Korean Edition of Roger Zelazny’s FOR A BREATH I TARRY Out Now!

A new, Korean edition of Roger Zelazny‘s FOR A BREATH I TARRY is out now! Published by 데이원 (Day One Press) as 프로스트와 베타, it’s translated by 조호근 (Jo Ho-geun). Here’s the synopsis…

휴고상 여섯 번, 네뷸러상 세 번을 수상한 뉴웨이브 SF의 거장 로저 젤라즈니.

150편이 넘는 그의 단편 중 백미라 불리는 <프로스트와 베타>가 돌아왔다.

작가인 로저 젤라즈니가 가장 아끼는 작품 중 하나라고 언급한 <프로스트와 베타>는 1967년에 휴고상 최우수 소설상 후보에 올랐으며 출간 후 50년이 지난 현대에 이르러서도 꾸준히 사랑받고 있는 작품이다.

인간이 모두 자취를 감춘 황폐한 세상, 지구에는 인간이 만든 기계들이 남아 목적을 잃은 재건 작업을 끊임없이 수행하고 있다. 지구의 북반구를 관장하는 기묘한 피조물 프로스트는 우연한 계기로 인간이라는 존재에 흥미를 갖게 되며 자신이 노력하면 인간이 될 수 있을 거라고 믿는다. 그는 지구에서 가장 능률적이고 논리적인 존재이기에. 그러나 모르델이라는 또 다른 기계는 비인간이 인간이 되는 건 불가능하다고 주장한다. 이에 프로스트는 큰 대가를 걸고 모르델과 내기를 하게 되고, 인간으로 거듭나기 위한 지난한 탐구의 시간을 보낸다.

인간성이란 터득할 수 있는 특성일까? 무엇이 인간을 가장 인간답게 만드는 것일까? 인간과 인공지능의 경계가 희미해지고 있는 오늘날, 1960년대에 쓰인 이 아름다운 소설은 인간성에 대한 깊은 사유라는 과제를 우리에게 던진다.

First published in 1966, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Taking place long after the self-extinction of Man, “For a Breath I Tarry” recounts the tale of Frost, a sentient machine (“…a silver-blue box, 40x40x40 feet,… featured in whatever manner he chose.”) Though Man has disappeared, his robotic creations (and their creations in turn) continue to function.

Along the way, the story explores the differences between Man and Machine, the former experiencing the world qualitatively, while the latter do so quantitatively. “A machine is a Man turned inside-out, because it can describe all the details of a process, which a Man cannot, but it cannot experience that process itself as a Man can.”

Roger Zelazny’s FOR A BREATH I TARRY Out Next Week in South Korea!

A new, Korean edition of Roger Zelazny‘s FOR A BREATH I TARRY is out next week! Due to be published by 데이원 (Day One Press) on July 7th, as 프로스트와 베타, it’s translated by 조호근 (Jo Ho-geun). Here’s the synopsis…

휴고상 여섯 번, 네뷸러상 세 번을 수상한 뉴웨이브 SF의 거장 로저 젤라즈니.

150편이 넘는 그의 단편 중 백미라 불리는 <프로스트와 베타>가 돌아왔다.

작가인 로저 젤라즈니가 가장 아끼는 작품 중 하나라고 언급한 <프로스트와 베타>는 1967년에 휴고상 최우수 소설상 후보에 올랐으며 출간 후 50년이 지난 현대에 이르러서도 꾸준히 사랑받고 있는 작품이다.

인간이 모두 자취를 감춘 황폐한 세상, 지구에는 인간이 만든 기계들이 남아 목적을 잃은 재건 작업을 끊임없이 수행하고 있다. 지구의 북반구를 관장하는 기묘한 피조물 프로스트는 우연한 계기로 인간이라는 존재에 흥미를 갖게 되며 자신이 노력하면 인간이 될 수 있을 거라고 믿는다. 그는 지구에서 가장 능률적이고 논리적인 존재이기에. 그러나 모르델이라는 또 다른 기계는 비인간이 인간이 되는 건 불가능하다고 주장한다. 이에 프로스트는 큰 대가를 걸고 모르델과 내기를 하게 되고, 인간으로 거듭나기 위한 지난한 탐구의 시간을 보낸다.

인간성이란 터득할 수 있는 특성일까? 무엇이 인간을 가장 인간답게 만드는 것일까? 인간과 인공지능의 경계가 희미해지고 있는 오늘날, 1960년대에 쓰인 이 아름다운 소설은 인간성에 대한 깊은 사유라는 과제를 우리에게 던진다.

First published in 1966, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Taking place long after the self-extinction of Man, “For a Breath I Tarry” recounts the tale of Frost, a sentient machine (“…a silver-blue box, 40x40x40 feet,… featured in whatever manner he chose.”) Though Man has disappeared, his robotic creations (and their creations in turn) continue to function.

Along the way, the story explores the differences between Man and Machine, the former experiencing the world qualitatively, while the latter do so quantitatively. “A machine is a Man turned inside-out, because it can describe all the details of a process, which a Man cannot, but it cannot experience that process itself as a Man can.”

Roger Zelazny’s THE DOORS OF HIS FACE, THE LAMPS OF HIS MOUTH Out Now in Estonia!

There’s a new Estonian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s short story collection THE DOORS OF HIS FACE, THE LAMPS OF HIS MOUTH! Published by Kirjastus Fantaasia as TEMA SILMNÄO VÄRAVAD, TEMA SUU PÕLEVAD TÕRVIKUD. Here’s the synopsis…

Roger Zelazny jutukogumik sisaldab viitteist lugu tema loomeperioodi algusest kuni aastani 1971. Siin on nii pikemaid, lühiromaani mõõdus lugusid (nagu näiteks 1965. aastal lühiromaani kategoorias Nebula võitnud nimilugu) kui napilt üle ühe lehekülje pikkuseid laaste. Autor on tuntud oma oskuste poolest töödelda müüte ja asetada need kuhugi tulevikku või määratlematu asukohaga maailma, lisada neile midagi uut ja jutustada oma lugu nii, et see ka tänapäeva inimesele korda läheb. Näiteks leviaatani söödaks sattunud mehe lugu, või maailma kõrgeima mäe tipu vallutuse lugu, kus mägi tundub elus olevat ja ronijaid millegipärast tappa püüab, ja see tipp ei asu Maal.

The Estonian edition is translated by Juhan Habicht, Andrus Igalaan, Sash Veelma, Piret Frey and Arvi Nikkarev. The cover is by Liis Roden.

The titular story won the 1966 Nebula Award, and was also nominated for the Hugo Award. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Here are strange, beautiful stories covering the full spectrum of the late Roger Zelazny’s remarkable talents. In Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth, Zelazny’s rare ability to mix the dream-like, disturbing imagery of fantasy with the real-life hardware of science fiction is on full display. His vivid imagination and fine prose made him one of the most highly acclaimed writers in his field.
· The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth · nv F&SF Mar ’65
· The Keys to December · nv New Worlds Aug ’66
· Devil Car [Sam Nurdock] · ss Galaxy Jun ’65
· A Rose for Ecclesiastes · nv F&SF Nov ’63
· The Monster and the Maiden · vi Galaxy Dec ’64
· Collector’s Fever · vi Galaxy Jun ’64
· This Mortal Mountain · nv If Mar ’67
· This Moment of the Storm · nv F&SF Jun ’66
· The Great Slow Kings · ss Worlds of Tomorrow Dec ’63
· A Museum Piece · ss Fantastic Jun ’63
· Divine Madness · ss Magazine of Horror Sum ’66
· Corrida · ss Anubis v1 #3 ’68
· Love Is an Imaginary Number · ss New Worlds Jan ’66
· The Man Who Loved the Faioli · ss Galaxy Jun ’67
· Lucifer · ss Worlds of Tomorrow Jun ’64

Kirjastus Fantaasia has also published Estonian editions of Zelazny’s and 24 VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, BY HOKUSAI and DOORWAYS IN THE SAND.

MAGIE & MILCHSHAUM Audiobook Out Now!

The audiobook edition of Travis Baldree‘s MAGIE & MILCHSHAUM is out now! Published in Germany by TIDE Exklusiv, it’s the translated edition of the author’s highly-acclaimed, best-selling LEGENDS & LATTES! Narrated by Stefan Kaminski, here’s the synopsis…

Viv, eine wilde und tapfere Ork-Kriegerin, ist nach Jahren voller Abenteuer und Fährnisse des Kämpfens müde geworden. Sehr zum Unwillen ihrer Gefährten beschließt sie, das Schwert an den Nagel zu hängen – und dafür ein Kaffeehaus zu eröffnen. In der Hafenstadt Thune setzt sie zusammen mit dem Kobold Cal ihren Plan in die Tat um und lockt mit dem exquisiten Getränk schon bald Krieger, Zwerge und Wesen jeglicher Art an … und leider auch den bösen Elf Fennus, der von Viv ein geheimnisvolles Artefakt stehlen will. Eines Nachts steht das Kaffeehaus in Flammen … aber auch wenn Viv sich mittlerweile in die Succubus Tandri verliebt hat, ist sie alles andere als eingerostet und nimmt den Kampf auf!

The print and eBook editions of MAGIE & MILCHSHAUM are published by DTV.

LEGENDS & LATTES is published in the UK and North America by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

High fantasy, low stakes – with a double-shot of coffee.

After decades of adventuring, Viv the orc barbarian is finally hanging up her sword for good. Now she sets her sights on a new dream – for she plans to open the first coffee shop in the city of Thune. Even though no one there knows what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the past behind her, she can’t go it alone. And help might arrive from unexpected quarters. Yet old rivals and new stand in the way of success. And Thune’s shady underbelly could make it all too easy for Viv to take up the blade once more.

But the true reward of the uncharted path is the travellers you meet along the way. Whether bound by ancient magic, delicious pastries or a freshly brewed cup, they may become something deeper than Viv ever could have imagined.

Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree is a cosy, heartwarming slice-of-life fantasy about found families and fresh starts – perfect for fans of TJ Klune, Katherine Addison and T. Kingfisher.

Travis’s next novel is BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST, due out in November — also published by Tor Books in the UK and North America.

Chronicles Of Amber in Kazakhstan!

The first three novels in Roger Zelazny‘s classic, beloved Chronicles of Amber series are available now in Kazakhstan! Published by Foliant Books, here are the details…

  1. NINE PRINCES IN AMBERЭмбердің тоғыз ханзадасы
  2. THE GUNS OF AVALONАвалонның қаруы
  3. SIGN OF THE UNICORNСыңармүйіз белгісі

Here’s the synopsis for the first novel…

Фантаст жазушы Роджер Желязны өзінің он кітаптан тұратын «Эмбер хроникасы» романдар циклін жиырма жылдан астам уақыт жазған. Фантастикалық шығарманың алғашқы кітабы «Эмбердің тоғыз ханзадасы» 1970 жылы жарық көрді. Жазушының есімін бүкіл әлемге танытқан бұл кітапта тоғыз ханзаданың бірі, Эмбер тағының заңды мұрагері Корвиннің басынан кешкен оқиғасы баяндалады. Жол апатына ұшырап, жадын жоғалтқан ханзада өткен өмірін еске түсіру үшін інісі Рэндоммен бірге Арден орманы арқылы Эмберге аттанады. Жолай елес қала атанған Ребмадағы Отты Жолдан өтіп, өзінің кім екенін есіне түсіреді. Енді ол Эмбердің қазіргі билеушісі, өзінің бауыры Эрикпен соғысып, билікті тартып алуды көздейді. Осылайша ханзадалар арасында тақ үшін күрес басталады.

The Chronicles of Amber series are available in the UK, published as two omnibus editions by Gollancz, as part of their SF Masterworks series. The series is also available widely in translation. See Zelazny’s author page for more details.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for the first omnibus…

Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself – Shadow worlds, that can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the Patriarch Oberon has intensified the internal conflict by leaving the throne apparently up for grabs.

In a hospital on the Shadow Earth, a young man is recovering from a freak car accident; amnesia has robbed him of all his memory, even the fact that he is Corwin, Crown Prince of Amber, rightful heir to the throne – and he is in deadly peril…

The five books, Nine Princes in Amber, The Guns of Avalon, Sign of the Unicorn, The Hand of Oberon and The Courts of Chaos, together make up The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny’s finest work of fantasy and an undisputed classic of the genre.

New, Turkish Edition of TEA MASTER AND THE DETECTIVE Out Now!

Aliette de Bodard‘s acclaimed THE TEA MASTER AND THE DETECTIVE is now available in a new Turkish edition! Published by İthaki Yayınları (under their Kapsül imprint) as ÇAY USTASI İLE DEDEKTİV, here’s the synopsis…

De Bodard Vietnam kültüründen esinlenen inandırıcı, cesur bir dünya kuruyor, zorlayıcı motivasyonları ve kışkırtıcı geçmişleriyle karakterleri ise Sör Arthur Conan Doyle’un karakterlerini akla getiriyor: Holmes eksantrik bir akademisyen, Watson ise huysuz bir gemizihin.

Xuya Evreni’nde, sürgündeki âlimler ve güçlü aileler tarafından yönetilen galaktik bir imparatorlukta insan ve yük taşıyan canlı gemizihinler, Saçılmış İnciler Kuşağı’ndaki habitatları birbirine bağlayan yegâne bağdır. İnsan ve gemizihin avatarlarının birbirine karıştığı, fiziksel ve sanal gerçekliklerin üst üste bindiği akışkan bir toplumdur karşımıza çıkan.

Travmatik bir kazanın ardından terhis edilen nakliye gemisi Gölgenin Çocuğu, uzay yolcularının rahatı için zihin değiştirici çaylar demleyerek geçimini sağlamaya çalışır. Eksantrik Long Chau ise bilimsel araştırması için uzay boşluğunda bir ceset bulmak ister. Long Chau ofisine girdiğinde, Gölgenin Çocuğu’nu tatsız ama kolay bir görev bekler ta ki buldukları cesedin cinayete kurban gittiği ortaya çıkana kadar. Olayın derinliklerine indikçe, Gölgenin Çocuğu soruşturmanın Long Chau’nun karanlık geçmişine ve yıldızların arasında yatan dayanılmaz boşluğa işaret ettiğini görecektir.

Çay Ustası ile Dedektif, bilimkurgu ve polisiyenin harika bir birleşimi.

The novella is published in North America by Subterranean Press, and is available in the UK and elsewhere via JABberwocky. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Welcome to the Scattered Pearls Belt, a collection of ring habitats and orbitals ruled by exiled human scholars and powerful families, and held together by living mindships who carry people and freight between the stars. In this fluid society, human and mindship avatars mingle in corridors and in function rooms, and physical and virtual realities overlap, the appearance of environments easily modified and adapted to interlocutors or current mood.

A transport ship discharged from military service after a traumatic injury, The Shadow’s Child now ekes out a precarious living as a brewer of mind-altering drugs for the comfort of space-travellers. Meanwhile, abrasive and eccentric scholar Long Chau wants to find a corpse for a scientific study. When Long Chau walks into her office, The Shadow’s Child expects an unpleasant but easy assignment. When the corpse turns out to have been murdered, Long Chau feels compelled to investigate, dragging The  Shadow’s Child with her.

As they dig deep into the victim’s past, The Shadow’s Child realises that the investigation points to Long Chau’s own murky past–and, ultimately, to the dark and unbearable void that lies between the stars…

Here are just a few of the fantastic reviews that THE TEA MASTER AND THE DETECTIVE has received so far…

‘A science-fictional ode to Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, where the Holmes figure is a sharp and biting disgraced aristocratic scholar with a solid core of empathy, and the Watson-figure is a mindship with post-traumatic stress disorder from her war experiences… This is a measured, almost stately story, right up until a conclusion that explodes in fast-paced tension. It preserves the empathy and the intensity of the original Sherlockian stories, while being told in de Bodard’s sharp prose and modern style. The worldbuilding… sparkles. The characters have presence: they’re individual and compelling. And it ends it a way that recalls the original Holmes and Watson, while being perfectly appropriate to itself.’ — Tor.com

‘De Bodard revisits her far-future Xuya universe setting with this gripping novella about damaged characters driven to search for the truth… De Bodard constructs a convincingly gritty setting and a pair of unique characters with provocative histories and compelling motivations. The story works as well as both science fiction and murder mystery, exploring a future where pride, guilt, and mercy are not solely the province of humans.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘As a classical blend of far-future SF and traditional murder mystery, THE TEA MASTER AND THE DETECTIVE should satisfy readers unfamiliar with the Xuya universe, but at the same time it’s an intriguing introduction to that universe, much of which seems to lie just outside the borders of this entertaining tale.’ — Locus (Gary K. Wolfe)

‘De Bodard’s world building glitters, and her characters are deeply compelling… It becomes clear early on that THE TEA MASTER AND THE DETECTIVE is strongly influenced by, if not directly based upon, the Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson stories of Arthur Conan Doyle. It’s measured, almost stately, up until the conclusion, where the tension explodes into high gear. It preserves the empathy and the intensity of the original Sherlockian stories, while being told in de Bodard’s cut-glass prose and inimitable modern style. This is a really satisfying story, deeply invested in choosing to do the right thing – and in the importance of kindness. I strongly recommend it.’ — Locus (Liz Bourke)

‘[A] delicate, gender-bent recasting of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson in the far future of her Xuya universe, the gorgeously mannered space opera setting of celebrated novellas… a window onto a beautifully developed world that widens the meaning of space opera, one that centers on Chinese and Vietnamese cultures and customs instead of Western military conventions, and is all the more welcome for it.’ — New York Times

‘An astonishing Holmesian mystery, in which Holmes is a woman and Watson is a spaceship. It is everything I wanted it to be. Tea, space, and mysteries within mysteries.’ — Mary Robinette Kowal

‘This slim volume packs a visceral punch. Absorbing prose pulls readers into the dark, frigid space between stars, where ships can fail, physically and emotionally, as easily as people… this novella offers sf fans an imaginative read.’ — Library Journal (Starred Review)

de Bodard’s latest novel is THE RED SCHOLAR’S WAKE, the Arthur C. Clarke Award and Locus Award Finalist, and also on the long-list for the BSFA Award for Best Novel. It is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in North America by JABberwocky.

Zelazny’s CHRONICLES OF AMBER Available in Turkey!

The first five novels in Roger Zelazny‘s beloved, classic Chronicles of Amber are available now in Turkey! The Amber Yıllıkları novels are published in Turkish by İthaki Yayınları, as follows…

  1. AMBER’DE DOKUZ PRENSNINE PRINCES IN AMBER — translated by Barış Emre Alkım
  2. AVALON’UN TÜFEKLERİTHE GUNS OF AVALON — translated by Barış Emre Alkım
  3. TEKBOYNUZUN İŞARETİSIGN OF THE UNICORN — translated by Barış Emre Alkım
  4. OBERON’UN ELİTHE HAND OF OBERON — translated by Niran Elçi
  5. KAOS SARAYLARITHE COURTS OF CHAOS — translated by Niran Elçi

Here’s the synopsis for the first novel…


Amber Prensi Corwin, yüzyıllardır mahkûm edildiği sürgün hayatından kurtulup yitirdiği hafızasını tekrar kazanmak ve evine, tek gerçek dünya olan Amber’e geri dönmek üzere yola çıkar. Fakat bu yolculukta dostlarına da düşmanları kadar temkinle yaklaşmalıdır – özellikle de söz konusu entrikacı ve kurnaz kardeşleri olduğunda. Üstelik Amber’de işler değişmiş, kardeşi Eric tahtı ele geçirmiştir. Dokuz prensin tahta çıkmak için kâh meydanlarda kâh kapalı kapılar ardında savaştığı bu büyülü dünyada hiçbir şey göründüğü gibi değildir.

Çıkacağı bu tehlikeli macera Corwin’i devasa ağaçların kapladığı masalsı Arden’den, kanla lekelenmiş merdivenleri ve Amber’dekine tıpatıp benzeyen kalesiyle hayalet diyar Rebma’ya götürecektir.

Corwin’in tahta uzanan yolculuğu, Amber Yıllıkları’nın ilk kitabı Amber’de Dokuz Prens’le başlıyor!

The first five novels in the Chronicles of Amber series are available in the UK, collected into an omnibus edition, published by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series. The final five novels are collected into a second omnibus, also published as a Gollancz SF Masterwork. Here’s the synopsis for the first collection…

Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself – Shadow worlds, that can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the Patriarch Oberon has intensified the internal conflict by leaving the throne apparently up for grabs.

In a hospital on the Shadow Earth, a young man is recovering from a freak car accident; amnesia has robbed him of all his memory, even the fact that he is Corwin, Crown Prince of Amber, rightful heir to the throne – and he is in deadly peril…

The five books, Nine Princes in Amber, The Guns of Avalon, Sign of the Unicorn, The Hand of Oberon and The Courts of Chaos, together make up The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny’s finest work of fantasy and an undisputed classic of the genre.

Cierra Block’s LONDRES SIN SECRETOS Out Now!

The Spanish edition of Cierra Block‘s LONDON BLOCK BY BLOCK is out now! Published by Lunwerg Editores as LONDRES SIN SECRETOS, it was translated by Carolina Smith de la Fuente. Here’s the synopsis…

Lo mejor de la capital británica a través de 40 atractivos mapas. 

Descubre dónde darte el gusto de un afternoon tea o de un helado riquísimo, explora Chelsea y Notting Hill como uno de sus vecinos, disfruta de las mejores rutas en bici.

A través de coloridas ilustraciones y preciosos mapas, esta guía presenta los lugares imprescindibles de la capital británica: desde rincones con un pasado tenebroso hasta los paseos más románticos, pasando por bonitas librerías y pintorescos mercados, aquí encontrarás los planes que no te puedes perder en tu próxima escapada a Londres.

«Mi objetivo es que las ilustraciones sean bonitas y útiles, que se puedan usar como guía para pasar un día en Londres o enmarcar y colgar como una obra de arte. En definitiva, quiero crear mapas bonitos que ayuden a la gente a vivir experiencias memorables en una de las mejores ciudades del mundo.» Cierra Block

LONDON BLOCK BY BLOCK is published in the UK and North America by OH!, an imprint of Welbeck Publishing. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

London is a spectacular place to visit, and there are endless things to see and do all year round.

In London, Block by Block, illustrator Cierra Block shares 40 maps showing the best places that London has to offer, whether it’s the food or history, culture, shopping, beautiful buildings or gardens. Each map starts with an idea — it might be, Where are the best pancakes in London? What are the places everyone should visit in Marylebone? Or, Where in London can you lose hours browsing the shelves of a beautiful bookstore? From there, Cierra has curated a list of the best places and has painted a charming accompanying map. From best afternoon tea to most impressive views, haunted places and things to do in summer, there really is something for everyone.

This book will be an inspiration for all, whether it’s your first visit to London, you’re a seasoned vacationer or an all-your-life local. That’s the wonderful thing about London — there’s always more to explore!

Ukrainian Edition of ROADMARKS Out Now!

A new, Ukrainian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS is out now! Published by Богдан/Bohdan, as Дороговкази, it was translated by Denys Dömin (Денис Дьомін). Here’s the synopsis…

Чи можна змінити минуле? Так, якщо знати дорогу. Точніше, Дорогу, єдину і неповторну — крізь час, від динозаврів і стародавніх цивілізацій аж у космічно-футуристичну добу. Обрані з різних століть уміють її долати. Тасують події, маніпулюють історією… або просто буденно собі заробляють на прожиття. Кого тут тільки не стрінеш: і горезвісних диктаторів, і славетних письменників, і безіменних пропащих відлюдників у позачассі. А серед інших їздять Дорогою двоє: батько і син, прямують назустріч долі — зльоту або загибелі. За штурманів же у тих водіїв незвичні, але поетичні, високотехнологічні та норовливі супутниці. Обидва екіпажі долають перешкоди й ворогів, шукаючи відповіді на життєво важливу загадку. Усе вирішиться при останньому повороті на Вавилон — і не обійдеться без драконів, таких любих серцю Джорджа Мартіна, що він аж екранізацію обіцяє.

The Ukrainian cover is by Олега Кіналя (Oleg Kinal).

ROADMARKS is also available in the UK, published as part of Gollancz’s SF Masterworks series. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

Travis Baldree’s MAGIE UND MILCHSCHAUM is out Today!

MAGIE UND MILCHSHAUM, the German edition of Travis Baldree‘s acclaimed and bestselling LEGENDS & LATTES is out today! Published by DTV , and translated by Wolfgang Thon, here’s the synopsis…

Viv, eine wilde und tapfere Ork-Kriegerin, ist nach Jahren voller Abenteuer und Fährnisse des Kämpfens müde geworden. Sehr zum Unwillen ihrer Gefährten beschließt sie, das Schwert an den Nagel zu hängen – und dafür ein Kaffeehaus zu eröffnen. In der Hafenstadt Thune setzt sie zusammen mit dem Hobbit Cal ihren Plan in die Tat um und lockt mit dem exquisiten Getränk schon bald Krieger, Zwerge und Wesen jeglicher Art an … und leider auch den bösen Elf Fennus, der von Viv ein geheimnisvolles Artefakt stehlen will. Eines Nachts steht das Kaffeehaus in Flammen … aber auch wenn Viv sich mittlerweile in den Succubus Tandri verliebt hat, ist sie alles andere als eingerostet und nimmt den Kampf auf!

The UK and North American editions of the novel are published by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

After a lifetime of bounties and bloodshed, Viv is hanging up her sword for the last time.

The battle-weary orc aims to start fresh, opening the first ever coffee shop in the city of Thune. But old and new rivals stand in the way of success — not to mention the fact that no one has the faintest idea what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the blade behind her and make her plans a reality, she won’t be able to go it alone.

But the true rewards of the uncharted path are the travelers you meet along the way. And whether drawn together by ancient magic, flaky pastry, or a freshly brewed cup, they may become partners, family, and something deeper than she ever could have dreamed.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘This is a story about following your dreams, even when they take you away from who you thought you had to be. It’s sweet, beautiful and, most of all, kind. I hugely recommend this book.’ — Seanan McGuireNew York Times bestselling author of Every Heart A Doorway

‘The most fun I’ve ever had in a coffee shop.’ — Ben Aaronovitch, bestselling author of Rivers of London

‘This slice-of-life cozy fantasy novel has everything you’ve been searching for.’ — Buzzfeed

‘An orc retires from adventuring to start a fantasy city’s very first coffee shop. This setup combined with the positive messages of defying societal stereotypes, letting go of violence to build peace, and trusting in your friends feels like a premise from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld… LEGENDS & LATTES is a novel, and shop, that will delight anyone who enjoys coffee-shop alternate universes, slow-burn romances, and the vindication of friendship.’ — Booklist, starred review

‘A gentle little cozy set against an epic fantasy backdrop…. This charming outing will please anyone who’s ever wished to spend time in a fantasy world without all the quests and battles.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘A stunningly-well done story at every level’ — Fantasy Faction

‘If you like fantasy but you’re tired of reading about wars and general intensity, this is the book for you… Cozy fantasy at its best.’ — Literary Hub

LEGENDS & LATTES isn’t just a cosy, slice-of-life fantasy, it is a hug after a long day, it’s that first bite of chocolate you’ve been desperately craving or that first sip of coffee, it’s pyjamas and blankets and everything else which brings comfort and warmth. This is a tale so simple yet so wholesome and adorable, it has made me see just how versatile the fantasy genre can be… Believe the hype… this book deserves all the praise… Baldree delivers a tale to soothe the soul, a tale which had me smiling and crying with happiness from beginning to end.’ — Fantasy Hive

Two New French eBook Editions: LORD OF LIGHT and DILVISH, THE DAMNED

We’re very happy to report that two classic Roger Zelazny novels have been published in France as new eBook editions, both published by Denoël!

LORD OF LIGHT, one of Zelazny’s best-loved stand-alone novels, is available now as SEIGNEURS DE LUMIÈRE. Translated by Luc Carissimo, Mélusine Claudel, and Claude Saunier, here’s the synopsis…

Mondialement connu pour sa saga d’Ambre, Roger Zelazny ne s’est pas contenté de réinventer la mythologie celtique, comme le prouvent brillamment les trois romans au sommaire de ce volume, tous proposés dans des traductions révisées.

Dans Seigneur de lumière (prix Hugo 1968), sans doute son roman le plus ambitieux, Zelazny revisite le panthéon hindou ert replace la quête mystique de Siddhartha sur une planète extraterrestre dirigée par une caste d’immortels.

Dans Royaumes d’ombre et de lumière, il décrit loin dans le futur la lutte d’Osiris et Anubis,la vengeance d’Horus et les visions d’apocalypse d’Isis.

Dans L’Œil de Chat, un de ses romans les plus sous-estimés, il lance un pisteur navajo à la poursuite de la plus dangereuse des créatures intelligentes – Chat – un extraterrestre télépathe capable de changer de forme à volonté.

Winner of the 1968 Hugo Award (also nominated for the Nebula Award), LORD OF LIGHT is available in the UK as part of Gollancz’s SF Masterworks series. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Imagine a distant world where gods walk as men, but wield vast and hidden powers. Here they have made the stage on which they build a subtle pattern of alliance, love, and deadly enmity. Are they truly immortal? Who are these gods who rule the destiny of a teeming world?

Their names include Brahma, Kali, Krishna and also he who was called Buddha, the Lord of Light, but who now prefers to be known simply as Sam. The gradual unfolding of the story – how the colonization of another planet became a re-enactment of Eastern mythology – is one of the great imaginative feats of modern science fiction.

DILVISH, THE DAMNED is published as DILVISH LE DAMNÉ, and was translated by Michelle Charrier. Here’s the synopsis…

Il s’appelle Dilvish de Sélar, mais les vieilles chansons parlent plutôt de lui comme de Dilvish le Libérateur. Vaincu par Jélérak, il a été exilé plusieurs siècles durant aux enfers. Un séjour qu’il a mis à profit pour apprendre les douze Abominables Formules de la magie noire. Chevauchant un sombre cheval d’acier capable de cracher du feu, chaussé de bottes d’elfe qui ne laissent aucune empreinte derrière elles, armé de l’Épée Invisible, Dilvish est de retour. Et la route qui le mène de la résurrection à la vengeance lui fera traverser un monde magique où derrière chaque rencontre se cache un danger mortel ou un faux-semblant.

Dans ce volume est publiée pour la première fois en France l’intégralité des aventures de Dilvish le Damné, soit onze nouvelles et un roman. Au carrefour de la sword & sorcery classique et de l’hommage à H. P. Lovecraft, Dilvish le Damné fait partie des fantasies les plus assumées de Roger Zelazny.

First published in 1982, here’s the English-language synopsis for DILVISH, THE DAMNED

Dilvish, the Damned is a collection of fantasy stories first published in 1982. Its contents were originally published as a series of separate short stories in various fantasy magazines.

The protagonist, Dilvish, was sent to Hell by the dark sorcerer Jelerak when he interrupted one of Jelerak’s rituals. The stories recount his adventures after he escapes Hell two hundred years later, with a handful of awesome, but impractical destructive spells and a sapient Steed named Black, and sets out for revenge on Jelerak.

Travis Baldree’s LEGENDS & LATTES Out Now in France!

The French edition of LEGENDS & LATTES, Travis Baldree‘s acclaimed, best-selling debut novel is out now! Published by Ynnis Editions, as LÉGENDES & LATTES, and translated by Stéphanie Chaptal, here’s the synopsis…

Une tasse de fantasy, des tranches de vie savoureuses et un zeste de romance !

Viv, une orc mercenaire au passé sanglant, décide de changer de vie. À l’aide d’une légendaire pierre censée lui apporter la bonne fortune, elle se lance dans une entreprise audacieuse  : la création d’un café. Un pari risqué, car dans la ville de Tuine, les elfes, lutins et autres ratelins ignorent tout de ce breuvage peu ragoûtant. Et lorsque les hommes de main du Madrigal, la mafia locale, viennent s’en mêler, et que l’un de ses anciens compagnons d’armes rôde alentour, Viv sait d’expérience que son aventure ne se déroulera pas sans embûches…

Aux côtés d’une succube très perspicace, d’un hobgobelin mutique et de divers alliés improbables, Viv devra réussir à se tailler une place dans un monde qui lui est inconnu, tout en protégeant coûte que coûte ce qui compte le plus pour elle.

LEGENDS & LATTES is published by Tor Books in the UK and North America; the novel is also available in Hungary, Spain, Germany, and Poland (with more translations on the way!). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

After a lifetime of bounties and bloodshed, Viv is hanging up her sword for the last time.

The battle-weary orc aims to start fresh, opening the first ever coffee shop in the city of Thune. But old and new rivals stand in the way of success — not to mention the fact that no one has the faintest idea what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the blade behind her and make her plans a reality, she won’t be able to go it alone.

But the true rewards of the uncharted path are the travelers you meet along the way. And whether drawn together by ancient magic, flaky pastry, or a freshly brewed cup, they may become partners, family, and something deeper than she ever could have dreamed.

Baldree’s next novel is BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST, a prequel novel in the series — it is due to be published by Tor Books in the UK and North America, in November 2023.

Here are just a few of the great reviews LEGENDS & LATTES has received so far…

‘This is a story about following your dreams, even when they take you away from who you thought you had to be. It’s sweet, beautiful and, most of all, kind. I hugely recommend this book.’ — Seanan McGuireNew York Times bestselling author of Every Heart A Doorway

‘The most fun I’ve ever had in a coffee shop.’ — Ben Aaronovitch, bestselling author of Rivers of London

‘A gentle little cozy set against an epic fantasy backdrop… This charming outing will please anyone who’s ever wished to spend time in a fantasy world without all the quests and battles.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘This slice-of-life cozy fantasy novel has everything you’ve been searching for.’ — Buzzfeed

‘An orc retires from adventuring to start a fantasy city’s very first coffee shop. This setup combined with the positive messages of defying societal stereotypes, letting go of violence to build peace, and trusting in your friends feels like a premise from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld… LEGENDS & LATTES is a novel, and shop, that will delight anyone who enjoys coffee-shop alternate universes, slow-burn romances, and the vindication of friendship.’ — Booklist, starred review

‘A stunningly-well done story at every level’ — Fantasy Faction

‘If you like fantasy but you’re tired of reading about wars and general intensity, this is the book for you… Cozy fantasy at its best.’ — Literary Hub

LEGENDS & LATTES isn’t just a cosy, slice-of-life fantasy, it is a hug after a long day, it’s that first bite of chocolate you’ve been desperately craving or that first sip of coffee, it’s pyjamas and blankets and everything else which brings comfort and warmth. This is a tale so simple yet so wholesome and adorable, it has made me see just how versatile the fantasy genre can be… Believe the hype… this book deserves all the praise… Baldree delivers a tale to soothe the soul, a tale which had me smiling and crying with happiness from beginning to end.’ — Fantasy Hive

Ian McDonald’s TIME WAS Available in Japan

Ian McDonald‘s BSFA Award-winning novella TIME WAS is available in Japan! Published by 早川書房/Hayakawa as 時ありて, here’s the synopsis…

時を超えて彷徨う二人の男の物語。英国SF協会賞受賞作 戦記ノンフィクションを専門に扱う古書ディーラーが、即売会で手にした一冊の詩集『時ありて』。彼は詩集に挟まれた手紙に書かれた事実を追ううちに、第二次大戦の戦火を生きた二人の男をめぐる迷宮を彷徨うことになる。英国SF界のレジェンドによる傑作時間SF

TIME WAS is published in North America and in the UK by Tor.com. In addition to winning the 2019 BSFA Award for Short Fiction, that year it was also a finalist for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award and Philip K. Dick Award; it also placed 6th for the Locus Award for Best Novella. The novella is also available in France, published by Le Bélial’.

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A love story stitched across time and war, shaped by the power of books, and ultimately destroyed by it.

In the heart of World War II, Tom and Ben became lovers. Brought together by a secret project designed to hide British targets from German radar, the two founded a love that could not be revealed. When the project went wrong, Tom and Ben vanished into nothingness, presumed dead. Their bodies were never found.

Now the two are lost in time, hunting each other across decades, leaving clues in books of poetry and trying to make their desperate timelines overlap.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novella has received…

‘[E]ntrances readers with this multigenerational novella of two time-crossed lovers who can only meet for brief moments separated by several years… beautiful writing… Fans of science fiction who enjoy a dash of history and legend will savor this tender story.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘With echoes of H. G. Wells’s The Time Machine and replete with the inimitable scent of used bookstores, TIME WAS weaves an exquisite spell of love, war and quantum physics that is timeless in its appeal. A scientific romance in the most evocative sense of the word.’ — Nina Allan

‘[A] character-based story about the impact of a pair of time travelers on those who discover their existence. A full-length novel might have been consumed with the temporal mechanics and incidents in the lives of time-lost lovers; by eliding those details, this shorter work is, paradoxically, able to slow down and luxuriate in the story’s elegiac themes… an impressively challenging book for its length, both in McDonald’s use of language, and in its timey-wimey overlapping narratives. A story from the point of view of poets and book lovers would fall flat if the novel’s language weren’t a match for the inner monologues you’d expect from people whose interior lives are so full of words. McDonald succeeds in doing several seemingly incompatible things at once, and doing them well. TIME WAS is a time travel story that’s also, and primarily, a love story. Science fiction is typically plot-driven, occasionally to the exclusion of other elements, but this one luxuriates in characters and language. It’s a work that looks to the past, but speaks to the future of science fiction.’ — B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog

‘Throughout his career, Ian McDonald has demon­strated a remarkable versatility of style and language. His recent fiction has ranged from the YA sense-of-wonder exuberance of his parallel-world Everness series to the efficient social melodrama narration of the Luna novels, but he’s always been equally capable of great lyricism, and his new novella, TIME WAS, is a persuasive and gorgeous example of it. Essentially a timeslip romance in which the romance is evoked not by dramatic clinches but by a heightened sensuality, an acute awareness of nature, and a haunting sense of imminent loss, it nevertheless introduces enough chatter about quan­tum indeterminacy to work as SF. In a fascinating way, the two “time-crossed lovers,” Ben and Tom, come to represent the dual aesthetic of any good SF romance: Ben is a physicist working on a complex new experiment with his “Uncertainty Squad,” while Tom is a poet and part-time amateur actor who, when we meet him, is working for the Signal Corps. Early on, Ben confesses that he doesn’t have the soul of a poet, and Tom admits he doesn’t “have the soul of a scientist,” but, as McDonald well knows, you need both to tell a story like this… one of the most purely beautiful pieces of writing McDonald has given us in years.’ — Gary K. Wolfe (Locus)

‘This slender, poignant queer romance incorporates time travel and hints of hard science into a story as devastatingly sad—which isn’t to say bleak—as anything you’ll read this year.’ — B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog (Best SFF Books of the Year So Far, 2018, Honourable Mention)

TIME WAS… a peculiar story of time, mystery, books, love, and war, compact as a parable, layered like a complex metaphor… and in some ways, strikingly unsettling… very well put together, and gorgeously written.’ — Tor.com

Ian’s latest novel is HOPELAND, out now in the UK (Gollancz) and North America (Tor Books).

New Russian Edition of Roger Zelazny’s PRINCE OF CHAOS Out Now!

A new Russian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s PRINCE OF CHAOS, the tenth and final Chronicles of Amber novel, is out now! Published by Эксмо as Принц Хаоса, here’s the synopsis…

«Принц Хаоса» — десятый роман «Пятикнижия Мерлина» и «Хроник Амбера». Этой книгой Роджер Желязны завершил свою знаменитую фантастическую эпопею.

Главный герой романа — Мерлин, сын Корвина Амберского и Дары из Владений Хаоса, — понимает, что его появление на свет было не случайностью, а результатом тщательно продуманного плана, осуществление которого должно привести Мерлина на трон Хаоса…

Роджер Желязны — создатель культовых «Хроник Амбера» и «Князя Света», многократный лауреат жанровых премий и лидер «Новой волны» в научной фантастике.

Эксмо has now published all ten of the Chronicles of Amber (Хроники Амбера) novels in this new series line.

First published in 1991, here’s the English-language synopsis of PRINCE OF CHAOS

Treacheries, trickeries, assassination attempts and bloody family intrigues have finally manoeuvred Merlin, aka Merle Corey, into the Courts of Chaos — where he is third in line to occupy the throne, thanks to a series of conventionally fatal “accidents” engineered by his mother Dara and uncle Mandor.

But Merlin’s journey to the ultimate rule will not be easy. For dark enchantments still await him. There is murderous discord between Amber and Chaos to be silenced. And a captive royal father, long believed dead, must first be freed from a villain’s magic before a beleaguered Prince can deem his triumph complete.

Roger Zelazny’s STRASSE NACH ÜBERALLHIN Out Now in Germany!

The new German translation of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS, one of the author’s (many) classic and acclaimed science fiction novels, is out now! Published by Piper Verlag, and translated by Jakob Schmidt, here’s the synopsis for STRASSE NACH ÜBERALLHIN

Red Dorakeen hat sich einen mächtigen Feind gemacht. Kreuz und quer flieht er vor dessen Attentätern durch die Epochen der

Menschheitsgeschichte – denn die „Straße nach Überallhin“ ermöglicht es ihm, von der unvorstellbar fernen Vergangenheit bis in die weite Zukunft zu reisen.

Dieser vergessene Schatz der Science-Fiction lässt seine Leser: innen auf jeder Seite von Neuem staunen, rätseln und mitfiebern – Zelaznys besondere Erzählweise bietet ein absolut außergewöhnliches Leseerlebnis.

The novel is also available in the UK, in a new SF Masterworks edition published by Gollancz in mid-January of this year. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

Interest in the novel was revived and given a boost by the news that HBO is in the process of developing it for a television adaptation.