Zeno Clients attending FantasyCon 2014!

We’re very happy to report that a number of our clients will be attending this year’s British Fantasy Convention (FantasyCon), to be held between September 5th–7th 2014, at The Royal York Hotel. (This weekend!)

HarrisC-MT1-MidnightCrossroad-BlogFirst up, we’re delighted that Charlaine Harris, New York Times bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series of urban fantasy novels, will be a guest of honour at FantasyCon! Charlaine’s latest novel, MIDNIGHT CROSSROAD was published in the UK by Gollancz in May 2014.

Here are our other clients’ events during the convention, all of which occur on Saturday 6th…

  • 10:00am – Anne Lyle and Kari Sperring take part in the ‘Does It Make Sense?’ panel – ‘Economics of fantasy systems. If Smaug holds all the gold and it gets liberated, what does that do to the economy?’
  • Noon – Charlaine Harris in Conversation – interviewed by Adele Wearing
  • Noon – Edward Cox will take part in the ‘Dead Parents, Burned Homesteads and Wicked Stepmothers’ panel – ‘Is it essential to write out the parents before youthful characters can head out on adventures? Are adult figures always unhelpful or malign? Should writers search for ways to keep parents around — or do fantasies of a world without parents fulfil a real need?’
  • 3:00pm – Charlaine Harris will take part in the ‘She Ain’t Heavy, She’s My Sister’ panel – ‘Kirk and Spock, Luke and Han, Frodo and Sam – epic friendships between men are common in fantasy, but friendships between women, or platonic relationships between men and women that stay that way – are much thinner on the ground. The panellists discuss why it matters and examine some of the rare exceptions.’
  • 3:00pm – Edward Cox will take part in the ‘Icky Romance’ panel – ‘Love and sex are powerful motivators and sources of dramatic conflict. However when combined with the conventions of SFF, there’s a lot of potential for cliché, from damsels in distress to dangerous supernatural boyfriends. But how often do complaints about the place of romance in SFF come down to a fear of girl cooties?’
  • 4:00pm – Charlaine Harris will take part in the FanFiction panel – ‘The Fan, the Pro and the Publishing Industry Writers on both sides of the fan/pro divide and writers who straddle it discuss fanfiction. After the success of E.L James, should publishers be searching for more hit writers on AO3 and Fanfic.net? What keeps talented writers away from traditional publishing?’
  • 5:00pm – Stephen Volk will take part in the ‘Horror on the Small Screen’ panel – ‘TV is getting darker, and with the recent success of American Horror Story, Black Mirror and Being Human, are we entering a new golden age of terrifying TV?’
  • 9:00pm – Edward Cox will give a reading from THE RELIC GUILD at the ‘Super Relaxed Fantasy Club’

On Sunday 7th, the British Fantasy Awards will be held at approximately 2:30pm. The full list of nominees can be found here.

Edward Cox is the author of THE RELIC GUILD, due to be published mid-September 2014 by Gollancz in the UK.

Anne Lyle is the author of the Nights Masque trilogy – THE ALCHEMIST OF SOULS, THE MERCHANT OF DREAMS, and THE PRINCE OF LIES – published by Angry Robot Books.

Kari Sperring is the author of LIVING WITH GHOSTS and THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE, both published by DAW Books.

Unlisted in the events, above, Simon Kurt Unsworth will also be in attendance, and may give a reading from his upcoming novel, THE DEVIL’S DETECTIVE, due to be published in 2015 by Del Rey (UK) and Doubleday (US) – check back later this week and also next week for more news about this exciting upcoming title.

Stephen Volk is a prolific author of horror short fiction, and two of his works are up for British Fantasy Awards this year – WHISTABLE is nominated for Best Novella, and is published by Spectral Press; and MONSTERS IN THE HEART, published by Gray Friar Press, is nominated for Best Collection.


Zeno represents Charlaine Harris in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Zeno at World Fantasy Con…

WFC2013-BrightonWith World Fantasy Con in Brighton fast approaching, we thought it would be a good idea to share some details of our author’s participation. Over the course of the convention, a number of Zeno clients will be participating in panels and also holding readings. First up, here’s the schedule for the readings…

As for panels, we have the following…

Thursday, October 31st

3-4pm – Living in the Past: Writing Historical Fiction (Oxford)

4-5pm – The Landscape of the Fantastic (Cambridge)

  • Simon Kurt Unsworth, Ramsey Campbell, Jay Lake, Alison Littlewood, Adam Nevill (mod.), Samantha Shannon

Friday, November 1st

12-1pm – The Play’s the Thing: Style or Substance in Fiction? (Hall 4)

  • Ian R. MacLeod, Pat Cadigan (mod.), Jack Dann, Ellen Kushner, Geoff Ryman, Lisa Tuttle

2-3pm – Fangs for the Memory: Have Vampires Lost Their Bite? (Cambridge)

  • Freda Warrington, Simon Clark, Nancy Kilpatrick, John Ajvide Lindqvist, Kim Newman, Tina Rath (mod.)

Saturday, November 2nd

3-4pm – Steam Punk’d (Cambridge)

4-5pm – From ‘The Bowmen’ to The Angel of Mons – When Fantasy and Reality Merge (Cambridge)

  • Stephen Volk (mod.), Simon Clark, Tim Lebbon, Fiona McIntosh, Mark Valentine, Conrad Williams

8-9pm – The Thin White Baron: Peter Cushing @ 100 (Hall 4)

  • Anne Billson, Nancy Kilpatrick, Kim Newman, John Llewellyn Probert, Uwe Sommerlad, Stephen Volk (mod.)

Sunday, November 3rd

4:30-5:30pm – The Judges’ Decision is Final (Hall 4)

  • Matthew Hughes, Holly Black, Thomas Clegg, Lee Harris (mod.), Esther Sherman

And that’s all until next year!

Stephen Volk’s Vardøger nominated for Shirley Jackson Award

I’m delighted to announce that Stephen Volk‘s novella Vardøger, a chilling psychological thriller published by Grey Friar Press has been nominated in the relevant novella category in this year’s Shirley Jackson Awards, a prize ‘established for outstanding achievement in the literature of psychological suspense, horror, and the dark fantastic.’

The winners will be announced at Readercon 21, taking place in Burlington, Massachusetts, this coming July.

Volk’s LAZARUS Excerpted by Ash Tree…

A section of Stephen Volk’s powerful and richly written novel THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LAZARUS has been excerpted in EXOTIC GOTHIC 3: Strange Visitiations, published by the award winning Canadian outfit, Ash-Tree Press, who specialise in works of supernatural fiction.

LAZARUS is an extraordinary, ambitious and audacious piece, one that the author describes as ‘Part Jacobean revenge tragedy of epic proportions.  Part variation of the “Frankenstein” myth.  Part heretical alternative history.

Stephen Volk is a Bafta award winning screen and television scriptwriter – check out his page on the Zeno web site. You can order EXOTIC GOTHIC 3 by following this link.

Ash-Tree Press, Stephen Volk and Zeno Agency will all be attending this year’s World Horror Convention in Brighton in a couple of weeks. Feel free to come up and say “Boo!”

Stephen Volk has…

Vardogera brand new web site!

And, as if that’s not reason enough to throw a party, Steve’s brand new novella, a chilling psychological thriller entitled Vardøger is now available for pre-order from Grey Friar Press.

It is being released in two separate limited states – there’ll be 300 unsigned trade paperbacks and 100 signed hardcover copies. Stocks are limited, so get your order in now!

Stephen Volk on ‘Fantastic Writing’

He’s only been a client for a day or two, but already Stephen Volk is out there flying the flag! Here’s a little something worth putting in your diary…

Stephen Volk is giving a talk on the creating and writing of his award-winning TV drama series Afterlife at ‘Fantastic Writing – science fiction, fantasy and magic: Writing the future, the past and other worlds‘, a one-day event for budding scriptwriters taking place on Saturday 7th March 2009 at De Montfort University’s Leicester City campus.

The day also includes a keynote speech from acclaimed novelist Graham Joyce (The Facts of Life, DOOM), Q&A sessions with guests such as Phil Ford (Sarah Jane Adventures, Dr Who, Torchwood) and James Moran (Dr Who, Torchwood, Spooks), and a presentation on writing for on-line drama.

Tickets for the event are £65 per person including lunch, refreshments and car parking. For more information or to book a place, please contact:

Promotion & Recruitment Centre
Faculty of Humanities

Tel–0116 250 6470
Email – pghums[at]dmu[dot]ac[dot]uk

And here is the direct link to the event web site.

NEW CLIENT – Stephen Volk

Zeno Agency is delighted to announced that we’ve signed up the Bafta award winning screenwriter Stephen Volk as a client, specifically representing him for books. All Steve’s other writing commitments (film, television and radio) will continue to be handled by Linda Seifert Management.

John Berlyne says ‘I met Steve at the World Fantasy Convention last year over in Calgary and we got to talking about his novel The Gospel According to Lazarus. When I read a sample it was clear to me it was something really very special indeed – an epic and powerful work, dark, brooding and exquisitely written. This is part Jacobean revenge tragedy,  part variation of the ‘Frankenstein‘ myth and part heretical alternative history – and it’s terrific! I’m absolutely thrilled to have Steve on board.