GUNS OF AVALON available tomorrow in Germany!

Roger Zelazny‘s GUNS OF AVALON is out tomorrow in Germany! The second novel in the Chronicles of Amber is published by Klett-Cotta as DIE GEWEHRE VON AVALON, here’s the synopsis…

Corwin ist aus dem Verließ Ambers, in das ihn sein verhasster Bruder Eric verbannt hat, geflohen. Zurück in der Schattenwelt Erde baut er heimlich eine Armee auf, um gegen Eric zu kämpfen. Da lernt er Dara kennen, die behauptet, die Enkelin von Corwins Bruder Benedict zu sein. Aber Dara verfolgt ihre eigenen Pläne und entwickelt sich zu einer noch größeren Gefahr als Eric.

Prinz Corwin lebte nach einem Gedächtnisverlust auf der Erde, ohne zu wissen, wer er ist. Als eines Tages ein Mitglied seiner Familie versucht, ihn zu töten, beginnt er, nach seiner Vergangenheit zu forschen.

Und so setzt er alles daran, in das Königreich Amber zurückzukehren. Bald schon erfährt er, dass seine Verwandtschaft über einige sehr ungewöhnliche Kräfte verfügt. Alle Nachfahren des Königshauses können zwischen Amber, den Schattenwelten und dem Chaos hin- und herreisen, indem sie die Realität manipulieren. Sie benutzen magische Spielkarten, um zu kommunizieren und sich an andere Orte zu versetzen. Aber vor allem sind sie alle in einen erbarmungslosen Kampf um den Thron verstrickt. Und nicht zuletzt muss das Geheimnis um das Verschwinden ihres königlichen Vaters Oberon aufgedeckt werden.

Klett-Cotta has also published the first novel in the series — DIE NEUN PRINZEN VON AMBER — and are due to publish the next three novels in the series over the next three months: IM ZEICHEN DES EINHORNS, DIE HAND OBERONS and DIE BURGEN DES CHAOS.

GUNS OF AVALON was first published in 1972. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Across the worlds of Shadow, Corwin, prince of blood royal, heir to the throne of Amber, gathers his forces for an assault that will yield up to him the crown that is rightfully his. But, a growing darkness of his own doing threatens his plans, an evil that stretches to the heart of the perfect kingdom itself where the demonic forces of Chaos mass to annihilate Amber and all who would rule there.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

KNIGHT OF SHADOWS available in Russia now!

The penultimate novel in Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber is available in Russia! KNIGHT OF SHADOWS is published by Эксмо as Рыцарь Теней. Here’s the synopsis…

Предпоследний роман легендарных “Хроник Амбера”.

Мерлин, сын Корвина, проникает в Крепость Четырех Миров, чтобы в конце концов решить загадку колдуна-преследователя. Но в активную игру вступают основные силы Вселенной — Огненный Путь и Логрус, знаки Порядка и Хаоса. Мерлин проходит подтеневой мир, спасает друзей, оживляет призраков и отказывается от предложенного выбора…

The ninth book in the series, KNIGHT OF SHADOWS was first published in 1991. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Merlin continues to attempt to resolve the mysteries plaguing him, and discovers that the forces of Order and Chaos are intervening to force his statement of allegiance.

He must choose between the Unicorn, the Pattern, the Courts of Chaos, or the Logrus.

The first eight novels in the series are published by Эксмо in Russia, as well (covers below).

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Out soon: SIGNS OF CHAOS in Russia

Today, we can announce another international edition of Roger Zelazny‘s Chronicles of Amber! This time, it is the Russian edition of SIGNS OF CHAOS, the eighth book in the series. Published by Эксмо as Знак Хаоса, here’s the synopsis…

Главный герой восьмого романа легендарного цикла “Хроники Амбера” — Мерлин из Дворов Хаоса. Растут его опыт и магическая сила, множество опасностей и неожиданных находок подстерегает его на избранном пути, но он неумолим в движении к намеченной цели — найти своего отца, принца Корвина из Амбера.

Эксмо has also published the first seven novels in the series. Here are all the covers together…

First published in 1991, here’s the English-language synopsis for SIGNS OF CHAOS

Merle Corey, son of the great Prince Corwin of Amber, has been pursued through Shadow by unknown enemies and left trapped in an Alice in Wonderland world — a bar with the Mad Hatter serving and the Cheshire Cat grinning malevolently. In a dramatic escape from a monstrous Jabberwock, Merle embarks upon a fantastic adventure, leading him back to the Court of Amber and finally to a confrontation at the Keep of Four Worlds, and here he learns the strange secrets of the Courts of Chaos and their role in his destiny.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Богдан plays its TRUMPS OF DOOM…

The sixth novel in Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber series, TRUMPS OF DOOM is out now in the Ukraine (available with two covers, above)! Published by Богдан as Козирі долі, here’s the synopsis…

У шостій книжці циклу «Хроніки Амбера» розповідь ведеться від імені Мерліна — сина головного персонажа попередніх п’яти книг. Здавалось би, після закінчення війни між Амбером та Хаосом настали спокійні дні. Трон Амбера очолює новий король, який понад усе прагне зберегти злагоду та мир. Проте дивні замахи на життя і вбивства членів королівської родини не провіщають нічого доброго…

Богдан has published the first five novels in the series, too.

TRUMPS OF DOOM was first published in 1985. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Merle Corey is a brilliant young computer designer in San Francisco, but, he is also Merlin, son of Corwin, vanished prince of Amber, and heir to his father’s wonderous powers. And, someone is determined to kill him. Now he will begin a desperate race through Shadow, not only to escape the mysterious force that threatens his life, but to protect the deadly secret that could destroy both his worlds.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

CHRONICLES OF AMBER omnibus out now in Russia!

An omnibus edition of the Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny‘s classic fantasy series, is out now in Russia! Published by Эксмо as Хроники Амбера, here’s the synopsis…

“Хроники Амбера” — цикл романов, созданный Роджером Желязны в 1970-1991 годах, моментально стал классикой фантастики, заслужив признание миллионов читателей. Его многократно переиздавали, адаптировали для исполнения в театрах и по радио, использовали в качестве основы для компьютерных и настольных игр. Кинематографисты дважды (в 1998 и 2002 годах) приступали к экранизации “Хроник Амбера”, но на сегодняшний день эта идея все еще ждет своего воплощения.

Эксмо has also been publishing the novels individually — eight are available now (with two more to come)…

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

DIE NEUN PRINZEN VON AMBER out tomorrow in Germany!

The German edition of Roger Zelazny‘s NINE PRINCES IN AMBER is out tomorrow! The first novel in Zelazny’s classic Chronicles of Amber series, it is published by Klett-Cotta. Here’s the synopsis…

Nach einem Autounfall wacht Corwin, seiner Erinnerungen beraubt, in einer obskuren Klinik im Staate New York auf – er ist auf der Erde gestrandet, die zu den Schattenwelten gehört. Schnell findet Corwin heraus, dass er Teil der großen Königsfamilie von Amber ist, und er unternimmt alles, um in sein Reich zurückzukehren und seinen Bruder Eric vom Thron zu stürzen.

Prinz Corwin lebte nach einem Gedächtnisverlust auf der Erde, ohne zu wissen, wer er ist. Als eines Tages ein Mitglied seiner Familie versucht, ihn zu töten, beginnt er, nach seiner Vergangenheit zu forschen.

Und so setzt er alles daran, in das Königreich Amber zurückzukehren. Bald schon erfährt er, dass seine Verwandtschaft über einige sehr ungewöhnliche Kräfte verfügt. Alle Nachfahren des Königshauses können zwischen Amber, den Schattenwelten und dem Chaos hin- und herreisen, indem sie die Realität manipulieren. Sie benutzen magische Spielkarten, um zu kommunizieren und sich an andere Orte zu versetzen. Aber vor allem sind sie alle in einen erbarmungslosen Kampf um den Thron verstrickt. Und nicht zuletzt muss das Geheimnis um das Verschwinden ihres königlichen Vaters Oberon aufgedeckt werden.

First published in 1970, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows.

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

Klett-Cotta are also due to publish the next four novels in the series, over the next few months.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s BLOOD OF AMBER available now in Russia

The Russian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s BLOOD OF AMBER is out now! Published by Эксмо as Кровь Амбера, here’s the synopsis…

Юный Мерлин — сын Корвина и Дары из Хаоса — продолжает разыскивать своего пропавшего отца, несмотря на то что кто-то пытается его убить. В этот раз юношу ждет еще более суровое испытание — он заточен в Хрустальном Гроте, где не может использовать магию…

BLOOD OF AMBER, the seventh novel in Zelazny’s classic Chronicles of Amber series, was first published in 1986. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Pursued by a fiendish enemy, Merle must battle through an intricate web of vengeance and murder that threatens more than the San Francisco Bay area. For Merle Corey of California is also Merlin, son of Corwin, vanished Prince of Amber; and the forces, seeking to destroy the royal house, have unleashed sorceries that can strike anywhere, especially at the very heart of Amber.

Эксмо have also published the first six novels in the series, and a selection of stand-alone novels.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles Of Amber coming to Germany!

Starting in October, Klett-Cotta will begin releasing Roger Zelazny‘s classic, beloved Chronicles of Amber series in Germany! The first five novels will be published one-per-month until February 2018:


Here is the synopsis for the first novel, DIE NEUN PRINZEN VON AMBER

Nach einem Autounfall wacht Corwin, seiner Erinnerungen beraubt, in einer obskuren Klinik im Staate New York auf – er ist auf der Erde gestrandet, die zu den Schattenwelten gehört. Schnell findet Corwin heraus, dass er Teil der großen Königsfamilie von Amber ist, und er unternimmt alles, um in sein Reich zurückzukehren und seinen Bruder Eric vom Thron zu stürzen.

Prinz Corwin lebte nach einem Gedächtnisverlust über Jahrhunderte auf der Erde, ohne zu wissen, wer er ist. Als eines Tages ein Mitglied seiner Familie versucht, ihn zu töten, beginnt er, nach seiner Vergangenheit zu forschen.

Und so setzt er alles daran, in das Königreich Amber zurückzukehren. Bald schon erfährt er, dass seine Verwandtschaft über einige sehr ungewöhnliche Kräfte verfügt. Alle Nachfahren des Königshauses können zwischen Amber, den Schattenwelten und dem Chaos hin- und herreisen, indem sie die Realität manipulieren. Sie benutzen magische Spielkarten, um zu kommunizieren und sich an andere Orte zu versetzen. Aber vor allem sind sie alle in einen erbarmungslosen Kampf um den Thron verstrickt. Und nicht zuletzt muss das Geheimnis um das Verschwinden ihres königlichen Vaters Oberon aufgedeckt werden.

First published in 1970, here’s the English-language synopsis for NINE PRINCE IN AMBER

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne.

From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Zelazny’s TRUMPS OF DOOM dealt in Russia…

The sixth novel in Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber series, TRUMPS OF DOOM is available in Russia! Published by Эксмо as КАРТЫ СУДЬБЫ, here’s the synopsis…

Война между Янтарным Королевством и Владениями Хаоса закончена. Но теперь эстафета вечной битвы переходит к юному Мерлину — сыну Корвина и Дары из Хаоса. Юноша разыскивает своего пропавшего отца, когда вдруг выясняется, что за ним идет охота…

First published in 1985, here’s the English-language synopsis for TRUMPS OF DOOM

Merle Corey is a brilliant young computer designer in San Francisco, but, he is also Merlin, son of Corwin, vanished prince of Amber, and heir to his father’s wonderous powers. And, someone is determined to kill him. Now he will begin a desperate race through Shadow, not only to escape the mysterious force that threatens his life, but to protect the deadly secret that could destroy both his worlds.

Эксмо has also published the first five novels in the series, as well as a number of the author’s stand-alone novels.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Ukrainian COURTS OF CHAOS are now in session…

image description

Roger Zelazny‘s fifth Chronicles of Amber novel, COURTS OF CHAOS, is available in Ukraine! Published by Богдан as Двори Хаосу, here’s the synopsis…

П’ята книжка циклу «Хроніки Амбера» присвячена війні поміж Амбером — осереддям Порядку — і Хаосом. У цій війні основну роль відіграє один із амберських принців – зрадник Бранд, який запрагнув абсолютної влади. Задля цього він ладен знищити Амбер, щоби на його руїнах створити свій всесвіт.

Богдан has also published the first novels in the series: Дев’ять принців АмбераРушниці АвалонуЗнак Єдинорога and Рука Оберона. (In English: NINE PRINCES IN AMBER, THE GUNS OF AVALON, SIGN OF THE UNICORN and THE HAND OF OBERON.)

COURTS OF CHAOS was first published in 1978. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Amber, the one real world of which all others – including our own Earth – are but Shadows…

For untold millennia, the cosmic Pattern sustained order in Amber and all the known worlds. But now the forces of Chaos have succeeded in disrupting the Pattern, unleashing destructive forces beyond measure… forces meant to reshape the universe.

To save Amber, Corwin, prince of the blood, champion of the perfect realm, must undertake the most perilous journey of his life. A journey that will take him through all the terrors of Shadows to the enemy’s last stonghold. A journey beyond the very edge of existence… to the Courts of Chaos.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Final two Chronicles of Amber available now in Polish audio!

The final two volumes of Roger Zelazny‘s classic fantasy Chronicles of Amber series are now available as Polish audiobooks, published by Storytel: RYCERZ CIENI and KSIĄŻĘ CHAOSU.

Here’s the synopsis for book nine…

Zielone oczy, ciemne włosy, łuskowe rękawice, miecz przy boku i peleryna spięta klamrą. Tak wyglądał Corwin, książę Amberu. Przeżył kilkaset lat na Ziemi, a potem powrócił, by walczyć o tron prawdziwego świata, ale teraz słuch o nim zaginął. Do Corwina podobny jest jego syn, Merlin, który zapragnął odwiedzić królewski świat Amberu. Nie spodziewał się jednak, iż odwiedziny te staną się początkiem niebezpiecznej drogi.

First published in 1989, here’s the English-language synopsis for KNIGHT OF SHADOWS

Melvin Corey must choose between an alliance with the Pattern of Amber or the Logrus of Chaos, in a tale of a sometimes murderous family of wizards and their alternate worlds.

PRINCE OF CHAOS was first published in 1991. Here’s the Polish synopsis…

Zielone oczy, ciemne włosy, łuskowe rękawice, miecz przy boku i peleryna spięta klamrą. Tak wyglądał Corwin, książę Amberu. Przeżył kilkaset lat na Ziemi, a potem powrócił, by walczyć o tron prawdziwego świata, ale teraz słuch o nim zaginął?

… and the English-language synopsis…

Treacheries, trickeries, assassination attempts and bloody family intrigues have finally manoeuvred Merlin, aka Merle Corey, into the Courts of Chaos — where he is third in line to occupy the throne, thanks to a series of conventionally fatal “accidents” engineered by his mother Dara and uncle Mandor.

But Merlin’s journey to the ultimate rule will not be easy. For dark enchantments still await him. There is murderous discord between Amber and Chaos to be silenced. And a captive royal father, long believed dead, must first be freed from a villain’s magic before a beleaguered Prince can deem his triumph complete.

Storytel has also published the first eight volumes in the series as audiobooks.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

New NINE PRINCES IN AMBER paperback in Russia!

The first novel in Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber fantasy series, NINE PRINCES IN AMBER is out in a new Russian paperback edition. Published by Эксмо as ДЕВЯТЬ ПРИНЦЕВ АМБЕРА, here’s the synopsis…

Девять братьев, девять принцев Амбера, девять претендентов на престол Вечного Города… И только один шанс вернуть память, выбраться из коварной ловушки Отражений и завоевать трон Янтарного королевства… Захватывающая история о принце Корвине, положившая начало легендарной саге “Хроники Амбера”!

Роджер Желязны – крупнейший американский писатель-фантаст, не нуждающийся в представлении. Автор более 50 великолепных книг, многие из которых награждены престижными премиями!

Эксмо has published the first five novels in the series so far, as well as a handful of stand alone novels — with more to come!

First published in 1970, here’s the English-language synopsis for NINE PRINCES IN AMBER

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Two more Chronicles of Amber audiobooks available in Poland!

Today, Storytel continues their roll-out of Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber audiobooks in Poland. Now, listeners can pick up the seventh and eighth novels: KREW AMBERU (BLOOD OF AMBER) and ZNAK CHAOSU (SIGN OF CHAOS).

Here’s the synopsis for KREW AMBERU

Czarownik Merle Corey, syn zaginionego księcia Corwina z Amberu, ucieka z jaskini-pułapki, gdzie był uwięziony przez dawnego przyjaciela, a potencjalnie śmiertelnego wroga Luke’,a. Powraca do Amberu, który stał się dla niego światem groźnym i niepewnym, gdzie nie sposób odróżnić sprzymierzeńców od przeciwników.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for BLOOD OF AMBER, which was first published in 1986…

Pursued by a fiendish enemy, Merle must battle through an intricate web of vengeance and murder that threatens more than the San Francisco Bay area. For Merle Corey of California is also Merlin, son of Corwin, vanished Prince of Amber; and the forces, seeking to destroy the royal house, have unleashed sorceries that can strike anywhere, especially at the very heart of Amber.

Storytel will publish the final two novels in the series as audiobooks next month.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.


Roger Zelazny‘s classic NINE PRINCES IN AMBER is out now in Portugal! Published by Saída de Emergência as NOVE PRINCÍPES DE ÂMBAR, it is the first novel in the Chronicles of Amber (As Crónicas de Âmbar) series. Here’s the synopsis…

Âmbar é o único mundo verdadeiramente real. Todos os outros mundos, incluindo a Terra, não passam de sombras que de certa forma o imitam.

Exilado na Terra desde há séculos, o príncipe Corwin acorda na cama de um hospital, sem memórias da sua existência passada. Gradualmente, descobre a verdade e é forçado a regressar ao mundo paralelo de Âmbar onde descobre que o rei Oberon, seu pai, é dado como desaparecido. Para ganhar o seu direito à sucessão do trono, Corwin terá de enfrentar realidades impossíveis forjadas por assassinos demoníacos, horrores inomináveis e os exércitos e fúria dos seus irmãos, os príncipes de Âmbar.

First published in 1970, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world. Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows.

Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

The Chronicles of Amber novels have been published widely in translation. For more details, please get in touch. Here are just a few of the NINE PRINCES IN AMBER international editions…

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Two New Roger Zelazny Audiobooks now available in Poland!

Today, Storytel releases the second and third novels in Roger Zelazny‘s Chronicles of Amber series as audiobooks: KARABINY AVALONU (THE GUNS OF AVALON) and ZNAK JEDNOROŻCA (SIGN OF THE UNICORN). Here’s the synopsis for the second novel…

Corwin, prawowity władca Amberu, po ucieczce z więzienia postanawia podjąć walkę o tron. W tym celu musi udać się do Cienia po diamentowy proszek służący jako proch strzelniczy. W pełnej niebezpieczeństw wyprawie do Avalonu towarzyszy mu Ganelon – człowiek o niezbyt chlubnej przeszłości. Obaj docierają do czarnej drogi, którą przebywają do Amberu zastępy demonicznych morderców i potwory przywołane klątwą Corwina. Książę musi stoczyć walkę zarówno o ocalenie kraju przed zagładą, jak i o odzyskanie korony zagarniętej przez Eryka.

Here’s the English language synopsis for THE GUNS OF AVALON

Across the worlds of Shadow, Corwin, prince of blood royal, heir to the throne of Amber, gathers his forces for an assault that will yield up to him the crown that is rightfully his. But, a growing darkness of his own doing threatens his plans, an evil that stretches to the heart of the perfect kingdom itself where the demonic forces of Chaos mass to annihilate Amber and all who would rule there.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.