First two Peter Grant novels available in Czech audio!

Great news! The first two novels in Ben Aaronovitch‘s Peter Grant series are now available in Czech audio editions! Produced by Tympanum, and narrated by Tomáš Kobr, the novels are published as ŘEKY LONDÝNA (RIVERS OF LONDON) and MĚSÍC NAD SOHO (MOON OVER SOHO), here’s the synopsis for the first book…

Jedna z nejúspěšnějších městských fantasy uplynulého desetiletí vás zavede do Londýna, ve kterém u policie slouží čarodějové a po ulicích se prohánějí zlovolní duchové či božstva na válečné stezce.

Jmenuji se Peter Grant. Ještě nedávno jsem byl obyčejný četnický zelenáč v řadách londýnské Metropolitní policie. Jedné noci jsem se ale při vyšetřování jisté vraždy pokusil získat svědeckou výpověď od muže, který byl sice mrtvý, ale jinak znepokojivě výřečný, což mi zajistilo pozornost vrchního inspektora Nightingalea, posledního čaroděje Anglie. A právě tehdy začal můj příběh.

Nyní jsem policejní detektiv a čarodějův učeň, první učedník za padesát let, a můj svět už není zdaleka tak jednoduchý, jak býval.

The print editions of the novels are published in Czech by Argo. The series is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-6). The English-language audiobooks are published by Orion Audio, and are narrated by the superb Kobna Holdbook-Smith. The series has also been published widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the first novel…

My name is Peter Grant and until January I was just probationary constable in that mighty army for justice known to all right-thinking people as the Metropolitan Police Service (and as the Filth to everybody else). My only concerns in life were how to avoid a transfer to the Case Progression Unit — we do paperwork so real coppers don’t have to — and finding a way to climb into the panties of the outrageously perky WPC Leslie May. Then one night, in pursuance of a murder inquiry, I tried to take a witness statement from someone who was dead but disturbingly voluable, and that brought me to the attention of Inspector Nightingale, the last wizard in England.

Now I’m a Detective Constable and a trainee wizard, the first apprentice in fifty years, and my world has become somewhat more complicated: nests of vampires in Purley, negotiating a truce between the warring god and goddess of the Thames, and digging up graves in Covent Garden… and there’s something festering at the heart of the city I love, a malicious vengeful spirit that takes ordinary Londoners and twists them into grotesque mannequins to act out its drama of violence and despair.

The spirit of riot and rebellion has awakened in the city, and it’s falling to me to bring order out of chaos — or die trying.

CRY FOX for a third time…

The third issue in Ben Aaronovitch and Andrew Cartmel‘s RIVERS OF LONDON: CRY FOX series is out today! Available in print and digital, it is published by Titan Comics. Here’s the synopsis…

Vengeful Russian mobsters are looking to hire members of London’s own more-then-natural underworld to bring bloody retribution down on the witch Varvara. However, the ex-Soviet sorcerer is under the protective wing of London’s own wizarding cop, Peter Grant (now a proper detective and everything), and to get the attention of Grant and his colleagues, the the daughter of a prominent Russian oligarch is kidnapped by parties unknown but possibly fox-like. What makes it worse is that Peter is going to have to leave his beloved London and *gasp* go out into the countryside! And when there’s trees and fields and wildlife involved, things never end well…

CRY FOX is the fifth comic series featuring the characters from Ben’s bestselling and critically-acclaimed Peter Grant series of novels. The first four series are currently available in print and digital collected editions, published by Titan Comics.

RIVERS OF LONDON: CRY FOX #3 out next week!

The third issue in RIVERS OF LONDON: CRY FOX is out next week! Available in print and digital, it is published by Titan Comics. Here’s series the synopsis…

Vengeful Russian mobsters are looking to hire members of London’s own more-then-natural underworld to bring bloody retribution down on the witch Varvara. However, the ex-Soviet sorcerer is under the protective wing of London’s own wizarding cop, Peter Grant (now a proper detective and everything), and to get the attention of Grant and his colleagues, the the daughter of a prominent Russian oligarch is kidnapped by parties unknown but possibly fox-like. What makes it worse is that Peter is going to have to leave his beloved London and *gasp* go out into the countryside! And when there’s trees and fields and wildlife involved, things never end well…

The series is written by Ben Aaronovitch and Andrew Cartmel. CRY FOX is the fifth series set in the Peter Grant/Rivers of London universe created by Ben. The novels (six to date) are published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW (4-6), and extensively in translation.

Peter Grant dons new jackets in time for the French THE HANGING TREE…

Next year, J’ai Lu are due to publish the sixth book in Ben Aaronovitch‘s Peter Grant series, THE HANGING TREE. Out in January as L’ARBRE DES PENDUS, there’s no French synopsis just yet. The novel is published in the UK by Gollancz, in the US by DAW Books, and in Germany by DTV. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

PC Peter Grant is back in London and facing up to the terrifying legacy of London’s hangings.

Suspicious deaths are not usually the concern of PC Peter Grant or the Folly, even when they happen at an exclusive party in one of the most expensive apartment blocks in London. But Lady Ty’s daughter was there, and Peter owes Lady Ty a favour.

Plunged into the alien world of the super-rich, where the basements are bigger than the house and dangerous, arcane items are bought and sold on the open market, a sensible young copper would keep his head down and his nose clean. But this is Peter Grant we’re talking about.

He’s been given an unparalleled opportunity to alienate old friends and create new enemies at the point where the world of magic and that of privilege intersect. Assuming he survives the week…

J’ai Lu have also published the first five novels in the series, and are due to re-jacket them to coincide with the release of L’ARBRE DES PENDUS. Here are the new covers for the first three…

DETECTIVE STORIES in Bookstores Today!

RIVERS OF LONDON: DETECTIVE STORIES is officially out in bookstores today! Already available through comic stores (brick-and-mortar and digital), the fourth collected series is published by Titan Comics. Here’s the synopsis…

PC Peter Grant faces his gruelling Detective exam, forcing him to relieve the strangest cases of his career.

From foiling an aspiring god, to confronting a Virtual Flasher, Peter’s police history has been anything but conventional; whether that’s chasing down ‘Falcon’ crimes with the aid of modern technology, or confronting timeless villainy with his magical skill-set. Does Peter have what it takes… or will DI Chopra judge him unsuitable for a badge?

The Rivers of London comic series are written by Ben Aaronovitch and Andrew Cartmel, with art by Lee Sullivan and Luis Guerrero. The first three comic series are also available in collected editions, and the fifth — CRY FOX — is currently ongoing. All are published by Titan Comics.

Ben’s Peter Grant series of novels is published in the UK by Gollancz, in the US by Del Rey and DAW Books, in Germany by DTV, and widely in translation. (For more information, feel free to get in touch.)

Peter Grant Cries Fox once again…

The second issue in Ben Aaronovitch and Andrew Cartmel‘s RIVERS OF LONDON: CRY FOX series is out in comic stores (and via digital retailers) today! This series, the fifth, picks up some of the story-threads from THE HANGING TREE (novel six). Published by Titan Comics, here’s the series synopsis…

CSI meets Harry Potter in this fantastic new graphic novel from Ben Aaronovitch, writer of the bestselling Rivers of London supernatural police procedural crime novel series!

Vengeful Russian mobsters are looking to hire members of London’s own more-then-natural underworld to bring bloody retribution down on the witch Varvara. However, the ex-Soviet sorcerer is under the protective wing of London’s own wizarding cop, Peter Grant (now a proper detective and everything), and to get the attention of Grant and his colleagues, the the daughter of a prominent Russian oligarch is kidnapped by parties unknown but possibly fox-like. What makes it worse is that Peter is going to have to leave his beloved London and *gasp* go out into the countryside! And when there’s trees and fields and wildlife involved, things never end well…

Be sure to check out the first four comic series, too: BODY WORK, NIGHT WITCH, BLACK MOULD and DETECTIVE STORIES. (The collected edition of DETECTIVE STORIES is also out today in general bookstores.)

Ben Aaronovitch event next week!

Next Tuesday (December 12th), Ben Aaronovitch and James Swallow will hold an event at the Finsbury Library in London. They will be “talking about writing, their books and their latest novels”, followed by a signing. It is a ticketed event, and you can get yours here.

Ben’s latest book is the novella THE FURTHEST STATION, set in his best-selling, critically-acclaimed Peter Grant series. Published recently in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Subterranean Press, here’s the synopsis…

There’s something going bump on the Metropolitan line and Sergeant Jaget Kumar knows exactly who to call.

It’s PC Peter Grant’s speciality…

Only it’s more than going ‘bump’. Traumatised travellers have been reporting strange encounters on their morning commute, with strangely dressed people trying to deliver an urgent message. Stranger still, despite calling the police themselves, within a few minutes the commuters have already forgotten the encounter – making the follow up interviews rather difficult.

So with a little help from Abigail and Toby the ghost hunting dog, Peter and Jaget are heading out on a ghost hunting expedition.

Because finding the ghost and deciphering their urgent message might just be a matter of life and death.

The first six novels in Ben’s Peter Grant series are also published in the UK by Gollancz, in the US by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-6), and also widely in translation.


Ben Aaronovitch‘s WHISPERS UNDERGROUND is out now in Poland! The third novel in the author’s best-selling, critically-acclaimed Peter Grant series, is published by MAG as SZEPTY POD ZIEMIĄ. Here’s the synopsis…

Nazywam się Peter Grant i jestem detektywem posterunkowym w potężnej armii sprawiedliwości znanej jako policja londyńska (tudzież psiarnia). Szkolę się także na czarodzieja, jestem pierwszym takim uczniem od pięćdziesięciu lat. Oficjalnie pracuję w wydziale do zwalczania przestępstw gospodarczych i innych, w jednostce dziewiątej, znanej też jako Szaleństwo i jako jednostka, o której grzeczni, dobrze wychowani gliniarze nie rozmawiają w kulturalnym towarzystwie.

Od poniedziałku mam okazję zająć się prawdziwą policyjną robotą. Niezidentyfikowana Ofiara została zadźgana na torach metra przy stacji Baker Street. Obecność magii niewykluczona.

Niezidentyfikowana Ofiara okazuje się synem amerykańskiego senatora i zanim zdążysz powiedzieć „międzynarodowy incydent” do sprawy posterunkowego detektywa Granta dołącza agentka FBI Kimberley Reynolds.

A w ciemnych tunelach londyńskiego metra, pośród pogrzebanych rzek i wiktoriańskich rynsztoków niesie się szept o zemście zza grobu.

Najnowsza sprawa posterunkowego detektywa Granta zaraz się wtoczy na śliskie tory…

Also available from MAG today, new editions of the first two novels in the series: RIVERS OF LONDON and MOON OVER SOHO, published as RZEKI LONDYNU and KSIĘŻYC NAD SOHO, respectively.

These three novels are published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Del Rey. Here’s the English-language synopsis for WHISPERS UNDERGROUND


It begins with a dead body at the far end of Baker Street tube station, all that remains of American exchange student James Gallagher — and the victim’s wealthy, politically powerful family is understandably eager to get to the bottom of the gruesome murder. The trouble is, the bottom — if it exists at all — is deeper and more unnatural than anyone suspects… except, that is, for London constable and sorcerer’s apprentice Peter Grant. With Inspector Nightingale, the last registered wizard in England, tied up in the hunt for the rogue magician known as “the Faceless Man,” it’s up to Peter to plumb the haunted depths of the oldest, largest, and — as of now — deadliest subway system in the world.

At least he won’t be alone. No, the FBI has sent over a crack agent to help. She’s young, ambitious, beautiful… and a born-again Christian apt to view any magic as the work of the devil. Oh yeah — that’s going to go well.

Gollancz has published all six of the novels in the Peter Grant series to date, as well as the new novella, THE FURTHEST STATION. DAW Books has published books 4-6 in North America, and Subterranean Press publishes the novella.

Czech out this new edition of FOXGLOVE SUMMER!

The Czech edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s FOXGLOVE SUMMER is out now! The fifth book in Aaronovitch’s best-selling Peter Grant series is published by Argo as ZÁLUDNÉ LÉTO. Here’s the synopsis…

Když se ve vesnici Rushpool v západní Anglii začnou pohřešovat dvě jedenáctileté dívky, konstábl Peter Grant musí vytáhnout paty z Londýna, aby zjistil, jestli se na jejich zmizení nepodílelo něco nadpřirozeného. Jde o rutinní opatření a Nightingale je přesvědčený, že Peter bude mít v případu do večera jasno. Jenže Peter lidi v nesnázích nikdy neopouští, takže i když neobjeví žádné zjevné stopy po magických aktivitách, nabídne místnímu policejnímu sboru své služby, neboť ví, že při pátrání po nezvěstných je potřeba každé volné ruky. Netrvá však dlouho a ocitá se ve zběsilém závodě s časem, ve světě, kde hranice mezi realitou a světem skřítků a víl nikdy nebyly prostupnější…

Argo has also published the first four novels in the series in Czech: RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND and BROKEN HOMES. They have also published the first Peter Grant comic series, RIVERS OF LONDON: BODY WORK.

FOXGLOVE SUMMER, and the rest of the Peter Grant series, is published in the UK by Gollancz. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the novel…

In the fifth of his bestselling series Ben Aaronovitch takes Peter Grant out of whatever comfort zone he might have found and takes him out of London — to a small village in Herefordshire where the local police are reluctant to admit that there might be a supernatural element to the disappearance of some local children. But while you can take the London copper out of London you can’t take the London out of the copper.

Travelling west with Beverley Brook, Peter soon finds himself caught up in a deep mystery and having to tackle local cops and local gods. And what’s more all the shops are closed by 4pm…

Peter Grant gets some new Polish jackets…

Above you can see the cover for the upcoming Polish edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s WHISPERS UNDERGROUND. Due to be published by MAG, here’s the synopsis…

Nazywam się Peter Grant i jestem detektywem posterunkowym w potężnej armii sprawiedliwości znanej jako policja londyńska (tudzież psiarnia). Szkolę się także na czarodzieja, jestem pierwszym takim uczniem od pięćdziesięciu lat. Oficjalnie pracuję w wydziale do zwalczania przestępstw gospodarczych i innych, w jednostce dziewiątej, znanej też jako Szaleństwo i jako jednostka, o której grzeczni, dobrze wychowani gliniarze nie rozmawiają w kulturalnym towarzystwie.

Od poniedziałku mam okazję zająć się prawdziwą policyjną robotą. Niezidentyfikowana Ofiara została zadźgana na torach metra przy stacji Baker Street. Obecność magii niewykluczona.

Niezidentyfikowana Ofiara okazuje się synem amerykańskiego senatora i zanim zdążysz powiedzieć „międzynarodowy incydent” do sprawy posterunkowego detektywa Granta dołącza agentka FBI Kimberley Reynolds.

A w ciemnych tunelach londyńskiego metra, pośród pogrzebanych rzek i wiktoriańskich rynsztoków niesie się szept o zemście zza grobu.

Najnowsza sprawa posterunkowego detektywa Granta zaraz się wtoczy na śliskie tory…

The first two novels in the series — RIVERS OF LONDON and MOON OVER SOHO — have already been published in Poland (also by MAG), but will also receive new covers, to match the style of the third book…

The Peter Grant series is published in the UK by Gollancz, and currently includes six novels and one novella. Ben has also written, with Andrew Cartmel, four comic series featuring the characters and set in the world of the series (published by Titan Comics).

New Spanish edition of RIVERS OF LONDON out now!

Oz Editorial has published a new Spanish edition of Ben Aaronovitch‘s best-selling, critically-acclaimed first Peter Grant novel, RIVERS OF LONDON!

En Londres, la magia está fuera de control

El joven Peter Grant era un agente de policía novato más hasta que un día, durante la investigación de un terrible asesinato, recibe cierta información de un testigo ocular muy especial: un fantasma. Tras descubrir que la magia existe, Grant ingresará en un departamento secreto de Scotland Yard que se encarga de las investigaciones sobrenaturales y, junto al enigmático inspector Nightingale, llevará a cabo tareas tan singulares como negociar treguas entre el dios y la diosa del Támesis, desenterrar tumbas en Covent Garden y perseguir a un espíritu maligno y vengativo que está sembrando el caos en la ciudad.

RIVERS OF LONDON, as well as the other Peter Grant novels, are published in the UK by Gollancz. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the novel…

My name is Peter Grant and until January I was just probationary constable in that mighty army for justice known to all right-thinking people as the Metropolitan Police Service (and as the Filth to everybody else). My only concerns in life were how to avoid a transfer to the Case Progression Unit — we do paperwork so real coppers don’t have to — and finding a way to climb into the panties of the outrageously perky WPC Leslie May. Then one night, in pursuance of a murder inquiry, I tried to take a witness statement from someone who was dead but disturbingly voluable, and that brought me to the attention of Inspector Nightingale, the last wizard in England.

Now I’m a Detective Constable and a trainee wizard, the first apprentice in fifty years, and my world has become somewhat more complicated: nests of vampires in Purley, negotiating a truce between the warring god and goddess of the Thames, and digging up graves in Covent Garden… and there’s something festering at the heart of the city I love, a malicious vengeful spirit that takes ordinary Londoners and twists them into grotesque mannequins to act out its drama of violence and despair.

The spirit of riot and rebellion has awakened in the city, and it’s falling to me to bring order out of chaos — or die trying.

[Incidentally, at the time of writing, RIVERS OF LONDON is part of Amazon UK’s Autumn Kindle Sale, at only 99p!]

The series is also published in the US by Del Rey and DAW Books, in Germany by DTV, in France by J’ai Lu, and widely in other translations.

THE FURTHEST STATION is a US Kindle Daily Deal today!

Ben Aaronovitch‘s first Peter Grant novella, THE FURTHEST STATION is a US Kindle Daily Deal today! Published by Subterranean Press, here’s the synopsis…

There have been ghosts on the London Underground, sad, harmless spectres whose presence does little more than give a frisson to travelling and boost tourism. But now there’s a rash of sightings on the Metropolitan Line and these ghosts are frightening, aggressive and seem to be looking for something.

Enter PC Peter Grant junior member of the Metropolitan Police’s Special Assessment unit a.k.a. The Folly a.k.a. the only police officers whose official duties include ghost hunting. Together with Jaget Kumar, his counterpart at the British Transport Police, he must brave the terrifying the crush of London’s rush hour to find the source of the ghosts.

Joined by Peter’s wannabe wizard cousin, a preschool river god and Toby the ghost hunting dog their investigation takes a darker tone as they realise that a real person’s life might just be on the line.

And time is running out to save them.

With this new novella, bestselling author Ben Aaronovitch has crafted yet another wickedly funny and surprisingly affecting chapter in his beloved Rivers of London series.

THE FURTHEST STATION is published in the UK by Gollancz, as are the rest of the novels in the series.

‘Aaronovitch’s novella featuring PC Peter Grant of London’s Special Assessment Unit (aka the Folly), which has the brief of investigating “disruptive phantasmagoria,” is an excellent entry point to the Peter Grant series for newcomers who like their urban fantasies rendered with a light touch.’Publishers Weekly

‘Though it be but little, this newest adventures of PC Peter Grant (technically book 5.7 in the Peter Grant/Rivers of London series) is fiercely entertaining; the endlessly imaginative Aaronovitch is in top form. Perhaps because there is so much intrigue, ghostly action and unique characterization packed into such a comparatively small space, the deft blend of supernatural adventure and police procedural is particularly impressive here, as Grant is called upon to use all the tools at his disposal, both the magical and the mundane.’RT Book Reviews (Top Pick)

‘Aaronvitch guarantees a thrilling read; his style and approach to world building are simply too tight and too accomplished not to. THE FURTHEST STATION is a strong example of compact and intense storytelling… We get some nice character development, especially via Peter’s cousin. She’s beginning to dabble in magic herself, which is a little like learning to juggle hand live hand grenades, and this provides a decent B-plot. THE FURTHEST STATION is short, but perfectly formed.’ — Starburst


Today, Titan Comics published the fourth and final issue in Ben Aaronovitch and Andrew Cartmel‘s RIVERS OF LONDON: DETECTIVE STORIES comic series. DETECTIVE STORIES is the fourth comic series in Ben’s Peter Grant series, and is comprised of four stand-alone investigations. Titan Comics has also published the first three series — BODY WORK, NIGHT WITCH and BLACK MOULD — which have been collected into graphic novels.

Ben’s best-selling, critically-acclaimed Peter Grant novels are published in the UK by Gollancz, and have been published widely in translation.


The third instalment in the latest Rivers Of London comic series, DETECTIVE STORIES is out today! Publihsed by Titan Comics, and written by Ben Aaronovitch and Andrew Cartmel, the series is made up of four self-contained, magical crimes — as recounted by Peter Grant to his superiors.

Titan Comics has also published the first three comic series: BODY WORK, NIGHT WITCH and BLACK MOULD, all of which are now available in collected graphic novels (in paperback and digital editions).

Ben’s best-selling, critically-acclaimed Peter Grant series of novels is published in the UK by Gollancz, in the US by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-6), and widely in translation.

Ben Aaronovitch’s DETECTIVE STORIES #3 coming soon!

Above you can see the two great cover variants for the third issue in Ben Aaronovitch and Andrew Cartmel‘s RIVERS OF LONDON: DETECTIVE STORIES comic series. Published by Titan Comics, the series is made up of four self-contained magical crimes, as recounted by Peter Grant to his superiors.

Titan Comics has also published the first three Rivers of London comic series: BODY WORK, NIGHT WITCH and BLACK MOULD. The Peter Grant novels are published in the UK by Gollancz, in the US by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-6), and widely in translation.