First two Peter Grant novels available in Czech audio!

Great news! The first two novels in Ben Aaronovitch‘s Peter Grant series are now available in Czech audio editions! Produced by Tympanum, and narrated by Tomáš Kobr, the novels are published as ŘEKY LONDÝNA (RIVERS OF LONDON) and MĚSÍC NAD SOHO (MOON OVER SOHO), here’s the synopsis for the first book…

Jedna z nejúspěšnějších městských fantasy uplynulého desetiletí vás zavede do Londýna, ve kterém u policie slouží čarodějové a po ulicích se prohánějí zlovolní duchové či božstva na válečné stezce.

Jmenuji se Peter Grant. Ještě nedávno jsem byl obyčejný četnický zelenáč v řadách londýnské Metropolitní policie. Jedné noci jsem se ale při vyšetřování jisté vraždy pokusil získat svědeckou výpověď od muže, který byl sice mrtvý, ale jinak znepokojivě výřečný, což mi zajistilo pozornost vrchního inspektora Nightingalea, posledního čaroděje Anglie. A právě tehdy začal můj příběh.

Nyní jsem policejní detektiv a čarodějův učeň, první učedník za padesát let, a můj svět už není zdaleka tak jednoduchý, jak býval.

The print editions of the novels are published in Czech by Argo. The series is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-6). The English-language audiobooks are published by Orion Audio, and are narrated by the superb Kobna Holdbook-Smith. The series has also been published widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the first novel…

My name is Peter Grant and until January I was just probationary constable in that mighty army for justice known to all right-thinking people as the Metropolitan Police Service (and as the Filth to everybody else). My only concerns in life were how to avoid a transfer to the Case Progression Unit — we do paperwork so real coppers don’t have to — and finding a way to climb into the panties of the outrageously perky WPC Leslie May. Then one night, in pursuance of a murder inquiry, I tried to take a witness statement from someone who was dead but disturbingly voluable, and that brought me to the attention of Inspector Nightingale, the last wizard in England.

Now I’m a Detective Constable and a trainee wizard, the first apprentice in fifty years, and my world has become somewhat more complicated: nests of vampires in Purley, negotiating a truce between the warring god and goddess of the Thames, and digging up graves in Covent Garden… and there’s something festering at the heart of the city I love, a malicious vengeful spirit that takes ordinary Londoners and twists them into grotesque mannequins to act out its drama of violence and despair.

The spirit of riot and rebellion has awakened in the city, and it’s falling to me to bring order out of chaos — or die trying.

Czech out this new edition of FOXGLOVE SUMMER!

The Czech edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s FOXGLOVE SUMMER is out now! The fifth book in Aaronovitch’s best-selling Peter Grant series is published by Argo as ZÁLUDNÉ LÉTO. Here’s the synopsis…

Když se ve vesnici Rushpool v západní Anglii začnou pohřešovat dvě jedenáctileté dívky, konstábl Peter Grant musí vytáhnout paty z Londýna, aby zjistil, jestli se na jejich zmizení nepodílelo něco nadpřirozeného. Jde o rutinní opatření a Nightingale je přesvědčený, že Peter bude mít v případu do večera jasno. Jenže Peter lidi v nesnázích nikdy neopouští, takže i když neobjeví žádné zjevné stopy po magických aktivitách, nabídne místnímu policejnímu sboru své služby, neboť ví, že při pátrání po nezvěstných je potřeba každé volné ruky. Netrvá však dlouho a ocitá se ve zběsilém závodě s časem, ve světě, kde hranice mezi realitou a světem skřítků a víl nikdy nebyly prostupnější…

Argo has also published the first four novels in the series in Czech: RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND and BROKEN HOMES. They have also published the first Peter Grant comic series, RIVERS OF LONDON: BODY WORK.

FOXGLOVE SUMMER, and the rest of the Peter Grant series, is published in the UK by Gollancz. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the novel…

In the fifth of his bestselling series Ben Aaronovitch takes Peter Grant out of whatever comfort zone he might have found and takes him out of London — to a small village in Herefordshire where the local police are reluctant to admit that there might be a supernatural element to the disappearance of some local children. But while you can take the London copper out of London you can’t take the London out of the copper.

Travelling west with Beverley Brook, Peter soon finds himself caught up in a deep mystery and having to tackle local cops and local gods. And what’s more all the shops are closed by 4pm…

Ian Tregillis’s NECESSARY EVIL available in Czech!

This week, Ian Tregillis‘s critically-acclaimed third Milkweed Novel, NECESSARY EVIL was released in Czech! Published by Argo as NUTNÉ ZLO, here’s the synopsis…

Strhující závěr románového triptychu, ve kterém si Otčina Roberta Harrise podává ruku s Alanem Moorem.

Londýnský Westminster 12. května 1940. Druhá světová válka nabírá na obrátkách. Už podruhé.

Raybould Marsh, jeden z nejlepších britských agentů, se přenesl do nové časové linie – je to poslední zoufalý pokus zachránit alespoň jediný z možných světů před lovecraftovskými monstry, kterým podlehla Marshova původní realita. Pokud má dojít k jejich porážce, nesmí na Zemi zůstat ani stopa po nadlidech stvořených nacistickou vojenskou mašinerií. Pozornost hrůzných přízraků žijících mimo čas a prostor totiž přitáhli k lidstvu právě oni…

Na své cestě za vítězstvím si Marsh bude muset především poradit s Gretel, nejmocnějším z výtvorů německého profesora von Westarpa. Díky svým schopnostem ví Gretel i v nové časové linii o všem, co se událo v Marshově zničeném světě, a pokusí se mu dokončení jeho úkolu překazit. Je odhodlaná přežít – a to navzdory tomu, že každé větvení reality, které dosud byla schopná předpovědět, končilo její smrtí.

The firs two novels in the Milkweed trilogy — BITTER SEEDS and THE COLDEST WAR — are also published in Czech by Argo.

The trilogy is published in the UK by Orbit Books. Here’s NECESSARY EVIL‘s English-language synopsis…

Superhumans and dark magic collide in secret supernatural history of Twentieth Century events — the final book in this landmark series

The history of the Twentieth Century has been shaped by a secret conflict between technology and magic. When a twisted Nazi scientist devised a way to imbue ordinary humans with supernatural abilities — to walk through walls, throw fire and see the future — his work became the prized possession of first the Third Reich, then the Soviet Army. Only Britain’s warlocks, and the dark magics they yield, have successfully countered the threat posed by these superhuman armies.

But for decades, this conflict has been manipulated by Gretel, the mad seer. And now her long plan has come to fruition. And with it, a danger vastly greater than anything the world has known. Now British Intelligence officer Raybould Marsh must make a last-ditch effort to change the course of history — if his nation, and those he loves, are to survive.

Here’s just a small sample of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘The satisfying third volume of Tregillis’s Milkwood Triptych successfully throws time travel into a mix that already included alternate history, spycraft, and mad science… Tregillis neatly juggles two viewpoints from the same character (giving the future Marsh first-person narration), and plays with notions like free will and irony while wisely avoiding headache-inducing paradox discussions. He also keeps the tale grounded in its espionage roots, providing a thrilling spy novel as much as a science fiction story.’ Publishers Weekly

‘Ian Tregillis triumphantly concludes his astonishing, brilliant, pulse-pounding debut trilogy… a book that veers precipitously from unexpected and chilling ruminations on the inherent evil of precognition; to the questions of loyalty and betrayal so thorny that they need a time-travel loop to really be explored; to spy-thriller action sequences that will keep you up under the covers with a flashlight, turning pages and unable to sleep… A remarkable set of books… fabulous.’ BoingBoing

‘The masterful conclusion… A series that has consistently impressed me, and improved with each book… Gretel is an fascinating character, and one of my favourites in any book or series: she is both star and villain; Machiavellian in the extreme and ultimately tragic… Tregillis brings the novel and series to a brilliant close. The ending of NECESSARY EVIL is heart-wrenching… but it feels right, given what’s come before. The Milkweed Triptych is one of my all-time favourite series. It is a must-read. Very highly recommended.’ Civilian Reader

‘In this bleak fantasy, World War II was fought between Nazis with devastating psychic powers and British warlocks employing Eidolons, irresistible demons beyond time and space – a struggle the British ultimately lost… intensity of the narrative, the torments of the protagonist or the deviously alluring storyline. Darkly fascinating… A thoroughly satisfying conclusion to an imaginative tour de force.’ Kirkus

NECESSARY EVIL takes everything I thought I knew about this series and then pulls the camera back to reveal we had only been peering down a microscope. All those little winks, the tiny nods to something bigger that you disregarded when reading, all the throwaway lines that you figure must get explained later and are quickly forgotten – this book is the payoff… so damned clever that it makes most other books look to be written in crayon… To sum up the Milkweed novels by Ian Tregillis in a nutshell is a bit like trying to squeeze your head into a toothpaste cap. It’s just not possible and the idea of Nazi super humans versus English warlocks really does this series a disservice. The Milkweed Triptych is a triumph of literature of any genre. It hits every note like a symphony of perfect destruction and is so scarily convincing that you can’t help but wonder, what if?’ J For Jetpack

‘A work of art so outstanding in its complexity that is difficult to imagine how Tregillis even began to plan the series out in the first place. The smallest, most insignificant things mentioned in passing in BITTER SEEDS take on world changing importance in NECESSARY EVIL. Tregillis’ alternate take on later 20th Century history is a dark and uncompromising journey into the depths of despair, constantly thought-provoking and always surprising. It’s a mind-blowing series that everyone should read… a great conclusion to one of the best series of recent times. As unpredictable as its predecessors, it’s a black magic thrill ride that makes you think as well as makes your heart race. Tregillis is a master at work, mixing so many genres together in his unique melting pot, until we are left with something so delightfully unlike anything else published today.’ Fantasy Faction

Orbit has also published Tregillis’s latest, equally critically-acclaimed trilogy, the Alchemy Wars: THE MECHANICAL, THE RISING and THE LIBERATION.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and Translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

CENTRAL STATION coming soon in Czechia!

Above you can see the striking cover for the Czech edition of Lavie Tidhar‘s critically-acclaimed CENTRAL STATION! Due to be published by Argo in December 2017, here’s the synopsis…

Celosvětová diaspora čtvrt milionů lidí žije u paty vesmírné stanice. Město bez pravidel bují doslova jako plevel. Život má pramalou cenu a data ještě menší. Když se Boris Chong vrátí z Marsu do Tel Avivu, rychle pozná, že se hodně věcí změnilo. Borisova bývalá milenka se stará o podivně povědomé dítě, které se dovede pouhým dotykem prstu napojit na datový proud. Borisova sestřenice je zamilovaná do robotnika – poškozeného kyborgovského vojáka, který taktak že nechodí žebrat o součástky. Borisův otec trpí smrtelným multigeneračním mozkovým morem. A hledaná datová upířice pronásledovala Borise až do míst, kam má zakázaný návrat. Nad těmi všemi se tyčí Centrální stanice, meziplanetární uzel, ve kterém se protíná všechno: konstantně se proměňující Tel Aviv; mocná virtuální kolbiště; a vesmírné kolonie, kam lidstvo prchlo před bídou a válkou. Propojení zajišťují „Druzí“: mocné mimozemské entity, které prostřednictvím Konverzace – pohyblivého, plynoucího proudu vědomí – právě zahajují nezvratnou změnu. U Centrální stanice se lidé a stroje se adaptují, vzkvétají… a dokonce se vyvíjejí

CENTRAL STATION is published in English by Tachyon Publications, and is also available in a special hardcover edition via PS Publishing. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A worldwide diaspora has left a quarter of a million people at the foot of a space station. Cultures collide in real life and virtual reality. Life is cheap, and data is cheaper.

When Boris Chong returns to Tel Aviv from Mars, much has changed. Boris’s ex-lover is raising a strangely familiar child who can tap into the datastream of a mind with the touch of a finger. His cousin is infatuated with a robotnik — a damaged cyborg soldier who might as well be begging for parts. His father is terminally-ill with a multigenerational mind-plague. And a hunted data-vampire has followed Boris to where she is forbidden to return.

Rising above them is Central Station, the interplanetary hub between all things: the constantly shifting Tel Aviv; a powerful virtual arena, and the space colonies where humanity has gone to escape the ravages of poverty and war. Everything is connected by the Others, powerful alien entities who, through the Conversation — a shifting, flowing stream of consciousness — are just the beginning of irrevocable change.

At Central Station, humans and machines continue to adapt, thrive… and even evolve.

CENTRAL STATION has received a flood of praise since it was first published, winning the 2017 John W. Campbell Award, and it was in the running for both the Arthur C. Clarke Award and British Science Fiction Award. It was also an NPR Best Books of 2016, an Amazon Featured Monthly Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Books, a Barnes and Noble Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of 2016, and was on the 2016 Locus Recommended Reading List.

‘Magnificently blends literary and speculative elements in this streetwise mosaic novel set under the towering titular spaceport… Tidhar gleefully mixes classic SF concepts with prose styles and concepts that recall the best of world literature. The byways of Central Station ring with dusty life, like the bruising, bustling Cairo streets depicted by Naguib Mahfouz. Characters wrestle with problems of identity forged under systems of oppression, much as displaced Easterners and Westerners do in the novels of Orhan Pamuk. And yet this is unmistakably SF. Readers of all persuasions will be entranced.’ Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

‘A fascinating future glimpsed through the lens of a tight-knit community. Tidhar changes genres with every outing, but his astounding talents guarantee something new and compelling no matter the story he tells.’ Library Journal (starred review)

‘Tidhar’s prose draws the reader in, bringing this world to life with ease… Not only intelligent, it’s emotional too, telling of loves lost and those only just begun, of those wishing to escape their past and those hoping to bring it back… Tidhar is reminiscent of an early William Gibson… cement[s] Lavie Tidhar as one of science fiction’s great voices… a compelling collection that mixes the epic and the intimate, one that succeeds at being profound, incredibly moving and, quite simply, stunning.’ (10/10) Starburst 

CENTRAL STATION is without question the best assemblage of short stories I’ve read in recent memory. Sublimely sensual, emotionally moreish, and composed with crystalline clarity irrespective of its incredible complexity.’

‘[Tidhar] has created a textured and original future that echoes real historical and economic tensions while satisfying veteran readers with deliberate echoes of classic science fiction… Deeply humane.’ Chicago Tribune

‘A fantastic mosaic novel.’ New York Review of Science Fiction

FOXGLOVE SUMMER coming soon in Czech!

Above is the great Czech cover for Ben Aaronovitch‘s fifth Peter Grant novel, FOXGLOVE SUMMER. Due to be published by Argo as ZÁLUDNÉ IÉTO, here’s the synopsis…

Když se ve vesnici Rushpool v západní Anglii začnou pohřešovat dvě jedenáctileté dívky, konstábl Peter Grant musí vytáhnout paty z Londýna, aby zjistil, jestli se na jejich zmizení nepodílelo něco nadpřirozeného. Jde o rutinní opatření a Nightingale je přesvědčený, že Peter bude mít v případu do večera jasno. Jenže Peter lidi v nesnázích nikdy neopouští, takže i když neobjeví žádné zjevné stopy po magických aktivitách, nabídne místnímu policejnímu sboru své služby, neboť ví, že při pátrání po nezvěstných je potřeba každé volné ruky. Netrvá však dlouho a ocitá se ve zběsilém závodě s časem, ve světě, kde hranice mezi realitou a světem skřítků a víl nikdy nebyly prostupnější…

The book is scheduled for publication on October 19th. Argo has also published the first four novels in the series, and the Czech edition of the first Rivers of London comic series, BODY WORK.

FOXGLOVE SUMMER is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by DAW Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In the fifth of his bestselling series Ben Aaronovitch takes Peter Grant out of whatever comfort zone he might have found and takes him out of London — to a small village in Herefordshire where the local police are reluctant to admit that there might be a supernatural element to the disappearance of some local children. But while you can take the London copper out of London you can’t take the London out of the copper.

Travelling west with Beverley Brook, Peter soon finds himself caught up in a deep mystery and having to tackle local cops and local gods. And what’s more all the shops are closed by 4pm…

‘The main story functions as an interesting thriller, and the additional commentary on the way the UK handles major incidents like the disappearance of children is both thought-provoking and carefully handled… FOXGLOVE SUMMER is evocative, mysterious, engaging, and, mostly, enormous amounts of fun. Fans of the Peter Grant series will not be disappointed, and those new to the books should start with Rivers in London, safe in the knowledge that the sequels are just as good.’ Starburst

‘Ben Aaronovitch is in top form in this fifth Peter Grant novel… As ever, the realistic police procedural details ground the plot, but the wonderful and unexpected fantasy world that lurks just below the surface of reality makes this tale the rousing success that it is. The tension is high from the opening of this unpredictable story, but the gravity of Grant’s newest case doesn’t keep his snarky humor or his wry insight from shining through, making this a book that new readers and fans alike will relish.’ RT Book Reviews (January 2015 Top Pick)

‘[Aaronovitch’s] ability to construct a fast, tense, readable police procedural (with magic) is inarguable. The combination — and frequently, the clash — of modern policing methods with magic and folklore remains a compelling juxtaposition, one that’s funny more often than not… Peter’s voice remains compelling. It’s one of the most appealing things about this series. In removing him from his usual stomping grounds to the countryside, Aaronovitch takes the opportunity to cast a minor side-eye at the white uniformity and unthinking assumptions of part of Britain: as a mixed-race lad from London, Peter sticks out in Leominster… It’s amusing. It’s diverting. It’s fun.’

Lavie Tidhar’s OSAMA out now in Czech!

Lavie Tidhar‘s World Fantasy Award-winning OSAMA is now available in Czech! Published by Argo as USÁMA, here’s the synopsis…

Ve světě, kde žádný globální terorismus neexistuje, si neznámá kráska najme soukromého detektiva Joea, aby jí našel jistého muže – tajemného autora brakových románů s hlavním hrdinou jménem Usáma bin Ládin. Tak začíná Joeova cesta kolem světa, a jak se kolem něj utahuje smyčka nebezpečí a tajemství, začíná Joe sám pochybovat o tom, co je fikce a co realita. Odkud se berou uprchlíci, na které naráží v temných koutech nebezpečného světa? Jakou pravdu se dozví na kopci nad Kábulem? Lavie Tidhar v Usámovi brilantně zkoumá podvědomí světa po 11. září a s bravurou sobě vlastní v něm míchá prvky romanu noir, literatury faktu, alternativní historie i thrilleru. Výsledkem je znepokojivý, ale přesto neodolatelný portrét naší doby.

OSAMA is published in English by PS Publishing. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Lavie Tidhar was in Dar-es-Salaam during the American embassy bombings in 1998, and stayed in the same hotel as the Al Qaeda operatives in Nairobi. Since then he and his now-wife have narrowly avoided both the 2005 King’s Cross and 2004 Sinai attacks — experiences that led first to his memorable short story “My Travels with Al-Qaeda” and later to the creation of Osama.

In a world without global terrorism Joe, a private detective, is hired by a mysterious woman to find a man: the obscure author of pulp fiction novels featuring one Osama Bin Laden: Vigilante…

Joe’s quest to find the man takes him across the world, from the backwaters of Asia to the European Capitals of Paris and London, and as the mystery deepens around him there is one question he is trying hard not to ask: who is he, really, and how much of the books is fiction? Chased by unknown assailants, Joe’s identity slowly fragments as he discovers the shadowy world of the refugees, ghostly entities haunting the world in which he lives. Where do they come from? And what do they want? Joe knows how the story should end, but even he is not ready for the truths he’ll find in New York and, finally, on top a quiet hill above Kabul — nor for the choice he will at last have to make…

In Osama, Lavie Tidhar brilliantly delves into the post-9/11 global subconscious, mixing together elements of film noir, non-fiction, alternative history and international thriller to create an unsettling — yet utterly compelling — portrayal of our times.

Argo also publishes Tidhar’s award-winning A MAN LIES DREAMING in Czech, as MUŽ LEŽÍ A SNÍ. This novel is published by Hodder in the UK and Melville House in the US. Argo are also due to publish Lavie’s latest book, CENTRAL STATION, later this year — it is available now in English, published by Tachyon Publications.


Ben Aaronovitch‘s first Rivers of London comic series, BODY WORK, is now available in Czech! Published by Argo as ŘEKY LONDÝNA: ČAROJÍZDA, here’s the synopsis…

Další magický případ Petera Granta — tentokrát v KOMIKSU!

Grant patří k velmi zvláštní londýnské policejní jednotce. Je na plný úvazek policistou, na částečný čarodějem. Pracuje na velmi neobvyklých zločinech – na těch, které zavánějí magií a nejrozmanitějšími podivnostmi, které vyhřezávají z temného londýnského podsvětí. Zatím poslední případ začíná na první pohled dokonale neškodným autem a jeho záhadným vražedným řáděním – bez řidiče. A než se stihnete vzpamatovat, je na scéně bosenský uprchlík, nejstrašidelnější auto v Anglii, partička teenagerů sjetých ketaminem a zejména – prostá dřevěná židle s nepěkně temnou minulostí…

RIVERS OF LONDON: BODY WORK is published in English by Titan Comics, as are the next two story arcs in the comic series: NIGHT WITCH and BLACK MOULD. Here’s the English-language synopsis for BODY WORK

Peter Grant looks look your average London police officer, but he is actually a part-time wizard in a very elite branch of the Metropolitan Police. It’s his job to investigate those crimes that regular cops don’t like to talk about because they often involve vampires or strange things in Underground tunnels.

Peter’s latest case features a self-driving killer automobile, a Serbian refugee, the Most Haunted Car in England, a handsome drug dealer with a nice paisley scarf and a seemingly harmless wooden bench with a dark past!

The first four of Ben’s Peter Grant novels have been published in Czechia by Argo:

The series is published in the UK by Gollancz and in the US by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-6).

Ben Aaronovitch’s PROKLETÉ DOMOVY out now!

BROKEN HOMES, Ben Aaronovitch‘s fourth Peter Grant novel, is out now in Czech! Published by Argo as PROKLETÉ DOMOVY, here’s the synopsis…

Začíná to jako obvykle – mrtvolou. Ale kdo v tom má tentokrát prsty? Běžný sériový vrah, nebo společník zvráceného kouzelníka známého pod přezdívkou Muž bez tváře? Než se policejní konstábl Peter Grant v novém případu zorientuje, pod soupravu metra vkročí londýnský urbanista a zmizí jistý starobylý grimoár. V Londýně nic neobvyklého. Ale pak se k Peterovi donesou zvěsti o prazvláštních událostech v oblasti Elephant and Castle, které se točí kolem věžáku navrženého bláznem, postaveného šarlatány a obývaného těmi největšími zoufalci. Mají tyto skutečnosti nějakou spojitost? A pokud ano, proč k nim proboha muselo dojít až na jižním břehu Temže, kde jindy chcípnul pes? Promiň, Toby.

Published in the UK by Gollancz and the US by DAW Books, here’s the English-language synopsis for BROKEN HOMES

A unique blend of police procedural, loving detail about the greatest character of all, London, and a dash of the supernatural.

A mutilated body in Crawley. Another killer on the loose. The prime suspect is one Robert Weil – an associate of the twisted magician known as the Faceless Man? Or just a common garden serial killer?

Before PC Peter Grant can get his head round the case, a town planner going under a tube train and a stolen grimoire are adding to his case-load.

So far so London.

But then Peter gets word of something very odd happening in Elephant and Castle, on an housing estate designed by a nutter, built by charlatans and inhabited by the truly desperate.

Is there a connection?

And if there is, why oh why did it have to be South of the River?

The Peter Grant series is currently at six novels, three comic series, an audio-exclusive short story, and an upcoming novella.

Ben Aaronovitch’s BROKEN HOMES out now in Czech!

Ben Aaronovitch‘s fourth Peter Grant novel is now available in Czech! Published by Argo as PROKLETÉ DOMOVY, here’s the synopsis…

Začíná to jako obvykle – mrtvolou. Ale kdo v tom má tentokrát prsty? Běžný sériový vrah, nebo společník zvráceného kouzelníka známého pod přezdívkou Muž bez tváře? Než se policejní konstábl Peter Grant v novém případu zorientuje, pod soupravu metra vkročí londýnský urbanista a zmizí jistý starobylý grimoár. V Londýně nic neobvyklého. Ale pak se k Peterovi donesou zvěsti o prazvláštních událostech v oblasti Elephant and Castle točících se kolem věžáku navrženého bláznem, postaveného šarlatány a obývaného těmi největšími zoufalci. Mají tyto skutečnosti nějakou spojitost? A pokud ano, proč k nim proboha muselo dojít až na jižním břehu Temže, kde jindy chcípnul pes? Promiň Toby.

Argo also publish the first three novels in the series.

BROKEN HOMES is published in the UK by Gollancz, in the US by DAW Books, and has been published widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A mutilated body in Crawley. Another killer on the loose. The prime suspect is one Robert Weil — an associate of the twisted magician known as the Faceless Man? Or just a common garden serial killer?

Before PC Peter Grant can get his head round the case, a town planner going under a tube train and a stolen grimoire are adding to his case-load.

So far so London.

But then Peter gets word of something very odd happening in Elephant and Castle, on an housing estate designed by a nutter, built by charlatans and inhabited by the truly desperate.

Is there a connection?

And if there is, why oh why did it have to be South of the River?

Czech out these new covers for BROKEN HOMES and FOXGLOVE SUMMER!

This April, Argo is due to publish the fourth book in Ben Aaronovitch‘s bestselling Peter Grant series, BROKEN HOMES! Released in Czech as PROKLETÉ DOMOVY, here’s the synopsis…

Začíná to jako obvykle – mrtvolou. Ale kdo v tom má tentokrát prsty? Běžný sériový vrah, nebo společník zvráceného kouzelníka známého pod přezdívkou Muž bez tváře? Než se policejní konstábl Peter Grant v novém případu zorientuje, pod soupravu metra vkročí londýnský urbanista a zmizí jistý starobylý grimoár. V Londýně nic neobvyklého. Ale pak se k Peterovi donesou zvěsti o prazvláštních událostech v oblasti Elephant and Castle točících se kolem věžáku navrženého bláznem, postaveného šarlatány a obývaného těmi největšími zoufalci. Mají tyto skutečnosti nějakou spojitost? A pokud ano, proč k nim proboha muselo dojít až na jižním břehu Temže, kde jindy chcípnul pes? Promiň Toby.

The novel is published by Gollancz in the UK, and DAW Books in the US. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A mutilated body in Crawley. Another killer on the loose. The prime suspect is one Robert Weil — an associate of the twisted magician known as the Faceless Man? Or just a common garden serial killer?

Before PC Peter Grant can get his head round the case, a town planner going under a tube train and a stolen grimoire are adding to his case-load.

So far so London.

But then Peter gets word of something very odd happening in Elephant and Castle, on an housing estate designed by a nutter, built by charlatans and inhabited by the truly desperate.

Is there a connection? And if there is, why oh why did it have to be South of the River?

A unique blend of police procedural, loving detail about the greatest character of all, London, and a dash of the supernatural.

But, wait: there’s more! Below you can see the cover for the new Czech edition of FOXGLOVE SUMMERZÁLUDNÉ LÉTO! This will be published later this year, and we’ll share more information (synopsis, release date, etc.) as soon as we have it. Argo has already published the first three novels in the series: RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO and WHISPERS UNDERGROUND.

Ben Aaronovitch’s WHISPERS UNDERGROUND out now in Czech!


The Czech edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s WHISPERS UNDERGROUND is out today! Published by Argo as ŠEPOT PODZEMÍ, here’s the synopsis…

Tentokrát to začne mrtvým tělem na konci stanice metra Baker Street, vším, co zůstalo po americkém studentovi Jamesi Gallagherovi. Jeho zámožná a politicky vlivná rodina se chce pochopitelně dostat této hrůzné vraždě na kloub, potíž však tkví v tom, že Jamesova smrt představuje ještě větší a nepřirozenější záhadu, než kdo vůbec tuší… tedy kromě londýnského konstábla a čarodějova učně Petera Granta.

Jelikož je inspektor Nightingale, poslední oficiální čaroděj v Anglii, zaneprázdněn pátráním po nevyzpytatelném kouzelníkovi známém také jako Muž bez tváře, je pouze na Peterovi, aby začal zkoumat strašidelné hlubiny nejstarší, největší a nyní i nejvražednější podzemní dráhy na světě. Ovšem nebude na to sám. Kdepak, FBI mu posílá pomocnici. Mladou, ctižádostivou, krásnou křesťanku, která má sklony vnímat veškerá kouzla jako dílo ďáblovo. No, to tedy bude…


The third novel in Ben’s Peter Grant series, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND is published in the UK by Gollancz. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Peter Grant is learning magic fast. And it’s just as well — he’s already had run-ins with the deadly supernatural children of the Thames and a terrifying killer in Soho. Progression in the Police Force is less easy. Especially when you work in a department of two. A department that doesn’t even officially exist. A department that if you did describe it to most people would get you laughed at. And then there’s his love life. The last person he fell for ended up seriously dead. It wasn’t his fault, but still.

Now something horrible is happening in the labyrinth of tunnels that make up the tube system that honeycombs the ancient foundations of London. And delays on the Northern line is the very least of it. Time to call in the Met’s Economic and Specialist Crime Unit 9, aka ‘The Folly’. Time to call in PC Peter Grant, Britain’s Last Wizard.

Gollancz has published the whole series to date in the UK: RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND, BROKEN HOMES, and FOXGLOVE SUMMER. The highly-anticipated sixth novel in the series, THE HANGING TREE, is due out next week in the UK! The series is published in the US by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-6), and has been published widely in translation — for more details, see Ben’s author page.


Lavie Tidhar’s A MAN LIES DREAMING out in Czech!


The Czech edition of Lavie Tidhar‘s award-winning A MAN LIES DREAMING is out today! Published by Argo as MUŽ LEŽÍ A SNÍ, here’s the synopsis…

Druhá polovina 30. let 20. století. Evropa je v krizi a Velká Británie se potýká s přílivem uprchlíků. V Německu totiž došlo k Pádu, moci se chopili komunisté, a tak boháči i fašisté, nechtějí-li skončit v trestaneckém táboře, musí utéct za hranice. Většinou se rychle vzpamatují a dál se věnují tomu, na co mají talent, třeba obchodu nebo organizovanému zločinu, ale jistý pan Wolf je muž s ideály, hnusí se mu všeobecný morální úpadek, a zatímco živoří v zaměstnání soukromého detektiva, sní o tom, že už brzy vydá další část svého životního díla, knihy nazvané Můj boj.

Pravda, mezitím si ještě bude muset vytrpět něco sexuálního ponížení v rukou zdegenerovaných prostitutek či špinavé Židovky a párkrát dostane pořádnou nakládačku, ale to muže jeho formátu nezlomí. Zatím v jiném čase a na jiném místě leží muž a sní…

The novel is published in the UK by Hodder, in the US by Melville House, and in Italy by Frassinelli. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Deep in the heart of history’s most infamous concentration camp, a man lies dreaming. His name is Shomer, and before the war he was a pulp fiction author. Now, to escape the brutal reality of life in Auschwitz, Shomer spends his nights imagining another world — a world where a disgraced former dictator now known only as Wolf ekes out a miserable existence as a low-rent PI in London’s grimiest streets.

An extraordinary story of revenge and redemption, A Man Lies Dreaming is the unforgettable testament to the power of imagination.


Here is just a handful of great reviews, taken from the many the novel has enjoyed…

‘Comes crashing through the door of literature like Sam Spade with a .38 in his hand. This is a shocking book as well as a rather brilliant one… Tidhar’s novel treats its grim theme not as a comedy, although there is plenty of caustic humour, but instead as a pulp-noir tale of seamy city streets, gumshoes and lowlifes… Tidhar gets the outre tone just right… Tidhar, who cut his teeth in the world of genre SF, understands how eloquent pulp can be… [OSAMA] won the World Fantasy award. I wouldn’t be surprised to see A MAN LIES DREAMING repeat that achievement… Like Tarantino, Tidhar may find that some people don’t take him seriously. But the joke’s on them. Seriousness is the least of it: A MAN LIES DREAMING is a twisted masterpiece.’ Guardian

‘Wild, noir-infused alternative history from genre-bender Tidhar… A wholly original Holocaust story: as outlandish as it is poignant.’ Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘…savagely funny… A MAN LIES DREAMING, by the Israeli-born novelist Lavie Tidhar, has not been published with the fanfare bestowed on Martin Amis’s The Zone of Interest or Howard Jacobson’s J, but it is their equal for savage humour… Those who enjoy laughter in the dark will relish Tidhar’s parade of mordant ironies… This novel is weird, upsetting, unmissable.’ 5* — Telegraph

‘No one can accuse Lavie Tidhar of being risk-averse… Tidhar reveals – as he did earlier in OSAMA and to some extent in THE VIOLENT CENTURY – that he’s really less interested in the mechanistic ‘‘what-ifs’’ of conventional alternate history than he is in the interpenetration of real and in­vented histories, or perhaps more grandiosely in the interpenetration of art and life – even the often-demeaned art of sensational fiction or (as in the case of THE VIOLENT CENTURY) comic books. This is what makes him such an interesting writer, and what makes A MAN LIES DREAMING quite a bit more complex than it at first appears… the novel is not without a fair amount of humor, and that might well be the boldest risk Tidhar is taking here…’Locus

‘Everything in this genre-bender works; intriguing historical characters are worked into expertly managed plots, and the visceral noir atmosphere is juxtaposed nicely against the drawing-room world of London’s political scene.’ Booklist (Starred Review)

‘A Chandler-esque mystery… a jarring tale of a grim, gray alternative world… Seldom will readers come across fantasy as well conceived and well written as this exceptional novel.’ Library Journal (Starred Review)

Lavie’s latest book, CENTRAL STATION, is published by Tachyon Publications. His previous work includes the critically-acclaimed novels THE VIOLENT CENTURY (Hodder/Thomas Dunne), the Bookman Histories trilogy (Angry Robot), and multiple short stories and novellas.


Czech Edition of A MAN LIES DREAMING out next month!


Lavie Tidhar‘s award-winning A MAN LIES DREAMING is due to out at the end of October in Czech. Published by Argo as MUŽ LEŽÍ A SNÍ, here’s the synopsis…

Druhá polovina 30. let 20. století. Evropa je v krizi a Velká Británie se potýká s přílivem uprchlíků. V Německu totiž došlo k Pádu, moci se chopili komunisté, a tak boháči i fašisté, nechtějí-li skončit v trestaneckém táboře, musí utéct za hranice. Většinou se rychle vzpamatují a dál se věnují tomu, na co mají talent, třeba obchodu nebo organizovanému zločinu, ale jistý pan Wolf je muž s ideály, hnusí se mu všeobecný morální úpadek, a zatímco živoří v zaměstnání soukromého detektiva, sní o tom, že už brzy vydá další část svého životního díla, knihy nazvané Můj boj.

Pravda, mezitím si ještě bude muset vytrpět něco sexuálního ponížení v rukou zdegenerovaných prostitutek či špinavé Židovky a párkrát dostane pořádnou nakládačku, ale to muže jeho formátu nezlomí. Zatím v jiném čase a na jiném místě leží muž a sní…

A MAN LIES DREAMING is published in the UK by Hodder, in the US by Melville House, and in Italy by Frassinelli. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Deep in the heart of history’s most infamous concentration camp, a man lies dreaming. His name is Shomer, and before the war he was a pulp fiction author. Now, to escape the brutal reality of life in Auschwitz, Shomer spends his nights imagining another world — a world where a disgraced former dictator now known only as Wolf ekes out a miserable existence as a low-rent PI in London’s grimiest streets.

An extraordinary story of revenge and redemption, A Man Lies Dreaming is the unforgettable testament to the power of imagination.


Lavie’s latest book, CENTRAL STATION, is published by Tachyon Publications. His previous work includes the critically-acclaimed novels THE VIOLENT CENTURY, the Bookman Histories trilogy, and multiple short stories and novellas.

New Czech Edition of WHISPERS UNDERGROUND Coming Soon!


In September, Ben Aaronovitch‘s WHISPERS UNDERGROUND will be available in Czech. To be published by Argo, here’s the synopsis for ŠEPOT PODZEMÍ

Tentokrát to začne mrtvým tělem na konci stanice metra Baker Street, vším, co zůstalo po americkém studentovi Jamesi Gallagherovi. Jeho zámožná a politicky vlivná rodina se chce pochopitelně dostat této hrůzné vraždě na kloub, potíž však tkví v tom, že Jamesova smrt představuje ještě větší a nepřirozenější záhadu, než kdo vůbec tuší… tedy kromě londýnského konstábla a čarodějova učně Petera Granta.

Jelikož je inspektor Nightingale, poslední oficiální čaroděj v Anglii, zaneprázdněn pátráním po nevyzpytatelném kouzelníkovi známém také jako Muž bez tváře, je pouze na Peterovi, aby začal zkoumat strašidelné hlubiny nejstarší, největší a nyní i nejvražednější podzemní dráhy na světě. Ovšem nebude na to sám. Kdepak, FBI mu posílá pomocnici. Mladou, ctižádostivou, krásnou křesťanku, která má sklony vnímat veškerá kouzla jako dílo ďáblovo. No, to tedy bude…

The Czech editions of the first two novels in the series — ŘEKY LONDÝNA and MĚSÍC NAD SOHO — have also been published by Argo.


Here’s the English-language synopsis for WHISPERS UNDERGROUND

Peter Grant is learning magic fast. And it’s just as well — he’s already had run-ins with the deadly supernatural children of the Thames and a terrifying killer in Soho. Progression in the Police Force is less easy. Especially when you work in a department of two. A department that doesn’t even officially exist. A department that if you did describe it to most people would get you laughed at. And then there’s his love life. The last person he fell for ended up seriously dead. It wasn’t his fault, but still.

Now something horrible is happening in the labyrinth of tunnels that make up the tube system that honeycombs the ancient foundations of London. And delays on the Northern line is the very least of it. Time to call in the Met’s Economic and Specialist Crime Unit 9, aka ‘The Folly’. Time to call in PC Peter Grant, Britain’s Last Wizard.

To date, the series includes: RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND, BROKEN HOMES, FOXGLOVE SUMMER, and the upcoming THE HANGING TREE. The Peter Grant novels are published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-6). The series has also been published widely in translation.




Above are the Czech covers for Ian Tregillis‘s THE COLDEST WAR and NECESSARY EVIL, the final two volumes in the author’s critically-acclaimed Milkweed Triptych. They are published by Argo as NEJSTUDENĚJŠÍ VÁLKA (June 10th) and NUTNÉ ZLO (date TBC), respectively. Here’s the synopsis for the first…

Druhý díl románového triptychu, ve kterém si Otčina Roberta Harrise podává ruku s Alanem Moorem.

Dvacet dva let po druhé světové válce panuje mezi britským impériem a SSSR jen křehká rovnováha sil. Sovětský svaz se táhne od Tichého oceánu po kanál La Manche a Britům už desítky let skýtají jedinou obranu jejich čarodějové – kteří však nyní za podezřelých okolností jeden po druhém umírají.

Z přísně tajného výzkumného střediska hluboko za Železnou oponou mezitím prchá dvojice sourozenců, kterou kdysi zvrhlý nacistický vědec obdařil nadlidskými schopnostmi. Cílem jejich útěku před Sověty, kteří se německý program pokoušejí v co nejrozsáhlejším měřítku napodobit, je Londýn. V britské metropoli totiž žije někdejší vyzvědač Raybould Marsh, s nímž má šílená vědma Gretel své plány. A jak Marsh záhy zjistí, když se nechá znovu zatáhnout do světa tajné organizace Milkweed, ani Británie své nejzlověstnější operace neuzavřela s koncem války. Jakou cenu bude ochoten splatit, aby ochránil vlast a královnu?

The Milkweed Triptych, which begins with BITTER SEEDS, is published in the UK by Orbit Books, and has been published in a number of other territories. Here’s the English-language synopsis for THE COLDEST WAR

Superhumans and magic collide in this a secret supernatural history of Twentieth Century events — the second book in this landmark series

For decades, Britain’s warlocks have been all that stands between the British Empire and the Soviet Union — a vast domain stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the shores of the English Channel. Now each wizard’s death is another blow to Britain’s national security.

Meanwhile, a brother and sister – the subjects of a twisted Nazi experiment to imbue ordinary people with superhuman abilities — escape from a top-secret facility deep behind the Iron Curtain. They head for England, because that’s where former spy Raybould Marsh lives. And Gretel, the mad seer, has plans for him.

As Marsh is once again drawn into the world of Milkweed, he discovers that Britain’s darkest acts didn’t end with the war. And while he strives to protect queen and country, he is forced to confront his own willingness to accept victory at any cost.


Here’s just a snapshot of the aforementioned critical acclaim…

‘The engrossing second book in Tregillis’s Milkweed Triptych… Tregillis ably mixes cold war paranoia with his mythology, also nicely expanding characters (particularly Gretel)… The monstrous, extra-dimensional Eidolons add a genuinely convincing menace that transcends the more banal evil motivations of the political game players, although Gretel’s more complicated motivations really drive the action. A few nice twists keep things interesting, and the cliffhanger ending sets up the concluding volume quite well…’ — Publishers Weekly on THE COLDEST WAR

‘Marvellous plotting, immersive sense of place, and above all, wonderful characters… Tregillis’s oracle is one of the most chilling psychopath villains of literature, a delicious monster who drives the book forward… Tregillis is a major new talent in the field, and this is some of the best – and most exciting – alternate history I’ve read. Bravo.’ — BoingBoing on THE COLDEST WAR

‘In this bleak fantasy, World War II was fought between Nazis with devastating psychic powers and British warlocks employing Eidolons, irresistible demons beyond time and space – a struggle the British ultimately lost… intensity of the narrative, the torments of the protagonist or the deviously alluring storyline. Darkly fascinating… A thoroughly satisfying conclusion to an imaginative tour de force.’ — Kirkus on NECESSARY EVIL

‘Constantly thought-provoking and always surprising… a great conclusion to one of the best series of recent times. As unpredictable as its predecessors, it’s a black magic thrill ride that makes you think as well as makes your heart race. Tregillis is a master at work, mixing so many genres together in his unique melting pot, until we are left with something so delightfully unlike anything else published today.’ — Fantasy Faction on NECESSARY EVIL

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK/Commonwealth and in translation, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.