Ian Tregillis’s THE LIBERATION Now Available in China!

We’re very happy to report that the third novel in Ian Tregillis‘s acclaimed Alchemy Wars trilogy is now available in China! THE LIBERATION is published in China by 四川科学技术出版社, as 炼金术战争:解放.

四川科学技术出版社 has also published the first two novels in the series: 机械人 (THE MECHANICAL) and 崛起 (THE RISING).

The Alchemy Wars trilogy is published in the UK and North America by Orbit Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis for THE LIBERATION

I am the mechanical they named Jax.

My kind was built to serve humankind, duty-bound to fulfil their every whim.

But now our bonds are breaking, and my brothers and sisters are awakening.

Our time has come. A new age is dawning.

Set in a world that might have been, of mechanical men and alchemical dreams, this is the third and final novel in a stunning series of revolution by Ian Tregillis, confirming his place as one of the most original new voices in speculative fiction.

All three novels in the Alchemy Wars trilogy have been critically acclaimed. Here are just a few of the reviews THE LIBERATION has received…

The thoughtful, blood-soaked conclusion to an alternate-history trilogy… A frighteningly frank and brutal consideration of slavery, post-slavery, and colonialism in metallic garb.’ — Kirkus

‘Action-packed and harrowing…’ — RT Book Reviews

THE LIBERATION brings to a violent, triumphant conclusion Ian Tregillis’s epic Alchemy Wars Trilogy: one of the most entertaining, original, and thought-provoking series of recent years… It’s a wonderfully realized world, packed with fascinating characters, and Tregillis uses alternative history brilliantly to explore concerns we still have over new technologies and their potential effect, for good and ill, on our freedom.’ — Toronto Star

THE LIBERATION is part philosophical debate over human nature and choice, part contemplation on colonialism and slavery, and part action-y alternate history. It brings the trilogy to a raucous, blood-soaked end where no one gets everything they want, but everyone gets exactly what they deserve… evocative and exciting… Every moment builds to half a dozen more. Each action scene both tightens the noose on the protagonists and ramps up the heart rate of the plot… 10/10…’ — Tor.com

‘A fantastic conclusion to a brilliantly crafted trilogy… THE LIBERATION is about free will, and the privileges and responsibilities that come with it. It is about how a person (or machine) wields that power, whether you choose vengeance and violence or decide to walk the path of peace. It is about recognizing the humanity in others, and the consequences of ignorance and hubris. It’s a satisfying, stunning end to one of the most compelling and cleverly written stories I’ve ever read. If you’re looking for a series that’s both entertaining and thought-provoking, I highly recommend The Alchemy Wars.‘ — Bibliosanctum

‘Tregellis concludes his Alchemy Wars trilogy in fine style… This is a satisfying conclusion to an excellent trilogy.’ — Publishers Weekly

炼金术战争:崛起 by Ian Tregillis Out Now in China!

The Simplified Chinese edition of THE RISING by Ian Tregillis is out now! The second novel in the author’s acclaimed Alchemy Wars trilogy, it is published by 四川科技出版社 as 炼金术战争:崛起, here’s the synopsis…


四川科技出版社 has also published the first book in the series, THE MECHANICAL, as 炼金术战争:机械人. Both books have been translated by Zhu Jiawen (朱佳文).

The Alchemy Wars trilogy is published by Orbit Books in the UK and North America. The third book in the series is THE LIBERATION. Here’s the English-language synopsis for THE RISING

Jax, a rogue Clakker, has wreaked havoc upon the Clockmakers’ Guild by destroying the Grand Forge. Reborn in the flames, he must begin his life as a free Clakker, but liberation proves its own burden.

Berenice, formerly the legendary spymaster of New France, mastermind behind her nation’s attempts to undermine the Dutch Hegemony — has been banished from her homeland and captured by the Clockmakers Guild’s draconian secret police force.

Meanwhile, Captain Hugo Longchamp is faced with rallying the beleaguered and untested defenders of Marseilles-in-the-West for the inevitable onslaught from the Brasswork Throne and its army of mechanical soldiers.

Ian has also written a superb prequel novella — COME THE REVOLUTION — which has been published in March/April 2020 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.

Here are just some of the great reviews THE RISING has received so far…

‘The chases, the battles, the brutal violence, and the scheming are nonstop. As always, Tregillis offers richly textured and genuinely likable personalities with shades-of-gray morality; it’s clearly no accident that the most purely good person in the novel is the mechanical Jax, although even his sterling qualities are severely tested by the terrible situations he faces. Middle volumes are always tricky; they can often read as an obstacle to overcome on the way to the forgone conclusion of the third installment. Tregillis commendably avoids this trap, deepening his story and keeping it moving along toward an unknown horizon. Part 3 can’t come too soon.’ Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘Tregillis’s splendid sequel to THE MECHANICAL is a vivid alternate history tale filled with action sequences, fascinating characters, and great worldbuilding… engrossing, with plenty of mid-story twists, and it’s well worth the ride.’ Publishers Weekly

‘Deftly inter­weaves three viewpoints and plotlines, but this sequel raises the stakes…’ Locus

‘A rousing and thrilling wartime romp through an alternate New World… Isaac Asimov’s classic Robot series featured robots who had to follow basic Laws of Robotics, such as robots “may not harm a human being.” Tregillis takes this idea of basic robotic law down a darker path… Tregillis creates a world of greys, where even the heroes have their darkness. Bernice is ruthless and cunning, but when faced with mechanical captors that ruthlessness is the key to her survival. The foul-mouthed Longchamp lacks social graces and an even temper, but there’s nobody else you’d want in charge when an army of mechanicals surrounds your village and death is certain. Tregillis never loses sight of the fact that war is hell. His characters suffer… Tregillis writes a gripping and entertaining story. His prose shines. Though his book is often dark, it is always a pleasure to read. I have no idea how Tregillis plans to end this trilogy, but if he sustains this level of energy and creativity, it will surely be thrilling and thoughtful.The Missourian

THE RISING takes up the baton and carries on running at full throttle, ramping up the action while still keeping the themes of historical fantasy and existential philosophy at the forefront… distinguishes itself from its predecessor by being more fast-paced and action-oriented. The intrigue and violence comes at you nonstop… greatly enjoyed how this novel takes us on a detour down a wilder and more explosive path… Tregillis bides his time in this second act, bringing things slowly to a boil, yet action scenes are heavier and more frequent, and if that’s what you prefer then you might find you’ll enjoy THE RISING even more than THE MECHANICAL! The ending’s cliffhanger was expected, but no less powerful and effective in making me yearn for the next in the series. The Alchemy Wars is not to be missed.’ Bibliosanctum

‘Building on the solid foundation laid by THE MECHANICAL, THE RISING raises the stage upon which the final fallout of Jax and Berenice’s efforts will be told. Engaging, entertaining, and surprising, this one is looking to be nothing if not another great story from a great author. An author that is quickly rising to the top of my favorites list.’ Elitist Book Reviews

Ian is also the author of the equally acclaimed Milkweed Triptych, which is published by Orbit in the UK.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK, Commonwealth and Translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.