Roger Zelazny’s THE SECOND CHRONICLES OF AMBER Out Tomorrow in the UK!

The second Chronicles of Amber omnibus is out tomorrow in the UK! Collecting the final five novels in Roger Zelazny‘s classic series, it is published in the UK by Gollancz, as part of their SF Masterworks series. Here’s the synopsis…

Merlin is a Prince of Chaos and Amber, Corwin’s son and heir. He has grown up knowing that his legacy is to one day follow in his father’s footsteps, live up to his father’s legend.

When Corwin goes missing, that day comes far sooner than he could ever have expected. Merlin must find his own identity as the ruler of the worlds, and discover what kind of King he wants to be. Will he be a warrior like his father, or embrace his own path as a hacker-magician?

A generation after Corwin’s rise to the throne, Merlin is aided by powers beyond anything Corwin could have imagined. The epic magic from The Chronicles of Amber is wielded alongside sentient computers, a vorpal sword, and the ghosts of those who came before.

Featuring the Locus award-winning TRUMPS OF DOOM, the Locus nominated BLOOD OF AMBER and SIGN OF CHAOS, and the final two novels KNIGHT OF SHADOWS and PRINCE OF CHAOS, the Second Chronicles of Amber continues the epic story of Amber and the Shadow worlds.

The first omnibus collection is also published in the UK by Gollancz, and is out now.

New Audiobook Edition of A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER Out Next Week!

A new audiobook edition of Roger Zelzany‘s A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER is due to be published next week! Published by Recorded Books, the beloved novel is narrated by Matt Godfrey. Here’s the synopsis…

Loyally accompanying a mysterious knife-wielding gentleman named Jack on his midnight rounds through the murky streets of London, good dog Snuff is busy helping his master collect the grisly ingredients needed for an unearthly rite that will take place not long after the death of the moon. But Snuff and his master are not alone. All manner of participants, both human and not, are gathering with their ancient tools and their animal familiars in preparation for the dread night. It is brave, devoted Snuff who must calculate the patterns of the Game and keep track of the Players — the witch, the mad monk, the vengeful vicar, the Count who sleeps by day, the Good Doctor and the hulking Experiment Man he fashioned from human body parts, and a wild-card American named Larry Talbot — all the while keeping Things at bay and staying a leap ahead of the Great Detective, who knows quite a bit more than he lets on.

Boldly original and wildly entertaining, A Night in the Lonesome October is a darkly sparkling gem, an amalgam of horror, humor, mystery, and fantasy. First published in 1993, it was Zelazny’s last book prior to his untimely death. Many consider it the best of the fantasy master’s novels. It has inspired many fans to read it every year in October, a chapter a day, and served as inspiration for Neil Gaiman’s brilliant story “Only the End of the World Again.”

Godfrey has also narrated the new audiobook editions of Zelazny’s ROADMARKS, CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS, and LORD AND LIGHT (all published by Recorded Books).

The print and eBook editions of the novel are published in the UK by Farrago Books.


The second Chronicles of Amber omnibus is due to be published in in the UK, in three weeks! Collecting the fifth to tenth novels in Roger Zelazny‘s classic series, it is published in the UK by Gollancz, as part of their SF Masterworks series. Here’s the synopsis…

Merlin is a Prince of Chaos and Amber, Corwin’s son and heir. He has grown up knowing that his legacy is to one day follow in his father’s footsteps, live up to his father’s legend.

When Corwin goes missing, that day comes far sooner than he could ever have expected. Merlin must find his own identity as the ruler of the worlds, and discover what kind of King he wants to be. Will he be a warrior like his father, or embrace his own path as a hacker-magician?

A generation after Corwin’s rise to the throne, Merlin is aided by powers beyond anything Corwin could have imagined. The epic magic from The Chronicles of Amber is wielded alongside sentient computers, a vorpal sword, and the ghosts of those who came before.

Featuring the Locus award-winning TRUMPS OF DOOM, the Locus nominated BLOOD OF AMBER and SIGN OF CHAOS, and the final two novels KNIGHT OF SHADOWS and PRINCE OF CHAOS, the Second Chronicles of Amber continues the epic story of Amber and the Shadow worlds.

The first omnibus collection is also published in the UK by Gollancz, and is out now — perfect for getting caught up before the release of this second omnibus, or trying the series for the first time!

New Ukrainian Edition of Roger Zelazny’s THIS IMMORTAL Out Now!

A new Ukrainian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic THIS IMMORTAL is out now! Published by Богдан as Цей безсмертний, and translated by Denys Dömin (Денис Дьомін), here’s the synopsis…

Уявіть-но малолюдну, богами забуту «планету розваг», куди прилітають гульнути й оглянути старожитності зарозумілі космічні чужинці. Таке-от майбутнє Землі після Триденного інциденту. Що не загидила радіація, пішло під курорти, де тубільці — прислуга. Більшість не проти, але дехто затявся: Земля — для людей. Це історія вічного (гадаєте, перебільшення?) революціонера, який відмовився був од тероризму, аж тут минуле знов ожило. Він мусить рушати в мандрівку, ще й по-жуль-вернівському екзотичну, на догоду одному прибульцеві — а той, виявляється, має таємне завдання. На користь воно Землі чи на шкоду? Питання життя або смерті… Захопливі пригоди, дотепна іронія, дещиця політичного детективу, епічна героїка в дусі грецьких легенд і теологічні загадки — ось яку мішанку містить ця книжка (перший роман видатного фантаста), заслужено поділивши премію «Г’юґо» не з чимось, а з «Дюною».

First published in 1966, THIS IMMORTAL won Hugo Award for Best Novel (1966), Geffen Award for Best Translated Science Fiction Book (2009), Seiun Award 星雲賞 for Best Foreign Novel of the Year (1976). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he’d rather not talk about. And, as arts commissioner, he’s been given a job he’d rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour of the shattered remains of Earth is not something he relishes — especially since it is apparent that this places him at the center of high-level intrigue that has some bearing on the future of Earth itself. But Conrad is a very special guy…

THIS IMMORTAL is also available in France (Helios), Russia (Эксмо), and Turkey (İthaki Yayınları).

Ian McDonald and Roger Zelazny Get New Italian Editions

Italian publisher Urania is celebrating their 70th anniversary publishing great science fiction. To celebrate, the publisher has paired up with Corriere della Sera and La Gazzetta dello Sport to release a selection of 25 notable titles. We’re very happy to report that included in this selection are Ian McDonald‘s THE BROKEN LAND and Roger Zelazny‘s TO DIE IN ITALBAR!

Both books have new covers by Franco Brambilla. Read on for some more details about each book.

Ian McDonald‘s THE BROKEN LAND is published in Italy as LA TERRA INFRANTA. Here’s the synopsis…

Siamo in un futuro lontano, sulla Terra. Il villaggio di Chepsenyt è un’enclave pacifica e autosufficiente i cui residenti vivono in armonia con la natura attraverso le loro conoscenze di ingegneria genetica. Ma quando le truppe dell’Impero scoprono che tra la popolazione si celano dei ribelli, il villaggio viene dato alle fiamme e gli abitanti si disperdono. Da qui parte il doloroso viaggio della giovane Mathembe Fileli verso l’età adulta, per sopravvivere e ritrovare la propria famiglia.

The novel is published in English by JABberwocky. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Grandfather was a tree, Father grew trux, in fifteen colours. Mother could sing the double-helix song, sing it right into the hearts of living things and change them…

The Land is a living, breathing, sentient world, where careful skills and talent can manipulate its very substance into a myriad different shapes and forms.

This is the world in which Mathembe Fileli grows up, until the conflicts tearing her country apart shatter her village, her home and her family and scatter them to the four winds. Can Mathembe reunite her family in a world full of angels, talking trees, squalor and glory?

Urania have published a number of Ian’s other books in Italy: the Luna series, the India 2047 series, and the Everness trilogy. You can find out more about them here.


Roger Zelazny‘s TO DIE IN ITALBAR is the second novel in the author’s Francis Sandow duology — the first is ISLE OF THE DEAD (1969). TO DIE IN ITALBAR is published in Italy as MORIRE A ITALBAR. Here’s the synopsis…

«Il sentiero era la sua vita. Le tombe, il simbolo delle centinaia, no, forse migliaia, di morti che si era lasciati indietro. Al suo tocco gli uomini morivano. Il suo alito appassiva intere città. Dove arrivava la sua ombra, talvolta non rimaneva nulla. Pure, era suo potere vincere le malattie. E proprio adesso arrancava faticosamente con questa intenzione. Era conosciuto per questo, anche se solo con il nome H.»

Questo romanzo è stato definito un’avventura assurda: personaggi vividi, un ritmo veloce ed emozioni forti sono scaturiti dalla fertile immaginazione di Roger Zelazny.

TO DIE IN ITALBAR was first published in 1971. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The Walker in the Valley of the Shadow

H was the name he was known by. H was unique in the galaxy, for he had the healing touch. Where there was plague, sickness, pain, H was the universal cure.

But H also had the slaying touch. Where he went death and disaster often followed. Where there had been health there would be left desolation and desert.

The talent alternated. It reversed itself — and H always warned people of this. To live in Italbar or TO DIE IN ITALBAR, that was always the question.

Three other novels by Zelazny are published by Urania: THE DREAM MASTER, EYE OF CAT, DAMNATION ALLEY; and the publisher has also released DOPPIA DIMENSIONE, which is an anthology including HOME IS THE HANGMAN and HE WHO SHAPES.

New LORD OF LIGHT Audiobook Out Now in North America!

The new audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny‘s classic, Hugo Award-winning LORD OF LIGHT is out now in North America! Published by Recorded Books, and narrated by Matt Godfrey, here’s the synopsis…

Earth is long since dead. On a colony planet, a band of men has gained control of technology, made themselves immortal, and now rule their world as the gods of the Hindu pantheon. Only one dares oppose them: he who was once Siddhartha and is now Mahasamatman. Binder of Demons, Lord of Light.

Recorded Books also publish two other Zelazny audiobooks in North America, both also narrated by Matt Godfrey: ROADMARKS and CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS.

The audiobook edition of ROADMARKS is published in the UK by W. F. Howes.

A UK print edition of LORD OF LIGHT is available as part of Gollancz’s SF Masterworks series.

Roger Zelazny’s FOR A BREATH I TARRY Now Available in France!

A new, French edition of FOR A BREATH I TARRY by Roger Zelazny is out now! Published by Le Passager Clandestin as LE TEMPS D’UN SOUFFLE JE M’ATTARDE, it was translated by Jean Baihache. Here’s the synopsis…

« — Je t’ai déjà dit que l’Homme possédait une nature fondamentalement incompréhensible. Ses perceptions étaient organiques ; les tiennes, non. Ses perceptions lui procuraient des sentiments et des émotions […]. L’Homme ne sentait pas les miles ou les mètres, les kilos ou les litres. Il sentait le chaud, Il sentait le froid. Il sentait la pesanteur et la légèreté. Il connaissait la haine et l’amour, la fierté et le désespoir. Toutes ces choses ne sont pas mesurables. Donc toi, tu ne peux pas les connaître. […] Il n’existe pas de formule pour mesurer un sentiment. »

Comment ne pas être touché par l’histoire de Gel, cette machine toute-puissante qui veut devenir humaine ? Gel est une intelligence artificielle qui oeuvre à la reconstruction d’une Terre sur laquelle ne subsiste plus aucun être humain vivant. Mais Gel a un hobby : il étudie les vestiges de l’humanité disparue, découvre les livres, le cinéma, l’art, si bien qu’il se met à désirer devenir lui-même humain, et ce à n’importe quel prix…

Au fil de la quête de Gel, ce Faust de métal tenté par l’impossible, Roger Zelazny explore à sa manière ce qui fait le propre de l’humain et proclame par avance la défaite des prétentions à la numérisation du cerveau humain et autres lubies des Folamour de la Silicon Valley.

You can read an excerpt from the novel, here.

First published in 1966, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Taking place long after the self-extinction of Man, “For a Breath I Tarry” recounts the tale of Frost, a sentient machine (“…a silver-blue box, 40x40x40 feet,… featured in whatever manner he chose.”) Though Man has disappeared, his robotic creations (and their creations in turn) continue to function.

Along the way, the story explores the differences between Man and Machine, the former experiencing the world qualitatively, while the latter do so quantitatively. “A machine is a Man turned inside-out, because it can describe all the details of a process, which a Man cannot, but it cannot experience that process itself as a Man can.” This is illustrated by a conversation Frost has with another machine named Mordel.

New LORD OF LIGHT Audiobook Out in Three Weeks!

In three weeks, Recorded Books are due to publish another Roger Zelazny classic in a new audiobook edition! The Hugo Award-winning LORD OF LIGHT, narrated by Matt Godfrey, is due to be released in North America on May 24th. Here’s the synopsis…

Earth is long since dead. On a colony planet, a band of men has gained control of technology, made themselves immortal, and now rule their world as the gods of the Hindu pantheon. Only one dares oppose them: he who was once Siddhartha and is now Mahasamatman. Binder of Demons, Lord of Light.

A UK print edition of LORD OF LIGHT is available as part of Gollancz’s SF Masterworks series.

Recorded Books also publish two other Zelazny audiobooks in North America, both also narrated by Matt Godfrey: ROADMARKS and CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS.

The audiobook edition of ROADMARKS is published in the UK by W. F. Howes.

THE CHRONICLES OF AMBER Omnibus out this week in the UK!

This Thursday (April 14th), Gollancz are due to publish the new Chronicles of Amber omnibus, as part of their SF Masterworks series! Including the first five novels in Roger Zelazny‘s classic series, here’s the synopsis…

Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself – Shadow worlds, that can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the Patriarch Oberon has intensified the internal conflict by leaving the throne apparently up for grabs.

In a hospital on the Shadow Earth, a young man is recovering from a freak car accident; amnesia has robbed him of all his memory, even the fact that he is Corwin, Crown Prince of Amber, rightful heir to the throne – and he is in deadly peril…

The five books, NINE PRINCES IN AMBER, THE GUNS OF AVALON, SIGN OF THE UNICORN, THE HAND OF OBERON, and THE COURTS OF CHAOS, together make up The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny’s finest work of fantasy and an undisputed classic of the genre.

Originally published between 1970-91, the Chronicles of Amber series is beloved across the world, and is available widely in translation (in a variety of individual and omnibus editions). For more details, check out Zelazny’s page.

Zelazny’s LORD OF LIGHT is also available in the UK, as part of Gollancz‘s SF Masterworks series.

New Russian Edition of Roger Zelazny’s TRUMPS OF DOOM Out Now!

The sixth novel in Roger Zelazny‘s acclaimed, classic Chronicles of Amber, TRUMPS OF DOOM is now available in a fancy new Russian edition! Published by Эксмо as Карты Судьбы, here’s the synopsis…

Война между Янтарным Королевством и Владениями Хаоса закончена. Но теперь эстафета вечной битвы переходит к юному Мерлину — сыну Корвина и Дары из Хаоса. Юноша разыскивает своего пропавшего отца, когда вдруг выясняется, что за ним идёт охота…

Первая книга Пятикнижия Мерлина культового цикла “Хроники Амбера”!

The first five novels in the series have also been published as part of Эксмо’s Эксклюзивная фантастика collection: NINE PRINCES IN AMBER (Девять принцев Амбера), THE GUNS OF AVALON (Ружья Авалона), SIGN OF THE UNICORN (Знак Единорога), THE HAND OF OBERON (Рука Оберона), and THE COURTS OF CHAOS (Владения Хаоса).

Here’s the English-language synopsis for TRUMPS OF DOOM

Merle Corey is a brilliant young computer designer in San Francisco, but, he is also Merlin, son of Corwin, vanished prince of Amber, and heir to his father’s wonderous powers. And, someone is determined to kill him. Now he will begin a desperate race through Shadow, not only to escape the mysterious force that threatens his life, but to protect the deadly secret that could destroy both his worlds.

The Chronicles of Amber are getting re-issued this year in the UK — collected as two omnibus editions, in April and August, due to be published by Gollancz.

New UK Edition of Zelazny’s CHRONICLES OF AMBER, Volume 1 Out in Three Weeks!

A reminder that the new UK edition of Roger Zelazny‘s first Chronicles of Amber omnibus is out in three weeks! Published in the UK by Gollancz, as part of their SF Masterworks series, it collects the first five novels in the classic series. Here’s the synopsis…

Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself – Shadow worlds, that can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the Patriarch Oberon has intensified the internal conflict by leaving the throne apparently up for grabs.

In a hospital on the Shadow Earth, a young man is recovering from a freak car accident; amnesia has robbed him of all his memory, even the fact that he is Corwin, Crown Prince of Amber, rightful heir to the throne – and he is in deadly peril…

The five books, NINE PRINCES IN AMBER, THE GUNS OF AVALON, SIGN OF THE UNICORN, THE HAND OF OBERON and THE COURTS OF CHAOS, together make up The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny’s finest work of fantasy and an undisputed classic of the genre.

For fans of the series, we’re happy to report that Gollancz are also due to publish the second omnibus, collecting the final five novels in the series, on August 18th.

Coming Soon: THE SECOND CHRONICLES OF AMBER by Roger Zelazny

The second Chronicles of Amber omnibus is out tomorrow in the UK! Collecting the final five novels in Roger Zelazny‘s classic series, it is published in the UK by Gollancz, as part of their SF Masterworks series. Here’s the synopsis…

Merlin is a Prince of Chaos and Amber, Corwin’s son and heir. He has grown up knowing that his legacy is to one day follow in his father’s footsteps, live up to his father’s legend.

When Corwin goes missing, that day comes far sooner than he could ever have expected. Merlin must find his own identity as the ruler of the worlds, and discover what kind of King he wants to be. Will he be a warrior like his father, or embrace his own path as a hacker-magician?

A generation after Corwin’s rise to the throne, Merlin is aided by powers beyond anything Corwin could have imagined. The epic magic from The Chronicles of Amber is wielded alongside sentient computers, a vorpal sword, and the ghosts of those who came before.

Featuring the Locus award-winning TRUMPS OF DOOM, the Locus nominated BLOOD OF AMBER and SIGN OF CHAOS, and the final two novels KNIGHT OF SHADOWS and PRINCE OF CHAOS, the Second Chronicles of Amber continues the epic story of Amber and the Shadow worlds.

The first omnibus collection will also be published in the UK by Gollancz, on April 14th — so, not long to go before you can start enjoying this classic series (for the first time, or as a revisit)!

Croatian Edition of Roger Zelazny’s A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER

A new Croatian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s acclaimed A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER is now available! Published by Zagrebačka naklada, as NOĆ U SAMOTNOM LISTOPADU, and translated by Domagoj Čavrak, here’s the synopsis…

Noć u samotnom listopadu roman je koji kombinira elemente fantastike i stvarnosti, poznatih i nepoznatih književnih likova, a pripovjedač je… nitko drugi nego pas zvan Njuško. Svita eklektičnih likova poput Drakule, Jacka Trbosjeka i Sherlocka Holmesa čini ovaj roman savršenim štivom za predstojeću Noć vještica. Još kad majstor ZF-a u sve to uklopi inteligentnu mačku, lukavu zmiju i šišmiša zvanog Iglić, začudnoj zabavi nema kraja.

The UK edition of the novel is published by Farrago Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

All is not what it seems.

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an upcoming ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut. And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

The novel has been published widely in translation (see Zelazny’s page for more information). Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received since it was first published, in 1993…

‘One of Zelazny’s most delightful books: Jack the Ripper’s dog Snuff narrates a mad game of teams to cause or prevent armageddon.’Neil Gaiman

‘The last great novel by one of the giants of the genre.’George R.R. Martin

‘A madcap blend of horror tropes and fantasy… There aren’t many authors who would set out to write a novel in which the Wolfman and Jack the Ripper were the two heroes… And I’m not sure anyone else could have made it work.’Science Fiction Chronicle

‘Sparkling, witty, delightful. Zelazny’s best for ages, perhaps his best ever.’ — Kirkus

‘A cheerful, witty, well-crafted fantasy… Its deft, understated good humor and spare, poetic prose reaffirm Zelazny as one of fantasy’s most skilled practitioners.’Publishers Weekly

Zagrebačka naklada also publishes the Croatian edition of Zelazny’s DAMNATION ALLEY; ALEJA PROKLETSTVA.

Roger Zelazny’s THE CHANGING LAND Available in Czechia!

The second book in Roger Zelazny‘s Dilvish Stories series has been re-issued in Czechia! THE CHANGING LAND is published by Straky na vrbě, as ZEMĚ ZMĚN. Translated by Michael Bronec, Here’s the synopsis…

Sedmi mužům se kolem zápěstí černaly okovy, od nichž vedly řetězy. Ty byly každý zvlášť přikované k úchytům zapuštěným do vlhkých zdí kamenné kobky. Ve výklenku vpravo od vchodu skomírala jediná olejová lampa. Na vysokých stěnách tu a tam visely další páry řetězů zakončených prázdnými železy. Špinavou podlahu pokrývala páchnoucí sláma. Všichni přítomní byli zarostlí, nemytí a otrhaní. Bledé tváře jim hyzdily hluboké vrásky a oči upírali ke vchodu…

Uchvátil vás Prokletý Dilvish? Chcete vědět, kdo je doopravdy Black? Zajímají vás osudy temného čaroděje Jeleraka? Přečtěte si další břitkou fantasy z pera Rogera Zelaznyho, tvůrce jediného pravého světa – Amberu! Čeká na vás Země změn…

Straky na vrbě also publishes the first Dilvish novel, DILVISH, THE DAMNED, as PROKLETÝ DILVISH in Czechia (also translated by Michael Bronec); as well as a selection of Zelazny’s other novels (which are in the process of being re-issued).

THE CHANGING LAND was first published in 1981, and was nominated for the Best Fantasy Novel Locus Award. Here’s the English-language synopsis…


When Dilvish escaped from Hell, he swore to kill the evil wizard who had put him there. But Jelerak, Lord of Castle Timeless, was missing. And around the Castle, the Changing Land was a sorcerous maelstrom of warped reality and living nightmare created by the awesome magic of the insane god, Tualua. Now a small army of magicians, sorcerers and wizards — like resurrected Queen Semirama, foul Baran of the Third Hand, and lovely Arlata the Elf — sought to possess the arcane secrets of Castle Timeless.

The situation, Dilvish realized, was a mess.

Caught in thaumaturgic chaos as wizardry fought sorcery, where the churning dreams of a mutating god could shatter the world, Dilvish sought Jelerak through the most deadly magic spells of Destiny and Time.

New Bulgarian Audiobook of A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER!

There is a new, Bulgarian audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny‘s acclaimed A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER! Published by Storytel as Една нощ в самотния октомври, here’s the synopsis…

Дръзко оригинална и безумно забавна „Една нощ през самотния октомври“ е скъпоценен камък, който блести с черна светлина, амалгама от ужас, хумор, тайнственост и фантазия, каквато човек действително може да се очаква от блестящия талант на Роджър Зелазни — носител на най-престижните награди „Хюго“ и „Небюла“, автор сякаш на безбройна поредица от научнофантастични романи и фентъзи.

A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER, first published in 1993, is available in the UK published by Farrago Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

All is not what it seems.

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an upcoming ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut. And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

Here are just a few of the great reviews A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER has received…

‘One of Zelazny’s most delightful books: Jack the Ripper’s dog Snuff narrates a mad game of teams to cause or prevent armageddon.’Neil Gaiman

‘The last great novel by one of the giants of the genre.’George R.R. Martin

‘A madcap blend of horror tropes and fantasy… There aren’t many authors who would set out to write a novel in which the Wolfman and Jack the Ripper were the two heroes… And I’m not sure anyone else could have made it work.’Science Fiction Chronicle

‘Sparkling, witty, delightful. Zelazny’s best for ages, perhaps his best ever.’ — Kirkus

‘A cheerful, witty, well-crafted fantasy… Its deft, understated good humor and spare, poetic prose reaffirm Zelazny as one of fantasy’s most skilled practitioners.’Publishers Weekly