New Story Bundle, Curated by Lavie Tidhar!

Lavie Tidhar has curated a new Story Bundle! This time, the collection has a Hollywood Horror theme. Here’s Lavie’s introduction to the collection…

Ah, Hollywood! The glitz, the glamour – the monsters! For Halloween this year I thought it would be fun to collect books with some connection to Tinseltown – whether by actors, screenwriters, books about the movies or those in development to become films and TV shows. It’s a mixed bag of fabulous! But all of it unsettling in some way. As the nights draw long and the frost settles on the windows and the wind howls mercilessly outside, what better time to settle down with a blanket and read some tales dark and grim?

So join me as we take a tour through worlds of ancient rockets and the devil, black and white monsters and deep hidden fungus, of vampires, fire-breathing giant lizards, horror film survivors and, of course, a dinosaur detective. Here is a mixture of novels and intelligent non-fiction, anthologies and novellas – the full gamut of the field spelled out in stars against a silver screen.

cue lights!
… Aaaaand action!

In case you are not familiar with StoryBundle: you decide what price you want to pay, with more books available at certain amounts.

With the Hollywood Horror Bundle, for $5 (or more, if you’re feeling generous), you’ll get the basic bundle of four books in any ebook format—WORLDWIDE.

  • Who Wants to be the Prince of Darkness? by Michael Boatman
  • Monsters From the Vault by Orrin Grey
  • The Cutting Room edited by Ellen Datlow
  • We Are All Completely Fine by Daryl Gregory

If you pay at least the bonus price of just $20, you get all four of the regular books, plus seven more books for a total of 11!

  • Deep State by Christopher Farnsworth
  • The Imaginary Corpse by Tyler Hayes
  • Scream Queen by Edo van Belkom
  • Revenge of Monsters From the Vault by Orrin Grey
  • Ancient Rockets by Kage Baker, edited by Kathleen Bartholomew
  • Shambling Towards Hiroshima by James Morrow
  • The Violent Century by Lavie Tidhar

If you are so moved, you can allocate some of what you pay for the bundle to go to Locus magazine.

The bundle is available until November 3rd.

As you can see, the bundle includes Lavie’s own THE VIOLENT CENTURY. Published by JABberwocky, here’s the synopsis…

A bold experiment has mutated a small fraction of humanity. Nations race to harness the gifted, putting them to increasingly dark ends. At the dawn of global war, flashy American superheroes square off against sinister Germans and dissolute Russians. Increasingly depraved scientists conduct despicable research in the name of victory

British agents Fogg and Oblivion, recalled to the Retirement Bureau, have kept a treacherous secret for over forty years. But all heroes must choose when to join the fray, and to whom their allegiance is owed — even for just one perfect summer’s day.

The cover for THE VIOLENT CENTURY is by the ever-excellent Sarah Anne Langton.

Lavie’s latest novel is MAROR, which is published by Head of Zeus. He also curated and edited the new THE BEST OF WORLD SF, Volume 2, which AdAstra published yesterday.

New Lavie Tidhar StoryBundle Now Available!

Continuing our rather Lavie Tidhar-themed week, there is a new StoryBundle available featuring up to 12 of the author’s books! Comprised of a collection of award-winning novels and novellas, available individually via Tachyon Publications and the JABberwocky eBook Program, here’s what Lavie had to say about the bundle…

The real streets of Central Station in Tel Aviv inspired the novel of that name. Living on the Mekong in Vientiane inspired much of the atmosphere of GOREL & THE POT-BELLIED GOD, and a fascination with the game of poker led to the writing of THE BIG BLIND.

The world of UNHOLY LAND was much informed by the years I spent in south and east Africa, just as my adopted home city of London was a fundamental character in THE VIOLENT CENTURY and THE VANISHING KIND.

But I cannot, in truth, claim ever to have lived in the Doinklands of THE ESCAPEMENT.

These are some of my favourite novels and novellas of the past decade or so. I wrote them variously in Laos, in Israel, in Vanuatu and in London. A key part of UNHOLY LAND was written in Korea, at the Toji Cultural Centre whose founder, the author Pak Kyongni, inspired in turn the writing of NEW ATLANTIS.

The bundle includes my earliest novella, AN OCCUPATION OF ANGELS, with a brand-new edition and a cover by artist Paul McCaffrey, who worked with me on the graphic novel Adler. It also includes an exclusive sampler of my latest work, the forthcoming SF novel NEOM, which was inspired by my visits to Egypt over the years, and my dreams of what lay on the other side of the Red Sea.

When you buy the bundle, you will also have a chance to donate a portion of the proceeds to The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees!

The novel NEOM is Lavie’s latest novel, which is due to be published by Tachyon Publications in November 2022 — the bundle includes an exclusive teaser as a bonus. Here’s the synopsis…

The city known as Neom is many things to many beings, human or otherwise. Neom is a tech wonderland for the rich and beautiful; an urban sprawl along the Red Sea; and a port of call between Earth and the stars.

In the desert, young orphan Saleh has joined a caravan, hoping to earn his passage off-world from Central Station. But the desert is full of mechanical artefacts, some unexplained and some unexploded. Recently, a wry, unnamed robot has unearthed one of the region’s biggest mysteries: the vestiges of a golden man.

In Neom, childhood affection is rekindling between loyal shurta-officer Nasir and hardworking flower-seller Mariam. But Nasu, a deadly terrorartist, has come to the city with missing memories and unfinished business.

Just one robot can change a city’s destiny with a single rose — especially when that robot is in search of lost love.

The Bundle is live/available for the rest of June.

New North American Audio Editions of THE VIOLENT CENTURY and A MAN LIES DREAMING!

There are new North American audiobook editions of Lavie Tidhar‘s acclaimed novels THE VIOLENT CENTURY and A MAN LIES DREAMING available now! Published by Tantor Media, here are some details…

Published in print and eBook by Tachyon Publications, THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a superb reimagining of history if superheroes had been employed by global governments since World War II. The audiobook is narrated by Alex Wyndham. Here’s the synopsis…

A bold experiment has mutated a small fraction of humanity. Nations race to harness the gifted, putting them to increasingly dark ends. At the dawn of global war, flashy American superheroes square off against sinister Germans and dissolute Russians. Increasingly depraved scientists conduct despicable research in the name of victory.

British agents Fogg and Oblivion, recalled to the Retirement Bureau, have kept a treacherous secret for over forty years. But all heroes must choose when to join the fray, and to whom their allegiance is owed—even for just one perfect summer’s day.

‘A brilliantly etched phantasmagoric reconfiguring of that most sizzling of eras – the twilight 20th…  This book has it all:  time travel, political intrigue, hellacious history…  You’ve got superheroes in the guise of regular humans, you’ve got World War II … THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a torrid tour de force!’ — James Ellroy

‘Vintage Lavie, and also I think his most fully accomplished novel yet. Nobody rides that fast-rolling wave separating schlocky pulp and serious literary sensibilities so deftly as Tidhar. He manages to make serious points about the benighted twentieth-century and its obsession with ‘supermen’ without ever letting the narrative slacken or the adventure pale. If Nietzche had written an X-Men storyline whilst high on mescaline, it might have read something like THE VIOLENT CENTURY.’ — Adam Roberts, author of Jack Glass

‘Tidhar folds up history, translating fiction into reality and back, presenting it to the reader like a closely guarded secret… THE VIOLENT CENTURY ruminates on the concept of the superhero—a term which never appears in the novel—by pondering the question of heroism itself… a brilliant novel of ideas.’ — Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog

The Jerwood Fiction Uncovered Award-winning A MAN LIES DREAMING is published in North America by JABberwocky, and has been recently re-issued in the UK by Head of Zeus

Since its original 2014 publication, A Man Lies Dreaming has been translated into multiple languages and gained a cult following for its dark humor, prescient politics, and powerful exploration of the impossibility of fantasy.

1939: Adolf Hitler, fallen from power, seeks refuge in a London engulfed in the throes of a very British Fascism. Now eking a miserable living as a down-at-heels private eye and calling himself Wolf, he has no choice but to take on the case of a glamorous Jewish heiress whose sister went missing.

It’s a decision Wolf will very shortly regret.

For in another time and place a man lies dreaming: Shomer, once a Yiddish pulp writer, who dreams lurid tales of revenge in the hell that is Auschwitz.

Prescient, darkly funny, and wholly original, the award-winning A Man Lies Dreaming is a modern fable for our time that comes “crashing through the door of literature like Sam Spade with a .38 in his hand” (Guardian).

‘Wild, noir-infused alternative history from genre-bender Tidhar… A wholly original Holocaust story: as outlandish as it is poignant.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘…savagely funny… A MAN LIES DREAMING, by the Israeli-born novelist Lavie Tidhar, has not been published with the fanfare bestowed on Martin Amis’s The Zone of Interest or Howard Jacobson’s J, but it is their equal for savage humour… Those who enjoy laughter in the dark will relish Tidhar’s parade of mordant ironies… This novel is weird, upsetting, unmissable.’ 5* — Telegraph

‘No one can accuse Lavie Tidhar of being risk-averse… Tidhar reveals – as he did earlier in OSAMA and to some extent in THE VIOLENT CENTURY – that he’s really less interested in the mechanistic ‘‘what-ifs’’ of conventional alternate history than he is in the interpenetration of real and in­vented histories, or perhaps more grandiosely in the interpenetration of art and life – even the often-demeaned art of sensational fiction or (as in the case of THE VIOLENT CENTURY) comic books. This is what makes him such an interesting writer, and what makes A MAN LIES DREAMING quite a bit more complex than it at first appears… the novel is not without a fair amount of humor, and that might well be the boldest risk Tidhar is taking here…’ — Locus

‘The best book I read last year is A MAN LIES DREAMING by Lavie Tidhar, a form of fictional historiography based on a’ what if ‘principle. I love that, if it is done well and intelligently… It sounds ridiculous and it has certainly been written down with a great sense of irony, but at the same time it is so cleverly constructed and such a spectacular conclusion unfolds that you are going to take it all very seriously.’ — Sting (yes, that one) to Volksrant

Tomorrow: Lavie Tidhar’s acclaimed THE VIOLENT CENTURY re-issued in North America!

We’re very happy to report that a new edition of Lavie Tidhar‘s critically-acclaimed THE VIOLENT CENTURY is out tomorrow in North America! Published by Tachyon Publications, here’s the synopsis…

A bold experiment has mutated a small fraction of humanity. Nations race to harness the gifted, putting them to increasingly dark ends. At the dawn of global war, flashy American superheroes square off against sinister Germans and dissolute Russians. Increasingly depraved scientists conduct despicable research in the name of victory

British agents Fogg and Oblivion, recalled to the Retirement Bureau, have kept a treacherous secret for over forty years. But all heroes must choose when to join the fray, and to whom their allegiance is owed—even for just one perfect summer’s day.

From the World Fantasy and Campbell award-winning author of Central Station comes a sweeping novel of history, adventure, and what it means to be a hero.

Tachyon Publications has also published Lavie’s acclaimed, award-winning CENTRAL STATION and UNHOLY LAND.

THE VIOLENT CENTURY is published in the UK by Hodder, who also publishes Lavie’s award-winning A MAN LIES DREAMING.

Here are just a few of the great reviews THE VIOLENT CENTURY has received…

‘Like Watchmen on crack’io9

THE VIOLENT CENTURY, Tidhar’s latest book, is even darker than OSAMA. Think John le Carré dark… something like John le Carré, not as a matter of slavish imitation so much, but rather as an evocation of darkness, idealism turning to exhaustion, and moral ambiguity. The Old Man, Oblivion, Fogg, these are men who have been fighting in the shadows for far too long and whatever sense of right and wrong they started out with is now dangerously suspect… But this is also a novel of alternate history and the world these characters live in is not exactly ours. In fact it may have almost as much in common with the seedy world of Alan Moore’s Watchmen  for all of the characters mentioned so far are actually superhuman… It’s hard, but not impossible as Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Mike Carey and others have shown, to create a morally complex, artistically ambitious story based on characters whose origins are not that far removed from the simplicity of Superman, Spiderman, and their ilk. Tidhar has succeeded brilliantly in this task. THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a masterful example of alternate universe science fiction and can only add to its author’s rapidly growing reputation.’ — Los Angeles Review of Books

‘A brilliantly etched phantasmagoric reconfiguring of that most sizzling of eras – the twilight 20th…  This book has it all:  time travel, political intrigue, hellacious history…  You’ve got superheroes in the guise of regular humans, you’ve got World War II … THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a torrid tour de force!’ — James Ellroy

THE VIOLENT CENTURY… may be his best yet: a blistering alt-historical retelling of a 20th century lousy with superheroes.’ — The Guardian, Best SFF of 2013

‘Vintage Lavie, and also I think his most fully accomplished novel yet. Nobody rides that fast-rolling wave separating schlocky pulp and serious literary sensibilities so deftly as Tidhar. He manages to make serious points about the benighted twentieth-century and its obsession with ‘supermen’ without ever letting the narrative slacken or the adventure pale. If Nietzche had written an X-Men storyline whilst high on mescaline, it might have read something like THE VIOLENT CENTURY.’ — Adam Roberts, author of Jack Glass

‘The level of detail with which Tidhar fills his novel ensures that the events he is using as his setting feel convincing. Like Le Carre’s best novels, the world of espionage isn’t glamorous or exciting; it’s a grim, cold and lonely place. The author does a lot with a relatively minimalist style, and he envelops us in Transylvanian forests with Count Dracula’s transformed descendant and the frozen battleground of Minsk without ever slowing down… it’s impressive how much ground Tidhar covers. At the centre of this is the question, ‘What makes a hero?’ The supermen of Tidhar’s novel are forced to commit terrible acts in the name of the greater good, and stand by and watch as terrible acts are committed for the same reason. As well as being a wonderfully drawn and detailed historical espionage tale, THE VIOLENT CENTURY is ultimately a very human story. It’s gripping, imaginative and, finally, moving.’ — SciFi Now

THE VIOLENT CENTURY to be re-issued in North America!

Lavie Tidhar‘s critically-acclaimed THE VIOLENT CENTURY is due to be re-issued on July 23rd in North America! To be published by Tachyon Publications with a stunning new cover by Sarah Anne Langton (above), here’s the synopsis…

A bold experiment has mutated a small fraction of humanity. Nations race to harness the gifted, putting them to increasingly dark ends. At the dawn of global war, flashy American superheroes square off against sinister Germans and dissolute Russians. Increasingly depraved scientists conduct despicable research in the name of victory.

British agents Fogg and Oblivion, recalled to the Retirement Bureau, have kept a treacherous secret for over forty years. But all heroes must choose when to join the fray, and to whom their allegiance is owed — even for just one perfect summer’s day.

THE VIOLENT CENTURY is published in the UK by Hodder.

Here’s some of that aforementioned critical acclaim…

‘A brilliantly etched phantasmagoric reconfiguring of that most sizzling of eras—the twilight 20th.’James Ellroy, author of L.A. Confidential and Blood’s a Rover

THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a brilliant story of superheroes and spies and secret histories. It stands with Alan Moore’s Watchmen as an examination of the myths that we made in the 20th Century and the ways they still haunt us now. it’s as dramatic and vital as the best comic books and as beautifully written and evocative as any literary novel today. Read it. You’ll see.’Christopher Farnsworth, author of Blood Oath and Flashmob

‘Like Watchmen on crack.’ — io9

‘If Nietzche had written an X-Men storyline whilst high on mescaline, it might have read something like THE VIOLENT CENTURY.’Adam Roberts, author of Jack Glass

‘An alternative history tour-de-force. Epic, intense and authentic. Lavie Tidhar reboots the 20th century with spies and superheroes battling for mastery—and the results are electric.’ — Tom Harper, author of The Lost Temple

‘A stunning masterpiece.’ — The Independent

‘Tidhar synthesises the geeky and the political in a vision of world events that breaks new superhero ground.’ — Guardian

‘It’s hard, but not impossible as Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Mike Carey and others have shown, to create a morally complex, artistically ambitious story based on characters whose origins are not that far removed from the simplicity of Superman, Spiderman, and their ilk. Tidhar has succeeded brilliantly in this task.’ — LA Review of Books

‘A sophisticated, moving and gripping take on 20th century conflicts and our capacity for love and hate, honour and betrayal.’ — Daily Mail

‘It’s the X-Men as written by John le Carré… A love story and meditation on heroism, this is an elegiac espionage adventure that demands a second reading.’ — Metro

‘Could keep anyone, regardless of the types of stories they regularly enjoy, interested and engaged. Tidhar has created a book that oozes excellence in both characterisation and storytelling.’ — Huffington Post

‘A new masterpiece… a tremendous, unforgettable read.’ — Library Journal (Starred Review)

Announcing Lavie Tidhar’s new three-book deal with Tachyon!

We’re delighted to report that Tachyon Publications LLC has signed a three-book deal with author Lavie Tidhar! Per the press release…

In October 2018, Tachyon are due to publish Tidhar’s UNHOLY LAND, a subversive new novel in the vein of Michael Chabon’s The Yiddish Policemen’s Union and China Miéville’s The City and the City. In 2019, Tachyon will bring out Tidhar’s THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE WORLD, a science fictional noir/mystery centered around a book that disappears each time it is read. Tachyon will also reprint Tidhar’s widely-praised THE VIOLENT CENTURY.

Tidhar’s previous novel with Tachyon, CENTRAL STATION, received the Campbell Award and was shortlisted for the Clarke and British Science Fiction awards.

“We’re extremely pleased to be working with Lavie Tidhar again,” said Tachyon’s publisher Jacob Weisman. “Lavie is an extraordinary writer and a great fit for our line of literary science-fiction.”

Lavie is also the author of the World Fantasy Award-winning OSAMA, the Jerwood Fiction Uncovered Award-winning A MAN LIES DREAMING, the critically-acclaimed Bookman Histories trilogy, and many acclaimed short stories and novellas.

Lavie Tidhar’s VIOLENT CENTURY out this week in Poland

Lavie Tidhar‘s critically-acclaimed THE VIOLENT CENTURY is out this week in Poland! Published on Wednesday by MAG, as STULECIE PRZEMOCY, here’s the synopsis…

Nie chcieli zostać bohaterami.

Bronili Imperium Brytyjskiego przez siedemdziesiąt lat. Oblivion i Fogg, nierozłączni przyjaciele powiązani wspólnym przeznaczeniem. Aż do pewnej nocy w Berlinie, kiedy rozdzieliła ich wojna i tajemnica.

Jednakże przeszłość potrafi dogonić każdego.

Wezwani ponownie do Biura Spraw Przestarzałych – instytucji, dla której żadna sprawa nie staje się przestarzała – Fogg i Oblivion muszą stawić czoło pamięci o straszliwej wojnie, nieupamiętnionych aktach heroizmu oraz życiu w dusznych korytarzach i zamkniętych pokojach, gdzie odbywają się potajemne spotkania. Muszą się z tym wszystkim zmierzyć, by znaleźć odpowiedź na pytanie ostateczne:

Co czyni bohatera?

THE VIOLENT CENTURY is published in the UK by Hodder. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

For seventy years they guarded the British Empire. Oblivion and Fogg, inseparable friends, bound together by a shared fate. Until one night in Berlin, in the aftermath of the Second World War, and a secret that tore them apart.

But there must always be an account… and the past has a habit of catching up to the present.

Now, recalled to the Retirement Bureau from which no one can retire, Fogg and Oblivion must face up to a past of terrible war and unacknowledged heroism — a life of dusty corridors and secret rooms, of furtive meetings and blood-stained fields — to answer one last, impossible question:

What makes a hero?

Here’s just a selection from the aforementioned critical acclaim the novel has received…

‘A brilliantly etched phantasmagoric reconfiguring of that most sizzling of eras – the twilight 20th…  This book has it all:  time travel, political intrigue, hellacious history…  You’ve got superheroes in the guise of regular humans, you’ve got World War II … THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a torrid tour de force!’ James Ellroy

THE VIOLENT CENTURY… may be his best yet: a blistering alt-historical retelling of a 20th century lousy with superheroes.’ The Guardian, Best SFF of 2013

‘While perhaps not as politically loaded as OSAMA, Tidhar’s THE VIOLENT CENTURY… is no less powerful. He imagines a world where superheroes are real. But while the Americans go for the brash costumes and public displays of power, Tidhar’s British heroes – primarily Oblivion and Fog – operate in the shadows, and bear witness to the major events of the 20th century in what is quite simply a stunning masterpiece.’ The Independent

‘Vintage Lavie, and also I think his most fully accomplished novel yet. Nobody rides that fast-rolling wave separating schlocky pulp and serious literary sensibilities so deftly as Tidhar. He manages to make serious points about the benighted twentieth-century and its obsession with ‘supermen’ without ever letting the narrative slacken or the adventure pale. If Nietzche had written an X-Men storyline whilst high on mescaline, it might have read something like THE VIOLENT CENTURY.’ Adam Roberts, author of Jack Glass

‘Something like John le Carré, not as a matter of slavish imitation so much, but rather as an evocation of darkness, idealism turning to exhaustion, and moral ambiguity… It’s hard, but not impossible as Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Mike Carey and others have shown, to create a morally complex, artistically ambitious story based on characters whose origins are not that far removed from the simplicity of Superman, Spiderman, and their ilk. Tidhar has succeeded brilliantly in this task. THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a masterful example of alternate universe science fiction and can only add to its author’s rapidly growing reputation.’ Los Angeles Review of Books

‘The level of detail with which Tidhar fills his novel ensures that the events he is using as his setting feel convincing. Like Le Carre’s best novels, the world of espionage isn’t glamorous or exciting; it’s a grim, cold and lonely place. The author does a lot with a relatively minimalist style, and he envelops us in Transylvanian forests with Count Dracula’s transformed descendant and the frozen battleground of Minsk without ever slowing down… it’s impressive how much ground Tidhar covers. At the centre of this is the question, ‘What makes a hero?’ The supermen of Tidhar’s novel are forced to commit terrible acts in the name of the greater good, and stand by and watch as terrible acts are committed for the same reason. As well as being a wonderfully drawn and detailed historical espionage tale, THE VIOLENT CENTURY is ultimately a very human story. It’s gripping, imaginative and, finally, moving.’ SciFi Now

MAG have also published Lavie’s World Fantasy Award-winning OSAMA.

THE VIOLENT CENTURY coming soon in Poland!

Next month, MAG are due to publish Lavie Tidhar‘s critically-acclaimed THE VIOLENT CENTURY! Published in Poland as STULECIE PRZEMOCY, with the stunning cover above, here’s the synopsis…

Nie chcieli zostać bohaterami.

Bronili Imperium Brytyjskiego przez siedemdziesiąt lat. Oblivion i Fogg, nierozłączni przyjaciele powiązani wspólnym przeznaczeniem. Aż do pewnej nocy w Berlinie, kiedy rozdzieliła ich wojna i tajemnica.

Jednakże przeszłość potrafi dogonić każdego.

Wezwani ponownie do Biura Spraw Przestarzałych – instytucji, dla której żadna sprawa nie staje się przestarzała – Fogg i Oblivion muszą stawić czoło pamięci o straszliwej wojnie, nieupamiętnionych aktach heroizmu oraz życiu w dusznych korytarzach i zamkniętych pokojach, gdzie odbywają się potajemne spotkania. Muszą się z tym wszystkim zmierzyć, by znaleźć odpowiedź na pytanie ostateczne:

Co czyni bohatera?

THE VIOLENT CENTURY is published in the UK by Hodder, in the US by Thomas Dunne Books, and as a Limited Edition by PS Publishing. It has also been published in a number of other territories and languages. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

They never meant to be heroes.

For seventy years they guarded the British Empire. Oblivion and Fogg, inseparable friends, bound together by a shared fate. Until one night in Berlin, in the aftermath of the Second World War, and a secret that tore them apart.

But there must always be an account… and the past has a habit of catching up to the present.

Now, recalled to the Retirement Bureau from which no one can retire, Fogg and Oblivion must face up to a past of terrible war and unacknowledged heroism — a life of dusty corridors and secret rooms, of furtive meetings and blood-stained fields — to answer one last, impossible question:

What makes a hero?

Here is a selection from the afore-mentioned critical acclaim that has been heaped on the novel…

‘A brilliantly etched phantasmagoric reconfiguring of that most sizzling of eras – the twilight 20th…  This book has it all:  time travel, political intrigue, hellacious history…  You’ve got superheroes in the guise of regular humans, you’ve got World War II … THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a torrid tour de force!’ James Ellroy

‘Tidhar synthesises the geeky and the political in a vision of world events that breaks new superhero ground… the world-building is so profoundly smart… Comics, of course, have been doing “what if they were real?” for ages, from Alan Moore’s Watchmen to Pat Mills’s Marshal Law. But the politics in Tidhar’s novel are very much about real-world subterfuge… the truly clever thing here is that while the reader has to suspend disbelief in the existence of superheroes, the superheroes themselves struggle to believe in the war, and especially the Holocaust: repeatedly they refer to it as being like a fiction rather than reality. The war becomes, again, something unthinkable. Using fantasy to reassert the awful reality of the 20th century is a smart piece of defamiliarisation.’ The Guardian

THE VIOLENT CENTURY… may be his best yet: a blistering alt-historical retelling of a 20th century lousy with superheroes.’ The Guardian, Best SFF of 2013

‘While perhaps not as politically loaded as OSAMA, Tidhar’s THE VIOLENT CENTURY… is no less powerful. He imagines a world where superheroes are real. But while the Americans go for the brash costumes and public displays of power, Tidhar’s British heroes – primarily Oblivion and Fog – operate in the shadows, and bear witness to the major events of the 20th century in what is quite simply a stunning masterpiece.’ The Independent

‘Vintage Lavie, and also I think his most fully accomplished novel yet. Nobody rides that fast-rolling wave separating schlocky pulp and serious literary sensibilities so deftly as Tidhar. He manages to make serious points about the benighted twentieth-century and its obsession with ‘supermen’ without ever letting the narrative slacken or the adventure pale. If Nietzche had written an X-Men storyline whilst high on mescaline, it might have read something like THE VIOLENT CENTURY.’ Adam Roberts, author of Jack Glass

‘Good fantasy creates new worlds for us to dream in. Great fantasy, such as THE VIOLENT CENTURY, holds a dark mirror up to these dreams and tests them to the limit… Espionage inhabits a sort of parallel universe. Lavie Tidhar has taken this idea and run with it, creating a sophisticated, moving and gripping take on 20th century conflicts and our capacity for love and hate, honour and betrayal.’Daily Mail

‘[a] high stakes tale of friendship and what it ultimately means to truly be a hero… Tidhar has created a book that oozes excellence in both characterisation and storytelling.’ Huffington Post

‘Something like John le Carré, not as a matter of slavish imitation so much, but rather as an evocation of darkness, idealism turning to exhaustion, and moral ambiguity. The Old Man, Oblivion, Fogg, these are men who have been fighting in the shadows for far too long and whatever sense of right and wrong they started out with is now dangerously suspect… But this is also a novel of alternate history and the world these characters live in is not exactly ours. In fact it may have almost as much in common with the seedy world of Alan Moore’s Watchmen  for all of the characters mentioned so far are actually superhuman… It’s hard, but not impossible as Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Mike Carey and others have shown, to create a morally complex, artistically ambitious story based on characters whose origins are not that far removed from the simplicity of Superman, Spiderman, and their ilk. Tidhar has succeeded brilliantly in this task. THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a masterful example of alternate universe science fiction and can only add to its author’s rapidly growing reputation.’ Los Angeles Review of Books

‘The level of detail with which Tidhar fills his novel ensures that the events he is using as his setting feel convincing. Like Le Carre’s best novels, the world of espionage isn’t glamorous or exciting; it’s a grim, cold and lonely place. The author does a lot with a relatively minimalist style, and he envelops us in Transylvanian forests with Count Dracula’s transformed descendant and the frozen battleground of Minsk without ever slowing down… it’s impressive how much ground Tidhar covers. At the centre of this is the question, ‘What makes a hero?’ The supermen of Tidhar’s novel are forced to commit terrible acts in the name of the greater good, and stand by and watch as terrible acts are committed for the same reason. As well as being a wonderfully drawn and detailed historical espionage tale, THE VIOLENT CENTURY is ultimately a very human story. It’s gripping, imaginative and, finally, moving.’ SciFi Now

‘… like Watchmen on crack… the great strength of the book: Tidhar’s examination not of what makes a hero, but how we perceive our heroes… While Tidhar looks at the violent narrative of the twentieth century, he has his eyes firmly planted on how we’ve interpreted the violence in our own real world… There [have] been a number of fantastic novels that have drawn on the mythos of the comic book world, ranging from Michael Chabon’s The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay to Austin Grossman’s Soon I Will Be Invincible, but Tidhar’s is probably one of the best prose examinations to really examine the superhero and what they mean…’

Promotional Comic Art for THE VIOLENT CENTURY in Taiwan!


To help promote the Taiwanese edition of Lavie Tidhar‘s critically-acclaimed THE VIOLENT CENTURY, a promotional comic has been produced! The artwork can be found here, but here are two examples (possibly the front and back covers for the comic)…


The novel is due to be published in Taiwan by Apex as 狂暴年代. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

For seventy years they guarded the British Empire. Oblivion and Fogg, inseparable friends, bound together by a shared fate. Until one night in Berlin, in the aftermath of the Second World War, and a secret that tore them apart.

But there must always be an account… and the past has a habit of catching up to the present.

Now, recalled to the Retirement Bureau from which no one can retire, Fogg and Oblivion must face up to a past of terrible war and unacknowledged heroism — a life of dusty corridors and secret rooms, of furtive meetings and blood-stained fields — to answer one last, impossible question: What makes a hero?

THE VIOLENT CENTURY is published in the UK by Hodder, in the US by Thomas Dunne and in Japan by 東京創元社 (in two volumes). It is also available in limited edition, published by PS Publishing.


Lavie Tidhar’s THE VIOLENT CENTURY coming soon in Taiwan!


Above is the cover for the Taiwanese edition of Lavie Tidhar‘s critically-acclaimed THE VIOLENT CENTURY. Published next month by Apex as 狂暴年代, here’s the English-language synopsis…

For seventy years they guarded the British Empire. Oblivion and Fogg, inseparable friends, bound together by a shared fate. Until one night in Berlin, in the aftermath of the Second World War, and a secret that tore them apart.

But there must always be an account… and the past has a habit of catching up to the present.

Now, recalled to the Retirement Bureau from which no one can retire, Fogg and Oblivion must face up to a past of terrible war and unacknowledged heroism — a life of dusty corridors and secret rooms, of furtive meetings and blood-stained fields — to answer one last, impossible question: What makes a hero?

Here’s the full-wrap image:


THE VIOLENT CENTURY is published in the UK by Hodder, in the US by Thomas Dunne and in Japan by 東京創元社. It is also available in limited edition, published by PS Publishing.



Here’s a small selection from the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘A brilliantly etched phantasmagoric reconfiguring of that most sizzling of eras – the twilight 20th…  This book has it all:  time travel, political intrigue, hellacious history…  You’ve got superheroes in the guise of regular humans, you’ve got World War II… THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a torrid tour de force!’ James Ellroy

THE VIOLENT CENTURY is an excellent novel that demonstrates, once again, the impressive versatility of its author.’ Interzone

‘It’s hard, but not impossible as Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Mike Carey and others have shown, to create a morally complex, artistically ambitious story based on characters whose origins are not that far removed from the simplicity of Superman, Spiderman, and their ilk. Tidhar has succeeded brilliantly in this task. THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a masterful example of alternate universe science fiction and can only add to its author’s rapidly growing reputation.’ Los Angeles Review of Books

‘An original, engrossing fusion of noir-ish super-heroes and gritty espionage thriller… Tidhar has written a fantastic novel… Definitely recommended.’ Civilian Reader

‘The level of detail with which Tidhar fills his novel ensures that the events he is using as his setting feel convincing. Like Le Carre’s best novels, the world of espionage isn’t glamorous or exciting; it’s a grim, cold and lonely place. The author does a lot with a relatively minimalist style… it’s impressive how much ground Tidhar covers… As well as being a wonderfully drawn and detailed historical espionage tale, THE VIOLENT CENTURY is ultimately a very human story. It’s gripping, imaginative and, finally, moving.’ SciFi Now

THE VIOLENT CENTURY has everything to look for in a novel – a wonderfully crafted plot, strong realistic characters, an atmosphere that is unnervingly real – all written in a style that insists on the reader’s full attention… one of the best books I’ve ever read.’Fantasy Faction

‘Tidhar brings us a tale of individuals wrestling with questions of their nature, told on a grand scale, on the stage of the historical shifts that exist in living memory, and he does an outstanding job of it, weaving together historical fact with stunningly deceptive world building… Tidhar shows a deft hand with research… This is a dark, brooding book, one that you want to gnaw on, savour, slowly, and enjoy, but it has its light moments, too… He’s dealing with the grandest schemes on the largest of backdrops in time and place, and this level of awe-inspiring craft places him firmly within the highest tier of writers working today, no longer an emerging writer, but a master.’ British Fantasy Society

Lavie’s most recent novels are the critically-acclaimed CENTRAL STATION, published by Tachyon Publications; and the award-winning A MAN LIES DREAMING, published by Hodder (UK) and Melville House (US).


Lavie Tidhar’s Signing at Forbidden Planet Next Week

Tidhar-CentralStation2-BlogNext Thursday at 6pm, Forbidden Planet on Shaftesbury Avenue will host Lavie Tidhar for a signing of his next book, CENTRAL STATION. The highly-anticipated sci-fi tale is published by Tachyon Publications on May 10th. Here’s the synopsis…

A worldwide diaspora has left a quarter of a million people at the foot of a space station. Cultures collide in real life and virtual reality. Life is cheap, and data is cheaper.

When Boris Chong returns to Tel Aviv from Mars, much has changed. Boris’s ex-lover is raising a strangely familiar child who can tap into the datastream of a mind with the touch of a finger. His cousin is infatuated with a robotnik — a damaged cyborg soldier who might as well be begging for parts. His father is terminally-ill with a multigenerational mind-plague. And a hunted data-vampire has followed Boris to where she is forbidden to return.

Rising above them is Central Station, the interplanetary hub between all things: the constantly shifting Tel Aviv; a powerful virtual arena, and the space colonies where humanity has gone to escape the ravages of poverty and war. Everything is connected by the Others, powerful alien entities who, through the Conversation — a shifting, flowing stream of consciousness—are just the beginning of irrevocable change.

At Central Station, humans and machines continue to adapt, thrive… and even evolve.

Lavie is also the author of the award winning OSAMA and A MAN LIES DREAMING, the critically-acclaimed THE VIOLENT CENTURY and The Bookman Histories, and numerous novellas and short stories.


Tidhar’s THE VIOLENT CENTURY Nominated for Award in Japan!


Lavie Tidhar‘s critically-acclaimed THE VIOLENT CENTURY has been nominated for the 2016 Seiun Award for Best Translated Novel in Japan! Published as 完璧な夏の日 by Tokyo Sogensha (東京創元社) in Japan (in two parts), here’s the synopsis…


THE VIOLENT CENTURY is published in the UK by Hodder, and in the US by Thomas Dunne Books. PS Publishing have also released a limited edition. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

For seventy years they guarded the British Empire. Oblivion and Fogg, inseparable friends, bound together by a shared fate. Until one night in Berlin, in the aftermath of the Second World War, and a secret that tore them apart.

But there must always be an account… and the past has a habit of catching up to the present.

Now, recalled to the Retirement Bureau from which no one can retire, Fogg and Oblivion must face up to a past of terrible war and unacknowledged heroism — a life of dusty corridors and secret rooms, of furtive meetings and blood-stained fields — to answer one last, impossible question: What makes a hero?

Here is just a small selection from the many great reviews the novel’s received…

THE VIOLENT CENTURY… may be his best yet: a blistering alt-historical retelling of a 20th century lousy with superheroes.’ — The Guardian, Best SFF of 2013

‘Lavie Tidhar’s latest is at once a love story, a tragedy, a spy novel, a memoir of a friendship, an exposé of the horrors of war, and a very serious study of the superhero: the origins of the concept as well as its relative relevance. THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a difficult text, yes, but one that gives as good as it gets.’ —

‘[A] new masterpiece… a tremendous, unforgettable read… This study in heroism, love, revenge and violence will be in demand by lovers of complex, intelligent sf and alternative history. Anyone who enjoys stories of people with supernatural abilities will thrive reading Tidhar’s world.’ Library Journal

THE VIOLENT CENTURY is about legacy and how heroics play into it, a deeper message than defining what heroics mean: The actions of Fogg and Oblivion have lasting consequences, while at the same time, we can see the weight of the world they’ve helped to build grow on their shoulders. By the end of the book, it’s clear that their own journeys are defined by the actions which they’ve undertaken because it’s what they felt was right, rather than what their orders were.’ —

‘At the centre of this is the question, ‘What makes a hero?’ The supermen of Tidhar’s novel are forced to commit terrible acts in the name of the greater good, and stand by and watch as terrible acts are committed for the same reason. As well as being a wonderfully drawn and detailed historical espionage tale, THE VIOLENT CENTURY is ultimately a very human story. It’s gripping, imaginative and, finally, moving.’  —  SciFi Now


(UK, Ltd., US)

Ben Aaronovitch & Lavie Tidhar at Greenwich Literary Festival this weekend

As the summer begins, many Zeno clients will be attending many of the myriad literary festivals taking place. This weekend, Ben Aaronovitch and Lavie Tidhar will be attending the Greenwich Literature Festival.

Friday, May 22nd…

  • Who: Lavie Tidhar
  • What: ‘Greenwich: where science and fiction meet – Science Fiction Night at Greenwich Book Festival’ — From the race to define longitude to the discovery of ‘canals’ on Mars, the Royal Greenwich has been a hotbed of creative scientific thought for more than three centuries. In what ways does science intersect with fiction, and how do they contribute to each other? And how has the venerable institution itself proven fertile ground for visionaries of all stripes over the decades? Tom Harper (Zodiac Station), Paul McAuley (Something Coming Through) Sarah Lotz (Day Four) and Lavie Tidhar (A Man Lies Dreaming) as they discuss science, fiction and the legacy of the Royal Greenwich. The event will be chaired by Anne C. Perry (editor, Hodder & Stoughton).
  • When: 8:00-9:30pm
  • More details here.

Lavie Tidhar is the author of, most recently, the critically-acclaimed A MAN LIES DREAMING (Hodder) and THE VIOLENT CENTURY (Hodder and Thomas Dunne Books), the World Fantasy Award-winning OSAMA (Solaris), The Bookman Histories (Angry Robot), and numerous award-nominated and critically-acclaimed novellas and short stories. Later this year, Titan Comics will publish his first comic series, ADLER.


Saturday, May 23rd…

  • Who: Ben Aaronovitch
  • What: ‘Life, But Not as we Know It: creating alternate realities – Ben Aaronovitch at the Greenwich Book Festival. Age 14+*’ — Imagine a London populated not just by you and me, but by tired ghosts and mischievous trickster gods, by magical musicians and apprentice sorcerers, who go about their ordinary days alongside us. A world where the gods of the River Thames still exist, and have day jobs in the City. There’s magic all around, if only you could see it… Join Ben Aaronovich, author of the bestselling, London-bending series Rivers of London, in conversation with his former editor Rebecca Levene, author of Smiler’s Fair and Ghost Dance, as they discuss the tricks, tips, and travails of writing a world that’s very much like our own… except when it isn’t.
  • When: 12:00-1:00pm
  • More details here.

Ben Aaronovitch is the critically-acclaimed, best-selling author of the Peter Grant series. The series includes (thus far): RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND, BROKEN HOMES, FOXGLOVE SUMMER and the upcoming THE HANGING TREE. The series is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Del Rey (#1-3) and DAW Books. This July, Titan Comics will publish the first issue of a new RIVERS OF LONDON comic series, BODY WORK, which is also written by Ben.


New Lavie Tidhar and Will Elliott Out Now in US


The latest novels by Lavie Tidhar and Will Elliott are published today in the US.

First up, Lavie Tidhar’s critically-acclaimed alternative history/super-hero novel, THE VIOLENT CENTURY is published by Thomas Dunne (above). Here’s the synopsis…

They never meant to be heroes.

For seventy years they guarded the British Empire. Oblivion and Fogg, inseparable friends, bound together by a shared fate. Until one night in Berlin, in the aftermath of the Second World War, and a secret that tore them apart.  But there must always be an account… and the past has a habit of catching up to the present.

Now, recalled to the Retirement Bureau from which no one can retire, Fogg and Oblivion must face up to a past of terrible war and unacknowledged heroism – a life of dusty corridors and secret rooms, of furtive meetings and blood-stained fields – to answer one last, impossible question:

What makes a hero?

THE VIOLENT CENTURY is published in the UK by Hodder, it is also available as a limited edition from PS Publishing. Lavie’s works have been lavished with praise from all quarters, including being described as ‘an emerging master’ (Locus), ‘Young, ambitious, skilled and original’ (Christopher Priest) and ‘remarkable and ambitious’ (China Mieville).

Lavie’s latest novel, A MAN LIES DREAMING, was also published in the UK by Hodder in October 2014 (paperback due out in March), also to a tsunami of critical acclaim.


Secondly, Will Elliott’s SHADOW is published by Tor Books. The second novel in the author’s Pendulum Trilogy, it follows THE PILGRIMS. Here’s the synopsis…

Eric Albright was a luckless journalist living in London. He had a so-so life… until the day he opened a battered red door that appeared on the graffiti-covered wall of a local bridge, and entered Levaal, a magical world between worlds. A place populated by power damaged mages, stone giants, pit devils—and dragons, Levaal’s possible creators, who are imprisoned in a sky prison. It is also where the mad Lord Vous rules with an iron fist and is busy working on a scheme to turn himself into a god. Vous has been defeated so far because Levaal has been contained by the great Wall at World’s End.

But the Wall at World’s End has been brought down, war is coming to the land, and Eric and his newfound friends are caught in the thick of it. They are forced to flee from the Tormentors, dreadful creatures that have poured through the breach, and there are rumors that one of the great dragons has escaped its sky prison.

Worse yet, Vous’s journey to godhood is almost complete, and a mysterious being called Shadow (who is not but looks remarkably like Eric) is wandering Levaal with great power but no purpose it yet understands.

The end might be coming faster than anyone thinks.

You can read an excerpt from SHADOW here. SHADOW and THE PILGRIMS, as well as WORLD’S END, were published in the UK by Jo Fletcher Books. The trilogy has also been released as an eBook bundle.


Lavie Tidhar’s THE VIOLENT CENTURY Published in Japan


Lavie Tidhar‘s critically-acclaimed alternative history/super-hero novel, THE VIOLENT CENTURY is now available in Japanese. Split into two volumes (covers above), the novel is published by Tokyo Sogensha (東京創元社) as 完璧な夏の日.


THE VIOLENT CENTURY is published in the UK by Hodder, as a limited edition by PS Publishing, and will be published next week in the US by Thomas Dunne Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis, followed by the UK and US covers…

For seventy years they guarded the British Empire. Oblivion and Fogg, inseparable friends, bound together by a shared fate. Until one night in Berlin, in the aftermath of the Second World War, and a secret that tore them apart.

But there must always be an account… and the past has a habit of catching up to the present.

Now, recalled to the Retirement Bureau from which no one can retire, Fogg and Oblivion must face up to a past of terrible war and unacknowledged heroism – a life of dusty corridors and secret rooms, of furtive meetings and blood-stained fields – to answer one last, impossible question: What makes a hero?

The novel was recently featured in Library Journal, where it received a starred review: ‘[A] new masterpiece… a tremendous, unforgettable read… This study in heroism, love, revenge and violence will be in demand by lovers of complex, intelligent sf and alternative history. Anyone who enjoys stories of people with supernatural abilities will thrive reading Tidhar’s world.’
