This week, Ian Tregillis‘s critically-acclaimed third Milkweed Novel, NECESSARY EVIL was released in Czech! Published by Argo as NUTNÉ ZLO, here’s the synopsis…
Strhující závěr románového triptychu, ve kterém si Otčina Roberta Harrise podává ruku s Alanem Moorem.
Londýnský Westminster 12. května 1940. Druhá světová válka nabírá na obrátkách. Už podruhé.
Raybould Marsh, jeden z nejlepších britských agentů, se přenesl do nové časové linie – je to poslední zoufalý pokus zachránit alespoň jediný z možných světů před lovecraftovskými monstry, kterým podlehla Marshova původní realita. Pokud má dojít k jejich porážce, nesmí na Zemi zůstat ani stopa po nadlidech stvořených nacistickou vojenskou mašinerií. Pozornost hrůzných přízraků žijících mimo čas a prostor totiž přitáhli k lidstvu právě oni…
Na své cestě za vítězstvím si Marsh bude muset především poradit s Gretel, nejmocnějším z výtvorů německého profesora von Westarpa. Díky svým schopnostem ví Gretel i v nové časové linii o všem, co se událo v Marshově zničeném světě, a pokusí se mu dokončení jeho úkolu překazit. Je odhodlaná přežít – a to navzdory tomu, že každé větvení reality, které dosud byla schopná předpovědět, končilo její smrtí.
The firs two novels in the Milkweed trilogy — BITTER SEEDS and THE COLDEST WAR — are also published in Czech by Argo.

The trilogy is published in the UK by Orbit Books. Here’s NECESSARY EVIL‘s English-language synopsis…
Superhumans and dark magic collide in secret supernatural history of Twentieth Century events — the final book in this landmark series
The history of the Twentieth Century has been shaped by a secret conflict between technology and magic. When a twisted Nazi scientist devised a way to imbue ordinary humans with supernatural abilities — to walk through walls, throw fire and see the future — his work became the prized possession of first the Third Reich, then the Soviet Army. Only Britain’s warlocks, and the dark magics they yield, have successfully countered the threat posed by these superhuman armies.
But for decades, this conflict has been manipulated by Gretel, the mad seer. And now her long plan has come to fruition. And with it, a danger vastly greater than anything the world has known. Now British Intelligence officer Raybould Marsh must make a last-ditch effort to change the course of history — if his nation, and those he loves, are to survive.

Here’s just a small sample of the great reviews the novel has received so far…
‘The satisfying third volume of Tregillis’s Milkwood Triptych successfully throws time travel into a mix that already included alternate history, spycraft, and mad science… Tregillis neatly juggles two viewpoints from the same character (giving the future Marsh first-person narration), and plays with notions like free will and irony while wisely avoiding headache-inducing paradox discussions. He also keeps the tale grounded in its espionage roots, providing a thrilling spy novel as much as a science fiction story.’ — Publishers Weekly
‘Ian Tregillis triumphantly concludes his astonishing, brilliant, pulse-pounding debut trilogy… a book that veers precipitously from unexpected and chilling ruminations on the inherent evil of precognition; to the questions of loyalty and betrayal so thorny that they need a time-travel loop to really be explored; to spy-thriller action sequences that will keep you up under the covers with a flashlight, turning pages and unable to sleep… A remarkable set of books… fabulous.’ — BoingBoing
‘The masterful conclusion… A series that has consistently impressed me, and improved with each book… Gretel is an fascinating character, and one of my favourites in any book or series: she is both star and villain; Machiavellian in the extreme and ultimately tragic… Tregillis brings the novel and series to a brilliant close. The ending of NECESSARY EVIL is heart-wrenching… but it feels right, given what’s come before. The Milkweed Triptych is one of my all-time favourite series. It is a must-read. Very highly recommended.’ — Civilian Reader
‘In this bleak fantasy, World War II was fought between Nazis with devastating psychic powers and British warlocks employing Eidolons, irresistible demons beyond time and space – a struggle the British ultimately lost… intensity of the narrative, the torments of the protagonist or the deviously alluring storyline. Darkly fascinating… A thoroughly satisfying conclusion to an imaginative tour de force.’ — Kirkus
‘NECESSARY EVIL takes everything I thought I knew about this series and then pulls the camera back to reveal we had only been peering down a microscope. All those little winks, the tiny nods to something bigger that you disregarded when reading, all the throwaway lines that you figure must get explained later and are quickly forgotten – this book is the payoff… so damned clever that it makes most other books look to be written in crayon… To sum up the Milkweed novels by Ian Tregillis in a nutshell is a bit like trying to squeeze your head into a toothpaste cap. It’s just not possible and the idea of Nazi super humans versus English warlocks really does this series a disservice. The Milkweed Triptych is a triumph of literature of any genre. It hits every note like a symphony of perfect destruction and is so scarily convincing that you can’t help but wonder, what if?’ — J For Jetpack
‘A work of art so outstanding in its complexity that is difficult to imagine how Tregillis even began to plan the series out in the first place. The smallest, most insignificant things mentioned in passing in BITTER SEEDS take on world changing importance in NECESSARY EVIL. Tregillis’ alternate take on later 20th Century history is a dark and uncompromising journey into the depths of despair, constantly thought-provoking and always surprising. It’s a mind-blowing series that everyone should read… a great conclusion to one of the best series of recent times. As unpredictable as its predecessors, it’s a black magic thrill ride that makes you think as well as makes your heart race. Tregillis is a master at work, mixing so many genres together in his unique melting pot, until we are left with something so delightfully unlike anything else published today.’ — Fantasy Faction
Orbit has also published Tregillis’s latest, equally critically-acclaimed trilogy, the Alchemy Wars: THE MECHANICAL, THE RISING and THE LIBERATION.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and Translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.