ICYMI: Turkish Edition of Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS is Out Now!

In case you missed it, there’s a new Turkish edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS, one of the author’s classic science fiction novels! Published by İthaki Yayınları, as YOL İŞARETLERİ, it was translated by Taylan Taftaf. Here’s the synopsis…


Roger Zelazny, farklı mitolojileri bilimkurgu romanlarına uyarlamasıyla pek çok yazarın yalnızca hayal edebildiği bir şeyi alışkanlık hâline getirmiş eşsiz bir yazar. Yol İşaretleri ise kısmen fantastik öğeler içeren deneysel bir bilimkurgu romanı.

Red Dorakeen, kendisinin de bir başkasının da hatırlayamayacağı kadar uzun zamandır Yol’daydı. Çok uzun zaman önce yaşlı bir adam olarak Yol’da yürümüştü. Şimdi ise çok daha gençti. Mavi renkli hurda Dodge pikabıyla antik dönem Maraton’unda istilacı Perslerle savaşan Yunanlara silah taşıyor, yolda Hitler’le ve de Sade’la tartışmalara giriyor, zamanda bir ileri bir geri durmaksızın yolculuk ediyordu.

Şimdiyse biri Red’i öldürmek için on girişimin düzenleneceğine dair Yol’u yöneten yasalara göre resmi bir beyanda bulunmuştu. Gizli düşmanı, (çok tehlikeli bir keşişten bir Tiranozor’a kadar uzanan çeşitlilikte, insan veya diğer türlerde) suikastçılar tutmak için geçmişi ve geleceği tarıyordu. Red’in peşini bırakmayacaklardı, Yol onu nereye götürürse götürsün.

Yol İşaretleri, zamanlar arası bir kendini keşif yolculuğu.

ROADMARKS is also available in the UK, published by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well… forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

Roger Zelazny’s STRASSE NACH ÜBERALLHIN Out Now in Germany!

The new German translation of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS, one of the author’s (many) classic and acclaimed science fiction novels, is out now! Published by Piper Verlag, and translated by Jakob Schmidt, here’s the synopsis for STRASSE NACH ÜBERALLHIN

Red Dorakeen hat sich einen mächtigen Feind gemacht. Kreuz und quer flieht er vor dessen Attentätern durch die Epochen der

Menschheitsgeschichte – denn die „Straße nach Überallhin“ ermöglicht es ihm, von der unvorstellbar fernen Vergangenheit bis in die weite Zukunft zu reisen.

Dieser vergessene Schatz der Science-Fiction lässt seine Leser: innen auf jeder Seite von Neuem staunen, rätseln und mitfiebern – Zelaznys besondere Erzählweise bietet ein absolut außergewöhnliches Leseerlebnis.

The novel is also available in the UK, in a new SF Masterworks edition published by Gollancz in mid-January of this year. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

Interest in the novel was revived and given a boost by the news that HBO is in the process of developing it for a television adaptation.

Bulgarian Edition of Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS Out Now!

The Bulgarian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS is out now! Published by Бард as Хронобандити, here’s the synopsis…

ПЪТЯТ може да води навсякъде. ПЪТЯТ може да води до всеки момент. Почти!

Ред Доракийн отдавна кръстосва Пътя, построен от драконите на Белкуинит. Път, който се простира безкрай от миналото към далечното бъдеще, с изходи, които водят навсякъде и до всякога.

Но Ред все не може да намери мястото, където иска да бъде.

И не е единственият, който пътува по Пътя, а хората, които идват и си отиват, могат да променят миналото или бъдещето както им хрумне. Изходите се затварят, обрастват и да измислиш какво да промениш, за да се върнеш в някой предишен момент, отнема, ами… цяла вечност.

За щастие, Ред разполага с цялото време на света.

ХРОНОБАНДИТИ е главозамайващ фантастичен роман от един от най-значимите автори в жанра. Той заплита линейни и нелинейни сюжети в един завладяващ разказ, пълен с мистерия и магия!

ROADMARKS is available in the UK as part of the SF Masterworks series, published by Gollancz. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.
The Road can go Anywhen.

Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.


German Edition of Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS Out in Three Weeks!

A new German edition of ROADMARKS by Roger Zelazny is due out in three weeks! Due to be published by Piper Verlag on April 27th, as STRASSE NACH ÜBERALLHIN, here’s the synopsis…

Red Dorakeen hat sich einen mächtigen Feind gemacht. Kreuz und quer flieht er vor dessen Attentätern durch die Epochen der Menschheitsgeschichte – denn die „Straße nach Überallhin“ ermöglicht es ihm, von der unvorstellbar fernen Vergangenheit bis in die weite Zukunft zu reisen.

Dieser vergessene Schatz der Science-Fiction lässt seine Leser:innen auf jeder Seite von Neuem staunen, rätseln und mitfiebern – Zelaznys besondere Erzählweise bietet ein absolut außergewöhnliches Leseerlebnis.

The novel has been translated by Jakob Schmidt.

ROADMARKS was first published in 1979, the novel is also published as part of Gollancz‘s SF Masterworks series. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.
The Road can go Anywhen.

Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS Out Today in the UK!

The new, SF Masterworks edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic SF novel ROADMARKS is out today! Published in the UK by Gollancz, here’s the synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

ROADMARKS joins Zelazny’s LORD OF LIGHT and the Chronicles of Amber among the ranks of Gollancz’s SF Masterworks.

ROADMARKS has also been published in Czechia (Laser), Korea (달다), and a new German edition (Piper) is on the way!

Roger Zelazny’s STRASSE NACH ÜBERALLHIN Out in April 2023!

Next April, Piper Verlag are due to publish a new German translation of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS, one of the author’s (many) classic and acclaimed science fiction novels: STRASSE NACH ÜBERALLHIN, translated by Jakob Schmidt. Here’s the synopsis…

Red Dorakeen hat sich einen mächtigen Feind gemacht. Kreuz und quer flieht er vor dessen Attentätern durch die Epochen der

Menschheitsgeschichte – denn die „Straße nach Überallhin“ ermöglicht es ihm, von der unvorstellbar fernen Vergangenheit bis in die weite Zukunft zu reisen.

Dieser vergessene Schatz der Science-Fiction lässt seine Leser: innen auf jeder Seite von Neuem staunen, rätseln und mitfiebern – Zelaznys besondere Erzählweise bietet ein absolut außergewöhnliches Leseerlebnis.

Interest in the novel was revived when it was announced that HBO is developing the novel for a television adaptation. The novel is due to be published in a new SF Masterworks UK edition, by Gollancz, on January 19th, 2023. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS Out Now in Korea!

We’re very happy to report that ROADMARKS by Roger Zelazny is now available in Korea! Published by 달다 (Aladdin), as 로드마크, and translated by 박은진, here’s the synopsis…

미국 SF 판타지 작가협회(SFWA)의 네뷸러상을 세 차례, 휴고상을 여섯 차례 수상한 뉴웨이브 SF, 판타지의 거장 로저 젤라즈니의 SF 판타지 소설이다. 시공간을 넘나드는 고속도로 ‘로드’를 배경으로, 맨 처음 통과했던 로드의 출입구를 찾아 헤매는 레드 도라킨과 그의 목숨을 노리는 이들의 이야기를 퍼즐을 맞춰가듯 읽어 나가는 소설이다.

원하는 시간대, 원하는 장소로 이동할 수 있지만 아무나 접근할 수는 없는 고속도로 ‘로드’. 끝도 없이 펼쳐진 로드를 이동하는 여행자들은 삶을 바꾸기 위해, 과거의 실수를 지우기 위해 로드의 출입구를 찾아 원하는 시간대로 이동하려 한다. 이러한 여행자들 가운데 한 사람, 레드 도라킨은 위험한 무기들을 픽업트럭에 실어 운반하는 일을 하며 맨 처음 통과했던 로드의 출입구를 찾아다닌다. 그러던 중 합법적인 살인 게임, 블랙 데케이드의 표적이 되어 열 번의 살인 위협을 받게 되는데…

ROADMARKS, which was first published in 1979, is due to be published in a new SF Masterworks edition in the UK in January 2023, by Gollancz. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

New SF Masterworks Edition of Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS Out Next Year!

We’re very happy to report that another novel by Roger Zelazny will be added to the SF Masterworks range next year! This new edition of ROADMARKS is due to be published by Gollancz on January 19th, 2023. Here’s the synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

ROADMARKS joins LORD OF LIGHT and the Chronicles of Amber among the ranks of SF Masterworks.

We’ll have more information about other, new translated editions of ROADMARKS in the coming weeks.

Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS Out Now in Czechia!

We’re very happy to report that a new Czech edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS is out now! Published by Laser as POSLEDNÍ ODBOČKA NA BABYLON, and translated by Richard Podaný, here’s the synopsis…

Silnice vede z nepředstavitelně vzdálené minulosti do daleké budoucnosti. Ti, kteří po ní putují, mohou odbočit do jakéhokoliv místa a času – dokonce i do alternativních proudů historie, které se nikdy neudály.

Zrzek Dorakeen jezdí po Silnici tak dlouho, kam až sahá jeho paměť. Před dávnými časy po ní putoval jako starý muž pěšky; nyní, mnohem mladší, veze ve své odřené modré dodávce zbraně Řekům bojujícím proti Peršanům u starověkého Marathónu. Někdo ale po Zrzkovi jde. Tento „někdo“ má právo desetkrát se pokusit Zrzka zavraždit, aniž za to bude podle zákonů Silnice stíhán. Zrzkův skrytý nepřítel prohledal minulost i budoucnost, aby našel deset vrahů – ať už lidí nebo hrůzných stvoření, od vraždícího mnicha po tyranosaura – kteří Zrzka pronásledují, kamkoli ho Silnice zavede…

Proč Draci z Bel’kwinithu Silnici vystavěli, a kdo vlastně jsou, to nikdo neví. Ale Silnice tu vždy byla a bude – pro ty, kteří ji umějí najít…

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The road leads from the unimaginably distant past to the distant future. Those who travel along it can veer off into any place and time—even into alternate streams of history that never happened.

Redhead Dorakeen has been riding the Road for as long as he can remember. A long time ago, he wandered on foot like an old man; now, much younger, he drives weapons in his battered blue van to the Greeks fighting the Persians at ancient Marathon. But someone is after Zrzko. This “someone” has the right to try ten times to murder Redhead without prosecution under the laws of the Road. Redhead’s hidden enemy has scoured the past and future to find ten assassins—whether human or hideous creatures, from a murderous monk to a tyrannosaurus—who pursue Redhead wherever the Road leads him…

Why the Dragons of Bel’kwinith built the Road, or who they really are, no one knows. But the Road has always been there and always will be — for those who know how to find it…

ROADMARKS Audiobook Available in the UK!

We shared the news a little while ago that the audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS, narrated by Matt Godfrey, had been released in North America by Recorded Books. Today, we’re happy to share the news that it is now also available in the UK! Published by W. F. Howes, here’s the synopsis…

The Road runs from the unimaginable past to the far future, and those who travel it have access to the turnoffs leading to all times and places — even to the alternate time-streams of histories that never happened. Why the Dragons of Bel’kwinith made the Road — or who they are – no one knows. But the Road has always been there, and for those who know how to find it, it always will be!

Dizzying in its virtuosity, gripping in its kaleidoscopic treatment of time, character and action Roadmarks is a dazzling achievement.

Matt Godfrey has also narrated the audiobook edition of CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS, which is out now in North America, published by Recorded Books.

New ROADMARKS Audiobook Out Tomorrow in North America!

A new North American audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS is out tomorrow! To be published by Recorded Books, it is narrated by Matt Godfrey. Here’s the synopsis…

The Road runs from the unimaginable past to the far future, and those who travel it have access to the turnoffs leading to all times and places – even to the alternate time-streams of histories that never happened. Why the Dragons of Bel’kwinith made the Road — or who they are — no one knows. But the Road has always been there and for those who know how to find it, it always will be!

Dizzying in its virtuosity, gripping in its kaleidoscopic treatment of time, character, and action, Roadmarks is a dazzling achievement.

Below are a couple of photos from Godfrey’s recording session. If you’d like to watch a brief excerpt-clip, you can do so here.

New ROADMARKS Audiobook on the way!

We’re very happy to report that there is a new North American audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS on the way! Due to be published on November 19th by Recorded Books, it is narrated by Matt Godfrey. Here’s the synopsis…

The Road runs from the unimaginable past to the far future, and those who travel it have access to the turnoffs leading to all times and places – even to the alternate time-streams of histories that never happened. Why the Dragons of Bel’kwinith made the Road — or who they are — no one knows. But the Road has always been there and for those who know how to find it, it always will be!

Dizzying in its virtuosity, gripping in its kaleidoscopic treatment of time, character, and action, Roadmarks is a dazzling achievement.

And, as a bonus, here’s an excerpt, in the form of a clip of Godfrey recording…

HBO Developing ROADMARKS Adaptation!

As reported by Deadline, Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel ROADMARKS is currently in development for HBO! Kalinda Vazquez is writing and leading the adaptation, with George R.R. Martin executive producing.

The novel was first published in 1979, and has been published widely in translation. Here’s the synopsis…

The Road runs from the unimaginable past to the far future, and those who travel it have access to the turnoffs leading to all times and places — even to the alternate time-streams of histories that never happened. Why the Dragons of Bel’kwinith made the Road — or who they are — no one knows. But the Road has always been there and for those who know how to find it, it always will be!

Via Deadline, here’s what George R.R. Martin had to say about the project:

‘My career in television started in 1985 when I adapted Roger Zelazny’s Last Defender of Camelot for The Twilight Zone. Roger was a friend, a mentor, and one of the greatest science fiction writers who ever lived. It was an honor to be able to bring his work to television. That is why I am so thrilled to be a part of adapting Roger’s novel Roadmarks for HBO. We have a great book, a great screenwriter in Kalinda Vasquez, and the makings of a wonderful, original show. I look forward to a long and thrilling journey.’

After Roger Zelazny passed away, Martin penned a heartfelt memoriam for the author, which you can read here.

We’ll share more news about the ROADMARKS series as and when we know more.

Spotlight: Zelazny in Germany

In case you missed them, we wanted to draw your attention to six of Roger Zelazny‘s novels that available in Germany! Published by Heyne, here are the details for each of these classics (they deserve individual spotlights, so bear with us).

Let us begin with FLUCH DER UNSTERBLICHKEIT (pictured above)…

… nenne mich Conrad

Nach einem verheerenden Atomkrieg leben auf der Erde jede Menge gefährlicher Mutanten und nur noch knapp vier Millionen Menschen – die als Attraktionen für Besucher von der Wega herhalten müssen. Conrad Nomikos arbeitet als Touristenführer und soll einen einflussreichen Weganer alle Sehenswürdigkeiten der alten Erde zeigen. Als er dahinterkommt, dass die Wega plant, die im Unterhalt ziemlich kostspielige Erde zu vernichten, beginnt für ihn ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit – und gegen eine Rebellengruppe, die nach dem Leben des außerirdischen Besuchers trachtet…

First published as THIS IMMORTAL in 1966, it won the Hugo Award for Best Novel. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he’d rather not talk about. And, as Arts Commissioner, he’s been given a job he’d rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour of the shattered remains of Earth is not something he relishes — especially when it is apparent that this places him at the center high-level intrigue that has some bearing on the future of Earth itself.

THE DREAM MASTER, first published in 1966, is available in Germany as HERR DER TRÄUME

Das Inferno in uns

Charles Render ist einer der wenigen Psychiater, die imstande sind, sich der sogenannten Neuro-Partizipations-Therapie zu bedienen. Dabei dringen sie in das Innerste der Psyche ihrer Patienten ein und können sie formen, umgestalten und so geistige Schäden beheben. Deswegen nennt man Render auch den “Schöpfer”. Doch diese Arbeit ist gefährlich: Selbst ein starker Geist bietet nicht immer ausreichenden Schutz vor dem Chaos, das in den Tiefen der menschlichen Seele herrscht…

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

His name is Charles Render, and he is a psychoanalyst, and a mechanic of dreams. A Shaper. In a warm womb of metal, his patients dream their neuroses, while Render, intricately connected to their brains, dreams with them, makes delicate adjustments, and ultimately explains and heals. Her name is Eileen Shallot, a resident in psychiatry. She wants desperately to become a Shaper, though she has been blind from birth. Together, they will explore the depths of the human mind — and the terrors that lurk therein

Winner of the Hugo Award for Best Novel, and nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel, LORD OF LIGHT is HERR DES LICHTS in Germany…

Menschen wie Götter

In ferner Zukunft haben die Menschen einen fernen Planeten besiedelt und sich durch gezielte Mutationen weiterentwickelt. Jetzt herrschen die „Ersten“, die bereits mutiert auf dem Planeten ankamen, über die Sterblichen wie die Götter des hinduistischen Pantheons. Sie unterdrücken jeden Fortschritt, rotten jeden Widerstand aus und halten ihre Nachfahren auf dem Niveau von Barbaren, um ihre Macht nicht zu gefährden. Doch eines Tages kehrt Mahasamatman, der Herr des Lichts, von seiner Festung im Himmel auf die Erde zurück – und stellt sich auf die Seite der Unterdrückten…

LORD OF LIGHT was first published in 1967. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Earth is long since dead. On a colony planet, a band of men has gained control of technology, made themselves immortal, and now rule their world as the gods of the Hindu pantheon. Only one dares oppose them: he who was once Siddhartha and is now Mahasamatman. Binder of Demons, Lord of Light.

Here’s the synopsis for STRASSE DER VERDAMMNIS

Ein Höllenritt durch einen Albtraum

Südkalifornien in einer düsteren Zukunft: Die Vereinigten Staaten gibt es nach einem Atomkrieg nicht mehr, das Gebiet ist in einzelne Polizeistaaten zerfallen. Gewaltige Stürme machen jede Form von Luftfahrt unmöglich, und auch zu Land sind Reisen dank verstrahlten Gebieten und monströsen Mutationen nicht ungefährlich. Hier einen Alltag zu bestreiten ist jeden Tag die Hölle. Hell Tanner, ein inhaftierter Mörder, bekommt die Chance auf eine Begnadigung, wenn er einen Laster mit Medikamente von LA nach Boston schafft – einmal quer durch die USA auf der Straße der Verdammnis. Natürlich nimmt er an…

DAMNATION ALLEY was first published in 1968, and here’s the English-synopsis…

Hell Tanner isn’t the sort of guy you’d mistake for a hero: he’s a fast-driving car thief, a smuggler, and a stone-cold killer. He’s also expendable — at least in the eyes of the Secretary of Traffic for the Nation of California. Tanner doesn’t care much for those eyes. You’d also never mistake Hell Tanner for a humanitarian. Facing life in prison for his various crimes, he’s given a choice; rot away his remaining years in a tiny jail cell, or drive cross-country and deliver a case of antiserum to the plague-ridden people of Boston, Massachusetts…if anyone is still alive there to receive it, that is. The chance of a full pardon does wonders for getting his attention. And don’t mistake this mission of mercy for any kind of normal road trip – not when there are radioactive storms, hordes of carniverous beasts, and giant, mutated scorpions to be found along every deadly mile between Los Angeles and the East Coast. But then, this is no normal part of America, you see. This is DAMNATION ALLEY…

Here’s the synopsis for TORE IN DER WÜSTE

Zusammenprall der Kulturen

Im Rahmen eines intergalaktischen Kulturaustausches erhalten die Menschen von Aliens symbolische Artefakte, die Rhennius-Maschine und den Sternstein, im Tausch gegen die Kronjuwelen des britischen Königshauses und die Mona Lisa. Doch der Sternstein geht verloren, und der Langzeitstudent Fred Cassidy ist der letzte Mensch, der ihn gesehen hat. Verschiedene Kräfte – legale und illegale, irdische und nicht-irdische – versuchen, den Verbleib des Steins aus Fred heraus zu bekommen, mit ihren eigenen Methoden, die nicht immer menschenfreundlich sind. Fred begibt sich schließlich selbst auf die Suche nach dem Sternstein – und tritt damit eine Reise an, deren Ausgang nicht abzusehen ist…

DOORWAYS IN THE SAND was widely praised at the time of its release (1976), and was nominated for Best Novel Hugo, Nebula and Locus Awards.

Humanity is not alone in the cosmos. The aliens have given a precious relic to the people of Earth: star-stone. The harmony of the galaxy is at stake when they discover the disappearance of their star-stone.

Likeable Fred Cassidy is an eternal undergraduate. All he thinks he knows about the star-stone is that it came to Earth in an interplanetary trade for the Mona Lisa and the British Crown jewels.

Then Fred is accused of stealing the cosmic artifact, and he is pursued from Australia to Greenwich Village and beyond, by telepathic psychologists, extraterrestrial hoodlums and galactic police in disguise; as he enters multiple realities, flipping in and out of alien perspectives, through doorways in the sand.

And last, but by no means least, we have STRASSE NACH ÜBERALLHIN

Jenseits der Zeit

Ein weitverzweigtes Straßennetz, das nur den Eingeweihten zugänglich ist, verbindet Raum und Zeit miteinander. Wer diese Straßen befährt, dem stehen alle Epochen der Geschichte offen. Und wer einmal gelernt hat, sich auf diesen Straßen zu bewegen, der kann nie wieder zurück: Er ist zu einem Zeitlosen geworden und Teil einer eigenen, extratemporalen Gesellschaft. Doch die ist alles andere als eine eingeschworene Gemeinschaft, im Gegenteil: Immer wieder kommt es zu Feindschaften unter den Zeitreisenden. Red Dorakeen ist mit seinem Laster auf den Zeitstraßen unterwegs, um den Griechen Waffen für die Schlacht bei Marathon gegen die Perser zu liefern. Plötzlich wird er angegriffen und entgeht nur knapp dem Tod. Sein Gegner hat eine Schwarze Zehn über ihn verhängt: Zehn Berufskiller, die an den Rändern der Straßen nach überallhin auf ihn lauern…

First published in 1979, here’s the synopsis for ROADMARKS

The Road runs from the unimaginable past to the far future, and those who travel it have access to the turnoffs leading to all times and places — even to the alternate time-streams of histories that never happened. Why the Dragons of Bel’kwinith made the Road — or who they are — no one knows. But the Road has always been there and for those who know how to find it, it always will be!

That’s all we have for you today, but keep checking back — we should have news about more translated editions of Roger Zelazny’s classic, beloved novels over the next few months.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.