Out Now: New Rivers of London RPG Case Book!

Chaosium has released a new case file for the Rivers of London RPG game! GOING UNDERGROUND is an expansion/add-on for the main game, set in the world created by Ben Aaronovitch. The new scenario is written by Lynne Hardy. Here’s the story…

London, 2016: There’s been an incident on the London Underground and the specialist services of the magic branch of the police force are required — what exactly did a terrified workman see in one of the Tube’s most difficult to access “ghost” stations? And, more importantly, what are the investigators going to do about it?

The main Rivers of London RPG book is, of course, still available.

As mentioned, the RPG is set in the world created by Ben for his novels, novellas, and comics. The next book in the series is THE MASQUERADES OF SPRING, due to be published by Orion/Gollancz (UK), Subterranean Press (North America) and DTV (Germany).

Out Tomorrow: Zelazny’s FRANCIS SANDOW Omnibus Edition in Russia!

Tomorrow, Fanzon/Эксмо are due to publish Roger Zelazny‘s Francis Sandow fiction in a new Russian omnibus edition! The collection includes Остров мертвых (ISLE OF THE DEAD) Умереть в Италбаре  (TO DIE IN ITALBAR), here’s the synopsis…

Лауреат премии «Аполло».

Финалист премии «Небьюла».

Знакомьтесь, Фрэнсис Сэндоу — практически бессмертный создатель планет, один из богатейших людей галактики тридцать второго века, да еще и связанный с одним из инопланетных богов. Однажды он сотворил кошмарный Остров мертвых, воплотив болезненные образы Арнольда Бёклина, земного художника из далекого девятнадцатого века. И теперь, чтобы спастись от загадочного врага, который может проникать даже в глубины подсознания Сэндоу, ему придется покинуть свою личную планету и посетить Остров в реальности, а не только во снах. Но даже эта угроза меркнет перед лицом общегалактической пандемии, невольной причиной которой становится доктор фон Хаймек… и предотвратить которую способен лишь Сэндоу.

Впервые полное издание цикла «Фрэнсис Сэндоу»: два романа и дополнительные материалы. Новые переводы и новые тексты!

Here’s the English-language synopsis for ISLE OF THE DEAD

Centuries in the future, Francis Sandow is the only man alive who was born as long ago as the 20th century. His body is kept young and in perfect health by advanced scientific methods; he has amassed such a fortune that he can own entire planets; and he has become a god. No, not a god of Earth, but one of the panetheon of the alien Pei’ans: he is Shimbo of Darktree, Shrugger of Thunders. Yet he doesn’t believe that his personality has merged with the ancient consciousness of Shimbo, that he really can call down the skies upon his enemies.

The time comes, however, when Francis Sandow must use these powers against the most dangerous antagonist in the universe: another Pei’an god — Shimbo’s own enemy, Belion. And Belion has no doubt whatever of his own powers…

Coming Soon: ZERO STARS, DO NOT RECOMMEND by MJ Wassmer!

We’re very happy to report that MJ Wassmer‘s apocalyptically good debut, ZERO STARS, DO NOT RECOMMEND is coming soon! Due to be published in the UK by Zaffre Books, on July 4th, here’s the synopsis…

> Passport
> Suncream
> Apocalypse???

Professional underachiever Dan Foster is finally taking a break. Sure, his life has been average at best and, yes, he has never has quite lived up to his potential. But after a few Bud Lights in paradise with his girlfriend Mara, things are starting to look up.

Then the sun explodes.

With the island suddenly plunged in darkness, the ultra-rich guests hijack the remaining supplies and declare themselves as the new ruling class. Led by a fitness influencer turned ruthless dictator, martial law is declared and the hoi polloi are press-ganged into service. And it’s just Dan’s luck that he could land an even worse job while on holiday.

As temperatures drop and class tensions rise, Dan might have found a way for himself and Mara to escape the island. But sneaking away would also mean abandoning the burgeoning revolution that he might-have-kind-of-sort-of single-handedly started.

The novel will be published as an audiobook at the same time. (More details to come.) The novel is already garnering some great reviews. Here are just a couple of them…

‘This is Lord Of The Flies meets an all-inclusive bar, with incredible results. MJ Wassmer has written a totally original brainmelter — part thriller, part comedy, and part inspiring love story.’ — Alice Bell, author of GRAVE EXPECTATIONS and DISPLEASURE ISLAND

‘The end of the world has never been so fun! Explosively funny and terrifyingly plausible in its depiction of the apocalypse, this cinematic debut had me LOLing, cringing and cheering throughout. I absolutely blazed through this earth-shattering action romp.’ — Josh Winning, author of The Shadow Glass

‘Lord of the Flies crashes headfirst into The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy in this rollicking look at the end of the world.’ — Benjamin Stevenson, bestselling author of Everyone in My Family has Killed Someone

Zeno represents MJ Wassmer in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.


Judge Dee is back on the case! JUDGE DEE AND THE EXECUTIONER OF EPINAL by Lavie Tidhar is out now! With another fantastic cover by the always-superb Red Nose Studio, it’s published by Reactor — on their website, and as an eBook — it is the seventh Judge Dee story. Here’s the synposis…

Unknown forces attempt to stop Judge Dee and Jonathan from transporting a mysterious and possibly dangerous prisoner, who holds a secret about the Judge, to an executioner in France…

The first six stories are still available, on Reactor’s website and also as eBooks (each with its own excellent Red Nose Studio cover!).

Out Now: Four New Zelazny Audiobook Editions!

Calling all classic SFF and audiobook fans: four more of Roger Zelazny‘s novels have new audiobook editions! Published by Tantor Media, the following are now available in audio:

  • DAMNATION ALLEY — read by Paul Bellantoni
  • DILVISH, THE DAMNED — read by Eric Michael Summerer
  • THE CHANGING LAND — read by Eric Michael Summerer
  • MY NAME IS LEGION — read by Adam Barr

Read on for some more details…

DAMNATION ALLEY (cover at top) was first published in 1968…

Hell Tanner isn’t the sort of guy you’d mistake for a hero: he’s a fast-driving car thief, a smuggler, and a stone-cold killer. Facing life in prison for his various crimes, he’s given a choice: Rot away his remaining years in a tiny jail cell or drive cross-country and deliver a case of antiserum to the plague-ridden people of Boston, Massachusetts. The chance of a full pardon does wonders for getting his attention. And don’t mistake this mission of mercy for any kind of normal road trip-not when there are radioactive storms, hordes of carnivorous beasts, and giant, mutated scorpions to be found along every deadly mile between Los Angeles and the East Coast. But then, this is no normal part of America, you see. This is Damnation Alley…

DILVISH, THE DAMNED, first published in 1982, collected together stories featuring Dilvish, which had originally been published in a variety of magazines and other publications. The collection came 5th in Locus Award voting (1983)…

Dilivish, a half elf-half man hybrid, failed in his attempt to rescue a young maiden being ritually sacrificed by the dark sorcerer Jelerak. In his anger at the attempt Jelerak kills the maiden and turns Dilvish’s body to stone and banished his soul to Hell.

It takes Dilvish two hundred years to escape Hell and reclaim his body. Dilvish does not leave hell unprepared. He returns with a number of very powerful spells and a faithful metal steed, Black who is far more than he seems. Together Black and Dilvish plan to hunt down Jelerak and make him pay. Heroic fantasy at its finest from a master storyteller.

THE CHANGING LAND is the second book in the Dilvish series — it was originally published in 1981, a year before Zelazny’s earlier Dilvish stories were collected into a single volume. The novel came 3rd in Locus Award voting (1982).

The Changing Land picks up shortly after the events chronicled in Dilvish, the Damned. Dilvish must gain entry to Castle Timeless if he is to destroy his nemeses Jelerak. Unbenounced to Dilvish, Jelerak is also seeking to gain entrance to his own castle as his apprentice has blocked him out while attempting to lean the castles secrets so that he may become lord of Castle Timeless.

The castle is protected by a lethal, chaotic, ever-changing land. In a race against time and reality itself both Dilvish and Jelerak must survive the maze-like changing lands and then somehow survive whatever traps await them and perhaps even the elder gods themselves may intervene if the whim strikes them. A breathtaking grand adventure!

Another of Zelazny’s short novels from the 1970s, MY NAME IS LEGION originally appeared in 1976.

He’d been an important part of the team putting together the International Data Bank, which would track every single move made by every single human being. As the project neared completion, he realized that no one would ever truly be free again. At the very last moment he blanked his file, changed his face, and created a back door into the system. Now he was nameless, had no past, left no traces, according to the IDB he no longer existed. But he could become anyone at any time for any reason. Not being in the system meant that he had to earn a living outside of the normal confines of human society. But there were people willing to pay cold, hard cash for a man who could be anyone and then disappear once the job was done.

Coming Soon: Jack Campbell’s IN OUR STARS!

IN OUR STARS by Jack Campbell is the first novel in the author’s new The Doomed Earth series — and it’s out in three weeks! Due to be published in the UK by Titan Books, on May 7th, here’s the synopsis…

When the destruction of Earth causes a time rift, one ship is thrust back in time to decades prior. The semi-disgraced naval officer Kayl Owen is sent from the Earth Guard ship Vigilant to investigate.  He finds one person alive, one person whose DNA analysis reveals to have some non-human DNA, a person who his superiors say isn’t human.

That’s not how Kayl Owen sees it. He thinks Lieutenant Genji of the near future Unified Fleet — the future successor of Earth Guard — is every bit a person. And more, the knowledge she brings from the future might hold the key to saving Earth from destruction.

Owen, Genji and everything they know is deeply threatening to a lot of people, and the two of them need to survive each day to get to the next and save the future for everyone.  But will changing Earth’s future erase Genji?

Titan Books has published a great range of Campbell’s novels, including his various best-selling Lost Fleet series.

Zeno represents Jack Campbell in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Travis Baldree’s KOPONYÁK ÉS KÖNYVESBOLTOK Out Now in Hungary!

BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST by Travis Baldree is now available in Hungary! The Hungarian edition is published by Fumax, as KOPONYÁK ÉS KÖNYVESBOLTOK, and was translated by Eszter Dobószéli. Here’s the synopsis…

Egy csésze habkönnyű fantasy mellé egy falat mézédes sütemény

A rendkívüli sikerű Legendás latték előtörténetében egy dicsőségre éhes orknak rá kell döbbennie, hogy az, amit leginkább hajszolunk, gyakran nem az, amire valóban szükségünk van.

Az ifjú zsoldos, Viv nem egészen így képzelte a katonalétet, amikor beállt Rackam Rétisasai közé.

Legalábbis azt semmiképp sem tervezte, hogy egy hatalmas nekromanta levadászása közben olyan szörnyű sérülést szenved, hogy egy gyógyító kezére adják a világ legunalmasabb kisvárosában, Borongóban, olyan messzire az izgalmaktól és társaitól, hogy már-már attól fél, soha nem jönnek vissza érte.

Mivel ütheti el idejét egy lenyomorodott ork harcos?

Álmában sem hitte volna, hogy a sors egy viharvert könyvesboltba vezeti – azt pedig főleg elképzelni sem tudta volna, hogy a mocskosszájú tulaj és az ódon kötetek milyen változások magját ültetik majd el a lelkében.

Minden nyugalom ellenére a kaland azonban nem kerüli el. Egy rejtélyes, szürke idegen, egy izgága gnóm, egy nem várt szerelem és egynél jóval több csontváz sokkal eseménydúsabbá teszi Borongót, mint Viv valaha hitte volna.

A New York Times-bestseller Travis Baldree a Legendás latték után újabb bájos hangulatú történettel kápráztatja el olvasóit.

Fumax also publishes Travis’s smash-hit, internationally-bestselling debut novel, LEGENDS & LATTES, in Hungary as LEGENDÁS LATTÉK.

BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is published by Tor Books in the UK and North America. It was a #1 bestseller in North America, and also a bestseller in the UK. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

First loves. Second-hand books. Epic adventures.

Viv’s career with the renowned mercenary company Rackam’s Ravens isn’t going as planned. Wounded during the hunt for a powerful necromancer, she’s packed off against her will to recuperate in the sleepy beach town of Murk – so far from the action that she worries she’ll never be able to return to it. What’s a thwarted soldier of fortune to do?

Spending her hours at a struggling bookshop in the company of its foul-mouthed proprietor is the last thing Viv would have predicted. Even though it may be exactly what she needs. Still, adventure isn’t far away. A suspicious traveller in grey, a gnome with a chip on her shoulder, a summer fling and an improbable number of skeletons prove Murk to be more eventful than Viv could have ever expected.

Sometimes, right things happen at the wrong time. Sometimes, what we need isn’t what we seek. And sometimes, we find ourselves in the stories we experience together…

Here are just a few of the many great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘What I love about Travis Baldree is that set against an epic world of adventure, he writes about the small victories that make life worthwhile. BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST does this and it is glorious’ — Ben Aaronovitch

‘… a lovely coming-of-age story about a character trained for war who learns that there’s more to life than endless battles. What makes the story special is the way that so many stock fantasy archetypes are cast against type and find new modes of prospering that don’t involve big weapons and bigger wars… This prequel is the perfect place for readers to start Baldree’s cozy fantasy series where folks band together for good, and evil is conquered through cleverness and friendship.’ — Library Journal (Starred Review), SFF Pick of the Month

‘Baldree’s prequel to Legends and Lattes (2022) cements his talent for cozy fantasy, engaging characters, and anachronistic references that would be at home in a Discworld novel… Knowing where a character ends up often drains tension from a prequel, but Baldree avoids that pitfall because the joy of reading here isn’t a simple uncertainty over who lives or dies but rather watching friendships blossom and characters grow. Folks who enjoyed the camaraderie and settings of this year’s Dungeons & Dragons movie—as well as anyone who likes the idea of an orc warrior becoming a devotee of the power of reading and its ability to broaden your horizons—should check out Viv’s adventures.’ — Booklist (Starred Review)

‘Bestseller Baldree’s cozy standalone sequel to LEGENDS & LATTES shows that even a battle-hungry orc can find happiness in life’s simple pleasures… The innocent joy of Viv and Fern’s love is delightful and Baldree’s formula of placing low-stakes stories in high-fantasy settings remains good fun. Series fans will eat this up.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘This prequel gives readers a glimpse of Viv as a young orc, still committed to the fighter’s life, just taking an enforced break in a charming town populated by compelling, richly drawn characters, and the slightest hint of danger in the wind. Despite the lurking necromancer, the vibes are decidedly warm and cozy, and the plot is just as much about saving the bookstore and building relationships as it is about protecting the town from the man in gray. As a prequel, it can stand alone, but will certainly satisfy fans as well. Warm and wonderful.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘This prequel gives readers a glimpse of Viv as a young orc, still committed to the fighter’s life, just taking an enforced break in a charming town populated by compelling, richly drawn characters, and the slightest hint of danger in the wind. Despite the lurking necromancer, the vibes are decidedly warm and cozy, and the plot is just as much about saving the bookstore and building relationships as it is about protecting the town from the man in gray. As a prequel, it can stand alone, but will certainly satisfy fans as well. Warm and wonderful.’ — Literary Hub

‘What Baldree does he does well. His prose is direct and engaging without being simple, even if he does throw in a distractingly clever turn of phrase on occasion… Mostly, though, BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is the story equivalent of a warm blanket on a bleak day.’ — Locus

‘Prequels sometimes feel unnecessary and can even cheapen the original stories. But Baldree manages to add to Viv’s story in a way that feels both organic and vital, and this second book is even better than the first.’ — Washington Post

BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is even more of a delight than its predecessor/sequel. Taking place two decades before LEGENDS & LATTES, Baldree’s second book is a meaty slice of Viv’s backstory, so fully realized that it can be read as a standalone…. Baldree’s two novels gain depth, offering a more powerful character arc for Viv. It’s poignant to see a time when her mercenary life was her identity, and get to know the inner fighter that prompts her to refuse to pay the local extortionist in LEGENDS & LATTES. Seeing Viv’s early life elevates her later commitment to leaving violence behind, revealing it as the transformation of a lifetime. If Baldree’s breakout hit was the story of Viv finding her people, then BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is the story of Viv becoming her own person. Engrossing, meaningful, and fluffy all at once, it is a charming afternoon read—perhaps alongside a cup of coffee.’ — Tor.com

E.J. Swift’s PARIS ADRIFT Available in New Edition!

E.J. Swift‘s widely-acclaimed PARIS ADRIFT is out now in a new edition! Published by Solaris Nova, here’s the synopsis…

Hallie moves to Paris to reinvent herself, find a new life, and maybe a new love.

She’s off to a fair start, she’s landed a bartending job at a dive called Millie’s and found new friends in the eccentric crew that runs the place. Then, it gets weird. There’s a strange woman who won’t leave her alone. Garbled warnings from bizarre creatures disrupt her sleep. She keeps running into a man with a charming smile–a man she should probably steer clear of. And she can’t stop falling back in time in Millie’s keg room.

Soon, Hallie is caught up in something much bigger than herself—a project that this mystery man needs her to join. But with every trip through time, Hallie loses a little of herself, and each infinitesimal change she makes ripples through Paris, until the future she’s trying to save suddenly looks nothing like what she hoped for…

Described as ‘The Time Machine meets Midnight in Paris’, here are just some of the great reviews the novel has received…

‘As well as being a profound mediation on history and the need to defend democracy, Paris Adrift is also a gorgeous evocation of youth and growing up… a celebration of that particular moment in our lives, when we feel those connections all the more strongly because we know on some level they will come to an end.’Fantasy Faction

‘[A]n effervescent blend of revisionist history, fantasy and science fiction… Hallie’s newfound family and bar life is utterly charming, and it’s this that holds your attention even as the plot meanders. The stakes — world-destroying as they may be — never feel higher than whether Hallie will make it through a shift at Millie’s.’ Washington Post

‘E.J. Swift’s PARIS ADRIFT is her best novel yet: a time-travelling adventure that, despite the cosmic stakes, is bravely and beautifully intimate. Despite the apocalyptic backdrop, PARIS is also wistfully hopeful – a novel of ordinary, extraordinary heroism… PARIS ADRIFT uses science fiction’s largest and most unwieldy mechanic for its smallest and most intimate stakes: this isn’t about the world, it is about Hallie. PARIS is a story about significance at every level, individually and collectively; ultimately, whether that’s in time, life, or simply one’s outlook – this is a poetic demonstration of how little changes make big differences. Despite being a novel that’s – literally! – timeless, you couldn’t find a work more wonderfully fitting for 2018.’ Pornokitsch

‘[A] really gripping book that was also really thought provoking and moving… [The novel] deals with many themes which are very relevant right now and Hallie’s time travel to a bleak 2042 felt too plausible… [I] loved reading about Hallie’s expeditions to 1875. Paris really came alive for me and I just loved all the sub stories going on, particularly Millie’s. PARIS ADRIFT also touches on what it’s like to feel adrift and alone in this big world, whether we’re living the best versions of ourselves. This story is about getting lost in order to find yourself. There’s a good message in this book, that doing small deeds to help strangers can have huge effects later on and the future is something we should all be thinking about.’ British Fantasy Society

‘Paris Adrift is a different type of time travel book, one I hope to see more of, and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys Paris, the fear for the future, and traveling into the unknown. Be sure to check out the other stops on the tour!’Utopia State of Mind

And, for the sake of completeness, here are the novel’s first two covers (the first by Joey Hi-Fi), which we also think are pretty great…

German Edition of Travis Baldree’s BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST Out in May!

The German edition of Travis Baldree‘s highly-anticipated second novel, BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST, is due out May 16th! Published by DTV as BÜCHER & BARBAREN, and translated by Wolfgang Thon, here’s the synopsis…

Gerade als Ork-Kriegerin Viv mit ihrer Karriere als Söldnerin bei Rackam’s Ravens durchstarten will, verletzt sie sich bei einem Kampf und wird von der Crew in der Küstenstadt Murk abgesetzt.

Verwundet ist Viv gezwungen, ihr Schwert vorerst beiseitezulegen. Bevor sie sich jedoch langweilen kann, trifft sie auf Fern, die sie in die Welt der Bücher entführt, und somit findet Viv ein neues Projekt: die Erneuerung des heruntergekommenen Bücherladens. Auch mit der Zwergin und Bäckerin Maylee verbringt Viv immer mehr Zeit.

Doch Murk ist nicht die schläfrige Kleinstadt, für die Viv sie gehalten hat – die Gnomin Gallina will Viv um jeden Preis beweisen, dass sie eine gute Kämpferin für Rackam ist, und dann ist da auch noch ein Neuankömmling, der sein Unwesen in der Stadt treibt …

BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is published in North America by Tor Books, and in the UK also by Tor Books; the novel is also available in Poland, published by Insignis. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

When an injury throws a young, battle-hungry orc off her chosen path, she may find that what we need isn’t always what we seek.

Set in the world of New York Times bestselling Legends & Lattes, Travis Baldree’s Bookshops & Bonedust takes us on a journey of high fantasy, first loves, and secondhand books.

Viv’s career with the notorious mercenary company Rackam’s Ravens isn’t going as planned.

Wounded during the hunt for a powerful necromancer, she’s packed off against her will to recuperate in the sleepy beach town of Murk—so far from the action that she worries she’ll never be able to return to it.

What’s a thwarted soldier of fortune to do?

Spending her hours at a beleaguered bookshop in the company of its foul-mouthed proprietor is the last thing Viv would have predicted, but it may be both exactly what she needs and the seed of changes she couldn’t possibly imagine.

Still, adventure isn’t all that far away. A suspicious traveler in gray, a gnome with a chip on her shoulder, a summer fling, and an improbable number of skeletons prove Murk to be more eventful than Viv could have ever expected.

Here are just a few of the many great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘What I love about Travis Baldree is that set against an epic world of adventure, he writes about the small victories that make life worthwhile. BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST does this and it is glorious’ — Ben Aaronovitch

‘… a lovely coming-of-age story about a character trained for war who learns that there’s more to life than endless battles. What makes the story special is the way that so many stock fantasy archetypes are cast against type and find new modes of prospering that don’t involve big weapons and bigger wars… This prequel is the perfect place for readers to start Baldree’s cozy fantasy series where folks band together for good, and evil is conquered through cleverness and friendship.’ — Library Journal (Starred Review), SFF Pick of the Month

‘Baldree’s prequel to Legends and Lattes (2022) cements his talent for cozy fantasy, engaging characters, and anachronistic references that would be at home in a Discworld novel… Knowing where a character ends up often drains tension from a prequel, but Baldree avoids that pitfall because the joy of reading here isn’t a simple uncertainty over who lives or dies but rather watching friendships blossom and characters grow. Folks who enjoyed the camaraderie and settings of this year’s Dungeons & Dragons movie—as well as anyone who likes the idea of an orc warrior becoming a devotee of the power of reading and its ability to broaden your horizons—should check out Viv’s adventures.’ — Booklist (Starred Review)

‘Bestseller Baldree’s cozy standalone sequel to LEGENDS & LATTES shows that even a battle-hungry orc can find happiness in life’s simple pleasures… The innocent joy of Viv and Fern’s love is delightful and Baldree’s formula of placing low-stakes stories in high-fantasy settings remains good fun. Series fans will eat this up.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘This prequel gives readers a glimpse of Viv as a young orc, still committed to the fighter’s life, just taking an enforced break in a charming town populated by compelling, richly drawn characters, and the slightest hint of danger in the wind. Despite the lurking necromancer, the vibes are decidedly warm and cozy, and the plot is just as much about saving the bookstore and building relationships as it is about protecting the town from the man in gray. As a prequel, it can stand alone, but will certainly satisfy fans as well. Warm and wonderful.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘This prequel gives readers a glimpse of Viv as a young orc, still committed to the fighter’s life, just taking an enforced break in a charming town populated by compelling, richly drawn characters, and the slightest hint of danger in the wind. Despite the lurking necromancer, the vibes are decidedly warm and cozy, and the plot is just as much about saving the bookstore and building relationships as it is about protecting the town from the man in gray. As a prequel, it can stand alone, but will certainly satisfy fans as well. Warm and wonderful.’ — Literary Hub

‘Travis Baldree has worked his magic again to create a story full of heart, and some of the loveliest characters that I’ve read. There’s a wholesome ensemble, some glimpses of Viv’s mercenary skills, as well as enough growth to help her grow into her coffee-shop persona, all tightly written. Highly recommended, and definitely one of my top reads this year.’ — Fantasy Book Critic

Lavie Tidhar’s NEOM Available in Japan!

Lavie Tidhar‘s acclaimed novel NEOM is available in Japan! Translated by Ken Mogi (茂木健), and with a spectacular cover by Takeshi Oga (緒賀岳志), it is published by Tokyo Sogensha, as ロボットの夢の都市. Here’s the synopsis…



The novel is published in English by Tachyon Publications. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Today, Neom is a utopian dream — a megacity of the future yet to be built in the Saudi desert. In this deeply imaginative novel from the award-winning universe of Central Station, far-future Neom is already old. Sentient machines roam the desert searching for purpose, works of art can be more deadly than weapons, and the spark of a long-overdue revolution is in the wind. Only the rekindling of an impossible love affair may slow the inevitable sands of time.

LEGENDS & LATTES Out Now in Denmark!

Travis Baldree‘s LEGENDS & LATTES continues its conquest across the publishing world — the Danish edition is out now! Published by Ulven og Uglen as LEGENDER & LATTE, here’s the synopsis…

Efter et liv fuld af blodsudgydelser og dusørpenge hænger Viv sværdet på væggen for sidste gang.

Den krigstrætte ork vil starte på en frisk og åbner den første kaffebutik i storbyen Thune. Men vejen til succes er brolagt med både gamle og nye fjender – og så er der den mindre detalje at ingen i byen har nogen anelse om hvad kaffe er.

Hvis Viv skal lykkes med at lægge sit gamle liv bag sig, har hun brug for hjælp. Heldigvis synes skæbnen at byde hende lige præcis hvad hun har brug for, og Vivs liv bliver bedre end hun nogensinde turde drømme om.

Man ved bare aldrig hvornår skæbnen vender.

The bestselling novel is published in the UK and North America by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

High fantasy, low stakes – with a double-shot of coffee.

After decades of adventuring, Viv the orc barbarian is finally hanging up her sword for good. Now she sets her sights on a new dream – for she plans to open the first coffee shop in the city of Thune. Even though no one there knows what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the past behind her, she can’t go it alone. And help might arrive from unexpected quarters. Yet old rivals and new stand in the way of success. And Thune’s shady underbelly could make it all too easy for Viv to take up the blade once more.

But the true reward of the uncharted path is the travellers you meet along the way. Whether bound by ancient magic, delicious pastries or a freshly brewed cup, they may become something deeper than Viv ever could have imagined…

Travis’s latest novel, the #1-bestselling BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST (a prequel) is also out now, published by Tor Books in the UK and North America.

Coming Soon: STRAY CAT BLUES, the next RIVERS OF LONDON Comic Series!

On May 29th, Titan Comics are due to publish STRAY CAT BLUES #1, the first issue in the latest (twelfth!) Rivers of London comic series! Set in the world of Ben Aaronovitch‘s acclaimed and internationally-bestselling series, it was scripted by Andrew Cartmel, with artwork by José María Beroy. Here’s the synopsis…

Old frenemies become allies in the latest Rivers of London adventure when a mysterious cat-woman comes to The Folly looking for help to free her sisters from a notorious chimera brothel run by London gangster Monty and his sinister magically endowed mother, Mrs. Napier.

Now, Romeo, together with Abigail, Kitty Butchart aka Hoodette, Reynard Fossman, and Gina Penlaw must rescue the three imprisoned women before the Faceless Man can get his hands on them…

The issue will be available with two variant covers — by Abigail Harding (above) and Beroy (below).

Titan Comics has published all of the Rivers of London comics to date, available now in collected editions (print and digital). Ben’s novels are published by Gollancz/Orion in the UK; JABberwocky (1-3), DAW (#4-), and Subterranean Press (novellas) in North America; the series has also been widely published in translation.

Peter Flannery’s DECIMUS FATE Novels Available Now in Czechia!

We’re very happy to report that Peter A. Flannery‘s first two Decimus Fate novels are now available in Czechia! Published by Nakladatelství Triton, read on for the details.

The first novel is DECIMUS FATE AND THE TALISMAN OF DREAMS, which is published as DECIMUS FATE A TALISMAN SNŮ. Here’s the synopsis…

Decimus Fate je čaroděj, který už nepoužívá magii.

Tutor je lovec démonů, který už démony neloví.

Když je požádají o pomoc mniši ze zapadlého kláštera, kteří se stali obětí záhadné nemoci, jsou oba nuceni spolupracovat a vypraví se hledat příčinu a lék. Záhy však uvíznou v nebezpečné hře zločineckých bossů, zákeřných vrahů a bezohledných mágů, kteří čerpají svou moc z říše démonů.

Dva muži s temnou a pohnutou minulostí. Naučí se jeden druhému důvěřovat?

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Decimus Fate and the Tutor… one a sorcerer who no longer wields magic, the other a demon hunter who no longer hunts demons. Two dangerous men, each with a dark and troubled past. When the monks of a remote monastery fall victim to a mysterious illness the two men are forced to work together. But as the story unfolds they find themselves caught in a web of danger from ruthless crime lords, vengeful assassins and evil magic users who draw their power from the realm of demons. Will Fate and the Tutor learn to trust each other or will one sacrifice the other to save his own skin?

The second novel in the series is DECIMUS FATE AND THE BUTCHER OF GUILE, which is published in Czechia as DECIMUS FATE A ŘEZNÍK Z GUILE

Fate (mág, který se vzdal magie) a Tutor (lovec démonů, který je už neloví) pátrají po dvou zmizelých mladících a jako vždy šlápnou do vosího hnízda. Zničehonic se ocitnou v boji na život a na smrt s mocným šlechticem, jeho psychopatickým synem, letkou čarodějnic, magickými asassiny a podzemními hrůzami guilských kanálů. Pátrání po pravdě je dovede až k Řezníkovi z Guile, který své oběti porcuje a v pytlích posílá po vodě do města. Ale nebezpečí hrozí i doma.

Zeno represents Peter A. Flannery in translation.

Coming Soon: THE CHILDREN’S BOOK OF THE FUTURE by Lavie Tidhar

We’re very happy to share the news (and cover) for Lavie Tidhar‘s next book for younger readers: THE CHILDREN’S BOOK OF THE FUTURE. Co-authored with Richard Watson, and illustrated by Cinthya Alvarez, it’s due to be published by DK on June 25th. Here’s the synopsis…

A Children’s Book of the Future is a narrative nonfiction book that will offer an inclusive and hopeful vision of the future, with a diverse, multicultural approach that will appeal to children of all backgrounds and further appeal to the foreign market audience.

The book will consist of approximately eighteen chapters that each take inspiration from current scientific research. They’ll present engaging, optimistic futures that could result from the real-world science, with insets delving into how that science works. The book will be highly illustrated throughout to make complex ideas more accessible, as well as to better depict the wondrous futures that could be ahead. There will also be a preface, afterword and an activities section.

Some of the diverse visions explored include underwater cities; the solar system and space travel; green technologies and sustainability; robots and artificial intelligence; the future of cities; and much more!

In short, the book sets out to reclaim the future for current and future generations of children.

Here’s a sample from inside…

Lavie is the multi-award winning and nominated author of many novels, novellas, and short stories. His recent novels include the critically-acclaimed MAROR and ADAMA (published by Ad Astra/Head of Zeus), and THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE WORLD (published by Tachyon Publications).

Coming Soon: NAVIGATIONAL ENTANGLEMENTS by Aliette de Bodard!

We’re very happy to report that TorDotCom are publishing another novella by Aliette de Bodard! NAVIGATIONAL ENTANGLEMENTS is a stand-alone story, due out on July 30th. Here’s the synopsis…

Award-winning author of The Red Scholar’s Wake Aliette de Bodard comes for your heart with a compelling tale of love, duty, and found-family in an exciting new space opera that brings xianxia-style martial arts to the stars.

Jockeying navigator clans guide spaceships through the Hollows: an area of space populated by the mysterious but deadly creatures known as Tanglers. When a Tangler escapes the Hollows for the first time in living memory, each clan must send a representative to help capture it — but the mission may be doomed and the hearts of two clan juniors may be in danger too.

Việt Nhi is not good with people. Or politics. Which is a problem when the Rooster clan sends her on the mission against her will, forcing her to work with an ill-matched group of squabbling teammates from rival clans, including one who she can’t avoid, and maybe doesn’t want to.

Hạc Cúc of the Snake clan has always been better at poisoning and stabbing than at making friends, but she’s drawn to Nhi’s perceptiveness and obliviousness to social conventions — including the ones that really should make Nhi think twice about spending time with her.

But when their imperial envoy and nominal leader is poisoned, this crew of expendable apprentices will have to learn to work together — fast — before the invisible Tangler can wreak havoc on a civilian city and destroy the fragile reputation of the clans. Along the way, Nhi and Hạc Cúc will have to learn the hardest lesson of all: to see past their own misconceptions and learn to trust their growing feelings for each other.

TorDotCom also publishes Aliette’s FIREHEART TIGER, a stand-alone Hugo Award-nominated fantasy novella.