CHRONICLES OF AMBER omnibus out now in Russia!

An omnibus edition of the Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny‘s classic fantasy series, is out now in Russia! Published by Эксмо as Хроники Амбера, here’s the synopsis…

“Хроники Амбера” — цикл романов, созданный Роджером Желязны в 1970-1991 годах, моментально стал классикой фантастики, заслужив признание миллионов читателей. Его многократно переиздавали, адаптировали для исполнения в театрах и по радио, использовали в качестве основы для компьютерных и настольных игр. Кинематографисты дважды (в 1998 и 2002 годах) приступали к экранизации “Хроник Амбера”, но на сегодняшний день эта идея все еще ждет своего воплощения.

Эксмо has also been publishing the novels individually — eight are available now (with two more to come)…

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s BLOOD OF AMBER available now in Russia

The Russian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s BLOOD OF AMBER is out now! Published by Эксмо as Кровь Амбера, here’s the synopsis…

Юный Мерлин — сын Корвина и Дары из Хаоса — продолжает разыскивать своего пропавшего отца, несмотря на то что кто-то пытается его убить. В этот раз юношу ждет еще более суровое испытание — он заточен в Хрустальном Гроте, где не может использовать магию…

BLOOD OF AMBER, the seventh novel in Zelazny’s classic Chronicles of Amber series, was first published in 1986. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Pursued by a fiendish enemy, Merle must battle through an intricate web of vengeance and murder that threatens more than the San Francisco Bay area. For Merle Corey of California is also Merlin, son of Corwin, vanished Prince of Amber; and the forces, seeking to destroy the royal house, have unleashed sorceries that can strike anywhere, especially at the very heart of Amber.

Эксмо have also published the first six novels in the series, and a selection of stand-alone novels.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Zelazny’s THE DREAM MASTER available now in Russia!

Roger Zelazny‘s classic stand-alone novel THE DREAM MASTER is available in Russia again! Published by Эксмо as ТВОРЕЦ СНОВ, here’s the synopsis…

Чарльз Рендер — успешный врач-невроконтактор, он лечит самые запущенные случаи невроза, погружая своих пациентов в искусственный сон и создавая для них виртуальную реальность, в которой сам является активным участником. Однажды к нему обращается врач-психолог Эйлин Шеллот, слепая от рождения, с просьбой обучить ее невроконтактной терапии. Уступая ее молодости и красоте, Рендер соглашается, несмотря на огромный риск перенять ее психические заболевания…

THE DREAM MASTER was first published in 1966. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

His name is Charles Render, and he is a psychoanalyst, and a mechanic of dreams. A Shaper. In a warm womb of metal, his patients dream their neuroses, while Render, intricately connected to their brains, dreams with them, makes delicate adjustments, and ultimately explains and heals. Her name is Eileen Shallot, a resident in psychiatry. She wants desperately to become a Shaper, though she has been blind from birth. Together, they will explore the depths of the human mind — and the terrors that lurk therein.

Эксмо have published a wide range of Zelazny’s novels, now, including the classic Chronicles of Amber fantasy series. More details can be found here.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Zelazny’s TRUMPS OF DOOM dealt in Russia…

The sixth novel in Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber series, TRUMPS OF DOOM is available in Russia! Published by Эксмо as КАРТЫ СУДЬБЫ, here’s the synopsis…

Война между Янтарным Королевством и Владениями Хаоса закончена. Но теперь эстафета вечной битвы переходит к юному Мерлину — сыну Корвина и Дары из Хаоса. Юноша разыскивает своего пропавшего отца, когда вдруг выясняется, что за ним идет охота…

First published in 1985, here’s the English-language synopsis for TRUMPS OF DOOM

Merle Corey is a brilliant young computer designer in San Francisco, but, he is also Merlin, son of Corwin, vanished prince of Amber, and heir to his father’s wonderous powers. And, someone is determined to kill him. Now he will begin a desperate race through Shadow, not only to escape the mysterious force that threatens his life, but to protect the deadly secret that could destroy both his worlds.

Эксмо has also published the first five novels in the series, as well as a number of the author’s stand-alone novels.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

That’s NEW MOON… (in Russia)

The global conquest of Ian McDonald‘s Luna series continues! The first novel in the series, NEW MOON, is now available in Russia. Published by аст as Новая Луна, here’s the synopsis…

Луна хочет тебя убить, и у нее есть тысячи способов добиться своего. Вакуум, радиация, удушающая пыль, слабеющие кости… Луна — новое государство, где нет законов, но есть бесконечные договоренности, где за воздух и информацию постоянно надо платить, и всем правят пять Драконов — пять индустриальных кланов. Между ними давно поделены сферы, каждый занимается своим делом, но основатели кланов стареют, их смерть уже близка, и между многочисленными наследниками развязывается жестокая борьба за новые сферы. Адриане Корте восемьдесят. Ее семья управляет корпорацией “Корта Элиу”. Компания выжила в жестоких корпоративных войн ах, но приобрела немало врагов. И теперь, когда с таким трудом завоеванный мир начинает трещать по швам, дети Адрианы должны спасти империю матери от развала… а еще от самих себя. Так начинается один из самых масштабных научно-фантастических романов последних лет, эпическая сага об интригах, предательствах и мести в зримом, жестоком, неожиданном и потрясающе реалистичном мире будущего.

NEW MOON is published in the UK by Gollancz, in the US by Tor Books, and has been published widely in translation. The second novel in the series, WOLF MOON, is also out now in the UK and US. Here’s the English-language synopsis for NEW MOON

The Moon wants to kill you.

Maybe it will kill you when the per diem for your allotted food, water, and air runs out, just before you hit paydirt. Maybe it will kill you when you are trapped between the reigning corporations-the Five Dragons-in a foolish gamble against a futuristic feudal society. On the Moon, you must fight for every inch you want to gain. And that is just what Adriana Corta did.

As the leader of the Moon’s newest “dragon,” Adriana has wrested control of the Moon’s Helium-3 industry from the Mackenzie Metal corporation and fought to earn her family’s new status. Now, in the twilight of her life, Adriana finds her corporation-Corta Helio-confronted by the many enemies she made during her meteoric rise. If the Corta family is to survive, Adriana’s five children must defend their mother’s empire from her many enemies… and each other.

Here are just a few of the great reviews NEW MOON has received so far…

‘McDonald… begins his superb near-future series… scintillating, violent, and decadent world. McDonald creates a complex and fascinating civilization featuring believable technology, and the characters are fully developed, with individually gripping stories. Watch for this brilliantly constructed family saga on next year’s award ballots.’ Publishers Weekly (Starred Review)

‘Mafia-style mining families clash in a compelling fantasy that offers up all the pleasures of a cut-throat soap opera in space…That McDonald is able to spin a compelling story from this unforgiving set-up is testament to his skill as a writer… One thing Luna does exceptionally well is to puncture Old Heinlein’s assumption that a frontier society based on the primacy of the family and a disregard of conventional laws would end up like idealised smalltown America. Luna argues that any realistic future colonisation of the moon will be much more The Sopranos than The Waltons. LUNA is as gripping as it is colourful, and as colourful as it is nasty.’ — Guardian

No one writes like Ian McDonald, and no one’s Moon is nearly so beautiful and terrible… Ian McDonald’s never written a bad novel, but this is a great Ian McDonald novel… McDonald has ten details for every detail proffered by other sf writers. Not gratuitous details, either: gracious ones. The fashion sense of William Gibson, the design sense of Bruce Sterling, the eye for family drama of Connie Willis, the poesie of Bradbury, and the dirty sex of Kathe Koja and Samuel Delany… McDonald’s moon is omnisexual, kinky, violent, passionate, beautiful, awful, vibrant and crushing… a panoply of great passions and low desires. LUNA: NEW MOON is the first book of a two-book cycle. Now I’m all a-quiver for the next one.‘ BoingBoing

The way that Ian McDonald flawlessly adapts his writing to the relevant culture and country at hand is ingenious, and he showcases this perfectly in his much-lauded previous work. In LUNA: NEW MOON though, McDonald has clearly perfected this skill… McDonald certainly shows off the well-developed Cortas to illustrate his knack for creating dynamic human relationships that encompass the whole Moon… LUNA: NEW MOON is a world that has been intricately woven together by its author. It’s compelling and thought-provoking, and all without relying on overbearing sci-fi clichés. Brilliantly done.’ SciFiNow

LUNA: NEW MOON is the best moon novel I’ve seen in many years, but it’s also something of a piece with the recent movement on the part of Paul McAuley, Kim Stanley Robinson, and oth­ers to confine novels to the solar system, out of a realistic assessment that this is likely all we’ll have to work with – but McDonald takes this a step further. Possibly the most chilling lines in the book for an SF reader come from Adriana herself, in her own narrative: ‘‘There was no law, no justice,’’ she writes, ‘‘only management. The moon was the frontier, but it was the frontier to nothing. There was nowhere to run.’’ Inasmuch as it challenges one of the cherished master narratives of SF, in which the moon is only a stepping-stone, and despite what it owes to the tropes of ’70s-era social melodrama, McDon­ald’s novel has some formidable SF stingers not far beneath its densely textured surface.’ Locus

New NINE PRINCES IN AMBER paperback in Russia!

The first novel in Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber fantasy series, NINE PRINCES IN AMBER is out in a new Russian paperback edition. Published by Эксмо as ДЕВЯТЬ ПРИНЦЕВ АМБЕРА, here’s the synopsis…

Девять братьев, девять принцев Амбера, девять претендентов на престол Вечного Города… И только один шанс вернуть память, выбраться из коварной ловушки Отражений и завоевать трон Янтарного королевства… Захватывающая история о принце Корвине, положившая начало легендарной саге “Хроники Амбера”!

Роджер Желязны – крупнейший американский писатель-фантаст, не нуждающийся в представлении. Автор более 50 великолепных книг, многие из которых награждены престижными премиями!

Эксмо has published the first five novels in the series so far, as well as a handful of stand alone novels — with more to come!

First published in 1970, here’s the English-language synopsis for NINE PRINCES IN AMBER

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.


CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS, one of Roger Zelazny‘s classic novels, is available now in Russian! Published by Эксмо as ПОРОЖДЕНИЯ СВЕТА И ТЬМЫ, here’s the synopsis…

В далеком будущем усовершенствованные технологии помогли человечеству выйти в космос, чтобы осваивать новые миры. Во главе экспансии встал богоподобный Тот, контролировавший миры с помощью своих приспешников. Однажды на отдаленной планете Тот обнаружил злую сущность, грозящую уничтожить всю вселенную. Бросив все силы на сокрушение этой сущности, Тот ослабил свой контроль над иными мирами, и тогда верховную власть захватили его бывшие соратники Осирис и Анубис.

Самый поразительный роман Грандмастера НФ Роджера Желязны, изощренный сплав фэнтези и научной фантастики!

First published in 1969, here is the English-language synopsis for CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS

Two gods, two houses, one quest & the eternal war between life & death: To save his kingdom, Anubis, Lord of the Dead, sends forth his servant on a mission of vengeance. At the same time, from The House of Life, Osiris sends forth his son, Horus, on the same mission to destroy utterly & forever The Prince Who Was a Thousand.

But neither of these superhuman warriors is prepared for the strange & harrowing world of mortal life. The Thing That Cries in the Night may well destroy not only their worlds, but all humankind.

Эксмо has also published the first five novels in Zelazny’s classic Chronicles of Amber fantasy series, and a handful of his other novels (with more to come!).

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Russian COURTS OF CHAOS are in session…

Roger Zelazny‘s fifth Chronicles of Amber novel, THE COURTS OF CHAOS is available in Russia! Published by Эксмо as ВЛАДЕНИЯ ХАОСА, here’s the synopsis…

Янтарное королевство вновь оказывается на краю гибели! Хаос наступает, и кажется, некому его остановить… И хотя король Оберон снова заполучил свой великий артефакт, Камень Правосудия, даже ему будет нелегко восстановить Лабиринт Амбера, а в случае его неудачи весь их мир погибнет. Перед мятежным принцем Корвином встает последний, нелегкий выбор…

Эксмо has already published the first four novels in the Chronicles of Amber, as well as a selection of Zelazny’s stand-alone novels. THE COURTS OF CHAOS was first published in 1978. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Amber, the one real world of which all others – including our own Earth – are but Shadows…

For untold millennia, the cosmic Pattern sustained order in Amber and all the known worlds. But now the forces of Chaos have succeeded in disrupting the Pattern, unleashing destructive forces beyond measure… forces meant to reshape the universe.

To save Amber, Corwin, prince of the blood, champion of the perfect realm, must undertake the most perilous journey of his life. A journey that will take him through all the terrors of Shadows to the enemy’s last stonghold. A journey beyond the very edge of existence… to the Courts of Chaos.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER audiobook out now in Russia

Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER has been released in audiobook in Russia! Published by ЛитРес as Ночь в одиноком октябре, here’s the synopsis…

“Ночь в одиноком октябре” – последний роман удивительного Роджера Желязны; считается одним из лучших в творчестве автора (номинирован на премию Nebula Award за лучший роман в 1994 году).

Сторожевой пес по кличке Снафф (англ. Snuff – Нюх) ведет свой дневник, где (не без юмора, рассудительно и временами с какой-то даже английской чопорностью) повествует о некоей Большой Игре, проходящей в Лондоне и его окрестностях, результатом которой должно стать открытие или закрытие Врат.

The novel is also published in print in Russia by Эксмо.

A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER was recently published in eBook in the UK by Farrago/Profile. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

All is not what it seems…

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an upcoming ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut.

And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

‘The last great novel by one of the giants of the genre.’George R.R. Martin

‘A madcap blend of horror tropes and fantasy… There aren’t many authors who would set out to write a novel in which the Wolfman and Jack the Ripper were the two heroes… And I’m not sure anyone else could have made it work.’Science Fiction Chronicle

‘Sparkling, witty, delightful. Zelazny’s best for ages, perhaps his best ever.’Kirkus

‘A cheerful, witty, well-crafted fantasy… Its deft, understated good humor and spare, poetic prose reaffirm Zelazny as one of fantasy’s most skilled practitioners.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘Jack the Ripper meets Dracula, Dr. Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes, and a few other choice individuals in this romp through the annals of literary horror and mystery… Zelazny’s quirky humor and Wilson’s appropriately creepy drawings compliment each other in grand style.’ — Library Journal

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s HAND OF OBERON out now in Russia

Roger Zelazny‘s THE HAND OF OBERON is out now in Russia! Published by Эксмо as РУКА ОБЕРОНА, here’s the synopsis…

Древний Хаос пробуждается! Тьма поглощает души отпрысков короля Янтарного королевства Оберона… Лабиринт Амбера поврежден, и лишь великий артефакт, Камень Правосудия, может восстановить его. Но чтобы заполучить Камень, принцу Корвину предстоит узнать многое о своем отце и о самом себе…

THE HAND OF OBERON is the fourth novel in Zelazny’s beloved, classic Chronicles of Amber fantasy series. First published in 1976, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Across the mysterious Black Road, demons swarm into Shadow. The ancient, secret source of the royal family’s power is revealed, & an unholy pact between a prince of the realm & the forces of Chaos threaten all the known worlds with absolute obliteration. The hour of battle is at hand. Now Corwin and the remaining princes of Amber must call upon all their superhuman powers to defeat their brother-turned-traitor before he can walk the magical Pattern that created Amber and remake the universe in his own image.

Эксмо has also published the first three novels in the series: Девять принцев Амбера (NINE PRINCES IN AMBER), Ружья Авалона (THE GUNS OF AVALON), Знак Единорога (SIGN OF THE UNICORN).

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

A Lonesome Night in Russia…


In October, we shared the news that Roger Zelazny‘s A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER had been released in the UK as an eBook. Today, we can share the cover for the Russian edition of the novel, which is out now! Published by ЭКСМО as НОЧЬ В ОДИНОКОМ ОКТЯБРЕ, here’s the synopsis…

Добро пожаловать в Лондон конца XIX века! Под покровом тумана этого промозглого октября сойдутся в Великой Игре известнейшие персоны своего времени, а также их питомцы-помощники. Наградой победителю станет возможность изменить весь существующий мир…

Великолепный роман-трибьют классикам английского детектива от Грандмастера фэнтези Роджера Желязны!

The UK edition was published by Farrago (a new print edition is forthcoming). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

All is not what it seems…

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an upcoming ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut.

And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

George R.R. Martin described A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER as ‘The last great novel by one of the giants of the genre’, and many others praised the novel when it was first released…

‘A cheerful, witty, well-crafted fantasy… Its deft, understated good humor and spare, poetic prose reaffirm Zelazny as one of fantasy’s most skilled practitioners.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘Jack the Ripper meets Dracula, Dr. Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes, and a few other choice individuals in this romp through the annals of literary horror and mystery… Zelazny’s quirky humor and Wilson’s appropriately creepy drawings compliment each other in grand style.’ — Library Journal

‘Sparkling, witty, delightful. Zelazny’s best for ages, perhaps his best ever.’ — Kirkus Reviews

‘A madcap blend of horror tropes and fantasy… There aren’t many authors who would set out to write a novel in which the Wolfman and Jack the Ripper were the two heroes… And I’m not sure anyone else could have made it work.’Science Fiction Chronicle

‘Zelazny’s a charmer… a born storyteller… Gahan Wilson’s illustrations strike just the right tone of amusing ghastliness.’ — Minneapolis Star-Tribune

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in the UK and Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.


New Russian Editions of Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber 1-3!


New Russian editions of Roger Zelazny‘s classic, beloved Chronicles of Amber series are now available! Published by ЭКСМО, ДЕВЯТЬ ПРИНЦЕВ АМБЕРА (NINE PRINCES IN AMBER), РУЖЬЯ АВАЛОНА (GUNS OF AVALON), ЗНАК ЕДИНОРОГА (SIGN OF THE UNICORN) are all available now. Here’s the synopsis for the first novel…

Девять братьев, девять принцев Амбера, девять претендентов на престол Вечного Города… И только один шанс вернуть память, выбраться из коварной ловушки Отражений и завоевать трон Янтарного королевства… Захватывающая история о принце Корвине, положившая начало легендарной саге “Хроники Амбера”!

Роджер Желязны – крупнейший американский писатель-фантаст, не нуждающийся в представлении. Автор более 50 великолепных книг, многие из которых награждены престижными премиями!

More Russian editions (for a wide range of Zelazny’s novels) are coming soon; as are a number of other translated editions of the series. We’ll share the details on the website as soon as we have them. In the meantime, in case you are somehow unaware of the series, here’s the English-language synopsis for book one (first published in 1970)…

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome.

Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.’ to ‘Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

In related news (in case you missed it), the Chronicles of Amber was recently optioned for television, by the same team behind the AMC mega-hit The Walking Dead series.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Russian Cover: EMPRESS OF THE SUN by Ian McDonald


Ian McDonald‘s third Everness novel, EMPRESS OF THE SUN, is out now in Russia! Above you can see the very nice cover. Published by Эксмо as Императрица Солнца, here’s the Russian-language synopsis…

В третьей книге цикла “Эвернесс” приключения Эверетта Сингха и команды дирижабля “Эвернесс” продолжаются. Герои попадают на диск Алдерсона — параллельный мир, населенный разумными динозаврами, которые вынашивают планы по захвату других миров Пленитуды.

Эверетт Л Сингх, принеся с собой на Землю-10 страшную угрозу в лице Нано, в одиночку сражается с захватчиками, заводит нового друга, влюбляется и пытается стать защитой семье Эверетта Сингха. В это время Шарлотта Вильер продолжает плести интриги, мечтая захватить власть в Пленитуде и похитить Инфундибулум.

Эксмо have also published the first two novels in the series, PLANESRUNNER and BE MY ENEMY — as Странник между мирами and Будь моим врагом, respectively.


The novel (and series) is published in the US by Pyr Books and UK by Jo Fletcher Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the third novel…

Everett is one step closer to finding his dad. But Charlotte Villiers is on his tail and now she’s not the only one looking for the Infundibulum, the key to the multiverse.

When Everett Singh’s dad was randomly sent to one of the many parallel worlds in the multiverse, Everett discovered a way to find him on the quarantined planet E1, home of the terrifying Nahn. Now he, along with the crew of the airship Everness, has followed a trail to the next world and his father.

But this is a world where dinosaurs have had sixty-five million years to evolve, where death is the key to the throne and where the Empress of the Sun has a plan to wipe out every other creature on her planet and then take her conquest to Earth. All she needs is Everett’s infundibulum…


The Everness series has been spectacularly well-reviewed. Here’s just a handful of reviews EMPRESS OF THE SUN has received…

‘The marvelous Everness series takes readers to a world with highly evolved dinosaurs in this third voyage through parallel universes… McDonald lets his imagination run rampant without abandoning credibility, tackling real scientific concepts such as confirmation bias, a feature lacking in far too much science fiction. Fans might wish for more focus on the original Everett, but eventually, the three storylines weave themselves together nicely, setting up another sequel with hints of forthcoming romance. Endlessly fascinating and fun.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘YA or not, the Everness series may be the most enjoyable ongoing series that SF currently has to offer.’ — Locus (Jan.2014)

‘It’s no exaggeration when I say these books in the Everness series just seem to get better and better. The adventure that started with PLANESRUNNER only intensified with BE MY ENEMY, and now the third installment has taken things even further… The author sure pulled out all the stops with this one. Blown, my mind is… To sum it up, this book just does a fantastic job all around at fleshing out everyone. As someone who places such high importance on characters, I couldn’t be happier… Action, adventure, and rollicking good fun! EMPRESS OF THE SUN has all of that. And of all the books so far, I also have to say this one was the most humorous. There are some sections of dialogue that just made me laugh out loud… The crew of the Everness still has much to do, and there are still so many worlds out there to explore. I can’t wait to see where they will go next.’ — Bibliosanctum

EMPRESS OF THE SUN revels in its pulp adventure milieu… McDonald has created an incredibly “storyable” universe for his characters to have their adventures in, and he keeps those adventures coming fast and furious… Between the adventures, the pacing, the characters, and the narrative arcs, there’s a lot to enjoy about this book and the overall series.’ — Strange Horizons

Some New International Covers for Ian McDonald


Today, we’re delighted to share with you some recent international covers for Ian McDonald‘s novels. Above, you can see the artwork for the first two Russian editions of Everness, Ian’s critically-acclaimed new YA science fiction series. PLANESRUNNER (Странник между мирами) and BE MY ENEMY (Будь моим врагом) are published in Russia by Эксмо. The series is published by Pyr Books in the US and Jo Fletcher Books in the UK. Here’s the synopsis for PLANESRUNNER

There is not just one you, there are many yous. We’re part of a multiplicity of universes in parallel dimensions – and Everett Singh’s dad has found a way in.

But he’s been kidnapped, and now it is as though Everett’s dad never existed. Yet there is one clue for his son to follow, a mysterious app: the Infundibulum.

The app is a map, not just to the Ten Known Worlds, but to the entire multiverse – and there are those who want to get their hands on it very badly. If Everett’s going to keep it safe and rescue his dad, he’s going to need friends: like Captain Anastasia Sixmith, her adopted daughter and the crew of the airship Everness.

Next up, we have the Italian edition of DESOLATION ROAD, published by Zona 42


DESOLATION ROAD is published in the US by Pyr Books, and available as an eBook through the JABberwocky eBook Program. Here’s the Arthur C. Clarke Award-nominated novel’s synopsis…

It all began thirty years ago on Mars, with a greenperson. But by the time it all finished, the town of Desolation Road had experienced every conceivable abnormality from Adam Black’s Wonderful Travelling Chautauqua and Educational ‘Stravaganza (complete with its very own captive angel) to the Astounding Tatterdemalion Air Bazaar. Its inhabitants ranged from Dr. Alimantando, the town’s founder and resident genius, to the Babooshka, a barren grandmother who just wants her own child—grown in a fruit jar; from Rajendra Das, mechanical hobo who has a mystical way with machines to the Gallacelli brothers, identical triplets who fell in love with—and married—the same woman.