Yudhanjaya Wijeratne

Yudhanjaya Wijeratne is a Nebula-nominated science fiction author and data scientist from Colombo, Sri Lanka. His fiction includes THE SLOW SAD SUICIDE OF ROHAN WIJERATNE, NUMBERCASTE and the Commonwealth Empires trilogy, some of which is part of a five-book deal with HarperCollins. By day he is a senior researcher with the Data, Algorithms and Policy team at LIRNEasia, working at the intersection of technology and government policy. His work spans social networks, misinformation, linguistics, and grounded futurism for the UNDP. He is the co-founder of Watchdog, a fact-checking organization that sprung up in the wake of the April 2019 bombings in Sri Lanka. He built and operates @osunpoet, an experimental Instagram poet using OpenAI technology to test a human+AI collaboration in art — a thesis currently being explored in an entirely separate trilogy of novels.

Yudhanjaya blogs at Yudhanjaya.com, and has written for Slate, Foreign Policy and more besides. You can also find him on Twitter.

Agent Contact: Stevie Finegan

Author Photo Credit: Tineeka De Silva