New BRIDGE OF ASHES Audiobook Out Now!

Roger Zelazny‘s BRIDGE OF ASHES is available in a new audiobook edition! Published by Tantor Media, and narrated by TJ Clark, here’s the synopsis…

Mankind has been manipulated over the millennia by an alien race that seeks to use it to transform our planet into a world that they can live on. They’ve patiently encouraged us to adapt technologies that would bring on climate change making our world hotter and more hospitable to them all the while making it less hospitable for mankind.

Dennis Guise the most powerful telepath every born is a thirteen-year-old boy, and humanities only hope of escaping oblivion. He is a bridge to our future and a bridge to our past. But can that be enough to save us and our planet?

BRIDGE OF ASHES was first published in 1976.

Chronicles of Amber Available Now in New French eBook Editions!

All ten of Roger Zelazny‘s Chronicles of Amber novels are now available in France, in new eBook editions! Published by Denoël, here’s a run-down:

  1. NINE PRINCES IN AMBERLES NEUF PRINCES D’AMBRE, translated by Roland Delouya
  2. THE GUNS OF AVALONLES FUSILS D’AVALON, translated by Ronald Blunden
  3. SIGN OF THE UNICORNLE SIGNE DE LA LICORNE, translated by Bruno Martin
  4. THE HAND OF OBERONLA MAIN D’OBÉRON, translated by Philippe Hupp
  5. THE COURTS OF CHAOSLES COURS DU CHAOS, translated by Bruno Martin
  6. TRUMPS OF DOOMLES ATOUTS DE LA VENGEANCE, translated by Jean-Pierre Pugi
  7. BLOOD OF AMBERLE SANG D’AMBRE, translated by Jean-Pierre Pugi
  8. SIGN OF CHAOSLE SIGNE DU CHAOS, translated by Jean-Pierre Pugi
  9. KNIGHT OF SHADOWSCHEVALIER DES OMBRES, translated by Jean-Pierre Pugi
  10. PRINCE OF CHAOSPRINCE DU CHAOS, translated by Luc Carissimo

Here’s the synopsis for the first novel…

Un amnésique se sauve d’un hôpital psychiatrique après avoir appris le nom de la personne qui l’a fait interner : sa propre sœur. Celle-ci lui révèle qu’il s’appelle Corwin et qu’il est l’un des neuf frères qui se disputent le royaume d’Ambre, le seul monde réel (les autres n’étant que ses reflets).

The Chronicles of Amber were first published in English between 1970-91. Here’s the English-language synopsis for NINE PRINCES IN AMBER

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

New Audiobook Edition of THIS IMMORTAL Out Now!

THIS IMMORTAL, Roger Zelazny‘s acclaimed first novel, is now available in a new audiobook edition! Published by Tantor Media, and read by Peter Berkrot, here’s the synopsis…

Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he’d rather not talk about. And, as Arts Commissioner, he’s been given a job he’d rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour of the shattered remains of Earth is not something he relishes — especially when it is apparent that this places him at the center of high-level intrigue that has some bearing on the future of Earth itself!

First published in 1966, THIS IMMORTAL went on to win the Hugo Award for Best Novel, the Geffen Award for best SF Book, and also Japan’s Seiun Award for Best Foreign Novel.

New Russian Edition of Zelazny’s JACK OF SHADOWS

We’re happy to report that Эксмо has published a new Roger Zelazny illustrated omnibus: Джек из Тени. Полное издание collects JACK OF SHADOWS, SHADOWLAND and Shadowjack stories.

Translated by Goldich Vladimir Anatolyevich and Obruchev Vladimir Arkadievich, here’s the synopsis…

Этот мир поделен на Светлую и Темную стороны, в одной из которых царят вечные день и наука, а в другой — ночь и колдовство. Но есть еще Сумеречные земли, родина легендарного неуловимого вора Джека из Тени. Говорят, именно из теней он черпает свою магическую силу. Говорят, у него несколько жизней, но нет души. Говорят, он был обвинен в еще не совершенном преступлении и несправедливо наказан. Теперь у него нет друзей, кроме проклятого темного ангела по имени Утренняя Звезда, и нет другой цели, кроме мести. Мести, которая может обрушить небеса и уничтожить мир.

«Джек из Тени» — одна из самых глубоких и загадочных книг мастера фэнтези Роджера Желязны, заслужившая свое место на полке рядом с шедеврами воображения Борхеса, Кафки и Братьев Стругацких.

Роман публикуется в новом переводе и снабжен дополнительными материалами: рядом предисловий, эссе и новеллой о Джеке из Тени.

First published in 1971, JACK OF SHADOWS was a Hugo and Locus Award nominee for Best Novel. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Earth no longer rotates. Sciences rule the dayside of the globe, Magic rules the World of Night. And Jack of Shadows, Shadowjack the Thief, who broke the Compact and duped the Lord of High Dudgeon; who was beheaded in Iglés and rose again from the Dung Pits of Glyve; who drank the blood of a vampire and swallowed a stone — Shadowjack walks in silence and in shadows to seek vengeance on his enemies.

Who are his foes? All who would despise him or love the Lord of Bats: Smage of the Jackass Ears, the Colonel Who Never Died, the Borshin, and Quazer, winner of the Hellgames and abductor of the voluptuous Evene. One by one, Shadowjack would seek them out and have his revenge, building his power as he goes.

And once his vengeance is obtained, he would come to terms with all others who are against him, he would unite the World of High Dudgeon, destroy the Land of Filth, and bring peace to the Shadowguard. But to accomplish all, Jack of Shadows must find Kolwynia, the Key That Was Lost…

A New Russian Edition of Roger Zelazny’s SIGN OF CHAOS Out Now!

A new Russian of edition of SIGN OF CHAOS is out now! Published in Russian as Знак Хаоса by Эксмо, as part of their Эксклюзивная фантастика range, it is the eighth novel in Roger Zelazny‘s classic, beloved Chronicles of Amber (Хроники Амбера) series, here’s the synopsis…

Он — Мерлин из Дворов Хаоса. Его опыт и магическая сила растут, и множество опасностей и неожиданных находок подстерегает его на избранном пути, но он неумолим в движении к намеченной цели — найти своего отца, принца Корвина из Амбера.

Третья книга Пятикнижия Мерлина культового цикла “Хроники Амбера”!

The novel was translated by Гутов Максим (Maxim Gutov).

First published in 1987, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Merlin finds himself in a marvelous bar drinking with Luke, the Cheshire Cat, and the Mad Hatter. He can’t help but feel that perhaps this isn’t… Normal. When the Jabberwock appears Merlin’s head clears just enough to realize that he’s caught in Luke’s LSD-inspired hallucination. When a Fire Angel, one of the most powerful, magical killing beasts in existence, arrives to kill him he realizes that he has to do something quick or both he and Luke are finished. The Jabberwock becomes an unlikely ally in his battle with the Fire Angel. And this is only the beginning of Merlin’s magical adventures in Sign of Chaos.

Эксмо has also published new editions of the other novels in the Chronicles of Amber (Хроники Амбера) series, as well as a handful of the author’s other classic fantasy and science fiction novels.

Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS Out Today in the UK!

The new, SF Masterworks edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic SF novel ROADMARKS is out today! Published in the UK by Gollancz, here’s the synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

ROADMARKS joins Zelazny’s LORD OF LIGHT and the Chronicles of Amber among the ranks of Gollancz’s SF Masterworks.

ROADMARKS has also been published in Czechia (Laser), Korea (달다), and a new German edition (Piper) is on the way!

International Spotlight: Roger Zelazny’s A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER is available in Korea!

Today, we wanted to draw your attention to the Korean edition of A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER. One of Roger Zelazny‘s best-loved novels, it is available in Korea published by 알라딘 (Aladin), as 고독한 시월의 밤. Translated by 이수현 (Lee Soo-hyun), here’s the synopsis…

<엠버 연대기>의 작가 로저 젤라즈니의 마지막 작품. 작가가 세상을 떠나기 두 해 전인 1993년 출간된 작품으로, 그가 살아생전 완성한 마지막 소설이다. 다소 무거운 분위기인 초.중기 작품들에 비해 훨씬 더 경쾌하고 위트와 풍자가 넘치는 이 소설은 ‘고딕소설, 탐정소설, 판타지의 절묘한 배합’이라는 찬사와 함께 젤라즈니의 후기 대표작으로 평가 받고 있다.

어린 시절부터 지독한 독서광이었던 젤라즈니는 19세기와 20세기 영미 고전 시(詩)들과 각국의 신화, 그리고 탐정소설에서 많은 영향을 받았는데, 그의 마지막 소설은 이러한 영감의 원천들의 종합편이라 할 수 있다. 젤라즈니의 장기인 아름다운 문장과 정교한 플롯에다 온갖 상상계의 스타들, 그리고 독특한 캐릭터 설정이 더해졌다.

악취 섞인 안개가 짙게 깔린 런던 근교, 어둠이 찾아들기 시작하자 스너프의 움직임이 더욱 분주해지기 시작한다. 그의 주인인 잭이 드디어 ‘시월의 마지막 밤’을 위한 본격적인 준비를 시작했기 때문이다. 잭이 필요한 물건들을 모아가는 동안 감시견인 스너프는 망을 본다. 오랜 시간 호흡을 맞춰온 둘은 꽤 손발이 잘 맞는 편이다.

이제 본격적으로 시월에 접어든 이상 정보와 필요한 재료들을 모아 ‘그날’을 준비하는 동시에, 끊임없이 ‘게임의 참가자’로 예상되는 인물들을 정탐하고 분류해야 한다. 대개 정탐은 동물 파트너의 몫이고, 그래서 오늘도 스너프는 유력한 후보인 ‘미치광이 질’의 파트너 그레이모크와 탐색전을 벌인다. 하지만 개와 앙숙인 고양이라는 점을 차치하고라도 그레이모크는 결코 만만히 볼 상대가 아닌데…

A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER is published in the UK by Farrago Books (available now in print and eBook). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

All is not what it seems.

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an upcoming ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut. And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

Here are just a few of the reviews the novel has received…

‘The last great novel by one of the giants of the genre.’George R.R. Martin

‘A madcap blend of horror tropes and fantasy… There aren’t many authors who would set out to write a novel in which the Wolfman and Jack the Ripper were the two heroes… And I’m not sure anyone else could have made it work.’Science Fiction Chronicle

‘Sparkling, witty, delightful. Zelazny’s best for ages, perhaps his best ever.’Kirkus

‘A cheerful, witty, well-crafted fantasy… Its deft, understated good humor and spare, poetic prose reaffirm Zelazny as one of fantasy’s most skilled practitioners.’Publishers Weekly

International Spotlight: CHRONICLES OF AMBER in Korea

Today, we wanted to draw your attention to the Korean editions of Roger Zelazny‘s Chronicles of Amber (앰버연대기). The first five novels are available, published by 달다 (Aladin):

  5. THE COURTS OF CHAOS혼돈의 궁정, 완결

All five of the novels were translated by 최용준.

Here’s the synopsis for the first novel, NINE PRINCES IN AMBER

로저 젤라즈니의 판타지 소설. 1970년 다섯 권으로 이루어진 <앰버 연대기>의 1권 <앰버의 아홉 왕자>는 출간되자마자 판타지 팬들의 열렬한 지지를 받으며 <반지의 제왕> 이래 최고의 걸작 판타지라는 평가를 획득한 바 있다. 수차례 휴고 상과 네뷸러 상을 수상한 작가는 자신이 창조한 이 마법의 세계를 통해 상업적으로 큰 성공을 거두기도 했다.

완간이 되자마자 고전의 반열에 오른 작품이다. 우주의 원형인 진정한 세계 앰버와 앰버의 모습이 반영된 그림자 세계를 지배하는 절대왕국의 왕자들, 그들이 지닌 신적인 능력의 정수인 패턴을 바탕으로 <앰버 연대기>는 판타지 문학의 전통적인 소재인 질서와 혼돈의 대결을 다루고 있다.

이 책의 가장 큰 매력은 반전에 반전을 거듭하는 치밀한 플롯과 많은 철학적 상징과 은유, 현학과 아이러니한 상징으로 가득 찬 문학적 인유, 강렬한 신화적 상징성, 과학적 사유를 시적 상상력으로 그려낸 독창적인 문체에 있다. 독자와 평단, SF소설과 판타지소설계 등 가치관이 양립하는 서로 다른 집단들의 갈채를 받으며 화려하게 등장한 소설.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for the novel…

Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself – Shadow worlds, that can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the Patriarch Oberon has intensified the internal conflict by leaving the throne apparently up for grabs.

In a hospital on the Shadow Earth, a young man is recovering from a freak car accident; amnesia has robbed him of all his memory, even the fact that he is Corwin, Crown Prince of Amber, rightful heir to the throne – and he is in deadly peril…

The Chronicles of Amber are available in the UK, published as two omnibuses by Gollancz, each containing five novels.

New Russian Edition of BLOOD OF AMBER Out Now!

A new Russian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s BLOOD OF AMBER is out now! The seventh novel in the Chronicles of Amber series, Кровь Амбера is published by Эксмо, and translated by Белякова Нина Константиновна. Here’s the synopsis…

Юный Мерлин — сын Корвина и Дары из Хаоса — продолжает разыскивать своего пропавшего отца, несмотря на то что кто-то пытается его убить. В этот раз юношу ждет еще более суровое испытание – он заточен в Хрустальном Гроте, где не может использовать магию…

Вторая книга Пятикнижия Мерлина культового цикла “Хроники Амбера”!

In addition to a number of Zelazny’s stand-alone novels, Эксмо has also published the first six novels in the Chronicles of Amber series in Russia:

The Chronicles of Amber series are available in the UK as two omnibus editions (each collecting five novels), published by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series. Here’s the synopsis for the first collection…

Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself – Shadow worlds, that can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the Patriarch Oberon has intensified the internal conflict by leaving the throne apparently up for grabs.

In a hospital on the Shadow Earth, a young man is recovering from a freak car accident; amnesia has robbed him of all his memory, even the fact that he is Corwin, Crown Prince of Amber, rightful heir to the throne – and he is in deadly peril . . .

The five books, Nine Princes in Amber, The Guns of Avalon, Sign of the Unicorn, The Hand of Oberon and The Courts of Chaos, together make up The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny’s finest work of fantasy and an undisputed classic of the genre.

Roger Zelazny’s STRASSE NACH ÜBERALLHIN Out in April 2023!

Next April, Piper Verlag are due to publish a new German translation of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS, one of the author’s (many) classic and acclaimed science fiction novels: STRASSE NACH ÜBERALLHIN, translated by Jakob Schmidt. Here’s the synopsis…

Red Dorakeen hat sich einen mächtigen Feind gemacht. Kreuz und quer flieht er vor dessen Attentätern durch die Epochen der

Menschheitsgeschichte – denn die „Straße nach Überallhin“ ermöglicht es ihm, von der unvorstellbar fernen Vergangenheit bis in die weite Zukunft zu reisen.

Dieser vergessene Schatz der Science-Fiction lässt seine Leser: innen auf jeder Seite von Neuem staunen, rätseln und mitfiebern – Zelaznys besondere Erzählweise bietet ein absolut außergewöhnliches Leseerlebnis.

Interest in the novel was revived when it was announced that HBO is developing the novel for a television adaptation. The novel is due to be published in a new SF Masterworks UK edition, by Gollancz, on January 19th, 2023. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS Out Now in Korea!

We’re very happy to report that ROADMARKS by Roger Zelazny is now available in Korea! Published by 달다 (Aladdin), as 로드마크, and translated by 박은진, here’s the synopsis…

미국 SF 판타지 작가협회(SFWA)의 네뷸러상을 세 차례, 휴고상을 여섯 차례 수상한 뉴웨이브 SF, 판타지의 거장 로저 젤라즈니의 SF 판타지 소설이다. 시공간을 넘나드는 고속도로 ‘로드’를 배경으로, 맨 처음 통과했던 로드의 출입구를 찾아 헤매는 레드 도라킨과 그의 목숨을 노리는 이들의 이야기를 퍼즐을 맞춰가듯 읽어 나가는 소설이다.

원하는 시간대, 원하는 장소로 이동할 수 있지만 아무나 접근할 수는 없는 고속도로 ‘로드’. 끝도 없이 펼쳐진 로드를 이동하는 여행자들은 삶을 바꾸기 위해, 과거의 실수를 지우기 위해 로드의 출입구를 찾아 원하는 시간대로 이동하려 한다. 이러한 여행자들 가운데 한 사람, 레드 도라킨은 위험한 무기들을 픽업트럭에 실어 운반하는 일을 하며 맨 처음 통과했던 로드의 출입구를 찾아다닌다. 그러던 중 합법적인 살인 게임, 블랙 데케이드의 표적이 되어 열 번의 살인 위협을 받게 되는데…

ROADMARKS, which was first published in 1979, is due to be published in a new SF Masterworks edition in the UK in January 2023, by Gollancz. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

Roger Zelazny’s THE DREAM MASTER Audiobook Edition Out Now!

Roger Zelazny‘s classic science fiction novel THE DREAM MASTER is out now in a new audiobook edition! Published by Tantor Media, and narrated by George Newbern, here’s the synopsis…

His name is Charles Render, and he is a psychoanalyst, and a mechanic of dreams. A Shaper. In a warm womb of metal, his patients dream their neuroses, while Render, intricately connected to their brains, dreams with them, makes delicate adjustments, and ultimately explains and heals. Her name is Eileen Shallot, a resident in psychiatry. She wants desperately to become a Shaper, though she has been blind from birth. Together, they will explore the depths of the human mind — and the terrors that lurk therein.

THE DREAM MASTER was first published in 1966. THE DREAM MASTER joins a number of other new Zelazny audiobooks that have been published over the last couple of years: ROADMARKS, CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS, LORD OF LIGHT, and A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER.

New SF Masterworks Edition of Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS Out Next Year!

We’re very happy to report that another novel by Roger Zelazny will be added to the SF Masterworks range next year! This new edition of ROADMARKS is due to be published by Gollancz on January 19th, 2023. Here’s the synopsis…

The Road can go Anywhere.

The Road can go Anywhen.


Red Dorakeen has been on the Road for a very long time. For all of time, in fact. It stretches infinitely into the future and past, with exits that take him wherever, or whenever, he wants to go.

But he can’t find the place he wants to be.

He’s not the only one who can travel the Road, and as people join and leave, they can alter the past, or the future, to suit their whims. Exits close off, become overgrown, and working out what to change back to return to old timelines could take, well . . . forever.

Fortunately, Red has all the time he could ever need.

Roadmarks is a fantastically mind-bending novel from one of SFF’s most influential authors. It weaves together linear and non-linear narratives in a compelling tale full of mystery and magic.

ROADMARKS joins LORD OF LIGHT and the Chronicles of Amber among the ranks of SF Masterworks.

We’ll have more information about other, new translated editions of ROADMARKS in the coming weeks.

Roger Zelazny’s ROADMARKS Out Now in Czechia!

We’re very happy to report that a new Czech edition of Roger Zelazny‘s ROADMARKS is out now! Published by Laser as POSLEDNÍ ODBOČKA NA BABYLON, and translated by Richard Podaný, here’s the synopsis…

Silnice vede z nepředstavitelně vzdálené minulosti do daleké budoucnosti. Ti, kteří po ní putují, mohou odbočit do jakéhokoliv místa a času – dokonce i do alternativních proudů historie, které se nikdy neudály.

Zrzek Dorakeen jezdí po Silnici tak dlouho, kam až sahá jeho paměť. Před dávnými časy po ní putoval jako starý muž pěšky; nyní, mnohem mladší, veze ve své odřené modré dodávce zbraně Řekům bojujícím proti Peršanům u starověkého Marathónu. Někdo ale po Zrzkovi jde. Tento „někdo“ má právo desetkrát se pokusit Zrzka zavraždit, aniž za to bude podle zákonů Silnice stíhán. Zrzkův skrytý nepřítel prohledal minulost i budoucnost, aby našel deset vrahů – ať už lidí nebo hrůzných stvoření, od vraždícího mnicha po tyranosaura – kteří Zrzka pronásledují, kamkoli ho Silnice zavede…

Proč Draci z Bel’kwinithu Silnici vystavěli, a kdo vlastně jsou, to nikdo neví. Ale Silnice tu vždy byla a bude – pro ty, kteří ji umějí najít…

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The road leads from the unimaginably distant past to the distant future. Those who travel along it can veer off into any place and time—even into alternate streams of history that never happened.

Redhead Dorakeen has been riding the Road for as long as he can remember. A long time ago, he wandered on foot like an old man; now, much younger, he drives weapons in his battered blue van to the Greeks fighting the Persians at ancient Marathon. But someone is after Zrzko. This “someone” has the right to try ten times to murder Redhead without prosecution under the laws of the Road. Redhead’s hidden enemy has scoured the past and future to find ten assassins—whether human or hideous creatures, from a murderous monk to a tyrannosaurus—who pursue Redhead wherever the Road leads him…

Why the Dragons of Bel’kwinith built the Road, or who they really are, no one knows. But the Road has always been there and always will be — for those who know how to find it…

A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER Audiobook Out Now in North America!

The new audiobook edition of Roger Zelzany‘s A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER is out now in North America! Published by Recorded Books, the novel is narrated by Matt Godfrey. Here’s the synopsis…

Loyally accompanying a mysterious knife-wielding gentleman named Jack on his midnight rounds through the murky streets of London, good dog Snuff is busy helping his master collect the grisly ingredients needed for an unearthly rite that will take place not long after the death of the moon. But Snuff and his master are not alone. All manner of participants, both human and not, are gathering with their ancient tools and their animal familiars in preparation for the dread night. It is brave, devoted Snuff who must calculate the patterns of the Game and keep track of the Players — the witch, the mad monk, the vengeful vicar, the Count who sleeps by day, the Good Doctor and the hulking Experiment Man he fashioned from human body parts, and a wild-card American named Larry Talbot — all the while keeping Things at bay and staying a leap ahead of the Great Detective, who knows quite a bit more than he lets on.

Boldly original and wildly entertaining, A Night in the Lonesome October is a darkly sparkling gem, an amalgam of horror, humor, mystery, and fantasy. First published in 1993, it was Zelazny’s last book prior to his untimely death. Many consider it the best of the fantasy master’s novels. It has inspired many fans to read it every year in October, a chapter a day, and served as inspiration for Neil Gaiman’s brilliant story “Only the End of the World Again.”

Godfrey has also narrated the new audiobook editions of Zelazny’s ROADMARKS, CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS, and LORD AND LIGHT (all published by Recorded Books).

The print and eBook editions of the novel are published in the UK by Farrago Books.