Jack Campbell’s IMPLACABLE Out Tomorrow in the UK!

IMPLACABLE, the third novel in Jack Campbell‘s acclaimed Lost Fleet: Outlands series, is out now in the UK! Published by Titan Books, here’s the synopsis…

As far from explored space as any human has ever been, Geary and the Alliance fleet are on their own, protecting a diplomatic mission in territory belonging to an alien species with still-unknown motives. His already complex and dangerous mission is further imperiled by deadly challenges from other human factions seeking to harm or exploit the aliens. When another alien species whose technology is far more advanced than humanity’s arrives, the stakes are raised to the highest possible level.Only the most serious danger comes from an unexpected source. When presented with orders to carry out actions he believes not only are mistaken but would be contrary to the ideals of the Alliance, Geary has to finally decide whether he must invoke the power that his long-revered name holds, all the while knowing that this might endanger his entire fleet, tear apart the Alliance, and destroy everything he has fought for.

Titan Books has published all of Campbell’s Lost Fleet novels in the UK to date. The other novels in the Outlands series are BOUNDLESS and RESOLUTE.

Here are just a couple of great reviews for the earlier books in the series…

BOUNDLESS begins a third series, Outlands, in the bestselling Lost Fleets saga, and being the thirteenth book in no way jinxes the steady hand of Campbell’s command of top-notch space opera.’ — Booklist

‘Thirteen volumes in, the Lost Fleet series maintains both its ability to put characters through the rigors of military action and to keep its central figure from losing his guileless outlook and unpretentious charm. This is another winner.’ — Publisher’s Weekly on RESOLUTE

Zeno represents Jack Campbell in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Jack Campbell’s IMPLACABLE Out in Three Weeks!

IMPLACABLE, the third novel in Jack Campbell‘s Lost Fleet: Outlands series, is due out in three weeks! Due to be published in the UK by Titan Books, here’s the synopsis…

As far from explored space as any human has ever been, Geary and the Alliance fleet are on their own, protecting a diplomatic mission in territory belonging to an alien species with still-unknown motives. His already complex and dangerous mission is further imperiled by deadly challenges from other human factions seeking to harm or exploit the aliens. When another alien species whose technology is far more advanced than humanity’s arrives, the stakes are raised to the highest possible level.Only the most serious danger comes from an unexpected source. When presented with orders to carry out actions he believes not only are mistaken but would be contrary to the ideals of the Alliance, Geary has to finally decide whether he must invoke the power that his long-revered name holds, all the while knowing that this might endanger his entire fleet, tear apart the Alliance, and destroy everything he has fought for.

Titan Books has published all of Campbell’s Lost Fleet novels in the UK to date. The other novels in the Outlands series are BOUNDLESS and RESOLUTE.

Here are just a couple of reviews the series has received so far…

BOUNDLESS begins a third series, Outlands, in the bestselling Lost Fleets saga, and being the thirteenth book in no way jinxes the steady hand of Campbell’s command of top-notch space opera.’ — Booklist

‘Thirteen volumes in, the Lost Fleet series maintains both its ability to put characters through the rigors of military action and to keep its central figure from losing his guileless outlook and unpretentious charm. This is another winner.’ — Publisher’s Weekly on RESOLUTE

Zeno represents Jack Campbell in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.


Jack Campbell‘s latest novel set in the Lost Fleet universe, OUTLANDS: RESOLUTE is out now in the UK! The second novel in the ‘Black Jack’ Geary series, it will be published by Titan Books. Here’s the synopsis…

Admiral ‘Black Jack’ Geary commands the fleet deep into alien space and leads humanity to the galactic stage.

Admiral John ‘Black Jack’ Geary faces new frontiers as he leads his fleet on a mission that could change humanity’s understanding the of universe itself.

Having survived political warfare Geary must lead a diplomatic mission to establish a new embassy with the cryptic but welcoming Dancers. His battle group, and the scientists and ambassadors they’re escorting, must cross territory controlled by the mysterious, and deadly, Enigmas. And saboteurs and assassins still hide in his crew.

Carrying the burden of his own legend, Geary must embody the best of military leadership, whether as a brilliant tactical commander or a man who knows the price of pulling the trigger. Knowing every decision he makes will be assessed on the galactic stage.

The first book in the Outlands series, BOUNDLESS is also published by Titan Books, and is out now.

All of the Lost Fleet novels (to date) are published in the UK by Titan Books — including the main series, and the follow-up/spin-off series Beyond the Frontier, Lost Stars, and Genesis Fleet (a prequel trilogy).

Zeno represents Jack Campbell in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Jack Campbell’s RESOLUTE is out in two weeks!

Fans of Jack Campbell‘s acclaimed Lost Fleet universe don’t have long to wait until the next book: RESOLUTE, the second novel in the Outlands/’Black Jack’ Geary novel, is due to be published by Titan Books in two weeks (June 28th)! Here’s the synopsis…

Admiral ‘Black Jack’ Geary commands the fleet deep into alien space and leads humanity to the galactic stage.

Having survived political warfare Geary must lead a diplomatic mission to establish a new embassy with the cryptic but welcoming Dancers. His battle group, and the scientists and ambassadors they’re escorting, must cross territory controlled by the mysterious, and deadly, Enigmas. And saboteurs and assassins still hide in his crew.

Carrying the burden of his own legend, Geary must embody the best of military leadership, whether as a brilliant tactical commander or a man who knows the price of pulling the trigger. Knowing every decision he makes will be assessed on the galactic stage.

The first book in the Outlands series, BOUNDLESS is also published by Titan Books, and out now.

All of the Lost Fleet novels (to date) are published in the UK by Titan Books — including the main series, as well as the follow-up/spin-off series Beyond the Frontier, Lost Stars, and Genesis Fleet (a prequel trilogy).

Zeno represents Jack Campbell in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Coming Soon: Jack Campbell’s RESOLUTE

On June 28th, Titan Books are due to publish the latest book in Jack Campbell‘s Lost Fleet universe: RESOLUTE! The second novel in the Outlands/’Black Jack’ Geary novel, here’s the synopsis…

Admiral ‘Black Jack’ Geary commands the fleet deep into alien space and leads humanity to the galactic stage.

Admiral John ‘Black Jack’ Geary faces new frontiers as he leads his fleet on a mission that could change humanity’s understanding the of universe itself.

Having survived political warfare Geary must lead a diplomatic mission to establish a new embassy with the cryptic but welcoming Dancers. His battle group, and the scientists and ambassadors they’re escorting, must cross territory controlled by the mysterious, and deadly, Enigmas. And saboteurs and assassins still hide in his crew.

Carrying the burden of his own legend, Geary must embody the best of military leadership, whether as a brilliant tactical commander or a man who knows the price of pulling the trigger. Knowing every decision he makes will be assessed on the galactic stage.

The first book in the Outlands series, BOUNDLESS is out now, also published by Titan Books.

Titan Books has published all of the Lost Fleet novels in the UK to date — including the main series, as well as the follow-up/spin-off series Beyond the Frontier, Lost Stars, and Genesis Fleet (a prequel trilogy).

Zeno represents Jack Campbell in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

‘Black Jack’ Geary Returns in Jack Campbell’s BOUNDLESS!

Today, Titan Books publishes BOUNDLESS, the first novel in Jack Campbell‘s latest Lost Fleet series, Outlands! This novel sees the return of ‘Black Jack’ Geary, star of the original Lost Fleet novels. Here’s the synopsis…

Black Jack returns to Unity, the seat of the Alliance government, having destroyed the black fleet of AI-controlled craft at Unity Alternate. Aboard the Dauntless, captained by his wife Tanya Desjani, he brings evidence of crimes which could destroy the Alliance’s government.

His arrival ignites a furious Senate trial, and Black Jack must chart political dangers to ensure the guilty are brought to justice, without becoming judge and jury himself. But forces lurk in the shadows, working against him and striking at any moment.

Unsure of who he can trust – who serves the Alliance with the same sense of duty as him – Black Jack must accept new orders and prepare the fleet for a new and dangerous mission, all the while evading forces that would see him dead. This mission will take him on a journey into his past and beyond the safety of Alliance space once more, because Black Jack knows better than anyone, doing what is right is never the easy path.

Titan Books has published all of Campbell’s Lost Fleet novels in the UK…

… this also includes the Beyond the Frontier series…

The Lost Stars series…

… and the Genesis Fleet spin-off series…

If you’re new to the series, Titan has also put together an introductory article, which might be of interest.

Zeno represents Jack Campbell in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Next Month: Jack Campbell Returns with BOUNDLESS

On June 15th, Titan Books is due to publish the next novel by Jack Campbell: BOUNDLESS. The first novel in the latest Lost Fleet series, Outlands, sees Black Jack Geary return to the story. Here’s the synopsis…

Black Jack returns to Unity, the seat of the Alliance government, having destroyed the black fleet of AI-controlled craft at Unity Alternate. Aboard the Dauntless, captained by his wife Tanya Desjani, he brings evidence of crimes which could destroy the Alliance’s government.

His arrival ignites a furious Senate trial, and Black Jack must chart political dangers to ensure the guilty are brought to justice, without becoming judge and jury himself. But forces lurk in the shadows, working against him and striking at any moment.

Unsure of who he can trust – who serves the Alliance with the same sense of duty as him – Black Jack must accept new orders and prepare the fleet for a new and dangerous mission, all the while evading forces that would see him dead. This mission will take him on a journey into his past and beyond the safety of Alliance space once more, because Black Jack knows better than anyone, doing what is right is never the easy path.

Titan Books has published all of Campbell’s Lost Fleet novels in the UK, which also includes the Beyond the Frontier, The Lost Stars, and the Genesis Fleet spin-off series…

Titan Books also publishes Campbell’s JAG in Space and Stark’s War series, in the UK…

Zeno represents Jack Campbell in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.