The Czech edition of THE HANGING TREE is out now!

The Czech edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s sixth Peter Grant novel, THE HANGING TREE is out now! Published by Argo as STROM VISELCŮ, here’s the synopsis…

Policejní konstábl Peter Grant se po prazvláštním dobrodružství na anglickém venkově vrací do Londýna. Netrvá dlouho a v hlavním městě se opět začnou dít věci. Byť zpočátku jen nenápadně… Prostá podezřelá úmrtí obvykle nebývají doménou Rozmaru. Ani když k jednomu takovému dojde na divokém večírku v jednom z nejdražších obytných domů v londýnském centru. Jenže téhle party se účastnila i dcera lady Tyburn, jíž Peter dluží laskavost za jistou dřívější výpomoc. Během chvilky se tak ocitne v neznámém světě superboháčů a zlaté mládeže, v rezidencích s obrovskými suterény a exkluzivními bazény, na místech, kde se čile obchoduje s nebezpečnými a esoterickými materiály. Rozumný mladý policista by se držel zpátky a nevystrkoval hlavu, ale nebyl by to Peter, aby se při vyšetřování nedostal někam hodně daleko. Naskýtá se mu tak jedinečná příležitost ztratit sympatie starých přátel a vytvořit si nové nepřátele ve sféře, kde se mísí svět magie a výsostných práv. Zároveň objevuje nové spojence a dostává se závratně blízko jednomu z velkých hráčů… Nejčerstvější z dobrodružství Petera Granta, kterých se prodalo už přes milion výtisků, je zde.

Argo have now published the first six novels in Ben’s Peter Grant series.

THE HANGING TREE is published by Gollancz  in the UK, DAW Books in the US. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Suspicious deaths are not usually the concern of PC Peter Grant or the Folly, even when they happen at an exclusive party in one of the most expensive apartment blocks in London. But Lady Ty’s daughter was there, and Peter owes Lady Ty a favour.

Plunged into the alien world of the super-rich, where the basements are bigger than the house and dangerous, arcane items are bought and sold on the open market, a sensible young copper would keep his head down and his nose clean. But this is Peter Grant we’re talking about.

He’s been given an unparalleled opportunity to alienate old friends and create new enemies at the point where the world of magic and that of privilege intersect. Assuming he survives the week…

Here are just a few of the reviews the novel has received…

‘Fans of Ben Aaronovitch’s Peter Grant series will be delighted to discover that this latest instalment is just as good a the previous five. Those new to the books (and who for some reason decide to jump in at this point) will also be pleased to learn that this clean and well thought out novel  doesn’t require prior knowledge to be fun… The pace is constant, strong and relentless throughout. Ben Aaronovitch is a master of metropolitan magical mayhem and the action is delightful. This is a tight thriller which is compelling and buckets of fun. If you already know the series, it’s high time you got re-acquainted.’ Starburst

‘The opening mystery, however, is a new one and twists in interesting ways. Aaronovitch makes channeling Grant look easy – and the result never feels overwrought even when it gets serious.’ Locus

‘[H]ijinks, explosions, property destruction on the million-pound scale, a rival tradition of British wizardry (or rather witchery) that isn’t too happy with Nightingale’s old boys’ club tradition, and interfering American military contractors. And yes, the Faceless Man. Narrated with Aaronovitch’s trademark blend of wit, sarcasm, and police acronyms, THE HANGING TREE is a breeze of a supernatural detective thriller.’

THE HANGING TREE is easy, joyful reading that builds the suspends as the book progresses, culminating in an effective, if somewhat nail-biting ending that leaves you wanting more. Highly recommended Urban Fantasy.’ SF Book Reviews

‘Very much worth the wait… If you’ve been following along all this time, then this book is definitely not to be missed, especially in light of the significant revelations dropped on us in the latter half of the story… a real game-changer. While it did end rather abruptly, it’s clear that Peter and the gang will have to tread even more carefully going forward, and the next book should be very interesting indeed. Now if I can only survive the wait…’ Bibliosanctum

Peter Grant dons new jackets in time for the French THE HANGING TREE…

Next year, J’ai Lu are due to publish the sixth book in Ben Aaronovitch‘s Peter Grant series, THE HANGING TREE. Out in January as L’ARBRE DES PENDUS, there’s no French synopsis just yet. The novel is published in the UK by Gollancz, in the US by DAW Books, and in Germany by DTV. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

PC Peter Grant is back in London and facing up to the terrifying legacy of London’s hangings.

Suspicious deaths are not usually the concern of PC Peter Grant or the Folly, even when they happen at an exclusive party in one of the most expensive apartment blocks in London. But Lady Ty’s daughter was there, and Peter owes Lady Ty a favour.

Plunged into the alien world of the super-rich, where the basements are bigger than the house and dangerous, arcane items are bought and sold on the open market, a sensible young copper would keep his head down and his nose clean. But this is Peter Grant we’re talking about.

He’s been given an unparalleled opportunity to alienate old friends and create new enemies at the point where the world of magic and that of privilege intersect. Assuming he survives the week…

J’ai Lu have also published the first five novels in the series, and are due to re-jacket them to coincide with the release of L’ARBRE DES PENDUS. Here are the new covers for the first three…

THE HANGING TREE nominated in Germany!

We’re very happy to report that Ben Aaronovitch has been nominated (again) for Der Leserpreis in Germany! DER GALGEN VON TYBURN, the sixth novel in his best-selling, critically-acclaimed Peter Grant series is up for the 2017 Fantasy & Science Fiction award. The winner will be announced tomorrow. Published in Germany by DTV, here’s the novel’s synopsis…

In seinem sechsten Fall muss der fabelhafte Peter Grant

– ein verschollenes altes Buch wiederfinden
– einen verdächtigen Todesfall auf einer Party der Reichen und Schönen Londons aufklären
– versuchen, es sich dabei nicht völlig mit Lady Ty zu verderben
– vermeiden, vom Gesichtslosen ins Jenseits befördert zu werden
– sich mit einem ganzen Haufen rauflustiger Amerikaner herumschlagen, die definitiv zu viel ›24‹ gesehen haben.

Kurz: Peter bekommt die einzigartige Gelegenheit, es sich mit alten Freunden zu verderben und sich dabei jede Menge neue Feinde zu machen. Mal vorausgesetzt, er überlebt die kommende Woche.

THE HANGING TREE is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by DAW Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Suspicious deaths are not usually the concern of Police Constable Peter Grant or the Folly — London’s police department for supernatural cases — even when they happen at an exclusive party in one of the flats of the most expensive apartment blocks in London. But the daughter of Lady Ty, influential goddess of the Tyburn river, was there, and Peter owes Lady Ty a favor.

Plunged into the alien world of the super-rich, where the basements are bigger than the houses, where the law is something bought and sold on the open market, a sensible young copper would keep his head down and his nose clean.

But this is Peter Grant we’re talking about.

He’s been given an unparalleled opportunity to alienate old friends and create new enemies at the point where the world of magic and that of privilege intersect. Assuming he survives the week…

Many congratulations to Ben on another well-deserved nomination!