Aliette de Bodard’s ON A RED STATION, DRIFTING is on Sale This Month!

The audiobook edition of Aliette de Bodard‘s acclaimed ON A RED STATION, DRIFTING is on sale this month! is currently offering the book with a whopping 75% discount!

Published by Tantor, and read by Emily Woo Zeller, here’s the synopsis…

For generations Prosper Station has thrived under the guidance of its Honoured Ancestress: born of a human womb, the station’s artificial intelligence has offered guidance and protection to its human relatives.

But war has come to the Dai Viet Empire. Prosper’s brightest minds have been called away to defend the Emperor; and a flood of disorientated refugees strain the station’s resources. As deprivations cause the station’s ordinary life to unravel, uncovering old grudges and tearing apart the decimated family, Station Mistress Quyen and the Honoured Ancestress struggle to keep their relatives united and safe. What Quyen does not know is that the Honoured Ancestress herself is faltering, her mind eaten away by a disease that seems to have no cure; and that the future of the station itself might hang in the balance…

ON A RED STATION, DRIFTING was nominated for the Locus, Hugo, and Nebula Best Novella Awards.

ICYMI: The World SF StoryBundle 4 Has Launched!

The World SF StoryBundle 4 has been launched! Curated once again by Lavie Tidhar, it includes a fantastic selection of fiction from an international cast of authors…

  • Aliette de BodardON A RED STATION DRIFTING
  • Francesco VersoBLOODBUSTERS
  • Xueting Ni (ed.)SINOPTICON
  • Rokuro InuiAUTOMATIC EVE
  • Thilde Kold HoldeNORTHERN WRATH
  • Fabio FernandesLOVE. AN ARCHAEOLOGY

Here’s what Lavie had to say about the new bundle

It’s hard to believe this is now the fifth annual World SF bundle I get the good fortune to curate. The first one was back in 2018!

And yet with every year it’s possible to find more great books – novels, novellas, anthologies and collections – that highlight the sheer talent and diversity of speculative fiction from around the world.

The future doesn’t need to be American anymore. Can it be Vietnamese? Italian? Nigerian? Chinese? You bet it can.

I can imagine nothing more rewarding than being able to share these books with new readers, while supporting the authors and their publishers directly through this bundle. Not to mention supporting a wonderfully worthwhile charity at the same time! So join me, if you will, into the reaches of space and deep into the South American jungles, to the distant past and to the tombs of the moon!

With writers from France, Japan, Italy, Uganda, Korea, China, Brazil, Nigeria and Denmark, you really are in for a truly international feast!

With proceeds from each bundle going to the authors and charity, this is a great way to discover great, international writing talent and also do a little bit of good.

The bundle is available for another 18 days, so make sure you check out the website for full details and to purchase the bundle!

A new Special Edition of Aliette de Bodard’s ON A RED STATION, DRIFTING!

We’re very happy to report that there is a new, special edition of Aliette de Bodard‘s acclaimed Xuya novella ON A RED STATION, DRIFTING! Published by WSFA Press, it is available now. This edition will also be available in North America via Subterranean Press, soon. Here’s the synopsis…

For generations Prosper Station has thrived under the guidance of its Honoured Ancestress: born of a human womb, the station’s artificial intelligence has offered guidance and protection to its human relatives. But war has come to the Dai Viet Empire. Prosper’s brightest minds have been called away to defend the Emperor; and a flood of disoriented refugees strain the station’s resources.

As deprivations cause the station’s ordinary life to unravel, uncovering old grudges and tearing apart the decimated family, Station Mistress Quyen and the Honoured Ancestress struggle to keep their relatives united and safe. What Quyen does not know is that the Honoured Ancestress herself is faltering, her mind eaten away by a disease that seems to have no cure; and that the future of the station itself might hang in the balance.

Subterranean Press also publishes two other critically-acclaimed Xuya books be Aliette: THE TEA MASTER AND THE DETECTIVE and the upcoming OF WARS, AND MEMORIES, AND STARLIGHT.

THE TEA MASTER AND THE DETECTIVE is also published outside of the UK via the JABberwocky eBook Program.

Aliette’s latest series, Dominion of the Fallen, is out now published by Gollancz in the UK and Roc Books (#1-2) and JABberwocky eBooks (#3) in North America.

Two Aliette de Bodard novellas now available in New Audiobook Editions!

Two of Aliette de Bodard‘s critically-acclaimed novellas are now available in new audiobook editions, published by Tantor!

At the top is the cover for IN THE VANISHERS’ PALACE, Aliette’s latest book. Here’s the synopsis for the audiobook, narrated by Nancy Wu…

In a ruined, devastated world, where the earth is poisoned and beings of nightmares roam the land…

A woman, betrayed, terrified, sold into indenture to pay her village’s debts and struggling to survive in a spirit world. 

A dragon, among the last of her kind, cold and aloof but desperately trying to make a difference. 

When failed scholar Yên is sold to Vu Côn, one of the last dragons walking the earth, she expects to be tortured or killed for Vu Côn’s amusement. 

But Vu Côn, it turns out, has a use for Yên: she needs a scholar to tutor her two unruly children. She takes Yên back to her home, a vast, vertiginous palace-prison where every door can lead to death. Vu Côn seems stern and unbending, but as the days pass Yên comes to see her kinder and caring side. She finds herself dangerously attracted to the dragon who is her master and jailer. In the end, Yên will have to decide where her own happiness lies — and whether it will survive the revelation of Vu Côn’s dark, unspeakable secrets…

Next up, we have ON A RED STATION, DRIFTING, a novella set in the author’s Hugo Award-nominated Xuya Universe. The audiobook is narrated by Emily Woo Zeller. Here’s the synopsis…

For generations, Prosper Station has thrived under the guidance of its Honoured Ancestress: born of a human womb, the station’s artificial intelligence has offered guidance and protection to its human relatives.

But war has come to the Dai Viet Empire. Prosper’s brightest minds have been called away to defend the emperor; and a flood of disorientated refugees strain the station’s resources. As deprivations cause the station’s ordinary life to unravel, uncovering old grudges and tearing apart the decimated family, Station Mistress Quyen and the Honoured Ancestress struggle to keep their relatives united and safe.

What Quyen does not know is that the Honoured Ancestress herself is faltering, her mind eaten away by a disease that seems to have no cure; and that the future of the station itself might hang in the balance…

IN THE VANISHERS’ PALACE is also available as an eBook, published by JABberwocky; ON A RED STATION, DRIFTING is also available as an eBook, published by the author, from all major eBook retailers.


Aliette de Bodard Fiction in Spain!

Some of Aliette de Bodard‘s critically-acclaimed, multi-award-nominated Xuya stories are now available in Spain. EL CICLO DE XUYA and EN UNA ESTACIÓN ROJA, A LA DERIVA are published by Fata Libelli. Here are some details…


Here is the synopsis for EL CICLE DE XUYA

China ha llegado antes que Europa a las Américas y el continente ha quedado bajo la influencia de la cultura asiática, apartando así a los países occidentales de su papel dominante en el flujo de la historia. El territorio que ocuparía Estados Unidos se ha visto empequeñecido por la presión de dos superpotencias: Magna Mexica, una oligarquía azteca que controla todo el sur, y Xuya, el imperio independizado de China que controla el oeste. Al este, queda un reducido territorio estadounidense y, en el resto del continente, siguen existiendo sistemas de gobierno incas y mayas. Este es el mundo de Xuya, donde se exploran, bajo el prisma de los grandes tropos de la ciencia ficción, desde los riesgos y beneficios de una neurotecnología invasiva a los dilemas de crear Mentes (ancestros convertidos en inteligencias artificiales integradas en una nave espacial), todo ello narrado con un tono intimista que nos habla del desarraigo y el exilio, de las complejas relaciones familiares en una sociedad jerárquica y las dificultades de la vida del mestizo.


EN UNA ESTACIÓN ROJA, A LA DERIVA is available in English as ON A RED STATION, DRIFTING — it was a finalist for the Hugo, Nebula and Locus Awards.

Una cruel guerra galáctica ha llegado a perturbar la paz de la Estación Prosper, un remoto enclave donde una extensa familia lleva generaciones floreciendo bajo la protección de una inteligencia artificial nacida de vientre humano. En mitad del caos, abrumadas por una avalancha de refugiados y alejadas de los miembros más brillantes de su comunidad, un par de mujeres con caracteres enfrentados luchan por la supervivencia.

Ambientada en el vasto universo de Xuya que tanta admiración ha generado entre los lectores, la novela se deleita en suntuosas descripciones de un mundo heredero de la China y el Vietnam imperiales, al tiempo que explora la complejidad de las relaciones familiares y el alcance de las afinidades entre humanos e inteligencias artificiales.

Aliette’s latest novel, THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS, won the BSFA Award for Best Novel in 2015, and was also nominated for the Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel. It is published by Gollancz in the UK and Roc Books in the US.


Nominations for Tim Powers and Aliette deBodard…

Last week, the 2013 LOCUS Awards Finalists were announced, and we’re delighted to report that Zeno clients have once again featured…

Powers-HideMeAmongTheGraves-BlogFirst up, the great Tim Powers, whose superb HIDE ME AMONG THE GRAVES (Morrow/Corvus) has been nominated in the ‘Best Fantasy Novel’ category. This complex novel – part Vampire story, part Secret History – has received a lot of deserved attention and praise, with the UK Independent describing it as ‘one of his best’ and the author as ‘one of dark fantasy’s major eccentrics’, who has ‘not mellowed or grown more ordinary with age’.

Here’s the synopsis…

London, 1862. A city of over three million souls, of stinking fog and dark, winding streets.

Through these streets walks the poet Christina Rossetti, haunted and tormented by the ghost of her uncle, John Polidori. Without him, she cannot write, but her relationship with him threatens to shake London itself to the ground.

This fascinating, clever novel vividly recreates the stews and slums of Victorian London – a city of dreadful delight. But it is the history of a hidden city, where nursery rhymes lead the adventurer through haunted tunnels and inverted spires. And where the price of poetic inspiration is blood.

At the beginning of last month, we put up a post about the recent Hugo Nominations, commenting that there is ‘just no stopping’  the exceptionally talented Aliette deBodard this year. Well, it seems she wasn’t quite done!!

aliette-headshot3Having already racked up a BSFA nomination, two Nebula Award nominations, and subsequently two Hugo Award nominations for her novella ON A RED STATION, DRIFTING and her short story “Immersion” (Clarkesworld 6/12), she’s only gone and done it again!

Both of these works are on LOCUS awards shortlist – in the Best Novella and Best Short Story categories, respectively. And let’s also not forget that The Guardian last month selected Aliette as one of their Best Young Novelists – from SF’s Universe. Aliette the Unstoppable!

Here is the synopsis for ON A RED STATION, DRIFTING

For generations Prosper Station has thrived under the guidance of its Honoured Ancestress: born of a human womb, the station’s artificial intelligence has offered guidance and protection to its human relatives.

But war has come to the Dai Viet Empire. Prosper’s brightest minds have been called away to defend the Emperor; and a flood of disorientated refugees strain the station’s resources. As deprivations cause the station’s ordinary life to unravel, uncovering old grudges and tearing apart the decimated family, Station Mistress Quyen and the Honoured Ancestress struggle to keep their relatives united and safe. What Quyen does not know is that the Honoured Ancestress herself is faltering, her mind eaten away by a disease that seems to have no cure; and that the future of the station itself might hang in the balance…

Incidentally, there’s a nice connection between the two nominated authors. Back in 2007, Aliette was a Writers of the Future Award winner – one of her tutors there? A certain Tim Powers!

And – stop the presses! – news came in over the weekend that Aliette has been nominated again (twice!!) for the 2013 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award for her short stories “Immersion” and Scattered Along the River of Heaven (Clarkesworld 1/12)! The Sturgeon Award will be presented June 14, 2013, at the Campbell Conference, held at the Oread Hotel in Lawrence, Kansas, June 14-16, 2014. The award recognises exceptional work in short fiction field, and is awarded alongside the John W. Campbell Memorial Award.

Best of luck to both Tim and Aliette.