Juno Goldstone

Juno Goldstone has always been fascinated by tales of magic and mythology. She’s thrilled to be writing Fantasy Romance that celebrates strong magical women and the men smart enough to fall in love with them.

By day Juno works in an office, by night she inhabits a world of witches, dragons and Regency splendour through her writing. Juno collects crystals and dragon art, and she’s fascinated by Goddess spirituality. When she’s not writing, she’s either reading, in the garden, or going for walks by the sea. Juno lives in Hampshire with her family and three black cats: Marcia, Midnight and Magic.

Agent Contact: Bianca Gillam

Georgia Gailey

Georgia Gailey is a commercial fiction author based in Melbourne, Australia. A longtime reader for as long as she can remember, falling in love with fantastical worlds and charismatic characters from an early age. Georgia picked up writing in her early teens and has not looked back since, dreaming of seeing her own stories on shelves for years to come. She enjoys writing stories about characters with insane, debaucherous lives and the pains of heartbreak.

Agent Contact: Bianca Gillam

Craig Laurance Gidney

Craig Laurance Gidney is the author of the collections SEA, SWALLOW ME and SKIN DEEP MAGIC; the novels BEREFT and A SPECTRAL HUE and numerous short stories. Both his collections and A SPECTRAL HUE were finalists for the Lambda Literary Award and BEREFT won both the Bronze Moonbeam and Silver IPPY Awards. In 2020, A SPECTRAL HUE was a Carl Brandon Parallax Award Honouree. HAIRSBREADTH, a fairy tale novel, is currently serialized on Broken Eye Books.

Craig is a lifelong resident of Washington, DC.

You can find Craig on Twitter and at his website.

Agent Contact: Stevie Finegan

J.T. Greathouse

United Kingdom and British Commonwealth only: Represented in these territories on behalf of  Jabberwocky Literary Agency.

J.T. Greathouse has been writing fantasy and science fiction since he was eleven years old. He holds a BA in history and philosophy with a minor in Asian studies as well as a Master’s in Teaching from Whitworth University, and spent four months of intensive study in Chinese language and culture at Minzu University in Beijing (中山民族大学, Zhongshan Minzu Daxue).

His short fiction has appeared, often as Jeremy A. TeGrotenhuis, in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Writers of the Future 34, Deep Magic, Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, and elsewhere. In addition to writing, he has worked as an ESL teacher in Taipei, as a bookseller at Auntie’s Bookstore in Spokane, and as a high school teacher. He currently lives in Spokane, Washington with his wife Hannah and several overflowing bookshelves.

Agent Contact: Stevie Finegan

Author Photo Credit: Toshi Shimizu

Simon Green

United Kingdom and British Commonwealth only: Represented in these territories on behalf of Jabberwocky Literary Agency.

Simon Green is a British New York Times best-selling author, and one of the genre’s most prolific novelists to boot. Among his numerous,  multi-volume series are The Twilight of the Empire, Deathstalker (SF), Hawk and Fisher, The Forest Kingdom(fantasy), the extremely popular Nightside urban fantasy series, Secret Histories, and the new Ghost Finders series. Simon’s work has predominantly been published in the US by Roc.
Simon was born in Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, England (where he still resides), in 1955. He has obtained an M.A. in Modern English and American Literature from Leicester University and he also studied history and has a combined Humanities degree. His writing career started in 1973, when he was a student in London. His first actual sale was a story titled Manslayer, back in 1976, but it didn’t appear till much later; Awake, Awake…. was his first sale to a professional editor, in 1979. Furthermore he sold some six or seven stories to semi-pro magazines before that market disappeared practically overnight.

After years of publishers’ rejection letters, he sold an incredible seven novels in 1988, just two days after he started working at Bilbo’s Bookshop in Bath. Simon followed this incredible year with two more sales in 1989, and a commission to write the bestselling novelization of the Kevin Costner film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, which has sold more than 370.000 copies.

Simon’s Nightside series (now clocking in at twelve titles, following a recent US deal with Roc) was originally released in the UK by Solaris.

In 2014 and 2015, Jo Fletcher Books will be re-issuing many of Simon’s novels – including the Nightside and Secret Histories books – in the UK as eBooks.

Agent Contact: John Berlyne

William Gibson

United Kingdom and British Commonwealth only: All queries regarding this author should be directed to Nell Pierce at Sterling Lord Literistic.

William Gibson is an American-Canadian writer, and the father of the cyberpunk subgenre of science fiction. After coined the term ‘cyberspace’ in 1982, and popularized it in his first novel, NEUROMANCER (1984), which has sold more than 6.5 million copies worldwide. While his early writing took the form of short stories, Gibson has since written nine critically acclaimed novels (one in collaboration), contributed articles to several major publications, and has collaborated extensively with performance artists, filmmakers and musicians. His writing has been cited as an influence on science fiction authors, academia, cyberculture, and technology.

The first novel in a new series, THE PERIPHERAL, was published in 2014 by Viking (UK) and Putnam (US). The novel has been adapted for television by Amazon, and started airing in late-2022. The second novel in the series, AGENCY, was published in the UK by Viking, in 2020.

Gibson describes his childhood self as ‘exactly the sort of introverted, hyper-bookish boy you’ll find in the biographies of most American science fiction writers, obsessively filling shelves with paperbacks and digest-sized magazines, dreaming of one day becoming a writer myself.’ Gibson’s upbringing was peripatetic – born in South Carolina, he moved to Virginia, was sent to boarding school in Arizona, and before graduating from high school ‘joined up with rest of the Children’s Crusade of the day’ – moving to Canada to avoid the Vietnam draft. He has lived in Canada ever since. He started writing in 1977.

Since then, alongside his non-fiction articles, his critically-acclaimed novels include PATTERN RECOGNITION (2003), THE DIFFERENCE ENGINE (with Bruce Sterling, 1990), and SPOOK COUNTRY (2007) and ZERO HISTORY (2010), and more.

You can find William Gibson’s website, here: http://www.williamgibsonbooks.com/

Agent Contact: John Berlyne