым любимым произведением. В конце 70-х должна была выйти экранизация романа, над которой работал в том числе Джек Кирби — легендарный художник комиксов. В ближайшее время начнутся съемки новой экранизации — в формате сериала.

LORD OF LIGHT was first published in 1967. It is available in the UK as part of Gollancz‘s SF Masterworks. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In a distant world gods walk as men, but wield vast and hidden powers. Here they have made the stage on which they build a subtle pattern of alliance, love, and deadly enmity. Are they truly immortal? Who are these gods who rule the destiny of a teeming world?

Their names include Brahma, Kali, Krishna and also he who was called Buddha, the Lord of Light, but who now prefers to be known simply as Sam. The gradual unfolding of the story shows how the colonization of another planet became a re-enactment of Eastern mythology.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Another new Russian edition of A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER…

Эксмо has released a new edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER. Published in Russia as Ночь в одиноком октябре, here’s the synopsis…

В Лондоне конца XIX века под покровом тумана промозглого октября в Великой Игре сойдутся известнейшие персоны своего времени и их питомцы-помощники. Смогут ли игроки открыть врата в иной мир? В чем заключается их сила?

First published in 1993, the novel was re-published recently by Farrago (and for the first time in eBook). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

All is not what it seems…

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an upcoming ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut.

And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

The novel was very well-received when first published.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

French Zelazny Fans can now learn the secrets of THIS IMMORTAL…

French fans rejoice: Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel THIS IMMORTAL is out now in France! Published by Helios as TOI L’IMMORTEL, here’s the synopsis…

Une catastrophe atomique a détruit pratiquement toute trace des civilisations continentales, provoquant l’exode de la plupart des humains. Mais les quelques individus restés sur Terre ont vu leur espérance de vie considérablement augmenter. Conrad Nomikos est l’un d’entre eux et nul ne connaît son âge. Devenu le conservateur des ruines de la Terre sur une île grecque miraculeusement préservée, il doit servir de guide à un important intellectuel végan, Cort Myshtigo, qui souhaite visiter la planète pour se documenter afin d’écrire un livre sur l’histoire humaine. C’est le début d’une odyssée que Nomikos imaginait certes périlleuse, mais pas à ce point…

En mariant avec audace religion, magie et technologie, Roger Zelazny, avec ce premier roman, est entré immédiatement dans la cour des grands. Il remporte d’ailleurs en 1966 le prix Hugo ex aequo avec Dune de Franck Herbert. Ce texte concentre une grande partie des thématiques que l’auteur ne cessera d’explorer tout au long de ses oeuvres suivantes.

Un nouveau mythe et une quête post-apocalyptique.

THIS IMMORTAL was first published in 1966, and racked up an impressive number of accolades and awards: the novel won the Hugo Award for Best Novel (1966), Geffen Award for Best Translated Science Fiction Book (2009), and the Seiun Award 星雲賞 for Best Foreign Language Novel of the Year (1976). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he’d rather not talk about. And, as Arts Commissioner, he’s been given a job he’d rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour of the shattered remains of Earth is not something he relishes — especially when it is apparent that this places him at the center of high-level intrigue that has some bearing on the future of Earth itself!

Helios has also published Zelazny’s DAMNATION ALLEY (as ROUTE 666) and ISLE OF THE DEAD (as L’ÎLE DES MORTS).

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.