Lavie Tidhar’s MAROR out now in New German Audio Edition!

Lavie Tidhar‘s acclaimed MAROR is out now in a new German audiobook edition! Published by Suhrkamp Verlag (who also publish the print and eBook editions in Germany), it was translated by Conny Lösch, and is read by Robert Moeck. Here’s the synopsis…

Israel, 1974-2008. Zwei Polizisten führen uns durch fast vier Jahrzehnte israelischer Geschichte. Cohen, der Strippenzieher im Hintergrund, und Avi Sagi, der den korrumpierenden Versuchungen seines Jobs nicht widerstehen kann. Diese Geschichte ist die dunkle Geschichte Israels. Der Patriot Cohen kennt nur eine Aufgabe – seinen Staat zu beschützen, auch wenn er dafür die bittersten Realitäten akzeptieren muss und gnadenlos danach handelt. Cohen und Sagi haben es mit jüdischen, arabischen und türkischen Gangstern, mit der CIA und dem KGB, mit den Contras und den Kartellen, mit militanten Orthodoxen und anderen Playern mehr zu tun. Cohen versucht, “die Dinge in der Balance zu halten”, und kennt dabei keine Grenzen.

Tidhar entwirft ein gewaltiges, kaleidoskopisches Panorama aus politischen Skandalen, Korruption, Mord und Verbrechen auf staatlicher und privater Ebene, das sich auch auf die weltweiten Aktivitäten Israels bezieht. Ein Epos, das zu Recht mit Balzac und Dickens verglichen wurde. Ein Epos auch über Moral und Realpolitik, eine Art Chronique scandaleuse Israels und ein grimmiges, schwarz-humoriges Plädoyer für dessen Existenzrecht. Maror eben, wie die bitteren Kräuter auf dem Sederteller: “Mit bitteren Kräutern sollen sie es essen.” (Exodus, 12:8)

As we shared a few days ago, MAROR was selected as “Der beste Krimi des Jahres” by Deutschlandfunk Kultur.

The novel is published in the UK and North America by Apollo/Head of Zeus. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

How do you build a nation?

It takes statesmen and soldiers, farmers and factory workers, of course. But it also takes thieves, prostitutes and policemen.

Nation-building demands sacrifice. And one man knows exactly where those bodies are buried: Cohen, a man who loves his country. A reasonable man for unreasonable times.

A car bomb in the back streets of Tel Aviv. A diamond robbery in Haifa. Civil war in Lebanon. Rebel fighters in the Colombian jungle. A double murder in Los Angeles.

How do they all connect? Only Cohen knows.

Maror is the story of a war for a country’s soul – a dazzling spread of narrative gunshots across four decades and three continents.

It is a true story. All of these things happened.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received…

‘Some write in ink, others in song, Tidhar writes in fire… MAROR is a kaleidoscopic masterpiece, immense in its sympathies, alarming in its irreverences and altogether exhilarating.’ — Junot Díaz

‘One of the boldest, most visionary writers I’ve ever read creates both a vivid political exploration and a riveting crime epic. It’s like the Jewish Godfather!’ — Silvia Moreno-Garcia

MAROR blends the page-turning wit of a hard-boiled detective noir with the stirring intrigue of a multi-national political epic. An ambitious achievement that weaves a tapestry of both story and statement.’ — Kevin Jared Hosein

‘A masterpiece of the sacred and the profane … a literary triumph.’ — Guardian

‘Amos Oz’s A Tale of Love and Darkness… Fade[s] into oblivion compared with Lavie Tidhar’s magnificent novel MAROR, a panoramic look at four decades of the dark, despicable side of Israel, of death, corruption, violence and drugs… It’s a brilliant undertaking.’ — Jewish Chronicle

‘Radiant with all the brutally elegant atmosphere of crime noir, and the richly nuanced complexity and style of Marlon James’ A Brief History of Seven Killings, it’s a genre-busting novel that will catch your breath … At once illuminating, thrilling and thought-provoking, this tale of corruption, killings, sacrifice and the souls that make up a nation is a symphonic feat of fiction.’ — LoveReading

‘Who can forget the savage, musical James Ellroy prose circa the L.A. Quartet books? Now we have a successor … Lavie Tidhar, a marvelous multi-genre author who never fails to delight, has now penned his noir opus. MAROR is a heady, nonstop brew of terror, violence, and mayhem, while also exuding swathes of coursing humanity.’ — Read Listen Watch

‘An unforgettably powerful saga … a sweeping portrayal of violence, corruption and chaos threaded through by veins of humanity… It is difficult to do justice to such a monumental work. So many aspects of MAROR attract superlatives but they fail to convey the range and breathtaking insight of this epic crime novel. A book for all lovers of great literature.’ — Queensland Reviewers Collective

‘This is crime writing in the tradition of Balzac and Dickens and a major achievement, full of sound, fury, drugs and blood… An earthquake of a book.’ — Crime Time

Lavie Tidhar’s MAROR is a Best of 2024 in Germany!

We’re very happy to report that the German edition of Lavie Tidhar‘s internationally-acclaimed MAROR has been selected as “Der beste Krimi des Jahres” by Deutschlandfunk Kultur! The stand-alone novel is published in Germany by Suhrkamp, and was translated by Conny Lösch. Here’s the synopsis…

Eine Autobombe in den Seitenstraßen von Tel Aviv. Ein Diamantenraub in Haifa. Bürgerkrieg im Libanon. Rebellenkämpfer im kolumbianischen Dschungel. Ein Doppelmord in Los Angeles.

Wie hängt all dies zusammen? Das weiß nur Cohen, ein Mann, der sein Land liebt. Ein vernünftiger Mann für unvernünftige Zeiten.

Maror ist die Geschichte eines Krieges um die Seele eines Landes ‒ es ist eine wahre Geschichte. All diese Dinge sind passiert.

The novel is published in the UK and North America by Apollo/Head of Zeus. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

How do you build a nation?

It takes statesmen and soldiers, farmers and factory workers, of course. But it also takes thieves, prostitutes and policemen.

Nation-building demands sacrifice. And one man knows exactly where those bodies are buried: Cohen, a man who loves his country. A reasonable man for unreasonable times.

A car bomb in the back streets of Tel Aviv. A diamond robbery in Haifa. Civil war in Lebanon. Rebel fighters in the Colombian jungle. A double murder in Los Angeles.

How do they all connect? Only Cohen knows.

Maror is the story of a war for a country’s soul – a dazzling spread of narrative gunshots across four decades and three continents.

It is a true story. All of these things happened.

Lavie Tidhar’s MAROR Out Today in Germany!

Lavie Tidhar‘s acclaimed novel MAROR is out today in a new German edition! Published by Suhrkamp, it was translated by Conny Lösch. Here’s the synopsis…

Israel, 1974-2008. Zwei Polizisten führen uns durch fast vier Jahrzehnte israelischer Geschichte. Cohen, der Strippenzieher im Hintergrund, und Avi Sagi, der den korrumpierenden Versuchungen seines Jobs nicht widerstehen kann. Diese Geschichte ist die dunkle Geschichte Israels. Der Patriot Cohen kennt nur eine Aufgabe – seinen Staat zu beschützen, auch wenn er dafür die bittersten Realitäten akzeptieren muss und gnadenlos danach handelt. Cohen und Sagi haben es mit jüdischen, arabischen und türkischen Gangstern, mit der CIA und dem KGB, mit den Contras und den Kartellen, mit militanten Orthodoxen und anderen Playern mehr zu tun. Cohen versucht, »die Dinge in der Balance zu halten«, und kennt dabei keine Grenzen.

Tidhar entwirft ein gewaltiges, kaleidoskopisches Panorama aus politischen Skandalen, Korruption, Mord und Verbrechen auf staatlicher und privater Ebene, das sich auch auf die weltweiten Aktivitäten Israels bezieht. Ein Epos, das zu Recht mit Balzac und Dickens verglichen wurde. Ein Epos auch über Moral und Realpolitik, eine Art Chronique scandaleuse Israels und ein grimmiges, schwarz-humoriges Plädoyer für dessen Existenzrecht. Maroreben, wie die bitteren Kräuter auf dem Sederteller: »Mit bitteren Kräutern sollen sie es essen.« (Exodus, 12:8)

MAROR is the first novel in Tidhar’s Matter of Israel series, and is published in the UK by Head of Zeus/Apollo. The second novel, ADAMA, is also out now.

Here’s MAROR‘s English-language synopsis…

How do you build a nation?

It takes statesmen and soldiers, farmers and factory workers, of course. But it also takes thieves, prostitutes and policemen.

Nation-building demands sacrifice. And one man knows exactly where those bodies are buried: Cohen, a man who loves his country. A reasonable man for unreasonable times.

A car bomb in the back streets of Tel Aviv. A diamond robbery in Haifa. Civil war in Lebanon. Rebel fighters in the Colombian jungle. A double murder in Los Angeles.

How do they all connect? Only Cohen knows.

Maror is the story of a war for a country’s soul – a dazzling spread of narrative gunshots across four decades and three continents.

It is a true story. All of these things happened.

The novel, which was a Guardian and Economist Best Book of 2022, has received an incredible amount of praise since it was published. Here’s just a small selection…

‘Some write in ink, others in song, Tidhar writes in fire… MAROR is a kaleidoscopic masterpiece, immense in its sympathies, alarming in its irreverences and altogether exhilarating.’ — Junot Díaz

‘One of the boldest, most visionary writers I’ve ever read creates both a vivid political exploration and a riveting crime epic. It’s like the Jewish Godfather!’ — Silvia Moreno-Garcia

‘A masterpiece of the sacred and the profane … a literary triumph.’ — Guardian

‘Amos Oz’s A Tale of Love and Darkness… Fade[s] into oblivion compared with Lavie Tidhar’s magnificent novel MAROR, a panoramic look at four decades of the dark, despicable side of Israel, of death, corruption, violence and drugs… It’s a brilliant undertaking.’ — Jewish Chronicle

‘One of the sensational novels of 2022, a violent rollercoaster and drug-fuelled ride into Israel’s history’ — Jewish Chronicle (as part of ADAMA review)

MAROR blends the page-turning wit of a hard-boiled detective noir with the stirring intrigue of a multi-national political epic. An ambitious achievement that weaves a tapestry of both story and statement.’ — Kevin Jared Hosein

‘A bloody beast of a book… MAROR is to Israeli history what Tarantino is to American movie culture’ — Daily Mail

‘Comparisons to James Ellroy and Marlon James are valid… On every page we feel we’re among real, breathing people… [a] compelling, unflinching roman-fleuve.’ — Times Literary Supplement (joint review of ADAMA and MAROR)

‘Radiant with all the brutally elegant atmosphere of crime noir, and the richly nuanced complexity and style of Marlon James’ A Brief History of Seven Killings, it’s a genre-busting novel that will catch your breath … At once illuminating, thrilling and thought-provoking, this tale of corruption, killings, sacrifice and the souls that make up a nation is a symphonic feat of fiction.’ — LoveReading

German Edition of MAROR Out in Four Weeks!

Lavie Tidhar‘s acclaimed novel MAROR is due out in a new German edition in four weeks! To be published by Suhrkamp, on April 15th, it was translated by Conny Lösch. Here’s the synopsis…

Israel, 1974-2008. Zwei Polizisten führen uns durch fast vier Jahrzehnte israelischer Geschichte. Cohen, der Strippenzieher im Hintergrund, und Avi Sagi, der den korrumpierenden Versuchungen seines Jobs nicht widerstehen kann. Diese Geschichte ist die dunkle Geschichte Israels. Der Patriot Cohen kennt nur eine Aufgabe – seinen Staat zu beschützen, auch wenn er dafür die bittersten Realitäten akzeptieren muss und gnadenlos danach handelt. Cohen und Sagi haben es mit jüdischen, arabischen und türkischen Gangstern, mit der CIA und dem KGB, mit den Contras und den Kartellen, mit militanten Orthodoxen und anderen Playern mehr zu tun. Cohen versucht, »die Dinge in der Balance zu halten«, und kennt dabei keine Grenzen.

Tidhar entwirft ein gewaltiges, kaleidoskopisches Panorama aus politischen Skandalen, Korruption, Mord und Verbrechen auf staatlicher und privater Ebene, das sich auch auf die weltweiten Aktivitäten Israels bezieht. Ein Epos, das zu Recht mit Balzac und Dickens verglichen wurde. Ein Epos auch über Moral und Realpolitik, eine Art Chronique scandaleuse Israels und ein grimmiges, schwarz-humoriges Plädoyer für dessen Existenzrecht. Maroreben, wie die bitteren Kräuter auf dem Sederteller: »Mit bitteren Kräutern sollen sie es essen.« (Exodus, 12:8)

MAROR is the first novel in Tidhar’s Matter of Israel series, and is published in the UK by Head of Zeus/Apollo. The second novel, ADAMA, is also out now.

Here’s MAROR‘s English-language synopsis…

How do you build a nation?

It takes statesmen and soldiers, farmers and factory workers, of course. But it also takes thieves, prostitutes and policemen.

Nation-building demands sacrifice. And one man knows exactly where those bodies are buried: Cohen, a man who loves his country. A reasonable man for unreasonable times.

A car bomb in the back streets of Tel Aviv. A diamond robbery in Haifa. Civil war in Lebanon. Rebel fighters in the Colombian jungle. A double murder in Los Angeles.

How do they all connect? Only Cohen knows.

Maror is the story of a war for a country’s soul – a dazzling spread of narrative gunshots across four decades and three continents.

It is a true story. All of these things happened.

The novel, which was a Guardian and Economist Best Book of 2022, has received an incredible amount of praise since it was published. Here’s just a small selection…

‘Some write in ink, others in song, Tidhar writes in fire… MAROR is a kaleidoscopic masterpiece, immense in its sympathies, alarming in its irreverences and altogether exhilarating.’ — Junot Díaz

‘One of the boldest, most visionary writers I’ve ever read creates both a vivid political exploration and a riveting crime epic. It’s like the Jewish Godfather!’ — Silvia Moreno-Garcia

‘A masterpiece of the sacred and the profane … a literary triumph.’ — Guardian

‘Amos Oz’s A Tale of Love and Darkness… Fade[s] into oblivion compared with Lavie Tidhar’s magnificent novel MAROR, a panoramic look at four decades of the dark, despicable side of Israel, of death, corruption, violence and drugs… It’s a brilliant undertaking.’ — Jewish Chronicle

‘One of the sensational novels of 2022, a violent rollercoaster and drug-fuelled ride into Israel’s history’ — Jewish Chronicle (as part of ADAMA review)

MAROR blends the page-turning wit of a hard-boiled detective noir with the stirring intrigue of a multi-national political epic. An ambitious achievement that weaves a tapestry of both story and statement.’ — Kevin Jared Hosein

‘A bloody beast of a book… MAROR is to Israeli history what Tarantino is to American movie culture’ — Daily Mail

‘Comparisons to James Ellroy and Marlon James are valid… On every page we feel we’re among real, breathing people… [a] compelling, unflinching roman-fleuve.’ — Times Literary Supplement (joint review of ADAMA and MAROR)

‘Radiant with all the brutally elegant atmosphere of crime noir, and the richly nuanced complexity and style of Marlon James’ A Brief History of Seven Killings, it’s a genre-busting novel that will catch your breath … At once illuminating, thrilling and thought-provoking, this tale of corruption, killings, sacrifice and the souls that make up a nation is a symphonic feat of fiction.’ — LoveReading

German Edition of Lavie Tidhar’s MAROR Out Next Year!

A new German edition of Lavie Tidhar‘s acclaimed novel MAROR is on the way! Due to be published by Suhrkamp, on April 14th, it was translated by Conny Lösch. Here’s the synopsis…

Israel, 1974-2008. Zwei Polizisten führen uns durch fast vier Jahrzehnte israelischer Geschichte. Cohen, der Strippenzieher im Hintergrund, und Avi Sagi, der den korrumpierenden Versuchungen seines Jobs nicht widerstehen kann. Diese Geschichte ist die dunkle Geschichte Israels. Der Patriot Cohen kennt nur eine Aufgabe – seinen Staat zu beschützen, auch wenn er dafür die bittersten Realitäten akzeptieren muss und gnadenlos danach handelt. Cohen und Sagi haben es mit jüdischen, arabischen und türkischen Gangstern, mit der CIA und dem KGB, mit den Contras und den Kartellen, mit militanten Orthodoxen und anderen Playern mehr zu tun. Cohen versucht, »die Dinge in der Balance zu halten«, und kennt dabei keine Grenzen.

Tidhar entwirft ein gewaltiges, kaleidoskopisches Panorama aus politischen Skandalen, Korruption, Mord und Verbrechen auf staatlicher und privater Ebene, das sich auch auf die weltweiten Aktivitäten Israels bezieht. Ein Epos, das zu Recht mit Balzac und Dickens verglichen wurde. Ein Epos auch über Moral und Realpolitik, eine Art Chronique scandaleuse Israels und ein grimmiges, schwarz-humoriges Plädoyer für dessen Existenzrecht. Maroreben, wie die bitteren Kräuter auf dem Sederteller: »Mit bitteren Kräutern sollen sie es essen.« (Exodus, 12:8)

MAROR is the first novel in Tidhar’s Matter of Israel series, which is published in the UK by Head of Zeus/Apollo. The second novel, ADAMA, is also out now.

Here’s MAROR‘s English-language synopsis…

How do you build a nation?

It takes statesmen and soldiers, farmers and factory workers, of course. But it also takes thieves, prostitutes and policemen.

Nation-building demands sacrifice. And one man knows exactly where those bodies are buried: Cohen, a man who loves his country. A reasonable man for unreasonable times.

A car bomb in the back streets of Tel Aviv. A diamond robbery in Haifa. Civil war in Lebanon. Rebel fighters in the Colombian jungle. A double murder in Los Angeles.

How do they all connect? Only Cohen knows.

Maror is the story of a war for a country’s soul – a dazzling spread of narrative gunshots across four decades and three continents.

It is a true story. All of these things happened.

The novel, which was a Guardian and Economist Best Book of 2022, has received an incredible amount of praise since it was published. Here’s just a small selection…

‘Some write in ink, others in song, Tidhar writes in fire… MAROR is a kaleidoscopic masterpiece, immense in its sympathies, alarming in its irreverences and altogether exhilarating.’ — Junot Díaz

‘One of the boldest, most visionary writers I’ve ever read creates both a vivid political exploration and a riveting crime epic. It’s like the Jewish Godfather!’ — Silvia Moreno-Garcia

‘A masterpiece of the sacred and the profane … a literary triumph.’ — Guardian

‘Amos Oz’s A Tale of Love and Darkness… Fade[s] into oblivion compared with Lavie Tidhar’s magnificent novel MAROR, a panoramic look at four decades of the dark, despicable side of Israel, of death, corruption, violence and drugs… It’s a brilliant undertaking.’ — Jewish Chronicle

‘One of the sensational novels of 2022, a violent rollercoaster and drug-fuelled ride into Israel’s history’ — Jewish Chronicle (as part of ADAMA review)

MAROR blends the page-turning wit of a hard-boiled detective noir with the stirring intrigue of a multi-national political epic. An ambitious achievement that weaves a tapestry of both story and statement.’ — Kevin Jared Hosein

‘A bloody beast of a book… MAROR is to Israeli history what Tarantino is to American movie culture’ — Daily Mail

‘Comparisons to James Ellroy and Marlon James are valid… On every page we feel we’re among real, breathing people… [a] compelling, unflinching roman-fleuve.’ — Times Literary Supplement (joint review of ADAMA and MAROR)

‘Radiant with all the brutally elegant atmosphere of crime noir, and the richly nuanced complexity and style of Marlon James’ A Brief History of Seven Killings, it’s a genre-busting novel that will catch your breath … At once illuminating, thrilling and thought-provoking, this tale of corruption, killings, sacrifice and the souls that make up a nation is a symphonic feat of fiction.’ — LoveReading

Andrew Cartmel’s KILLER ROCK German Audiobook Out Now!

THE RUN-OUT GROOVE, the second novel in Andrew Cartmel‘s acclaimed Vinyl Detective series, is out now in Germany as an audiobook! Published by Audible as KILLER ROCK, here’s the synopsis…

Valerian war eine britische Rock-Ikone der 1960er Jahre, die Leadsängerin der gleichnamigen Band Valerian. Sie hatte sich damals unter tragischen Umständen das Leben genommen, ihr Kind war verschwunden, entführt und getötet, wie viele Leute mutmaßen. Und jetzt steht plötzlich ein mysteriöser Klient, “the Colonel”, auf der Matte und beauftragt den Vinyl-Detective, das Kind zu finden. Eigentlich nicht sein Job, aber im Hintergrund gibt es eine wertvolle LP als Lockmittel. 

Zusammen mit seiner Crew — seiner Freundin Nevada, Kumpel Tinkler und der unwahrscheinlichen Taxifahrerin Clean Head – macht er sich an die Arbeit und gräbt sich tief in die Popgeschichte der Sixties, trifft einen Ex-Gitarristen von Frank Zappa und andere wunderliche Menschen aus der großen Ära des Rocks. 

Drogen sind natürlich auch im Spiel, damals wie heute. Das macht die Sache entschieden ungemütlich. Hinzu kommt, dass an dem Schicksal des verschwundenen Kindes nicht nur nette Menschen interessiert sind.

The novel is published in Germany in print and eBook by Surhkamp. The first novel in the series, MURDER SWING in German, is also available as an audiobook.

The Vinyl Detective series is published in the UK and North America by Titan Books (print and eBook) and W.F. Howes (audio): WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX, THE RUN-OUT GROOVE, VICTORY DISC, FLIP BACK, and the forthcoming LOW ACTION.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for THE RUN-OUT GROOVE

His first adventure consisted of the search for a rare record; his second the search for a lost child. Specifically the child of Valerian, lead singer of a great rock band of the 1960s, who hanged herself in mysterious circumstances after the boy’s abduction.

Along the way, the Vinyl Detective finds himself marked for death, at the wrong end of a shotgun, and unknowingly dosed with LSD as a prelude to being burned alive. And then there’s the grave robbing…

‘Part of the fun of the series is the obsessiveness of record collectors, the contradictions between the mundane places in which they hunt their treasures — charity shops, church bazaars — and the sophisticated sound systems they have set up to play what they find… the Vinyl Detective is proving to be a very amenable companion to have on a treasure hunt. This is one vinyl nerd you won’t mind spending time with.’ — Kirkus

‘… entertaining second record-spinning mystery… Cartmel treats music and records seriously, plays his strange characters for laughs, and provides a bit of danger and some unexpected twists in this affectionate nod to the vagaries of rock stardom.’ — Publishers Weekly

THE RUN-OUT GROOVE does a fantastic job of making its fictional history of music so fascinating and authentic that you’ll forget it isn’t all true… This a follow-up every bit the equal of its highly memorable predecessor, presenting a mystery you’ll be eager to solve and characters whose company you won’t want to leave. Written with infectious charm, the Vinyl Detective has more than proven he’s no one-hit-wonder.’ (9/10) — Alternative Magazine Online

‘Polished, fast-paced and a ton of fun, this is a fantastic read that is easy to get lost in… more polished… keeps the story rolling forward at an incredible speed – and also makes it very hard to put down… Cartmel has created an intoxicating mix of adventure, humour and mystery to lose yourself in… a truly engaging and enjoyable read. THE RUN-OUT GROOVE surpasses even the opening novel in the series for polish and fun.’ — The Crime Review

Andrew Cartmel’s WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX now available in German audio!

WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX, the first novel in Andrew Cartmel‘s acclaimed Vinyl Detective series is now available as an audiobook in Germany! Narrated by Oliver Siebeck, and published by Audible Germany as MURDER SWING, here’s the synopsis…

London, heute: Er ist ein Plattensammler, ein Spezialist für äußerst seltene LPs, die er kauft und verkauft. Die Jobbeschreibung auf seiner Visitenkarte lautet: “Vinyl-Detektiv”. Und manche Leute nehmen das ganz wörtlich – so wie die geheimnisvolle Nevada Warren, die ihn für eine Unsumme anheuert, um für einen anonymen Auftraggeber eine Platte zu finden, die zu der schmalen Produktion eines winzigen kalifornischen Jazz-Labels gehört, das in den 1950ern nur ein Jahr existierte.

Bald häufen sich seltsame Todesfällen, die allesamt mit dieser Platte zu tun haben könnten. Aber was könnte auf ihr zu hören sein, was sie so ungemein wertvoll macht? Und was hat einer der mächtigsten Konzerne der weltweiten Unterhaltungsindustrie damit zu tun? Zu allem Überfluss hat unser Detektiv bald auch noch die “Aryian Twins” Heinz und Heidi an der Hacke, zwei ziemlich extravagante Killer …

The first two novels in the series are published in Germany in print by Suhrkamp Verlag.

The series is published in the UK and North America by Titan Books, and the first four novels are out now. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the first novel…

He is a record collector — a connoisseur of vinyl, hunting out rare and elusive LPs. His business card describes him as the “Vinyl Detective” and some people take this more literally than others.

Like the beautiful, mysterious woman who wants to pay him a large sum of money to find a priceless lost recording — on behalf of an extremely wealthy (and rather sinister) shadowy client.

Given that he’s just about to run out of cat biscuits, this gets our hero’s full attention. So begins a painful and dangerous odyssey in search of the rarest jazz record of them all…

Andrew Cartmel’s KILLER ROCK out now in Germany!

Andrew Cartmel‘s THE RUN-OUT GROOVE, the second novel in the acclaimed Vinyl Detective series, is out now in Germany! Published by Suhrkamp as KILLER ROCK, here’s the synopsis…

Valerian war eine britische Rock-Ikone der 1960er Jahre, die Leadsängerin der gleichnamigen Band Valerian. Sie hatte sich damals unter tragischen Umständen das Leben genommen, ihr Kind war verschwunden, entführt und getötet, wie viele Leute mutmaßen.

Und jetzt steht plötzlich ein mysteriöser Klient, »the Colonel«, auf der Matte und beauftragt den Vinyl-Detective, das Kind zu finden. Eigentlich nicht sein Job, aber im Hintergrund gibt es eine wertvolle LP als Lockmittel.

Zusammen mit seiner Crew – seiner Freundin Nevada, Kumpel Tinkler und der unwahrscheinlichen Taxifahrerin Clean Head – macht er sich an die Arbeit und gräbt sich tief in die Popgeschichte der Sixties, trifft einen Ex-Gitarristen von Frank Zappa und andere wunderliche Menschen aus der großen Ära des Rocks.

Drogen sind natürlich auch im Spiel, damals wie heute. Das macht die Sache entschieden ungemütlich. Hinzu kommt, dass an dem Schicksal des verschwundenen Kindes nicht nur nette Menschen interessiert sind…

The novel is published in English by Titan Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis for THE RUN OUT GROOVE

His first adventure consisted of the search for a rare record; his second begins with the discovery of one. When a mint copy of the final album by “Valerian” — England’s great lost rock band of the 1960s — surfaces in a charity shop, all hell breaks loose.

Finding this record triggers a chain of events culminating in our hero learning the true fate of the singer Valerian, who died under equivocal circumstances just after — or was it just before? — the abduction of her two-year-old son.

Along the way, the Vinyl Detective finds himself marked for death, at the wrong end of a shotgun, and unknowingly dosed with LSD as a prelude to being burned alive. And then there’s the grave robbing…

But he does find out what happened to the missing child, and it wasn’t what anyone expected — or wanted — to hear.

Surhkamp has also published the first novel in the series, as MURDER SWING.

All of the Vinyl Detective novels are published in the UK and in North America by Titan Books, and the series currently stands at four novels: WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX, THE RUN-OUT GROOVE, VICTORY DISC, and FLIP BACK.

Here are just a few of the reviews that the series has received so far…

‘This charming mystery feels as companionable as a leisurely afternoon trawling the vintage shops with a good friend.’ — Kirkus on WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX

‘… fast-paced, lighthearted adventure… marvelously inventive and endlessly fascinating…’ — Publishers Weekly on WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX

‘Author Cartmel has combined the tropes of the several genres into a surprising, refreshing story centered around old-fashioned records… the story delivers multiple chuckles per chapter… Based on this volume, the series will be a hit.’ — New York Journal of Books on WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX

‘Part of the fun of the series is the obsessiveness of record collectors, the contradictions between the mundane places in which they hunt their treasures — charity shops, church bazaars — and the sophisticated sound systems they have set up to play what they find… the Vinyl Detective is proving to be a very amenable companion to have on a treasure hunt. This is one vinyl nerd you won’t mind spending time with.’ — Kirkus on THE RUN-OUT GROOVE

‘… entertaining second record-spinning mystery… Cartmel treats music and records seriously, plays his strange characters for laughs, and provides a bit of danger and some unexpected twists in this affectionate nod to the vagaries of rock stardom.’ — Publishers Weekly

THE RUN-OUT GROOVE does a fantastic job of making its fictional history of music so fascinating and authentic that you’ll forget it isn’t all true… This a follow-up every bit the equal of its highly memorable predecessor, presenting a mystery you’ll be eager to solve and characters whose company you won’t want to leave. Written with infectious charm, the Vinyl Detective has more than proven he’s no one-hit-wonder.’ (9/10) — Alternative Magazine Online on THE RUN-OUT GROOVE

‘Polished, fast-paced and a ton of fun, this is a fantastic read that is easy to get lost in… more polished… keeps the story rolling forward at an incredible speed – and also makes it very hard to put down… Cartmel has created an intoxicating mix of adventure, humour and mystery to lose yourself in… a truly engaging and enjoyable read. THE RUN-OUT GROOVE surpasses even the opening novel in the series for polish and fun.’ — The Crime Review on THE RUN-OUT GROOVE

‘… effectively integrates the lead’s unusual specialty of searching out rare records into an intricately constructed plot… the clever resolution of the story lines is impressive. Fair-play fans, even those without an interest in music, will be pleased.’ — Publishers Weekly on VICTORY DISC

‘Cartmel at his best… an exciting and atmospheric mystery and a good addition to the Vinyl Detective’s casebook.’ — Blue Book Balloon on VICTORY DISC

‘This book was such a blast! It was a great addition to this hilarious series and I’m so impressed at how entertaining these books are.’ — Divine World of Books on VICTORY DISC

Andrew Cartmel’s KILLER ROCK out next month in Germany!

On February 17th, Suhrkamp Verlag is due to published the German edition of Andrew Cartmel‘s THE RUN-OUT GROOVE! The second novel in the author’s Vinyl Detective series, it will be available as KILLER ROCK. Here’s the synopsis…

Valerian war eine britische Rock-Ikone der 1960er Jahre, die Leadsängerin der gleichnamigen Band Valerian. Sie hatte sich damals unter tragischen Umständen das Leben genommen, ihr Kind war verschwunden, entführt und getötet, wie viele Leute mutmaßen.

Und jetzt steht plötzlich ein mysteriöser Klient, »the Colonel«, auf der Matte und beauftragt den Vinyl-Detective, das Kind zu finden. Eigentlich nicht sein Job, aber im Hintergrund gibt es eine wertvolle LP als Lockmittel.

Zusammen mit seiner Crew – seiner Freundin Nevada, Kumpel Tinkler und der unwahrscheinlichen Taxifahrerin Clean Head – macht er sich an die Arbeit und gräbt sich tief in die Popgeschichte der Sixties, trifft einen Ex-Gitarristen von Frank Zappa und andere wunderliche Menschen aus der großen Ära des Rocks.

Drogen sind natürlich auch im Spiel, damals wie heute. Das macht die Sache entschieden ungemütlich. Hinzu kommt, dass an dem Schicksal des verschwundenen Kindes nicht nur nette Menschen interessiert sind…

Surhkamp has also published the first novel in the series, as MURDER SWING.

The Vinyl Detective novels are published in the UK and in North America by Titan Books, and the series currently stands at four novels: WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX, THE RUN-OUT GROOVE, VICTORY DISC, and FLIP BACK.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for THE RUN OUT GROOVE

His first adventure consisted of the search for a rare record; his second begins with the discovery of one. When a mint copy of the final album by “Valerian” — England’s great lost rock band of the 1960s — surfaces in a charity shop, all hell breaks loose.

Finding this record triggers a chain of events culminating in our hero learning the true fate of the singer Valerian, who died under equivocal circumstances just after — or was it just before? — the abduction of her two-year-old son.

Along the way, the Vinyl Detective finds himself marked for death, at the wrong end of a shotgun, and unknowingly dosed with LSD as a prelude to being burned alive. And then there’s the grave robbing…

But he does find out what happened to the missing child, and it wasn’t what anyone expected — or wanted — to hear.

Here are just a handful of reviews the novel has received…

‘Part of the fun of the series is the obsessiveness of record collectors, the contradictions between the mundane places in which they hunt their treasures — charity shops, church bazaars — and the sophisticated sound systems they have set up to play what they find… the Vinyl Detective is proving to be a very amenable companion to have on a treasure hunt. This is one vinyl nerd you won’t mind spending time with.’ — Kirkus

‘… entertaining second record-spinning mystery… Cartmel treats music and records seriously, plays his strange characters for laughs, and provides a bit of danger and some unexpected twists in this affectionate nod to the vagaries of rock stardom.’ — Publishers Weekly

THE RUN-OUT GROOVE does a fantastic job of making its fictional history of music so fascinating and authentic that you’ll forget it isn’t all true… This a follow-up every bit the equal of its highly memorable predecessor, presenting a mystery you’ll be eager to solve and characters whose company you won’t want to leave. Written with infectious charm, the Vinyl Detective has more than proven he’s no one-hit-wonder.’ (9/10) — Alternative Magazine Online

‘Polished, fast-paced and a ton of fun, this is a fantastic read that is easy to get lost in… more polished… keeps the story rolling forward at an incredible speed – and also makes it very hard to put down… Cartmel has created an intoxicating mix of adventure, humour and mystery to lose yourself in… a truly engaging and enjoyable read. THE RUN-OUT GROOVE surpasses even the opening novel in the series for polish and fun.’ — The Crime Review

Andrew Cartmel’s MURDER SWING is a top 10 Crime Novel pick in Germany!

We’re very happy to report that WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX, the first novel in Andrew Cartmel‘s critically-acclaimed Vinyl Detective mystery series, has been selected as a top 10 crime pick by Germany’s Deutchlandfunk Kultur website! The novel is a ‘Super Mix aus Comic, Krimi und Groteske, heiter bis jazzig.’ (A superb mix of comedy, gritty crime and cheerful jazz.)

Published in Germany by Suhrkamp Verlag as MURDER SWING, here’s the synopsis…

London, heute: Er ist ein Plattensammler, ein Spezialist für äußerst seltene LPs, die er kauft und verkauft. Die Jobbeschreibung auf seiner Visitenkarte lautet: ›Vinyl-Detektiv‹. Und manche Leute nehmen das ganz wörtlich – so wie die geheimnisvolle Nevada Warren, die ihn für eine Unsumme anheuert, um für einen anonymen Auftraggeber eine Platte zu finden, die zu der schmalen Produktion eines winzigen kalifornischen Jazz-Labels gehört, das in den 1950ern nur ein Jahr existierte.

Bald häufen sich seltsame Todesfällen, die allesamt mit dieser Platte zu tun haben könnten. Aber was könnte auf ihr zu hören sein, was sie so ungemein wertvoll macht? Und was hat einer der mächtigsten Konzerne der weltweiten Unterhaltungsindustrie damit zu tun? Zu allem Überfluss hat unser Detektiv bald auch noch die »Aryian Twins« Heinz und Heidi an der Hacke, zwei ziemlich extravagante Killer…

The Vinyl Detective series is published in English by Titan Books: WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX, THE RUN-OUT GROOVE, VICTORY DISC, and FLIP BACK.

Here’s some of that aforementioned critical acclaim…

‘This charming mystery feels as companionable as a leisurely afternoon trawling the vintage shops with a good friend.’ — Kirkus

‘… fast-paced, lighthearted adventure… marvelously inventive and endlessly fascinating…’ — Publishers Weekly

‘Author Cartmel has combined the tropes of the several genres into a surprising, refreshing story centered around old-fashioned records… the story delivers multiple chuckles per chapter… Based on this volume, the series will be a hit.’ — New York Journal of Books

‘The story is so charming, funny and engaging… You can really tell that Andrew Cartmel is intimately familiar with both London and the vinyl scene. There is a wonderful sense of time and place, each location filled with a varied cast of colourful characters… Even more impressive, the protagonist’s passion for vinyl never comes across as preachy or boring. There is an engaging tapestry of technical information and jazz history being woven throughout, so convincing that it would take an expert to separate fact from fiction… The Vinyl Detective has it all… intrigue, mystery, romance, action, travel, humour, music, history… It’s the perfect chilled-out read… It’s British crime fiction with an American jazz soundtrack and it’s delightful. As long as Andrew Cartmel keeps spinning these characters, I’ll keep reading.’ (9/10) — Alternative Magazine Online

‘[Cartmel’s] charity-shop-haunting, record-fair-regular vinyl obsessive with an encyclopaedic knowledge of jazz is a natural and welcome addition to the genre’s pantheon… a highly entertaining cast of supporting characters… a pair of utterly convincing cats which effortlessly steal every scene in which they appear… a sharp, amusing and compulsively readable detective yarn packed with witty asides dealing with everyone from Sun Ra to Elvis Presley, as enjoyably accessible to the jazz obsessive as it is to the general reader.’ — London Jazz News

Andrew Cartmel’s Vinyl Detective takes a MURDER SWING through Germany…

In March, Andrew Cartmel‘s first Vinyl Detective novel, WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX is due to be published in Germany! Published by Suhrkamp as MURDER SWING, here’s the synopsis…

London, heute: Er ist ein Plattensammler, ein Spezialist für äußerst seltene LPs, die er kauft und verkauft. Die Jobbeschreibung auf seiner Visitenkarte lautet: ›Vinyl-Detektiv‹. Und manche Leute nehmen das ganz wörtlich – so wie die geheimnisvolle Nevada Warren, die ihn für eine Unsumme anheuert, um für einen anonymen Auftraggeber eine Platte zu finden, die zu der schmalen Produktion eines winzigen kalifornischen Jazz-Labels gehört, das in den 1950ern nur ein Jahr existierte.

Bald häufen sich seltsame Todesfällen, die allesamt mit dieser Platte zu tun haben könnten. Aber was könnte auf ihr zu hören sein, was sie so ungemein wertvoll macht? Und was hat einer der mächtigsten Konzerne der weltweiten Unterhaltungsindustrie damit zu tun? Zu allem Überfluss hat unser Detektiv bald auch noch die »Aryian Twins« Heinz und Heidi an der Hacke, zwei ziemlich extravagante Killer…

The Vinyl Detective series is published in the UK and US by Titan Books: WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX, THE RUN-OUT GROOVE, VICTORY DISC and the upcoming FLIP BACK.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for WRITTEN IN DEAD WAX

He is a record collector — a connoisseur of vinyl, hunting out rare and elusive LPs. His business card describes him as the “Vinyl Detective” and some people take this more literally than others.

Like the beautiful, mysterious woman who wants to pay him a large sum of money to find a priceless lost recording — on behalf of an extremely wealthy (and rather sinister) shadowy client.

Given that he’s just about to run out of cat biscuits, this gets our hero’s full attention. So begins a painful and dangerous odyssey in search of the rarest jazz record of them all…

Here are just a few of the reviews the novel has received so far…

‘This charming mystery feels as companionable as a leisurely afternoon trawling the vintage shops with a good friend.’ — Kirkus

‘… fast-paced, lighthearted adventure… marvelously inventive and endlessly fascinating…’ — Publishers Weekly

‘Author Cartmel has combined the tropes of the several genres into a surprising, refreshing story centered around old-fashioned records… the story delivers multiple chuckles per chapter… Based on this volume, the series will be a hit.’ — New York Journal of Books

‘The story is so charming, funny and engaging… It’s the perfect chilled-out read… It’s British crime fiction with an American jazz soundtrack and it’s delightful. As long as Andrew Cartmel keeps spinning these characters, I’ll keep reading.’ (9/10) — Alternative Magazine Online

‘[Cartmel’s] charity-shop-haunting, record-fair-regular vinyl obsessive with an encyclopaedic knowledge of jazz is a natural and welcome addition to the genre’s pantheon… a highly entertaining cast of supporting characters… a pair of utterly convincing cats which effortlessly steal every scene in which they appear… a sharp, amusing and compulsively readable detective yarn packed with witty asides dealing with everyone from Sun Ra to Elvis Presley, as enjoyably accessible to the jazz obsessive as it is to the general reader.’ — London Jazz News


Andrew is also the co-author (with Ben Aaronovitch) of the Rivers of London and Seventh Doctor comic series, published by Titan Comics.