Coming Soon: Roger Zelazny’s THIS IMMORTAL in France

Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel THIS IMMORTAL (his first published) is getting a new French edition! Published next week by Helios as TOI L’IMMORTEL, here’s the synopsis…

Une catastrophe atomique a détruit pratiquement toute trace des civilisations continentales, provoquant l’exode de la plupart des humains. Mais les quelques individus restés sur Terre ont vu leur espérance de vie considérablement augmenter. Conrad Nomikos est l’un d’entre eux et nul ne connaît son âge. Devenu le conservateur des ruines de la Terre sur une île grecque miraculeusement préservée, il doit servir de guide à un important intellectuel végan, Cort Myshtigo, qui souhaite visiter la planète pour se documenter afin d’écrire un livre sur l’histoire humaine. C’est le début d’une odyssée que Nomikos imaginait certes périlleuse, mais pas à ce point…

En mariant avec audace religion, magie et technologie, Roger Zelazny, avec ce premier roman, est entré immédiatement dans la cour des grands. Il remporte d’ailleurs en 1966 le prix Hugo ex aequo avec Dune de Franck Herbert. Ce texte concentre une grande partie des thématiques que l’auteur ne cessera d’explorer tout au long de ses oeuvres suivantes.

Un nouveau mythe et une quête post-apocalyptique.

THIS IMMORTAL was first published in 1966, and won the Hugo Award for Best Novel (1966), Geffen Award for Best Translated Science Fiction Book (2009), and the Seiun Award 星雲賞 for Best Foreign Language Novel of the Year (1976). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he’d rather not talk about. And, as Arts Commissioner, he’s been given a job he’d rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour of the shattered remains of Earth is not something he relishes — especially when it is apparent that this places him at the center of high-level intrigue that has some bearing on the future of Earth itself!

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Chronicles of Amber now complete in Serbia!

The fourth Chronicles of Amber omnibus is now available in Serbia! The Hronike Ambera omnibuses Published by Laguna, this omnibus contains the final two novels in Roger Zelazny‘s classic fantasy series: VITEZ SENKI (KNIGHT OF SHADOWS) and PRINC HAOSA (PRINCE OF CHAOS). Here’s the synopsis…

Šestostruki dobitnik nagrade Hugo i trostruki dobitnik nagrade Nebula.

Serijal Hronike Ambera je klasik fantastike; sastoji se od deset delova, objavljivanih između 1970. i 1991. U ovom tomu sadržani su deveta knjiga, Vitez Senki, i deseta, Princ Haosa. Ovim se završava serijal romana o Amberu.

Merlin ima pune ruke posla. Valja pronaći Koral i saznati šta se desilo Luku, a niz znakova kao da odjednom nagoveštava kako Korvin, njegov otac, možda ipak nije mrtav. No umesto da rešava ova pitanja, Merl protiv volje biva uvučen u igre moćnika dva pola magije, amberskog Nacrta i haoskog Logrusa. Ove Sile mešaju mu se u život i trude se da ga prisile na izbor: Amber ili Dvorovi, Jednorog ili Zmija. Merlin sve dublje zapada u zamršene spletke i kontraspletke oba sveta, dok neki kuju zaveru da ga, protivno njegovoj želji, postave na presto Haosa.

The two novels were first published in 1989 and 1991, respectively. Here’s the synopsis for KNIGHT OF SHADOWS

Merlin pursues the mysterious disappearances of the two people dearest to him: Julia, once murdered and now reincarnated as his enemy; and his father, Corwin, who, never visible, leaves behind tantalizing signs of life.

But the powers of Order and Chaos intervene, attempting to force Merlin to choose once and for all where his allegiance lies: the Courts of Chaos, Amber, the Lorgus, or the Unicorn.

As suggested above, Laguna has also published the first eight novels in the series, in three omnibus editions.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s THIS IMMORTAL is coming soon to Turkey!

Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel THIS IMMORTAL is due to be published in Turkey next month! To be published by İthaki Yayınları, as BÜ ÖLÜMSÜZ, here’s the synopsis…

Ölmekte olan bir dünyadaki tek ölümsüz, dünyasını nasıl yeniden hayata döndürebilir?

İşte bunlardan dolayıdır ki her geri dönüşümde kendimi yenilemiş bulurum, çünkü artık birçok yılı geride bırakmış bir adam olarak, bütün Yer için aynı şeyleri hissediyorum. Bunlar için dövüştüm ben, bunlar için öldürdümi bombaladım ve bunlar için Vegalıların orada, Taler’deki sürgün hükümetimizden Yer’i adım adım satın almalarını önlemek amacıyla kitaptaki bütün yasal numaraları uyguladım.

First published in 1966, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he’d rather not talk about. And, as Arts Commissioner, he’s been given a job he’d rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour of the shattered remains of Earth is not something he relishes — especially when it is apparent that this places him at the center high-level intrigue that has some bearing on the future of Earth itself.

THIS IMMORTAL is also available in Russia (Эксмо) and Germany (Heyne). İthaki has also published LORD OF LIGHT in Turkey, as IŞIK TANRISI.

New Zelazny Omnibus available in Bulgaria

Смъртта и светлината, a new omnibus of Roger Zelazny‘s fiction, is now available in Bulgaria. Published by Бард, here’s the synopsis…

Сборникът съдържа следните произведения:

1. Четири истории от утре

· Вратите на лицето му, лампите на устата му
· Роза за Еклесиаста
· Фуриите
· Сърцето на гробищата

2. Господарят на светлината

3. Една нощ през самотния октомври

Странният поетичен свят на Зелазни е главозамайваща смес от забавна сатира и философски размисли. Ранните му разкази са великолепно написани – мечтателни и в същото време задълбочени. Бурният екшън „Вратите на лицето му, лампите на устата му“, емоционално разтърсващият „Роза за Еклисиаста“, смешно-сърцераздирателната басня „Фуриите“ и мрачният трагичен романс „Сърцето на гробищата“ са изумително близки до съвременната чувствителност.

Сложният, интригуващ и тайнствен роман „Господарят на светлината“, донесъл на Зелазни наградата „Хюго“ през 1968 г., пресъздава хиндуисткия пантеон с помощта на науката, хвърля светлина върху връзката между човечеството и технологиите и разказва трогателна човешка история. „Една нощ през самотния октомври“ – последната книга на Зелазни преди смъртта му – е дръзко оригинална амалгама от ужаси, хумор, мистерия и фантазия: скъпоценност, излъчваща мрачен блясък.

The omnibus includes FOUR FOR TOMORROW (a collection of four novelettes, first published in 1967), LORD OF LIGHT (1967) and A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER (1993).

The latter was recently published by Farrago in the UK. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

All is not what it seems.

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an upcoming ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut. And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

Farrago has also published Zelazny’s DOORWAYS IN THE SAND.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s CHANGELING now available in Bulgaria!

CHANGELING, the first novel in Roger Zelazny‘s Changeling Saga, is out now in Bulgaria! Published by Сиела as Размяната, here’s the synopsis…

“През полята, гдето няма битки, няма глад, няма болка, где никой не е чудовище, где светлината е мека, чуруликат птички и ромолят поточета, где сумракът пада и води звездите като рояк светулки… и там ще живееш винаги и нивга не ще се събудиш, нивга не ще си тръгнеш… Спи в покой, що никога не си познавал — завинаги, навеки…”

Дет Морсон, определян от някои като тъмен магьосник, а от други като човек с амбиции, гледа как армиите на враговете напредват, за да го унищожат.

Дет знае, че ще изгуби, и нито драконите, нито харпиите, нито останалите чудовища, които е събрал в замъка си, ще му помогнат.
И губи.

Синът му обаче е жив и победителите знаят, че винаги ще представлява заплаха за тях. Затова трябва да бъде изпратен далече, в свят където магията е само легенда, а технологиите властват.

Там трябва да израсне като обикновен човек, а друго дете, взето от света на технологиите ще заеме мястото му. Но Равновесието вече е нарушено.

И е въпрос на време повелителят на магиите да се изправи срещу новия господар на технологията, за да решат съдбата на света.

First published in 1980, here’s the English-language synopsis…

The people had long suffered under Det Morson’s power. When at last, the wizard Mor joined the fight, Det and his infamous Rondoval castle were destroyed. But the victory was not complete, for the conquerors found a baby amidst the rubble: Det’s son, Pol. Unwilling to kill the child, Mor took him to a world where the ways of magic were considered mere legends — a world called Earth.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

New Italian NINE PRINCES IN AMBER paperback…

A new paperback edition of NINE PRINCES IN AMBER is available now. The first in Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber fantasy series, it’s published by Fanucci as NOVE PRINCIPI IN AMBRA. Here’s the synopsis…

Chi è l’uomo che giace ferito in un letto d’ospedale? Conosce il suo passato? Sa qual è il destino a lui riservato in un mondo lontano, che un tempo gli apparteneva? Esiliato per secoli nel mondo delle Ombre, il principe Corwin sta per fare ritorno ad Ambra, il mondo perfetto e al contempo sinistro, l’universo dal quale tutti gli altri sono stati generati, per l’ultimo, disperato tentativo di riconquistare ¡1 trono che un tempo gli spettava. Dalla foresta di Arden fino alla Scala per Arbma che sale dal mare, macchiata dal sangue di eroi caduti, il dominio di Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine e degli altri principi distende sui popoli una coltre di oppressione. È su di loro che Corwin dovrà avere la meglio, ma il suo cammino è ostacolato da entità sfuggenti, inquietanti, inimmaginabili, forze insondabili forgiate nel fuoco del terrore, le uniche in grado di resistere all’impeto del principe e alla sua furia sovrumana. Il primo capitolo di un viaggio fantastico ed eroico, l’epopea della riconquista di un mondo e della propria eredità.

The first five novels in the series are available in Italy in eBook format, too. NINE PRINCES IN AMBER was first published in 1970, and has since been made published widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s DARK TRAVELLING in Russia…

A DARK TRAVELLING, one of Roger Zelazny‘s classic sci-fi novels, is out now in Russia! Joining an extensive, growing collection of Russian editions of Zelazny’s novels, it is published by Эксмо as Темное путешествие. Here’s the synopsis…

Вселенная бесконечна, а в ней существует неисчислимое количество параллельных миров, в которых история развивается совершенно по-разному.

Почти в каждом из миров существует портал для путешествий между реальностями. Знание о нем принадлежит лишь горстке посвященных — ведь ограниченный доступ открывает чудесные возможности. Но открытый доступ в другие миры грозит катастрофой для нашей цивилизации. И вот хранитель портала исчезает, а Земля становится ареной для борьбы сил света и тьмы.

A DARK TRAVELLING was first published in 1987. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

An ‘ordinary’ fourteen year-old, James Wiley has lost his scientist father to a parallel world in the darkbands. With the help of Becky, his sister with magic powers, Barry the exchange student and Uncle George, the werewolf, James goes in search of his parent. But he must take care: for if there just happens to be a full moon at the wrong moment, James’s itchy palms might lead him into trouble…

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

CHRONICLES OF AMBER German Audio Omnibus out now!

Today, DAV publishes an audio omnibus containing the first five books in Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber series! Narrated by Stefan Kaminski, here’s the synopsis…

Mit den »Chroniken von Amber« hat einer der größten und wichtigsten Fantasy-Autoren aller Zeiten sein Meisterwerk geschrieben. In seinen »Chroniken« entwirft Roger Zelazny die fantastischen und farbenfrohen Welten rund um Amber, die unsterbliche und einzige Stadt. Alle anderen Welten, auch die Erde, sind bloß Schatten dieser einen Realität. Doch in dem Königreich ist ein erbarmungsloser Kampf um den Thron entbrannt. Prinz Corwin und sein Bruder Eric kämpfen erbittert und mit all ihren magischen Fähigkeiten um das Erbe ihres mächtigen Vaters.

The novels are also available in print in Germany, published by Klett-Cotta.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Out tomorrow, Germany Edition of Roger Zelazny’s COURTS OF CHAOS

Tomorrow, Klett-Cotta publishes COURTS OF CHAOS, the fifth book in the Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny‘s classic fantasy series. Published in Germany as DIE BURGEN DES CHAOS, here’s the synopsis…

Corwin sieht sich gezwungen, eine Kopie des ursprünglichen Musters zu erschaffen. Währenddessen bläst Brand zum Kampf gegen Corwin, bei dem es nur einen Sieger geben kann und dessen Ausgang über die Zukunft Ambers entscheiden wird.

Prinz Corwin lebte nach einem Gedächtnisverlust auf der Erde, ohne zu wissen, wer er ist. Als eines Tages ein Mitglied seiner Familie versucht, ihn zu töten, beginnt er, nach seiner Vergangenheit zu forschen.

Und so setzt er alles daran, in das Königreich Amber zurückzukehren. Bald schon erfährt er, dass seine Verwandtschaft über einige sehr ungewöhnliche Kräfte verfügt. Alle Nachfahren des Königshauses können zwischen Amber, den Schattenwelten und dem Chaos hin- und herreisen, indem sie die Realität manipulieren. Sie benutzen magische Spielkarten, um zu kommunizieren und sich an andere Orte zu versetzen. Aber vor allem sind sie alle in einen erbarmungslosen Kampf um den Thron verstrickt. Und nicht zuletzt muss das Geheimnis um das Verschwinden ihres königlichen Vaters Oberon aufgedeckt werden.

The novel was first published in 1978. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Amber, the one real world of which all others – including our own Earth – are but Shadows…

For untold millennia, the cosmic Pattern sustained order in Amber and all the known worlds. But now the forces of Chaos have succeeded in disrupting the Pattern, unleashing destructive forces beyond measure… forces meant to reshape the universe.

To save Amber, Corwin, prince of the blood, champion of the perfect realm, must undertake the most perilous journey of his life. A journey that will take him through all the terrors of Shadows to the enemy’s last stonghold. A journey beyond the very edge of existence… to the Courts of Chaos.

Klett-Cotta/Hobbit Presse have also published the first four novels in the series.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

NINE PRINCE IN AMBER and GUNS OF AVALON rejacketed in Ukraine

Богдан has re-issued Roger Zelazny‘s NINE PRINCES IN AMBER and GUNS OF AVALON with new covers. Published in Ukraine as Дев’ять принців Амбера and Рушниці Авалону, respectively, here’s the synopsis for book one…

У приватній лікарні після автокатастрофи до головного героя роману — Корвіна, повернулась свідомість. Але він не пам’ятає, хто він. Від лікаря йому вдається дізнатися, що у нього є сестра Евелін. Корвін тікає з лікарні і приходить до неї додому. В домі сестри він натрапив на шокуючу знахідку — колоду карт Таро, на яких зображений він та члени його сім’ї… У нього попереду безліч пригод та небезпек. Чи подолає він їх?

First published in 1970 and 1972, here’s the English-language synopsis for NINE PRINCES IN AMBER

Amber: A kingdom beyond imagination — where brother fights brother to succeed to the throne…

When Corwin awoke in the hospital he remembered very little. Except that he’d been in an automobile accident that wasn’t an accident at all. Then he discovered his name and the fact that his strength was superhuman. And that was enough to send him on a journey that started in New York and swiftly flung him into the fantastic realm of Amber where eight brothers fought for the right to be crowned king. For Corwin was the ninth Prince — his royal colours, black and silver — who had been exiled to the shadow world of Earth. Now Corwin had returned to claim the throne from his sworn enemies, his own flesh and blood…

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

THIS IMMORTAL Zelazny in Russia…

Above you can see the new Russian cover for Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel THIS IMMORTAL. Coming soon from Эксмо, and published as ЭТОТ БЕССМЕРТНЫЙ, here’s the synopsis…

Планета Земля, отравленная радиацией и истерзанная жестокими войнами, оставлена людьми ради новых, прекрасных миров. Немногие оставшиеся вернулись в античную эпоху — эпоху богов и героев, жутких чудовищ и волшебных артефактов. Вернуть историю на круги своя, а человечество на родную планету способен только он, Конрад, этот бессмертный…

Дебютный роман Грандмастера НФ Роджера Желязны, удостоенный престижной премии “Хьюго”, лучшее переосмысление античной мифологии за всю историю фантастики!

THIS IMMORTAL was first published in 1966. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

“…and call me Conrad!” Such was the only comment that Conrad Nomikos would make on his life-history, an enigma that faded out in lost records and obscurity a few decades back. There were those who said he had once had a different name, that of the liberator of Earth, the man who had fought the star-empire of Vega to a standoff. And some even said that he had had other names, stretching back through the centuries….

But Conrad wouldn’t talk about his past. For the future was at stake now — the future of Earth and her peoples, as the Vegans returned on a mission which would decide for all time the place of Earth among the worlds of the stars.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

THE HAND OF OBERON available tomorrow in Germany!

Roger Zelazny‘s fourth Chronicles of Amber novel, THE HAND OF OBERON, is out tomorrow in Germany! Published by Klett-Cotta as DIE HAND OBERONS, here’s the synopsis…

Um Kräfte zu sammeln, zieht es Corwin und seine Geschwister immer wieder in ein »Muster« genanntes Labyrinth, das demjenigen, der es löst, spezielle Fähigkeiten verleiht. Doch das ursprüngliche Muster trägt Schäden davon, als Blut von Corwins Familie auf ihm vergossen wird. Corwins Bruder Brand will das Muster endgültig zerstören.

Prinz Corwin lebte nach einem Gedächtnisverlust auf der Erde, ohne zu wissen, wer er ist. Als eines Tages ein Mitglied seiner Familie versucht, ihn zu töten, beginnt er, nach seiner Vergangenheit zu forschen.

Und so setzt er alles daran, in das Königreich Amber zurückzukehren. Bald schon erfährt er, dass seine Verwandtschaft über einige sehr ungewöhnliche Kräfte verfügt. Alle Nachfahren des Königshauses können zwischen Amber, den Schattenwelten und dem Chaos hin- und herreisen, indem sie die Realität manipulieren. Sie benutzen magische Spielkarten, um zu kommunizieren und sich an andere Orte zu versetzen. Aber vor allem sind sie alle in einen erbarmungslosen Kampf um den Thron verstrickt. Und nicht zuletzt muss das Geheimnis um das Verschwinden ihres königlichen Vaters Oberon aufgedeckt werden.

Klett-Cotta have also published the first three novels in the series, and are due to publish the fifth next month. THE HAND OF OBERON was first published in 1976, and was nominated for the Best Novel Locus Award. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Across the mysterious Black Road, demons swarm into Shadow. The ancient, secret source of the royal family’s power is revealed, & an unholy pact between a prince of the realm & the forces of Chaos threaten all the known worlds with absolute obliteration. The hour of battle is at hand. Now Corwin and the remaining princes of Amber must call upon all their superhuman powers to defeat their brother-turned-traitor before he can walk the magical Pattern that created Amber and remake the universe in his own image.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Zelazny’s NIGHT IN THE LONESOME… January

Roger Zelazny‘s A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER is now available in France! Published by ActuSF as SONGE D’UNE NUIT D’OCTOBRE, here’s the synopsis…

Quand le steampunk rencontre le mythe de Cthulhu.

Octobre. Dans 31 jours, le portail s’ouvrira et les Grands Anciens déferleront sur le monde.

Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, Raspoutine, le docteur Frankenstein… Ils seront tous là. Mais feront-ils partie des ouvreurs avides de pouvoir, ou seront-ils des fermeurs qui s’opposeront aux horreurs indicibles?

Les familiers de ces personnages seront eux aussi impliqués dans cette murder party ésotérique riche en rebondissements. Tout particulièrement Snuff, un chien dont le maître, Jack, aime se promener la nuit dans Londres avec son grand couteau…

Le Jeu va commencer.

Quel sera votre camp?

A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER was published in the UK last year, by Farrago. It is also available in Russian.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.


Next month, a new French edition of Roger Zelazny‘s A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER will hit shelves. Due to be published by ActuSF as LE SONGE D’UNE NUIT D’OCTOBRE, here’s the synopsis…

Quand le steampunk rencontre le mythe de Cthulhu.

Octobre. Dans 31 jours, le portail s’ouvrira et les Grands Anciens déferleront sur le monde.

Dracula, Sherlock Holmes, Raspoutine, le docteur Frankenstein… Ils seront tous là. Mais feront-ils partie des ouvreurs avides de pouvoir, ou seront-ils des fermeurs qui s’opposeront aux horreurs indicibles?

Les familiers de ces personnages seront eux aussi impliqués dans cette murder party ésotérique riche en rebondissements. Tout particulièrement Snuff, un chien dont le maître, Jack, aime se promener la nuit dans Londres avec son grand couteau…

Le Jeu va commencer.

Quel sera votre camp?

The novel was published in the UK last year by Farrago Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

All is not what it seems…

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an upcoming ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut.

And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

SIGN OF THE UNICORN available tomorrow in Germany!

Roger Zelazny‘s third Chronicles of Amber novel, SIGN OF THE UNICORN is out tomorrow in Germany! Published by Klett-Cotta as IM ZEICHEN DES EINHORNS, here’s the synopsis…

Corwin hat es geschafft: Er ist der Regent von Amber. Doch als sein Bruder Caine ums Leben kommt, gerät er in Verdacht, der Mörder zu sein. Caines Tod wirft ungeklärte Fragen über die Familienvergangenheit auf. Da gerät Corwin selbst ins Visier: Auf ihn wird ein Anschlag verübt.

Prinz Corwin lebte nach einem Gedächtnisverlust auf der Erde, ohne zu wissen, wer er ist. Als eines Tages ein Mitglied seiner Familie versucht, ihn zu töten, beginnt er, nach seiner Vergangenheit zu forschen.

Und so setzt er alles daran, in das Königreich Amber zurückzukehren. Bald schon erfährt er, dass seine Verwandtschaft über einige sehr ungewöhnliche Kräfte verfügt. Alle Nachfahren des Königshauses können zwischen Amber, den Schattenwelten und dem Chaos hin- und herreisen, indem sie die Realität manipulieren. Sie benutzen magische Spielkarten, um zu kommunizieren und sich an andere Orte zu versetzen. Aber vor allem sind sie alle in einen erbarmungslosen Kampf um den Thron verstrickt. Und nicht zuletzt muss das Geheimnis um das Verschwinden ihres königlichen Vaters Oberon aufgedeckt werden.

Klett-Cotta have also published the first two novels in the series, and the fourth and fifth are scheduled to be published for next year.

SIGN OF THE UNICORN was first published in 1986. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

He who rules Amber rules the one true world. He who thwarts Amber invites the wrath of Amber betrayed.

An unseen enemy of immense strength has seized a Prince of the Blood, and now threatens the perfect kingdom by striking at the very core of its power — the secret knowledge of Shadow.

When Corwin summons forces to defend the throne, he finds himself challenged by royal conspirators, hideous demons, supernatural patterns and the ominous unknown that suddenly transcends all he ever suspected about the true nature of Amber.

Zeno represents Roger Zelanzy in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.