The first issue in the new Rivers of London comic series, DEADLY EVER AFTER, is out next week! Written by Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel, and Celeste Bronfman, and with art by José Maria Beroy. Published by Titan Comics, here’s the synopsis…

When Chelsea and Olympia accidentally break an enchantment in the woods, deadly fairy tales from a mysterious old book begin coming to life. To set things right, Chelsea and Olympia must unravel a mystery dating back to the 1800s before they become victims of a lethal sorcery.

The issue is available with four striking covers, by the following artists: Jung-Geun Yoon (above), Abigail Harding (below, left), Veronica Fish (below, centre), and David M Buisan (below, right).

DEADLY EVER AFTER is the tenth Rivers of London comic series — the first nine are also published in the UK and North America by Titan Comics, and are available now in collected editions (print and digital).

[An earlier version of this post incorrectly stated that the issue was out today — it has been delayed by a week. Apologies for any confusion.]

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