ICYMI: Emily Rath’s PUCKING AROUND and PUCKING WILD Out Now in the UK!

The first two books in Emily Rath‘s acclaimed Jacksonville Rays romance series — PUCKING AROUND and PUCKING WILD — are out now in the UK! Published by Penguin, here’s the synopsis for the first book…

I can’t fall for a player, let alone three…

My name is Rachel Price, and two months ago, I walked away from the perfect man. We shared one magical night. No names. No strings. I never thought I’d see him again. I was wrong.

It turns out my perfect man is actually the playboy grinder for the Jacksonville Rays, the NHL’s hottest new hockey team…and I’m his new physical therapist.

This fellowship is going to be the longest ten months of my life. Mr. Perfect will do anything to get back on my good side. Meanwhile, his best friend, the surly new equipment manager, is always riding my case. Worst of all, I’ve got an uncooperative goalie who thinks I can’t tell he’s hiding an injury!

These man are ready to test my limits, but this is my chance to prove myself, and I’m not risking it for anything. I can’t fall for a player, let alone three. But if love is a game, these guys are playing to win.

PUCKING AROUND is a spicy ‘why choose’ hockey romance.

PUCKING AROUND is also a Kindle Monthly Deal in the UK (only 99p), so there’s never been a better time to give the series a try!

Zeno represents Emily Rath in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

THE PERIPHERAL Tie-In Edition Out Tomorrow in the UK!

The new, tie-in edition of William Gibson‘s acclaimed novel THE PERIPHERAL is out tomorrow! Published by Penguin, here’s the synopsis…

Flynne Fisher lives in the rural American South, working at the local 3D printing shop, while earning much needed extra money playing VR games for rich people. One night she dons a headset and finds herself in futuristic London-a sleek and mysterious world, alluringly different from her own hardscrabble existence. But this isn’t like any game she’s ever played before: Flynne begins to realize it isn’t virtual reality… it’s real.

Someone in London, seventy years in the future, has found a way to open a door to Flynne’s world. And as utterly beguiling as London is… it’s also dangerous. As Flynne searches to discover who has connected their worlds, and for what purpose, her presence here sets dangerous forces into motion… forces intent on destroying Flynne and her family in her own world.

The Peripheral is master storyteller William Gibson’s dazzling, hallucinatory glimpse into the fate of mankind — and what lies beyond.

THE PERIPHERAL is on sale in the UK for all of October, in eBook — Amazon, Kobo.

The TV show launched on Amazon Prime, on October 21st. You can check out the trailer, below…

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘His writing has been refined over the years, but Gibson still maintains that sparse, edgy style that has been a characteristic of his work from the very beginning… Gibson remains as unnervingly prophetic as ever, making his futures feel like they’re just around the corner, products of humankind’s inability to act when necessary, transforming a sci-fi whodunit into a work of fiction that feels both ahead of its time and frighteningly relevant to today’s world.’ 9/10*  —  Starburst

‘Seminal cyberpunk author Gibson, who has spent the last several years writing the more-or-less present-day Zero History series of novels, returns to the future with this slow-burning thriller, ambitiously structured on either side of an economic and ecological collapse… All of Gibson’s characters are intensely real, and Flynne is a clever, compelling, stereotype-defying, unhesitating protagonist who makes this novel a standout.’  —  Publishers Weekly

‘In THE PERIPHERAL, William Gibson’s first futuristic novel since 1999’s ALL TOMORROW’S PARTIES, we experience the fantastic synthesis of a 20th century writer — the Gibson of NEUROMANCER, eyeball-kicks of flash and noir; and the Gibson of PATTERN RECOGNITION, arch and sly and dry and keen… A perfect fusion of Gibson’s pulp heritage with his fine-tuned design and social sensibilities… From the microscale word choices to the macroscale plot, structure and themes, the book is strange and contemporary in a perfectly futuristic way.’  —  Boing Boing

‘Dramatic, scary, creepy,violent, and finally satisfying… like any really well-designed thrill ride or mystery tour (or sonnet or string quartet), as soon as you get off, you want to get right on for another go-round.’  —  Locus

‘A smart, nuanced twist on time travel… THE PERIPHERAL is a fast-paced murder investigation and political thriller… pithy, poetic prose. THE PERIPHERAL also feels more accessible than his last several books.’  —  The Verge

‘While placed firmly in the sci-fi genre of his earlier works, Gibson’s latest retains the social commentary from his more recent novels… This is quintessential Gibson: gonzo yet cool, sharp-edged, sophisticated…’  —  Kirkus

‘William Gibson is one of the smartest writers around… THE PERIPHERAL starts off by throwing the reader into the deep end of a complex story set in a future world rich in highly-advanced technology. Or, actually, two future worlds. Only gradually do the pieces fall into place and you begin to understand what is going on… Gibson is not a difficult writer but he is demanding, and here those demands are well rewarded. THE PERIPHERAL is intellectual entertainment of the first order, a pop SF thriller that will make you think.’  —  Toronto Star

THE PERIPHERAL is the first in a series, too: the second novel, AGENCY is out now, published by Penguin in the UK.

Great Review for Charlie Human’s ANCESTRAL from Arts24!

A little while ago, we shared the cover and details for Charlie Human‘s latest ‘firecracker’ of a novel, ANCESTRAL. We wanted to take this opportunity to flag a great review the novel has received, from Arts24, who called it ‘his best work to date’

‘Right from the opening pages until an exhilarating, powerful conclusion, this is mightily efficient, thoroughly researched, cleverly conceived and well-executed genre fare… energetic, well-mounted action set pieces, cracking, witty dialogue, convincing, layered characterisation and ultimately very solid internal logic and narrative craft…

… whacks you with muscular, even lovely prose, thoughtful juxtaposition of beauty and bone-crunching violence, and has you cackling away knowingly at the now gentle, now brutal (satirical) gaze he employs.

ANCESTRAL might well be the work of a madman, but oh, the method!’

ANCESTRAL is out now, published in South Africa by Penguin. Here’s the synopsis…

Clementine Khoza is a hard person; hard to know, hard to love, hard to fight. When she was a little girl, her grandfather put a stick and a shield in her hands and taught her the ancient stick-fighting art of her Zulu ancestors. The hard way.

And right now she is in a hard place, searching for Drew, her young son – kidnapped and drawn into the heart of a vicious gang conflict. Ex-army and ex-cop, Clementine has tracked Drew’s phone to Welcome Shade – a sprawling retirement estate that has fallen into disrepair to become a gang-infested war-zone. With nothing but a talent for violence, a drone piloted by a skinny Afrikaans street kid as her eye-in-the-sky, and a huge dog with ptsd who tried to kill her and then, somehow, became her sidekick, she’ll wield stick and shield, machete and shotgun, and wade through a sea of bodies to find her son.

But the gangs are only part of the problem. Dark, twisted things stalk the estate: nightmare creatures, elite military snipers working as mercenaries and a sword-wielding man on a white horse who has made her and Drew part of his agenda. And then there are the memories and visions of her ancestors, and her own very special hallucination whom she nicknames ‘Glitch’.

It’s going to be a hard day.

Here’s what Charlie had to say about writing novel, in a message on Facebook

In preparation for this novel, I read elegant prose, pondered deeply on how to use sparse and minimalist text to exquisitely convey human emotion, and looked for a way to give this work a deep thematic weight that would speak to our deepest selves.

Then I put that all aside and wildly wrote about cults fighting gangs fighting dogs fighting monsters embedded in an African mythological alien context. What can I say? I am who I am.

Human is also the author of the Baxter Zevchenko novels, APOCALYPSE NOW NOW and KILL BAXTER, published in the UK by JABberwocky, and by Titan Books in North America.

Charlie Human’s ANCESTRAL is out now in South Africa!

Charlie Human has a new novel! ANCESTRAL is out now in South America, published by Penguin, here’s the synopsis…

Clementine Khoza is a hard person; hard to know, hard to love, hard to fight. When she was a little girl, her grandfather put a stick and a shield in her hands and taught her the ancient stick-fighting art of her Zulu ancestors. The hard way.

And right now she is in a hard place, searching for Drew, her young son – kidnapped and drawn into the heart of a vicious gang conflict. Ex-army and ex-cop, Clementine has tracked Drew’s phone to Welcome Shade – a sprawling retirement estate that has fallen into disrepair to become a gang-infested war-zone. With nothing but a talent for violence, a drone piloted by a skinny Afrikaans street kid as her eye-in-the-sky, and a huge dog with ptsd who tried to kill her and then, somehow, became her sidekick, she’ll wield stick and shield, machete and shotgun, and wade through a sea of bodies to find her son.

But the gangs are only part of the problem. Dark, twisted things stalk the estate: nightmare creatures, elite military snipers working as mercenaries and a sword-wielding man on a white horse who has made her and Drew part of his agenda. And then there are the memories and visions of her ancestors, and her own very special hallucination whom she nicknames ‘Glitch’.

It’s going to be a hard day.

Keep your eyes on our social media feeds (and here) for news about forthcoming editions of the novel!

In the meantime, why not check out Charlie’s first two novels, starring Baxter Zevcenko: APOCALYPSE NOW NOW and KILL BAXTER. The novels are published in the UK by JABberwocky, and by Titan Books in North America.

William Gibson’s DISTRUST THAT PARTICULAR FLAVOR Now Available in UK Audio!

William Gibson‘s acclaimed collection of essays, DISTRUST THAT PARTICULAR FLAVOR is now available in the UK as an audiobook! Published by W. F. Howes, here’s the synopsis…

Distrust That Particular Flavor — an acclaimed nonfiction collection by William Gibson, bestselling author of NEUROMANCER William Gibson was writing fiction when he predicted the internet. And as his stories bled into reality so he became one of the first to report on the real-world consequences of cyberspace’s growth and development.

Now, with the dust settling on the first internet revolution, comes Gibson’s first collection of non-fiction — essays from the technological and cultural frontiers of this new world. These and many other pieces, collected for the first time in Distrust that Particular Flavour, are studded with revealing autobiographical fragments and map the development of Gibson’s acute perceptions about modern life. Readers of Neal Stephenson, Ray Bradbury and Iain M. Banks will love this book.

The print and eBook editions of DISTRUST THAT PARTICULAR FLAVOR are published in the UK by Penguin.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the collection has received…

‘Gibson is a prophet and a satirist, a black comedian and an astounding architect of cool. He’s also responsible for much of the world we live in.’Spectator

‘William Gibson’s collected essays mark him out as a remarkable visionary.’ — Guardian

‘Gibson is, of course, one of our greatest science-fiction writers, exalted for his talent for depicting futures that are just around the corner… Gibson’s writing enters the bloodstream like a drug, producing a mild hallucinogenic effect that lasts for hours… Such is the power of his prose that when I glanced up from the pages of this book and surveyed the street-side around me, I felt as if I were wearing Gibson-glasses…’ — New York Times

‘While his dark and glittering novels still provide the best introduction to his work for newcomers, anyone already in thrall to his sidelong perspective on the world will find lots to enjoy here.’ The Telegraph

‘William Gibson is one of our finest science fiction authors, because he knows that people are the strangest products science has ever produced. And his new essay collection, DISTRUST THAT PARTICULAR FLAVOR, gives us insight into how he came to understand that so well, when many other SF authors struggle to see it. DISTRUST does not disappoint: Gibson completists will definitely need the book, but I also recommend it for Gibson newbies who want to get a grip on where he’s coming from. Fans of Gibson’s voice will recognize in his non-fiction the luminous, open-ended sound of his novels. Part of that sound comes from the nature of his ideas; the rest, from his skill in bringing the dream-state of our culture to us in lucid yet elusive prose… Gibson’s fiction is in some ways deeply autobiographical: after reading this collection of lovely essays, it’s clear where his characters get their joy for art, music, The Footage, and blue jeans of inscrutable provenance.’ io9.com

‘… it’s a testament to Gibson’s clinical skills as a writer (and first-class observer) that he can make a fleeting, long-ago first impression sound like a revelation, albeit one on a very deliberately small scale… for all Gibson’s self-effacement, he has highly evolved powers of observation… Though he’s often lauded as a big-picture man, these pieces make one thing clear: He’s even better with the little details.’ — Onion AV Club

Zeno represents William Gibson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Nell Pierce at Sterling Lord Literistic.

William Gibson’s AGENCY Out Today in UK Paperback!

William Gibson‘s acclaimed novel AGENCY is out today in a new UK paperback edition! Published by Penguin, it’s the sequel to the equally-acclaimed THE PERIPHERAL. Here’s the synopsis…

San Francisco, 2017. Clinton’s in the White House, Brexit never happened — and Verity Jane’s got herself a new job.

They call Verity ‘the app-whisperer,’ and she’s just been hired by a shadowy start-up to evaluate a pair-of-glasses-cum-digital-assistant called Eunice. Only Eunice has other ideas.

Pretty soon, Verity knows that Eunice is smarter than anyone she’s ever met, conceals some serious capabilities and is profoundly paranoid – which is just as well since suddenly some bad people are after Verity.

Meanwhile, in a post-apocalyptic London a century from now, PR fixer Wilf Netherton is tasked by all-seeing policewoman Ainsley Lowbeer with interfering in the alternative past in which Verity and Eunice exist. It appears something nasty is about to happen there — and fixing it will require not only Eunice’s unique human-AI skillset but also a little help from the future.

A future which Verity soon fears may never be…

The aforementioned THE PERIPHERAL is also published in the UK by Penguin.

The author’s classic Neuromancer series is published in the UK by Gollancz: NEUROMANCER, COUNT ZERO, MONA LISA OVERDRIVE, and BURNING CHROME.

The first novel in the series is also available in a SF Masterworks edition, also published by Gollancz in the UK.

Here are just a few of the great reviews AGENCY has received…

‘This dazzling vision of politics and power across alternate timelines is both observation and warning… begins with the classic Gibsonian unboxing scene… a sensual, remarkably visual ride, vigorous with displays of conceptual imagination and humour.’ — Guardian

‘[A] book as engaging, thought-provoking and delightful as its predecessor… Strong co-starring characters unique to this tale interact with returning old favorites… the intricate noir-thriller plotting affords constant entertainment and suspense… Gibson’s language is as zesty as ever… [Gibson] he can always be counted on to show us our contemporary milieu rendered magical by his unique insights, and a future rendered inhabitable by his wild yet disciplined imagination.’ — Washington Post

‘William Gibson’s AGENCY interrogates our relationship to technology with startling clarity’ — Globe & Mail

‘Many of the ideas in AGENCY are familiar Gibson peccadilloes. He is still interested in decentred political and technological systems and shadowy, quasi-criminal superstructures that can be navigated only by visionary individuals armed with the right tech. And he still delivers these ideas in plots that aspire to the satisfying knottiness of thrillers.’ — Financial Times

‘[A] strong presence of familiar Gibsonian traits: smooth prose, sly pop-culture references, and acute observations of behavior and social interaction… filled with the expected Gibsonian oddball details and throwaway bits of invention… an immersive, textured, and some­times deeply strange setting, which is a good thing. Come for the intricate plotting, stay for the weird and wonderful mindscape.’ — Russell LetsonLocus

Zeno represents William Gibson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Nell Pierce at Sterling Lord Literistic.

UK Paperback Edition of William Gibson’s AGENCY is Out Next Month!

Hot on the news last week that William Gibson‘s acclaimed novel AGENCY was selected as one of Time Magazine’s Books of the Year, today we’re happy to share with you the cover for the upcoming UK paperback edition!

Due out next month (January 7th) via Penguin, it’s the sequel to THE PERIPHERAL, here’s the synopsis…

San Francisco, 2017. Clinton’s in the White House, Brexit never happened — and Verity Jane’s got herself a new job.

They call Verity ‘the app-whisperer,’ and she’s just been hired by a shadowy start-up to evaluate a pair-of-glasses-cum-digital-assistant called Eunice. Only Eunice has other ideas.

Pretty soon, Verity knows that Eunice is smarter than anyone she’s ever met, conceals some serious capabilities and is profoundly paranoid – which is just as well since suddenly some bad people are after Verity.

Meanwhile, in a post-apocalyptic London a century from now, PR fixer Wilf Netherton is tasked by all-seeing policewoman Ainsley Lowbeer with interfering in the alternative past in which Verity and Eunice exist. It appears something nasty is about to happen there — and fixing it will require not only Eunice’s unique human-AI skillset but also a little help from the future.

A future which Verity soon fears may never be…

The aforementioned THE PERIPHERAL is also published in the UK by Penguin. Gibson’s classic Neuromancer series is published in the UK by Gollancz.

Here are just a few of the great reviews AGENCY has received…

‘This dazzling vision of politics and power across alternate timelines is both observation and warning… begins with the classic Gibsonian unboxing scene… a sensual, remarkably visual ride, vigorous with displays of conceptual imagination and humour.’ — Guardian

‘[A] book as engaging, thought-provoking and delightful as its predecessor… Strong co-starring characters unique to this tale interact with returning old favorites… the intricate noir-thriller plotting affords constant entertainment and suspense… Gibson’s language is as zesty as ever… [Gibson] he can always be counted on to show us our contemporary milieu rendered magical by his unique insights, and a future rendered inhabitable by his wild yet disciplined imagination.’ — Washington Post

‘William Gibson’s AGENCY interrogates our relationship to technology with startling clarity’ — Globe & Mail

‘Many of the ideas in AGENCY are familiar Gibson peccadilloes. He is still interested in decentred political and technological systems and shadowy, quasi-criminal superstructures that can be navigated only by visionary individuals armed with the right tech. And he still delivers these ideas in plots that aspire to the satisfying knottiness of thrillers.’ — Financial Times

‘[A] strong presence of familiar Gibsonian traits: smooth prose, sly pop-culture references, and acute observations of behavior and social interaction… filled with the expected Gibsonian oddball details and throwaway bits of invention… an immersive, textured, and some­times deeply strange setting, which is a good thing. Come for the intricate plotting, stay for the weird and wonderful mindscape.’ — Russell LetsonLocus

Zeno represents William Gibson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Nell Pierce at Sterling Lord Literistic.

William Gibson’s AGENCY is a Time Book of the Year!

‘Tis the season when many people turn their attention to picking the best books of the year, and we are very happy to report that William Gibson‘s latest novel, AGENCY, was selected by Time Magazine as one of their Must Read Books of 2020!

Described as a ‘seductive sequel to THE PERIPHERAL, it’s published in the UK by Viking. Here’s the synopsis…

San Francisco, 2017. Clinton’s in the White House, Brexit never happened — and Verity Jane’s got herself a new job.

They call Verity ‘the app-whisperer,’ and she’s just been hired by a shadowy start-up to evaluate a pair-of-glasses-cum-digital-assistant called Eunice. Only Eunice has other ideas.

Pretty soon, Verity knows that Eunice is smarter than anyone she’s ever met, conceals some serious capabilities and is profoundly paranoid – which is just as well since suddenly some bad people are after Verity.

Meanwhile, in a post-apocalyptic London a century from now, PR fixer Wilf Netherton is tasked by all-seeing policewoman Ainsley Lowbeer with interfering in the alternative past in which Verity and Eunice exist. It appears something nasty is about to happen there — and fixing it will require not only Eunice’s unique human-AI skillset but also a little help from the future.

A future which Verity soon fears may never be…

Here are just a few of the reviews the novel has received so far…

‘This dazzling vision of politics and power across alternate timelines is both observation and warning… begins with the classic Gibsonian unboxing scene… a sensual, remarkably visual ride, vigorous with displays of conceptual imagination and humour.’ — Guardian

‘[A] book as engaging, thought-provoking and delightful as its predecessor… Strong co-starring characters unique to this tale interact with returning old favorites… the intricate noir-thriller plotting affords constant entertainment and suspense… Gibson’s language is as zesty as ever… [Gibson] he can always be counted on to show us our contemporary milieu rendered magical by his unique insights, and a future rendered inhabitable by his wild yet disciplined imagination.’ — Washington Post

‘William Gibson’s AGENCY interrogates our relationship to technology with startling clarity’ — Globe & Mail

‘Many of the ideas in AGENCY are familiar Gibson peccadilloes. He is still interested in decentred political and technological systems and shadowy, quasi-criminal superstructures that can be navigated only by visionary individuals armed with the right tech. And he still delivers these ideas in plots that aspire to the satisfying knottiness of thrillers.’ — Financial Times

‘[A] strong presence of familiar Gibsonian traits: smooth prose, sly pop-culture references, and acute observations of behavior and social interaction… filled with the expected Gibsonian oddball details and throwaway bits of invention… an immersive, textured, and some­times deeply strange setting, which is a good thing. Come for the intricate plotting, stay for the weird and wonderful mindscape.’ — Russell LetsonLocus

AGENCY… is parallel-contemporary, changing the outcome of the 2016 election without relieving us of chaos and horror. It’s a much more explicit commentary than we’re used to getting from Gibson and an implicit reminder that Trump is best understood as a dumb symptom of our predicament, rather than the cause. Writers who manage big, showy debuts are often one-trick ponies, but Gibson has an inexhaustible supply of tricks, new stories and new ways of telling them that make him the most consistent predictor of our present, contextualizer of our pasts and presager of our possible futures.’LA Times

The aforementioned THE PERIPHERAL is also published in the UK by Penguin.

Zeno represents William Gibson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Nell Pierce at Sterling Lord Literistic.

Zeno Clients Hitting 2020 Best Of Lists!

As 2020 draws closer to its end, we’re happy to report that some of our authors’ books are starting to appear on Best Of lists!

It’s been a particularly good week for Brandon Sanderson‘s RHYTHM OF WAR and William Gibson‘s AGENCY , both of which have appeared on Waterstones’ Best Of list and are also in the final round of the Goodreads Choice Awards!

Read on for some more information about the two books. Let’s start with Gibson’s AGENCY, which is published in the UK by Penguin. The acclaimed and best-selling follow-up to THE PERIPHERAL, here’s the synopsis…

San Francisco, 2017. Clinton’s in the White House, Brexit never happened — and Verity Jane’s got herself a new job.

They call Verity ‘the app-whisperer,’ and she’s just been hired by a shadowy start-up to evaluate a pair-of-glasses-cum-digital-assistant called Eunice. Only Eunice has other ideas.

Pretty soon, Verity knows that Eunice is smarter than anyone she’s ever met, conceals some serious capabilities and is profoundly paranoid which is just as well since suddenly some bad people are after Verity.

Meanwhile, in a post-apocalyptic London a century from now, PR fixer Wilf Netherton is tasked by all-seeing policewoman Ainsley Lowbeer with interfering in the alternative past in which Verity and Eunice exist. It appears something nasty is about to happen there — and fixing it will require not only Eunice’s unique human-AI skillset but also a little help from the future.

A future which Verity soon fears may never be…

Sanderson’s RHTHYM OF WAR is the highly-anticipated fourth novel in his best-selling Stormlight Archive series. Published to much fanfare last week, by Gollancz in the UK, here’s the synopsis…

After forming a coalition of human resistance against the enemy invasion, Dalinar Kholin and his Knights Radiant have spent a year fighting a protracted, brutal war. Neither side has gained an advantage, and the threat of a betrayal by Dalinar’s crafty ally Taravangian looms over every strategic move.

Now, as new technological discoveries by Navani Kholin’s scholars begin to change the face of the war, the enemy prepares a bold and dangerous operation. The arms race that follows will challenge the very core of the Radiant ideals, and potentially reveal the secrets of the ancient tower that was once the heart of their strength.

At the same time that Kaladin Stormblessed must come to grips with his changing role within the Knights Radiant, his Windrunners face their own problem: As more and more deadly enemy Fused awaken to wage war, no more honorspren are willing to bond with humans to increase the number of Radiants. Adolin and Shallan must lead the coalition’s envoy to the honorspren stronghold of Lasting Integrity and either convince the spren to join the cause against the evil god Odium, or personally face the storm of failure.

Brandon actually has another book in the Goodreads Choice Award finals, in the Young Adult Fantasy category: the second book in his Skyward series, STARSIGHT! Also published in the UK by Gollancz, here’s the synopsis…

All her life, Spensa has dreamed of becoming a pilot. Of proving she’s a hero like her father. She made it to the sky, but the truths she learned about her father were crushing. The rumours of his cowardice are true – he deserted his flight during battle against the Krell. Worse, though, he turned against his team and attacked them.

Spensa is sure there’s more to the story. And she’s sure that whatever happened to her father in his starship could happen to her. When she made it outside the protective shell of her planet, she heard the stars – and it was terrifying. What she learned turned her world upside down. Everything Spensa’s been taught is a lie.

But Spensa also learned a few things about herself – and she’ll travel to the end of the galaxy to save humankind if she needs to.

Zeno represents Brandon Sanderson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York. Zeno represents William Gibson in the UK, on behalf of Nell Pierce at Sterling Lord Literistic.

UK Paperback Edition of William Gibson’s AGENCY out in January!

On January 7th, 2021, Penguin are due to publish the UK paperback edition of William Gibson‘s critically acclaimed AGENCY! The follow-up to THE PERIPHERAL, here’s the synopsis…

San Francisco, 2017. Clinton’s in the White House, Brexit never happened — and Verity Jane’s got herself a new job.

They call Verity ‘the app-whisperer,’ and she’s just been hired by a shadowy start-up to evaluate a pair-of-glasses-cum-digital-assistant called Eunice. Only Eunice has other ideas.

Pretty soon, Verity knows that Eunice is smarter than anyone she’s ever met, conceals some serious capabilities and is profoundly paranoid which is just as well since suddenly some bad people are after Verity.

Meanwhile, in a post-apocalyptic London a century from now, PR fixer Wilf Netherton is tasked by all-seeing policewoman Ainsley Lowbeer with interfering in the alternative past in which Verity and Eunice exist. It appears something nasty is about to happen there – and fixing it will require not only Eunice’s unique human-AI skillset but also a little help from the future.

A future which Verity soon fears may never be…

The aforementioned THE PERIPHERAL is also published in the UK by Penguin.

Here are just a few of the great reviews Gibson has received recently…

‘One of the most influential writers around… with Gibson’s trademark panache, the story rattles along with great pace and suspense’Sunday Times

‘One of our greatest science-fiction writers’New York Times

‘A sensual, remarkably visual ride, vigorous with displays of conceptual imagination and humour’Guardian

‘Among our most fascinating novelists’Daily Telegraph

‘Gibson is a prophet and a satirist, a black comedian and an astounding architect of cool’Spectator

‘One of the most visionary, original, and quietly influential writers currently working’Boston Globe

‘His eye for the eerie in the everyday still lends events an otherworldly sheen’New Yorker

‘Engaging, thought-provoking and delightful… [Gibson] can always be counted on to show us our contemporary milieu rendered magical by his unique insights, and a future rendered inhabitable by his wild yet disciplined imagination’Washington Post

‘Gibson blurs the line between real and speculative technology in a fast-paced thriller that will affirm to readers that it was well worth the wait’Booklist

‘Typically visionary, yet plausible and thrilling too’I Paper

‘If you’re one of those who sees Gibson as a visionary, it’s time to be scared — the scenarios he’s playing with here don’t make for comfort reading’SFX

Gibson’s classic cyberpunk Neuromancer series is also available in the UK, published by Gollancz: NEUROMANCER, COUNT ZERO, MONA LISA OVERDRIVE, and BURNING CHROME.

The first novel in the series, NEUROMANCER is also available in the UK as part of Gollancz’s SF Masterworks series.

Zeno represents William Gibson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Nell Pierce at Sterling Lord Literistic.

William Gibson brings AGENCY to the UK!

William Gibson‘s highly-anticipated new masterpiece, AGENCY is out now in the UK! The follow-up to the acclaimed THE PERIPHERAL, it is a gripping thriller set in an alternate present. Published in the UK by Viking, here’s the synopsis…

San Francisco, 2017. Clinton’s in the White House, Brexit never happened — and Verity Jane’s got herself a new job.

They call Verity ‘the app-whisperer’, and she’s just been hired by a shadowy start-up to evaluate a pair-of-glasses-cum-digital-assistant called Eunice. Only Eunice has other ideas.

Pretty soon, Verity knows that Eunice is smarter than anyone she’s ever met, conceals some serious capabilities and is profoundly paranoid which is just as well since suddenly some bad people are after Verity.

Meanwhile, in a post-apocalyptic London a century from now, PR fixer Wilf Netherton is tasked by all-seeing policewoman Ainsley Lowbeer with interfering in the alternative past in which Verity and Eunice exist. It appears something nasty is about to happen there – and fixing it will require not only Eunice’s unique human-AI skillset but also a little help from the future.

A future which Verity soon fears may never be…

Publishers Weekly said of the novel that ‘Cyberpunk fans looking to dive into the “what-if’s” of an alternate timeline will be as enraptured as ever by Gibson’s imagination’. We’d also recommend you read THE PERIPHERAL, which is out now, published by Penguin.

Of course, we also recommend you check out Gibson’s classic Neuromancer series, published in the UK by Gollancz. The first in that series is also available as a SF Masterworks special edition. If you’re looking for even more William Gibson content (who isn’t?), then we’d also recommend this New Yorker profile of the author, which was published in the December 16th, 2019, issue of the magazine.

Zeno represents William Gibson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Nell Pierce at Sterling Lord Literistic.

William Gibson’s AGENCY out next week in the UK!

The wait is almost over: William Gibson‘s highly-anticipated new novel, AGENCY is due to be published next week in the UK! A follow-up to Gibson’s acclaimed THE PERIPHERAL, it is due to be published by Viking. Here’s the synopsis…

San Francisco, 2017. Clinton’s in the White House, Brexit never happened — and Verity Jane’s got herself a new job.

They call Verity ‘the app-whisperer’, and she’s just been hired by a shadowy start-up to evaluate a pair-of-glasses-cum-digital-assistant called Eunice. Only Eunice has other ideas.

Pretty soon, Verity knows that Eunice is smarter than anyone she’s ever met, conceals some serious capabilities and is profoundly paranoid which is just as well since suddenly some bad people are after Verity.

Meanwhile, in a post-apocalyptic London a century from now, PR fixer Wilf Netherton is tasked by all-seeing policewoman Ainsley Lowbeer with interfering in the alternative past in which Verity and Eunice exist. It appears something nasty is about to happen there — and fixing it will require not only Eunice’s unique human-AI skillset but also a little help from the future.

A future which Verity soon fears may never be…

THE PERIPHERAL is published in the UK by Penguin. Gibson’s classic Neuromancer series is published in the UK by GollanczNEUROMANCER, COUNT ZERO, MONA LISA OVERDRIVE, and BURING CHROME.

Zeno represents William Gibson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Sterling Lord Literistic.

Next month: William Gibson’s highly-anticipated AGENCY!

Next month, William Gibson‘s new masterpiece, AGENCY is due to be published! The follow-up to the acclaimed THE PERIPHERAL, it is a gripping thriller set in an alternate present. Publishers Weekly has already said that, ‘Cyberpunk fans looking to dive into the “what-if’s” of an alternate timeline will be as enraptured as ever by Gibson’s imagination’.

Published in the UK by Viking, on January 23rd, here’s the synopsis…

San Francisco, 2017. Clinton’s in the White House, Brexit never happened — and Verity Jane’s got herself a new job.

They call Verity ‘the app-whisperer’, and she’s just been hired by a shadowy start-up to evaluate a pair-of-glasses-cum-digital-assistant called Eunice. Only Eunice has other ideas.

Pretty soon, Verity knows that Eunice is smarter than anyone she’s ever met, conceals some serious capabilities and is profoundly paranoid which is just as well since suddenly some bad people are after Verity.

Meanwhile, in a post-apocalyptic London a century from now, PR fixer Wilf Netherton is tasked by all-seeing policewoman Ainsley Lowbeer with interfering in the alternative past in which Verity and Eunice exist. It appears something nasty is about to happen there – and fixing it will require not only Eunice’s unique human-AI skillset but also a little help from the future.

A future which Verity soon fears may never be…

Sure to be one of the biggest releases of the year, we can’t wait for you to read this one! For more insight into this novel, check out this interview with the author over at Locus Magazine. If you can’t wait, be sure to read THE PERIPHERAL before AGENCY arrives — it is out now, published by Penguin.

Of course, we also recommend you check out Gibson’s classic Neuromancer series, published in the UK by Gollancz. The first in that series is also available as a SF Masterworks special edition.

Zeno represents William Gibson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Nell Pierce at Sterling Lord Literistic.

William Gibson’s THE PERIPHERAL optioned for television!

Earlier this week, it was announced that Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan, the creators of the critically-acclaimed Westworld HBO series, have optioned William Gibson‘s latest novel for television! The series will be distributed by Amazon Studios. To get caught up before the series drops, THE PERIPHERAL is out now, published in the UK by Penguin. Here’s the synopsis…

Flynne Fisher lives in rural near-future America where jobs are scarce and veterans from the wars are finding it hard to recover. She scrapes a living doing some freelance online game-playing, participating in some pretty weird stuff. Wilf Netherton lives in London, seventy-some years later, on the far side of decades of slow-motion apocalypse. Things though are good for the haves, and there aren’t many have-nots left.

Flynne and Wilf are about to meet one another. Her world will be altered utterly, and Wilf’s, for all its decadence and power, will learn that some of these third-world types from the distant past can be real badass.

William Gibson is the author of the cyberpunk classic NEUROMANCER and others. Aside from THE PERIPHERAL, his novels are published in the UK by Gollancz. The author’s next novel, AGENCY, is due out later this year (we’ll share updates, cover, etc., on the site as and when we have it).

Zeno represents William Gibson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Martha Millard at Sterling Lord Literistic.

STRATA Launches Today, Featuring E.J. Swift and Lavie Tidhar


Today, Penguin Random House launches their digital project, STRATA. Zeno clients E.J. Swift and Lavie Tidhar have both contributed stories to the project, which can be accessed from today. The site works best on a mobile device, too (although it does work in a desktop browser).

E.J. Swift is the author of the critically-acclaimed Osiris Project, which includes OSIRIS, CATAVEIRO and TAMARUQ. They are published in the UK by Del Rey, and are available as eBooks via the JABberwocky eBook Program. Emma has also written many critically-acclaimed short stories. Here are the Osiris covers…


Lavie Tidhar is the award-winning author of A MAN LIES DREAMING, published by Hodder (UK) and Melville House (US); THE VIOLENT CENTURY, published by Hodder (UK) and Thomas Dunne (US); OSAMA; and the Bookman Histories, published by Angry Robot Books. Lavie is also a prolific writer of short stories and novellas. His next work of fiction is CENTRAL STATION, due to be published in May 2016 by Tachyon Publications.
