New Slovak Edition of RIVERS OF LONDON!

Ten years after it was first published, Ben Aaronovitch‘s RIVERS OF LONDON continues its global conquest! A new Slovak edition of the novel is now available, published by Slovart as RIEKY LONDYNA. The first novel in the author’s Peter Grant series, here’s the synopsis…

Jedna z najúspešnejších mestských fantasy za posledných desať rokov! Keď sa Peter Grant zamestnal u londýnskych strážcov zákona, netušil, že na britskej polícií existuje akési zvláštne oddelenie mágie a nadprirodzených javov. Po nečakanom stretnutí s duchom sa však stane prvým učňom inšpektora Nightingala, jediného predstaviteľa tohto zvláštneho útvaru. A ešte ako zelenáč musí nielenže riešiť dva zdanlivo nesúvisiace zločiny a zistiť, čo robí z obyčajných ľudí krutých zabijakov, ale okrem toho aj sprostredkovať mier medzi dvoma bohmi rieky Temže, ktorí sú na vojnovej nohe.

RIVERS OF LONDON is published in the UK by Gollancz, in North America by Del Rey (as MIDNIGHT RIOT), and widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

My name is Peter Grant and until January I was just probationary constable in that mighty army for justice known to all right-thinking people as the Metropolitan Police Service (and as the Filth to everybody else). My only concerns in life were how to avoid a transfer to the Case Progression Unit – we do paperwork so real coppers don’t have to – and finding a way to climb into the panties of the outrageously perky WPC Leslie May. Then one night, in pursuance of a murder inquiry, I tried to take a witness statement from someone who was dead but disturbingly voluble, and that brought me to the attention of Inspector Nightingale, the last wizard in England.

Now I’m a Detective Constable and a trainee wizard, the first apprentice in fifty years, and my world has become somewhat more complicated: nests of vampires in Purley, negotiating a truce between the warring god and goddess of the Thames, and digging up graves in Covent Garden … and there’s something festering at the heart of the city I love, a malicious vengeful spirit that takes ordinary Londoners and twists them into grotesque mannequins to act out its drama of violence and despair.

The spirit of riot and rebellion has awakened in the city, and it’s falling to me to bring order out of chaos – or die trying.

The series has grown to include eight novels, three novellas, a short story collection, and nine comic series (to date).